Java tutorial
/* * * * Copyright 2015 Skymind,Inc. * * * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * * limitations under the License. * */ package org.deeplearning4j.iterativereduce.runtime.yarn.appmaster; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configured; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataOutputStream; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.FileInputFormat; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.InputFormat; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.InputSplit; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobConf; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat; import; import org.apache.hadoop.util.Tool; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.ApplicationConstants; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ApplicationAttemptId; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.Container; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ContainerId; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ContainerStatus; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.FinalApplicationStatus; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.LocalResource; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.LocalResourceVisibility; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ResourceRequest; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.exceptions.YarnRemoteException; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.util.ConverterUtils; import org.deeplearning4j.iterativereduce.runtime.ComputableMaster; import org.deeplearning4j.iterativereduce.runtime.ConfigFields; import org.deeplearning4j.iterativereduce.runtime.Utils; import org.deeplearning4j.iterativereduce.runtime.yarn.ContainerManagerHandler; import org.deeplearning4j.iterativereduce.runtime.yarn.ResourceManagerHandler; import org.deeplearning4j.iterativereduce.runtime.yarn.avro.generated.FileSplit; import org.deeplearning4j.iterativereduce.runtime.yarn.avro.generated.StartupConfiguration; import org.deeplearning4j.iterativereduce.runtime.yarn.avro.generated.WorkerId; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /* * Future YARN entry point */ public class ApplicationMaster<T extends Updateable> extends Configured implements Tool { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ApplicationMaster.class); private String masterHost; private int masterPort; private InetSocketAddress masterAddr; private ComputableMaster<T> masterComputable; private Class<T> masterUpdateable; private int batchSize; private int iterationCount; private Map<CharSequence, CharSequence> appConfig; private Configuration conf; private ApplicationAttemptId appAttemptId; private String appName; private Properties props; private Set<ConfigurationTuple> confTuples; private Class<?> inputFormatClass; private enum ReturnCode { OK(0), MASTER_ERROR(-1), CONTAINER_ERROR(1); private int code; ReturnCode(int code) { this.code = code; } public int getCode() { return code; } } public ApplicationMaster(ComputableMaster<T> computableMaster, Class<T> updatable) throws IOException { // TODO: make port configurable this(9999, computableMaster, updatable); } public ApplicationMaster(int port, ComputableMaster<T> computableMaster, Class<T> updatable) throws IOException { //masterHost = InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName(); masterHost = InetAddress.getLocalHost().getCanonicalHostName(); masterPort = port; masterAddr = new InetSocketAddress(masterHost, masterPort); masterComputable = computableMaster; masterUpdateable = updatable; props = new Properties(); props.load(new FileInputStream(ConfigFields.APP_CONFIG_FILE)); // Should be // in ./ - as // the Client // should've // shipped it ContainerId containerId = ConverterUtils .toContainerId(System.getenv(ApplicationConstants.AM_CONTAINER_ID_ENV)); appAttemptId = containerId.getApplicationAttemptId(); appName = props.getProperty(ConfigFields.APP_NAME, ConfigFields.DEFAULT_APP_NAME).replace(' ', '_'); batchSize = Integer.parseInt(props.getProperty(ConfigFields.APP_BATCH_SIZE, "200")); iterationCount = Integer.parseInt(props.getProperty(ConfigFields.APP_ITERATION_COUNT, "1")); String inputFormatClassString = props.getProperty(ConfigFields.INPUT_FORMAT_CLASS, ConfigFields.INPUT_FORMAT_CLASS_DEFAULT); LOG.debug("Using Input Format: " + inputFormatClassString);"IR:AppMaster > Using Input Format: " + inputFormatClassString); Class<?