Java tutorial
/* * * * Copyright 2015 Skymind,Inc. * * * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * * limitations under the License. * */ package org.deeplearning4j.models.word2vec; import*; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.*; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.math3.random.RandomGenerator; import org.deeplearning4j.bagofwords.vectorizer.TextVectorizer; import org.deeplearning4j.bagofwords.vectorizer.TfidfVectorizer; import org.deeplearning4j.models.embeddings.WeightLookupTable; import org.deeplearning4j.models.embeddings.inmemory.InMemoryLookupTable; import org.deeplearning4j.models.embeddings.wordvectors.WordVectorsImpl; import org.deeplearning4j.models.word2vec.wordstore.inmemory.InMemoryLookupCache; import org.deeplearning4j.parallel.Parallelization; import org.deeplearning4j.text.invertedindex.InvertedIndex; import org.deeplearning4j.text.invertedindex.LuceneInvertedIndex; import org.deeplearning4j.text.documentiterator.DocumentIterator; import org.deeplearning4j.text.stopwords.StopWords; import org.deeplearning4j.text.tokenization.tokenizerfactory.UimaTokenizerFactory; import org.deeplearning4j.text.sentenceiterator.SentenceIterator; import org.deeplearning4j.text.tokenization.tokenizerfactory.DefaultTokenizerFactory; import org.deeplearning4j.text.tokenization.tokenizerfactory.TokenizerFactory; import org.deeplearning4j.models.word2vec.wordstore.VocabCache; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * Leveraging a 3 layer neural net with a softmax approach as output, * converts a word based on its context and the training examples in to a * numeric vector * @author Adam Gibson * */ public class Word2Vec extends WordVectorsImpl { protected static final long serialVersionUID = -2367495638286018038L; protected transient TokenizerFactory tokenizerFactory = new DefaultTokenizerFactory(); protected transient SentenceIterator sentenceIter; protected transient DocumentIterator docIter; protected int batchSize = 1000; protected double sample = 0; protected long totalWords = 1; //learning rate protected AtomicDouble alpha = new AtomicDouble(0.025); //context to use for gathering word frequencies protected int window = 5; protected transient RandomGenerator g; protected static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Word2Vec.class); protected boolean shouldReset = true; //number of iterations to run protected int numIterations = 1; public final static String UNK = "UNK"; protected long seed = 123; protected boolean saveVocab = false; protected double minLearningRate = 0.01; protected transient TextVectorizer vectorizer; protected int learningRateDecayWords = 10000; protected InvertedIndex invertedIndex; protected boolean useAdaGrad = false; protected int workers = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors(); public Word2Vec() { } public TextVectorizer getVectorizer() { return vectorizer; } public void setVectorizer(TextVectorizer vectorizer) { this.vectorizer = vectorizer; } /** * Train the model */ public void fit() throws IOException { boolean loaded = buildVocab(); //save vocab after building if (!loaded && saveVocab) vocab().saveVocab(); if (stopWords == null) readStopWords();"Training word2vec multithreaded"); if (sentenceIter != null) sentenceIter.reset(); if (docIter != null) docIter.reset(); int[] docs = vectorizer.index().allDocs(); if (docs.length < 1) {; } docs = vectorizer.index().allDocs(); if (docs.length < 1) { throw new IllegalStateException("No documents found"); } totalWords = vectorizer.numWordsEncountered(); if (totalWords < 1) throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to train, total words less than 1"); totalWords *= numIterations;"Processing sentences..."); AtomicLong numWordsSoFar = new AtomicLong(0); final AtomicLong nextRandom = new AtomicLong(5); ExecutorService exec = new ThreadPoolExecutor(Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors(), Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors(), 0L, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, new LinkedBlockingQueue<Runnable>(), new RejectedExecutionHandler() { @Override public void rejectedExecution(Runnable r, ThreadPoolExecutor executor) { try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } executor.submit(r); } }); final Queue<List<VocabWord>> batch2 = new ConcurrentLinkedDeque<>(); vectorizer.index().eachDoc(new Function<List<VocabWord>, Void>() { @Override public Void apply(List<VocabWord> input) { List<VocabWord> batch = new ArrayList<>(); addWords(input, nextRandom, batch); if (!batch.isEmpty()) { batch2.add(batch); } return null; } }, exec); exec.shutdown(); try { exec.awaitTermination(1, TimeUnit.DAYS); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } ActorSystem actorSystem = ActorSystem.create(); for (int i = 0; i < numIterations; i++) doIteration(batch2, numWordsSoFar, nextRandom, actorSystem); actorSystem.shutdown(); } private