Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2014 JBoss Inc * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import org.apache.commons.collections.ListUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils; import; import; import*; import; import; import; import org.dashbuilder.dataset.ColumnType; import org.dashbuilder.dataset.DataSetMetadata; import org.dashbuilder.dataset.filter.*; import; import; import; import; import org.dashbuilder.dataset.sort.ColumnSort; import org.dashbuilder.dataset.sort.SortOrder; import org.elasticsearch.action.ActionResponse; import org.elasticsearch.action.admin.indices.mapping.get.GetMappingsRequestBuilder; import org.elasticsearch.action.admin.indices.mapping.get.GetMappingsResponse; import org.elasticsearch.action.count.*; import*; import org.elasticsearch.client.Client; import org.elasticsearch.client.transport.TransportClient; import org.elasticsearch.cluster.metadata.MappingMetaData; import org.elasticsearch.common.collect.ImmutableOpenMap; import org.elasticsearch.common.collect.UnmodifiableIterator; import org.elasticsearch.common.settings.ImmutableSettings; import org.elasticsearch.common.settings.Settings; import org.elasticsearch.common.transport.InetSocketTransportAddress; import org.elasticsearch.index.query.FilterBuilder; import org.elasticsearch.index.query.FilterBuilders; import org.elasticsearch.index.query.QueryBuilder; import org.elasticsearch.index.query.QueryBuilders; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import javax.enterprise.context.ApplicationScoped; import javax.inject.Named; import java.util.*; /** * The REST client for ElasticSearch server using ElasticSearch native Java client. * */ @ApplicationScoped @Named("elasticsearchNativeClient") public class ElasticSearchNativeRESTClient implements ElasticSearchRestClient<ElasticSearchNativeRESTClient> { protected static final String EL_CLUTER_NAME = ""; protected static final String EL_CLIENT_TIMEOUT = "client.transport.ping_timeout"; protected static final String HEADER_RESPONSE_CODE = "Status-Code"; protected static final String AGGREGATION_PREFFIX = "agg_"; protected static final String SYMBOL_UNDERSCORE = "_"; protected static final int RESPONSE_CODE_NOT_FOUND = 404; protected static final int RESPONSE_CODE_OK = 200; // TODO: @Inject -> Not working protected ElasticSearchJSONParser jsonParser; protected String serverURL; protected String clusterName; protected String[] index; protected String[] type; // Defaults to 30sec. protected long timeout = 30000; private Client client; public ElasticSearchNativeRESTClient() { // TODO: Remove when cdi injection works. jsonParser = new ElasticSearchJSONParser(); } @Override public ElasticSearchNativeRESTClient serverURL(String serverURL) { this.serverURL = serverURL; if (clusterName != null) buildClient(); return this; } @Override public ElasticSearchNativeRESTClient index(String... indexes) { this.index = indexes; if (serverURL != null && clusterName != null) buildClient(); return this; } @Override public ElasticSearchNativeRESTClient type(String... types) { this.type = types; if (serverURL != null && clusterName != null) { if (index == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "You cannot call ElasticSearchRestClient#type before calling ElasticSearchRestClient#index."); buildClient(); } return this; } @Override public ElasticSearchNativeRESTClient clusterName(String clusterName) { this.clusterName = clusterName; if (serverURL != null) buildClient(); return this; } @Override public void setTimeout(long timeout) { this.timeout = timeout; } @Override public IndexResponse getAllIndexes() throws ElasticSearchRestClientGenericException { if (client == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("ElasticSearchRestClient instance is not build."); // TODO return null; } @Override public MappingsResponse getMappings(String... index) throws ElasticSearchRestClientGenericException { if (client == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("ElasticSearchRestClient instance is not build."); Collection<IndexMappingResponse> indexMappingResponse = null; int responseCode = RESPONSE_CODE_OK; try { indexMappingResponse = new LinkedList<IndexMappingResponse>(); // Obtain the mappings. GetMappingsResponse _mappingsResponse = getMappings(); responseCode = getResponseCode(_mappingsResponse); ImmutableOpenMap<String, ImmutableOpenMap<String, MappingMetaData>> mappingsResponse = _mappingsResponse .getMappings(); if (mappingsResponse == null || mappingsResponse.isEmpty()) throw new RuntimeException("There are no index mappings on the server."); Iterator<String> mappingsResponseIt = mappingsResponse.keysIt(); while (mappingsResponseIt.hasNext()) { String mappingsResponseKey =; Collection<TypeMappingResponse> typeMappingResponse = new LinkedList<TypeMappingResponse>(); UnmodifiableIterator<String> typeNames = mappingsResponse.get(mappingsResponseKey).keysIt(); if (typeNames != null && !typeNames.hasNext()) throw new RuntimeException("There index '" + mappingsResponseKey + "' has not types."); while (typeNames.hasNext()) { String typeName =; FieldMappingResponse[] fieldMappingResponse = jsonParser.parseFieldMappings( mappingsResponse.get(mappingsResponseKey).get(typeName).source().string()); TypeMappingResponse resultTypeMapping = new TypeMappingResponse(typeName, fieldMappingResponse); typeMappingResponse.add(resultTypeMapping); } indexMappingResponse.add(new IndexMappingResponse(mappingsResponseKey, typeMappingResponse.toArray(new TypeMappingResponse[typeMappingResponse.size()]))); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new ElasticSearchRestClientGenericException(e); } return new MappingsResponse(responseCode, indexMappingResponse.toArray(new IndexMappingResponse[indexMappingResponse.size()])); } @Override public CountResponse count(String[] index, String... type) throws ElasticSearchRestClientGenericException { if (client == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("ElasticSearchRestClient instance is not build."); CountRequestBuilder builder = new CountRequestBuilder(client); if (index != null) builder = builder.setIndices(index); if (type != null) builder = builder.setTypes(type); org.elasticsearch.action.count.CountResponse countResponse = builder.execute().actionGet(); // TODO: Shards. return new CountResponse(countResponse.getCount(), null); } /** * @see <a></a> * * TODO: Improve using search types - */ @Override public SearchResponse search(ElasticSearchRestClientSearchRequest request) throws ElasticSearchRestClientGenericException { if (client == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("ElasticSearchRestClient instance is not build."); // Perform the search query. DataSetMetadata metadata = request.getMetadata(); String[] index = request.getIndexes(); String[] type = request.getTypes(); String[] fields = request.getFields(); int start = request.getStart(); int size = request.getSize(); ColumnGroup groupByColumn = request.getGroupByColumn(); List<GroupFunction> groupFunctions = request.getGroupFunctions(); List<ColumnSort> sorting = request.getSorting(); List<DataSetFilter> filters = request.getFilters(); SearchRequestBuilder builder = new SearchRequestBuilder(client); builder.setFetchSource(true); if (index != null) builder = builder.setIndices(index); if (index != null && type != null) builder = builder.setTypes(type); boolean existAggregations = false; List<String> columnIds = new ArrayList<String>(); List<ColumnType> columnTypes = new ArrayList<ColumnType>(); TermsBuilder groupByAggregation = null; // Group by. if (groupByColumn != null) { groupByAggregation = translateGroupByColumn(groupByColumn, groupFunctions, metadata); builder.addAggregation(groupByAggregation); String colId = groupByAggregation.getName(); ColumnType colType = metadata.getColumnType(colId); columnIds.add(colId); columnTypes.add(colType); existAggregations = true; } // Aggregations. if (groupFunctions != null && !groupFunctions.isEmpty()) { for (GroupFunction groupFunction : groupFunctions) { AbstractAggregationBuilder aggr = translateAggregation(metadata, groupFunction); if (groupByAggregation == null && aggr != null) builder.addAggregation(aggr); else if (groupByAggregation != null && aggr != null) groupByAggregation.subAggregation(aggr); if (aggr != null) { String colId = aggr.getName(); columnIds.add(colId); columnTypes.add(ColumnType.NUMBER); } } existAggregations = true; } // If there are no aggregations. Use original dataset columns. if (!existAggregations && fields != null) { if (fields != null) { builder = builder.addFields(fields); for (String field : fields) { if (!existColumnInMetadataDef(field, metadata)) throw new RuntimeException( "Aggregation by column [" + field + "] failed. No column with the given id."); ColumnType colType = metadata.getColumnType(field); columnIds.add(field); columnTypes.add(colType); } } } // Sorting. if (sorting != null && !sorting.isEmpty()) { for (ColumnSort columnSort : sorting) { builder.addSort(columnSort.getColumnId(), translateSort(columnSort.getOrder())); } } // Filtering. if (filters != null && !filters.isEmpty()) { addFilters(builder, filters, metadata); } // if aggregations exist, we care about the aggregation results, not document results. int sizeToPull = existAggregations ? 