Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2008 - CommonCrawl Foundation * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * **/ package org.commoncrawl.service.crawler; import; import; import; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Date; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.PriorityQueue; import java.util.Queue; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.FutureTask; import java.util.concurrent.Semaphore; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.locks.Condition; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock; import javax.servlet.jsp.JspWriter; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import; import; import org.apache.hadoop.util.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Appender; import org.apache.log4j.DailyRollingFileAppender; import org.apache.log4j.Layout; import org.apache.log4j.spi.LoggingEvent; import org.commoncrawl.util.SuffixStringMatcher; import org.commoncrawl.async.Callback; import org.commoncrawl.async.ConcurrentTask; import org.commoncrawl.async.EventLoop; import org.commoncrawl.async.Timer; import org.commoncrawl.async.ConcurrentTask.CompletionCallback; import org.commoncrawl.common.Environment; import org.commoncrawl.crawl.common.internal.CrawlEnvironment; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.commoncrawl.protocol.CrawlSegment; import org.commoncrawl.protocol.CrawlSegmentDetail; import org.commoncrawl.protocol.CrawlSegmentHost; import org.commoncrawl.protocol.CrawlSegmentStatus; import org.commoncrawl.protocol.CrawlSegmentURL; import org.commoncrawl.protocol.CrawlURL; import org.commoncrawl.protocol.CrawlURLMetadata; import org.commoncrawl.protocol.URLFP; import org.commoncrawl.rpc.base.internal.AsyncRequest; import org.commoncrawl.rpc.base.internal.NullMessage; import org.commoncrawl.rpc.base.shared.RPCException; import org.commoncrawl.service.crawler.CrawlLog.CheckpointCompletionCallback; import org.commoncrawl.service.crawler.CrawlLog.LogFlusherStopActionCallback; import org.commoncrawl.service.crawler.CrawlSegmentLog.CrawlSegmentFPMap; import org.commoncrawl.service.crawler.SegmentLoader.LoadProgressCallback; import org.commoncrawl.service.crawler.filters.Filter.FilterResult; import org.commoncrawl.service.crawler.util.URLFPBloomFilter; import org.commoncrawl.service.statscollector.CrawlerStats; import org.commoncrawl.service.statscollector.LogCrawlStatsRequest; import org.commoncrawl.util.AsyncAppender; import org.commoncrawl.util.CCStringUtils; import org.commoncrawl.util.CustomLogger; import org.commoncrawl.util.FPGenerator; import org.commoncrawl.util.FlexBuffer; import org.commoncrawl.util.HttpHeaderInfoExtractor; import org.commoncrawl.util.IPAddressUtils; import org.commoncrawl.util.JVMStats; import org.commoncrawl.util.MovingAverage; import org.commoncrawl.util.RuntimeStatsCollector; import org.commoncrawl.util.SessionIDURLNormalizer; import org.commoncrawl.util.SubDomainComparator; import org.commoncrawl.util.URLUtils; /** * Class that manages the crawler process state * * @author rana * */ public final class CrawlerEngine { /** database keys **/ static final String CRAWLER_CRAWL_SEGMENT_TYPE_PARENT_KEY = "TWUnit"; static final String CrawlSegmentKeyPrefix = "CSInfo_"; static final int DEFAULT_MAX_SIMULTANEOUS_CONNECTIONS = 500; static final int HOSTID_CACHE_SIZE = 10000; static final int DEFAULT_DNS_TIMEOUT = 30000; static final int STATS_COLLECTION_INTERVAL = 500; static final int DEFAULT_MAX_ACTIVE_URLS = 2000000000; static final int LOADER_OVERFLOW_ALLOWED = 100000; static final int MAX_PENDING_URLS = 100000; static final int DEFAULT_MAX_ACTIVE_HOSTS = 10000; static final int DEFAULT_LOCAL_BLOOMFILTER_ELEMENT_SIZE = 500000000; static final int DEFAULT_LOCAL_BLOOMFILTER_BITS_PER_ELEMENT = 11; static final int DEFAULT_LOCAL_BLOOMFILTER_BITS_NUM_HASH_FUNCTIONS = 10; // the loader will stall if memory utilization reaches or exceeds specified number .. static final float DEFAULT_LOADER_STALL_MEMORY_UTILIZATION_RATIO = .70f; // if the loader is stalled, it will not resume until memory utilization reaches specified ratio .. static final float DEFAULT_LOADER_RESUME_MEMORY_UTILIZATION_RATIO = .55f; // default list id static final long DEFAULT_LIST_ID = 1; /** logging **/ private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog("org.commoncrawl.crawler.CrawlEngine"); /** database id of crawler **/ String _databaseId; /** back pointer to crawl server **/ CrawlerServer _server; /** http crawl queue **/ CrawlQueue _httpCrawlQueue; /** crawl interface list **/ InetSocketAddress[] _crawlInterfaces; /** max tcp connect sockets **/ int _maxTCPSockets = -1; /** max active urls **/ int _maxActiveURLS = DEFAULT_MAX_ACTIVE_URLS; /** max active hosts **/ int _maxActiveHosts = DEFAULT_MAX_ACTIVE_HOSTS; /** custom logger **/ CustomLogger _failureLog; CustomLogger _SuccessLog; CustomLogger _GETLog; CustomLogger _DNSSuccessLog; CustomLogger _DNSFailureLog; CustomLogger _RobotsLog; CustomLogger _CrawlLogLog; CustomLogger _CookieLogger; SimpleDateFormat robotsLogDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy.MM.dd hh:mm:ss.SSS"); /** the crawl log **/ CrawlLog _crawlLog; /** stats collector **/ RuntimeStatsCollector _stats = new RuntimeStatsCollector(); /** stats collector (remote) stats **/ CrawlerStats _crawlerStats = new CrawlerStats(); /** last stats upload time **/ private long _lastCrawlerStatsUploadTime = -1; /** crawler stats flush interval **/ private static final int CRAWLER_STATS_FLUSH_INTERVAL = 5 * 60 * 1000; // 5 minutes /** stats collecetor timer **/ private Timer _statsCollectionTimer = null; /** startup time **/ private long _startupTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); /** failure/ success counts **/ long _totalAvailableURLCount = 0; long _totalProcessedURLCount = 0; long _failedURLCount = 0; long _successURLCount = 0; long _loadCount = 0; /** queue stats **/ int _pendingCount = 0; int _queuedCount = 0; /** queue stats **/ int _activeHosts = 0; /** segment load counts **/ int _activeLoadCount = 0; int _segmentScanPending = 0; /** crawl active flag **/ boolean _crawlActive = false; /** crawl was stopped **/ boolean _crawlStopped = false; /** shutdown flag **/ boolean _shutdownFlag = false; /** local crawl history bloom filter **/ URLFPBloomFilter _localBloomFilter; ReentrantLock _loaderStalledLock = new ReentrantLock(); Condition _loaderStalledCondition = _loaderStalledLock.newCondition(); Condition _loaderStalledEvent = null; enum LoaderStallReason { None, Memory, // stalled due to low memory MaxURLS, // loader stalled due to max urls allowed in queue ActiveHostCount // load stalled due to too many active hosts in queue } LoaderStallReason _loaderStallReason = LoaderStallReason.None; Queue<CrawlSegmentStatus> _segmentLoadQueue = new PriorityQueue<CrawlSegmentStatus>(100, new Comparator<CrawlSegmentStatus>() { public int compare(CrawlSegmentStatus o1, CrawlSegmentStatus o2) { if (o1.getLoadHint() > o2.getLoadHint()) { return 1; } else if (o1.getLoadHint() < o2.getLoadHint()) { return -1; } return 0; } }); //Queue<CrawlSegmentStatus> _segmentLoadQueue = new LinkedList<CrawlSegmentStatus>(); /** dns stats **/ MovingAverage _dnsProcessResultsTime = new MovingAverage(25); /** work unit status map **/ private Map<Long, CrawlSegmentStatus> _statusMap = new LinkedHashMap<Long, CrawlSegmentStatus>(); /** DNS Resolver Thread Pool **/ private int _hostQueuedForResolution = 0; private int _urlsPendingResolution = 0; private int _dnsHighWaterMark; private int _dnsLowWaterMark; private boolean _highWaterMarkHit = false; private long _cycleTime = -1; private LinkedList<CrawlSegmentDetail> _dnsDeferedSegments = new LinkedList<CrawlSegmentDetail>(); private LinkedList<CrawlSegmentHost> _dnsDeferedHosts = new LinkedList<CrawlSegmentHost>(); /** Various Lists **/ private static SuffixStringMatcher _blackListedHostsMatcher; private static SessionIDURLNormalizer _sessionIDNormalizer = new SessionIDURLNormalizer(); /** inverse cache **/ private static NIODNSCache _badDomainCache = new NIODNSCache(); /** shared SubDomain Comparator instance **/ SubDomainComparator _subDomainComparator = new SubDomainComparator(); /** the active list id we are operating on **/ int _activeListId = -1; /** constructor **/ public CrawlerEngine(CrawlerServer server, int maxSockets, int dnsHighWaterMark, int dnsLowWaterMark, long cycleTime, int activeListId) { _maxTCPSockets = maxSockets; _server = server; _dnsHighWaterMark = dnsHighWaterMark; _dnsLowWaterMark = dnsLowWaterMark; _cycleTime = cycleTime; _activeListId = activeListId; } private static class CustomLoggerLayout extends Layout { StringBuffer sbuf = new StringBuffer(1024); @Override public String format(LoggingEvent event) { sbuf.setLength(0); sbuf.append(event.getRenderedMessage()); sbuf.append(LINE_SEP); return sbuf.toString(); } @Override public boolean ignoresThrowable() { return true; } public void activateOptions() { } } private Appender createLogFileAppender(String logFileName) throws IOException { DailyRollingFileAppender drfaAppender = new DailyRollingFileAppender(new CustomLoggerLayout(), _server.getLogDirectory() + "/" + logFileName, "yyyy-MM-dd"); AsyncAppender asyncAppender = new AsyncAppender(8192); asyncAppender.addAppender(drfaAppender); return asyncAppender; } /** initialization * * */ public boolean initialize(InetSocketAddress[] crawlInterfaceList) { _crawlInterfaces = crawlInterfaceList; _failureLog = new CustomLogger("CrawlerFailureLog"); _GETLog = new CustomLogger("GETLog"); _SuccessLog = new CustomLogger("SuccessLog"); _DNSSuccessLog = new CustomLogger("DNSSuccessLog"); _DNSFailureLog = new CustomLogger("DNSFailureLog"); _RobotsLog = new CustomLogger("RobotsLog"); _CrawlLogLog = new CustomLogger("CrawlLogLog"); _CookieLogger = new CustomLogger("CookieLogger"); NIOHttpConnection.setCookieLogger(_CookieLogger); try { _failureLog.addAppender(createLogFileAppender("crawlerFailures.log")); _GETLog.addAppender(createLogFileAppender("crawlerGETs.log")); _SuccessLog.addAppender(createLogFileAppender("crawlerSuccess.log")); _DNSSuccessLog.addAppender(createLogFileAppender("crawlerDNS.log")); _DNSFailureLog.addAppender(createLogFileAppender("crawlerDNSFailures.log")); _RobotsLog.addAppender(createLogFileAppender("robotsFetchLog.log")); _CrawlLogLog.addAppender(createLogFileAppender("crawlLog.log")); _CookieLogger.addAppender(createLogFileAppender("cookieLog.log")); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }"Allocating BloomFilter"); _localBloomFilter = new URLFPBloomFilter( DEFAULT_LOCAL_BLOOMFILTER_ELEMENT_SIZE, DEFAULT_LOCAL_BLOOMFILTER_BITS_NUM_HASH_FUNCTIONS, DEFAULT_LOCAL_BLOOMFILTER_BITS_PER_ELEMENT); try { // register ourselves as log sink for dns events ... // NIODNSLocalResolver.setLogger(this); if (Environment.detailLogEnabled())"initialize - Recordstore says Database Id is: " + _databaseId); if (Environment.detailLogEnabled())"initialize - Loading State"); loadState(); if (Environment.detailLogEnabled())"initialize http CrawlQueue"); if (_maxTCPSockets == -1) { if (Environment.detailLogEnabled())"Max TCP Sockets Unspecified. Defaulting to:" + DEFAULT_MAX_SIMULTANEOUS_CONNECTIONS); _maxTCPSockets = DEFAULT_MAX_SIMULTANEOUS_CONNECTIONS; } else { if (Environment.detailLogEnabled())"Max TCP Sockets is:" + _maxTCPSockets); }"Starting CrawlDomain Disk Queueing Thread"); CrawlList.startDiskQueueingThread(this.getEventLoop(), getServer().getDomainQueueDir());"Initialize HTTP Crawl Queue"); HttpFetcher fetcher = new HttpFetcher(_maxTCPSockets, crawlInterfaceList, getServer().getHostName()); _httpCrawlQueue = new CrawlQueue(CrawlQueue.Protocol.HTTP, fetcher); if (getServer().enableCrawlLog()) { if (Environment.detailLogEnabled())"initializing crawl engine log ... "); try { _crawlLog = new CrawlLog(this); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.fatal( "Exception thrown while initializing CrawlLog:" + CCStringUtils.stringifyException(e)); return false; } } if (Environment.detailLogEnabled())"loading Crawl Segments"); if (getServer().externallyManageCrawlSegments() && !CrawlEnvironment.inUnitTestMode()) { kickOffCrawl(); } return true; } catch (IOException e) { LOG.fatal(e); return false; } } /** return the socket address associated with a crawl interface * * @param index the crawl interface index * @return the socket address associated with that index ... */ public InetAddress getCrawlInterfaceGivenIndex(int index) { if (index != -1 && index < _crawlInterfaces.length) { return _crawlInterfaces[index].getAddress(); } return null; } private boolean potentiallyAddToParseQueue(CrawlURL urlObject) throws IOException { boolean enqueued = false; if (urlObject.getLastAttemptResult() == CrawlURL.CrawlResult.SUCCESS) { NIOHttpHeaders finalHeaders = NIOHttpHeaders.parseHttpHeaders(urlObject.getHeaders()); if (finalHeaders != null && finalHeaders.getValue(0) != null) { int httpResult = HttpHeaderInfoExtractor.parseStatusLine(finalHeaders.getValue(0)).e0; if (httpResult == 200) { // queue it up for parsing ... } } } return enqueued; } /** kick off crawl segment loader **/ public void loadCrawlSegments() { try { loadCrawlSegments(new Callback() { // this callback is executed when the last segment has been successfully loaded public void execute() { "loadCrawlSegment Completion Callback Excecuted - Checking to see if Checkpoint Possilbe"); long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (getServer().enableCrawlLog() && _crawlLog.isCheckpointPossible(currentTime)) {"Delaying Crawl Startup - Checkpointing Logs to HDFS FIRST..."); // start the checkpoint ... _crawlLog.checkpoint(currentTime, new CheckpointCompletionCallback() { public void checkpointComplete(long checkpointId, Vector<Long> completedSegmentList) {"CrawlLog Checkpoint:" + checkpointId + " completed"); if (completedSegmentList != null) { // walk completed segments ... updating their crawl state ... for (long packedSegmentId : completedSegmentList) { // notify crawler engine of status change ... crawlSegmentComplete(packedSegmentId); } } // now kick off the crawl ... kickOffCrawl(); } public void checkpointFailed(long checkpointId, Exception e) { LOG.error("Checkpoint Failed for Checkpoint:" + checkpointId + " With Exception:" + CCStringUtils.stringifyException(e)); throw new RuntimeException("Checkpoint Failed During Startup With Exception:" + CCStringUtils.stringifyException(e)); } }, currentTime); } else { // kick off crawl immediately .. kickOffCrawl(); } } }); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.fatal( "Caught IOException while loadCrawlSegments! Exception:" + CCStringUtils.stringifyException(e)); } } public void shutdown() {"Shuting down crawl engine"); _shutdownFlag = true; if (_crawlActive) { stopCrawl(null); while (_crawlActive) { if (Thread.currentThread() == getEventLoop().getEventThread()) {"Polling Selector while waiting for crawl to stop"); try { getEventLoop().waitForIO(1000); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error(CCStringUtils.stringifyException(e)); } } else {"Waiting for crawl to stop"); try { Thread.currentThread().sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } } } // clear crawl queue _httpCrawlQueue.shutdown(); _httpCrawlQueue = null; System.gc(); // wait for loader / dns threads to exit while (_activeLoadCount != 0 || _urlsPendingResolution != 0) { if (Thread.currentThread() == getServer().getEventLoop().getEventThread()) { try { "Polling Event Thread Selector while waiting for loadcount / resolution count to go to zero. LoadCount:" + _activeLoadCount + " PendingResolutionCount:" + _urlsPendingResolution); getEventLoop().waitForIO(1000); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else {"Waiting for loadcount / resolution count to go to zero"); try { Thread.currentThread().sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } }"load count / resolution count went to zero!"); _dnsDeferedSegments.clear(); _dnsDeferedHosts.clear(); // null out crawl log _crawlLog = null; } public void stopCrawlerCleanly() {"Clean Shutdown - Stopping Crawl"); stopCrawl(new CrawlStopCallback() { public void crawlStopped() {"Clean Shutdown - Crawl Stopped. Stopping Server"); _server.stop();"Clean Shutdown - Stopping Hadoop"); try { FileSystem.closeAll(); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); }"Clean Shutdown - Exiting App"); System.exit(1); } }); } public void kickOffCrawl() { if (_cycleTime != -1 && !_server.disableCycleTimer()) { SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy.MM.dd hh:mm:ss z");"Cycle Time is Set. Will AutoShutdown Crawler at:" + formatter.format(new Date(_cycleTime))); long delay = _cycleTime - System.currentTimeMillis(); Timer cycleTimer = new Timer(delay, false, new Timer.Callback() { public void timerFired(Timer timer) { stopCrawlerCleanly(); } }); getEventLoop().setTimer(cycleTimer); }"kicking off crawl - Loading Crawl Segment"); // now try to load a segment ... potentiallyLoadNextSegment();"Starting Crawl"); // and then start the crawl ... startCrawl(); // finally, if in unit test mode ... if (CrawlEnvironment.inUnitTestMode()) {"UnitTest Mode Detected - Runing Test..."); } } private static int MS_IN_AN_SECOND = 1000; private static int MS_IN_AN_MINUTE = MS_IN_AN_SECOND * 60; private static int MS_IN_AN_HOUR = MS_IN_AN_MINUTE * 60; private void startStatsCollector() { _lastCrawlerStatsUploadTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); _statsCollectionTimer = new Timer(STATS_COLLECTION_INTERVAL, true, new Timer.Callback() { public void timerFired(Timer timer) { synchronized (_stats) { //async stats ... //getServer().getEventLoop().collectStats(_stats); // engine stats ... synchronized (this) { long msSinceStartup = _startupTime - System.currentTimeMillis(); int hours = (int) (msSinceStartup / MS_IN_AN_HOUR); msSinceStartup -= (hours * MS_IN_AN_HOUR); int minutes = (int) (msSinceStartup / MS_IN_AN_MINUTE); msSinceStartup -= (minutes * MS_IN_AN_MINUTE); int seconds = (int) (msSinceStartup / MS_IN_AN_SECOND); String upTimeString = String.format("%1$d Hours %2$d Minutes %3$d