Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2000, 2016 IBM Corporation and others. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * * Contributors: * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation * Diamond Light Source - Custom modifications for Diamond's needs *******************************************************************************/ package org.dawnsci.fileviewer; import; import; import java.text.MessageFormat; import java.util.Date; import java.util.MissingResourceException; import java.util.ResourceBundle; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException; import; import; import org.dawb.common.ui.util.EclipseUtils; import org.dawnsci.fileviewer.table.FileTableViewerComparator; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IConfigurationElement; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Platform; import org.eclipse.swt.program.Program; import; public class Utils { private static ResourceBundle resourceBundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle("file_viewer"); public enum SortType { NAME, SIZE, TYPE, DATE; } /** * Returns a string from the resource bundle. We don't want to crash because * of a missing String. Returns the key if not found. */ public static String getResourceString(String key) { try { return resourceBundle.getString(key); } catch (MissingResourceException e) { return key; } catch (NullPointerException e) { return "!" + key + "!"; } } /** * Returns a string from the resource bundle and binds it with the given * arguments. If the key is not found, return the key. */ public static String getResourceString(String key, Object[] args) { try { return MessageFormat.format(getResourceString(key), args); } catch (MissingResourceException e) { return key; } catch (NullPointerException e) { return "!" + key + "!"; } } /** * Sorts files lexicographically by name. * * @param files * the array of Files to be sorted */ public static void sortFiles(File[] files, SortType sortType, int direction) { /* Very lazy merge sort algorithm */ sortBlock(files, 0, files.length - 1, new File[files.length], sortType, direction, null); } /** * Sorts files lexicographically by name. * * @param files * the array of Files to be sorted */ public static void sortFiles(File[] files, SortType sortType, int direction, IProgressMonitor monitor) { /* Very lazy merge sort algorithm */ sortBlock(files, 0, files.length - 1, new File[files.length], sortType, direction, monitor); } private static void sortBlock(File[] files, int start, int end, File[] mergeTemp, SortType sortType, int direction, IProgressMonitor monitor) { final int length = end - start + 1; if (length < 8) { for (int i = end; i > start; --i) { for (int j = end; j > start; --j) { if (compareFiles(files[j - 1], files[j], sortType, direction) > 0) { final File temp = files[j]; files[j] = files[j - 1]; files[j - 1] = temp; if (monitor != null && monitor.isCanceled()) return; } } } return; } final int mid = (start + end) / 2; sortBlock(files, start, mid, mergeTemp, sortType, direction, monitor); sortBlock(files, mid + 1, end, mergeTemp, sortType, direction, monitor); int x = start; int y = mid + 1; for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) { if ((x > mid) || ((y <= end) && compareFiles(files[x], files[y], sortType, direction) > 0)) { mergeTemp[i] = files[y++]; } else { mergeTemp[i] = files[x++]; } if (monitor != null && monitor.isCanceled()) return; } for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) files[i + start] = mergeTemp[i]; } public static int compareFiles(File a, File b, SortType sortType, int direction) { // boolean aIsDir = a.isDirectory(); // boolean bIsDir = b.isDirectory(); // if (aIsDir && ! bIsDir) return -1; // if (bIsDir && ! aIsDir) return 1; // sort case-sensitive files in a case-insensitive manner int compare = 0; switch (sortType) { case NAME: compare = a.getName().compareToIgnoreCase(b.getName()); if (compare == 0) compare = a.getName().compareTo(b.getName()); break; case SIZE: long sizea = a.length(), sizeb = b.length(); compare = sizea < sizeb ? -1 : 1; break; case TYPE: String typea = getFileTypeString(a), typeb = getFileTypeString(b); compare = typea.compareToIgnoreCase(typeb); if (compare == 0) compare = typea.compareTo(typeb); break; case DATE: Date date1 = new Date(a.lastModified()); Date date2 = new Date(b.lastModified()); compare = date1.compareTo(date2); break; default: return 0; } if (FileTableViewerComparator.DESC == direction) return (-1 * compare); return compare; } /** * Gets a directory listing * * @param file * the directory to be listed * @param sort * the sorting type * @return an array of files this directory contains, may be empty but not * null */ public static File[] getDirectoryList(File file, SortType sortType, int direction, String filter, boolean useRegex) { return getDirectoryList(file, sortType, direction, filter, useRegex, null); } /** * Gets a directory listing * * @param file * the directory to be listed * @param sort * the sorting type * @return an array of files this directory contains, may be empty but not * null */ public static File[] getDirectoryList(File file, SortType sortType, int direction, String filter, boolean useRegex, IProgressMonitor monitor) { File[] list = null; if (filter == null || filter.equals("*") || Pattern.matches("^\\s*$", filter)) { list = file.listFiles(); } else if (useRegex) { try { list = file.listFiles((FileFilter) new RegexFileFilter(filter)); } catch (PatternSyntaxException e) { list = null; } } else { list = file.listFiles((FileFilter) new WildcardFileFilter(filter)); } if (list == null) return new File[0]; sortFiles(list, sortType, direction, monitor); return list; } /** * * @return */ public static IOpenFileAction getFirstPertinentAction() { try { IConfigurationElement[] eles = Platform.getExtensionRegistry() .getConfigurationElementsFor(FileViewerConstants.OPEN_FILE_EXTENSION_POINT); final String perspectiveId = EclipseUtils.getPage().getPerspective().getId(); for (IConfigurationElement e : eles) { final String perspective = e.getAttribute("perspective"); if (perspectiveId.equals(perspective) || perspective == null) { return (IOpenFileAction) e.createExecutableExtension("class"); } } return null; } catch (CoreException coreEx) { coreEx.printStackTrace(); return null; } } /** * Get the formatted File size as a String * * @param file * @return size as a string */ public static String getFileSizeString(File file) { String sizeString; if (file.isDirectory()) { sizeString = ""; } else { sizeString = Utils.getResourceString("filesize.KB", new Object[] { new Long((file.length() + 512) / 1024) }); } return sizeString; } /** * Get the file type as a string * * @param file * @return type */ public static String getFileTypeString(File file) { String typeString; String nameString = file.getName(); if (file.isDirectory()) { typeString = Utils.getResourceString("filetype.Folder"); } else { int dot = nameString.lastIndexOf('.'); if (dot != -1) { String extension = nameString.substring(dot); Program program = Program.findProgram(extension); if (program != null) { typeString = program.getName(); } else { typeString = Utils.getResourceString("filetype.Unknown", new Object[] { extension.toUpperCase() }); } } else { typeString = Utils.getResourceString("filetype.None"); } } return typeString; } /** * Returns the modified date of the file * * @param file * @return date */ public static String getFileDateString(File file) { return FileViewerConstants.dateFormat.format(new Date(file.lastModified())); } }