Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2009-2015 Dell, Inc. * * ==================================================================== * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ==================================================================== */ package; import; import; import java.util.*; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import org.apache.http.client.utils.URLEncodedUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import*; import; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; public class LoadBalancers extends AbstractLoadBalancerSupport<CSCloud> { static public final String ASSIGN_TO_LOAD_BALANCER_RULE = "assignToLoadBalancerRule"; static public final String CREATE_LOAD_BALANCER_RULE = "createLoadBalancerRule"; static public final String DELETE_LOAD_BALANCER_RULE = "deleteLoadBalancerRule"; static public final String LIST_LOAD_BALANCER_RULES = "listLoadBalancerRules"; static public final String LIST_LOAD_BALANCER_RULE_INSTANCES = "listLoadBalancerRuleInstances"; static public final String REMOVE_FROM_LOAD_BALANCER_RULE = "removeFromLoadBalancerRule"; static public final String UPLOAD_SSL_CERTIFICATE = "uploadSslCert"; public static final String LIST_SSL_CERTIFICATES = "listSslCerts"; public static final String DELETE_SSL_CERTIFICATE = "deleteSslCert"; public static final String CREATE_LB_HEALTH_CHECK_POLICY = "createLBHealthCheckPolicy"; LoadBalancers(CSCloud provider) { super(provider); } @Override public void addServers(@Nonnull String toLoadBalancerId, @Nonnull String... serverIds) throws CloudException, InternalException { APITrace.begin(getProvider(), "LB.addServers"); try { try { LoadBalancer lb = getLoadBalancer(toLoadBalancerId); if (lb == null) { throw new CloudException("No such load balancer: " + toLoadBalancerId); } if (serverIds == null || serverIds.length < 1) { return; } for (LbListener listener : lb.getListeners()) { String ruleId = getVmOpsRuleId(listener.getAlgorithm(), toLoadBalancerId, listener.getPublicPort(), listener.getPrivatePort(), lb.getProviderVlanId()); StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < serverIds.length; i++) { str.append(serverIds[i]); if (i < serverIds.length - 1) { str.append(","); } } CSMethod method = new CSMethod(getProvider()); Document doc = method.get(method.buildUrl(ASSIGN_TO_LOAD_BALANCER_RULE, new Param("id", ruleId), new Param("virtualMachineIds", str.toString())), ASSIGN_TO_LOAD_BALANCER_RULE); getProvider().waitForJob(doc, "Add Server"); } } catch (RuntimeException e) { throw new InternalException(e); } catch (Error e) { throw new InternalException(e); } } finally { APITrace.end(); } } @Override public @Nonnull String createLoadBalancer(@Nonnull LoadBalancerCreateOptions options) throws CloudException, InternalException { APITrace.begin(getProvider(), "LB.create"); try { @SuppressWarnings("ConstantConditions") publicAddress = getProvider().getNetworkServices() .getIpAddressSupport().getIpAddress(options.getProviderIpAddressId()); if (publicAddress == null) { throw new CloudException("You must specify the IP address for your load balancer."); } for (LbListener listener : options.getListeners()) { if (!isId(options.getProviderIpAddressId())) { createVmOpsRule(options.getName(), listener.getAlgorithm(), options.getProviderIpAddressId(), listener.getPublicPort(), listener.getPrivatePort(), options.getProviderVlanId()); } else { createCloudstack22Rule(options.getName(), listener.getAlgorithm(), options.getProviderIpAddressId(), listener.getPublicPort(), listener.getPrivatePort()); } } for (LoadBalancerEndpoint endpoint : options.getEndpoints()) { if (endpoint.getEndpointType().equals(LbEndpointType.VM)) { addServers(publicAddress.getRawAddress().getIpAddress(), endpoint.getEndpointValue()); } } return publicAddress.getRawAddress().getIpAddress(); } finally { APITrace.end(); } } @Override public LoadBalancerHealthCheck createLoadBalancerHealthCheck(@Nonnull HealthCheckOptions options) throws CloudException, InternalException { List<Param> params = new ArrayList<Param>(); String ruleId = getRuleId(options.getProviderLoadBalancerId()); params.add(new Param("lbruleid", ruleId)); if (options.getDescription() != null) { params.add(new Param("description", options.getDescription())); } params.add(new