Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright 2012 Jack Wang * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. ******************************************************************************/ package org.cosmo.common.record; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Array; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.Modifier; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock; import org.apache.lucene.document.Field.Index; import org.cosmo.common.file.FixedFilePartition; import org.cosmo.common.util.New; import org.cosmo.common.util.Util; import org.cosmo.common.xml.Node; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; abstract public class Defn<T extends Record> { public static final boolean EnableDefnHeaderException = Util.getProperty(Boolean.class, "EnableDefnHeaderException", true); // header public static enum Header { UnInitialized(false), IsNull(false), NonNull(false), Inactive(false), Corrupt(true); // by enable this - fields that are Corrupt and etc when throw an Exception public final byte _asByte; public final boolean _throwException; Header(boolean throwException) { _asByte = (byte) this.ordinal(); _throwException = EnableDefnHeaderException ? throwException : false; //System.out.println("EnableDefnHeaderException" + EnableDefnHeaderException + " this " + _throwException); } } public static enum WriteMode { WriteOnly, LogOnly, WriteAndLog } public static final Header[] Headers = Header.values(); public static final int HeaderByteSize = 1; public static int FilePartitionSizeInMB = 128; // Mess with this on runtime and die public Meta _declaringMeta; Field _field; public boolean _isIndexField; public Index _luceneIndexType; public int _variableSize; // for String, Byte, Clob public String _declaringFieldName; public DefnFormatter _formatter; // xxx : refactor this with the index() method to be one , ie use Lucene's formatter of filter public Object _defaultValue; public boolean _lazyLoad; // when Record is read from this field is not read (requires explict field read). // bcos: not fields are usually used, this increases performance transient FixedFilePartition _channel; private ByteBuffer _writeDataIO; private byte[] _writeBytes; private ByteBuffer _readDataIO; private byte[] _readBytes; private final Lock _readLock = new ReentrantLock(); private final Lock _writeLock = new ReentrantLock(); public Listener _listener; public int _arrayId; // idx within Meta.defns list // returns the actual "byte" size of the Defn abstract int size(); abstract Class[] typeClasses(); // read data from DataIO and convert to typed value, if directConversion is true, impl returns the direct converion of // object from rawBytes, ie DefnClob would return String of bytes, rather do another lookup abstract public Object readImpl(ByteBuffer dataIO, boolean directConvertFromBytes) throws IOException; abstract public byte[] writeImpl(byte[] bytes, Object value, long i) throws IOException; Defn(Meta declaringMeta) { this(declaringMeta, 0, null); } Defn(Meta declaringMeta, int variableSize, Object defaultValue) { _declaringMeta = declaringMeta; _variableSize = variableSize; _defaultValue = defaultValue; // update meta attributes for this defn this._arrayId = _declaringMeta._defns.size(); _declaringMeta._defns.add(this); _formatter = new DefnFormatter(this); _isIndexField = false; _luceneIndexType = Index.NOT_ANALYZED; } public Field field() { // yes, we are doing lazy init here, not synchronized, not volatile, this method WILL BE called by Meta.lazyInitCheck() // which is synchronized if (_field == null) { lazyFieldInit(); } return _field; } public boolean isFieldTypePrimitive() { return field().getType().isPrimitive(); } public boolean hasAdditionalSizeInfo() { return false; } public Object getValue(T record) { try { return _field.get(record); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new Error(e); } } public void setValue(T record, Object value) { try { _field.set(record, value); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new RecordException(e); } } // for "native" types this is fine, for DefnClob, DefnXML, DefnBlob, DefnRecord, which // this the bytes as a "reference" to the actual stored data, this needs to be overriden /* public Object bytesToValue (ByteBuffer bytes) throws IOException { return this.readImpl(bytes); } */ private static Field getField(Class clazz, String fieldName) throws NoSuchFieldException { try { return clazz.getDeclaredField(fieldName); } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) { Class superClass = clazz.getSuperclass(); if (superClass == null) { throw e; } else { return getField(superClass, fieldName); } } } public void lazyFieldInit() { String declaredFieldName = getDeclaringFieldName(); String declaredFieldName1 = Character.toLowerCase(declaredFieldName.charAt(0)) + new