Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2013 Red Hat, Inc. ( * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.commonjava.maven.galley.cache.infinispan; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.commonjava.cdi.util.weft.ContextSensitiveWeakHashMap; import org.commonjava.cdi.util.weft.ThreadContext; import org.commonjava.maven.galley.cache.partyline.PartyLineCacheProvider; import org.commonjava.maven.galley.model.ConcreteResource; import org.commonjava.maven.galley.model.Location; import org.commonjava.maven.galley.model.Transfer; import org.commonjava.maven.galley.spi.cache.CacheProvider; import org.commonjava.maven.galley.spi.event.FileEventManager; import; import; import org.commonjava.maven.galley.util.PathUtils; import org.commonjava.util.partyline.JoinableFileManager; import org.commonjava.util.partyline.LockLevel; import org.infinispan.notifications.Listener; import org.infinispan.notifications.cachelistener.annotation.CacheEntryExpired; import org.infinispan.notifications.cachelistener.event.CacheEntryExpiredEvent; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import javax.annotation.PostConstruct; import javax.annotation.PreDestroy; import javax.transaction.HeuristicMixedException; import javax.transaction.HeuristicRollbackException; import javax.transaction.NotSupportedException; import javax.transaction.RollbackException; import javax.transaction.Status; import javax.transaction.SystemException; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.ref.WeakReference; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock; /** * This cache provider provides the ability to write the backup artifacts to an external storage(NFS) which can be mounted * to local system as normal storage device, and meantime keep to cache these artifacts to local storage as usual. And a cache * to store the usage ownership of the external storage will be hosted in this provider. <br /> * As this cache provider will use NFS as the distributed file caching, the NFS root directory is needed. If you want use this cache * provider in CDI environment, please don't forget to set the system property "galley.nfs.basedir" to specify this directory * as this provider will use it to get the nfs root directory by default. If you want to set this directory by manually, * use the parameterized constructor with the "nfsBaseDir" param. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Listener public class FastLocalCacheProvider implements CacheProvider, CacheProvider.AdminView { private static final String FAST_LOCAL_STREAMS = "fast-local-streams"; private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass()); public static final String NFS_BASE_DIR_KEY = "galley.nfs.basedir"; private String nfsBaseDir; // use weak key map to avoid the memory occupy for long time of the transfer private final Map<ConcreteResource, Transfer> transferCache = new ContextSensitiveWeakHashMap<>(); private PartyLineCacheProvider plCacheProvider; // This NFS owner cache will be shared during nodes(indy?), it will record the which node is storing which file // in NFS. Used as <path, ip> cache to collect nfs ownership of the file storage private final CacheInstance<String, String> nfsOwnerCache; private FileEventManager fileEventManager; private TransferDecorator transferDecorator; private ExecutorService executor; private PathGenerator pathGenerator; private final JoinableFileManager fileManager = new JoinableFileManager(); // Mapping key for ISPN transaction file counter in threadcontext, see #getFileCounter() private static final String ISPN_TX_FILE_COUNTER = "ISPN_TX_FILE_COUNTER"; private final Map<Transfer, ReentrantLock> transferLocks = new ContextSensitiveWeakHashMap<>(); private static final Long DEFAULT_WAIT_FOR_TRANSFER_LOCK_SECONDS = 600L; private static final Long DEFAULT_WAIT_FOR_TRANSFER_LOCK_MILLIS = DEFAULT_WAIT_FOR_TRANSFER_LOCK_SECONDS * 1000; private final CacheInstance<String, ConcreteResource> localFileCache; /** * Construct the FastLocalCacheProvider with the params. You can specify you own nfs base dir in this constructor. * * @param plCacheProvider - PartyLineCacheProvider to handle the local cache files * @param nfsUsageCache - ISPN cache to hold the nfs artifacts owner. * @param fileEventManager - * @param transferDecorator - * @param executor - The thread pool for executing reading task concurrently. * @param nfsBaseDir - The NFS system root dir to hold the artifacts */ protected FastLocalCacheProvider(final PartyLineCacheProvider plCacheProvider, final CacheInstance<String, String> nfsUsageCache, final PathGenerator pathGenerator, final FileEventManager fileEventManager, final TransferDecorator transferDecorator, final ExecutorService executor, final String nfsBaseDir, final CacheInstance<String, ConcreteResource> localFileCache) { this.plCacheProvider = plCacheProvider; this.nfsOwnerCache = nfsUsageCache; this.pathGenerator = pathGenerator; this.fileEventManager = fileEventManager; this.transferDecorator = transferDecorator; this.executor = executor; this.localFileCache = localFileCache; setNfsBaseDir(nfsBaseDir); init(); } private void checkNfsBaseDir() { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(nfsBaseDir)) { logger.debug(">>>[galley] the nfs basedir is {}", nfsBaseDir); throw new IllegalArgumentException( "[galley] FastLocalCacheProvider needs nfs directory to cache files, please set the parameter correctly or use system property \"galley.nfs.basedir\" first with your NFS root directory."); } } /** * Sets the nfs base dir. Note that if the nfsBaseDir is not valid(empty or not a directory), then will check the system property * "galley.nfs.basedir" to get the value again. If still not valid, will throw Exception * * @param nfsBaseDir - * @throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - the nfsBaseDir is not valid(empty or not a valid directory) */ public void setNfsBaseDir(String nfsBaseDir) { this.nfsBaseDir = nfsBaseDir; if (StringUtils.isBlank(this.nfsBaseDir)) { logger.warn("[galley] nfs basedir {} is not valid directory", this.nfsBaseDir); this.nfsBaseDir = System.getProperty(NFS_BASE_DIR_KEY); } checkNfsBaseDir(); } @PostConstruct public void init() { if (localFileCache != null) { localFileCache.execute(cache -> { cache.addListener(FastLocalCacheProvider.this); return null; }); } startReporting(); } @PreDestroy public void destroy() { stopReporting(); } @Override public boolean isFileBased() { return true; } @Override public File getDetachedFile(ConcreteResource resource) { File file = plCacheProvider.getDetachedFile(resource); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(nfsBaseDir) && (file == null || !file.exists())) { // if file not exists in cache dir, try NFS dir file = getNFSDetachedFile(resource); } return file; } File getNFSDetachedFile(ConcreteResource resource) { final File f = new File(getNFSFilePath(resource)); if (resource.isRoot() && !f.isDirectory()) { f.mkdirs(); } return f; } @Override public void startReporting() { plCacheProvider.startReporting(); } @Override public void stopReporting() { plCacheProvider.stopReporting(); } @Override public void cleanupCurrentThread() { plCacheProvider.cleanupCurrentThread(); ThreadContext streamHolder = ThreadContext.getContext(false); if (streamHolder != null) { final String threadId = String.valueOf(Thread.currentThread().getId()); final Set<WeakReference<OutputStream>> streams = (Set<WeakReference<OutputStream>>) streamHolder .get(FAST_LOCAL_STREAMS); if (streams != null && !streams.isEmpty()) { Iterator<WeakReference<OutputStream>> iter = streams.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { WeakReference<OutputStream> streamRef =; IOUtils.closeQuietly(streamRef.get()); iter.remove(); } } streamHolder.remove(threadId); } } @Override public boolean isDirectory(ConcreteResource resource) { return getDetachedFile(resource).isDirectory(); } @Override public boolean isFile(ConcreteResource resource) { return getDetachedFile(resource).isFile(); } /** * For file reading, first will check if the local cache has the file there. If yes, will directly to read the local * cache. If no, then will check the NFS volume for the file, and will copy it to the local cache if found, then read * from the local cache again. * * @param resource - the resource will be read * @return - the input stream for further reading * @throws IOException */ @Override public InputStream openInputStream(final ConcreteResource resource) throws IOException { final String pathKey = getKeyForResource(resource); // This lock is used to control the the local resource can be opened successfully finally when local resource missing // but NFS not, which means will do a NFS->local copy. final Object copyLock = new Object(); // A flag to mark if the local resource can be open now or need to wait for the copy thread completes its work final AtomicBoolean canStreamOpen = new AtomicBoolean(false); // A second flag to indicate whether copyTask failed final AtomicBoolean copyExceOccurs = new AtomicBoolean(false); // This copy task is responsible for the NFS->local copy, and will be run in another thread, // which can use PartyLine concurrent read/write function on the local cache to boost // the i/o operation final Runnable copyNFSTask = () -> { InputStream nfsIn = null; OutputStream localOut = null; try { lockByISPN(nfsOwnerCache, resource, LockLevel.write); File nfsFile = getNFSDetachedFile(resource); if (!nfsFile.exists()) { logger.trace("NFS file does not exist too."); copyExceOccurs.set(true); return; } nfsIn = new FileInputStream(nfsFile); localOut = plCacheProvider.openOutputStream(resource); canStreamOpen.set(true); // set it ASAP so the readers can start reading before copy completes synchronized (copyLock) { copyLock.notifyAll(); } IOUtils.copy(nfsIn, localOut); logger.trace("NFS copy to local cache done."); } catch (NotSupportedException | SystemException | IOException | InterruptedException e) { copyExceOccurs.set(true); if (e instanceof IOException) { final String errorMsg = String.format( "[galley] got i/o error when doing the NFS->Local copy for resource %s", resource.toString()); logger.warn(errorMsg, e); } else if (e instanceof InterruptedException) { final String errorMsg = String.format( "[galley] got thread interrupted error for partyline file locking when doing the NFS->Local copy for resource %s", resource.toString()); throw new IllegalStateException(errorMsg, e); } else { final String errorMsg = String.format( "[galley] Cache TransactionManager got error, locking key is %s, resource is %s", pathKey, resource.toString()); logger.error(errorMsg, e); throw new IllegalStateException(errorMsg, e); } } finally { unlockByISPN(nfsOwnerCache, false, resource); IOUtils.closeQuietly(nfsIn); IOUtils.closeQuietly(localOut); cacheLocalFilePath(resource); synchronized (copyLock) { copyLock.notifyAll(); } } }; // This lock is used to control the concurrent operations on the resource, like concurrent delete and read/write. // Use "this" as lock is heavy, should think about use the transfer for the resource as the lock for each thread final AtomicReference<IOException> taskException = new AtomicReference<>(); final InputStream stream = tryLockAnd(resource, DEFAULT_WAIT_FOR_TRANSFER_LOCK_SECONDS, TimeUnit.SECONDS, r -> { boolean localExisted = plCacheProvider.exists(r); if (localExisted) { logger.trace("local cache already exists, will directly get input stream from it."); try { return plCacheProvider.openInputStream(r); } catch (IOException e) { taskException.set(e); return null; } } else { logger.trace("local cache does not exist, will start to copy from NFS cache"); executor.execute(copyNFSTask); } synchronized (copyLock) { while (!canStreamOpen.get()) { if (copyExceOccurs.get()) { return null; } try { copyLock.wait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { logger.warn("[galley] NFS copy thread is interrupted by other threads", e); } } logger.trace("the NFS->local copy completed, will get the input stream from local cache"); try { return plCacheProvider.openInputStream(r); } catch (IOException e) { taskException.set(e); return null; } } }); propagateException(taskException.get()); return stream; } /** * For file writing, will wrapping two output streams to caller - one for local cache file, another for nfs file -, * and the caller can write to these two streams in the meantime. <br /> * For the local part, because it uses {@link org.commonjava.maven.galley.cache.partyline.PartyLineCacheProvider} as * i/o provider, this supports the R/W on the same resource in the meantime. For details, please see * {@link org.commonjava.maven.galley.cache.partyline.PartyLineCacheProvider}. * * @param resource - the resource will be read * @return - the output stream for further writing * @throws IOException */ @Override public OutputStream openOutputStream(ConcreteResource resource) throws IOException { final DualOutputStreamsWrapper dualOutUpper; final String nodeIp = getCurrentNodeIp(); final String pathKey = getKeyForResource(resource); final File nfsFile = getNFSDetachedFile(resource); final AtomicReference<IOException> taskException = new AtomicReference<>(); final TransferLockTask<DualOutputStreamsWrapper> streamTransferLockTask = r -> { DualOutputStreamsWrapper dualOut = null; try { lockByISPN(nfsOwnerCache, resource, LockLevel.write); nfsOwnerCache.put(pathKey, nodeIp); logger.trace("Start to get output stream from local cache through partyline to do join stream"); final OutputStream localOut = plCacheProvider.openOutputStream(resource); logger.trace("The output stream from local cache through partyline is got successfully"); if (!nfsFile.exists() && !nfsFile.isDirectory()) { try { if (!nfsFile.getParentFile().exists()) { nfsFile.getParentFile().mkdirs(); } nfsFile.createNewFile(); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("[galley] New nfs file created not properly.", e); throw e; } } final OutputStream nfsOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(nfsFile); logger.trace("The output stream from NFS is got successfully"); // will wrap the cache manager in stream wrapper, and let it do tx commit in stream close to make sure // the two streams writing's consistency. dualOut = new DualOutputStreamsWrapper(localOut, nfsOutputStream, nfsOwnerCache, pathKey, resource); if (nfsOwnerCache.getLockOwner(pathKey) != null) { logger.trace("[openOutputStream]ISPN locker for key {} with resource {} is {}", pathKey, resource, nfsOwnerCache.getLockOwner(pathKey)); } ThreadContext streamHolder = ThreadContext.getContext(true); Set<WeakReference<OutputStream>> streams = (Set<WeakReference<OutputStream>>) streamHolder .get(FAST_LOCAL_STREAMS); if (streams == null) { streams = new HashSet<>(10); } streams.add(new WeakReference<>(dualOut)); streamHolder.put(FAST_LOCAL_STREAMS, streams); } catch (NotSupportedException | SystemException | InterruptedException e) { logger.error("[galley] Transaction error for nfs cache during file writing.", e); throw new IllegalStateException( String.format("[galley] Output stream for resource %s open failed.", resource.toString()), e); } catch (IOException e) { taskException.set(e); } logger.trace("The dual output stream wrapped and returned successfully"); return dualOut; }; dualOutUpper = tryLockAnd(resource, DEFAULT_WAIT_FOR_TRANSFER_LOCK_SECONDS, TimeUnit.SECONDS, streamTransferLockTask); if (taskException.get() != null) { throw taskException.get(); } return dualOutUpper; } private void lockByISPN(final CacheInstance<String, String> cacheInstance, final ConcreteResource resource, final LockLevel level) throws SystemException, NotSupportedException, IOException, InterruptedException { //FIXME: This whole method is not thread-safe, especially for the lock state of the path, so the caller needs to take care // We need to think about the way of the ISPN lock and wait. If directly // use the nfsOwnerCache.lock but not consider if the lock has been acquired by another // thread, the ISPN lock will fail with a RuntimeException. So we need to let the // thread wait for the ISPN lock until it's released by the thread holds it. It's // like "tryLock" and "wait" of a thread lock. CacheInstance<String, String> cacheInst = cacheInstance; if (cacheInst == null) { cacheInst = nfsOwnerCache; } final String path = getKeyForResource(resource); fileManager.lock(new File(path), Long.MAX_VALUE, level); // Some consideration about the thread "re-entrant" for waiting here. If it is the same // thread, will not wait. waitForISPNLock(resource, cacheInst.isLocked(path), DEFAULT_WAIT_FOR_TRANSFER_LOCK_MILLIS); if (cacheInst.getTransactionStatus() == Status.STATUS_NO_TRANSACTION) { cacheInst.beginTransaction(); logger.trace("Transaction started for path {} with resource {}", path, resource); } if (!cacheInst.isLocked(path) && isTxActive(cacheInstance)) { cacheInst.lock(path); // Increment a file counter to notify that there is a file operation with ISPN lock now in this ISPN TX final int counter = getFileCounter().incrementAndGet(); logger.trace("ISPN locked once more, path: {}, resource {}, file counter: {}", path, resource, counter); } } private void unlockByISPN(final CacheInstance<String, String> cacheInstance, final boolean needCommit, final ConcreteResource resource) { final File resourcePath; final String path; try { path = getKeyForResource(resource); resourcePath = new File(path); fileManager.unlock(resourcePath); } catch (IOException e) { final String errorMsg = String.format( "Got i/o error when doing the parytyline file unlocking for resource %s", resource.toString()); throw new IllegalStateException(errorMsg, e); } final int lockCount = fileManager.getContextLockCount(resourcePath); logger.trace("Unlocked file lock for path {}, current lock count is {}", resourcePath, lockCount); if (lockCount == 0) { CacheInstance<String, String> cacheInst = cacheInstance; if (cacheInst == null) { cacheInst = nfsOwnerCache; } try { // The lock and unlock operation is only useful in an active Transaction of ISPN. if (isTxActive(cacheInstance)) { // Decrease the file counter to notify that a file operation ended and need to be unlocked from ISPN. If // counter is still not 0, means this ISPN TX still has other file operations in, so should only unlock // this file, but do not end the whole ISPN TX. Integer count = 0; if (cacheInst.isLocked(path)) { logger.trace("Unlocking ISPN lock for key: {} with resource: {}", path, resource); cacheInst.unlock(path); logger.trace("Lock status after unlocking: {}", cacheInst.isLocked(path)); count = getFileCounter().decrementAndGet(); logger.trace("Unlocked ISPN file count for path {}, current file count is {}", resourcePath, count); } if (count == 0) { if (needCommit) { try { { cacheInst.commit(); logger.trace("Transaction committed for path {} with resource {}", path, resource); return; } } catch (SystemException | RollbackException | HeuristicMixedException | HeuristicRollbackException e) { logger.error( "[galley] Transaction commit error for nfs cache during file operation.", e); } } // if commit failed, we should do rollback action to make sure the lock has been released try { cacheInst.rollback(); logger.trace("Transaction rollbacked for path {} with resource {}", path, resource); } catch (SystemException se) { final String errorMsg = "[galley] Transaction rollback error for nfs cache during file operation."; logger.error(errorMsg, se); throw new IllegalStateException(errorMsg, se); } } } } catch (SystemException e) { logger.error("[galley] Transaction status getting error for nfs cache during file operation.", e); } } } private boolean isTxActive(CacheInstance<String, String> cacheInstance) throws SystemException { final int[] ACTIVE_STATUS = new int[] { Status.STATUS_ACTIVE, Status.STATUS_COMMITTING, Status.STATUS_PREPARING, Status.STATUS_PREPARED, Status.STATUS_ROLLING_BACK }; boolean isActive = false; for (int status : ACTIVE_STATUS) { if (cacheInstance.getTransactionStatus() == status) { isActive = true; break; } } return isActive; } // This file counter is used to solve the problem of multi file operations in ISPN TX. Sometimes in one single ISPN TX, // it may includes more than one file operations. If we don't control the ISPN lock of each operation separately and just use // tx.commit/rollback, it may bring ISPN TX in some weird state. This file counter is more like a thread re-entrant feature for // ISPN single TX for different files. // For example, a thread can lock foo/bar/ and then start