Param("healthythreshold", String.valueOf(options.getHealthyCount()))); params.add(new Param("unhealthythreshold", String.valueOf(options.getUnhealthyCount()))); params.add(new Param("intervaltime", String.valueOf(options.getInterval()))); params.add(new Param("responsetimeout", String.valueOf(options.getTimeout()))); params.add(new Param("pingpath", options.getHost() + ":" + options.getPort() + "/" + options.getPath())); CSMethod method = new CSMethod(getProvider()); Document doc = method.get( method.buildUrl(CREATE_LB_HEALTH_CHECK_POLICY, params.toArray(new Param[params.size()])), CREATE_LB_HEALTH_CHECK_POLICY); NodeList matches = doc.getElementsByTagName("healthcheckpolicy"); for (int i = 0; i < matches.getLength(); i++) { Node n = matches.item(i); NodeList attributes = n.getChildNodes(); String lbhcId = null; LoadBalancerHealthCheck.HCProtocol protocol = null; String path = null; int port = 0; int interval = 0; int healthyCount = 0; int unhealthyCount = 0; int timeout = 0; for (int j = 0; j < attributes.getLength(); j++) { Node child = attributes.item(j); String name = child.getNodeName().toLowerCase(); String value; if (child.getChildNodes().getLength() > 0) { value = child.getFirstChild().getNodeValue(); } else { value = null; } if ("id".equalsIgnoreCase(name)) { lbhcId = value; } else if ("path".equalsIgnoreCase(name)) { path = value; } else if ("healthcheckinterval".equalsIgnoreCase(name)) { interval = Integer.parseInt(value); } else if ("healthcheckthresshold".equalsIgnoreCase(name)) { healthyCount = Integer.parseInt(value); } else if ("unhealthcheckthresshold".equalsIgnoreCase(name)) { unhealthyCount = Integer.parseInt(value); } else if ("pingpath".equalsIgnoreCase(name)) { path = value; } else if ("responsetime".equalsIgnoreCase(name)) { timeout = Integer.parseInt(value); } } return LoadBalancerHealthCheck.getInstance(lbhcId, protocol, port, path, interval, timeout, healthyCount, unhealthyCount); } return null; } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") @Override @Deprecated public @Nonnull String create(@Nonnull String name, @Nonnull String description, @Nullable String addressId, @Nullable String[] zoneIds, @Nullable LbListener[] listeners, @Nullable String[] serverIds, @Nullable String[] subnetIds, LbType type) throws CloudException, InternalException { if (addressId == null) { throw new CloudException("You must specify an IP address for load balancer creation"); } LoadBalancerCreateOptions options = LoadBalancerCreateOptions.getInstance(name, description, addressId); if (zoneIds != null && zoneIds.length > 0) { options.limitedTo(zoneIds); } if (listeners != null && listeners.length > 0) { options.havingListeners(listeners); } if (serverIds != null && serverIds.length > 0) { options.withVirtualMachines(serverIds); } if (subnetIds != null && subnetIds.length > 0) { options.withProviderSubnetIds(subnetIds); } if (type != null) { options.asType(type); } return createLoadBalancer(options); } private void createVmOpsRule(String lbName, LbAlgorithm algorithm, String publicIp, int publicPort, int privatePort, String providerVlanId) throws CloudException, InternalException { String id = getVmOpsRuleId(algorithm, publicIp, publicPort, privatePort, providerVlanId); if (id != null) { return; } List<Param> params = new ArrayList<Param>(); String algor; switch (algorithm) { case ROUND_ROBIN: algor = "roundrobin"; break; case LEAST_CONN: algor = "leastconn"; break; case SOURCE: algor = "source"; break; default: algor = "roundrobin"; break; } params.add(new Param("publicIp", publicIp)); params.add(new Param("publicPort", String.valueOf(publicPort))); params.add(new Param("privatePort", String.valueOf(privatePort))); params.add(new Param("algorithm", algor)); if (providerVlanId != null) { // params.add(new Param("networkid", providerVlanId)); } if (lbName != null && !lbName.equals("")) { params.add(new Param("name", lbName)); } else { params.add(new Param("name", "dsnlb_" + publicIp + "_" + publicPort + "_" + privatePort)); } params.add(new Param("description", "dsnlb_" + publicIp + "_" + publicPort + "_" + privatePort)); CSMethod method = new CSMethod(getProvider()); Document doc = method.get( method.buildUrl(CREATE_LOAD_BALANCER_RULE, params.toArray(new Param[params.size()])), CREATE_LOAD_BALANCER_RULE); NodeList