Java tutorial
/*- * * Copyright 2016 Skymind, Inc. * * * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * * limitations under the License. */ package org.datavec.api.transform; import; import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j; import org.apache.commons.lang3.ClassUtils; import org.datavec.api.transform.filter.ConditionFilter; import org.datavec.api.transform.transform.string.AppendStringColumnTransform; import org.datavec.api.transform.transform.string.ConvertToString; import org.datavec.api.util.reflections.DataVecSubTypesScanner; import org.reflections.ReflectionUtils; import org.reflections.Reflections; import org.reflections.util.ClasspathHelper; import org.reflections.util.ConfigurationBuilder; import org.reflections.util.FilterBuilder; import org.datavec.api.writable.*; import org.nd4j.shade.jackson.annotation.JsonAutoDetect; import org.nd4j.shade.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty; import org.nd4j.shade.jackson.annotation.PropertyAccessor; import org.nd4j.shade.jackson.core.JsonFactory; import org.nd4j.shade.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException; import org.nd4j.shade.jackson.databind.DeserializationFeature; import org.nd4j.shade.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; import org.nd4j.shade.jackson.databind.SerializationFeature; import org.nd4j.shade.jackson.databind.introspect.AnnotatedClass; import org.nd4j.shade.jackson.databind.jsontype.NamedType; import org.nd4j.shade.jackson.dataformat.yaml.YAMLFactory; import org.nd4j.shade.jackson.datatype.joda.JodaModule; import org.datavec.api.transform.analysis.columns.ColumnAnalysis; import org.datavec.api.transform.condition.Condition; import org.datavec.api.transform.filter.Filter; import org.datavec.api.transform.rank.CalculateSortedRank; import org.datavec.api.transform.schema.Schema; import org.datavec.api.transform.sequence.ConvertFromSequence; import org.datavec.api.transform.sequence.ConvertToSequence; import org.datavec.api.transform.sequence.SequenceSplit; import org.datavec.api.transform.sequence.window.ReduceSequenceByWindowTransform; import org.datavec.api.transform.sequence.window.WindowFunction; import org.datavec.api.transform.transform.categorical.CategoricalToIntegerTransform; import org.datavec.api.transform.transform.categorical.IntegerToCategoricalTransform; import org.datavec.api.transform.transform.categorical.StringToCategoricalTransform; import org.datavec.api.transform.transform.column.*; import org.datavec.api.transform.transform.condition.ConditionalCopyValueTransform; import org.datavec.api.transform.transform.condition.ConditionalReplaceValueTransform; import org.datavec.api.transform.transform.integer.IntegerColumnsMathOpTransform; import org.datavec.api.transform.transform.longtransform.LongColumnsMathOpTransform; import org.datavec.api.transform.transform.longtransform.LongMathOpTransform; import org.datavec.api.transform.transform.normalize.Normalize; import org.datavec.api.transform.transform.doubletransform.*; import org.datavec.api.transform.transform.string.RemoveWhiteSpaceTransform; import org.datavec.api.transform.transform.string.StringMapTransform; import org.datavec.api.transform.transform.time.StringToTimeTransform; import org.datavec.api.transform.transform.time.TimeMathOpTransform; import org.datavec.api.transform.analysis.columns.NumericalColumnAnalysis; import org.datavec.api.transform.sequence.SequenceComparator; import org.datavec.api.transform.transform.categorical.CategoricalToOneHotTransform; import lombok.Data; import org.datavec.api.transform.analysis.DataAnalysis; import org.datavec.api.transform.reduce.IReducer; import org.datavec.api.transform.schema.SequenceSchema; import org.datavec.api.transform.transform.integer.IntegerMathOpTransform; import org.datavec.api.writable.comparator.WritableComparator; import org.joda.time.DateTimeZone; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Modifier; import; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; /** * A TransformProcess defines * an ordered list of transformations * to be executed on some data * * @author Alex Black */ @Data @Slf4j public class TransformProcess implements Serializable { private final Schema initialSchema; private List<DataAction> actionList; private static Set<Class<?