Seconds", hours, minutes, seconds); _stats.setStringValue(CrawlerEngineStats.ID, CrawlerEngineStats.Name.CrawlerEngine_UpTime, upTimeString); _stats.setStringValue(CrawlerEngineStats.ID, CrawlerEngineStats.Name.CrawlerEngine_BuildTime, System.getProperty("")); _stats.setLongValue(CrawlerEngineStats.ID, CrawlerEngineStats.Name.CrawlerEngine_TotalProcessedURLCount, _totalProcessedURLCount); //_crawlerStats.setUrlsProcessed(_crawlerStats.getUrlsProcessed() + _) _stats.setLongValue(CrawlerEngineStats.ID, CrawlerEngineStats.Name.CrawlerEngine_FetchFailedCount, _failedURLCount); _stats.setLongValue(CrawlerEngineStats.ID, CrawlerEngineStats.Name.CrawlerEngine_FetchSucceededCount, _successURLCount); _stats.setIntValue(CrawlerEngineStats.ID, CrawlerEngineStats.Name.CrawlerEngine_ActiveLoadCount, _activeLoadCount); _stats.setIntValue(CrawlerEngineStats.ID, CrawlerEngineStats.Name.CrawlerEngine_DeferredLoadCount, _segmentLoadQueue.size()); _stats.setIntValue(CrawlerEngineStats.ID, CrawlerEngineStats.Name.CrawlerEngine_PendingCount, _pendingCount); _stats.setIntValue(CrawlerEngineStats.ID, CrawlerEngineStats.Name.CrawlerEngine_QueuedCount, _queuedCount); // resolver stats ... _stats.setLongValue(CrawlerEngineStats.ID, CrawlerEngineStats.Name.DNS_TotalDNSQueries, getServer().getEventLoop().getResolver().getQueryCount()); _stats.setLongValue(CrawlerEngineStats.ID, CrawlerEngineStats.Name.DNS_TotalCacheHits, getServer().getEventLoop().getResolver().getCacheHitCount()); _stats.setLongValue(CrawlerEngineStats.ID, CrawlerEngineStats.Name.DNS_TotalCacheMisses, getServer().getEventLoop().getResolver().getCacheMissCount()); //_stats.setDoubleValue(CrawlerEngineStats.ID,CrawlerEngineStats.Name.CrawlerEngine_DNSAddToCacheTime,NIODNSResolver.getDNSCache()._dnsAddToCacheTime.getAverage()); //_stats.setDoubleValue(CrawlerEngineStats.ID,CrawlerEngineStats.Name.CrawlerEngine_DNSLookupFromCacheTime,NIODNSResolver.getDNSCache()._dnsLookupFromCacheTime.getAverage()); // _stats.setLongValue(CrawlerEngineStats.ID,CrawlerEngineStats.Name.CrawlerEngine_DNSCacheNodeCount,NIODNSLocalResolver.getDNSCache().getActiveNodeCount()); _stats.setDoubleValue(CrawlerEngineStats.ID, CrawlerEngineStats.Name.CrawlerEngine_DNSProcessResultTime, _dnsProcessResultsTime.getAverage()); } // server stats ... getServer().collectStats(_stats); // crawlqueue / fetcher stats ... _httpCrawlQueue.collectStats(_crawlerStats, _stats); if (getServer().enableCrawlLog()) { // crawl log stats ... _crawlLog.collectStats(_stats); } if (System.currentTimeMillis() - _lastCrawlerStatsUploadTime >= CRAWLER_STATS_FLUSH_INTERVAL) { synchronized (_crawlerStats) { _crawlerStats.setUrlsInFetcherQueue(_pendingCount); _crawlerStats.setUrlsInLoaderQueue(_queuedCount); _crawlerStats.setActiveDNSRequests(_hostQueuedForResolution); _crawlerStats.setQueuedDNSRequests(_dnsDeferedHosts.size()); _crawlerStats.setCrawlerMemoryUsedRatio(JVMStats.getHeapUtilizationRatio()); } CrawlerStats statsOut = null; // clone the stats try { statsOut = (CrawlerStats) _crawlerStats.clone(); statsOut.setTimestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()); } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { } // clear collector stats ... _crawlerStats.clear(); // reset stats collection timer _lastCrawlerStatsUploadTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); // send the stats out ... if (getServer().getStatsCollectorStub() != null) { LogCrawlStatsRequest requestOut = new LogCrawlStatsRequest(); requestOut.setCrawlerName(getServer().getHostName()); requestOut.setCrawlerStats(statsOut); try { getServer().getStatsCollectorStub().logCrawlerStats(requestOut, new AsyncRequest.Callback<LogCrawlStatsRequest, NullMessage>() { @Override public void requestComplete( AsyncRequest<LogCrawlStatsRequest, NullMessage> request) { } }); } catch (RPCException e) { LOG.error(CCStringUtils.stringifyException(e)); } } } } } }); getServer().getEventLoop().setTimer(_statsCollectionTimer); } private void stopStatsCollector() { if (_statsCollectionTimer != null) { getServer().getEventLoop().cancelTimer(_statsCollectionTimer); } } RuntimeStatsCollector getStats() { return _stats; } public boolean isBlackListedHost(String hostName) { if (getServer().getDomainBlackListFilter() != null || getServer().getTemporaryBlackListFilter() != null) { String rootDomain = URLUtils.extractRootDomainName(hostName); if (rootDomain != null) { if (getServer().getDomainBlackListFilter() != null) { if (getServer().getDomainBlackListFilter().filterItem(rootDomain, hostName, "", null, null) == FilterResult.Filter_Reject) {"### FILTER Flagged:" + hostName + " as a BlackListed Host"); return true; } } if (getServer().getTemporaryBlackListFilter() != null) { if (getServer().getTemporaryBlackListFilter().filterItem(rootDomain, hostName, "", null, null) == FilterResult.Filter_Reject) {"### FILTER Flagged:" + hostName + " as a Temporarily BlackListed Host"); return true; } } } else { LOG.warn("Got Invalid HostName during isBlackListedHost:" + hostName); return true; } } return false; } private static CrawlURLMetadata ipTestMetadata = new CrawlURLMetadata(); private boolean isBlackListedIPAddress(int ipAddress) { if (getServer().getIPAddressFilter() != null) { ipTestMetadata.setServerIP(ipAddress); if (getServer().getIPAddressFilter().filterItem(null, null, null, ipTestMetadata, null) == FilterResult.Filter_Reject) {"### FILTER IPAddress:" + IPAddressUtils.IntegerToIPAddressString(ipAddress) + " as a BlackListed IP"); return true; } } return false; } /** get the database uuid **/ public String getDatabaseId() { return _databaseId; } /** get access to the server object **/ public CrawlerServer getServer() { return _server; } /** get at the event loop **/ public EventLoop getEventLoop() { return _server.getEventLoop(); } /** get access to the specialized crawler failure log **/ public CustomLogger getFailureLog() { return _failureLog; } /** get access to the specialized crawler failure log **/ public CustomLogger getGETLog() { return _GETLog; } /** get access to the specialized crawler success log **/ public CustomLogger getSuccessLog() { return _SuccessLog; } /** get access to the specialized crawl log log **/ public CustomLogger getCrawlLogLog() { return _CrawlLogLog; } /** get cookie log **/ public CustomLogger getCookieLog() { return _CookieLogger; } /** get local bloom filter **/ public URLFPBloomFilter getLocalBloomFilter() { return _localBloomFilter; } /** get access to the crawler stats data structure **/ public CrawlerStats getCrawlerStats() { return _crawlerStats; } /** get access to the dns logger **/ //public CustomLogger getDNSLog() { return _DNSSuccessLog; } /** get access to the dns failure logger **/ //public CustomLogger getDNSFailureLog() { return _DNSFailureLog; } /** get the subdomain comparator **/ public SubDomainComparator getSubDomainComparator() { return _subDomainComparator; } /** get pending url count **/ public synchronized int getPendingURLCount() { return _pendingCount; } /** get the total number of active urls in the system (pending + queued) **/ public synchronized int getActiveURLCount() { return _pendingCount + _queuedCount; } /** get the number of active hosts in the queue **/ public synchronized int getActiveHosts() { return _activeHosts; } /** increment / decrement active host count **/ public void incDecActiveHostCount(int incDecAmount) { boolean loaderStalled = false; int activeCount = 0; synchronized (this) { _activeHosts += incDecAmount; activeCount = _activeHosts; //"### ACTIVEHOST Count:" + _activeHosts); } _loaderStalledLock.lock(); if (_loaderStalledEvent != null && _loaderStallReason == LoaderStallReason.ActiveHostCount) { loaderStalled = true; } _loaderStalledLock.unlock(); if (loaderStalled) { if (activeCount < getMaxActiveHostsThreshold()) {"### LOADER Event Thread Acquiring Lock to Loader"); // grab loader lock _loaderStalledLock.lock(); _loaderStallReason = LoaderStallReason.None; // at this point the event may have been nulled out ... if (_loaderStalledEvent != null) { // trigger event ... thus releasing loader thread (to continue loading the active segment)..."### LOADER Event Thread Signalling Stall Event (activeHosts < MaxActiveThreshold)"); _loaderStalledEvent.signal(); // clear the event ... _loaderStalledEvent = null; } //release loader lock _loaderStalledLock.unlock();"Releasing Lock - Signaled Loader"); } } } private long _lastLoaderStalledDebugEvt = 0; /** increment decrement pending count **/ public void incDecPendingQueuedURLCount(int pendingAmount, int queuedAmount) { int activeCount = 0; boolean loaderStalled = false; // atomically increment queue counts ... synchronized (this) { _pendingCount += pendingAmount; _queuedCount += queuedAmount; // and safely calculate queued count .. activeCount = _pendingCount + _queuedCount; } _loaderStalledLock.lock(); if (_loaderStalledEvent != null && _loaderStallReason == LoaderStallReason.MaxURLS) { loaderStalled = true; } _loaderStalledLock.unlock(); if (loaderStalled) { if (_lastLoaderStalledDebugEvt == 0 || (System.currentTimeMillis() - _lastLoaderStalledDebugEvt) >= 60000) { _lastLoaderStalledDebugEvt = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (activeCount >= getMaxActiveThreshold()) {"### LOADER Loader Event Set but will not trigger because Active URL Count: " + activeCount + " >= " + getMaxActiveThreshold()); } else if (_activeLoadCount != 1) {"### LOADER Event Set but will not trigger because Load Count: " + _activeLoadCount + " != 1"); } } } // if the loader is waiting on the queue and active url count is less than threshold ... if (_activeLoadCount == 1 && loaderStalled && activeCount < getMaxActiveThreshold()) {"### LOADER Event Thread Acquiring Lock to Loader"); // grab loader lock _loaderStalledLock.lock(); _loaderStallReason = LoaderStallReason.None; // at this point the event may have been nulled out ... if (_loaderStalledEvent != null) { // trigger event ... thus releasing loader thread (to continue loading the active segment)..."