Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2000, 2008 IBM Corporation and others. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * * Contributors: * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/ package org.eclipse.swt.program; import org.eclipse.swt.internal.wpf.*; import org.eclipse.swt.internal.win32.*; import org.eclipse.swt.*; import*; /** * Instances of this class represent programs and * their associated file extensions in the operating * system. * * @see <a href="">Program snippets</a> * @see <a href="">Sample code and further information</a> */ public final class Program { String name; String command; String iconName; static final String[] ARGUMENTS = new String[] { "%1", "%l", "%L" }; /** * Prevents uninitialized instances from being created outside the package. */ Program() { } static int createDotNetString(String string) { if (string == null) return 0; int length = string.length(); char[] buffer = new char[length + 1]; string.getChars(0, length, buffer, 0); return OS.gcnew_String(buffer); } static String createJavaString(int ptr) { int charArray = OS.String_ToCharArray(ptr); char[] chars = new char[OS.String_Length(ptr)]; OS.memcpy(chars, charArray, chars.length * 2); OS.GCHandle_Free(charArray); return new String(chars); } /** * Finds the program that is associated with an extension. * The extension may or may not begin with a '.'. Note that * a <code>Display</code> must already exist to guarantee that * this method returns an appropriate result. * * @param extension the program extension * @return the program or <code>null</code> * * @exception IllegalArgumentException <ul> * <li>ERROR_NULL_ARGUMENT when extension is null</li> * </ul> */ public static Program findProgram(String extension) { if (extension == null) SWT.error(SWT.ERROR_NULL_ARGUMENT); if (extension.length() == 0) return null; if (extension.charAt(0) != '.') extension = "." + extension; //$NON-NLS-1$ if (extension.length() > 0xff) return null; int key = createDotNetString(extension); int classesRoot = OS.Registry_ClassesRoot(); int registryKey = OS.RegistryKey_OpenSubKey(classesRoot, key); OS.GCHandle_Free(key); OS.GCHandle_Free(classesRoot); if (registryKey == 0) return null; Program program = null; int value = OS.RegistryKey_GetValue(registryKey, 0); if (value != 0) { program = getProgram(value); OS.GCHandle_Free(value); } OS.GCHandle_Free(registryKey); return program; } /** * Answer all program extensions in the operating system. Note * that a <code>Display</code> must already exist to guarantee * that this method returns an appropriate result. * * @return an array of extensions */ public static String[] getExtensions() { String[] extensions = new String[1024]; int classesRoot = OS.Registry_ClassesRoot(); int subKeys = OS.RegistryKey_GetSubKeyNames(classesRoot); OS.GCHandle_Free(classesRoot); int count = 0, length = OS.ICollection_Count(subKeys); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { int key = OS.IList_default(subKeys, i); String extension = createJavaString(key); OS.GCHandle_Free(key); if (extension.length() > 0 && extension.charAt(0) == '.') { if (count == extensions.length) { String[] newExtensions = new String[extensions.length + 1024]; System.arraycopy(extensions, 0, newExtensions, 0, extensions.length); extensions = newExtensions; } extensions[count++] = extension; } } OS.GCHandle_Free(subKeys); if (count != extensions.length) { String[] newExtension = new String[count]; System.arraycopy(extensions, 0, newExtension, 0, count); extensions = newExtension; } return extensions; } static int getKeyValue(int key, boolean expand) { int value = OS.RegistryKey_GetValue(key, 0); if (value != 0) { if (expand) { int expandedValue = OS.Environment_ExpandEnvironmentVariables(value); OS.GCHandle_Free(value); value = expandedValue; } } return value; } static Program getProgram(int key) { int classesRoot = OS.Registry_ClassesRoot(); int registryKey = OS.RegistryKey_OpenSubKey(classesRoot, key); OS.GCHandle_Free(classesRoot); /* Name */ int name = getKeyValue(registryKey, false); String programName = createJavaString(name == 0 ? key : name); OS.GCHandle_Free(name); /* Command */ int shellCommand = createDotNetString("shell"); int shellKey = OS.RegistryKey_OpenSubKey(registryKey, shellCommand); OS.GCHandle_Free(shellCommand); int