writing foo/bar/foo-bar-1.0.pom. When this writing is not finished(closed), // this thread will also start writing foor/bar/foo-bar-1.0.pom.sha1, so we should let the thread can lock foo/bar/ again as re-entrant // here with this file counter. When finished one of these two writing, do not let the ISPN TX to commit(rollback), just decrease the // counter here, and we should commit(rollback) the TX when all writing of these two done(file counter is 0 here) private synchronized AtomicInteger getFileCounter() { ThreadContext streamHolder = ThreadContext.getContext(true); streamHolder.putIfAbsent(ISPN_TX_FILE_COUNTER, new AtomicInteger(0)); return (AtomicInteger) streamHolder.get(ISPN_TX_FILE_COUNTER); } @Override public boolean exists(ConcreteResource resource) { return plCacheProvider.exists(resource) || getNFSDetachedFile(resource).exists(); } @Override public void copy(ConcreteResource from, ConcreteResource to) throws IOException { final String fromNFSPath = getKeyForResource(from); final String toNFSPath = getKeyForResource(to); //FIXME: there is no good solution here for thread locking as there are two resource needs to be locked. If handled not correctly, will cause dead lock InputStream nfsFrom = null; OutputStream nfsTo = null; try { //FIXME: need to think about this lock of the re-entrant way and ISPN lock wait nfsOwnerCache.beginTransaction(); nfsOwnerCache.lock(fromNFSPath, toNFSPath); plCacheProvider.copy(from, to); nfsFrom = new FileInputStream(getNFSDetachedFile(from)); File nfsToFile = getNFSDetachedFile(to); if (!nfsToFile.exists() && !nfsToFile.isDirectory()) { if (!nfsToFile.getParentFile().exists()) { nfsToFile.getParentFile().mkdirs(); } try { nfsToFile.createNewFile(); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("[galley] New nfs file created not properly.", e); } } nfsTo = new FileOutputStream(nfsToFile); IOUtils.copy(nfsFrom, nfsTo); //FIXME: need to use put? nfsOwnerCache.putIfAbsent(toNFSPath, getCurrentNodeIp()); nfsOwnerCache.commit(); } catch (NotSupportedException | SystemException | RollbackException | HeuristicMixedException | HeuristicRollbackException e) { logger.error("[galley] Transaction error for nfs cache during file copying.", e); try { nfsOwnerCache.rollback(); } catch (SystemException se) { final String errorMsg = "[galley] Transaction rollback error for nfs cache during file copying."; logger.error(errorMsg, se); throw new IllegalStateException(errorMsg, se); } } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(nfsFrom); IOUtils.closeQuietly(nfsTo); } } @Override public String getFilePath(final ConcreteResource resource) { String dir = resource.getLocation().getAttribute(Location.ATTR_ALT_STORAGE_LOCATION, String.class); return dir != null ? PathUtils.normalize(dir, pathGenerator.getFilePath(resource)) : getNFSFilePath(resource); } private String getNFSFilePath(final ConcreteResource resource) { return PathUtils.normalize(nfsBaseDir, pathGenerator.getFilePath(resource)); } @Override public boolean delete(ConcreteResource resource) throws IOException { final File nfsFile = getNFSDetachedFile(resource); final String pathKey = getKeyForPath(nfsFile.getCanonicalPath()); final AtomicReference<Exception> taskException = new AtomicReference<>(); final Boolean deleteResult = tryLockAnd(resource, DEFAULT_WAIT_FOR_TRANSFER_LOCK_SECONDS, TimeUnit.SECONDS, r -> { boolean localDeleted = false; try { // must make sure the local file is not in reading/writing status if (!plCacheProvider.isWriteLocked(resource) && !plCacheProvider.isReadLocked(resource)) { logger.debug("[galley] Local cache file is not locked, will be deleted now."); localDeleted = plCacheProvider.delete(resource); } else { logger.warn( "Resource {} is locked by other threads for waiting and writing, can not be deleted now", resource); } if (!localDeleted) { // if local deletion not success, no need to delete NFS to keep data consistency"local file deletion failed for {}", resource); return false; } lockByISPN(nfsOwnerCache, resource, LockLevel.delete); nfsOwnerCache.remove(pathKey); final boolean nfsDeleted = nfsFile.delete(); if (!nfsDeleted) {"nfs file deletion failed for {}", nfsFile); } return nfsDeleted; } catch (NotSupportedException | SystemException | InterruptedException e) { final String errorMsg = String .format("[galley] Cache TransactionManager got error, locking key is %s", pathKey); logger.error(errorMsg, e); taskException.set(e); } catch (IOException e) { taskException.set(e); } finally { if (localDeleted) { "Local file deleted and ISPN lock started for {}, need to release ISPN lock", resource); unlockByISPN(nfsOwnerCache, false, resource); localFileCache.remove(resource.getPath()); } } return false; }); propagateException(taskException.get()); return deleteResult == null ? false : deleteResult; } @Override public String[] list(ConcreteResource resource) { // Only focus on NFS location return getNFSDetachedFile(resource).list(); } @Override public void mkdirs(ConcreteResource resource) throws IOException { final String pathKey = getKeyForResource(resource); try { lockByISPN(nfsOwnerCache, resource, LockLevel.write); getDetachedFile(resource).mkdirs(); } catch (NotSupportedException | SystemException | InterruptedException e) { final String errorMsg = String.format("[galley] Cache TransactionManager got error, locking key is %s", pathKey); logger.error(errorMsg, e); throw new IllegalStateException(errorMsg, e); } finally { unlockByISPN(nfsOwnerCache, false, resource); } } @Deprecated @Override public void createFile(ConcreteResource resource) throws IOException { final String pathKey = getKeyForResource(resource); try { lockByISPN(nfsOwnerCache, resource, LockLevel.write); final File nfsFile = getNFSDetachedFile(resource); if (!nfsFile.exists()) { nfsFile.getParentFile().mkdirs(); nfsFile.createNewFile(); } } catch (NotSupportedException | SystemException | InterruptedException e) { final String errorMsg = String.format("[galley] Cache TransactionManager got error, locking key is %s", pathKey); logger.error(errorMsg, e); throw new IllegalStateException(errorMsg, e); } finally { unlockByISPN(nfsOwnerCache, false, resource); } } @Deprecated @Override public void createAlias(ConcreteResource from, ConcreteResource to) throws IOException { // if the download landed in a different repository, copy it to the current one for // completeness..., and both in local and nfs sides final Location fromKey = from.getLocation(); final Location toKey = to.getLocation(); final String fromPath = from.getPath(); final String toPath = to.getPath(); if (fromKey != null && toKey != null && !fromKey.equals(toKey) && fromPath != null && toPath != null && !fromPath.equals(toPath)) { copy(from, to); } } @Override public synchronized Transfer getTransfer(final ConcreteResource resource) { Transfer t = transferCache.get(resource); if (t == null) { t = new Transfer(resource, this, fileEventManager, transferDecorator); transferCache.put(new ConcreteResource(resource.getLocation(), resource.getPath()), t); } return t; } @Override public synchronized void clearTransferCache() { transferCache.clear(); } @Override public long length(ConcreteResource resource) { final File file = getNFSDetachedFilePrimarily(resource); return file == null ? 0 : file.length(); } @Override public long lastModified(ConcreteResource resource) { return getNFSDetachedFilePrimarily(resource).lastModified(); } /** * Something that will happen here is: if a file (maybe big) is in process of NFS->local, but another user starts to request this file. * As this file is not yet in local, it will return a wrong file attribute(like length or lastModified) to the end user, which will * result error response. So here we supply a flag to choose NFS primarily to use NFS file to get the file attr, which is more stable reference. * * @param resource * @return */ private File getNFSDetachedFilePrimarily(ConcreteResource resource) { File file = null; if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(nfsBaseDir)) { file = getNFSDetachedFile(resource); } if (file == null || !file.exists()) { file = getDetachedFile(resource); } return file; } @Override public boolean isReadLocked(ConcreteResource resource) { try { //To avoid deadlock, here use a lock with timeout, if timeout happened, will throw exception AtomicReference<IOException> taskException = new AtomicReference<>(); final Boolean result = tryLockAnd(resource, DEFAULT_WAIT_FOR_TRANSFER_LOCK_SECONDS, TimeUnit.SECONDS, r -> { try { final String cacheKey = getKeyForResource(resource); final boolean isFileReadLocked = plCacheProvider.isReadLocked(resource); final boolean isISPNLocked = nfsOwnerCache.isLocked(cacheKey); logger.trace( "The read lock status: resource locked: {}, ISPN locked: {}, lockKey: {}, Resource: {}", isFileReadLocked, isISPNLocked, cacheKey, resource); return isFileReadLocked || isISPNLocked; } catch (IOException e) { taskException.set(e); return false; } }); propagateException(taskException.get()); return result == null ? false : result; } catch (IOException e) { final String errorMsg = String.format( "[galley] When get NFS cache key for resource: %s, got I/O error.", resource.toString()); logger.error(errorMsg, e); throw new IllegalStateException(errorMsg, e); } } @Override public boolean isWriteLocked(ConcreteResource resource) { try { //To avoid deadlock, here use a lock with timeout, if timeout happened, will throw exception AtomicReference<IOException> taskException = new AtomicReference<>(); final Boolean result = tryLockAnd(resource, DEFAULT_WAIT_FOR_TRANSFER_LOCK_SECONDS, TimeUnit.SECONDS, r -> { try { final String cacheKey = getKeyForResource(resource); final boolean isFileWriteLocked = plCacheProvider.isWriteLocked(resource); final boolean isISPNLocked = nfsOwnerCache.isLocked(getKeyForResource(resource)); logger.trace( "The write lock status: resource locked: {}, ISPN locked: {}, lock key: {}, Resource: {}", isFileWriteLocked, isISPNLocked, cacheKey, resource); return isFileWriteLocked || isISPNLocked; } catch (IOException e) { taskException.set(e); return false; } }); propagateException(taskException.get()); return result == null ? false : result; } catch (IOException e) { final String errorMsg = String.format( "[galley] When get NFS