### LOADER Event Thread Signalling Stall Event (activeCount < MaxActiveThreshold)"); _loaderStalledEvent.signal(); // clear the event ... _loaderStalledEvent = null; } //release loader lock _loaderStalledLock.unlock();"Releasing Lock - Signaled Loader"); } } /** get set the max active url threshold **/ public void setMaxActiveURLThreshold(int thresholdValue) { _maxActiveURLS = thresholdValue; } public int getMaxActiveThreshold() { return _maxActiveURLS; } public int getMaxActiveHostsThreshold() { return _maxActiveHosts; } /** load state **/ private void loadState() throws IOException { } /** internal helper routine to load crawl segment metdata given list id **/ private List<CrawlSegment> populateCrawlSegmentsFromHDFS(int listId) throws IOException { ArrayList<CrawlSegment> crawlSegments = new ArrayList<CrawlSegment>();"Populating CrawlSegment(s) from HDFS for List:" + listId); // get root path for crawl segment data for the specified list id Path hdfsSearchPath = CrawlSegmentLog.buildHDFSCrawlSegmentSearchPathForListId(listId, _server.getHostName()); // scan hdfs for relevant path information for crawl segments FileSystem hdfs = CrawlEnvironment.getDefaultFileSystem();"Searching for crawl segments with hdfs search path:" + hdfsSearchPath); // scan hdfs for matching files ... FileStatus fileStatusArray[] = hdfs.globStatus(hdfsSearchPath);"Found:" + fileStatusArray.length + " segments at path:" + hdfsSearchPath); // now walk matched set for (FileStatus fileStatus : fileStatusArray) { // segment id is the parent path name of the matched file String segmentName = fileStatus.getPath().getParent().getName(); int segmentId = Integer.parseInt(segmentName); //now populate crawl segment information CrawlSegment crawlSegment = new CrawlSegment(); crawlSegment.setListId(listId); crawlSegment.setSegmentId(segmentId);"adding crawl segment:" + crawlSegment.getSegmentId() + " for List:" + listId); crawlSegments.add(crawlSegment); } return crawlSegments; } /** internal load work unit routine **/ private void loadCrawlSegments(final Callback completionCallback) throws IOException {"Loading Crawl Segments"); List<CrawlSegment> crawlSegments = populateCrawlSegmentsFromHDFS(_activeListId);"defer loading lists"); float loadPosition = 0.0f; // now sort the list by segment id Collections.sort(crawlSegments, new Comparator<CrawlSegment>() { @Override public int compare(CrawlSegment o1, CrawlSegment o2) { return o1.getSegmentId() - o2.getSegmentId(); } }); // now queue up load requests ... for (CrawlSegment crawlSegment : crawlSegments) { // if the segment has not been marked as completed but it is marked as crawling (we loaded the last time we ran) if (!crawlSegment.getIsComplete()) {"Delay Loading CrawlSegment:" + crawlSegment.getSegmentId() + " for List:" + crawlSegment.getListId()); // delay load this segment ... queueSegment(crawlSegment, loadPosition++); } else { if (Environment.detailLogEnabled())"skipping already completed segment:" + crawlSegment.getSegmentId() + " during load"); } } // call outer completion callback ..."Last Segment Loaded. Calling Completion Callback"); completionCallback.execute(); } public static CrawlSegment crawlSegmentFromCrawlSegmentStatus(CrawlSegmentStatus status) { CrawlSegment segment = new CrawlSegment(); segment.setListId(status.getListId()); segment.setSegmentId(status.getSegmentId()); return segment; } /** load the specified crawl segment * * @param crawlSegment * @param loadPosition * @return */ public CrawlSegmentStatus queueSegment(final CrawlSegment crawlSegment, final float loadPosition) { final CrawlSegmentStatus status = new CrawlSegmentStatus(); // create a log object final CrawlSegmentLog log = new CrawlSegmentLog(getServer().getDataDirectory(), crawlSegment.getListId(), crawlSegment.getSegmentId(), getServer().getHostName()); status.setListId(crawlSegment.getListId()); status.setSegmentId(crawlSegment.getSegmentId()); status.setLoadStatus(CrawlSegmentStatus.LoadStatus.LOAD_PENDING); status.setCrawlStatus(CrawlSegmentStatus.CrawlStatus.UNKNOWN); status.setLoadHint(loadPosition); status.setUrlCount(0); status.setUrlsComplete(0); status.setIsDirty(true); _statusMap.put(CrawlLog.makeSegmentLogId(crawlSegment.getListId(), crawlSegment.getSegmentId()), status); if (getServer().enableCrawlLog()) { // activate the segment log ... activateSegmentLog(log); }"Adding Segment:" + status.getSegmentId() + " to DelayLoad Queue with Hint:" + status.getLoadHint()); // add item to load queue _segmentLoadQueue.add(status); // and finally try to load the next segment if possible ... if (_segmentScanPending == 0) { potentiallyLoadNextSegment(); } return status; } private LoadProgressCallback createLoadProgressCallback(final CrawlSegmentStatus status) { return new LoadProgressCallback() { public boolean hostAvailable(final CrawlSegmentHost host, final int originalURLCount, final int completedURLCount) { if (_shutdownFlag == true) { return false; } if (Environment.detailLogEnabled())"### LOADER hostAvailable called on for host:" + host.getHostName()); // check bad hosts table if (isBadDomain(host.getHostName())) { if (CrawlEnvironment.detailLoggingEnabled) "### LOADER Ignoring Bad Host during Segment Load. HostName:" + host.getHostName()); return true; } final int availableCount = originalURLCount - completedURLCount; // increment a separate load count (how many urls have been loaded to date) _loadCount += availableCount; // check memory utilization ... if it has reached target threshold.. if (!_shutdownFlag && JVMStats.getHeapUtilizationRatio() >= DEFAULT_LOADER_STALL_MEMORY_UTILIZATION_RATIO || (getPendingURLCount() + availableCount) > MAX_PENDING_URLS) { if (JVMStats.getHeapUtilizationRatio() >= DEFAULT_LOADER_STALL_MEMORY_UTILIZATION_RATIO)"### LOADER Stalling ... Memory Utilization Reached or Exceeded Target Ratio:" + DEFAULT_LOADER_STALL_MEMORY_UTILIZATION_RATIO); else"### LOADER Stalling ... Pending URL Count:" + (getPendingURLCount() + availableCount) + " Exceeds Max Allowed:" + MAX_PENDING_URLS); long waitStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); long waitInterval = 60000; while (!_shutdownFlag && JVMStats.getHeapUtilizationRatio() >= DEFAULT_LOADER_RESUME_MEMORY_UTILIZATION_RATIO || (getPendingURLCount() + availableCount) > MAX_PENDING_URLS) { try { Thread.sleep(5000); if (System.currentTimeMillis() - waitStartTime >= waitInterval) { if (JVMStats .getHeapUtilizationRatio() >= DEFAULT_LOADER_RESUME_MEMORY_UTILIZATION_RATIO) {"### LOADER Doing Full GC To Try and Reclaim Memory"); System.gc(); waitInterval = waitInterval *= 2; } waitStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }"### LOADER Resuming Load. Memory Utilization:" + JVMStats.getHeapUtilizationRatio() + " Pending URL Count:" + (getPendingURLCount() + availableCount)); } int pendingDiskOperationCount = CrawlList.getPendingDiskOperationCount(); if (!_shutdownFlag && pendingDiskOperationCount > 10000) { do { "### LOADER Disk Queue: Waiting for pendingDiskOperationCount to drop below threshold - " + pendingDiskOperationCount); try { Thread.sleep(1); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } pendingDiskOperationCount = CrawlList.getPendingDiskOperationCount(); } while (pendingDiskOperationCount != 0 && !_shutdownFlag); "### LOADER Disk Queue: pendingDiskOperationCount drop below threshold .. continuing load ... "); } // if the loading of this will exceed our max if (!_shutdownFlag && getActiveURLCount() >= (getMaxActiveThreshold() + LOADER_OVERFLOW_ALLOWED)) {"### LOADER Exceeded Max Allowed Active URLS Threshold. Going to Sleep..."); // acquire the loader stalled lock ... _loaderStalledLock.lock(); try { while (!_shutdownFlag && getActiveURLCount() >= (getMaxActiveThreshold() + LOADER_OVERFLOW_ALLOWED)) { // set the stall event ... _loaderStalledEvent = _loaderStalledCondition; _loaderStallReason = LoaderStallReason.MaxURLS;"## LOADER Stalling on MaxURLS. Waiting on Event..."); // and release lock and wait for the condition to be set ... try { while (!