matches = doc.getElementsByTagName("loadbalancerrule"); // v2.1 for (int i = 0; i < matches.getLength(); i++) { Map<String, LoadBalancer> current = new HashMap<String, LoadBalancer>(); Collection<LoadBalancer> lbs; Node node = matches.item(i); toRule(node, current); lbs = current.values(); if (lbs.size() > 0) { return; } } matches = doc.getElementsByTagName("loadbalancer"); // v2.2 for (int i = 0; i < matches.getLength(); i++) { Map<String, LoadBalancer> current = new HashMap<String, LoadBalancer>(); Collection<LoadBalancer> lbs; Node node = matches.item(i); toRule(node, current); lbs = current.values(); if (lbs.size() > 0) { return; } } throw new CloudException("Failed to add load balancer rule (2)."); } private void createCloudstack22Rule(String lbName, LbAlgorithm algorithm, String publicIpId, int publicPort, int privatePort) throws CloudException, InternalException { String id = getVmOpsRuleId(algorithm, publicIpId, publicPort, privatePort, null); if (id != null) { return; } List<Param> params = new ArrayList<Param>(); String algor; switch (algorithm) { case ROUND_ROBIN: algor = "roundrobin"; break; case LEAST_CONN: algor = "leastconn"; break; case SOURCE: algor = "source"; break; default: algor = "roundrobin"; break; } params.add(new Param("publicIpId", publicIpId)); params.add(new Param("publicPort", String.valueOf(publicPort))); params.add(new Param("privatePort", String.valueOf(privatePort))); params.add(new Param("algorithm", algor)); if (lbName != null && !lbName.equals("")) { params.add(new Param("name", lbName)); } else { params.add(new Param("name", "dsnlb_" + publicIpId + "_" + publicPort + "_" + privatePort)); } params.add(new Param("description", "dsnlb_" + publicIpId + "_" + publicPort + "_" + privatePort)); CSMethod method = new CSMethod(getProvider()); Document doc = method.get( method.buildUrl(CREATE_LOAD_BALANCER_RULE, params.toArray(new Param[params.size()])), CREATE_LOAD_BALANCER_RULE); NodeList matches = doc.getElementsByTagName("loadbalancerrule"); // v2.1 for (int i = 0; i < matches.getLength(); i++) { Map<String, LoadBalancer> current = new HashMap<String, LoadBalancer>(); Collection<LoadBalancer> lbs; Node node = matches.item(i); toRule(node, current); lbs = current.values(); if (lbs.size() > 0) { return; } } matches = doc.getElementsByTagName("loadbalancer"); // v2.2.0 - v2.2.10 for (int i = 0; i < matches.getLength(); i++) { Map<String, LoadBalancer> current = new HashMap<String, LoadBalancer>(); Collection<LoadBalancer> lbs; Node node = matches.item(i); toRule(node, current); lbs = current.values(); if (lbs.size() > 0) { return; } } matches = doc.getElementsByTagName("jobid"); // v2.2.11 - v2.2.13 if (matches.getLength() > 0) { getProvider().waitForJob(doc, "Create Load Balancer Rule"); return; } throw new CloudException("Failed to add load balancer rule (2)."); } @Override public @Nonnull LoadBalancerAddressType getAddressType() throws CloudException, InternalException { return LoadBalancerAddressType.IP; } private transient volatile LBCapabilities capabilities; @Nonnull @Override public LoadBalancerCapabilities getCapabilities() throws CloudException, InternalException { if (capabilities == null) { capabilities = new LBCapabilities(getProvider()); } return capabilities; } private boolean isId(String ipAddressIdCandidate) { String[] parts = ipAddressIdCandidate.split("\\."); return (parts == null || parts.length != 4); } @Override public @Nullable LoadBalancer getLoadBalancer(@Nonnull String loadBalancerId) throws CloudException, InternalException { APITrace.begin(getProvider(), "LB.getLoadBalancer"); try { try { Map<String, LoadBalancer> matches = new HashMap<String, LoadBalancer>(); boolean isId = isId(loadBalancerId); String key = (isId ? "publicIpId" : "publicIp"); CSMethod method = new CSMethod(getProvider()); Document doc = method.get(method.buildUrl(LIST_LOAD_BALANCER_RULES, new Param(key, loadBalancerId)), LIST_LOAD_BALANCER_RULES); NodeList rules = doc.getElementsByTagName("loadbalancerrule"); for (int i = 0; i < rules.getLength(); i++) { Node node = rules.item(i); toRule(node, matches); } return matches.get(loadBalancerId); } catch (CSException e) { if (e.getHttpCode() == 431) { return null; } throw e; } } finally { APITrace.end(); } } @Override public int getMaxPublicPorts() throws