void doIteration(Collection<List<VocabWord>> batch2, final AtomicLong numWordsSoFar, final AtomicLong nextRandom, ActorSystem actorSystem) { final AtomicLong lastReported = new AtomicLong(System.currentTimeMillis()); Parallelization.iterateInParallel(batch2, new Parallelization.RunnableWithParams<List<VocabWord>>() { @Override public void run(List<VocabWord> sentence, Object[] args) { double alpha = Math.max(minLearningRate, Word2Vec.this.alpha.get() * (1 - (1.0 * numWordsSoFar.get() / (double) totalWords))); long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); long diff = Math.abs(now - lastReported.get()); if (numWordsSoFar.get() > 0 && diff > 1000) { lastReported.set(now);"Words so far " + numWordsSoFar.get() + " with alpha at " + alpha); } trainSentence(sentence, nextRandom, alpha); numWordsSoFar.set(numWordsSoFar.get() + sentence.size()); } }, actorSystem); } protected void addWords(List<VocabWord> sentence, AtomicLong nextRandom, List<VocabWord> currMiniBatch) { for (VocabWord word : sentence) { if (word == null) continue; // The subsampling randomly discards frequent words while keeping the ranking same if (sample > 0) { double numDocs = vectorizer.index().numDocuments(); double ran = (Math.sqrt(word.getWordFrequency() / (sample * numDocs)) + 1) * (sample * numDocs) / word.getWordFrequency(); if (ran < (nextRandom.get() & 0xFFFF) / (double) 65536) { continue; } currMiniBatch.add(word); } else currMiniBatch.add(word); } } /** * Build the binary tree * Reset the weights */ public void setup() {"Building binary tree"); buildBinaryTree();"Resetting weights"); if (shouldReset) resetWeights(); } /** * Builds the vocabulary for training */ public boolean buildVocab() { readStopWords(); if (vocab().vocabExists()) {"Loading vocab..."); vocab().loadVocab(); lookupTable.resetWeights(); return true; } if (invertedIndex == null) invertedIndex = new LuceneInvertedIndex.Builder().cache(vocab()).stopWords(stopWords).build(); //vectorizer will handle setting up vocab meta data if (vectorizer == null) { vectorizer = new TfidfVectorizer.Builder().index(invertedIndex).cache(vocab()).iterate(docIter) .iterate(sentenceIter).batchSize(batchSize).minWords(minWordFrequency).stopWords(stopWords) .tokenize(tokenizerFactory).build();; } //includes unk else if (vocab().numWords() < 2); setup(); return false; } /** * Train on a list of vocab words * @param sentence the list of vocab words to train on */ public void trainSentence(final List<VocabWord> sentence, AtomicLong nextRandom, double alpha) { if (sentence == null || sentence.isEmpty()) return; for (int i = 0; i < sentence.size(); i++) { nextRandom.set(nextRandom.get() * 25214903917L + 11); skipGram(i, sentence, (int) nextRandom.get() % window, nextRandom, alpha); } } /** * Train via skip gram * @param i * @param sentence */ public void skipGram(int i, List<VocabWord> sentence, int b, AtomicLong nextRandom, double alpha) { final VocabWord word = sentence.get(i); if (word == null || sentence.isEmpty()) return; int end = window * 2 + 1 - b; for (int a = b; a < end; a++) { if (a != window) { int c = i - window + a; if (c >= 0 && c < sentence.size()) { VocabWord lastWord = sentence.get(c); iterate(word, lastWord, nextRandom, alpha); } } } } /** * Train the word vector * on the given words * @param w1 the first word to fit */ public void iterate(VocabWord w1, VocabWord w2, AtomicLong nextRandom, double alpha) { lookupTable.iterateSample(w1, w2, nextRandom, alpha); } /* Builds the binary tree for the word relationships */ protected void buildBinaryTree() {"Constructing priority queue"); Huffman huffman = new Huffman(vocab().vocabWords());;"Built tree"); } /* reinit weights */ protected void resetWeights() { lookupTable.resetWeights(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected void readStopWords() { if (this.stopWords != null) return; this.stopWords = StopWords.getStopWords(); } /** * Note that calling a setter on this * means assumes that this is a training continuation * and therefore weights should not be reset. * @param sentenceIter */ public void setSentenceIter(SentenceIterator sentenceIter) { this.sentenceIter = sentenceIter; this.shouldReset = false; } /** * restart training on next fit(). * Use when sentence iterator is set for new training. */ public void resetWeightsOnSetup() { this.shouldReset = true; } public int getWindow() { return window; } public List<String> getStopWords() { return stopWords; } public synchronized SentenceIterator getSentenceIter() { return sentenceIter; } public TokenizerFactory getTokenizerFactory() { return tokenizerFactory; } public void setTokenizerFactory(TokenizerFactory tokenizerFactory) { this.tokenizerFactory = tokenizerFactory; } public static class Builder { protected int minWordFrequency = 1; protected int layerSize = 50; protected SentenceIterator iter; protected