_shutdownFlag && _loaderStalledEvent.await(5000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) == false) ; } catch (InterruptedException e) { } }"## LOADER Woke Up from Sleep - Continuing Load ..."); } finally { // null out loader stalled event ... _loaderStalledEvent = null; // we have to unlock the lock once we meet the criteria of our wait state condition ... _loaderStalledLock.unlock(); } } // if the loading of this will exceed our max if (!_shutdownFlag && getActiveHosts() >= getMaxActiveHostsThreshold()) {"### LOADER Active Hosts Count:" + getActiveHosts() + " Exceeds Threshold:" + getMaxActiveHostsThreshold() + " Going to Sleep..."); // acquire the loader stalled lock ... _loaderStalledLock.lock(); try { // set the stall event ... _loaderStalledEvent = _loaderStalledCondition; _loaderStallReason = LoaderStallReason.ActiveHostCount;"## LOADER Stalling on MaxActiveHosts. Waiting on Event..."); // and release lock and wait for the condition to be set ... try { while (!_shutdownFlag && _loaderStalledEvent.await(5000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) == false) ; } catch (InterruptedException e) { }"## LOADER Woke Up from Sleep - Continuing Load ..."); } finally { // null out loader stalled event ... _loaderStalledEvent = null; // we have to unlock the lock once we meet the criteria of our wait state condition ... _loaderStalledLock.unlock(); } } // schedule an async event in the main thread ... _server.getEventLoop().setTimer(new Timer(0, false, new Timer.Callback() { public void timerFired(Timer timer) { if (!_shutdownFlag) { // update segment status ... status.setUrlCount(status.getUrlCount() + originalURLCount); status.setUrlsComplete(status.getUrlsComplete() + completedURLCount); // update crawl status if neccessary ... if (completedURLCount != originalURLCount && status.getCrawlStatus() != CrawlSegmentStatus.CrawlStatus.CRAWLING) { status.setCrawlStatus(CrawlSegmentStatus.CrawlStatus.CRAWLING); } else if (status.getLoadStatus() == CrawlSegmentStatus.LoadStatus.LOAD_SUCCEEDED && status.getUrlCount() == status.getUrlsComplete()) { status.setCrawlStatus(CrawlSegmentStatus.CrawlStatus.CRAWL_COMPLETE); status.setIsComplete(true); } // set dirty flag for segment status.setIsDirty(true); // update total available count ... _totalAvailableURLCount += originalURLCount - completedURLCount; // increment pending count ... incDecPendingQueuedURLCount(originalURLCount - completedURLCount, 0); // and finally, submit the host for distribution ... if (availableCount != 0 && !_shutdownFlag) { distributeSegmentHost(host); } } } })); return (!_shutdownFlag); } }; } CompletionCallback<CrawlSegmentStatus> createCompletionCallback(final CrawlSegment crawlSegment, final CrawlSegmentStatus status) { return new CompletionCallback<CrawlSegmentStatus>() { public void taskComplete(CrawlSegmentStatus foo) { if (CrawlEnvironment.detailLoggingEnabled)"### SYNC Task Completion Callback for List:" + crawlSegment.getListId() + " Segment:" + crawlSegment.getSegmentId()); if (!_shutdownFlag) { if (Environment.detailLogEnabled())"### LOADER Load for Segment:" + crawlSegment.getSegmentId() + " SUCCEEDED"); // update status ... status.setLoadStatus(CrawlSegmentStatus.LoadStatus.LOAD_SUCCEEDED); // mark the status dirty ... status.setIsDirty(true); } --_activeLoadCount; if (!_shutdownFlag) { // now potentially load any deferred segments ... potentiallyLoadNextSegment(); } } public void taskFailed(Exception e) { if (CrawlEnvironment.detailLoggingEnabled)"### LOADER Load for Segment:" + crawlSegment.getSegmentId() + " FAILED With Error: " + StringUtils.stringifyException(e)); status.setUrlsComplete(0); status.setLoadStatus(CrawlSegmentStatus.LoadStatus.LOAD_FAILED); status.setIsDirty(true); --_activeLoadCount; if (!_shutdownFlag) { // now potentially load any deferred segments ... potentiallyLoadNextSegment(); } } }; } /** internal loadWorkUnit routine **/ private CrawlSegmentStatus loadCrawlSegment(final CrawlSegment crawlSegment) { _activeLoadCount++; // mark the segment as crawling ... crawlSegment.setIsCrawling(true); final CrawlSegmentStatus status = new CrawlSegmentStatus(); status.setListId(crawlSegment.getListId()); status.setSegmentId(crawlSegment.getSegmentId()); status.setLoadStatus(CrawlSegmentStatus.LoadStatus.LOADING); status.setCrawlStatus(CrawlSegmentStatus.CrawlStatus.UNKNOWN); status.setUrlCount(0); status.setUrlsComplete(0); status.setIsDirty(true); _statusMap.put(CrawlLog.makeSegmentLogId(crawlSegment.getListId(), crawlSegment.getSegmentId()), status); if (Environment.detailLogEnabled())"loading crawl segment:" + crawlSegment.getSegmentId()); if (!getServer().externallyManageCrawlSegments()) { // remove crawl segment log from crawl log data structure // (we need to do this to protect the data structure from corruption, since the underlying // worker thread walks the log and reconciles it against the segment data) final CrawlSegmentLog segmentLogObj = (getServer().enableCrawlLog()) ? _crawlLog.removeSegmentLog(crawlSegment.getListId(), crawlSegment.getSegmentId()) : null; if (segmentLogObj == null && getServer().enableCrawlLog()) { _activeLoadCount--; throw new RuntimeException( "Expected Non-NULL CrawlSegmentLog for Segment:" + crawlSegment.getSegmentId()); } getServer().getDefaultThreadPool() .execute(new ConcurrentTask<CrawlSegmentStatus>(getServer().getEventLoop(), new Callable<CrawlSegmentStatus>() { public CrawlSegmentStatus call() throws Exception { try {"### SYNC:Loading SegmentFPInfo for List:" + crawlSegment.getListId() + " Segment:" + crawlSegment.getSegmentId()); // load work unit fingerprint detail ... final CrawlSegmentFPMap urlFPMap = SegmentLoader.loadCrawlSegmentFPInfo( crawlSegment.getListId(), crawlSegment.getSegmentId(), CrawlerEngine.this.getServer().getHostName(), new SegmentLoader.CancelOperationCallback() { @Override public boolean cancelOperation() { return _shutdownFlag; } }); if (_shutdownFlag) {"### SYNC:EXITING LOAD OF List:" + crawlSegment.getListId() + " Segment:" + crawlSegment.getSegmentId()); return new CrawlSegmentStatus(); } if (getServer().enableCrawlLog()) {"### SYNC: Syncing Log to SegmentFPInfo for List:" + crawlSegment.getListId() + " Segment:" + crawlSegment.getSegmentId()); // re-sync log to segment ... segmentLogObj.syncToLog(urlFPMap); }"### SYNC: Sync for List:" + crawlSegment.getListId() + " Segment:" + crawlSegment.getSegmentId() + " Returned:" + urlFPMap._urlCount + " Total URLS and " + urlFPMap._urlsComplete + " CompleteURLS"); if (!_shutdownFlag) { // now activate the segment log ... final Semaphore segActiveSemaphore = new Semaphore(0); // check for completion here ... if (urlFPMap._urlCount == urlFPMap._urlsComplete && !_shutdownFlag) {"### SYNC: For List:" + crawlSegment.getListId() + " Segment:" + crawlSegment.getSegmentId() + " indicates Completed Segment."); _server.getEventLoop() .setTimer(new Timer(1, false, new Timer.Callback() { public void timerFired(Timer timer) {"### SYNC: For List:" + crawlSegment.getListId() + " Segment:" + crawlSegment.getSegmentId() + " setting Status to CompletedCompleted Segment."); if (!_shutdownFlag) { // update segment status ... status.setUrlCount(urlFPMap._urlCount); status.setUrlsComplete(urlFPMap._urlCount); // update crawl status status.setCrawlStatus( CrawlSegmentStatus.CrawlStatus.CRAWL_COMPLETE); status.setIsComplete(true); // set dirty flag for segment status.setIsDirty(true); } // and release semaphore ... segActiveSemaphore.release(); } })); } else { _server.getEventLoop() .setTimer(new Timer(1, false, new Timer.Callback() { public void timerFired(Timer timer) { if (!_shutdownFlag) { if (getServer().enableCrawlLog()) { //back in primary thread context, so go ahead and SAFELY re-activate the segment log ... activateSegmentLog(segmentLogObj); } } // and release semaphore ... segActiveSemaphore.release(); } })); } // wait for segment activation ... segActiveSemaphore.acquireUninterruptibly(); } // now if complete return immediately if (urlFPMap._urlCount != urlFPMap._urlsComplete && !