Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2007 Andrew Wills * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.danann.cernunnos.AbstractContainerTask; import org.danann.cernunnos.Attributes; import org.danann.cernunnos.EntityConfig; import org.danann.cernunnos.Formula; import org.danann.cernunnos.LiteralPhrase; import org.danann.cernunnos.Phrase; import org.danann.cernunnos.Reagent; import org.danann.cernunnos.ReagentType; import org.danann.cernunnos.SimpleFormula; import org.danann.cernunnos.SimpleReagent; import org.danann.cernunnos.TaskRequest; import org.danann.cernunnos.TaskResponse; public final class FileIteratorTask extends AbstractContainerTask { private static final Pattern LIST_DELIM = Pattern.compile(","); private static final Pattern PATH_DELIM = Pattern.compile("/"); // Instance Members. private Phrase attribute_name; private Phrase dir; private Phrase includes; private Phrase excludes; private final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(FileIteratorTask.class); // Don't declare as static in general libraries /* * Public API. */ public static final Reagent ATTRIBUTE_NAME = new SimpleReagent("ATTRIBUTE_NAME", "@attribute-name", ReagentType.PHRASE, String.class, "Each file will be registered as a request attribute under this name during iteration.", new LiteralPhrase(Attributes.LOCATION)); public static final Reagent DIR = new SimpleReagent("DIR", "@dir", ReagentType.PHRASE, String.class, "File system location of a directory from which to begin matching files. The default " + "is the directory from which Java is executing.", new LiteralPhrase(".")); public static final Reagent INCLUDES = new SimpleReagent("INCLUDES", "@includes", ReagentType.PHRASE, String.class, "Optional comma-separated list of pattern expressions specifying files to include (e.g. *, *.jpg, " + "**/*.java). Files that match the pattern must be included, even if they also match the EXCLUDES " + "pattern. The default is ** (i.e. all files).", new LiteralPhrase("**")); public static final Reagent EXCLUDES = new SimpleReagent("EXCLUDES", "@excludes", ReagentType.PHRASE, String.class, "Optional comma-separated list of pattern expressions specifying files to exclude from the result set " + "(e.g. *, *.jpg, **/*.java). No files will be excluded if this phrase is omitted.", null); public Formula getFormula() { Reagent[] reagents = new Reagent[] { ATTRIBUTE_NAME, DIR, INCLUDES, EXCLUDES, AbstractContainerTask.SUBTASKS }; final Formula rslt = new SimpleFormula(FileIteratorTask.class, reagents); return rslt; } public void init(EntityConfig config) { super.init(config); // Instance Members. this.attribute_name = (Phrase) config.getValue(ATTRIBUTE_NAME); this.dir = (Phrase) config.getValue(DIR); this.includes = (Phrase) config.getValue(INCLUDES); this.excludes = (Phrase) config.getValue(EXCLUDES); } public void perform(TaskRequest req, TaskResponse res) { String d = (String) dir.evaluate(req, res); File baseDir = new File(d); if (!baseDir.exists()) { // We're going to assume this won't happen // except where something's really wrong... String msg = "The specified DIR does not exist: " + d; log.error(msg); throw new RuntimeException(msg); } String incl = (String) includes.evaluate(req, res); String[] inclTokens = LIST_DELIM.split(incl); List<String>[] inclStacks = new List[inclTokens.length]; for (int i = 0; i < inclTokens.length; i++) { inclStacks[i] = Arrays.asList(PATH_DELIM.split(inclTokens[i])); } String excl = "[Not Evaluated]"; Set<File> fileSet = getMatchingDescendants(baseDir, inclStacks); if (excludes != null) { excl = (String) excludes.evaluate(req, res); String[] exclTokens = LIST_DELIM.split(excl); List<String>[] exclStacks = new List[exclTokens.length]; for (int i = 0; i < exclTokens.length; i++) { exclStacks[i] = Arrays.asList(PATH_DELIM.split(exclTokens[i])); } Set<File> exclSet = getMatchingDescendants(baseDir, exclStacks); fileSet.removeAll(exclSet); } // Report on the # of matched files... if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder(); msg.append("FileIteratorTask details:").append("\n\t\tDIR=").append(d).append("\n\t\tINCLUDES=") .append(incl).append("\n\t\tEXCLUDES=").append(excl).append("\n\t\tfound ") .append(fileSet.size()).append(" matching files\n"); log.trace(msg.toString()); } // Set the default CONTEXT for subtasks... final URL contextUrl; try { contextUrl = baseDir.toURL(); } catch (MalformedURLException mue) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to convert dir attribute into URL: " + baseDir, mue); } res.setAttribute(Attributes.CONTEXT, contextUrl.toString()); // Iterate over the results, setting each one to the specified request attribute... String name = (String) attribute_name.evaluate(req, res); String mask; try { mask = baseDir.getCanonicalPath(); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not convert dir attribute