Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2014-2015 the original author or authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, * either express or implied. See the License for the specific language * governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package; import; import; import; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.collections.ExtendedProperties; import; import org.apache.torque.engine.database.model.UnifiedSchema; import; import org.apache.velocity.context.Context; import org.apache.velocity.exception.MethodInvocationException; import org.apache.velocity.exception.ParseErrorException; import org.apache.velocity.exception.ResourceNotFoundException; import org.apache.velocity.texen.ant.TexenTask; import org.dbflute.DfBuildProperties; import org.dbflute.friends.velocity.DfFlutistLog4JLogSystem; import org.dbflute.friends.velocity.DfGenerator; import org.dbflute.friends.velocity.DfVelocityContextFactory; import org.dbflute.helper.jdbc.connection.DfConnectionMetaInfo; import org.dbflute.helper.jdbc.connection.DfDataSourceHandler; import org.dbflute.helper.jdbc.context.DfSchemaSource; import org.dbflute.logic.DfDBFluteTaskUtil; import org.dbflute.logic.sql2entity.analyzer.DfOutsideSqlPack; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * The abstract class of texen task. * @author jflute */ public abstract class DfAbstractTexenTask extends TexenTask { // =================================================================================== // Definition // ========== /** The logger instance for this class. (NotNull) */ private static final Logger _log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DfAbstractTexenTask.class); // =================================================================================== // Attribute // ========= /** The resource of database info for the task. (NotNull) */ protected final DfTaskDatabaseResource _databaseResource = new DfTaskDatabaseResource(); /** The basic controller of task process. (NotNull) */ protected final DfTaskBasicController _controller = createBasicTaskController(_databaseResource); /** The logic of task control. (NotNull) */ protected final DfTaskControlLogic _controlLogic = createTaskControlLogic(_databaseResource); /** The selector of documents for velocity context. (NotNull) */ protected final DfDocumentSelector _selector = new DfDocumentSelector(); // =================================================================================== // Task Controller // =============== protected DfTaskBasicController createBasicTaskController(DfTaskDatabaseResource databaseResource) { return new DfTaskBasicController(createTaskControlCallback(), databaseResource); } protected DfTaskControlCallback createTaskControlCallback() { return new DfTaskControlCallback() { public boolean callBegin() { return begin(); } public void callInitializeDatabaseInfo() { initializeDatabaseInfo(); } public void callInitializeVariousEnvironment() { initializeVariousEnvironment(); } public boolean callUseDataSource() { return isUseDataSource(); } public void callSetupDataSource() throws SQLException { setupDataSource(); } public void callCommitDataSource() throws SQLException { commitDataSource(); } public void callDestroyDataSource() throws SQLException { destroyDataSource(); } public DfConnectionMetaInfo callGetConnectionMetaInfo() { return getConnectionMetaInfo(); } public void callActualExecute() { doExecute(); } public void callShowFinalMessage(long before, long after, boolean abort) { showFinalMessage(before, after, abort); } public String callGetTaskName() { return getTaskName(); } }; } protected DfTaskControlLogic createTaskControlLogic(DfTaskDatabaseResource databaseResource) { return new DfTaskControlLogic(databaseResource); } // =================================================================================== // Execute // ======= @Override public final void execute() { // completely override _controller.execute(); } // =================================================================================== // Prepare Execution // ================= protected abstract boolean begin(); protected void initializeDatabaseInfo() { _controlLogic.initializeDatabaseInfo(); } protected void initializeVariousEnvironment() { _controlLogic.initializeVariousEnvironment(); } // =================================================================================== // Data Source // =========== protected abstract boolean isUseDataSource(); protected void setupDataSource() throws SQLException { _controlLogic.setupDataSource(); } protected void commitDataSource() throws SQLException { _controlLogic.commitDataSource(); } protected void destroyDataSource() throws SQLException { _controlLogic.destroyDataSource(); } /** * Get data source for main connection. <br> * It returns valid data source after setupDataSource() success. <br> * Basically not null but when data source does not exist on thread, it returns null. * @return The data source with schema. (NullAllowed: when data source does not exist on thread, e.g. lazy connection) */ protected DfSchemaSource getDataSource() { return _controlLogic.getDataSource(); } protected DfConnectionMetaInfo getConnectionMetaInfo() { return _controlLogic.getConnectionMetaInfo(); } // =================================================================================== // Actual Execution // ================ protected abstract void doExecute(); // =================================================================================== // Final Message // ============= protected void showFinalMessage(long before, long after, boolean abort) { _controlLogic.showFinalMessage(before, after, abort, getTaskName(), getFinalInformation()); } protected String getFinalInformation() { return null; // as default } // =================================================================================== // SQL File Collecting // =================== /** * Collect outside-SQL containing its file info as pack with directory check. * @return The pack object for outside-SQL files. (NotNull) */ protected DfOutsideSqlPack collectOutsideSqlChecked() { return _controlLogic.collectOutsideSqlChecked(); } // =================================================================================== // Refresh Resource // ================ /** * Refresh resources of Eclipse projects. */ protected void refreshResources() { _controlLogic.refreshResources(); } // =================================================================================== // Velocity Process // ================ protected DfGenerator getGenerator() { return DfGenerator.getInstance(); } protected void fireVelocityProcess() { assertBasicAntParameter(); // set up the encoding of templates from DBFlute property setInputEncoding(getBasicProperties().getTemplateFileEncoding()); setOutputEncoding(getBasicProperties().getSourceFileEncoding()); try { initializeGeneratorInstance(); final DfGenerator generator = setupGenerator(); final Context ctx = setupControlContext();"generator.parse(\"" + controlTemplate + "\", ctx);"); generator.parse(controlTemplate, ctx); generator.shutdown(); cleanup(); } catch (BuildException e) { throw e; } catch (MethodInvocationException e) { final String method = e.getReferenceName() + "." + e.getMethodName() + "()"; String msg = "Exception thrown by " + method + ": control=" + controlTemplate; throw new IllegalStateException(msg, e.getWrappedThrowable()); } catch (ParseErrorException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Velocity syntax error: control=" + controlTemplate, e); } catch (ResourceNotFoundException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Resource not found: control=" + controlTemplate, e); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Generation failed: control=" + controlTemplate, e); } } protected void assertBasicAntParameter() { if (templatePath == null && !useClasspath) { String msg = "The template path needs to be defined if you are not using the classpath for locating templates!"; throw new IllegalStateException(msg); } if (controlTemplate == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("The control template needs to be defined!"); } } protected void initializeGeneratorInstance() { final DfGenerator generator = getGenerator(); generator.initializeEngine(); // re-create if already exists if (templatePath != null) { generator.setProperty("file.resource.loader.path", templatePath); } if (useClasspath) { final String resourceLoaderName = "org.apache.velocity.runtime.resource.loader.ClasspathResourceLoader"; generator.addProperty("resource.loader", "classpath"); generator.setProperty("classpath.resource.loader.class", resourceLoaderName); generator.setProperty("classpath.resource.loader.cache", "false"); generator.setProperty("classpath.resource.loader.modificationCheckInterval", "2"); } generator.setProperty(VelocityEngine.RUNTIME_LOG_LOGSYSTEM_CLASS, DfFlutistLog4JLogSystem.class.getName()); } protected DfGenerator setupGenerator() { final DfGenerator generator = getGenerator(); // *set up later using DBFlute property (dfprop) //generator.setOutputPath(outputDirectory); // actually from DBFlute property (dfprop) // because these variables could be set up before here generator.setInputEncoding(inputEncoding); generator.setOutputEncoding(outputEncoding); if (templatePath != null) { generator.setTemplatePath(templatePath); } return generator; } protected Context setupControlContext() { final Context ctx; try { ctx = initControlContext(); } catch (Exception e) { String msg = "Failed to initialize control context:"; msg = msg + " templatePath=" + templatePath + " useClasspath=" + useClasspath; throw new IllegalStateException(msg, e); } try { populateInitialContext(ctx); } catch (Exception e) { String msg = "Failed to populate initial context:"; msg = msg + " templatePath=" + templatePath + " useClasspath=" + useClasspath; throw new IllegalStateException(msg, e); } if (contextProperties != null) { for (Iterator<?