command = 0; if (shellKey != 0) { command = getKeyValue(shellKey, true); if (command == 0) { int openCommand = createDotNetString("open"); int openKey = OS.RegistryKey_OpenSubKey(shellKey, openCommand); if (openKey != 0) { int commandCommand = createDotNetString("command"); int commandKey = OS.RegistryKey_OpenSubKey(openKey, commandCommand); if (commandKey != 0) { command = getKeyValue(commandKey, true); OS.GCHandle_Free(commandKey); } OS.GCHandle_Free(commandCommand); OS.GCHandle_Free(openKey); } OS.GCHandle_Free(openCommand); } } OS.GCHandle_Free(shellKey); int iconName = 0; if (command != 0) { int defaultIconCommand = createDotNetString("DefaultIcon"); int defaultIconKey = OS.RegistryKey_OpenSubKey(registryKey, defaultIconCommand); if (defaultIconKey != 0) { iconName = getKeyValue(defaultIconKey, true); OS.GCHandle_Free(defaultIconKey); } OS.GCHandle_Free(defaultIconCommand); } OS.GCHandle_Free(registryKey); if (command == 0) return null; Program program = new Program(); = programName; program.command = createJavaString(command); OS.GCHandle_Free(command); program.iconName = iconName != 0 ? createJavaString(iconName) : ""; OS.GCHandle_Free(iconName); return program; } /** * Answers all available programs in the operating system. Note * that a <code>Display</code> must already exist to guarantee * that this method returns an appropriate result. * * @return an array of programs */ public static Program[] getPrograms() { Program[] programs = new Program[1024]; int classesRoot = OS.Registry_ClassesRoot(); int subKeyNames = OS.RegistryKey_GetSubKeyNames(classesRoot); OS.GCHandle_Free(classesRoot); int count = 0; int length = OS.ICollection_Count(subKeyNames); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { int keyName = OS.IList_default(subKeyNames, i); Program program = getProgram(keyName); OS.GCHandle_Free(keyName); if (program != null) { if (count == programs.length) { Program[] newPrograms = new Program[programs.length + 1024]; System.arraycopy(programs, 0, newPrograms, 0, programs.length); programs = newPrograms; } programs[count++] = program; } } OS.GCHandle_Free(subKeyNames); if (count != programs.length) { Program[] newPrograms = new Program[count]; System.arraycopy(programs, 0, newPrograms, 0, count); programs = newPrograms; } return programs; } /** * Launches the operating system executable associated with the file or * URL (http:// or https://). If the file is an executable then the * executable is launched. Note that a <code>Display</code> must already * exist to guarantee that this method returns an appropriate result. * * @param fileName the file or program name or URL (http:// or https://) * @return <code>true</code> if the file is launched, otherwise <code>false</code> * * @exception IllegalArgumentException <ul> * <li>ERROR_NULL_ARGUMENT when fileName is null</li> * </ul> */ public static boolean launch(String fileName) { return launch(fileName, null); } /** * Launches the operating system executable associated with the file or * URL (http:// or https://). If the file is an executable then the * executable is launched. The program is launched with the specified * working directory only when the <code>workingDir</code> exists and * <code>fileName</code> is an executable. * Note that a <code>Display</code> must already exist to guarantee * that this method returns an appropriate result. * * @param fileName the file name or program name or URL (http:// or https://) * @param workingDir the name of the working directory or null * @return <code>true</code> if the file is launched, otherwise <code>false</code> * * @exception IllegalArgumentException <ul> * <li>ERROR_NULL_ARGUMENT when fileName is null</li> * </ul> * * @since 3.6 */ public static boolean launch(String fileName, String workingDir) { if (fileName == null) SWT.error(SWT.ERROR_NULL_ARGUMENT); int hHeap = Win32.GetProcessHeap(); int length = fileName.length(); char[] buffer = new char[length + 1]; fileName.getChars(0, length, buffer, 0); int byteCount = buffer.length * 2; int lpFile = Win32.HeapAlloc(hHeap, Win32.HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, byteCount); Win32.MoveMemory(lpFile, buffer, byteCount); SHELLEXECUTEINFOW info = new SHELLEXECUTEINFOW(); info.cbSize = SHELLEXECUTEINFOW.sizeof; info.lpFile = lpFile; info.nShow = Win32.SW_SHOW; boolean result = Win32.ShellExecuteExW(info); if (lpFile != 0) Win32.HeapFree(hHeap, 0, lpFile); return result; } /** * Executes the program with the file as the single argument * in the operating system. It is the responsibility of the * programmer to ensure that the file contains valid data for * this program. * * @param fileName the file or program name * @return <code>true</code> if the file is launched, otherwise <code>false</code> * * @exception IllegalArgumentException <ul> * <li>ERROR_NULL_ARGUMENT when fileName is null</li> * </ul> */ public boolean execute(String fileName) { if (fileName == null) SWT.error(SWT.ERROR_NULL_ARGUMENT); int index = 0; boolean append = true; String prefix = command, suffix = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$ while (index < ARGUMENTS.length) { int i = command.indexOf(ARGUMENTS[index]); if (i != -1) { append = false; prefix = command.substring(0, i); suffix = command.substring(i + ARGUMENTS[index].length(), command.length()); break; } index++; } if (append) fileName = " \"" + fileName + "\""; String commandLine = prefix + fileName + suffix; int length = commandLine.length(); char[] buffer = new char[length + 1]; commandLine.getChars(0, length, buffer, 0); STARTUPINFOW lpStartupInfo = new STARTUPINFOW(); lpStartupInfo.cb = STARTUPINFOW.sizeof; PROCESS_INFORMATION lpProcessInformation = new PROCESS_INFORMATION(); boolean success = Win32.CreateProcessW(0, buffer, 0, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, lpStartupInfo, lpProcessInformation); if (lpProcessInformation.hProcess != 0) Win32.CloseHandle(lpProcessInformation.hProcess); if (lpProcessInformation.hThread != 0) Win32.CloseHandle(lpProcessInformation.hThread); return success; } /** * Returns the receiver's image data. This is the icon * that is associated with the receiver in the operating * system. * * @return the image data for the program, may be null */ public ImageData getImageData() { int nIconIndex = 0; String fileName = iconName; int index = iconName.indexOf(','); if (index != -1) { fileName = iconName.substring(0, index); String iconIndex = iconName.substring(index + 1, iconName.length()).trim(); try { nIconIndex = Integer.parseInt(iconIndex); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { } } int length = fileName.length(); char[] buffer = new char[length + 1]; fileName.getChars(0, length, buffer, 0); int[] phiconSmall = new int[1], phiconLarge = null; Win32.ExtractIconExW(buffer, nIconIndex, phiconLarge, phiconSmall, 1); if (phiconSmall[0] == 0) return null; int empty = OS.Int32Rect_Empty(); int source = OS.Imaging_CreateBitmapSourceFromHIcon(phiconSmall[0], empty, 0); Image image = Image.wpf_new(null, SWT.ICON, source); OS.GCHandle_Free(empty); ImageData imageData = image.getImageData(); image.dispose(); return imageData; } /** * Returns the receiver's name. This is as short and * descriptive a name as possible for the program. If * the program has no descriptive name, this string may * be the executable name, path or empty. * * @return the name of the program */ public String getName() { return name; } /** * Compares the argument to the receiver, and returns true * if they represent the <em>same</em> object using a class * specific comparison. * * @param other the object to compare with this object * @return <code>true</code> if the object is the same as this object and <code>false</code> otherwise * * @see #hashCode() */ public boolean equals(Object other) { if (this == other) return true; if (other instanceof Program) { final Program program = (Program) other; return name.equals( && command.equals(program.command) && iconName.equals(program.iconName); } return false; } /** * Returns an integer hash code for the receiver. Any two * objects that return <code>true</code> when passed to * <code>equals</code> must return the same value for this * method. * * @return the receiver's hash * * @see #equals(Object) */ public int hashCode() { return name.hashCode() ^ command.hashCode() ^ iconName.hashCode(); } /** * Returns a string containing a concise, human-readable * description of the receiver. * * @return a string representation of the program */ public String toString() { return "Program {" + name + "}"; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ } }