Java tutorial
/* * * * Copyright 2015 Skymind,Inc. * * * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * * limitations under the License. * */ package org.deeplearning4j.scaleout.statetracker.hazelcast; import com.hazelcast.client.HazelcastClient; import com.hazelcast.client.config.ClientConfig; import com.hazelcast.config.*; import com.hazelcast.core.*; import; import; import org.deeplearning4j.scaleout.aggregator.JobAggregator; import org.deeplearning4j.scaleout.api.statetracker.*; import org.deeplearning4j.scaleout.job.Job; import org.deeplearning4j.scaleout.statetracker.updatesaver.LocalFileUpdateSaver; import org.deeplearning4j.scaleout.statetracker.workretriever.LocalWorkRetriever; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import*; import; import java.util.*; /** * Baseline hazelcast state tracker * @author Adam Gibson */ public abstract class BaseHazelCastStateTracker implements StateTracker { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = -7374372180080957334L; public final static String JOBS = ""; public final static String NUM_TIMES_PRETRAIN_RAN = "pretrainran"; public final static String WORKERS = "org.deeplearning4j.workers"; public final static String AVAILABLE_WORKERS = "AVAILABLE_WORKERS"; public final static String NUM_TIMES_RUN_PRETRAIN = "PRETRAIN"; public final static String TOPICS = "topics"; public final static String RESULT = "RESULT"; public final static String DONE = "done"; public final static String UPDATES = "updates"; public final static String REPLICATE_WEIGHTS = "replicate"; public final static String HEART_BEAT = "heartbeat"; public final static String WORKER_ENABLED = "workerenabled"; public final static String INPUT_SPLIT = "inputsplit"; public final static String IS_PRETRAIN = "ispretrain"; public final static String BEST_LOSS = "bestloss"; public final static String IMPROVEMENT_THRESHOLD = "improvementthreshold"; public final static String EARLY_STOP = "earlystop"; public final static String PATIENCE = "patience"; public final static String BEGUN = "begun"; public final static String NUM_BATCHES_SO_FAR_RAN = "numbatches"; public final static String GLOBAL_REFERENCE = "globalreference"; public final static String RECENTLY_CLEARED = "recentlycleared"; private volatile transient IAtomicReference<Serializable> master; private volatile transient IList<Job> jobs; private volatile transient IAtomicReference<Integer> numTimesPretrain; private volatile transient IAtomicReference<Integer> numTimesPretrainRan; private volatile transient IAtomicReference<Double> bestLoss; private volatile transient IAtomicReference<Integer> numBatches; private volatile transient ISet<String> recentlyClearedJobs; private volatile transient IAtomicReference<Boolean> earlyStop; private volatile transient IMap<String, Serializable> references; private volatile transient IAtomicReference<Boolean> done; private volatile transient IList<String> replicate; private volatile transient IMap<String, Boolean> workerEnabled; private volatile transient IList<String> workers; private volatile transient IList<String> topics; private volatile transient IList<String> updates; private volatile IAtomicReference<Double> patience; private volatile IAtomicReference<Boolean> begunTraining; private volatile IAtomicReference<Integer> miniBatchSize; private WorkRetriever workRetriever = new LocalWorkRetriever(); protected UpdateSaver saver; private volatile IAtomicReference<Boolean> isPretrain; private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(HazelCastStateTracker.class); private transient Config config; public final static int DEFAULT_HAZELCAST_PORT = 2510; private transient HazelcastInstance h; private String type = "master"; private int hazelCastPort = -1; private String connectionString; private Map<String, Long> heartbeat; private StateTrackerDropWizardResource resource; protected JobAggregator jobAggregator; protected Serializable cachedCurrent; public final static String HAZELCAST_HOST = ""; private List<NewUpdateListener> listeners = new ArrayList<>(); public BaseHazelCastStateTracker() throws Exception { this(DEFAULT_HAZELCAST_PORT); } @Override public <E extends Serializable> void define(String key, E o) { references.put(key, o); } @Override public <E extends Serializable> E get(String key) { return (E) references.get(key); } @Override