Java tutorial
//$HeadURL$ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This file is part of deegree, Copyright (C) 2001-2009 by: Department of Geography, University of Bonn and lat/lon GmbH This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA Contact information: lat/lon GmbH Aennchenstr. 19, 53177 Bonn Germany Department of Geography, University of Bonn Prof. Dr. Klaus Greve Postfach 1147, 53001 Bonn Germany e-mail: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ package; import static org.deegree.db.ConnectionProviderUtils.getSyntheticProvider; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.MissingFormatArgumentException; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLineParser; import org.apache.commons.cli.Option; import org.apache.commons.cli.Options; import org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException; import org.apache.commons.cli.PosixParser; import org.deegree.commons.annotations.Tool; import; import org.deegree.commons.utils.ArrayUtils; import org.deegree.db.ConnectionProvider; import org.deegree.db.ConnectionProviderProvider; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.deegree.workspace.ResourceLocation; import org.deegree.workspace.Workspace; import org.deegree.workspace.standard.DefaultWorkspace; /** * The <code>DataManager</code> is the user interface to the WPVS model backend. It can insert, update and delete * following data models: * <ul> * <li>Trees</li> * <li>Buildings</li> * <li>Prototypes - which are buildings</li> * <li>Stages - which will be handled as prototype references.</li> * </ul> * * * @author <a href="">Rutger Bezema</a> * @author last edited by: $Author$ * @version $Revision$, $Date$ * */ @Tool("The DataManager inserts, updates and deletes 3d-objects in/from the WPVS backend") public class DataManager { /** * The <code>Action</code> the datamanager may perform * * @author <a href="">Rutger Bezema</a> * @author last edited by: $Author$ * @version $Revision$, $Date$ * */ public enum Action { /** * Perform import action */ IMPORT, /** * perform delete action. */ DELETE; @Override public String toString() { return; } } private static final String ACTION = "action"; private static final String DB_HOST = "hosturl"; private static final String OPT_FILE_BACKEND_DIR = "file_backend_dir"; private static final String OPT_DB_USER = "user"; private static final String OPT_DB_PASS = "password"; private static final String OPT_FILE = "file"; private static final String OPT_TEXTURE_DIR = "texturedir"; private static final String TYPE = "type"; private static final String QL = "qualitylevel"; private static final String OPT_CREATE_LOWEST_LEVELS = "create_lowest_levels"; private static final String OPT_WPVS_TRANSLATION_TO = "wpvs_translation"; private static final String OPT_DELETE_SQL = "sqlWhere"; /* * VRML file handling options */ /** * The commandline argument for the building id */ public static final String OPT_UUID = "uuid"; /** * The commandline argument for the translation in x direction. */ public static final String OPT_VRML_TRANSLATION_X = "vrml_xTranslation"; /** * The commandline argument for the translation in y direction. */ public static final String OPT_VRML_TRANSLATION_Y = "vrml_yTranslation"; /** * The commandline argument for the translation in z direction. */ public static final String OPT_VRML_TRANSLATION_Z = "vrml_zTranslation"; /** * The commandline argument for the flipping of y and z */ public static final String OPT_VRML_FLIP_Y_Z = "vrml_flip_y_z"; /** * The commandline argument for the maximum size of a texture. */ public static final String OPT_VRML_MAX_TEX_DIM = "vrml_texture_dimension"; /** * The commandline argument for the rotation axis definition, a comma separated list of 4 values, x,y,z,a */ public static final String OPT_VRML_ROTATION_AXIS = "vrml_rotation_axis"; /** * The commandline argument for the schemalocation of a citygml file */ public static final String OPT_CITY_GML_SCHEMA = "citygml_schema_location"; /** * The commandline argument for the building color of a citygml file */ public static final String OPT_CITY_GML_COLOR = "citygml_building_color"; /** * The commandline argument for using the opengis namespace or the citygml namespace. */ public static final String OPT_USE_OPENGIS = "use_opengis_ns"; private static Workspace workspace; /** * Creates the commandline parser and adds the options. * * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { CommandLineParser parser = new PosixParser(); Options options = initOptions(); boolean verbose = false; // for the moment, using the CLI API there is no way to respond to a // help argument; see // if (args.length == 0 || (args.length > 0 && (args[0].contains("help") || args[0].contains("?")))) { printHelp(options); } workspace = new DefaultWorkspace(new File("nix")); try { CommandLine line = parser.parse(options, args); verbose = line.hasOption(CommandUtils.OPT_VERBOSE); startManager(line); } catch (ParseException exp) { System.err.println("ERROR: Invalid command line: " + exp.getMessage()); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("ERROR: " + e.getMessage()); if (verbose) { e.printStackTrace(); } System.exit(1); } // System.exit( 0 ); } private static void startManager(CommandLine line) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, UnsupportedOperationException, DatasourceException { ModelBackend<?