0 : size; int startToPull = existAggregations ? 0 : start; // Trimming. builder = builder.setFrom(startToPull).setSize(sizeToPull); // Perform the query to the EL server instance. response =; return buildSearchResponse(response, columnIds, columnTypes); } /** * TODO: Sort resuling columns (fields Map) * @param response * @return */ protected SearchResponse buildSearchResponse( response, List<String> columnIds, List<ColumnType> columnTypes) { // Convert to rest client model. long tookInMilis = response.getTookInMillis(); int responseCode = getResponseCode(response); long totalHits = response.getHits().getTotalHits(); float maxScore = response.getHits().getMaxScore(); int totalShards = response.getTotalShards(); int successfulShards = response.getSuccessfulShards(); int shardFailures = response.getFailedShards(); int hitCount = response.getHits().getHits().length; Aggregations aggregations = response.getAggregations(); boolean existAggregations = aggregations != null && !aggregations.asList().isEmpty(); // No results. if (hitCount == 0 && !existAggregations) return new EmptySearchResponse(tookInMilis, responseCode, totalHits, maxScore, totalShards, successfulShards, shardFailures); // There are results. Build the resulting dataset columns & values. List<SearchHitResponse> hits = new LinkedList<SearchHitResponse>(); // Build the response using the aggregated results. if (existAggregations) { createResponsetHits(hits, null, aggregations, columnIds, columnTypes); } // Build the response using original dataset columns, as no aggregation is present. else { for (int i = 0; i < hitCount; i++) { SearchHit searchHit = response.getHits().getAt(i); float score = searchHit.getScore(); String id = searchHit.getId(); String type = searchHit.getType(); String index = searchHit.getIndex(); long version = searchHit.getVersion(); Map<String, Object> sourceAsMap = searchHit.getSource(); Map<String, SearchHitField> sourceFields = searchHit.getFields(); Map<String, Object> fields = new HashMap<String, Object>(); // If there are some "fields" defined by user in the data set provider, use sourceFields to obtain the values. if (sourceFields != null && !sourceFields.isEmpty()) { for (Map.Entry<String, SearchHitField> entry : sourceFields.entrySet()) { String fieldName = entry.getKey(); SearchHitField hitValue = entry.getValue(); if (hitValue != null) { Object fieldValue = hitValue.getValue(); // Fill the values map. fields.put(fieldName, fieldValue); } } } // If there are no "fields" defined by user in the data set provider, obtain all fields, use sourceAsMap to obtain the values. else if (sourceAsMap != null && !sourceAsMap.isEmpty()) { for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : sourceAsMap.entrySet()) { String fieldName = entry.getKey(); Object fieldValue = entry.getValue(); // Fill the values map. fields.put(fieldName, fieldValue); } } SearchHitResponse hit = new SearchHitResponse(score, index, id, type, version, fields); hits.add(hit); } } return new SearchResponse(tookInMilis, responseCode, totalHits, maxScore, totalShards, successfulShards, shardFailures, columnIds, columnTypes, hits.toArray(new SearchHitResponse[hits.size()])); } protected void createResponsetHits(List<SearchHitResponse> hits, SearchHitResponse sourceHit, Aggregations aggregations, List<String> columnIds, List<ColumnType> columnTypes) { Map<String, Object> fields = new HashMap<String, Object>(); if (sourceHit != null && sourceHit.getFields() != null) { fields = sourceHit.getFields(); } for (Aggregation aggregation : aggregations.asList()) { String aggName = aggregation.getName(); Object value = null; // MultiBucketsAggregation if (aggregation instanceof StringTerms) { StringTerms agg = (StringTerms) aggregation; Collection<Terms.Bucket> buckets = agg.getBuckets(); if (buckets != null && !buckets.isEmpty()) { // Each bucket will become a dataset row. for (Terms.Bucket bucket : buckets) { Map<String, Object> bucketFields = new HashMap<String, Object>(); String aggValue = bucket.getKey(); bucketFields.put(aggName, aggValue); SearchHitResponse hit = new