>> subtypesClassCache = null; private static ObjectMapper jsonMapper = initMapperJson(); private static ObjectMapper yamlMapper = initMapperYaml(); public TransformProcess(@JsonProperty("initialSchema") Schema initialSchema, @JsonProperty("actionList") List<DataAction> actionList) { this.initialSchema = initialSchema; this.actionList = actionList; //Calculate and set the schemas for each tranformation: Schema currInputSchema = initialSchema; for (DataAction d : actionList) { if (d.getTransform() != null) { Transform t = d.getTransform(); t.setInputSchema(currInputSchema); currInputSchema = t.transform(currInputSchema); } else if (d.getFilter() != null) { //Filter -> doesn't change schema. But we DO need to set the schema in the filter... d.getFilter().setInputSchema(currInputSchema); } else if (d.getConvertToSequence() != null) { if (currInputSchema instanceof SequenceSchema) { throw new RuntimeException( "Cannot convert to sequence: schema is already a sequence schema: " + currInputSchema); } ConvertToSequence cts = d.getConvertToSequence(); cts.setInputSchema(currInputSchema); currInputSchema = cts.transform(currInputSchema); } else if (d.getConvertFromSequence() != null) { ConvertFromSequence cfs = d.getConvertFromSequence(); if (!(currInputSchema instanceof SequenceSchema)) { throw new RuntimeException( "Cannot convert from sequence: schema is not a sequence schema: " + currInputSchema); } cfs.setInputSchema((SequenceSchema) currInputSchema); currInputSchema = cfs.transform((SequenceSchema) currInputSchema); } else if (d.getSequenceSplit() != null) { d.getSequenceSplit().setInputSchema(currInputSchema); continue; //no change to sequence schema } else if (d.getReducer() != null) { IReducer reducer = d.getReducer(); reducer.setInputSchema(currInputSchema); currInputSchema = reducer.transform(currInputSchema); } else if (d.getCalculateSortedRank() != null) { CalculateSortedRank csr = d.getCalculateSortedRank(); csr.setInputSchema(currInputSchema); currInputSchema = csr.transform(currInputSchema); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Unknown action: " + d); } } } private TransformProcess(Builder builder) { this(builder.initialSchema, builder.actionList); } public List<DataAction> getActionList() { return actionList; } /** * Get the Schema of the output data, after executing the process * * @return Schema of the output data */ public Schema getFinalSchema() { return getSchemaAfterStep(actionList.size()); } /** * Return the schema after executing all steps up to and including the specified step. * Steps are indexed from 0: so getSchemaAfterStep(0) is after one transform has been executed. * * @param step Index of the step * @return Schema of the data, after that (and all prior) steps have been executed */ public Schema getSchemaAfterStep(int step) { Schema currInputSchema = initialSchema; int i = 0; for (DataAction d : actionList) { if (d.getTransform() != null) { Transform t = d.getTransform(); currInputSchema = t.transform(currInputSchema); } else if (d.getFilter() != null) { i++; continue; //Filter -> doesn't change schema } else if (d.getConvertToSequence() != null) { if (currInputSchema instanceof SequenceSchema) { throw new RuntimeException( "Cannot convert to sequence: schema is already a sequence schema: " + currInputSchema); } ConvertToSequence cts = d.getConvertToSequence(); currInputSchema = cts.transform(currInputSchema); } else if (d.getConvertFromSequence() != null) { ConvertFromSequence cfs = d.getConvertFromSequence(); if (!(currInputSchema instanceof SequenceSchema)) { throw new RuntimeException( "Cannot convert from sequence: schema is not a sequence schema: " + currInputSchema); } currInputSchema = cfs.transform((SequenceSchema) currInputSchema); } else if (d.getSequenceSplit() != null) { continue; //Sequence split -> no change to schema } else if (d.getReducer() != null) { IReducer reducer = d.getReducer(); currInputSchema = reducer.transform(currInputSchema); } else if (d.getCalculateSortedRank() != null) { CalculateSortedRank csr = d.getCalculateSortedRank(); currInputSchema = csr.transform(currInputSchema); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Unknown action: " + d); } if (i++ == step) return currInputSchema; } return currInputSchema; } /** * Execute the full sequence of transformations for a single example. May return null if example is filtered * <b>NOTE:</b> Some TransformProcess operations cannot be done on examples individually. Most notably, ConvertToSequence * and ConvertFromSequence operations require the full data set to be processed at once * * @param input * @return */ public List<Writable> execute(List<Writable> input) { List<Writable> currValues = input; for (DataAction d : actionList) { if (d.getTransform() != null) { Transform t = d.getTransform(); currValues =; } else if (d.getFilter() != null) { Filter f = d.getFilter(); if (f.removeExample(currValues)) return null; } else if (d.getConvertToSequence() != null) { throw new RuntimeException( "Cannot execute examples individually: TransformProcess contains a ConvertToSequence operation"); } else if (d.getConvertFromSequence() != null) { throw new RuntimeException( "Unexpected operation: TransformProcess contains a ConvertFromSequence operation"); } else if (d.getSequenceSplit() != null) { throw new RuntimeException( "Cannot execute examples individually: TransformProcess contains a SequenceSplit operation"); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Unknown action: " + d); } } return currValues; } /** * * @param