> backend = getModelBackend(line); Action action = null; try { action = Action.valueOf(line.getOptionValue(ACTION).toUpperCase().trim()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(ACTION + " may only be " + Arrays.toString(Action.values()), e); } Type type = null; try { type = Type.valueOf(line.getOptionValue(TYPE).toUpperCase().trim()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(TYPE + " may only be one of " + Arrays.toString(Type.values()), e); } int qualityLevel = -1; try { qualityLevel = Integer.parseInt(line.getOptionValue(QL)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // nothing } double[] translationVector = createTranslationVector(line.getOptionValue(OPT_WPVS_TRANSLATION_TO)); backend.setWPVSTranslationVector(translationVector); String textureDir = line.getOptionValue(OPT_TEXTURE_DIR); String buildingID = line.getOptionValue(OPT_UUID); ModelManager<?> manager; switch (type) { case TREE: manager = new TreeManager(backend, textureDir, translationVector); break; case STAGE: manager = new StageManager(backend, 6, qualityLevel, translationVector); break; case PROTOTYPE: manager = new PrototypeManager(backend, textureDir, buildingID, translationVector); break; default: if (Action.IMPORT == action && (qualityLevel < 1) || (qualityLevel > 5)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(QL + " may only be an integer in the range of 1-5."); } manager = new BuildingManager(backend, textureDir, 6, qualityLevel, buildingID, line.hasOption(OPT_CREATE_LOWEST_LEVELS), translationVector); } if (action == Action.IMPORT) { if (textureDir == null) { System.out.println("You supplied no texture dir, using user home/textures directory instead."); textureDir = System.getProperty("user.home") + "/textures"; } String file = line.getOptionValue(OPT_FILE); if (file == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Missing parameter: " + OPT_FILE + " it is required for importing."); } File f = new File(file); if (!f.exists()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(OPT_FILE + ": " + f.getAbsolutePath() + ", did not denote an existing file, nothing to import."); } long begin = System.currentTimeMillis(); BackendResult inserted = manager.importFromFile(f, line); System.out .println("Result " + inserted + "\ntook: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - begin) + " millis"); } else { String sqlWhere = line.getOptionValue(OPT_DELETE_SQL); if (sqlWhere == null || "".equals(sqlWhere)) { throw new MissingFormatArgumentException("The sql where clause of the delete action is mandatory."); } System.out .println("Deleted: " + manager.delete(buildingID, type, qualityLevel, sqlWhere) + " objects."); } } private static ModelBackend<?> getModelBackend(CommandLine line) throws UnsupportedOperationException, DatasourceException { String testFileBackend = line.getOptionValue(DB_HOST); String hostURL = "1"; String fileBackendDir = null; if (testFileBackend.toLowerCase().contains("filebackend")) { hostURL = testFileBackend; fileBackendDir = line.getOptionValue(OPT_FILE_BACKEND_DIR); if (fileBackendDir == null || "".equals(fileBackendDir)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The filebackend must be supplied with a directory."); } // TODO integrate this properly try { File objectsFile = new File(fileBackendDir + "/objects"); File prototypesFile = new File(fileBackendDir + "/prototypes"); FileBackend.initFiles(objectsFile); FileBackend.initFiles(prototypesFile); return new FileBackend(objectsFile, prototypesFile, null); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage(), e); } } else { if (workspace.getResource(ConnectionProviderProvider.class, hostURL) == null) { ResourceLocation<ConnectionProvider> loc = getSyntheticProvider(hostURL, testFileBackend, line.getOptionValue(OPT_DB_USER), line.getOptionValue(OPT_DB_PASS)); workspace.getLocationHandler().addExtraResource(loc); } } ModelBackend<?> result = ModelBackend.getInstance(hostURL, workspace); return result; } /** * @param optionValue * @return */ private static double[] createTranslationVector(String optionValue) { double[] result = new double[2]; if (optionValue != null && !"".equals(optionValue)) { try { result = ArrayUtils.splitAsDoubles(optionValue, ","); if (result.length != 2) { throw new NumberFormatException( "Illigal number of values, only two dimensional translations are allowed"); } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { System.err.println("Translation vector " + optionValue + " could not be read, please make sure it is a comma seperated list of (floating point) numbers: " + e.getLocalizedMessage()); } } return result; } private static Options initOptions() { Options options = new Options(); Option option = new Option(OPT_FILE.substring(0, 1), OPT_FILE, true, "the file containing data to import"); option.setArgs(1); option.setArgName("relative/absolut file location"); options.addOption(option); option = new Option("ql", QL, true, "defines the quality level of the data the action should operate on"); option.setArgs(1); option.setArgName("[1-5] if " + TYPE + "=prototype, '1' is expected"); options.addOption(option); option = new Option("cll", OPT_CREATE_LOWEST_LEVELS, false, "A flag defining if the lowest levels (convexhull, protoype box ref) should be created for the buildings."); options.addOption(option); option = new