> if_class = null; try { if_class = Class.forName(inputFormatClassString); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } // need to check its a legit input format subclass if (null == if_class) { this.inputFormatClass = TextInputFormat.class; } else if (InputFormat.class.isAssignableFrom(if_class)) { LOG.debug("good input format: " + inputFormatClassString); this.inputFormatClass = if_class; } else { LOG.debug("bad input format: " + inputFormatClassString + ", defaulting to TextInputFormat"); this.inputFormatClass = TextInputFormat.class; // TODO: do we die here? what do we do? } // Copy all properties into appConfig to be passed down to workers, TODO: // fix collection merging appConfig = new HashMap<>(); for (Map.Entry<Object, Object> prop : props.entrySet()) { appConfig.put((String) prop.getKey(), (String) prop.getValue()); } if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Configuration entries: "); for (Map.Entry<CharSequence, CharSequence> entry : appConfig.entrySet()) { LOG.debug(entry.getKey() + "=" + entry.getValue()); } LOG.debug("Initialized application master" + ", masterHost=" + masterHost + ", masterPort=" + masterPort + ", masterAddress=" + masterAddr + ", masterComputable=" + masterComputable.getClass().getName() + ", masterUpdateable=" + masterUpdateable.getClass().getName() + ", appAttemptId=" + appAttemptId); } } class ConfigurationTuple { private String host; private String workerId; private StartupConfiguration config; public ConfigurationTuple(String host, String workerId, StartupConfiguration config) { = host; this.workerId = workerId; this.config = config; LOG.debug("Created configuration typle" + ", host=" + + ", workerId=" + this.workerId + ", startupConfiguration=" + this.config); } public String getHost() { return host; } public String getWorkerId() { return workerId; } public StartupConfiguration getConfig() { return config; } } // TODO: cache this! private Set<ConfigurationTuple> getConfigurationTuples() throws IOException { if (confTuples != null) return confTuples; Path inputPath = new Path(props.getProperty(ConfigFields.APP_INPUT_PATH)); FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(conf); FileStatus f = fs.getFileStatus(inputPath); //BlockLocation[] bl = fs.getFileBlockLocations(p, 0, f.getLen()); Set<ConfigurationTuple> configTuples = new HashSet<>(); int workerId = 0; JobConf job = new JobConf(new Configuration()); job.setInputFormat((Class<? extends InputFormat>) this.inputFormatClass); //TextInputFormat.class); FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, inputPath); InputSplit[] splits = job.getInputFormat().getSplits(job, job.getNumMapTasks()); for (InputSplit split : splits) { FileSplit convertedToMetronomeSplit = new FileSplit(); org.apache.hadoop.mapred.FileSplit hadoopFileSplit = (org.apache.hadoop.mapred.FileSplit) split; if (hadoopFileSplit.getLength() - hadoopFileSplit.getStart() > 0) { convertedToMetronomeSplit.setLength(hadoopFileSplit.getLength()); convertedToMetronomeSplit.setOffset(hadoopFileSplit.getStart()); convertedToMetronomeSplit.setPath(hadoopFileSplit.getPath().toString()); StartupConfiguration config = StartupConfiguration.newBuilder().setBatchSize(batchSize) .setIterations(iterationCount).setOther(appConfig).setSplit(convertedToMetronomeSplit) .build(); String wid = "worker-" + workerId; ConfigurationTuple tuple = new ConfigurationTuple(split.getLocations()[0], wid, config); configTuples.add(tuple); workerId++;"IR_AM_worker: " + wid + " added split: " + convertedToMetronomeSplit.toString()); } else {"IR_AM: Culled out 0 length Split: " + convertedToMetronomeSplit.toString()); } }"Total Splits/Workers: " + configTuples.size()); confTuples = configTuples; return configTuples; } private Map<WorkerId, StartupConfiguration> getMasterStartupConfiguration( Set<ConfigurationTuple> configTuples) { Map<WorkerId, StartupConfiguration> startupConfig = new HashMap<>(); for (ConfigurationTuple tuple : configTuples) { WorkerId wid = Utils.createWorkerId(tuple.getWorkerId()); startupConfig.put(wid, tuple.getConfig()); } return startupConfig; } private Map<String, Integer> getNumberContainersHostMapping(Set<ConfigurationTuple> configTuples) { Map<String, Integer> containerHostMapping = new HashMap<>(); for (ConfigurationTuple tuple : configTuples) { Integer count = containerHostMapping.get(tuple.getHost()); if (count == null) count = 0; containerHostMapping.put(tuple.getHost(), ++count); } if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Created a host->numContainers mapping, with: "); for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry : containerHostMapping.entrySet()) { LOG.debug("host=" + entry.getKey() + ", amount=" + entry.getValue()); } } return containerHostMapping; } private List<ResourceRequest> getRequestedContainersList(Set<ConfigurationTuple> configTuples, ResourceManagerHandler rmHandler) throws YarnRemoteException { // TODO: fix - find a way around this Map<String, Integer> numberContainerHostsMapping = getNumberContainersHostMapping(configTuples); List<ResourceRequest> requestedContainers = new ArrayList<>(); int memory = Integer.parseInt(props.getProperty(ConfigFields.YARN_MEMORY, "512")); // Get the cluster map so we can do some assignment stuff rmHandler.getClientResourceManager(); for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry : numberContainerHostsMapping.entrySet()) { LOG.debug("Creating a resource request for host " + entry.getKey() + ", with " + entry.getValue() + " containers"); ResourceRequest request = Utils.createResourceRequest("*", entry.getValue(), memory); requestedContainers.add(request); } return requestedContainers; } private List<Thread> launchContainers(Set<ConfigurationTuple> configTuples, List<Container> allocatedContainers) { List<Thread> launchThreads = new ArrayList<>(); Iterator<Container> ic = allocatedContainers.iterator(); while (ic.hasNext()) { Container container =; Iterator<ConfigurationTuple> ict = configTuples.iterator(); LOG.debug("Looking to match up split for container on host " + container.getNodeId().getHost()); while (ict.hasNext()) { ConfigurationTuple tuple =; LOG.debug("Looking to match container host " + container.getNodeId().getHost() + ", with split host " + tuple.getHost()); if (tuple.getHost().equals(container.getNodeId().getHost())) { LOG.debug("Found matching container for split"); LaunchContainerRunnabble runnable = new LaunchContainerRunnabble(tuple.getWorkerId(), container); Thread launchThread = new Thread(runnable); launchThreads.add(launchThread); launchThread.start(); ict.remove(); ic.remove(); break; } } } // If we have leftovers, we don't have data-local assignments if (allocatedContainers.size() > 0) { LOG.debug("Unable to find specific matches for some app splits, launching remainder"); ic = allocatedContainers.iterator(); Iterator<ConfigurationTuple> ict = configTuples.iterator(); while (ic.hasNext() && ict.hasNext()) { Container container =; ConfigurationTuple tuple =; LOG.debug("Launching split for host " + tuple.getHost() + " on container host " + container.getNodeId().getHost()); LaunchContainerRunnabble runnable = new LaunchContainerRunnabble(tuple.getWorkerId(), container); Thread launchThread = new Thread(runnable); launchThreads.add(launchThread); launchThread.start(); ic.remove(); ict.remove(); } } return launchThreads; } private class LaunchContainerRunnabble implements Runnable { String workerId; Container container; ContainerManagerHandler cmHandler; public LaunchContainerRunnabble(String workerId, Container container) { this.workerId = workerId; this.container = container; } @Override public void run() { LOG.debug("Launching container for worker=" + workerId + ", container=" + container); // TODO: fix to make more robust (e.g. cache) cmHandler = new ContainerManagerHandler(conf, container); // Connect cmHandler.getContainerManager(); // Get the local resources try { Map<String, LocalResource> localResources = Utils.getLocalResourcesForApplication(conf, appAttemptId.getApplicationId(), appName, props, LocalResourceVisibility.APPLICATION); List<String> commands = Utils.getWorkerCommand(conf, props, masterHost + ":" + masterPort, workerId); // Start cmHandler.startContainer(commands, localResources, Utils.getEnvironment(conf, props)); // Get status cmHandler.getContainerStatus(); } catch (IOException ex) { // Starting container, fatal } } } @Override public int run(String[] args) throws Exception { // Set our own configuration (ToolRunner only sets it prior to calling // run()) conf = getConf(); // Our own RM Handler ResourceManagerHandler rmHandler = new ResourceManagerHandler(conf, appAttemptId); // Connect rmHandler.getAMResourceManager(); // Register try { rmHandler.registerApplicationMaster(masterHost, masterPort); } catch (YarnRemoteException ex) { LOG.error("Error encountered while trying to register application master", ex); return ReturnCode.MASTER_ERROR.getCode(); } // Get file splits, configuration, etc. Set<ConfigurationTuple> configTuples; try { configTuples = getConfigurationTuples(); } catch (IOException ex) { LOG.error("Error encountered while trying to generate configurations", ex); return ReturnCode.MASTER_ERROR.getCode(); } // Needed for our master service later Map<WorkerId, StartupConfiguration> startupConf = getMasterStartupConfiguration(configTuples); // Initial containers we want, based off of the file splits List<ResourceRequest> requestedContainers = getRequestedContainersList(configTuples, rmHandler); List<ContainerId> releasedContainers = new ArrayList<>(); // Send an initial allocation request List<Container> allocatedContainers = new ArrayList<>(); try { int needed = configTuples.size(); int got = 0; int maxAttempts = Integer.parseInt(props.getProperty(ConfigFields.APP_ALLOCATION_MAX_ATTEMPTS, "10")); int attempts = 0; List<Container> acquiredContainers; while (got < needed && attempts < maxAttempts) {"Requesting containers" + ", got=" + got + ", needed=" + needed + ", attempts=" + attempts + ", maxAttempts=" + maxAttempts); acquiredContainers = rmHandler.allocateRequest(requestedContainers, releasedContainers) .getAllocatedContainers(); got += acquiredContainers.size(); attempts++; allocatedContainers.addAll(acquiredContainers); acquiredContainers.clear();"Got allocation response, allocatedContainers=" + acquiredContainers.size()); Thread.sleep(2500); } } catch (YarnRemoteException ex) { LOG.error("Encountered an error while trying to allocate containers", ex); return ReturnCode.MASTER_ERROR.getCode(); } final int numContainers = configTuples.size(); /* * * * TODO: fix this so we try N times to get enough containers! * * * * */ // Make sure we got all our containers, or else bail if (allocatedContainers.size() < numContainers) {"Unable to get required number of containers, will not continue" + ", needed=" + numContainers + ", allocated=" + allocatedContainers.size()); requestedContainers.clear(); // We don't want new containers! // Add containers into released