input * @return */ public List<List<Writable>> executeSequenceToSequence(List<List<Writable>> input) { List<List<Writable>> currValues = input; for (DataAction d : actionList) { if (d.getTransform() != null) { Transform t = d.getTransform(); currValues = t.mapSequence(currValues); } else if (d.getFilter() != null) { // Filter f = d.getFilter(); // if (f.removeExample(currValues)) return null; throw new RuntimeException("Sequence filtering not yet implemnted here"); } else if (d.getConvertToSequence() != null) { throw new RuntimeException( "Cannot execute examples individually: TransformProcess contains a ConvertToSequence operation"); } else if (d.getConvertFromSequence() != null) { throw new RuntimeException( "Unexpected operation: TransformProcess contains a ConvertFromSequence operation"); } else if (d.getSequenceSplit() != null) { throw new RuntimeException( "Cannot execute examples individually: TransformProcess contains a SequenceSplit operation"); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Unknown action: " + d); } } return currValues; } /** * Execute the full sequence of transformations for a single time series (sequence). May return null if example is filtered */ public List<List<Writable>> executeSequence(List<List<Writable>> inputSequence) { return executeSequenceToSequence(inputSequence); } /** * Convert the TransformProcess to a JSON string * * @return TransformProcess, as JSON */ public String toJson() { try { return jsonMapper.writeValueAsString(this); } catch (JsonProcessingException e) { //Ignore the first exception, try reinitializing subtypes for custom transforms etc } jsonMapper = reinitializeMapperWithSubtypes(jsonMapper); try { return jsonMapper.writeValueAsString(this); } catch (JsonProcessingException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } /** * Convert the TransformProcess to a YAML string * * @return TransformProcess, as YAML */ public String toYaml() { try { return yamlMapper.writeValueAsString(this); } catch (JsonProcessingException e) { //Ignore the first exception, try reinitializing subtypes for custom transforms etc } yamlMapper = reinitializeMapperWithSubtypes(yamlMapper); try { return yamlMapper.writeValueAsString(this); } catch (JsonProcessingException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } /** * Deserialize a JSON String (created by {@link #toJson()}) to a TransformProcess * * @return TransformProcess, from JSON */ public static TransformProcess fromJson(String json) { try { return jsonMapper.readValue(json, TransformProcess.class); } catch (IOException e) { //Ignore the first exception, try reinitializing subtypes for custom transforms etc } jsonMapper = reinitializeMapperWithSubtypes(jsonMapper); try { return jsonMapper.readValue(json, TransformProcess.class); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } /** * Deserialize a JSON String (created by {@link #toJson()}) to a TransformProcess * * @return TransformProcess, from JSON */ public static TransformProcess fromYaml(String yaml) { try { return yamlMapper.readValue(yaml, TransformProcess.class); } catch (IOException e) { //Ignore the first exception, try reinitializing subtypes for custom transforms etc } yamlMapper = reinitializeMapperWithSubtypes(yamlMapper); try { return yamlMapper.readValue(yaml, TransformProcess.class); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } private static ObjectMapper reinitializeMapperWithSubtypes(ObjectMapper mapper) { //Register concrete subtypes for JSON serialization List<Class<?>> classes = Arrays.<Class<?>>asList(Transform.class, Condition.class, Filter.class, IReducer.class); List<String> classNames = new ArrayList<>(6); for (Class<?> c : classes) classNames.add(c.getName()); // First: scan the classpath and find all instances of the 'baseClasses' classes if (subtypesClassCache == null) { List<Class<?>> interfaces = Arrays.<Class<?>>asList(Transform.class, Condition.class, Filter.class, IReducer.class); List<Class<?>> classesList = Arrays.<Class<?>>asList(); Collection<URL> urls = ClasspathHelper.forClassLoader(); List<URL> scanUrls = new ArrayList<>(); for (URL u : urls) { String path = u.getPath(); if (!path.matches(".*/jre/lib/.*jar")) { //Skip JRE/JDK JARs scanUrls.add(u); } } Reflections reflections = new Reflections( new ConfigurationBuilder().filterInputsBy(new FilterBuilder().exclude("^(?!.*\\.class$).*$") //Consider only .class files (to avoid debug messages etc. on .dlls, etc //Exclude the following: the assumption here is that no custom functionality will ever be present // under these package name prefixes. .exclude("^org.nd4j.*").exclude("^org.bytedeco.*") //JavaCPP .exclude("^com.fasterxml.*")//Jackson .exclude("^org.apache.*") //Apache commons, Spark, log4j etc .exclude("^org.projectlombok.*").exclude("^com.twelvemonkeys.*").exclude("^org.joda.*") .exclude("^org.slf4j.*").exclude("^*").exclude("^org.reflections.*") .exclude("^ch.qos.