Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2010-2011 Joseph Panico * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.diffkit.db; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DatabaseMetaData; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.diffkit.common.DKMapKeyValueComparator; import org.diffkit.common.DKValidate; import org.diffkit.util.DKMapUtil; import org.diffkit.util.DKNumberUtil; import org.diffkit.util.DKSqlUtil; import org.diffkit.util.DKStringUtil; /** * @author jpanico */ public class DKDBTableDataAccess { // uggg!! H2 calls it TABLE_CATALOG and DB2 calls it TABLE_CAT private static final String TABLE_CATALOG_KEY = "TABLE_CAT"; // uggg!! H2 calls it TABLE_SCHEMA and DB2 calls it TABLE_SCHEM private static final String TABLE_SCHEMA_KEY = "TABLE_SCHEM"; private static final String TABLE_NAME_KEY = "TABLE_NAME"; private final DKDatabase _database; private final Logger _log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass()); public DKDBTableDataAccess(DKDatabase database_) { _database = database_; DKValidate.notNull(_database); } /** * convenience method that calls getTable(String,String,String) * * @throws SQLException */ public DKDBTable getTable(String tableName_) throws SQLException { if (tableName_ == null) return null; String[] elems = tableName_.split("\\."); if (elems.length > 2) throw new IllegalArgumentException( String.format("to many dot separated in tableName_->%s", tableName_)); String schemaName = null; if (elems.length == 2) { schemaName = elems[0]; tableName_ = elems[1]; } return this.getTable(null, schemaName, tableName_); } /** * assumes that only one Table matches parameters; will throw Exception * otherwise * * @throws ClassNotFoundException * @throws SQLException */ public DKDBTable getTable(String catalog_, String schema_, String tableName_) throws SQLException { List<DKDBTable> tables = this.getTables(catalog_, schema_, tableName_); if ((tables == null) || (tables.isEmpty())) return null; if (tables.size() > 1) throw new RuntimeException(String.format( "For catalog_->%s schema_->%s tableName_->%s found more than one matchien table->%s", catalog_, schema_, tableName_, tables)); return tables.get(0); } public List<DKDBTable> getTables(String catalog_, String schema_, String tableName_) throws SQLException { Connection connection = this.getConnection(); DatabaseMetaData dbMeta = connection.getMetaData(); List<Map<String, ?>> tableMaps = this.getTableMaps(catalog_, schema_, tableName_, dbMeta); if ((tableMaps == null) || (tableMaps.isEmpty())) return null; List<DKDBTable> tables = new ArrayList<DKDBTable>(tableMaps.size()); for (Map<String, ?> tableMap : tableMaps) { _log.debug("tableMap->{}", tableMap); List<Map<String, ?>> columMaps = this.getColumnMaps(tableMap, dbMeta); _log.debug("columMaps->{}", columMaps); List<Map<String, ?>> pkMaps = this.getPKMaps(tableMap, dbMeta); _log.debug("pkMaps->{}", pkMaps); DKDBTable table = this.constructTable(tableMap, columMaps, pkMaps); _log.debug("table->{}", table); tables.add(table); } this.returnConnection(connection); return tables; } private DKDBTable constructTable(Map<String, ?> tableMap_, List<Map<String, ?>> columnMaps_, List<Map<String, ?>> pkMaps_) throws SQLException { String catalogName = (String) DKMapUtil.getValueForKeyPrefix(tableMap_, TABLE_CATALOG_KEY); String schemaName = (String) DKMapUtil.getValueForKeyPrefix(tableMap_, TABLE_SCHEMA_KEY); String tableName = (String) tableMap_.get(TABLE_NAME_KEY); _log.debug("catalogName->{}", catalogName); _log.debug("schemaName->{}", schemaName); _log.debug("tableName->{}", tableName); _log.debug("columnMaps_->{}", columnMaps_); _log.debug("pkMaps_->{}", pkMaps_); DKDBColumn[] columns = ((columnMaps_ == null) || (columnMaps_.isEmpty())) ? null : new DKDBColumn[columnMaps_.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < columnMaps_.size(); i++) { columns[i] = this.constructColumn(columnMaps_.get(i)); _log.debug("i->{} columns[i]->{}", i, columns[i]); } DKDBPrimaryKey primaryKey = this.constructPrimaryKey(pkMaps_, columns); return new DKDBTable(catalogName, schemaName, tableName, columns, primaryKey); } private DKDBColumn constructColumn(Map<String, ?> columnMap_) throws SQLException { _log.debug("columnMap_->{}", columnMap_); String tableName = (String) columnMap_.get("COLUMN_NAME"); Number ordinalPosition = (Number) columnMap_.get("ORDINAL_POSITION"); String dataTypeName = (String) columnMap_.get("TYPE_NAME"); dataTypeName = DKDBType.getBaseTypeName(dataTypeName); Number columnSize = (Number) columnMap_.get("COLUMN_SIZE"); Boolean isNullable = DKStringUtil.parseBoolean((String) columnMap_.get("IS_NULLABLE"), Boolean.TRUE); return new DKDBColumn(tableName, DKNumberUtil.getInt(ordinalPosition, -1), dataTypeName, DKNumberUtil.getInt(columnSize, -1), isNullable); } private DKDBPrimaryKey constructPrimaryKey(List<Map<String, ?