CloudException, InternalException { return 0; } @Override public @Nonnull Iterable<ResourceStatus> listLoadBalancerStatus() throws CloudException, InternalException { APITrace.begin(getProvider(), "LB.listLoadBalancerStatus"); try { Map<String, LoadBalancer> matches = new HashMap<String, LoadBalancer>(); CSMethod method = new CSMethod(getProvider()); try { Document doc = method.get(method.buildUrl(LIST_LOAD_BALANCER_RULES), LIST_LOAD_BALANCER_RULES); int numPages = 1; NodeList nodes = doc.getElementsByTagName("count"); Node n = nodes.item(0); if (n != null) { String value = n.getFirstChild().getNodeValue().trim(); int count = Integer.parseInt(value); numPages = count / 500; int remainder = count % 500; if (remainder > 0) { numPages++; } } for (int page = 1; page <= numPages; page++) { if (page > 1) { String nextPage = String.valueOf(page); doc = method.get(method.buildUrl(LIST_LOAD_BALANCER_RULES, new Param("pagesize", "500"), new Param("page", nextPage)), LIST_LOAD_BALANCER_RULES); } NodeList rules = doc.getElementsByTagName("loadbalancerrule"); for (int i = 0; i < rules.getLength(); i++) { Node node = rules.item(i); toRule(node, matches); } } List<ResourceStatus> results = new ArrayList<ResourceStatus>(); for (LoadBalancer lb : matches.values()) { if (matchesRegion(lb.getProviderLoadBalancerId())) { results.add(new ResourceStatus(lb.getProviderLoadBalancerId(), lb.getCurrentState())); } } return results; } catch (CloudException e) { if (e.getHttpCode() == HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND) { return Collections.emptyList(); } e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } } finally { APITrace.end(); } } static private volatile List<LbAlgorithm> algorithms = null; private @Nonnull Collection<String> getServersAt(String ruleId) throws InternalException, CloudException { List<String> ids = new ArrayList<String>(); CSMethod method = new CSMethod(getProvider()); Document doc = method.get(method.buildUrl(LIST_LOAD_BALANCER_RULE_INSTANCES, new Param("id", ruleId)), LIST_LOAD_BALANCER_RULE_INSTANCES); int numPages = 1; NodeList nodes = doc.getElementsByTagName("count"); Node nd = nodes.item(0); if (nd != null) { String value = nd.getFirstChild().getNodeValue().trim(); int count = Integer.parseInt(value); numPages = count / 500; int remainder = count % 500; if (remainder > 0) { numPages++; } } for (int page = 1; page <= numPages; page++) { if (page > 1) { String nextPage = String.valueOf(page); doc = method.get( method.buildUrl(LIST_LOAD_BALANCER_RULE_INSTANCES, new Param("id", ruleId), new Param("pagesize", "500"), new Param("page", nextPage)), LIST_LOAD_BALANCER_RULE_INSTANCES); } NodeList instances = doc.getElementsByTagName("loadbalancerruleinstance"); for (int i = 0; i < instances.getLength(); i++) { Node node = instances.item(i); NodeList attributes = node.getChildNodes(); for (int j = 0; j < attributes.getLength(); j++) { Node n = attributes.item(j); if (n.getNodeName().equals("id")) { ids.add(n.getFirstChild().getNodeValue()); } } } } return ids; } private @Nullable String getVmOpsRuleId(@Nonnull LbAlgorithm lbAlgorithm, @Nonnull String publicIp, int publicPort, int privatePort, @Nullable String networkId) throws CloudException, InternalException { String ruleId = null; String algorithm; switch (lbAlgorithm) { case ROUND_ROBIN: algorithm = "roundrobin"; break; case LEAST_CONN: algorithm = "leastconn"; break; case SOURCE: algorithm = "source"; break; default: algorithm = "roundrobin"; break; } boolean isId = isId(publicIp); String key = (isId ? "publicIpId" : "publicIp"); CSMethod method = new CSMethod(getProvider()); List<Param> parameters = new ArrayList<Param>(); parameters.add(new Param(key, publicIp)); if (networkId != null) { parameters.add(new Param("networkid", networkId)); } Document doc = method.get(method.buildUrl(LIST_LOAD_BALANCER_RULES, parameters), LIST_LOAD_BALANCER_RULES); NodeList rules = doc.getElementsByTagName("loadbalancerrule"); for (int i = 0; i < rules.getLength(); i++) { Node node = rules.item(i); NodeList attributes = node.getChildNodes(); boolean isIt = true; String id = null; for (int j = 0; j < attributes.getLength(); j++) { Node n = attributes.item(j); String name = n.getNodeName().toLowerCase(); String value; if (n.getChildNodes().getLength() > 0) { value = n.getFirstChild().getNodeValue(); } else { value = null; } if (name.equals("publicip")) { if (value != null && !value.equals(publicIp)) { isIt = false; break; } } else if (name.equals("publicport")) { if (value == null || publicPort != Integer.parseInt(value)) { isIt = false; break; } } else if (name.equals("privateport")) { if (value == null || privatePort != Integer.parseInt(value)) { isIt = false; break; } } else if (name.equals("algorithm")) { if (value == null || !value.equals(algorithm)) { isIt = false; break; } } else if (name.equals("id")) { id = value; } } if (isIt) { ruleId = id; break; } } return ruleId; } @Override public @Nonnull String[] mapServiceAction(@Nonnull ServiceAction action) { return new String[0]; } @Override public boolean isSubscribed() throws CloudException, InternalException { APITrace.begin(getProvider(), "LB.isSubscribed"); try { CSMethod method = new CSMethod(getProvider()); try { method.get(method.buildUrl(LIST_LOAD_BALANCER_RULES), LIST_LOAD_BALANCER_RULES); return true; } catch (CSException e) { int code = e.getHttpCode(); if (code == HttpServletResponse.SC_FORBIDDEN || code == 401 || code == 531) { return false; } throw e; } } finally { APITrace.end(); } } @Override public @Nonnull Iterable<LoadBalancerEndpoint> listEndpoints(@Nonnull String loadBalancerId) throws CloudException, InternalException { APITrace.begin(getProvider(), "LB.listEndpoints"); try { LoadBalancer lb = getLoadBalancer(loadBalancerId); if (lb == null) { return Collections.emptyList(); } List<LoadBalancerEndpoint> endpoints = new ArrayList<LoadBalancerEndpoint>(); //noinspection deprecation for (String serverId : lb.getProviderServerIds()) { VirtualMachine vm = getProvider().getComputeServices().getVirtualMachineSupport() .getVirtualMachine(serverId); endpoints.add(LoadBalancerEndpoint.getInstance(LbEndpointType.VM, serverId, vm != null && vm.getCurrentState().equals(VmState.RUNNING) ? LbEndpointState.ACTIVE : LbEndpointState.INACTIVE)); } return endpoints; } finally { APITrace.end(); } } @Override public @Nonnull Iterable<LoadBalancer> listLoadBalancers() throws CloudException, InternalException { APITrace.begin(getProvider(), "LB.listLoadBalancers"); try { Map<String, LoadBalancer> matches = new HashMap<String, LoadBalancer>(); CSMethod method = new CSMethod(getProvider()); try { Document doc = method.get(method.buildUrl(LIST_LOAD_BALANCER_RULES), LIST_LOAD_BALANCER_RULES); int numPages = 1; NodeList nodes = doc.getElementsByTagName("count"); Node n = nodes.item(0); if (n != null) { String value = n.getFirstChild().getNodeValue().trim(); int count = Integer.parseInt(value); numPages = count / 500; int remainder = count % 500; if (remainder > 0) { numPages++; } } for (int page = 1; page <= numPages; page++) { if (page > 1) { String nextPage = String.valueOf(page); doc = method.get(method.buildUrl(LIST_LOAD_BALANCER_RULES, new Param("pagesize", "500"), new Param("page", nextPage)), LIST_LOAD_BALANCER_RULES); } NodeList rules = doc.getElementsByTagName("loadbalancerrule"); for (int i = 0; i < rules.getLength(); i++) { Node node = rules.item(i); toRule(node, matches); } } List<LoadBalancer> results = new ArrayList<LoadBalancer>(); for (LoadBalancer lb : matches.values()) { if (matchesRegion(lb.getProviderLoadBalancerId())) { results.add(lb); } } return results; } catch (CloudException e) { if (e.getHttpCode() == HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND) { return Collections.emptyList(); } // e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } } finally { APITrace.end(); } } boolean matchesRegion(@Nonnull String addressId) throws InternalException, CloudException { CSMethod method = new CSMethod(getProvider()); Document doc = method.get( method.buildUrl("listPublicIpAddresses", new Param(isId(addressId) ? "ipAddressId" : "ipAddress", addressId)), "listPublicIpAddresses"); NodeList matches = doc.getElementsByTagName("publicipaddress"); for (int i = 0; i < matches.getLength(); i++) { Node n = matches.item(i); NodeList attributes = n.getChildNodes(); for (int j = 0; j < attributes.getLength(); j++) { Node child = attributes.item(j); String name = child.getNodeName().toLowerCase(); String value; if (child.getChildNodes().getLength() > 0) { value = child.getFirstChild().getNodeValue(); } else { value = null; } if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("zoneid")) { return (value != null && value.equalsIgnoreCase(getContext().getRegionId())); } } } return false; } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") @Override @Deprecated public void remove(@Nonnull String loadBalancerId) throws CloudException, InternalException { removeLoadBalancer(loadBalancerId); } @Override public void removeLoadBalancer(@Nonnull String loadBalancerId) throws CloudException, InternalException { APITrace.begin(getProvider(), "LB.remove"); try { LoadBalancer lb = getLoadBalancer(loadBalancerId); if (lb == null || lb.getListeners().length < 1) { return; } for (LbListener listener : lb.getListeners()) { String ruleId = getVmOpsRuleId(listener.getAlgorithm(), lb.getAddress(), listener.getPublicPort(), listener.getPrivatePort(), lb.getProviderVlanId()); if (ruleId != null) { removeVmOpsRule(ruleId); } } } finally { APITrace.end(); } } @Override public void removeServers(@Nonnull String toLoadBalancerId, @Nonnull String... serverIds) throws CloudException, InternalException { APITrace.begin(getProvider(), "LB.removeServers"); try { try { LoadBalancer lb = getLoadBalancer(toLoadBalancerId); if (lb == null) { throw new CloudException("No such load balancer: " + toLoadBalancerId); } StringBuilder ids = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < serverIds.length; i++) { ids.append(serverIds[i]); if (i < serverIds.length - 1) { ids.append(","); } } for (LbListener listener : lb.getListeners()) { String ruleId = getVmOpsRuleId(listener.getAlgorithm(), toLoadBalancerId, listener.getPublicPort(), listener.getPrivatePort(), lb.getProviderVlanId()); CSMethod method = new CSMethod(getProvider()); Document doc = method.get( method.buildUrl(REMOVE_FROM_LOAD_BALANCER_RULE, new Param("id", ruleId), new Param("virtualMachineIds", ids.toString())), REMOVE_FROM_LOAD_BALANCER_RULE); getProvider().waitForJob(doc, "Remove Server"); } } catch (RuntimeException e) { throw new InternalException(e); } catch (Error e) { throw new InternalException(e); } } finally { APITrace.end(); } } @Override public SSLCertificate createSSLCertificate(@Nonnull SSLCertificateCreateOptions options) throws CloudException, InternalException { Document doc = null; try { doc = uploadSslCertificate(options, false); } catch (CloudException e) { if (e.getHttpCode() == 530) { doc = uploadSslCertificate(options, true); } else { throw e; } } String certId = null; String certBody = null; String certChain = null; NodeList matches = doc.getElementsByTagName("sslcert"); for (int i = 0; i < matches.getLength(); i++) { Node n = matches.item(i); NodeList attributes = n.getChildNodes(); for (int j = 0; j < attributes.getLength(); j++) { Node child = attributes.item(j); String name = child.getNodeName().toLowerCase(); String value; if (child.getChildNodes().getLength() > 0) { value = child.getFirstChild().getNodeValue(); } else { value = null; } if ("id".equalsIgnoreCase(name)) { certId = value; } else if ("certificate".equalsIgnoreCase(name)) { certBody = value; } else if ("certchain".equalsIgnoreCase(name)) { certChain = value; } } } return SSLCertificate.getInstance(certId, certId, null, certBody, certChain, ""); } /** * Upload SSL certificate, optionally using parameter double encoding to address CLOUDSTACK-6864 found in 4.4 * @param opts * @param cs44hack * @return Document */ private Document uploadSslCertificate(SSLCertificateCreateOptions opts, boolean cs44hack) throws InternalException, CloudException { CSMethod method = new CSMethod(getProvider()); List<Param> params = new ArrayList<Param>(); try { params.add(new Param("certificate", cs44hack ? URLEncoder.encode(opts.getCertificateBody(), "UTF-8") : opts.getCertificateBody())); params.add(new Param("privatekey", cs44hack ? URLEncoder.encode(opts.getPrivateKey(), "UTF-8") : opts.getPrivateKey())); if (opts.getCertificateChain() != null) { params.add(new Param("certchain", cs44hack ? URLEncoder.encode(opts.getCertificateChain(), "UTF-8") : opts.getCertificateChain())); } } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { throw new InternalException(e); } return method.get(method.buildUrl(UPLOAD_SSL_CERTIFICATE, params.toArray(new Param[params.size()])), UPLOAD_SSL_CERTIFICATE); } @Override public @Nonnull