_shutdownFlag) {"### LOADER Loading CrawlSegment Detail for Segment:" + crawlSegment.getSegmentId()); SegmentLoader.loadCrawlSegment(crawlSegment.getListId(), crawlSegment.getSegmentId(), CrawlerEngine.this.getServer().getHostName(), urlFPMap, null, createLoadProgressCallback(status), new SegmentLoader.CancelOperationCallback() { @Override public boolean cancelOperation() { return _shutdownFlag; } }); } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error(StringUtils.stringifyException(e)); throw e; } return status; } }, createCompletionCallback(crawlSegment, status))); } else { getServer().loadExternalCrawlSegment(crawlSegment, createLoadProgressCallback(status), createCompletionCallback(crawlSegment, status), status); } return status; } /** active the specified segment log **/ private void activateSegmentLog(CrawlSegmentLog log) { if (getServer().enableCrawlLog()) { if (Environment.detailLogEnabled())"activating segment log for segment:" + log.getSegmentId()); _crawlLog.addSegmentLog(log); } } private CrawlLog getCrawlLog() { return _crawlLog; } private static String extractHostNameFromCrawlSegmentHost(CrawlSegmentHost host) { String hostNameOut = null; if (host.getUrlTargets().size() != 0) { CrawlSegmentURL url = host.getUrlTargets().get(0); if (url != null) { String urlString = url.getUrl(); //"Extracting HostName from url:" + urlString); String extractedHostName = URLUtils.fastGetHostFromURL(urlString); //"Extracted HostName:" + extractedHostName); return extractedHostName; } } else { LOG.error("Zero URL Target for Host:" + host.getHostName() + "!"); } return null; } /** resolve IP addresses for remaining hosts in work unit **/ private void distributeSegmentHost(final CrawlSegmentHost host) { if (_shutdownFlag) return; if (Environment.detailLogEnabled())"Distributing Host:" + host.getHostName() + "URL Count:" + host.getUrlTargets().size()); // get host name final String hostName = extractHostNameFromCrawlSegmentHost(host); if (hostName == null) { LOG.error("No Valid Extracted HostName found for host: " + host.getHostName()); processHostIPResolutionResult(host, false, null); return; } // cache lookup happened in segment load ... so just check to see if IP is populated ... if (host.isFieldDirty(CrawlSegmentHost.Field_IPADDRESS)) { if (Environment.detailLogEnabled())"Immediately Processing " + host.getUrlTargets().size() + " Items for SuperHost:" + host.getHostName()); // if so, immediately process results processHostIPResolutionResult(host, false, null); } // otherwise queue up for result ... else { if ((_highWaterMarkHit && _hostQueuedForResolution <= _dnsHighWaterMark) || (!_highWaterMarkHit && _hostQueuedForResolution < _dnsHighWaterMark)) { // increment pending resolution count ... _hostQueuedForResolution++; // and increment urls pending resolution if (_hostQueuedForResolution == _dnsHighWaterMark) { if (!_highWaterMarkHit) { if (CrawlEnvironment.detailLoggingEnabled)"### DNS High Water Mark Hit. PendingResolutions:" + _hostQueuedForResolution); _highWaterMarkHit = true; } } if (Environment.detailLogEnabled())"Scheduling Resolution for Host:" + hostName); // schedule resolution ... NIODNSQueryClient queryClient = new NIODNSQueryClient() { @Override public void AddressResolutionFailure(NIODNSResolver source, String hostName, Status status, String errorDesc) { //"Got AddressResolutionFailure for host:" + hostName); // decrement pending resolution count ... _hostQueuedForResolution--; if (_hostQueuedForResolution <= _dnsLowWaterMark && _highWaterMarkHit) { if (!_shutdownFlag) { feedDNSQueue(); } } logDNSFailure(host.getHostName(), errorDesc); LOG.error("Host IP Resolution for Host:" + host.getHostName() + " FAILED with Status:" + status.toString() + " ErrorDesc:" + errorDesc); if (!_shutdownFlag) { // now react to the result ... processHostIPResolutionResult(host, true, null); } } @Override public void AddressResolutionSuccess(NIODNSResolver source, String hostName, String name, InetAddress address, long addressTTL) { //"Got AddressResolutionSuccess for host:" + hostName); // decrement pending resolution count ... _hostQueuedForResolution--; logDNSQuery(hostName, address, addressTTL, null); if (_hostQueuedForResolution <= _dnsLowWaterMark && _highWaterMarkHit) { if (!_shutdownFlag) { feedDNSQueue(); } } int hostAddress = 0; if (address != null && address.getAddress() != null) { byte[] addr = address.getAddress(); if (addr.length == 4) { hostAddress = IPAddressUtils.IPV4AddressToInteger(addr); } } if (hostAddress != 0) { // and update segment host's ip info ... host.setIpAddress(hostAddress); host.setTtl(Math.max(addressTTL, System.currentTimeMillis() + CrawlEnvironment.MIN_DNS_CACHE_TIME)); // log it // + " " +IPAddressUtils.IntegerToIPAddressString(hostAddress) + " " + result.getTTL()); if (!_shutdownFlag) { // now react to the result ... processHostIPResolutionResult(host, false, null); } } else { //if (Environment.detailLogEnabled()) LOG.error("Host IP Resolution for Host:" + host.getHostName() + " FAILED with Zero IP"); if (!_shutdownFlag) { // now react to the result ... processHostIPResolutionResult(host, true, null); } } } @Override public void DNSResultsAvailable() { } @Override public void done(NIODNSResolver source, FutureTask<DNSQueryResult> task) { } }; try { getServer().getDNSServiceResolver().resolve(queryClient, hostName, false, false, DEFAULT_DNS_TIMEOUT); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error(CCStringUtils.stringifyException(e)); // decrement pending resolution count ... _hostQueuedForResolution--; if (_hostQueuedForResolution <= _dnsLowWaterMark && _highWaterMarkHit) { if (!_shutdownFlag) { feedDNSQueue(); } } LOG.error("Host IP Resolution for Host:" + host.getHostName() + " FAILED with Exception:" + CCStringUtils.stringifyException(e)); // now react to the result ... if (!_shutdownFlag) { processHostIPResolutionResult(host, true, null); } } } //otherwise if we need to defer this item ... else { if (Environment.detailLogEnabled())"Deferring DNS Lookup for Host:" + host.getHostName()); _dnsDeferedHosts.add(host); } } } Collection<CrawlSegmentHost> breakoutHostsBySubDomain(CrawlSegmentHost incomingHost) { if (CrawlEnvironment.detailLoggingEnabled)"Breaking out hosts by subdomain for incoming host:" + incomingHost.getHostName()); long timeStart = System.currentTimeMillis(); Map<String, CrawlSegmentHost> mapOfHostsByName = new TreeMap<String, CrawlSegmentHost>(); CrawlSegmentHost lastHost = null; for (CrawlSegmentURL target : incomingHost.getUrlTargets()) { String url = target.getUrl(); String hostName = URLUtils.fastGetHostFromURL(url); if (hostName.length() != 0) { CrawlSegmentHost host = lastHost; if (host != null && !host.equals(hostName)) { host = mapOfHostsByName.get(hostName); } if (host == null) { host = new CrawlSegmentHost(); host.setHostName(hostName); byte hostNameAsBytes[] = hostName.getBytes(); host.setHostFP(FPGenerator.std64.fp(hostNameAsBytes, 0, hostNameAsBytes.length)); host.setSegmentId(incomingHost.getSegmentId()); mapOfHostsByName.put(hostName, host); } lastHost = host; host.getUrlTargets().add(target); } } long timeEnd = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (CrawlEnvironment.detailLoggingEnabled)"Breakout took:" + (timeEnd - timeStart) + "MS and returned:" + mapOfHostsByName.size() + " Elements"); return mapOfHostsByName.values(); } void feedDNSQueue() { if (Environment.detailLogEnabled())"### DNS Feeding DNS Queue. PendingResolutions:" + _hostQueuedForResolution); _highWaterMarkHit = false; while (!_highWaterMarkHit && _hostQueuedForResolution < _dnsHighWaterMark) { if (_dnsDeferedHosts.size() != 0) { distributeSegmentHost(_dnsDeferedHosts.removeFirst()); /* CrawlSegmentHost masterHost = ; for (CrawlSegmentHost host : breakoutHostsBySubDomain(masterHost)) { ; } */ } else { break; } } } /** process host ip resolution results **/ public void processHostIPResolutionResult(CrawlSegmentHost host, boolean failed, CrawlItemStatusCallback callback) { synchronized (_crawlerStats) { if (failed) { _crawlerStats.setFailedDNSRequests(_crawlerStats.getFailedDNSRequests() + 1); } else { _crawlerStats.setSuccessfullDNSRequests(_crawlerStats.getSuccessfullDNSRequests() + 1); } } long timeStart = System.currentTimeMillis(); boolean blackListedHost = false; // check to see if the host is blocked ... if (isBlackListedHost(host.getHostName())) { if (Environment.detailLogEnabled())"Rejecting " + host.getUrlTargets().size() + " URLS for Black Listed Host:" + host.getHostName()); blackListedHost = true; } if (isBlackListedIPAddress(host.getIpAddress())) { if (Environment.detailLogEnabled())"Rejecting " + host.getUrlTargets().size() + " URLS for Black Listed IP:" + IPAddressUtils.IntegerToIPAddressString(host.getIpAddress())); blackListedHost = true; } // walk urls in host ... CrawlSegmentURL segmentURL = null; // capture original url count ... int originalURLCount = host.getUrlTargets().size(); // decrement pending url count ... and artificially inflate queued count (for now) incDecPendingQueuedURLCount(-originalURLCount, originalURLCount); // increment processed url count ... _totalProcessedURLCount += originalURLCount; // ok, sort targets by positon first Collections.sort(host.getUrlTargets(), new Comparator<CrawlSegmentURL>() { @Override public int compare(CrawlSegmentURL o1, CrawlSegmentURL o2) { return (o1.getOriginalPosition() < o2.getOriginalPosition()) ? -1 : (o1.getOriginalPosition() > o2.getOriginalPosition()) ? 