SearchHitResponse(bucketFields); Aggregations bucketAggregations = bucket.getAggregations(); if (bucketAggregations != null && !bucketAggregations.asList().isEmpty()) { createResponsetHits(hits, hit, bucketAggregations, columnIds, columnTypes); } } } } else if (aggregation instanceof ValueCount) { if (sourceHit == null) sourceHit = new SearchHitResponse(fields); ValueCount agg = (ValueCount) aggregation; value = agg.getValue(); } else if (aggregation instanceof Sum) { if (sourceHit == null) sourceHit = new SearchHitResponse(fields); Sum agg = (Sum) aggregation; value = agg.getValue(); } else if (aggregation instanceof Min) { if (sourceHit == null) sourceHit = new SearchHitResponse(fields); Min agg = (Min) aggregation; value = agg.getValue(); } else if (aggregation instanceof Max) { if (sourceHit == null) sourceHit = new SearchHitResponse(fields); Max agg = (Max) aggregation; value = agg.getValue(); } else if (aggregation instanceof Avg) { if (sourceHit == null) sourceHit = new SearchHitResponse(fields); Avg agg = (Avg) aggregation; value = agg.getValue(); } else if (aggregation instanceof Cardinality) { if (sourceHit == null) sourceHit = new SearchHitResponse(fields); Cardinality agg = (Cardinality) aggregation; value = agg.getValue(); } // Fill the response hit instance. fields.put(aggName, value); } if (sourceHit != null) hits.add(sourceHit); } /** * <p>Translates the ColumnGroup definition into a TermsBuilder one in oder to perform field collapsing.</p> * <p>It found for the GroupFunction that does not have any operation associated, as it's the group column name definition.</p> */ protected TermsBuilder translateGroupByColumn(ColumnGroup columnGroup, List<GroupFunction> groupFunctions, DataSetMetadata metadata) { if (columnGroup == null) return null; // TODO: Support for GroupStrategy. String columnId = columnGroup.getColumnId(); String sourceId = columnGroup.getSourceId(); boolean asc = columnGroup.isAscendingOrder(); if (groupFunctions != null && !groupFunctions.isEmpty()) { for (GroupFunction groupFunction : groupFunctions) { if (groupFunction.getFunction() == null) { columnId = groupFunction.getColumnId(); if (!sourceId.equals(groupFunction.getSourceId())) throw new RuntimeException( "Grouping by this source property [" + sourceId + "] not possible."); if (!existColumnInMetadataDef(sourceId, metadata)) throw new RuntimeException( "Aggregation by column [" + sourceId + "] failed. No column with the given id."); } } } return new TermsBuilder(columnId).field(sourceId).order(Terms.Order.term(asc)); } protected boolean existColumnInMetadataDef(String name, DataSetMetadata metadata) { if (name == null || metadata == null) return false; int cols = metadata.getNumberOfColumns(); for (int x = 0; x < cols; x++) { String colName = metadata.getColumnId(x); if (name.equals(colName)) return true; } return false; } /* ********************************************************************* * Helper methods. ********************************************************************* */ protected Client buildClient() throws IllegalArgumentException { if (client == null) { if (serverURL == null || serverURL.trim().length() == 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter serverURL is missing."); if (clusterName == null || clusterName.trim().length() == 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter clusterName is missing."); Settings settings = ImmutableSettings.settingsBuilder().put(EL_CLUTER_NAME, clusterName) .put(EL_CLIENT_TIMEOUT, timeout).build(); // TODO: Use serverURL for connection. client = new TransportClient(settings) .addTransportAddress(new InetSocketTransportAddress("localhost", 9300)); } return client; } protected int getResponseCode(ActionResponse response) { if (response == null) return RESPONSE_CODE_NOT_FOUND; String responseCode = response.getHeader(HEADER_RESPONSE_CODE); if (responseCode == null) return RESPONSE_CODE_OK; return Integer.decode(responseCode); } /* ********************************************************************* * EL Java native client methods. ********************************************************************* */ private GetMappingsResponse getMappings() { GetMappingsRequestBuilder builder = new GetMappingsRequestBuilder(client.admin().indices(), index); return client.admin().indices().getMappings(builder.request()).actionGet(); } /** * @see <a></a> */ private AbstractAggregationBuilder translateAggregation(DataSetMetadata metadata, GroupFunction