*") //Logback ).addUrls(scanUrls).setScanners(new DataVecSubTypesScanner(interfaces, classesList))); org.reflections.Store store = reflections.getStore(); Iterable<String> subtypesByName = store.getAll(DataVecSubTypesScanner.class.getSimpleName(), classNames); Set<? extends Class<?>> subtypeClasses = Sets.newHashSet(ReflectionUtils.forNames(subtypesByName)); subtypesClassCache = new HashSet<>(); for (Class<?> c : subtypeClasses) { if (Modifier.isAbstract(c.getModifiers()) || Modifier.isInterface(c.getModifiers())) { //"Skipping abstract/interface: {}",c); continue; } subtypesClassCache.add(c); } } //Second: get all currently registered subtypes for this mapper Set<Class<?>> registeredSubtypes = new HashSet<>(); for (Class<?> c : classes) { AnnotatedClass ac = AnnotatedClass.construct(c, mapper.getSerializationConfig().getAnnotationIntrospector(), null); Collection<NamedType> types = mapper.getSubtypeResolver().collectAndResolveSubtypes(ac, mapper.getSerializationConfig(), mapper.getSerializationConfig().getAnnotationIntrospector()); for (NamedType nt : types) { registeredSubtypes.add(nt.getType()); } } //Third: register all _concrete_ subtypes that are not already registered List<NamedType> toRegister = new ArrayList<>(); for (Class<?> c : subtypesClassCache) { //Check if it's concrete or abstract... if (Modifier.isAbstract(c.getModifiers()) || Modifier.isInterface(c.getModifiers())) { //"Skipping abstract/interface: {}",c); continue; } if (!registeredSubtypes.contains(c)) { String name; if (ClassUtils.isInnerClass(c)) { Class<?> c2 = c.getDeclaringClass(); name = c2.getSimpleName() + "$" + c.getSimpleName(); } else { name = c.getSimpleName(); } toRegister.add(new NamedType(c, name)); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { for (Class<?> baseClass : classes) { if (baseClass.isAssignableFrom(c)) { log.debug("Registering class for JSON serialization: {} as subtype of {}", c.getName(), baseClass.getName()); break; } } } } } mapper.registerSubtypes(toRegister.toArray(new NamedType[toRegister.size()])); //Recreate the mapper (via copy), as mapper won't use registered subtypes after first use mapper = mapper.copy(); return mapper; } private static ObjectMapper initMapperJson() { return initMapper(new JsonFactory()); } private static ObjectMapper initMapperYaml() { return initMapper(new YAMLFactory()); } private static ObjectMapper initMapper(JsonFactory factory) { ObjectMapper om = new ObjectMapper(factory); om.registerModule(new JodaModule()); om.configure(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES, false); om.configure(SerializationFeature.FAIL_ON_EMPTY_BEANS, false); om.enable(SerializationFeature.INDENT_OUTPUT); om.setVisibility(PropertyAccessor.ALL, JsonAutoDetect.Visibility.NONE); om.setVisibility(PropertyAccessor.FIELD, JsonAutoDetect.Visibility.ANY); return om; } /** * Based on the input schema, * map raw string values to the appropriate * writable * @param values the values to convert * @return the transformed values based on the schema */ public List<Writable> transformRawStringsToInput(String... values) { List<Writable> ret = new ArrayList<>(); if (values.length != initialSchema.numColumns()) throw new IllegalArgumentException( String.format("Number of values %d does not match the number of input columns %d for schema", values.length, initialSchema.numColumns())); for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { switch (initialSchema.getType(i)) { case String: ret.add(new Text(values[i])); break; case Integer: ret.add(new IntWritable(Integer.parseInt(values[i]))); break; case Double: ret.add(new DoubleWritable(Double.parseDouble(values[i]))); break; case Float: ret.add(new FloatWritable(Float.parseFloat(values[i]))); break; case Categorical: ret.add(new Text(values[i])); break; case Boolean: ret.add(new BooleanWritable(Boolean.parseBoolean(values[i]))); break; case Time: break; case Long: ret.add(new LongWritable(Long.parseLong(values[i]))); } } return ret; } /** * Builder class for constructing a TransformProcess */ public static class Builder { private List<DataAction> actionList = new ArrayList<>(); private Schema initialSchema; public Builder(Schema initialSchema) { this.initialSchema = initialSchema; } /** * Add a transformation to be executed after the previously-added operations have been executed * * @param transform Transform to execute */ public Builder transform(Transform transform) { actionList.add(new DataAction(transform)); return this; } /** * Add a filter operation to be executed after the previously-added operations have been executed * * @param filter Filter operation to execute */ public Builder filter(Filter filter) { actionList.add(new DataAction(filter)); return this; } /** * Add a filter operation, based on the specified condition. * * If condition is satisfied (returns true): remove the example or sequence<br> * If condition is not satisfied (returns false): keep the