Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2010-2011 Joseph Panico * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.diffkit.diff.sns; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.Arrays; import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.ClassUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.NotImplementedException; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.diffkit.common.DKRuntime; import org.diffkit.common.DKUserException; import org.diffkit.common.DKValidate; import org.diffkit.common.annot.NotThreadSafe; import org.diffkit.diff.engine.DKColumnModel; import org.diffkit.diff.engine.DKContext; import org.diffkit.diff.engine.DKSource; import org.diffkit.diff.engine.DKTableModel; import org.diffkit.util.DKArrayUtil; import org.diffkit.util.DKFileUtil; /** * @author jpanico */ @NotThreadSafe public class DKFileSource implements DKSource { private final File _file; private final String _delimiter; /** * read from the first line of actual file */ private String[] _headerColumnNames; private DKTableModel _model; private final String[] _keyColumnNames; /** * DKColumnModel indices */ private final int[] _readColumnIdxs; private DKColumnModel[] _readColumns; private final boolean _isSorted; private final boolean _validateLazily; private transient boolean _isOpen; private transient long _lastIndex = -1; private transient LineNumberReader _lineReader; private final Logger _log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass()); /** * @param readColumnIdxs_ * instructs Source to only read a subset of columns. null value * means all Columns will be read and must be modelled */ public DKFileSource(String filePath_, DKTableModel model_, int[] readColumnIdxs_, String delimiter_) throws IOException { this(filePath_, model_, null, readColumnIdxs_, delimiter_, true, true); } /** * @param readColumnIdxs_ * instructs Source to only read a subset of columns. null value * means all Columns will be read and must be modelled */ public DKFileSource(String filePath_, DKTableModel model_, String[] keyColumnNames_, int[] readColumnIdxs_, String delimiter_, boolean isSorted_, boolean validateLazily_) throws IOException { _log.debug("filePath_->{}", filePath_); _log.debug("model_->{}", model_); _log.debug("keyColumnNames_->{}", keyColumnNames_); _log.debug("readColumnIdxs_->{}", readColumnIdxs_); _log.debug("delimiter_->{}", delimiter_); _log.debug("isSorted_->{}", isSorted_); _log.debug("validateLazily_->{}", validateLazily_); if ((model_ != null) && (keyColumnNames_ != null)) throw new RuntimeException( String.format("does not allow both %s and %s params", "model_", "keyColumnNames_")); _file = DKFileUtil.findFile(filePath_); _delimiter = delimiter_; _model = model_; _keyColumnNames = keyColumnNames_; _readColumnIdxs = readColumnIdxs_; if (_readColumnIdxs != null) throw new NotImplementedException( String.format("_readColumnIdxs->%s is not currently supported", _readColumnIdxs)); _isSorted = isSorted_; _validateLazily = validateLazily_; DKValidate.notNull(_delimiter); if (!_isSorted) throw new NotImplementedException(String.format("isSorted_->%s is not currently supported", _isSorted)); if (!_validateLazily) { if (_file == null) throw new RuntimeException(String.format("could not find file for filePath_->%s", filePath_));; } } public File getFile() { return _file; } public String getDelimeter() { return _delimiter; } public DKTableModel getModel() { if (_model != null) return _model; try {; } catch (IOException e_) { throw new RuntimeException(e_); } int[] keyColumnIndices = null; if (_keyColumnNames == null) keyColumnIndices = new int[] { 0 }; else keyColumnIndices = this.getHeaderColumnNameIndices(_keyColumnNames); _model = DKTableModel.createGenericStringModel(_headerColumnNames, keyColumnIndices); return _model; } private int[] getHeaderColumnNameIndices(String[] names_) { if (names_ == null) return null; int[] indices = new int[names_.length]; Arrays.fill(indices, -1); for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < names_.length; i++) { int foundAt = ArrayUtils.indexOf(_headerColumnNames, names_[i]); if (foundAt < 0) throw new RuntimeException(String.format("no value in _headerColumnNames for %s", names_[i])); indices[j++] = foundAt; } return DKArrayUtil.compactFill(indices, -1); } public String[] getKeyColumnNames() { return _keyColumnNames; } public int[] getReadColumnIdxs() { return _readColumnIdxs; } public boolean getIsSorted() { return _isSorted; } public boolean getValidateLazily() { return _validateLazily; } public Kind getKind() { return Kind.FILE; } public URI getURI() throws IOException { return _file.toURI(); } public String toString() { if (DKRuntime.getInstance().getIsTest()) return _file.getName(); return String.format("%s@%x[%s]", ClassUtils.getShortClassName(this.getClass()), System.identityHashCode(this), _file.getPath()); } public Object[] getNextRow() throws IOException { this.ensureOpen(); String line = this.readLine(); if (line == null) return null; _lastIndex++; return createRow(line); } /** * skips blank lines * * @return null only when EOF is reached */ private String readLine() throws IOException { while (true) { String line = _lineReader.readLine(); if (line == null) return null; line = StringUtils.trimToNull(line); if (line != null) return line; } } private Object[] createRow(String line_) throws IOException { if (line_ == null) return null; String[] strings = line_.split(_delimiter, -1); DKColumnModel[] readColumns = this.getReadColumns(); if (strings.length != readColumns.length) throw new RuntimeException(String.format("columnCount->%s in row->%s does not match modelled table->%s", strings.length, Arrays.toString(strings), _model)); try { Object[] row = new Object[strings.length]; for (int i = 0; i < strings.length; i++) { row[i] = readColumns[i].parseObject(strings[i]); } return row; } catch (ParseException e_) { _log.error(null, e_); throw new RuntimeException(e_); } } private DKColumnModel[] getReadColumns() { if (_readColumns != null) return _readColumns; DKTableModel model = this.getModel(); if (model == null) return null; _readColumns = model.getColumns(); return _readColumns; } public long getLastIndex() { return _lastIndex; } // @Override public void close(DKContext context_) throws IOException { this.ensureOpen(); _lineReader.close(); _lineReader = null; _isOpen = false; } private void validateFile() { if (!_file.canRead()) throw new DKUserException(String.format("can't read file [%s]", _file)); } // @Override public void open(DKContext context_) throws IOException {; } private void open() throws IOException { if (_isOpen) return; _isOpen = true; this.validateFile(); _lineReader = new LineNumberReader(new BufferedReader(new FileReader(_file))); this.readHeader(); } private void readHeader() throws IOException { String line = this.readLine();"header->{}", line); _headerColumnNames = line.split(_delimiter); } private void ensureOpen() { if (!_isOpen) throw new RuntimeException("not open!"); } }