Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2010-2011 Kiran Ratnapu * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.diffkit.diff.sns; import; import; import; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.sql.Time; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils; import org.apache.commons.collections.FactoryUtils; import org.apache.commons.collections.IteratorUtils; import org.apache.commons.collections.list.GrowthList; import org.apache.commons.collections.list.LazyList; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.poi.openxml4j.exceptions.InvalidFormatException; import; import; import; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.diffkit.common.DKValidate; import org.diffkit.diff.engine.DKColumnModel; import org.diffkit.diff.engine.DKColumnModel.Type; import org.diffkit.diff.engine.DKTableModel; import org.diffkit.util.DKStreamUtil; /** * @author kratnapu */ public class DKPoiSheet extends DKAbstractSheet { public static final String[] HANDLED_FILE_EXTENSIONS = { "xls", "xlsx" }; private static final Map<Integer, Type> _numericCellTypes = new HashMap<Integer, Type>(); private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DKPoiSheet.class); private static final boolean IS_DEBUG_ENABLED = LOG.isDebugEnabled(); private Workbook _workbook; private InputStream _workbookInputStream; private Sheet _sheet; private List<Row> _rows; private Row _headerRow; private final Logger _log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass()); private final boolean _isDebugEnabled = _log.isDebugEnabled(); public DKPoiSheet(File file_, String name_, boolean isSorted_, boolean hasHeader_, boolean validateLazily_) { super(file_, name_, isSorted_, hasHeader_, validateLazily_); } public Iterator<Object[]> getRowIterator(DKTableModel model_) throws IOException { DKValidate.notNull(model_); List<Row> rows = this.getRows(); if (this.hasHeader()) rows = rows.subList(1, rows.size()); if (!this.isSorted()) { // if the key is ROW_NUM, there is no need for further sorting, because // rows come from getRows sorted. if (!model_.keyIsRowNum()) Collections.sort(rows, new RowComparator(model_)); } return new RowIterator(rows, model_.getColumnTypes(), model_.hasRowNum()); } /** * the Model created directly from the sheet always contains the <ROW_NUM> * pseudo-column */ protected DKTableModel createModelFromSheet() throws IOException { List<Type> columnTypes = discoverColumnTypes(this.getRows()); if (_isDebugEnabled) _log.debug("columnTypes->{}", columnTypes); String[] columNames = this.getColumnNames(columnTypes.size()); if (_isDebugEnabled) _log.debug("columNames->{}", Arrays.toString(columNames)); DKColumnModel[] columnModels = new DKColumnModel[columnTypes.size() + 1]; columnModels[0] = DKColumnModel.createRowNumColumnModel(); for (int i = 1; i < columnModels.length; i++) columnModels[i] = new DKColumnModel(i, columNames[i - 1], columnTypes.get(i - 1)); int[] key = { 0 }; return new DKTableModel(this.getNameFromSheet(), columnModels, key); } public void close() throws IOException { if (_workbookInputStream != null) _workbookInputStream.close(); _workbookInputStream = null; _workbook = null; } private String[] getColumnNames(int columnCount_) throws IOException { Row header = this.getHeaderRow(); if (header == null) return createDefaultColumnNames(columnCount_); int headerWidth = header.getLastCellNum(); if (columnCount_ != headerWidth) throw new RuntimeException( String.format("headerWidth->%s does not match columnCount_->%s", headerWidth, columnCount_)); String[] columnNames = new String[columnCount_]; for (int i = 0; i < columnCount_; i++) { Cell cell = header.getCell(i); if (cell == null) continue; columnNames[i] = cell.toString(); } return columnNames; } private static String[] createDefaultColumnNames(int columnCount_) { String[] defaultColumnNames = new String[columnCount_]; for (int i = 0; i < columnCount_; i++) defaultColumnNames[i] = getDefaultColumnName(i); return defaultColumnNames; } private Row getHeaderRow() throws IOException { if (!this.hasHeader()) return null; if (_headerRow != null) return _headerRow; List<Row> rows = this.getRows(); if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(rows)) return null; _headerRow = rows.get(0); return _headerRow; } /** * @return the raw rows direct from the SS. They are unsorted and unfiltered * (e.g. header could be present) */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private List<Row> getRows() throws IOException { if (_rows != null) return _rows; Sheet sheet = this.getSheet(); if (sheet == null) throw new IOException(String.format("no sheet!")); Iterator<Row> rowIterator = sheet.rowIterator(); _rows = IteratorUtils.toList(rowIterator);"row count->{}", (_rows == null) ? 0 : _rows.size()); return _rows; } protected String getNameFromSheet() throws IOException { Sheet sheet = this.getSheet(); _log.debug("sheet->{}", sheet); if (sheet == null) throw new IOException(String.format("no sheet!")); return sheet.getSheetName(); } private Sheet getSheet() throws IOException { if (_sheet != null) return _sheet; Workbook workbook = this.getWorkbook(); _log.debug("workbook->{}", workbook); if (workbook == null) throw new IOException("couldn't get workbook"); String requestedName = this.getRequestedName(); _log.debug("requestedName->{}", requestedName); if (requestedName != null) { _sheet = workbook.getSheet(requestedName); if (_sheet == null) throw new IOException(String.format("couldn't find sheet->'%s' in workbook->'%s'", requestedName, this.getFile())); } else { _sheet = workbook.getSheetAt(0); _log.debug("no sheet specified, using first sheet"); } _log.debug("_sheet->{}", _sheet); return _sheet; } private Workbook getWorkbook() throws IOException { if (_workbook != null) return _workbook; try { _workbookInputStream = DKStreamUtil.ensureBuffered(FileUtils.openInputStream(this.getFile())); _workbook = WorkbookFactory.create(_workbookInputStream); return _workbook; } catch (InvalidFormatException e_) { _log.error(null, e_); throw new IOException(e_); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private List<Type> discoverColumnTypes(List<Row> rows_) { if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(rows_)) return null; List<Type> columnTypes = GrowthList .decorate(LazyList.decorate(new ArrayList<Type>(), FactoryUtils.nullFactory())); int start = this.hasHeader() ? 1 : 0; for (int i = start; i < rows_.size(); i++) { Row aRow = rows_.get(i); int width = aRow.getLastCellNum(); for (int j = 0; j < width; j++) { Cell cell = aRow.getCell(j); if (cell == null) continue; if (_isDebugEnabled) { _log.debug(String.format("cell->%s formatString->%s format->%s", cell.getColumnIndex(), cell.getCellStyle().getDataFormatString(), cell.getCellStyle().getDataFormat())); } Type cellType = mapColumnType(cell); Type columnType = columnTypes.get(j); if (_isDebugEnabled) _log.debug("cellType->{} columnType->{}", cellType, columnType); if (columnType == null) columnTypes.set(j, cellType); else if (columnType != cellType) columnTypes.set(j, Type.MIXED); } } return columnTypes; } private static Type mapColumnType(Cell cell_) { if (cell_ == null) return null; switch (cell_.getCellType()) { case Cell.CELL_TYPE_STRING: return Type.STRING; case Cell.CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC: return getTypeForNumericCell(cell_); case Cell.CELL_TYPE_BOOLEAN: return Type.BOOLEAN; default: return Type.STRING; } } /** * guaranteed to not return null-- defaults to DECIMAL as last resort */ private static Type getTypeForNumericCell(Cell cell_) { if (IS_DEBUG_ENABLED) LOG.debug("cell_->{}", cell_); if (cell_ == null) return null; int formatNumber = cell_.getCellStyle().getDataFormat(); // try to get it from the cache Type type = _numericCellTypes.get(formatNumber); if (type != null) return type; String dataFormatString = cell_.getCellStyle().getDataFormatString(); if (IS_DEBUG_ENABLED) LOG.debug("dataFormatString->{}", dataFormatString); type = mapTypeForFormatString(dataFormatString); if (IS_DEBUG_ENABLED) LOG.debug("type->{}", type); if (type == null) type = Type.DECIMAL; // cache calculated value _numericCellTypes.put(formatNumber, type); return type; } /** * map the "builtin" formats to Types */ private static Type mapTypeForFormatString(String format_) { if (format_ == null) return null; if (format_.equalsIgnoreCase("general")) return Type.DECIMAL; else if (format_.equals("0")) return Type.INTEGER; else if (format_.equals("0.00")) return Type.DECIMAL; else if (format_.equals("#,##0")) return Type.INTEGER; else if (format_.equals("#,##0.00")) return Type.DECIMAL; else if (format_.equals("0%")) return Type.INTEGER; else if (format_.equals("0.00%")) return Type.DECIMAL; else if (format_.equalsIgnoreCase("mm/dd/yy")) return Type.DATE; else if (format_.equalsIgnoreCase("YYYY\\-MM\\-DD")) return Type.DATE; else if (StringUtils.startsWithIgnoreCase(format_, "hh:mm:ss")) return Type.TIME; else if (StringUtils.startsWithIgnoreCase(format_, "hh:mm")) return Type.TIME; else if (StringUtils.startsWithIgnoreCase(format_, "h:mm")) return Type.TIME; else if (StringUtils.startsWithIgnoreCase(format_, "h:mm:ss")) return Type.TIME; else if (StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(format_, "dd/yy") && StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(format_, "hh:mm")) return Type.TIMESTAMP; else if (format_.equalsIgnoreCase("m/d/yy")) return Type.DATE; else if (format_.equalsIgnoreCase("d-mmm-yy")) return Type.DATE; else if (format_.equalsIgnoreCase("d-mmm")) return Type.DATE; else if (format_.equalsIgnoreCase("mmm-yy")) return Type.DATE; else if (format_.equalsIgnoreCase("m/d/yy h:mm")) return Type.TIMESTAMP; else if (format_.equals("$#,##0_);($#,##0)")) return Type.INTEGER; else if (format_.equals("$#,##0_);[Red]($#,##0)")) return Type.INTEGER; else if (format_.equals("$#,##0.00);($#,##0.00)")) return Type.DECIMAL; else if (format_.equals("$#,##0.00_);[Red]($#,##0.00)")) return Type.DECIMAL; else if (format_.equals("0.00E+00")) return Type.DECIMAL; else if (format_.equals("# ?/?")) return Type.REAL; else if (format_.equals("# ??/??")) return Type.REAL; else if (format_.equals("#,##0_);[Red](#,##0)")) return Type.INTEGER; else if (format_.equals("#,##0.00_);(#,##0.00)")) return Type.DECIMAL; else if (format_.equals("#,##0.00_);[Red](#,##0.00)")) return Type.DECIMAL; else if (format_.equalsIgnoreCase("mm:ss")) return Type.TIME; else if (format_.equalsIgnoreCase("[h]:mm:ss")) return Type.TIME; else if (format_.equalsIgnoreCase("mm:ss.0")) return Type.TIME; else if (format_.equals("##0.0E+0")) return Type.INTEGER; else return Type.DECIMAL; } /** * if hasRowNum_, types_[0] will represent the ROW_NUM column */ private static Object[] readRow(Row row_, Type[] types_, boolean hasRowNum_) { if (IS_DEBUG_ENABLED) { LOG.debug("types_->{}", Arrays.toString(types_)); LOG.debug("hasRowNum_->{}", hasRowNum_); } if ((row_ == null) || (types_ == null)) return null; Object[] result = new Object[types_.length]; if (hasRowNum_) result[0] = (Integer) row_.getRowNum() + 1; for (int colIdx = (hasRowNum_ ? 