Java tutorial
/*- * * Copyright 2016 Skymind,Inc. * * * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * * limitations under the License. */ package org.deeplearning4j.arbiter.optimize.generator; import lombok.EqualsAndHashCode; import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j; import org.apache.commons.math3.random.RandomAdaptor; import org.deeplearning4j.arbiter.optimize.api.Candidate; import org.deeplearning4j.arbiter.optimize.api.ParameterSpace; import org.deeplearning4j.arbiter.optimize.parameter.discrete.DiscreteParameterSpace; import org.deeplearning4j.arbiter.optimize.parameter.integer.IntegerParameterSpace; import org.deeplearning4j.arbiter.util.LeafUtils; import org.nd4j.shade.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnoreProperties; import org.nd4j.shade.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue; /** * GridSearchCandidateGenerator: generates candidates in an exhaustive grid search manner.<br> * Note that:<br> * - For discrete parameters: the grid size (# values to check per hyperparameter) is equal to the number of values for * that hyperparameter<br> * - For integer parameters: the grid size is equal to {@code min(discretizationCount,max-min+1)}. Some integer ranges can * be large, and we don't necessarily want to exhaustively search them. {@code discretizationCount} is a constructor argument<br> * - For continuous parameters: the grid size is equal to {@code discretizationCount}.<br> * In all cases, the minimum, maximum and gridSize-2 values between the min/max will be generated.<br> * Also note that: if a probability distribution is provided for continuous hyperparameters, this will be taken into account * when generating candidates. This allows the grid for a hyperparameter to be non-linear: i.e., for example, linear in log space * * @author Alex Black */ @Slf4j @EqualsAndHashCode(exclude = { "order" }, callSuper = true) @JsonIgnoreProperties({ "numValuesPerParam", "totalNumCandidates", "order", "candidateCounter", "rng", "candidate" }) public class GridSearchCandidateGenerator extends BaseCandidateGenerator { /** * In what order should candidates be generated?<br> * <b>Sequential</b>: generate candidates in order. The first hyperparameter will be changed most rapidly, and the last * will be changed least rapidly.<br> * <b>RandomOrder</b>: generate candidates in a random order<br> * In both cases, the same candidates will be generated; only the order of generation is different */ public enum Mode { Sequential, RandomOrder } private final int discretizationCount; private final Mode mode; private int[] numValuesPerParam; private int totalNumCandidates; private Queue<Integer> order; /** * @param parameterSpace ParameterSpace from which to generate candidates * @param discretizationCount For continuous parameters: into how many values should we discretize them into? * For example, suppose continuous parameter is in range [0,1] with 3 bins: * do [0.0, 0.5, 1.0]. Note that if all values * @param mode {@link GridSearchCandidateGenerator.Mode} specifies the order * in which candidates should be generated. */ public GridSearchCandidateGenerator(@JsonProperty("parameterSpace") ParameterSpace<?> parameterSpace, @JsonProperty("discretizationCount") int discretizationCount, @JsonProperty("mode") Mode mode, @JsonProperty("dataParameters") Map<String, Object> dataParameters, @JsonProperty("initDone") boolean initDone) { super(parameterSpace, dataParameters, initDone); this.discretizationCount = discretizationCount; this.mode = mode; initialize(); } /** * @param parameterSpace ParameterSpace from which to generate candidates * @param discretizationCount For continuous parameters: into how many values should we discretize them into? * For example, suppose continuous parameter is in range [0,1] with 3 bins: * do [0.0, 0.5, 1.0]. Note that if all values * @param mode {@link GridSearchCandidateGenerator.Mode} specifies the order * in which candidates should be generated. */ public GridSearchCandidateGenerator(ParameterSpace<?> parameterSpace, int discretizationCount, Mode mode, Map<String, Object> dataParameters) { this(parameterSpace, discretizationCount, mode, dataParameters, false); } @Override protected void initialize() { super.initialize(); List<ParameterSpace> leaves = LeafUtils.getUniqueObjects(parameterSpace.collectLeaves()); int nParams = leaves.size(); //Work out for each parameter: is it continuous or discrete? // for grid search: discrete values are grid-searchable as-is // continuous values: discretize using 'discretizationCount' bins // integer values: use min(max-min+1, discretizationCount) values. i.e., discretize if necessary numValuesPerParam = new int[nParams]; long searchSize = 1; for (int i = 0; i < nParams; i++) { ParameterSpace ps = leaves.get(i); if (ps instanceof DiscreteParameterSpace) { DiscreteParameterSpace dps = (DiscreteParameterSpace) ps; numValuesPerParam[i] = dps.numValues(); } else if (ps instanceof IntegerParameterSpace) { IntegerParameterSpace ips = (IntegerParameterSpace) ps; int min = ips.getMin(); int max = ips.getMax(); //Discretize, as some integer ranges are much too large to search (i.e., num. neural network units, between 100 and 1000) numValuesPerParam[i] = Math.min(max - min + 1, discretizationCount); } else { numValuesPerParam[i] = discretizationCount; } searchSize *= numValuesPerParam[i]; } if (searchSize >= Integer.MAX_VALUE) throw new IllegalStateException( "Invalid search: cannot process search with " + searchSize + " candidates > Integer.MAX_VALUE"); //TODO find a more reasonable upper bound? order = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<>(); totalNumCandidates = (int) searchSize; switch (mode) { case Sequential: for (int i = 0; i < totalNumCandidates; i++) { order.add(i); } break; case RandomOrder: List<Integer> tempList = new ArrayList<>(totalNumCandidates); for (int i = 0; i < totalNumCandidates; i++) { tempList.add(i); } Collections.shuffle(tempList, new RandomAdaptor(rng)); order.addAll(tempList); break; default: throw new RuntimeException(); } } @Override public boolean hasMoreCandidates() { return !order.isEmpty(); } @Override public Candidate getCandidate() { int next = order.remove(); //Next: max integer (candidate number) to values double[] values = indexToValues(numValuesPerParam, next, totalNumCandidates); Object value = null; Exception e = null; try { value = parameterSpace.getValue(values); } catch (Exception e2) { log.warn("Error getting configuration for candidate", e2); e = e2; } return new Candidate(value, candidateCounter.getAndIncrement(), values, dataParameters, e); } @Override public Class<?> getCandidateType() { return null; } public static double[] indexToValues(int[] numValuesPerParam, int candidateIdx, int product) { //How? first map to index of num possible values. Then: to double values in range 0 to 1 // 0-> [0,0,0], 1-> [1,0,0], 2-> [2,0,0], 3-> [0,1,0] etc //Based on: Nd4j Shape.ind2sub int denom = product; int num = candidateIdx; int[] index = new int[numValuesPerParam.length]; for (int i = index.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { denom /= numValuesPerParam[i]; index[i] = num / denom; num %= denom; } //Now: convert indexes to values in range [0,1] //min value -> 0 //max value -> 1 double[] out = new double[numValuesPerParam.length]; for (int i = 0; i < out.length; i++) { if (numValuesPerParam[i] <= 1) out[i] = 0.0; else { out[i] = index[i] / ((double) (numValuesPerParam[i] - 1)); } } return out; } @Override public String toString() { return "GridSearchCandidateGenerator(mode=" + mode + ")"; } }