Iterable<SSLCertificate> listSSLCertificates() throws CloudException, InternalException { CSMethod method = new CSMethod(getProvider()); Document doc = method.get( method.buildUrl(LIST_SSL_CERTIFICATES, new Param("accountid", getProvider().getAccountId())), LIST_SSL_CERTIFICATES); List<SSLCertificate> results = new ArrayList<SSLCertificate>(); NodeList matches = doc.getElementsByTagName("sslcert"); for (int i = 0; i < matches.getLength(); i++) { Node n = matches.item(i); NodeList attributes = n.getChildNodes(); String certId = null; String certBody = null; String certChain = null; for (int j = 0; j < attributes.getLength(); j++) { Node child = attributes.item(j); String name = child.getNodeName().toLowerCase(); String value; if (child.getChildNodes().getLength() > 0) { value = child.getFirstChild().getNodeValue(); } else { value = null; } if ("id".equalsIgnoreCase(name)) { certId = value; } else if ("certificate".equalsIgnoreCase(name)) { certBody = value; } else if ("certchain".equalsIgnoreCase(name)) { certChain = value; } } results.add(SSLCertificate.getInstance(certId, certId, null, certBody, certChain, "")); } return results; } @Override public @Nullable SSLCertificate getSSLCertificate(@Nonnull String certificateName) throws CloudException, InternalException { CSMethod method = new CSMethod(getProvider()); Document doc = null; try { doc = method.get(method.buildUrl(LIST_SSL_CERTIFICATES, new Param("certid", certificateName)), LIST_SSL_CERTIFICATES); } catch (CSException e) { if (e.getHttpCode() == 431) { return null; // not found } throw e; } NodeList matches = doc.getElementsByTagName("sslcert"); for (int i = 0; i < matches.getLength(); i++) { Node n = matches.item(i); NodeList attributes = n.getChildNodes(); String certId = null; String certBody = null; String certChain = null; for (int j = 0; j < attributes.getLength(); j++) { Node child = attributes.item(j); String name = child.getNodeName().toLowerCase(); String value; if (child.getChildNodes().getLength() > 0) { value = child.getFirstChild().getNodeValue(); } else { value = null; } if ("id".equalsIgnoreCase(name)) { certId = value; } else if ("certificate".equalsIgnoreCase(name)) { certBody = value; } else if ("certchain".equalsIgnoreCase(name)) { certChain = value; } } return SSLCertificate.getInstance(certId, certId, null, certBody, certChain, ""); } return null; } @Override public void removeSSLCertificate(@Nonnull String certificateName) throws CloudException, InternalException { CSMethod method = new CSMethod(getProvider()); Document doc = method.get(method.buildUrl(DELETE_SSL_CERTIFICATE, new Param("id", certificateName)), DELETE_SSL_CERTIFICATE); NodeList matches = doc.getElementsByTagName("success"); if (matches.getLength() > 0) { boolean success = CSCloud.getBooleanValue(matches.item(0)); if (!success) { matches = doc.getElementsByTagName("displaytext"); if (matches.getLength() > 0) { String description = CSCloud.getTextValue(matches.item(0)); throw new CloudException("Unable to remove SSL certificate: " + description); } } } } private void removeVmOpsRule(@Nonnull String ruleId) throws CloudException, InternalException { CSMethod method = new CSMethod(getProvider()); Document doc = method.get(method.buildUrl(DELETE_LOAD_BALANCER_RULE, new Param("id", ruleId)), DELETE_LOAD_BALANCER_RULE); getProvider().waitForJob(doc, "Remove Load Balancer Rule"); } private void toRule(@Nullable Node node, @Nonnull Map<String, LoadBalancer> current) throws InternalException, CloudException { NodeList attributes = node.getChildNodes(); int publicPort = -1, privatePort = -1; LbAlgorithm algorithm = null; String publicIp = null; String vlanId = null; String ruleId = null; String lbName = null; String lbDesc = ""; // can't be null for (int i = 0; i < attributes.getLength(); i++) { Node n = attributes.item(i); String name = n.getNodeName().toLowerCase(); String value; if (n.getChildNodes().getLength() > 0) { value = n.getFirstChild().getNodeValue(); } else { value = null; } if (name.equals("publicip")) { publicIp = value; } else if (name.equals("networkid")) { vlanId = value; } else if (name.equals("id")) { ruleId = value; } else if (name.equals("publicport") && value != null) { publicPort = Integer.parseInt(value); } else if (name.equals("privateport") && value != null) { privatePort = Integer.parseInt(value); } else if (name.equals("algorithm")) { if (value == null || value.equals("roundrobin")) { algorithm = LbAlgorithm.ROUND_ROBIN; } else if (value.equals("leastconn")) { algorithm = LbAlgorithm.LEAST_CONN; } else if (value.equals("")) { algorithm = LbAlgorithm.SOURCE; } else { algorithm = LbAlgorithm.ROUND_ROBIN; } } else if (name.equals("name")) { lbName = value; } else if (name.equals("description")) { lbDesc = value; } } LbListener listener = LbListener.getInstance(algorithm, LbPersistence.NONE, LbProtocol.RAW_TCP, publicPort, privatePort); Collection<String> serverIds = getServersAt(ruleId); if (current.containsKey(publicIp)) { LoadBalancer lb = current.get(publicIp); @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") String[] currentIds = lb.getProviderServerIds(); LbListener[] listeners = lb.getListeners(); // TODO: WTF? Set<Integer> ports = new TreeSet<Integer>(); for (int port : lb.getPublicPorts()) { ports.add(port); } ports.add(publicPort); int[] portList = new int[ports.size()]; int i = 0; for (Integer p : ports) { portList[i++] = p; } //noinspection deprecation lb.setPublicPorts(portList); boolean there = false; for (LbListener l : listeners) { if (l.getAlgorithm().equals(listener.getAlgorithm())) { if (l.getNetworkProtocol().equals(listener.getNetworkProtocol())) { if (l.getPublicPort() == listener.getPublicPort()) { if (l.getPrivatePort() == listener.getPrivatePort()) { there = true; break; } } } } } if (!there) { lb.withListeners(listener); } // TODO: WTF? TreeSet<String> newIds = new TreeSet<String>(); Collections.addAll(newIds, currentIds); for (String id : serverIds) { newIds.add(id); } //noinspection deprecation lb.setProviderServerIds(newIds.toArray(new String[newIds.size()])); //noinspection deprecation lb.setName(lbName); //noinspection deprecation lb.setDescription(lbDesc); } else { Collection<DataCenter> dcs = getProvider().getDataCenterServices() .listDataCenters(getProvider().getContext().getRegionId()); String[] ids = new String[dcs.size()]; int i = 0; for (DataCenter dc : dcs) { ids[i++] = dc.getProviderDataCenterId(); } LoadBalancer lb = LoadBalancer.getInstance(getContext().getAccountNumber(), getContext().getRegionId(), publicIp, LoadBalancerState.ACTIVE, lbName, lbDesc, LoadBalancerAddressType.IP, publicIp, publicPort).withListeners(listener).operatingIn(ids); lb.forVlan(vlanId); //noinspection deprecation lb.setProviderServerIds(serverIds.toArray(new String[serverIds.size()])); current.put(publicIp, lb); } } /* public @Nullable String getLoadBalancerForAddress(@Nonnull String address) throws InternalException, CloudException { APITrace.begin(getProvider(), "LB.getLoadBalancerForAddress"); try { boolean isId = isId(address); String key = (isId ? "publicIpId" : "publicIp"); CSMethod method = new CSMethod(getProvider()); Document doc = method.get(method.buildUrl(LIST_LOAD_BALANCER_RULES, new Param[] { new Param(key, address) }), LIST_LOAD_BALANCER_RULES); NodeList rules = doc.getElementsByTagName("loadbalancerrule"); if( rules.getLength() > 0 ) { return address; } return null; } finally { APITrace.end(); } } */ private @Nullable String getRuleId(@Nonnull String loadBalancerId) throws CloudException, InternalException { try { Map<String, LoadBalancer> matches = new HashMap<String, LoadBalancer>(); boolean isId = isId(loadBalancerId); String key = (isId ? "publicIpId" : "publicIp"); CSMethod method = new CSMethod(getProvider()); Document doc = method.get(method.buildUrl(LIST_LOAD_BALANCER_RULES, new Param(key, loadBalancerId)), LIST_LOAD_BALANCER_RULES); NodeList rules = doc.getElementsByTagName("loadbalancerrule"); for (int i = 0; i < rules.getLength(); i++) { NodeList attributes = rules.item(i).getChildNodes(); String ruleId = null; String publicIp = null; for (int j = 0; j < attributes.getLength(); j++) { Node n = attributes.item(j); String name = n.getNodeName().toLowerCase(); String value; if (n.getChildNodes().getLength() > 0) { value = n.getFirstChild().getNodeValue(); } else { value = null; } if (name.equals("publicip")) { publicIp = value; } else if (name.equals("id")) { ruleId = value; } } if (loadBalancerId.equals(publicIp)) { return ruleId; } } } catch (CSException e) { if (e.getHttpCode() == 431) { return null; } throw e; } return null; } }