list for (Container c : allocatedContainers) { releasedContainers.add(c.getId()); } // Release containers try { rmHandler.allocateRequest(requestedContainers, releasedContainers); } catch (YarnRemoteException ex) { LOG.warn("Encountered an error while trying to release unwanted containers", ex); } // Notify our handlers that we got a problem rmHandler.finishApplication("Unable to allocate containers, needed " + numContainers + ", but got " + allocatedContainers.size(), FinalApplicationStatus.FAILED); // bail return ReturnCode.MASTER_ERROR.getCode(); } // Launch our worker process, as we now expect workers to actally do // something"Starting master service"); ApplicationMasterService<T> masterService = new ApplicationMasterService<>(masterAddr, startupConf, masterComputable, masterUpdateable, appConfig, conf); ExecutorService executor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor(); Future<Integer> masterThread = executor.submit(masterService); // We got the number of containers we wanted, let's launch them"Launching child containers"); List<Thread> launchThreads = launchContainers(configTuples, allocatedContainers); // Use an empty list for heartbeat purposes requestedContainers.clear(); // Some local counters. Do we really need Atomic? AtomicInteger numCompletedContainers = new AtomicInteger(); AtomicInteger numFailedContainers = new AtomicInteger();"Waiting for containers to complete..."); // Go into run-loop waiting for containers to finish, also our heartbeat while (numCompletedContainers.get() < numContainers) { // Don't pound the RM try { Thread.sleep(2000); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { LOG.warn("Interrupted while waiting on completed containers", ex); return ReturnCode.MASTER_ERROR.getCode(); } // Heartbeat, effectively List<ContainerStatus> completedContainers; try { completedContainers = rmHandler.allocateRequest(requestedContainers, releasedContainers) .getCompletedContainersStatuses(); } catch (YarnRemoteException ex) { LOG.warn("Encountered an error while trying to heartbeat to resource manager", ex); continue; // Nothing to report, probably an error / endless loop } for (ContainerStatus cs : completedContainers) { int exitCode = cs.getExitStatus(); if (exitCode != 0) { numCompletedContainers.incrementAndGet(); numFailedContainers.incrementAndGet();; executor.shutdown(); // Force kill our application, fail fast?"At least one container failed with a non-zero exit code (" + exitCode + "); killing application"); rmHandler.finishApplication( "Failing, due to at least container coming back with an non-zero exit code.", FinalApplicationStatus.KILLED); return -10; } else { numCompletedContainers.incrementAndGet(); } } } // All containers have completed // Wait for launch threads to complete (this shouldn't really happen)"Containers completed"); for (Thread launchThread : launchThreads) { try { launchThread.join(1000); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { LOG.warn("Interrupted while waiting for Launcher threads to complete", ex); } } // Ensure that our master service has completed as well if (!masterThread.isDone()) {; } int masterExit = masterThread.get();"Master service completed with exitCode=" + masterExit); executor.shutdown(); if (masterExit == 0) { String impersonatedUser = System.getenv("USER"); UserGroupInformation ugi = UserGroupInformation.createRemoteUser(impersonatedUser); //UserGroupInformation.createProxyUser(impersonatedUser, UserGroupInformation.getLoginUser()); ugi.doAs(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Void>() { public Void run() { Path out = new Path(props.getProperty(ConfigFields.APP_OUTPUT_PATH)); FileSystem fs; try { fs = out.getFileSystem(conf); FSDataOutputStream fos = fs.create(out);"Writing master results to " + out.toString()); masterComputable.complete(fos); fos.flush(); fos.close(); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return null; //FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(conf); //fs.mkdir( out ); } }); /* "Here we would try to write to " + out.toString() ); "As current user: " + UserGroupInformation.getCurrentUser().getShortUserName() ); "As login user: " + UserGroupInformation.getLoginUser().getShortUserName() ); "Env Var User: " + System.getenv("USER") ); */ // "Ideally we'd be user: " + this.props.getProperty( ) ); // for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : this.conf) { //"ApplicationMaster->Conf: " + entry.getKey() + " = " + entry.getValue()); // } } else { LOG.warn("Not writing master results, as the master came back with errors!"); } // Application finished ReturnCode rc = (numFailedContainers.get() == 0) ? ReturnCode.OK : ReturnCode.CONTAINER_ERROR; try { if (numFailedContainers.get() == 0) { rmHandler.finishApplication("Completed successfully", FinalApplicationStatus.SUCCEEDED); } else { String diag = "Completed with " + numFailedContainers.get() + " failed containers"; rmHandler.finishApplication(diag, FinalApplicationStatus.FAILED); } } catch (YarnRemoteException ex) { LOG.warn("Encountered an error while trying to send final status to resource manager", ex); } return rc.getCode(); } }