String(declaredFieldName.toCharArray(), 1, declaredFieldName.length() - 1); String declaredFieldName2 = "_" + declaredFieldName1; try { _field = getField(_declaringMeta._clazz, declaredFieldName1); } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) { try { _field = getField(_declaringMeta._clazz, declaredFieldName2); } catch (NoSuchFieldException e2) { } } if (_field != null) { _field.setAccessible(true); } else { throw new RuntimeException(New.str("Unable to find match field variable for ", declaredFieldName1, " or ", declaredFieldName2, " for meta ", this._declaringMeta._clazz.getName())); } Class fieldClass = _field.getType(); boolean valid = false; // check if the variable declared matches the Defn type, for enum and record losen up for (Class typeClass : typeClasses()) { if (typeClass.equals(fieldClass) || (this instanceof DefnEnum && typeClass.isAssignableFrom(fieldClass)) || (this instanceof DefnRecord && typeClass.isAssignableFrom(fieldClass))) { valid = true; } } if (!valid) { throw new RecordException( New.str("Invalid Type [", fieldClass, "] for field: " + _field.getType().getSimpleName())); } if (_defaultValue == null) { // set defaultValue if field is primitive type if (isFieldTypePrimitive()) { if (fieldClass == boolean.class) { _defaultValue = false; } else if (fieldClass == int.class) { _defaultValue = 0; } else if (fieldClass == long.class) { _defaultValue = (long) 0; } else if (fieldClass == short.class) { _defaultValue = (short) 0; } else if (fieldClass == byte.class) { _defaultValue = (byte) 0; } else { throw new RecordException("Unknown primitive type " + fieldClass.getName()); } } } try { // read is always from master String readFile = New.str(_declaringMeta.recordDir(true), File.separator, _field.getName()); String writeFile = New.str(_declaringMeta.recordDir(_declaringMeta._mode._isMaster), File.separator, _field.getName()); // should read size from Defn _channel = new FixedFilePartition(new File(readFile), new File(writeFile), 1024 * 1024 * FilePartitionSizeInMB, size()); _writeBytes = new byte[size()]; _writeDataIO = ByteBuffer.wrap(_writeBytes); _readBytes = new byte[size()]; _readDataIO = ByteBuffer.wrap(_readBytes); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RecordException(e); } } public void notifyListener(Object value, long id, boolean enable) { if (_listener != null && enable) { _listener.notify(value, id); } } public int readCount() { try { return (int) (_channel.size() / size()); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new RecordException(ioe); } } public T read(long i, T toRecord) throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException { Object fieldValue = read(i); _field.set(toRecord, fieldValue); return toRecord; } public Object read(long i) throws IOException { _readLock.lock(); try { _readDataIO.rewind();, i * size()); byte headerType = _readDataIO.get(); if (Header.IsNull == Headers[headerType]) { return _defaultValue; } else if (Header.UnInitialized == Headers[headerType]) { if (Headers[headerType]._throwException) { throw new DefnHeaderException(i, this, Headers[headerType]); } return _defaultValue; } else if (Header.Corrupt == Headers[headerType]) { System.err.println(New.str("Read Corrupt [", this._declaringFieldName, "] for record ", i)); if (Headers[headerType]._throwException) { throw new DefnHeaderException(i, this, Headers[headerType]); } return _defaultValue; } else { return readImpl(_readDataIO, false); } } finally { _readLock.unlock(); } } // read raw data (including header byte) in byte buffer public ByteBuffer readFullRawBytes(int maxCounts) throws IOException { int count = Math.min(readCount(), maxCounts); return _channel.readFull(count * size()); } // read refined data (with removed header byte) in array public Object readAll(int maxCounts) throws IOException { int count = Math.min(readCount(), maxCounts); byte[] buf = readFullRawBytes(maxCounts).array(); ByteBuffer readDataIO = ByteBuffer.allocate(size()); Object elements = null; if (this instanceof DefnRecord) { elements = Array.newInstance(long.class, count); for (int i = 0, offset = 0, size = size(), c = count; i < c; i++, offset += size) { readDataIO.put(buf, offset, size); readDataIO.rewind(); readDataIO.get(); // skip header byte Array.set(elements, i, readDataIO.getLong()); readDataIO.rewind(); } } else { elements = Array.newInstance(field().getType(), count); for (int i = 0, offset = 0, size = size(), c = count; i < c; i++, offset += size) { readDataIO.put(buf, offset, size); readDataIO.rewind(); readDataIO.get(); // skip header byte Array.set(elements, i, readImpl(readDataIO, false)); readDataIO.rewind(); } } return elements; } public Object readAll() throws IOException { return readAll(readCount()); } public void update(long i, Object fieldValue) throws IOException { _writeLock.lock(); try { RecordLog.Entry logEntry =, i); // write to file write(i, fieldValue, null, false, logEntry); // XXX this should be in the write method ?? update cached Record instance if there is one if ( instanceof CachedRecordStore) { T record = (T) ((CachedRecordStore); if (record != null) { setValue(record, fieldValue); } } if (this._isIndexField) { //throw new RuntimeException("XXX implement this indexField"); }; } finally { _writeLock.unlock(); } } public void write(long i, Object src, IndexDocument idx, boolean create, RecordLog.Entry logEntry) throws IOException { _writeLock.lock(); try { // XXX Note: rawSrcBytes[0] will be header for primitive types (while Clob, Blob, XML will not) byte[] rawSrcBytes = src == null ? null : writeImpl(_writeBytes, src, i); notifyListener(src, i, Meta.Mode._isMaster); _writeBytes[0] = src == null ? Header.IsNull._asByte : Header.NonNull._asByte; if (logEntry != null) { logEntry.addDefn(this, _writeBytes[0], rawSrcBytes); } // done and return if (this._declaringMeta._mode._isSlave) { return; } _writeDataIO.rewind(); _channel.write(_writeDataIO, i * size()); if (create && idx != null) { idx.addField(this, src); } if (!create && _isIndexField) { idx = new IndexDocument(_declaringMeta.index(), i); idx.update(this, src); } } finally { _writeLock.unlock(); } } public static enum FormatType { ForIndex, ForSearch, ForDisplay }; // sub class can override this for search,index, or display // ie Remove special chars for indexing.. public String fmt(Object o, FormatType type) { if (o == null) { throw new RecordException("Can not format NULL value"); } return _formatter.fmt(o, type); } public Object parse(String s) { throw new RuntimeException(this.getClass().getName() + " needs to implemented"); } public String toString() { return defnToXML().toString(); } public Node defnToXML() { return new Node(getClass().getSimpleName()).add("@field", _field.getName(), "@size", size(), "@indexed", _isIndexField); } public Node fieldToXML(Record record) { // probably should show field name and etc Node field = new Node(getDeclaringFieldName()); try { field.set(_field.get(record)); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } return field; } public void fieldToJSON(T record, JSONObject json, boolean skipNullFields, boolean load) throws JSONException { Object value = getValue(record); if (value == null && skipNullFields) { return; } json.put(_declaringFieldName, value); } public String getDeclaringFieldName() { try { if (_declaringFieldName == null) { Field fields[] = _declaringMeta._clazz.getFields(); for (Field field : fields) { Object value = field.get(null); if (value != null && value.equals(this)) { _declaringFieldName = field.getName(); break; } } } return _declaringFieldName; } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } public String getIndexFieldName() { return getDeclaringFieldName(); } protected Defn index(boolean index) { if (index) { _declaringMeta._hasIndexFields = true; } _isIndexField = index; return this; } protected Defn index(boolean index, Index indexType) { index(index); _luceneIndexType = indexType; return this; } protected Defn lazyLoad(boolean lazyLoad) { _lazyLoad = lazyLoad; return this; } protected Defn listener(Class<? extends Listener> listenerClass) { return listener(listenerClass, null); } protected Defn listener(Class<? extends Listener> listenerClass, Class paramClass) { try { // create an instance of listener Listener listener = null; if (paramClass != null) { Constructor constructor = paramClass.getConstructor(new Class[] {}); Object param = constructor.newInstance(new Object[] {}); while (paramClass != null) { try { constructor = listenerClass.getConstructor(new Class[] { paramClass }); break; } catch (Exception e) { if (paramClass == Object.class) { throw e; // tried everything... throw up } paramClass = paramClass.getSuperclass(); } } listener = (Listener) constructor.newInstance(new Object[] { param }); } else { Constructor constructor = listenerClass.getConstructor(new Class[] {}); listener = (Listener) constructor.newInstance(new Object[] {}); } listener._defn = this; // if there is more than one chain them up if (_listener == null) { _listener = listener; } else { for (Listener lastListener = _listener; lastListener != null; lastListener = lastListener._next) { if (lastListener._next == null) { lastListener._next = listener; break; } } } } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } return this; } public Index getIndexType() { return _luceneIndexType; } public boolean ifTrueForFunction(Object rightValue, String function, Object leftValue) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(function); } public long[] sort() { return null; } public void sort(Collection<Long> ids) { } public void sort(Iterable<Long> ids) { } public void sort(long[] ids) { } }