public double count(String key) { IAtomicLong long2 = h.getAtomicLong(key); return long2.get(); } @Override public void increment(String key, double by) { IAtomicLong long2 = h.getAtomicLong(key); long2.addAndGet((long) by); } @Override public void removeUpdateListener(NewUpdateListener listener) { listeners.remove(listener); } @Override public void addUpdateListener(NewUpdateListener listener) { listeners.add(listener); } /** * Number of batches ran so far * * @return the number of batches ran so far */ @Override public int numBatchesRan() { return numBatches.get(); } /** * Increments the number of batches ran. * This is purely a count and does not necessarily mean progress. * * @param numBatchesRan the number of batches ran to increment by */ @Override public void incrementBatchesRan(int numBatchesRan) { numBatches.set(numBatchesRan + numBatches.get()); } /** * Starts the rest api */ @Override public void startRestApi() { String startApi = System.getProperty("startapi", "false"); Boolean b = Boolean.parseBoolean(startApi); if (!b) return; try { if (PortTaken.portTaken(8080) || PortTaken.portTaken(8180)) { log.warn("Port taken for rest api"); return; } InputStream is = new ClassPathResource("/hazelcast/dropwizard.yml").getInputStream(); resource = new StateTrackerDropWizardResource(this); File tmpConfig = new File("hazelcast/dropwizard.yml"); if (!tmpConfig.getParentFile().exists()) tmpConfig.getParentFile().mkdirs(); BufferedOutputStream bos = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(tmpConfig)); IOUtils.copy(is, bos); bos.flush();"server", tmpConfig.getAbsolutePath()); tmpConfig.deleteOnExit(); } catch (Error e1) { log.warn("Unable to start server", e1); } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("Unable to start server", e); } } @Override public JobAggregator jobAggregator() { return jobAggregator; } @Override public void setJobAggregator(JobAggregator aggregator) { this.jobAggregator = aggregator; } public abstract UpdateSaver createUpdateSaver(); /** * Current mini batch size * * @return */ @Override public int miniBatchSize() { return miniBatchSize.get(); } /** * Whether the cluster has begun training * * @return whether the cluster has begun training */ @Override public boolean hasBegun() { return begunTraining.get(); } /** * Removes the worker data * * @param worker the worker to remove */ @Override public void removeWorkerData(String worker) { workRetriever.clear(worker); } /** * The collection of dat * * @return */ @Override public Collection<String> workerData() { return workRetriever.workers(); } /** * Sets the work retriever to use for storing data sets for workers * * @param workRetriever the work retreiver to use with this state tracker */ @Override public void setWorkRetriever(WorkRetriever workRetriever) { this.workRetriever = workRetriever; } /** * A collection of worker updates. * This should be used to track * which workers have actually contributed an update for a given mini batch * * @return the worker updates */ @Override public Collection<String> workerUpdates() { return updates; } /** * The update saver to use * * @param updateSaver the update saver to use */ @Override public void setUpdateSaver(UpdateSaver updateSaver) { this.saver = updateSaver; } /** * The update saver used with this state tracker * * @return the update saver used with this state tracker */ @Override public UpdateSaver updateSaver() { return saver; } /** * Sets the input split * * @param batchSize the input split to use */ @Override public void setMiniBatchSize(int batchSize) { this.miniBatchSize.set(batchSize); } /** * The input split to use. * This means that each data applyTransformToDestination that is trained on * and loaded will be this batch size or lower * per worker * * @return the input split to use */ @Override public int inputSplit() { Integer get = miniBatchSize.get(); if (get == null) miniBatchSize.set(10); return (miniBatchSize.get() * numWorkers()) / numWorkers(); } /** * Returns the partition (optimal batch size) * given the available workers and the specified input split * * @return the optimal batch size */ @Override public int partition() { return inputSplit(); } /** * Returns the status of whether the worker is enabled or not * * @param id the id of the worker to test * @return true