cache key for resource: %s, got I/O error.", resource.toString()); logger.error(errorMsg, e); throw new IllegalStateException(errorMsg, e); } } @Override public void unlockRead(ConcreteResource resource) { // Not supported yet } @Override public void unlockWrite(ConcreteResource resource) { // Not supported yet } @Override public void lockRead(ConcreteResource resource) { // Not supported yet } @Override public void lockWrite(ConcreteResource resource) { // Not supported yet } @Override public void waitForReadUnlock(ConcreteResource resource) { //To avoid deadlock, here use a lock with timeout, if timeout happened, will throw exception try { final AtomicReference<IOException> taskException = new AtomicReference<>(); tryLockAnd(resource, DEFAULT_WAIT_FOR_TRANSFER_LOCK_SECONDS, TimeUnit.SECONDS, r -> { plCacheProvider.waitForReadUnlock(resource); try { waitForISPNLock(resource, isReadLocked(resource), DEFAULT_WAIT_FOR_TRANSFER_LOCK_MILLIS); } catch (IOException e) { taskException.set(e); } return null; }); propagateException(taskException.get()); } catch (IOException e) { final String errorMsg = String.format( "[galley] When wait for read lock of resource: %s, got I/O error.", resource.toString()); logger.error(errorMsg, e); throw new IllegalStateException(errorMsg, e); } } @Override public AdminView asAdminView() { return this; } @Override public void waitForWriteUnlock(ConcreteResource resource) { //To avoid deadlock, here use a lock with timeout, if timeout happened, will throw exception try { final AtomicReference<IOException> taskException = new AtomicReference<>(); tryLockAnd(resource, DEFAULT_WAIT_FOR_TRANSFER_LOCK_SECONDS, TimeUnit.SECONDS, r -> { plCacheProvider.waitForWriteUnlock(resource); try { waitForISPNLock(resource, isWriteLocked(resource), DEFAULT_WAIT_FOR_TRANSFER_LOCK_MILLIS); } catch (IOException e) { taskException.set(e); } return null; }); propagateException(taskException.get()); } catch (IOException e) { final String errorMsg = String.format( "[galley] When wait for read lock of resource: %s, got I/O error.", resource.toString()); logger.error(errorMsg, e); throw new IllegalStateException(errorMsg, e); } } /** * Waits for ISPN lock of resource to release the lock. You can specify a timeout (in milliseconds) to let this waiting * can be timeout. Not that this method only wait for different threads which holds the locker of the path, if it is same * thread, will directly go through it for following oeprations * * @param resource the resource can supply the key of the ISPN locker * @param locked only when this param is true, this method will try to do waiting. * @param timeout a timeout (in milliseconds) to let the wait not blocked forever. * @throws IOException when timeout, a IOException will be thrown to notify */ private void waitForISPNLock(ConcreteResource resource, boolean locked, long timeout) throws IOException { final String path; try { path = getKeyForResource(resource); } catch (IOException e) { final String errorMsg = String.format( "[galley] When get NFS cache key for resource: %s, got I/O error.", resource.toString()); logger.error(errorMsg, e); throw new IllegalStateException(errorMsg, e); } if (fileManager.isLockedByCurrentThread(new File(path))) { logger.trace("Processing in same thread, will not wait for ISPN lock to make it re-entrant"); return; } final boolean needTimeout = timeout > 0; final long WAIT_INTERVAL = 1000; long timeDuration = 0; while (locked) { // Use ISPN lock owner for resource to wait until lock is released. Note that if the lock has no owner, // means lock has been released final Object owner = nfsOwnerCache.getLockOwner(path); if (owner == null) { break; } logger.trace( "ISPN lock still not released. ISPN lock key:{}, locker: {}, operation path: {}. Waiting for 1 seconds", path, owner, resource); if (needTimeout && timeDuration > timeout) { throw new IOException(String.format( "ISPN lock timeout after %d Milliseconds! The ISPN lock owner is %s, and lock key is %s", timeout, owner, path)); } else { try { synchronized (owner) { owner.wait(WAIT_INTERVAL); timeDuration += WAIT_INTERVAL; } } catch (final InterruptedException e) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } } } } private String getCurrentNodeIp() throws SocketException { final Enumeration<NetworkInterface> nis = NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces(); Inet4Address top = null; while (nis.hasMoreElements()) { final NetworkInterface ni = nis.nextElement(); final Enumeration<InetAddress> ips = ni.getInetAddresses(); while (ips.hasMoreElements()) { final InetAddress ip = ips.nextElement(); if (ip instanceof Inet4Address && !ip.isLinkLocalAddress()) { if (top == null) { top = (Inet4Address) ip; } else if (!top.isSiteLocalAddress() && ip.isSiteLocalAddress()) { top = (Inet4Address) ip; } } } } if (top == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("[galley] IP not found."); } return top.getHostAddress(); } private String getKeyForResource(ConcreteResource resource) throws IOException { File nfsFile = getNFSDetachedFile(resource); // Need the key as a parent folder level to lock all files