example or sequence * * @param condition Condition to filter on */ public Builder filter(Condition condition) { return filter(new ConditionFilter(condition)); } /** * Remove all of the specified columns, by name * * @param columnNames Names of the columns to remove */ public Builder removeColumns(String... columnNames) { return transform(new RemoveColumnsTransform(columnNames)); } /** * Remove all of the specified columns, by name * * @param columnNames Names of the columns to remove */ public Builder removeColumns(Collection<String> columnNames) { return transform(new RemoveColumnsTransform(columnNames.toArray(new String[columnNames.size()]))); } /** * Remove all columns, except for those that are specified here * @param columnNames Names of the columns to keep */ public Builder removeAllColumnsExceptFor(String... columnNames) { return transform(new RemoveAllColumnsExceptForTransform(columnNames)); } /** * Remove all columns, except for those that are specified here * @param columnNames Names of the columns to keep */ public Builder removeAllColumnsExceptFor(Collection<String> columnNames) { return removeAllColumnsExceptFor(columnNames.toArray(new String[columnNames.size()])); } /** * Rename a single column * * @param oldName Original column name * @param newName New column name */ public Builder renameColumn(String oldName, String newName) { return transform(new RenameColumnsTransform(oldName, newName)); } /** * Rename multiple columns * * @param oldNames List of original column names * @param newNames List of new column names */ public Builder renameColumns(List<String> oldNames, List<String> newNames) { return transform(new RenameColumnsTransform(oldNames, newNames)); } /** * Reorder the columns using a partial or complete new ordering. * If only some of the column names are specified for the new order, the remaining columns will be placed at * the end, according to their current relative ordering * * @param newOrder Names of the columns, in the order they will appear in the output */ public Builder reorderColumns(String... newOrder) { return transform(new ReorderColumnsTransform(newOrder)); } /** * Duplicate a single column * * @param column Name of the column to duplicate * @param newName Name of the new (duplicate) column */ public Builder duplicateColumn(String column, String newName) { return transform(new DuplicateColumnsTransform(Collections.singletonList(column), Collections.singletonList(newName))); } /** * Duplicate a set of columns * * @param columnNames Names of the columns to duplicate * @param newNames Names of the new (duplicated) columns */ public Builder duplicateColumns(List<String> columnNames, List<String> newNames) { return transform(new DuplicateColumnsTransform(columnNames, newNames)); } /** * Perform a mathematical operation (add, subtract, scalar max etc) on the specified integer column, with a scalar * * @param column The integer column to perform the operation on * @param mathOp The mathematical operation * @param scalar The scalar value to use in the mathematical operation */ public Builder integerMathOp(String column, MathOp mathOp, int scalar) { return transform(new IntegerMathOpTransform(column, mathOp, scalar)); } /** * Calculate and add a new integer column by performing a mathematical operation on a number of existing columns. * New column is added to the end. * * @param newColumnName Name of the new/derived column * @param mathOp Mathematical operation to execute on the columns * @param columnNames Names of the columns to use in the mathematical operation */ public Builder integerColumnsMathOp(String newColumnName, MathOp mathOp, String... columnNames) { return transform(new IntegerColumnsMathOpTransform(newColumnName, mathOp, columnNames)); } /** * Perform a mathematical operation (add, subtract, scalar max etc) on the specified long column, with a scalar * * @param columnName The long column to perform the operation on * @param mathOp The mathematical operation * @param scalar The scalar value to use in the mathematical operation */ public Builder longMathOp(String columnName, MathOp mathOp, long scalar) { return transform(new LongMathOpTransform(columnName, mathOp, scalar)); } /** * Calculate and add a new long column by performing a mathematical operation on a number of existing columns. * New column is added to the end. * * @param newColumnName Name of the new/derived column * @param mathOp Mathematical operation to execute on the columns * @param columnNames Names of the columns to use in the mathematical operation */ public Builder longColumnsMathOp(String newColumnName, MathOp mathOp, String... columnNames) { return transform(new LongColumnsMathOpTransform(newColumnName, mathOp, columnNames)); } /** * Perform a mathematical operation (add, subtract, scalar max etc) on the specified double column, with a scalar * * @param columnName The double column to perform the operation on * @param mathOp