List<String> stopWords = StopWords.getStopWords(); protected int window = 5; protected TokenizerFactory tokenizerFactory; protected VocabCache vocabCache; protected DocumentIterator docIter; protected double lr = 2.5e-2; protected int iterations = 1; protected long seed = 123; protected boolean saveVocab = false; protected int batchSize = 1000; protected int learningRateDecayWords = 10000; protected boolean useAdaGrad = false; protected TextVectorizer textVectorizer; protected double minLearningRate = 1e-2; protected double negative = 0; protected double sampling = 1e-5; protected int workers = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors(); protected InvertedIndex index; protected WeightLookupTable lookupTable; public Builder lookupTable(WeightLookupTable lookupTable) { this.lookupTable = lookupTable; return this; } public Builder index(InvertedIndex index) { this.index = index; return this; } public Builder workers(int workers) { this.workers = workers; return this; } public Builder sampling(double sample) { this.sampling = sample; return this; } public Builder negativeSample(double negative) { this.negative = negative; return this; } public Builder minLearningRate(double minLearningRate) { this.minLearningRate = minLearningRate; return this; } public Builder useAdaGrad(boolean useAdaGrad) { this.useAdaGrad = useAdaGrad; return this; } public Builder vectorizer(TextVectorizer textVectorizer) { this.textVectorizer = textVectorizer; return this; } public Builder learningRateDecayWords(int learningRateDecayWords) { this.learningRateDecayWords = learningRateDecayWords; return this; } public Builder batchSize(int batchSize) { this.batchSize = batchSize; return this; } public Builder saveVocab(boolean saveVocab) { this.saveVocab = saveVocab; return this; } public Builder seed(long seed) { this.seed = seed; return this; } public Builder iterations(int iterations) { this.iterations = iterations; return this; } public Builder learningRate(double lr) { = lr; return this; } public Builder iterate(DocumentIterator iter) { this.docIter = iter; return this; } public Builder vocabCache(VocabCache cache) { this.vocabCache = cache; return this; } public Builder minWordFrequency(int minWordFrequency) { this.minWordFrequency = minWordFrequency; return this; } public Builder tokenizerFactory(TokenizerFactory tokenizerFactory) { this.tokenizerFactory = tokenizerFactory; return this; } public Builder layerSize(int layerSize) { this.layerSize = layerSize; return this; } public Builder stopWords(List<String> stopWords) { this.stopWords = stopWords; return this; } public Builder windowSize(int window) { this.window = window; return this; } public Builder iterate(SentenceIterator iter) { this.iter = iter; return this; } public Word2Vec build() { if (iter == null) { Word2Vec ret = new Word2Vec(); ret.window = window; ret.alpha.set(lr); ret.vectorizer = textVectorizer; ret.stopWords = stopWords; ret.setVocab(vocabCache); ret.numIterations = iterations; ret.minWordFrequency = minWordFrequency; ret.seed = seed; ret.saveVocab = saveVocab; ret.batchSize = batchSize; ret.useAdaGrad = useAdaGrad; ret.minLearningRate = minLearningRate; ret.sample = sampling; ret.workers = workers; ret.invertedIndex = index; ret.lookupTable = lookupTable; try { if (tokenizerFactory == null) tokenizerFactory = new UimaTokenizerFactory(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } if (vocabCache == null) { vocabCache = new InMemoryLookupCache(); ret.setVocab(vocabCache); } if (lookupTable == null) { lookupTable = new InMemoryLookupTable.Builder().negative(negative).useAdaGrad(useAdaGrad).lr(lr) .cache(vocabCache).vectorLength(layerSize).build(); } ret.docIter = docIter; ret.lookupTable = lookupTable; ret.tokenizerFactory = tokenizerFactory; return ret; } else { Word2Vec ret = new Word2Vec(); ret.alpha.set(lr); ret.sentenceIter = iter; ret.window = window; ret.useAdaGrad = useAdaGrad; ret.minLearningRate = minLearningRate; ret.vectorizer = textVectorizer; ret.stopWords = stopWords; ret.minWordFrequency = minWordFrequency; ret.setVocab(vocabCache); ret.docIter = docIter; ret.minWordFrequency = minWordFrequency; ret.numIterations = iterations; ret.seed = seed; ret.numIterations = iterations; ret.saveVocab = saveVocab; ret.batchSize = batchSize; ret.sample = sampling; ret.workers = workers; ret.invertedIndex = index; ret.lookupTable = lookupTable; try { if (tokenizerFactory == null) tokenizerFactory = new UimaTokenizerFactory(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } if (vocabCache == null) { vocabCache = new InMemoryLookupCache(); ret.setVocab(vocabCache); } if (lookupTable == null) { lookupTable = new InMemoryLookupTable.Builder().negative(negative).useAdaGrad(useAdaGrad).lr(lr) .cache(vocabCache).vectorLength(layerSize).build(); } ret.lookupTable = lookupTable; ret.tokenizerFactory = tokenizerFactory; return ret; } } } }