1 : 0), cellIdx = 0; colIdx < types_.length; colIdx++, cellIdx++) result[colIdx] = readCell(row_.getCell(cellIdx), types_[colIdx]); return result; } private static Object readCell(Cell cell_, Type type_) { if (IS_DEBUG_ENABLED) { LOG.debug("cell_->{}", cell_ == null ? null : cell_); LOG.debug("type_->{}", type_); } if ((cell_ == null) || (type_ == null)) return null; try { if (cell_.getCellType() == Cell.CELL_TYPE_BLANK) return null; switch (type_) { case STRING: return cell_.toString(); case DATE: return cell_.getDateCellValue(); case DECIMAL: return new BigDecimal(cell_.toString()); case INTEGER: return new Long(new Double(cell_.getNumericCellValue()).longValue()); case REAL: return new Double(cell_.getNumericCellValue()); case BOOLEAN: return Boolean.valueOf(cell_.getBooleanCellValue()); case TIME: return readTime(cell_); case TIMESTAMP: return readTimestamp(cell_); case MIXED: return cell_.toString(); default: return cell_.toString(); } } catch (Exception e_) { String message = String.format("unable to read cell_->%s type_->%s", cell_, type_); throw new RuntimeException(message, e_); } } private static Time readTime(Cell cell_) { Date dateValue = cell_.getDateCellValue(); if (dateValue == null) return null; return new Time(dateValue.getTime()); } private static Timestamp readTimestamp(Cell cell_) { Date dateValue = cell_.getDateCellValue(); if (dateValue == null) return null; return new Timestamp(dateValue.getTime()); } /** * RowIterator is constructed with raw SS Rows, and translates them into * DiffKit rows as it iterates. Two aspects to this transformation: * * 1) converts the value in each cell into the corresponding * DKColumnModel.Type <br/> * 2) adds the pseudo column <ROW_NUM>, if it is flagged as present */ private static class RowIterator implements Iterator<Object[]> { private final static Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DKPoiSheet.class); private final int _lastIndex; private final List<Row> _rows; private final Type[] _types; private final boolean _hasRowNum; private int _currentIndex = 0; private RowIterator(List<Row> rows_, Type[] types_, boolean hasRowNum_) { LOG.debug("rows_->{}", rows_ == null ? null : rows_.size()); LOG.debug("types_->{}", types_ == null ? null : Arrays.toString(types_)); LOG.debug("hasRowNum_->{}", hasRowNum_); DKValidate.notNull(rows_, types_); _rows = rows_; _types = types_; _lastIndex = rows_.size() - 1; _hasRowNum = hasRowNum_; } public boolean hasNext() { return (_currentIndex <= _lastIndex); } public Object[] next() { if (!this.hasNext()) throw new NoSuchElementException(); return readRow(_rows.get(_currentIndex++), _types, _hasRowNum); } public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } } public class RowComparator implements java.util.Comparator<Row> { private final DKTableModel _model; private final int _keyIdx; private final DKColumnModel.Type _keyType; public RowComparator(DKTableModel model_) { _model = model_; DKValidate.notNull(_model); this.validateModel(_model); DKColumnModel keyColumn = _model.getKeyColumn(); // // account for possibility that model_ has a RowNum column, but this // // Comparator operates on *raw* Rows which will not have the RowNum // // column present // int keyIdxOffset = (model_.hasRowNum() && !keyColumn.isRowNum()) ? // -1 : 0; _keyIdx = keyColumn.getIndex(); _keyType = keyColumn.getType(); } @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" }) public int compare(Row lhsRow_, Row rhsRow_) { if (lhsRow_ == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("lhsRow_ null"); if (rhsRow_ == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("rhsRow_ null"); Comparable lhsValue = (Comparable) readCell(lhsRow_.getCell(_keyIdx), _keyType); Comparable rhsValue = (Comparable) readCell(rhsRow_.getCell(_keyIdx), _keyType); boolean lhsNull = (lhsValue == null) ? true : false; boolean rhsNull = (rhsValue == null) ? true : false; if (lhsNull && rhsNull) return 0; else if (lhsNull) return -1; else if (rhsNull) return 1; return lhsValue.compareTo(rhsValue); } private void validateModel(DKTableModel model_) { int[] key = model_.getKey(); if (ArrayUtils.isEmpty(key)) throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("no key for model_->%s", model_)); if (key.length > 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException( String.format("TableModel with compound keys not supported: model_->%s key->%s", model_, model_.getKeyColumnNames(), model_)); } } }