I/O with some derivative files like checksum files return getKeyForPath( nfsFile.isDirectory() ? nfsFile.getCanonicalPath() : nfsFile.getParentFile().getCanonicalPath()); } private String getKeyForPath(String path) { //TODO: will directly return path now, may change some other way future(like digesting?) return path; } private ReentrantLock getTransferLock(final ConcreteResource resource) { final Transfer transfer = getTransfer(resource); return transferLocks.computeIfAbsent(transfer, tran -> new ReentrantLock()); } private <K> K tryLockAnd(ConcreteResource resource, long timeout, TimeUnit unit, TransferLockTask<K> task) throws IOException { ReentrantLock lock = getTransferLock(resource); boolean locked = false; try { if (timeout > 0) { locked = lock.tryLock(timeout, unit); if (locked) { return task.execute(resource); } else { throw new IOException( String.format("Did not get lock for resource %s in %d %s, timeout happened.", resource, timeout, unit.toString())); } } else { lock.lockInterruptibly(); return task.execute(resource); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { logger.warn("Interrupted for the transfer lock with resource: {}", resource); return null; } finally { if (timeout <= 0 || locked) { lock.unlock(); } } } private void propagateException(Exception e) throws IOException { if (e != null) { if (e instanceof RuntimeException) { throw (RuntimeException) e; } if (e instanceof IOException) { throw (IOException) e; } } } private void cacheLocalFilePath(final ConcreteResource resource) { if (plCacheProvider.exists(resource)) { localFileCache.put(resource.getPath(), resource); } } @CacheEntryExpired public void localFileExpired(CacheEntryExpiredEvent<String, ConcreteResource> e) { final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass()); if (e == null) { logger.error("[FATAL]The infinispan cache expired event for indy schedule manager is null.", new NullPointerException("CacheEntryExpiredEvent is null")); return; } if (!e.isPre()) { final String localFilePath = e.getKey(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(localFilePath)) { final ConcreteResource resource = e.getValue(); try { plCacheProvider.delete(resource); } catch (IOException ex) { logger.error(String.format("Cannot delete local file %s for expiration.", resource), ex); } } } } /** * A output stream wrapper to let the stream writing to dual output stream */ private final class DualOutputStreamsWrapper extends OutputStream { private final OutputStream out1; private final OutputStream out2; private final CacheInstance<String, String> cacheInstance; private boolean closed = false; private final String cacheKey; private final ConcreteResource resource; public DualOutputStreamsWrapper(final OutputStream out1, final OutputStream out2, final CacheInstance<String, String> cacheInstance, final String cacheKey, final ConcreteResource resource) { if (cacheInstance == null) { throw new NullPointerException("Cache instance cannot be null."); } if (out1 == null || out2 == null) { throw new NullPointerException( "Output streams cannot be null: (stream1: " + out1 + " / stream2: " + out2 + ")"); } this.out1 = out1; this.out2 = out2; this.cacheInstance = cacheInstance; this.cacheKey = cacheKey; this.resource = resource; } @Override public void write(int b) throws IOException { out1.write(b); out2.write(b); } @Override public void write(byte b[]) throws IOException { write(b, 0, b.length); } @Override public void write(byte b[], int off, int len) throws IOException { out1.write(b, off, len); out2.write(b, off, len); } @Override public void flush() throws IOException { out1.flush(); out2.flush(); } @Override public void close() throws IOException { // To resolve "Double-close" issue, add this closed flag for the "real closed" recognition final Logger logger = FastLocalCacheProvider.this.logger; if (closed) { logger.trace("The DualOutputStream {} already closed. path: {}, resource: {}", this, cacheKey, resource); // If still ISPN locked, we should unlock it to avoid "lock-never-released" if (cacheInstance.isLocked(cacheKey)) { unlockByISPN(cacheInstance, false, resource); } return; } Object lockOwner = cacheInstance.getLockOwner(cacheKey); logger.trace("ISPN lock released before ISPN trasaction for key {} with resource {}? {}", cacheKey, resource, lockOwner == null ? "Yes" : "No"); if (lockOwner != null) { logger.trace("[DualOutputStream.close]ISPN locker for key {} with resource {} is {}", cacheKey, resource, lockOwner); } try { unlockByISPN(cacheInstance, true, resource); // To avoid ISPN lock not released correctly, should consider the real closed case after the lock released successfully if (!closed) { closed = true; } } finally { // For safe, we should always let the stream closed, even if the transaction failed. IOUtils.closeQuietly(out1); IOUtils.closeQuietly(out2); cacheLocalFilePath(resource); logger.trace("ISPN lock released after ISPN trasaction for key {} with resource {}? {}", cacheKey, resource, cacheInstance.getLockOwner(cacheKey) == null ? "Yes" : "No"); } } } private interface TransferLockTask<T> { T execute(ConcreteResource resource); } }