>> pkMaps_, DKDBColumn[] columns_) { if (_log.isDebugEnabled()) { _log.debug("pkMaps_->{}", pkMaps_); _log.debug("columns_->{}", columns_ != null ? Arrays.toString(columns_) : null); } if ((pkMaps_ == null || (pkMaps_.isEmpty()))) return null; List<Map> pkMaps = new ArrayList<Map>(pkMaps_); Comparator<Map> ordinalComparator = (Comparator<Map>) new DKMapKeyValueComparator("KEY_SEQ"); Collections.sort(pkMaps, ordinalComparator); String pkName = (String) pkMaps.get(0).get("PK_NAME"); _log.debug("pkName->{}", pkName); String[] keyColumnNames = new String[pkMaps.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < pkMaps.size(); i++) { Map pkMap = pkMaps.get(i); String mapName = (String) pkMap.get("PK_NAME"); if (!mapName.equals(pkName)) throw new RuntimeException(String.format("more than one pkName->%s, %s", pkName, mapName)); keyColumnNames[i] = (String) pkMap.get("COLUMN_NAME"); } return new DKDBPrimaryKey(pkName, keyColumnNames); } private List<Map<String, ?>> getColumnMaps(Map<String, ?> tableMap_, DatabaseMetaData dbMeta_) throws SQLException { String catalogName = (String) DKMapUtil.getValueForKeyPrefix(tableMap_, TABLE_CATALOG_KEY); String schemaName = (String) DKMapUtil.getValueForKeyPrefix(tableMap_, TABLE_SCHEMA_KEY); String tableName = (String) tableMap_.get(TABLE_NAME_KEY); _log.debug("catalogName->{}", catalogName); _log.debug("schemaName->{}", schemaName); _log.debug("tableName->{}", tableName); ResultSet columnsRS = dbMeta_.getColumns(catalogName, schemaName, tableName, null); List<Map<String, ?>> columnMaps = DKSqlUtil.readRows(columnsRS); _log.debug("columnMaps->{}", columnMaps); DKSqlUtil.close(columnsRS); return columnMaps; } private List<Map<String, ?>> getTableMaps(String catalog_, String schema_, String tableName_, DatabaseMetaData dbMeta_) throws SQLException { if (_database.getFlavor() == DKDBFlavor.HYPERSQL) return this.getTableMapsHyperSQL(catalog_, schema_, tableName_, dbMeta_); return this.getTableMapsStandard(catalog_, schema_, tableName_, dbMeta_); } /** * default (normal) implementation of getTableMaps that relies on */ private List<Map<String, ?>> getTableMapsStandard(String catalog_, String schema_, String tableName_, DatabaseMetaData dbMeta_) throws SQLException { _log.debug("catalog_->{}", catalog_); _log.debug("schema_->{}", schema_); _log.debug("tableName_->{}", tableName_); ResultSet tablesRS = dbMeta_.getTables(catalog_, schema_, tableName_, null); _log.debug("tablesRS->{}", tablesRS); if (tablesRS == null) { _log.warn("no tablesRS for catalog_->{} schema_->{} tableName_->{}"); return null; } List<Map<String, ?>> tableMaps = DKSqlUtil.readRows(tablesRS, true); _log.debug("tableMaps->{}", tableMaps); DKSqlUtil.close(tablesRS); return tableMaps; } /** * HyperSQL seems to have some problems with DatabaseMetaData.getTables(), * when only a tableName is specified */ private List<Map<String, ?>> getTableMapsHyperSQL(String catalog_, String schema_, String tableName_, DatabaseMetaData dbMeta_) throws SQLException { _log.debug("catalog_->{}", catalog_); _log.debug("schema_->{}", schema_); _log.debug("tableName_->{}", tableName_); ResultSet tablesRS = dbMeta_.getTables(null, null, null, null); _log.debug("tablesRS->{}", tablesRS); if (tablesRS == null) { _log.warn("no tablesRS for catalog_->{} schema_->{} tableName_->{}"); return null; } List<Map<String, ?>> allTableMaps = DKSqlUtil.readRows(tablesRS, true); _log.debug("allTableMaps->{}", allTableMaps); DKSqlUtil.close(tablesRS); List<Map<String, ?>> matchingTableMaps = new ArrayList<Map<String, ?>>(); for (Map<String, ?> map : allTableMaps) { if (catalog_ != null) { String catalogName = (String) DKMapUtil.getValueForKeyPrefix(map, TABLE_CATALOG_KEY); if (!StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(catalog_, catalogName)) continue; } if (schema_ != null) { String schemaName = (String) DKMapUtil.getValueForKeyPrefix(map, TABLE_SCHEMA_KEY); if (!StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(schema_, schemaName)) continue; } if (tableName_ != null) { String tableName = (String) map.get(TABLE_NAME_KEY); if (!StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(tableName_, tableName)) continue; } matchingTableMaps.add(map); } return matchingTableMaps; } private List<Map<String, ?>> getPKMaps(Map<String, ?> tableMap_, DatabaseMetaData dbMeta_) throws SQLException { String catalogName = (String) DKMapUtil.getValueForKeyPrefix(tableMap_, TABLE_CATALOG_KEY); String schemaName = (String) DKMapUtil.getValueForKeyPrefix(tableMap_, TABLE_SCHEMA_KEY); String tableName = (String) tableMap_.get(TABLE_NAME_KEY); _log.debug("catalogName->{}", catalogName); _log.debug("schemaName->{}", schemaName); _log.debug("tableName->{}", tableName); ResultSet primaryKeyRS = dbMeta_.getPrimaryKeys(catalogName, schemaName, tableName); _log.debug("primaryKeyRS->{}", primaryKeyRS); if (primaryKeyRS == null) { _log.warn("no primaryKeyRS for catalog_->{} schema_->{} tableName_->{}"); return null; } List<Map<String, ?>> pkMaps = DKSqlUtil.readRows(primaryKeyRS, true); _log.debug("pkMaps->{}", pkMaps); DKSqlUtil.close(primaryKeyRS); return pkMaps; } private Connection getConnection() throws SQLException { return _database.getConnection(); } private void returnConnection(Connection connection_) throws SQLException { DKSqlUtil.close(connection_); } }