Option("td", OPT_TEXTURE_DIR, true, "Directory where texture can be found."); option.setArgs(1); option.setArgName("path to the directory"); options.addOption(option); option = new Option("id", OPT_UUID, true, "ID of the building to delete or of a vrml file, if not provided the file name will be used."); option.setArgs(1); option.setArgName("The id of the building."); options.addOption(option); option = new Option("tt", OPT_WPVS_TRANSLATION_TO, true, "A comma separated vector, translation vector to the nullpoint of the WPVS (see the WPVS-Config for more information)."); option.setArgs(1); option.setArgName("e.g. -tt \"-2568000,-5606000\" ."); options.addOption(option); option = new Option("sw", OPT_DELETE_SQL, true, "SQL where statement which defines a where cause on the db."); option.setArgs(1); option.setArgName("a delete sql where statement, e.g. \"WHERE id='building_id'"); options.addOption(option); addActionParameters(options); addTypeParameters(options); addDatabaseParameters(options); addVRMLParameters(options); addCityGMLParameters(options); CommandUtils.addDefaultOptions(options); return options; } /** * @param options */ private static void addActionParameters(Options options) { Option option = new Option(ACTION.substring(0, 1), ACTION, true, "defines the action the manager should perform"); option.setArgs(1); StringBuilder argNames = new StringBuilder(); Action[] allActions = Action.values(); for (int i = 0; i < allActions.length; ++i) { Action a = allActions[i]; argNames.append(a); if ((i + 1) < allActions.length) { argNames.append("|"); } } option.setArgName(argNames.toString()); option.setRequired(true); options.addOption(option); } /** * @param options */ private static void addTypeParameters(Options options) { Option option = new Option(TYPE.substring(0, 1), TYPE, true, "defines the type of data the manager expects"); option.setArgs(1); StringBuilder argNames = new StringBuilder(); Type[] allTypes = Type.values(); for (int i = 0; i < allTypes.length; ++i) { Type a = allTypes[i]; argNames.append(a); if ((i + 1) < allTypes.length) { argNames.append("|"); } } option.setArgName(argNames.toString()); option.setRequired(true); options.addOption(option); } /** * Database parameters * * @param options * to add the database option to. */ private static void addDatabaseParameters(Options options) { Option option = new Option("host", DB_HOST, true, "url to the database, with or without port"); option.setArgs(1); option.setArgName("for example jdbc:postgresql://dbhost:5432/db_name"); option.setRequired(true); options.addOption(option); option = new Option("fbd", OPT_FILE_BACKEND_DIR, true, "directory to be used for the file databackend"); option.setArgs(1); option.setArgName("for example /home/file_backend"); options.addOption(option); option = new Option(OPT_DB_USER.substring(0, 1), OPT_DB_USER, true, "username of the database, default will be ${}"); option.setArgs(1); option.setArgName("for example postgres"); options.addOption(option); option = new Option(OPT_DB_PASS.substring(0, 1), OPT_DB_PASS, true, "password of the database, default will be empty"); option.setArgs(1); option.setArgName("for example my_secret_password"); options.addOption(option); } /** * VRML file reading parameters * * @param options * to add the vrml options to. */ private static void addVRMLParameters(Options options) { Option option = new Option("tx", OPT_VRML_TRANSLATION_X, true, "Translation of the x values of the vrml file."); option.setArgs(1); option.setArgName("Easting translation."); options.addOption(option); option = new Option("ty", OPT_VRML_TRANSLATION_Y, true, "Translation of the y values of the vrml file."); option.setArgs(1); option.setArgName("Northing translation."); options.addOption(option); option = new Option("tz", OPT_VRML_TRANSLATION_Z, true, "Translation of the z values of the vrml file."); option.setArgs(1); option.setArgName("Up translation."); options.addOption(option); option = new Option("ra", OPT_VRML_ROTATION_AXIS, true, "Rotation axis, comma separated values: x,y,z,angle."); option.setArgs(1); option.setArgName("Rotation axis."); options.addOption(option); option = new Option("yz", OPT_VRML_FLIP_Y_Z, false, "Flip the y and z coordinates of the vrml file."); options.addOption(option); option = new Option("mtd", OPT_VRML_MAX_TEX_DIM, true, "The maximum dimension of the textures of the given vrml file, will be 'upped' to the power of two."); option.setArgs(1); option.setArgName("The maximum dimension of a texture."); options.addOption(option); } /** * CityGML file reading parameters * * @param options * to add the vrml options to. */ private static void addCityGMLParameters(Options options) { Option option = new Option("cgsl", OPT_CITY_GML_SCHEMA, true, "Local location of the citygml schema files."); option.setArgs(1); option.setArgName("File location."); options.addOption(option); option = new Option("bc", OPT_CITY_GML_COLOR, true, "Default color of the citygml buildings in #FFUUFF format."); option.setArgs(1); option.setArgName("Default color."); options.addOption(option); option = new Option("ogcns", OPT_USE_OPENGIS, false, "Optional flag for using the opengis namespace for citygml buildings."); options.addOption(option); } private static void printHelp(Options options) { CommandUtils.printHelp(options, DataManager.class.getCanonicalName(), null, null); } }