The mathematical operation * @param scalar The scalar value to use in the mathematical operation */ public Builder doubleMathOp(String columnName, MathOp mathOp, double scalar) { return transform(new DoubleMathOpTransform(columnName, mathOp, scalar)); } /** * Calculate and add a new double column by performing a mathematical operation on a number of existing columns. * New column is added to the end. * * @param newColumnName Name of the new/derived column * @param mathOp Mathematical operation to execute on the columns * @param columnNames Names of the columns to use in the mathematical operation */ public Builder doubleColumnsMathOp(String newColumnName, MathOp mathOp, String... columnNames) { return transform(new DoubleColumnsMathOpTransform(newColumnName, mathOp, columnNames)); } /** * Perform a mathematical operation (such as sin(x), ceil(x), exp(x) etc) on a column * * @param columnName Column name to operate on * @param mathFunction MathFunction to apply to the column */ public Builder doubleMathFunction(String columnName, MathFunction mathFunction) { return transform(new DoubleMathFunctionTransform(columnName, mathFunction)); } /** * Perform a mathematical operation (add, subtract, scalar min/max only) on the specified time column * * @param columnName The integer column to perform the operation on * @param mathOp The mathematical operation * @param timeQuantity The quantity used in the mathematical op * @param timeUnit The unit that timeQuantity is specified in */ public Builder timeMathOp(String columnName, MathOp mathOp, long timeQuantity, TimeUnit timeUnit) { return transform(new TimeMathOpTransform(columnName, mathOp, timeQuantity, timeUnit)); } /** * Convert the specified column(s) from a categorical representation to a one-hot representation. * This involves the creation of multiple new columns each. * * @param columnNames Names of the categorical column(s) to convert to a one-hot representation */ public Builder categoricalToOneHot(String... columnNames) { for (String s : columnNames) { transform(new CategoricalToOneHotTransform(s)); } return this; } /** * Convert the specified column(s) from a categorical representation to an integer representation. * This will replace the specified categorical column(s) with an integer repreesentation, where * each integer has the value 0 to numCategories-1. * * @param columnNames Name of the categorical column(s) to convert to an integer representation */ public Builder categoricalToInteger(String... columnNames) { for (String s : columnNames) { transform(new CategoricalToIntegerTransform(s)); } return this; } /** * Convert the specified column from an integer representation (assume values 0 to numCategories-1) to * a categorical representation, given the specified state names * * @param columnName Name of the column to convert * @param categoryStateNames Names of the states for the categorical column */ public Builder integerToCategorical(String columnName, List<String> categoryStateNames) { return transform(new IntegerToCategoricalTransform(columnName, categoryStateNames)); } /** * Convert the specified column from an integer representation to a categorical representation, given the specified * mapping between integer indexes and state names * * @param columnName Name of the column to convert * @param categoryIndexNameMap Names of the states for the categorical column */ public Builder integerToCategorical(String columnName, Map<Integer, String> categoryIndexNameMap) { return transform(new IntegerToCategoricalTransform(columnName, categoryIndexNameMap)); } /** * Add a new column, where all values in the column are identical and as specified. * * @param newColumnName Name of the new column * @param newColumnType Type of the new column * @param fixedValue Value in the new column for all records */ public Builder addConstantColumn(String newColumnName, ColumnType newColumnType, Writable fixedValue) { return transform(new AddConstantColumnTransform(newColumnName, newColumnType, fixedValue)); } /** * Add a new double column, where the value for that column (for all records) are identical * * @param newColumnName Name of the new column * @param value Value in the new column for all records */ public Builder addConstantDoubleColumn(String newColumnName, double value) { return addConstantColumn(newColumnName, ColumnType.Double, new DoubleWritable(value)); } /** * Add a new integer column, where the value for that column (for all records) are identical * * @param newColumnName Name of the new column * @param value Value of the new column for all records */ public Builder addConstantIntegerColumn(String newColumnName, int value) { return addConstantColumn(newColumnName, ColumnType.Integer, new IntWritable(value)); } /** * Add a new integer column, where the value for that column (for all records) are identical * * @param newColumnName Name of the new column * @param value Value in the new column for all records */ public Builder addConstantLongColumn(String newColumnName, long value) { return addConstantColumn(newColumnName, ColumnType.Long, new LongWritable(value)); } /** * Convert the specified column to a string. * @param inputColumn the input column to convert * @return builder pattern */ public Builder convertToString(String inputColumn) { return transform(new ConvertToString(inputColumn)); } /** * Normalize the specified column with a given type of normalization * * @param column Column to normalize * @param type Type of normalization to apply * @param da DataAnalysis object */ public Builder normalize(String column, Normalize type, DataAnalysis da) { ColumnAnalysis ca = da.getColumnAnalysis(column); if (!