if the worker is enabled, false otherwise */ @Override public boolean workerEnabled(String id) { return workerEnabled.containsKey(id) && workerEnabled.get(id); } /** * Enables the worker with the given id, * allowing it to take jobs again * * @param id the id of the worker to enable */ @Override public void enableWorker(String id) { workerEnabled.put(id, true); } /** * Disables the worker with the given id, * this means that it will not iterate * or take any new jobs until re enabled * * @param id the id of the worker to disable */ @Override public void disableWorker(String id) { workerEnabled.put(id, false); } /** * Updates the status of the worker to not needing replication * * @param workerId the worker id to update */ @Override public void doneReplicating(String workerId) { replicate.remove(workerId); } /** * Adds a worker to the list to be replicate d * * @param workerId the worker id to add */ @Override public void addReplicate(String workerId) { if (!replicate.contains(workerId)) replicate.add(workerId); } /** * Tracks worker ids that need state replication * * @param workerId the worker id to replicate * @return the list of worker ids that need state replication */ @Override public boolean needsReplicate(String workerId) { return replicate.contains(workerId); } /** * Adds an update to the current mini batch * @param id the id of the worker who did the update * @param update the update to add */ @Override public void addUpdate(String id, Job update) { if (update == null) return; try { updateSaver().save(id, update); update.setWork(null); update.setResult(null); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } updates.add(id); } /** * Updates for mini batches * * @return the current list of updates for mini batches */ @Override public abstract IterateAndUpdate updates(); /** * Sets the connection string for connecting to the server * * @param connectionString the connection string to use */ @Override public void setConnectionString(String connectionString) { this.connectionString = connectionString; } /** * Connection string for connecting to the server * * @return the connection string for connecting to the server */ @Override public String connectionString() { return connectionString; } /** * Initializes the state tracker binding to the given port * @param stateTrackerPort the port to bind to * @throws Exception */ public BaseHazelCastStateTracker(int stateTrackerPort) throws Exception { this("master", "master", stateTrackerPort); } /** * Worker constructor * @param connectionString */ public BaseHazelCastStateTracker(String connectionString) throws Exception { this(connectionString, "worker", DEFAULT_HAZELCAST_PORT); } /** * * @param connectionString * @param type * @param stateTrackerPort * @throws Exception */ public BaseHazelCastStateTracker(String connectionString, String type, int stateTrackerPort) throws Exception {"Setting up hazelcast with type " + type + " connection string " + connectionString + " and port " + stateTrackerPort); if (type.equals("master") && !PortTaken.portTaken(stateTrackerPort)) { //sets up a proper connection string for reference wrt external actors needing a reference if (connectionString.equals("master")) { String hazelCastHost; try { //try localhost fall back to hazelCastHost = System.getProperty(HAZELCAST_HOST, InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName()); } catch (Exception e) { hazelCastHost = ""; } this.connectionString = hazelCastHost + ":" + stateTrackerPort; } this.hazelCastPort = stateTrackerPort; config = hazelcast(); h = Hazelcast.newHazelcastInstance(config); h.getCluster().addMembershipListener(new MembershipListener() { @Override public void memberAdded(MembershipEvent membershipEvent) {"Member added " + membershipEvent.toString()); } @Override public void memberRemoved(MembershipEvent membershipEvent) {"Member removed " + membershipEvent.toString()); } @Override public void memberAttributeChanged(MemberAttributeEvent memberAttributeEvent) {"Member changed " + memberAttributeEvent.toString()); } }); } else if (type.equals("master") && PortTaken.portTaken(stateTrackerPort)) throw new IllegalStateException( "Specified type was master and the port specified was taken, please specify a different port"); else { setConnectionString(connectionString);"Connecting to hazelcast