> i = contextProperties.getKeys(); i.hasNext();) { String property = (String); String value = contextProperties.getString(property); try { ctx.put(property, new Integer(value)); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { String booleanString = contextProperties.testBoolean(value); if (booleanString != null) { ctx.put(property, Boolean.valueOf(booleanString)); } else { if (property.endsWith("file.contents")) { final String canonicalPath; try { canonicalPath = getProject().resolveFile(value).getCanonicalPath(); } catch (IOException e) { String msg = "Failed to get the canonical path:"; msg = msg + " property=" + property + " value=" + value; throw new IllegalStateException(msg, e); } value = fileContentsToString(canonicalPath); property = property.substring(0, property.indexOf("file.contents") - 1); } ctx.put(property, value); } } } } return ctx; } protected static String fileContentsToString(String filePath) { String contents = ""; final File file = new File(filePath); if (file.exists()) { FileReader fr = null; try { fr = new FileReader(file); final char template[] = new char[(int) file.length()];; contents = new String(template); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to read the file: " + filePath, e); } finally { if (fr != null) { try { fr.close(); } catch (IOException ignored) { } } } } return contents; } protected DfVelocityContextFactory createVelocityContextFactory() { return new DfVelocityContextFactory(); } // =================================================================================== // Skip Information // ================ protected void showSkippedFileInformation() { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(ln()).append("/- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -"); final boolean skipGenerateIfSameFile = getLittleAdjustmentProperties().isSkipGenerateIfSameFile(); if (!skipGenerateIfSameFile) { sb.append(ln()).append("All class files have been generated. (overrided)"); sb.append(ln()).append("- - - - - - - - - -/");; return; } final List<String> parseFileNameList = DfGenerator.getInstance().getParseFileNameList(); final int parseSize = parseFileNameList.size(); if (parseSize == 0) { sb.append(ln()).append("No class file has been parsed."); sb.append(ln()).append("- - - - - - - - - -/"); return; } final List<String> skipFileNameList = DfGenerator.getInstance().getSkipFileNameList(); final int skipSize = skipFileNameList.size(); if (skipSize == 0) { sb.append(ln()).append("All class files have been generated. (overrided)"); sb.append(ln()).append("- - - - - - - - - -/"); return; } if (skipSize == parseSize) { sb.append(ln()).append("All class files have been skipped generating"); sb.append(ln()).append(" because they have no change."); } else { sb.append(ln()).append("Several class files have been skipped generating"); sb.append(ln()).append(" because they have no change."); } sb.append(ln()); sb.append(ln()).append(" -> ").append(skipSize).append(" skipped (in ").append(parseSize) .append(" files)"); sb.append(ln()).append("- - - - - - - - - -/"); } // =================================================================================== // Context Properties // ================== @Override public void setContextProperties(String file) { // called by ANT (and completely override) try { // /- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - // Initialize torque properties as Properties and set up singleton class // that saves ''. // - - - - - - - - - -/ final Properties prop = DfDBFluteTaskUtil.getBuildProperties(file, getProject()); DfBuildProperties.getInstance().setProperties(prop); // /- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - // Initialize context properties for Velocity. // - - - - - - - - - -/ contextProperties = new ExtendedProperties(); final Set<Entry<Object, Object>> entrySet = prop.entrySet(); for (Entry<Object, Object> entry : entrySet) { contextProperties.setProperty((String) entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } } catch (RuntimeException e) { String msg = "Failed to set context properties:"; msg = msg + " file=" + file + " contextProperties=" + contextProperties; _log.warn(msg, e); // logging because it throws to ANT world throw e; } } // =================================================================================== // Properties // ========== protected DfBuildProperties getProperties() { return DfBuildProperties.getInstance(); } protected DfBasicProperties getBasicProperties() { return getProperties().getBasicProperties(); } protected DfDatabaseTypeFacadeProp getDatabaseTypeFacadeProp() { return getBasicProperties().getDatabaseTypeFacadeProp(); } protected DfDatabaseProperties getDatabaseProperties() { return getProperties().getDatabaseProperties(); } protected DfLittleAdjustmentProperties getLittleAdjustmentProperties() { return getProperties().getLittleAdjustmentProperties(); } protected DfRefreshProperties getRefreshProperties() { return getProperties().getRefreshProperties(); } // =================================================================================== // General Helper // ============== protected String ln() { return "\n"; } // =================================================================================== // Accessor // ======== protected String getDriver() { return _databaseResource.getDriver(); } protected String getUrl() { return _databaseResource.getUrl(); } protected UnifiedSchema getMainSchema() { return _databaseResource.getMainSchema(); } protected String getUser() { return _databaseResource.getUser(); } protected String getPassword() { return _databaseResource.getPassword(); } protected DfDataSourceHandler getDataSourceHandler() { return _databaseResource.getDataSourceHandler(); } public void setEnvironmentType(String environmentType) { _controlLogic.acceptEnvironmentType(environmentType); } }