(ca instanceof NumericalColumnAnalysis)) throw new IllegalStateException( "Column \"" + column + "\" analysis is not numerical. " + "Column is not numerical?"); NumericalColumnAnalysis nca = (NumericalColumnAnalysis) ca; double min = nca.getMinDouble(); double max = nca.getMaxDouble(); double mean = nca.getMean(); double sigma = nca.getSampleStdev(); switch (type) { case MinMax: return transform(new MinMaxNormalizer(column, min, max)); case MinMax2: return transform(new MinMaxNormalizer(column, min, max, -1, 1)); case Standardize: return transform(new StandardizeNormalizer(column, mean, sigma)); case SubtractMean: return transform(new SubtractMeanNormalizer(column, mean)); case Log2Mean: return transform(new Log2Normalizer(column, mean, min, 0.5)); case Log2MeanExcludingMin: long countMin = nca.getCountMinValue(); //mean including min value: (sum/totalCount) //mean excluding min value: (sum - countMin*min)/(totalCount - countMin) double meanExMin; if (ca.getCountTotal() - countMin == 0) { if (ca.getCountTotal() == 0) { log.warn("Normalizing with Log2MeanExcludingMin but 0 records present in analysis"); } else { log.warn("Normalizing with Log2MeanExcludingMin but all records are the same value"); } meanExMin = mean; } else { meanExMin = (mean * ca.getCountTotal() - countMin * min) / (ca.getCountTotal() - countMin); } return transform(new Log2Normalizer(column, meanExMin, min, 0.5)); default: throw new RuntimeException("Unknown/not implemented normalization type: " + type); } } /** * Convert a set of independent records/examples into a sequence, according to some key. * Within each sequence, values are ordered using the provided {@link SequenceComparator} * * @param keyColumn Column to use as a key (values with the same key will be combined into sequences) * @param comparator A SequenceComparator to order the values within each sequence (for example, by time or String order) */ public Builder convertToSequence(String keyColumn, SequenceComparator comparator) { actionList.add(new DataAction(new ConvertToSequence(keyColumn, comparator))); return this; } /** * Convert a sequence to a set of individual values (by treating each value in each sequence as a separate example) */ public Builder convertFromSequence() { actionList.add(new DataAction(new ConvertFromSequence())); return this; } /** * Split sequences into 1 or more other sequences. Used for example to split large sequences into a set of smaller sequences * * @param split SequenceSplit that defines how splits will occur */ public Builder splitSequence(SequenceSplit split) { actionList.add(new DataAction(split)); return this; } /** * Reduce (i.e., aggregate/combine) a set of examples (typically by key). * <b>Note</b>: In the current implementation, reduction operations can be performed only on standard (i.e., non-sequence) data * * @param reducer Reducer to use */ public Builder reduce(IReducer reducer) { actionList.add(new DataAction(reducer)); return this; } /** * Reduce (i.e., aggregate/combine) a set of sequence examples - for each sequence individually - using a window function. * For example, take all records/examples in each 24-hour period (i.e., using window function), and convert them into * a singe value (using the reducer). In this example, the output is a sequence, with time period of 24 hours. * * @param reducer Reducer to use to reduce each window * @param windowFunction Window function to find apply on each sequence individually */ public Builder reduceSequenceByWindow(IReducer reducer, WindowFunction windowFunction) { actionList.add(new DataAction(new ReduceSequenceByWindowTransform(reducer, windowFunction))); return this; } /** * CalculateSortedRank: calculate the rank of each example, after sorting example. * For example, we might have some numerical "score" column, and we want to know for the rank (sort order) for each * example, according to that column.<br> * The rank of each example (after sorting) will be added in a new Long column. Indexing is done from 0; examples will have * values 0 to dataSetSize-1.