on " + connectionString); ClientConfig client = new ClientConfig(); client.getNetworkConfig().addAddress(connectionString); h = HazelcastClient.newHazelcastClient(client); } this.type = type; jobs = h.getList(JOBS); workers = h.getList(WORKERS); recentlyClearedJobs = h.getSet(RECENTLY_CLEARED); begunTraining = h.getAtomicReference(BEGUN); miniBatchSize = h.getAtomicReference(INPUT_SPLIT); workerEnabled = h.getMap(WORKER_ENABLED); replicate = h.getList(REPLICATE_WEIGHTS); topics = h.getList(TOPICS); updates = h.getList(UPDATES); heartbeat = h.getMap(HEART_BEAT); master = h.getAtomicReference(RESULT); isPretrain = h.getAtomicReference(IS_PRETRAIN); numTimesPretrain = h.getAtomicReference(NUM_TIMES_RUN_PRETRAIN); numTimesPretrainRan = h.getAtomicReference(NUM_TIMES_PRETRAIN_RAN); done = h.getAtomicReference(DONE); bestLoss = h.getAtomicReference(BEST_LOSS); earlyStop = h.getAtomicReference(EARLY_STOP); patience = h.getAtomicReference(PATIENCE); numBatches = h.getAtomicReference(NUM_BATCHES_SO_FAR_RAN); references = h.getMap(GLOBAL_REFERENCE); //applyTransformToDestination defaults only when master, otherwise, overrides previous values if (type.equals("master")) { begunTraining.set(false); saver = createUpdateSaver(); numTimesPretrainRan.set(0); numTimesPretrain.set(1); isPretrain.set(true); done.set(false); resource = new StateTrackerDropWizardResource(this); bestLoss.set(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY); earlyStop.set(true); numBatches.set(0); } workRetriever = new LocalWorkRetriever(h); } private Config hazelcast() { Config conf = new Config(); conf.getNetworkConfig().setPort(hazelCastPort); conf.getNetworkConfig().setPortAutoIncrement(false); conf.setProperty("hazelcast.initial.min.cluster.size", "1"); conf.setProperty("hazelcast.shutdownhook.enabled", "false"); JoinConfig join = conf.getNetworkConfig().getJoin(); boolean isAws = System.getProperty("", "false").equals("true");"Setting up Joiner with this being " + (isAws ? "AWS" : "Multicast")); join.getAwsConfig().setEnabled(isAws); if (isAws) { join.getAwsConfig().setAccessKey(System.getProperty("hazelcast.access-key")); join.getAwsConfig().setSecretKey(System.getProperty("hazelcast.access-secret")); } join.getMulticastConfig().setEnabled(!isAws); String interf = System.getProperty("hazelcast.interface"); if (interf != null) { conf.getNetworkConfig().getInterfaces().setEnabled(true).addInterface(interf); } ListConfig jobConfig = new ListConfig(); jobConfig.setName(JOBS); conf.addListConfig(jobConfig); ListConfig replicateConfig = new ListConfig(); replicateConfig.setName(REPLICATE_WEIGHTS); conf.addListConfig(replicateConfig); SetConfig cleared = new SetConfig(); cleared.setName(RECENTLY_CLEARED); MapConfig referenceConfig = new MapConfig(); referenceConfig.setName(GLOBAL_REFERENCE); conf.addMapConfig(referenceConfig); ListConfig topicsConfig = new ListConfig(); topicsConfig.setName(TOPICS); conf.addListConfig(topicsConfig); ListConfig updatesConfig = new ListConfig(); updatesConfig.setName(UPDATES); conf.addListConfig(updatesConfig); ListConfig availableWorkersConfig = new ListConfig(); availableWorkersConfig.setName(AVAILABLE_WORKERS); conf.addListConfig(availableWorkersConfig); MapConfig heartbeatConfig = new MapConfig(); heartbeatConfig.setName(HEART_BEAT); conf.addMapConfig(heartbeatConfig); MapConfig workerEnabledConfig = new MapConfig(); workerEnabledConfig.setName(WORKER_ENABLED); conf.addMapConfig(workerEnabledConfig); MapConfig fileUpdateSaver = new MapConfig(); fileUpdateSaver.setName(LocalFileUpdateSaver.UPDATE_SAVER); conf.addMapConfig(fileUpdateSaver); MapConfig workRetriever = new MapConfig(); workRetriever.setName(LocalWorkRetriever.WORK_RETRIEVER); conf.addMapConfig(workRetriever); return conf; } @Override public boolean addJobToCurrent(Job j) throws Exception { IAtomicReference<Job> r = h.getAtomicReference("job-" + j.workerId()); if (r.get() != null || !r.isNull()) { boolean sent = false; while (!sent) { //always update for (String s : workers()) { if (jobFor(s) == null) {"Redirecting worker " + j.workerId() + " to " + s + " due to work already being allocated"); r = h.getAtomicReference("job-" + s); j.setWorkerId(s); sent = true; } } } } r.set(j); jobs.add(j); return true; } @Override public void setServerPort(int port) { this.hazelCastPort = port; } @Override public int getServerPort() { return hazelCastPort; } @Override public List<Job> currentJobs() throws Exception { return jobs; } @Override public Set<String> recentlyCleared() { return recentlyClearedJobs; } /** * Assuming a job already exists, updates the job * * @param j the job to update */ @Override public void updateJob(Job j) { IAtomicReference<Job> jRef = h.getAtomicReference("job-" + j.workerId()); jRef.set(j); } @Override public void clearJob(String id) throws Exception { if (id == null) { log.warn("No job to clear; was null, returning"); return; } recentlyClearedJobs.add(id); IAtomicReference<Job> jRef = h.getAtomicReference("job-" + id); if (jRef.isNull()) return; jRef.clear();"Destroyed job ref " + id); Job remove = null; for (Job j : jobs) { if (j.workerId().equals(id)) { remove = j; break; } } if (remove != null) jobs.remove(remove); } @Override public void shutdown() { if (h != null) { h.shutdown(); h.getLifecycleService().shutdown(); } if (resource != null) resource.shutdown(); } @Override public void addTopic(String topic) throws Exception { topics.add(topic); } @Override public List<String> topics() throws Exception { return topics; } @Override public Serializable getCurrent() throws Exception { if (cachedCurrent != null) return cachedCurrent; Serializable u = master.get(); if (u == null) return null; return u; } @Override public void setCurrent(Serializable e) throws Exception { if (e == null) { log.warn("Not setting a null update"); return; } for (NewUpdateListener listener : listeners) { listener.onUpdate(e); } this.master.set(e); } @Override public Job jobFor(String id) { if (done.get()) return null; IAtomicReference<Job> j = h.getAtomicReference("job-" + id); if (j.isNull() || isCurrentlyJob(id)) return null; return j.get(); } private boolean isCurrentlyJob(String id) { for (Job j : jobs) if (j.equals(id)) return true; return false; } @Override public void availableForWork(String id) { if (!workers.contains(id)) workers.add(id); } @Override public List<String> jobIds() { List<String> ret = new ArrayList<>(); for (Job j : ret.add(j.workerId()); return ret; } @Override public void addWorker(String worker) { heartbeat.put(worker, System.currentTimeMillis()); if (!workers.contains(worker)) {"Adding worker " + worker); workers.add(worker);"Number of workers is now " + workers.size()); } } @Override public void removeWorker(String worker) { workers.remove(worker); if (jobFor(worker) != null) { try { clearJob(worker); } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("Unable to clear job for worker with id" + worker); } } } @Override public List<String> workers() { return workers; } @Override public int numWorkers() { int num = workers.size(); if (num < 1) throw new IllegalStateException( "There appears to have been an issue during initialization. No workers found."); return num; } public synchronized HazelcastInstance getH() { return h; } public synchronized void setH(HazelcastInstance h) { this.h = h; } @Override public Map<String, Long> getHeartBeats() { return heartbeat; } @Override public void runPreTrainIterations(int numTimes) { numTimesPretrain.set(numTimes); } @Override public int runPreTrainIterations() { return numTimesPretrain.get(); } @Override public int numTimesPreTrainRun() { return numTimesPretrainRan.get(); } @Override public void incrementNumTimesPreTrainRan() { numTimesPretrainRan.set(numTimesPreTrainRun() + 1); } @Override public boolean isDone() { //reason being that isDone() may getFromOrigin called and throw errors //this ensures a safe method call happens and just silently //returns true in case hazelcast is shutdown try { return done.get(); } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("Hazelcast already shutdown...returning true on isDone()"); return true; } } @Override public void finish() { //reason being that isDone() may getFromOrigin called and throw errors //this ensures a safe method call happens and just silently //returns true in case hazelcast is shutdown try { if (getCurrent() != null) { cachedCurrent = getCurrent(); for (NewUpdateListener listener : listeners) listener.onUpdate(cachedCurrent); } done.set(true); updateSaver().cleanup(); } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("Hazelcast already shutdown...done() being called is pointless"); } } }