into canonical path: " + baseDir, ioe); } if (!mask.endsWith(File.separator)) { mask = mask + File.separator; } for (File f : fileSet) { final String canonicalPath; try { canonicalPath = f.getCanonicalPath(); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not convert file into canonical path: " + f, ioe); } String location = canonicalPath.substring(mask.length()); res.setAttribute(name, location); super.performSubtasks(req, res); } } /* * Implementation. */ private static Set<File> getMatchingDescendants(File f, List<String>[] stackLists) { Set<File> rslt = new TreeSet<File>(); for (List<String> stack : stackLists) { rslt.addAll(getMatchingDescendants(f, stack)); } return rslt; } private static Set<File> getMatchingDescendants(File f, List<String> stack) { // Assertions... if (f == null) { String msg = "Argument 'f [File]' cannot be null."; throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg); } if (stack == null) { String msg = "Argument 'stack' cannot be null."; throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg); } if (stack.size() == 0) { String msg = "Argument 'stack' must contain at least one element."; throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg); } Set<File> rslt = new TreeSet<File>(); switch (stack.size()) { case 1: // We're ready to compile the results... rslt.addAll(new FileGrabber(stack.get(0), false).grabChildren(f)); break; default: // Make recursive calls... List<String> nextStack = new LinkedList<String>(); nextStack.addAll(stack.subList(1, stack.size())); for (File ff : new FileGrabber(stack.get(0), true).grabChildren(f)) { rslt.addAll(getMatchingDescendants(ff, nextStack)); } break; } return rslt; } /* * Nested Types. */ private static final class FileGrabber { // Static Members. private static final int LAST_CHARACTER = -2; private static final int ONLY_CHARACTER = -3; // Instance Members. private final String startsWith; // Everything before * private final String endsWith; // Everything after * private final String contains; // Between * and * private final boolean grabDirectories; private final boolean recurse; /* * Public API. */ public FileGrabber(String pattern, boolean isDirectory) { // Assertions... if (pattern == null) { String msg = "Argument 'pattern' cannot be null."; throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg); } // Instance Members. this.grabDirectories = isDirectory; // Special Case. if (pattern.equals("**")) { this.startsWith = null; this.endsWith = null; this.contains = null; this.recurse = true; } else { // Everything Else. int index = pattern.indexOf("*"); if (index == pattern.length() - 1) { // Seems pretty lame to have to do this simply to use a switch()... index = LAST_CHARACTER; } if (index == 0 && pattern.length() == 1) { // The only character is a wildcard... index = ONLY_CHARACTER; } switch (index) { case -1: // No wildcrad... startsWith = pattern; endsWith = pattern; contains = null; break; case 0: // Starts with wildcard... startsWith = null; // Another Special Case: use "contains" if the pattern // both begins and ends with a wildcard. if (pattern.endsWith("*")) { endsWith = null; contains = pattern.substring(1, pattern.length() - 1); } else { // Just use endsWith... endsWith = pattern.substring(1, pattern.length()); contains = null; } break; case LAST_CHARACTER: // Ends with wildcard... startsWith = pattern.substring(0, pattern.length() - 1); endsWith = null; contains = null; break; case ONLY_CHARACTER: // Only a wildcard... startsWith = null; endsWith = null; contains = null; break; default: // Somewhere in the middle... startsWith = pattern.substring(0, index); endsWith = pattern.substring(index + 1); contains = null; break; } this.recurse = false; } } public Set<File> grabChildren(File dir) { // Assertions... if (dir == null) { String msg = "Argument 'dir' cannot be null."; throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg); } Set<File> rslt = new TreeSet<File>(); if (recurse && grabDirectories) { // In this case we need to add the current dir to the output as // well so its children get checked again on the next revolution... rslt.add(dir); } final File[] listFiles = dir.listFiles(); if (listFiles == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not get listing of files under '" + dir + "'"); } for (File child : listFiles) { boolean addIt = (grabDirectories == child.isDirectory()); if (addIt && startsWith != null) { addIt = child.getName().startsWith(startsWith); } if (addIt && endsWith != null) { addIt = child.getName().endsWith(endsWith); } if (addIt && contains != null) { addIt = child.getName().contains(contains); } if (addIt) { // System.out.println("FileIteratorTask.FileGrabber.grabChildren():child.getAbsolutePath()="+child.getAbsolutePath()); rslt.add(child); } if (recurse && child.isDirectory()) { rslt.addAll(grabChildren(child)); } } return rslt; } } }