<br> * <p> * Currently, CalculateSortedRank can only be applied on standard (i.e., non-sequence) data * Furthermore, the current implementation can only sort on one column * * @param newColumnName Name of the new column (will contain the rank for each example) * @param sortOnColumn Column to sort on * @param comparator Comparator used to sort examples */ public Builder calculateSortedRank(String newColumnName, String sortOnColumn, WritableComparator comparator) { actionList.add(new DataAction(new CalculateSortedRank(newColumnName, sortOnColumn, comparator))); return this; } /** * CalculateSortedRank: calculate the rank of each example, after sorting example. * For example, we might have some numerical "score" column, and we want to know for the rank (sort order) for each * example, according to that column.<br> * The rank of each example (after sorting) will be added in a new Long column. Indexing is done from 0; examples will have * values 0 to dataSetSize-1.<br> * <p> * Currently, CalculateSortedRank can only be applied on standard (i.e., non-sequence) data * Furthermore, the current implementation can only sort on one column * * @param newColumnName Name of the new column (will contain the rank for each example) * @param sortOnColumn Column to sort on * @param comparator Comparator used to sort examples * @param ascending If true: sort ascending. False: descending */ public Builder calculateSortedRank(String newColumnName, String sortOnColumn, WritableComparator comparator, boolean ascending) { actionList.add( new DataAction(new CalculateSortedRank(newColumnName, sortOnColumn, comparator, ascending))); return this; } /** * Convert the specified String column to a categorical column. The state names must be provided. * * @param columnName Name of the String column to convert to categorical * @param stateNames State names of the category */ public Builder stringToCategorical(String columnName, List<String> stateNames) { return transform(new StringToCategoricalTransform(columnName, stateNames)); } /** * Remove all whitespace characters from the values in the specified String column * * @param columnName Name of the column to remove whitespace from */ public Builder stringRemoveWhitespaceTransform(String columnName) { return transform(new RemoveWhiteSpaceTransform(columnName)); } /** * Replace one or more String values in the specified column with new values. * <p> * Keys in the map are the original values; the Values in the map are their replacements. * If a String appears in the data but does not appear in the provided map (as a key), that String values will * not be modified. * * @param columnName Name of the column in which to do replacement * @param mapping Map of oldValues -> newValues */ public Builder stringMapTransform(String columnName, Map<String, String> mapping) { return transform(new StringMapTransform(columnName, mapping)); } /** * Convert a String column (containing a date/time String) to a time column (by parsing the date/time String) * * @param column String column containing the date/time Strings * @param format Format of the strings. Time format is specified as per * @param dateTimeZone Timezone of the column */ public Builder stringToTimeTransform(String column, String format, DateTimeZone dateTimeZone) { return transform(new StringToTimeTransform(column, format, dateTimeZone)); } /** * Append a String to a specified column * * @param column Column to append the value to * @param toAppend String to append to the end of each writable */ public Builder appendStringColumnTransform(String column, String toAppend) { return transform(new AppendStringColumnTransform(column, toAppend)); } /** * Replace the values in a specified column with a specified new value, if some condition holds. * If the condition does not hold, the original values are not modified. * * @param column Column to operate on * @param newValue Value to use as replacement, if condition is satisfied * @param condition Condition that must be satisfied for replacement */ public Builder conditionalReplaceValueTransform(String column, Writable newValue, Condition condition) { return transform(new ConditionalReplaceValueTransform(column, newValue, condition)); } /** * Replace the value in a specified column with a new value taken from another column, if a condition is satisfied/true.<br> * Note that the condition can be any generic condition, including on other column(s), different to the column * that will be modified if the condition is satisfied/true.<br> * * @param columnToReplace Name of the column in which values will be replaced (if condition is satisfied) * @param sourceColumn Name of the column from which the new values will be * @param condition Condition to use */ public Builder conditionalCopyValueTransform(String columnToReplace, String sourceColumn, Condition condition) { return transform(new ConditionalCopyValueTransform(columnToReplace, sourceColumn, condition)); } /** * Create the TransformProcess object */ public TransformProcess build() { return new TransformProcess(this); } } }