groupFunction) { if (groupFunction == null) return null; // If there is no function in groupfunction means that it's a grouped column definition. // Aggregation by this groupfunction is handled by groupby aggregation done before. AggregateFunctionType ft = groupFunction.getFunction(); if (ft == null) return null; AbstractAggregationBuilder result = null; String sourceId = groupFunction.getSourceId(); if (sourceId != null && !existColumnInMetadataDef(sourceId, metadata)) throw new RuntimeException( "Aggregation by column [" + sourceId + "] failed. No column with the given id."); if (sourceId == null) sourceId = metadata.getColumnId(0); if (sourceId == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Aggregation from unknown column id."); String columnId = groupFunction.getColumnId(); if (columnId == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Aggregation to unknown column id."); if (AggregateFunctionType.SUM.equals(ft)) result = AggregationBuilders.sum(columnId).field(sourceId); else if (AggregateFunctionType.MAX.equals(ft)) result = AggregationBuilders.max(columnId).field(sourceId); else if (AggregateFunctionType.MIN.equals(ft)) result = AggregationBuilders.min(columnId).field(sourceId); else if (AggregateFunctionType.AVERAGE.equals(ft)) result = AggregationBuilders.avg(columnId).field(sourceId); else if (AggregateFunctionType.DISTINCT.equals(ft)) result = AggregationBuilders.cardinality(columnId).field(sourceId); else if (AggregateFunctionType.COUNT.equals(ft)) result = AggregationBuilders.count(columnId).field(sourceId); return result; } /** * @see <a></a> * * TODO: Improve filters query implementation? */ private void addFilters(SearchRequestBuilder builder, List<DataSetFilter> filters, DataSetMetadata metadata) { FilterBuilder resultFilter = null; QueryBuilder resultQuery = null; // TODO: Iterate by all the filter operations. DataSetFilter filterOp = filters.get(0); List<ColumnFilter> filterList = filterOp.getColumnFilterList(); for (ColumnFilter filter : filterList) { String columnId = filter.getColumnId(); ColumnType columnType = metadata.getColumnType(columnId); if (filter instanceof CoreFunctionFilter) { CoreFunctionFilter f = (CoreFunctionFilter) filter; CoreFunctionType type = f.getType(); List<Comparable> params = f.getParameters(); if (CoreFunctionType.IS_NULL.equals(type)) { resultFilter = FilterBuilders.notFilter(FilterBuilders.existsFilter(columnId)); } else if (CoreFunctionType.IS_NOT_NULL.equals(type)) { resultFilter = FilterBuilders.existsFilter(columnId); } else if (CoreFunctionType.IS_EQUALS_TO.equals(type)) { if (ColumnType.LABEL.equals(columnType)) resultFilter = FilterBuilders.termFilter(columnId, params.get(0)); else resultQuery = QueryBuilders.matchQuery(columnId, params.get(0)); } else if (CoreFunctionType.IS_NOT_EQUALS_TO.equals(type)) { if (ColumnType.LABEL.equals(columnType)) resultFilter = FilterBuilders.notFilter(FilterBuilders.termFilter(columnId, params.get(0))); else resultQuery = QueryBuilders.boolQuery() .mustNot(QueryBuilders.matchQuery(columnId, params.get(0))); resultFilter = FilterBuilders.notFilter(FilterBuilders.termFilter(columnId, params.get(0))); } else if (CoreFunctionType.IS_LOWER_THAN.equals(type)) { resultFilter = FilterBuilders.rangeFilter(columnId).lt(params.get(0)); } else if (CoreFunctionType.IS_LOWER_OR_EQUALS_TO.equals(type)) { resultFilter = FilterBuilders.rangeFilter(columnId).lte(params.get(0)); } else if (CoreFunctionType.IS_GREATER_THAN.equals(type)) { resultFilter = FilterBuilders.rangeFilter(columnId).gt(params.get(0)); } else if (CoreFunctionType.IS_GREATER_OR_EQUALS_TO.equals(type)) { resultFilter = FilterBuilders.rangeFilter(columnId).gte(params.get(0)); } else if (CoreFunctionType.IS_BETWEEN.equals(type)) { resultFilter = FilterBuilders.rangeFilter(columnId).gt(params.get(0)).lt(params.get(1)); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Core function type not supported: " + type); } } if (filter instanceof LogicalExprFilter) { // TODO: logical expr filters LogicalExprFilter f = (LogicalExprFilter) filter; LogicalExprType type = f.getLogicalOperator(); if (LogicalExprType.AND.equals(type)) { } if (LogicalExprType.OR.equals(type)) { } if (LogicalExprType.NOT.equals(type)) { } } if (resultFilter != null) builder.setPostFilter(resultFilter); if (resultQuery != null) builder.setQuery(resultQuery); } } private translateSort(SortOrder sortOrder) { if (sortOrder.equals(SortOrder.ASCENDING)) return; return; } }