1 : 0; } }); // now walk targets ... for (int i = 0; i < host.getUrlTargets().size(); ++i) { // get the url at the current index .. segmentURL = host.getUrlTargets().get(i); boolean badSessionIDURL = false; boolean malformedURL = false; URLFP fp = URLUtils.getURLFPFromURL(segmentURL.getUrl(), false); if (fp == null) { malformedURL = true; } if (!failed && !blackListedHost) { /* try { if (_sessionIDNormalizer.normalize(segmentURL.getUrl(), "") != segmentURL.getUrl()) { badSessionIDURL = true; } } catch (MalformedURLException e) { LOG.error("Malformed URL Detected during SessionID Normalize. URL:" + segmentURL.getUrl() + " Exception:" + CCStringUtils.stringifyException(e)); malformedURL = true; } */ } // if ip address is zero... this indicates a dns failure ... react accordingly ... if (failed || blackListedHost || badSessionIDURL || malformedURL) { // remove the item from the list ... host.getUrlTargets().remove(i); --i; if (failed) { CrawlTarget.failURL( CrawlTarget.allocateCrawlURLFromSegmentURL(host.getSegmentId(), host, segmentURL, false), null, CrawlURL.FailureReason.DNSFailure, "DNS Failed during URL Distribution"); } else { if (blackListedHost) CrawlTarget.failURL( CrawlTarget.allocateCrawlURLFromSegmentURL(host.getSegmentId(), host, segmentURL, false), null, CrawlURL.FailureReason.BlackListedHost, "URL Rejected - Black Listed Host"); else if (badSessionIDURL) CrawlTarget.failURL( CrawlTarget.allocateCrawlURLFromSegmentURL(host.getSegmentId(), host, segmentURL, false), null, CrawlURL.FailureReason.MalformedURL, "URL Rejected - Bad SessionID URL"); else CrawlTarget.failURL( CrawlTarget.allocateCrawlURLFromSegmentURL(host.getSegmentId(), host, segmentURL, false), null, CrawlURL.FailureReason.MalformedURL, "URL Rejected - Malforned URL"); } } else { String url = segmentURL.getUrl(); // ... identify protocol ... CrawlQueue.Protocol protocol = CrawlQueue.identifyProtocol(url); // we only support http for now ... if (protocol != CrawlQueue.Protocol.HTTP) { LOG.error("No protocol available for URL:" + url + " Segment:" + host.getSegmentId()); // remove the item from the list ... host.getUrlTargets().remove(i); --i; // immedialtely fail this url ... CrawlTarget.failURL( CrawlTarget.allocateCrawlURLFromSegmentURL(host.getSegmentId(), host, segmentURL, false), null, CrawlURL.FailureReason.UnknownProtocol, "Uknown Protocol encountered during URL Distribution."); } } } // now if we have some urls to crawl .. if (host.getUrlTargets().size() != 0) { // remember original size .. int originalSize = host.getUrlTargets().size(); // submit it to the http crawl queue int queuedSize = _httpCrawlQueue.queueHost(host.getSegmentId(), host.getListId(), host, callback); // check delta .. if (queuedSize < originalSize) { if (Environment.detailLogEnabled()) - queuedSize) + " Entries DROPPED for Domain:" + host.getHostName()); // decrement queued count again by the number of entries that were dropped on the floor ... incDecPendingQueuedURLCount(0, -(originalSize - queuedSize)); } } host.clear(); long timeEnd = System.currentTimeMillis(); _dnsProcessResultsTime.addSample((double) timeEnd - timeStart); } private static String buildCrawlSegmentKey(int listId, int segmentId) { CrawlSegment segment = new CrawlSegment(); segment.setListId(listId); segment.setSegmentId(segmentId); return segment.getKey(); } private void potentiallyLoadNextSegment() { if (_segmentScanPending == 0) { // if active url count is less than max threshold .. if (_activeLoadCount == 0 && _segmentLoadQueue.size() != 0 && getActiveURLCount() < getMaxActiveThreshold()) { CrawlSegmentStatus loadTarget = _segmentLoadQueue.remove(); // now if a load target was found ... if (loadTarget != null) { // get the crawl segment object ... CrawlSegment segment = crawlSegmentFromCrawlSegmentStatus(loadTarget); if (Environment.detailLogEnabled())"potenitallyLoadNextSegment returned segment:" + segment.getSegmentId() + " from list:" + segment.getListId()); loadCrawlSegment(segment); } } } } public interface CrawlStopCallback { public void crawlStopped(); } /** stop the crawl process and clear all host queues **/ public void stopCrawl(final CrawlStopCallback callback) { if (_crawlActive) {"stopCrawl - stopping HttpQueue"); _httpCrawlQueue.stopCrawl(); // stop disk queue thread CrawlList.stopDiskQueueingThread(); stopStatsCollector(); if (getServer().enableCrawlLog()) {"stopCrawl - stopping LogFlusher"); _crawlLog.stopLogFlusher(new LogFlusherStopActionCallback() { public void stopComplete() { _crawlActive = false; _crawlStopped = true;"stopCrawl - LogFlusher Stop Complete"); // notify caller if necessary ... if (callback != null) {"stopCrawl - LogFlusher Stop Complete - Notifying Caller"); callback.crawlStopped(); } } }); } else { _crawlActive = false; if (callback != null) { callback.crawlStopped(); } } } else { if (callback != null) { callback.crawlStopped(); } } } /** start crawling **/ public void startCrawl() { if (!_crawlActive) { if (Environment.detailLogEnabled())"startCrawl"); startStatsCollector(); _httpCrawlQueue.startCrawl(_crawlStopped); _crawlStopped = false; if (getServer().enableCrawlLog()) { _crawlLog.startLogFlusher(); } _crawlActive = true; } } /** clear persistent and in memory state **/ public void clearState() { // stop the crawl ... stopCrawl(null); // stop stats collection timer ... stopStatsCollector(); // clear queues ... _httpCrawlQueue.clear(); // clear internal data structures ... _statusMap.clear(); } public final void logSuccessfulRobotsGET(NIOHttpConnection connection, CrawlTarget url) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append(String.format("%1$20.20s ", CCStringUtils.dateStringFromTimeValue(System.currentTimeMillis()))); sb.append(String.format("%1$16.16s ", (connection.getLocalAddress() != null) ? connection.getLocalAddress().getAddress() : "UNDEFINED")); sb.append(String.format("%1$16.16s ", connection.getResolvedAddress())); sb.append(String.format("%1$4.4s ", url.getResultCode())); sb.append(String.format("%1$10.10s ", connection.getDownloadLength())); sb.append(String.format("%1$10.10s ", connection.getConnectTime())); sb.append(String.format("%1$10.10s ", connection.getUploadTime())); sb.append(String.format("%1$10.10s ", connection.getDownloadTime())); if ((url.getFlags() & CrawlURL.Flags.IsRedirected) != 0) { sb.append(url.getRedirectURL()); sb.append(" "); } sb.append(url.getOriginalURL()); getSuccessLog().info(sb.toString()); } public final void logSuccessfulGET(NIOHttpConnection connection, CrawlURL url) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append(String.format("%1$20.20s ", CCStringUtils.dateStringFromTimeValue(System.currentTimeMillis()))); sb.append(String.format("%1$16.16s ", (connection.getLocalAddress() != null) ? connection.getLocalAddress().getAddress() : "UNDEFINED")); sb.append(String.format("%1$16.16s ", connection.getResolvedAddress())); sb.append(String.format("%1$4.4s ", url.getResultCode())); sb.append(String.format("%1$10.10s ", url.getContentRaw().getCount())); sb.append(String.format("%1$10.10s ", connection.getConnectTime())); sb.append(String.format("%1$10.10s ", connection.getUploadTime())); sb.append(String.format("%1$10.10s ", connection.getDownloadTime())); if ((url.getFlags() & CrawlURL.Flags.IsRedirected) != 0) { sb.append(url.getRedirectURL()); sb.append(" "); } sb.append(url.getUrl()); getSuccessLog().info(sb.toString()); } void fetchStarting(CrawlTarget target, NIOHttpConnection connection) { _server.fetchStarting(target, connection); } /** callback triggered whenever a crawl of an item succeeds or fails .. **/ void crawlComplete(NIOHttpConnection connection, CrawlURL url, CrawlTarget optTargetObj, boolean success) { if (getServer().enableCrawlLog()) { // if robots get if ((url.getFlags() & CrawlURL.Flags.IsRobotsURL) != 0) { getCrawlLog().getRobotsSegment().completeItem(url); } // else regular fetch ... else { // ok check to see if we have a parse queue if (_server.isParseQueueEnabled()) { if (success && url.isFieldDirty(CrawlURL.Field_CRAWLDIRECTIVEJSON) && url.getCrawlDirectiveJSONAsTextBytes().getLength() != 0) { try { if (potentiallyAddToParseQueue(url)) { // mark as in parse queue url.setFlags(url.getFlags() | CrawlURL.Flags.InParseQueue); } } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error(CCStringUtils.stringifyException(e)); } } } //update segment log ... CrawlSegmentLog segmentLog = getCrawlLog().getLogForSegment(url.getListId(), (int) url.getCrawlSegmentId()); if (segmentLog != null) { segmentLog.completeItem(url); } else { LOG.error("Segement Log for List:" + url.getListId() + " Segment:" + url.getCrawlSegmentId() + " is NULL (during CrawlComplete) for URL:" + url.getUrl()); } // IFF target has no valid segment id ... then this is a high priority request ... delegate to outer controller if (url.getCrawlSegmentId() == -1) { // notify server (in case it delegates the call) getServer().crawlComplete(connection, url, optTargetObj, success); } else { CrawlSegmentStatus workUnitStatus = _statusMap .get(CrawlLog.makeSegmentLogId(url.getListId(), (int) url.getCrawlSegmentId())); // update work unit stats ... if (workUnitStatus != null) { workUnitStatus.setUrlsComplete(workUnitStatus.getUrlsComplete() + 1); if (workUnitStatus.getUrlCount() == workUnitStatus.getUrlsComplete()) { workUnitStatus.setCrawlStatus(CrawlSegmentStatus.CrawlStatus.CRAWL_COMPLETE); } workUnitStatus.setIsDirty(true); if (!getServer().externallyManageCrawlSegments()) { getServer().updateCrawlSegmentStatus((int) url.getCrawlSegmentId(), workUnitStatus); } } else { LOG.error("CrawlSegmentStatus for List:" + url.getListId() + " Segment:" + url.getCrawlSegmentId() + " is NULL (during CrawlComplete)."); } } } } else { // notify server (in case it delegates the call) getServer().crawlComplete(connection, url, optTargetObj, success); } // update stats if (success) { _successURLCount++; synchronized (_crawlerStats) { _crawlerStats.setUrlsSucceeded(_crawlerStats.getUrlsSucceeded() + 1); _crawlerStats.setUrlsProcessed(_crawlerStats.getUrlsProcessed() + 1); if ((url.getFlags() & CrawlURL.Flags.IsRedirected) != 0) { switch (url.getOriginalResultCode()) { case 301: _crawlerStats.setHttp301Count(_crawlerStats.getHttp301Count() + 1); break; case 302: _crawlerStats.setHttp302Count(_crawlerStats.getHttp302Count() + 1); break; default: _crawlerStats.setHttp300Count(_crawlerStats.getHttp300Count() + 1); break; } if (optTargetObj != null) { switch (optTargetObj.getRedirectCount()) { case 1: _crawlerStats .setRedirectResultAfter1Hops(_crawlerStats.getRedirectResultAfter1Hops() + 1); break; case 2: _crawlerStats .setRedirectResultAfter2Hops(_crawlerStats.getRedirectResultAfter2Hops() + 1); break; case 3: _crawlerStats .setRedirectResultAfter3Hops(_crawlerStats.getRedirectResultAfter3Hops() + 1); break; default: _crawlerStats.setRedirectResultAfterGT3Hops( _crawlerStats.getRedirectResultAfterGT3Hops() + 1); break; } } } // ok now process the http result code ... if (url.getResultCode() >= 200 && url.getResultCode() < 300) { _crawlerStats.setHttp200Count(_crawlerStats.getHttp200Count() + 1); } else if (url.getResultCode() >= 300 && url.getResultCode() < 400) { switch (url.getResultCode()) { case 301: _crawlerStats.setHttp301Count(_crawlerStats.getHttp301Count() + 1); break; case 302: _crawlerStats.setHttp302Count(_crawlerStats.getHttp302Count() + 1); break; case 304: _crawlerStats.setHttp304Count(_crawlerStats.getHttp304Count() + 1); break; default: _crawlerStats.setHttp300Count(_crawlerStats.getHttp300Count() + 1); break; } } else if (url.getResultCode() >= 400 && url.getResultCode() < 500) { switch (url.getResultCode()) { case 403: _crawlerStats.setHttp403Count(_crawlerStats.getHttp403Count() + 1); break; case 404: _crawlerStats.setHttp404Count(_crawlerStats.getHttp404Count() + 1); break; default: _crawlerStats.setHttp400Count(_crawlerStats.getHttp400Count() + 1); break; } } else if (url.getResultCode() >= 500 && url.getResultCode() < 600) { _crawlerStats.setHttp500Count(_crawlerStats.getHttp500Count() + 1); } else { _crawlerStats.setHttpOtherCount(_crawlerStats.getHttpOtherCount() + 1); } } logSuccessfulGET(connection, url); } else { _failedURLCount++; synchronized (_crawlerStats) { _crawlerStats.setUrlsFailed(_crawlerStats.getUrlsFailed() + 1); _crawlerStats.setUrlsProcessed(_crawlerStats.getUrlsProcessed() + 1); switch (url.getLastAttemptFailureReason()) { case CrawlURL.FailureReason.UnknownProtocol: _crawlerStats.setHttpErrorUnknownProtocol(_crawlerStats.getHttpErrorUnknownProtocol() + 1); break; case CrawlURL.FailureReason.MalformedURL: _crawlerStats.setHttpErrorMalformedURL(_crawlerStats.getHttpErrorMalformedURL() + 1); break; case CrawlURL.FailureReason.Timeout: _crawlerStats.setHttpErrorTimeout(_crawlerStats.getHttpErrorTimeout() + 1); break; case CrawlURL.FailureReason.DNSFailure: _crawlerStats.setHttpErrorDNSFailure(_crawlerStats.getHttpErrorDNSFailure() + 1); break; case CrawlURL.FailureReason.ResolverFailure: _crawlerStats.setHttpErrorResolverFailure(_crawlerStats.getHttpErrorResolverFailure() + 1); break; case CrawlURL.FailureReason.IOException: _crawlerStats.setHttpErrorIOException(_crawlerStats.getHttpErrorIOException() + 1); break; case CrawlURL.FailureReason.RobotsExcluded: _crawlerStats.setHttpErrorRobotsExcluded(_crawlerStats.getHttpErrorRobotsExcluded() + 1); break; case CrawlURL.FailureReason.NoData: _crawlerStats.setHttpErrorNoData(_crawlerStats.getHttpErrorNoData() + 1); break; case CrawlURL.FailureReason.RobotsParseError: _crawlerStats.setHttpErrorRobotsParseError(_crawlerStats.getHttpErrorRobotsParseError() + 1); break; case CrawlURL.FailureReason.RedirectFailed: _crawlerStats.setHttpErrorRedirectFailed(_crawlerStats.getHttpErrorRedirectFailed() + 1); break; case CrawlURL.FailureReason.RuntimeError: _crawlerStats.setHttpErrorRuntimeError(_crawlerStats.getHttpErrorRuntimeError() + 1); break; case CrawlURL.FailureReason.ConnectTimeout: _crawlerStats.setHttpErrorConnectTimeout(_crawlerStats.getHttpErrorConnectTimeout() + 1); break; case CrawlURL.FailureReason.BlackListedHost: _crawlerStats.setHttpErrorBlackListedHost(_crawlerStats.getHttpErrorBlackListedHost() + 1); break; case CrawlURL.FailureReason.BlackListedURL: _crawlerStats.setHttpErrorBlackListedURL(_crawlerStats.getHttpErrorBlackListedURL() + 1); break; case CrawlURL.FailureReason.TooManyErrors: _crawlerStats.setHttpErrorTooManyErrors(_crawlerStats.getHttpErrorTooManyErrors() + 1); break; case CrawlURL.FailureReason.InCache: _crawlerStats.setHttpErrorInCache(_crawlerStats.getHttpErrorInCache() + 1); break; case CrawlURL.FailureReason.InvalidResponseCode: _crawlerStats .setHttpErrorInvalidResponseCode(_crawlerStats.getHttpErrorInvalidResponseCode() + 1); break; case CrawlURL.FailureReason.BadRedirectData: _crawlerStats.setHttpErrorBadRedirectData(_crawlerStats.getHttpErrorBadRedirectData() + 1); break; default: _crawlerStats.setHttpErrorUNKNOWN(_crawlerStats.getHttpErrorUNKNOWN() + 1); } } } if (getServer().enableCrawlLog()) { // either way decrement queued count ... incDecPendingQueuedURLCount(0, -1); // now potentially load any deferred segments ... potentiallyLoadNextSegment(); } } /** callback used by crawl log to notify engine of a segment that should be marked as completed ... **/ void crawlSegmentComplete(long packedSegmentId) { CrawlSegmentStatus segmentStatus = _statusMap.get(packedSegmentId); if (segmentStatus != null) { // mark the segment as completed ... segmentStatus.setIsComplete(true); } } /* void purgeCrawlSegments(CrawlSegmentList segmentList) { for (long packedSegmentId : segmentList.getSegments()) { CrawlSegmentStatus status = _statusMap.get(packedSegmentId); if (status != null && status.getIsComplete() == true) { CrawlSegmentLog segmentLog = _crawlLog.getLogForSegment(CrawlLog.getListIdFromLogId(packedSegmentId),CrawlLog.getSegmentIdFromLogId(packedSegmentId)); if (segmentLog == null || segmentLog.isSegmentComplete()) { // remove from map ... _statusMap.remove(packedSegmentId); // remove from log ... _crawlLog.removeSegmentLog(CrawlLog.getListIdFromLogId(packedSegmentId),CrawlLog.getSegmentIdFromLogId(packedSegmentId)); try { // remove from database _recordStore.beginTransaction(); _recordStore.deleteRecordByKey(CrawlSegmentKeyPrefix + buildCrawlSegmentKey(status.getListId(),status.getSegmentId())); _recordStore.commitTransaction(); } catch (RecordStoreException e) { LOG.error("purge of crawl segment record with list id:"+ status.getListId() + "segment id:" + status.getSegmentId() + " threw Exception:" + CCStringUtils.stringifyException(e)); } } } } } */ public void dumpQueueDetailsToHTML(JspWriter out) throws IOException { _httpCrawlQueue.dumpDetailsToHTML(out); } public void dumpHostDetailsToHTML(JspWriter out, int hostIP) throws IOException { _httpCrawlQueue.dumpHostDetailsToHTML(out, hostIP); } public void pauseFetch() {"PAUSING CRAWL"); _httpCrawlQueue.pauseCrawl(); } public void resumeFetch() {"RESUMING CRAWL"); _httpCrawlQueue.resumeCrawl(); } public void logDNSFailure(String hostName, String errorDescription) { synchronized (_DNSFailureLog) { _DNSFailureLog.error(hostName + "," + errorDescription); } } public void logDNSQuery(String hostName, InetAddress address, long ttl, String opCName) { synchronized (_DNSSuccessLog) { + "," + address.toString() + "," + ttl + "," + opCName); } } /** black list the given host name **/ public void failDomain(String domainName) { _badDomainCache.cacheIPAddressForHost(domainName, 0, 0, null); } public boolean isBadDomain(String domainName) { return _badDomainCache.findNode(domainName) != null; } public void queueExternalURL(final String url, final long fingerprint, final boolean highPriorityRequest, final CrawlItemStatusCallback callback) { // validate the url ... String hostName = URLUtils.fastGetHostFromURL(url); if (hostName == null) { if (callback != null) { callback.crawlComplete(null, CrawlTarget.allocateCrawlURLForFailure(url, fingerprint, CrawlURL.FailureReason.MalformedURL, "URL Rejected - Bad SessionID URL"), null, false); } else { if (Environment.detailLogEnabled()) LOG.error("queueExternalURL for URL:" + url + " Failed with:URL Rejected - Bad SessionID URL"); } } else { // schedule resolution ... NIODNSQueryClient queryClient = new NIODNSQueryClient() { @Override public void AddressResolutionFailure(NIODNSResolver source, String hostName, Status status, String errorDesc) { //"DNS Failed for High Priority Request:" + hostName + " Errror:" + errorDesc); if (callback != null) { callback.crawlComplete(null, CrawlTarget.allocateCrawlURLForFailure(url, fingerprint, CrawlURL.FailureReason.DNSFailure, errorDesc), null, false); } else { if (Environment.detailLogEnabled()) LOG.error("queueExternalURL for URL:" + url + " Failed with:DNS Failed for High Priority Request:" + hostName + " Errror:" + errorDesc); } } @Override public void AddressResolutionSuccess(NIODNSResolver source, String hostName, String name, InetAddress address, long addressTTL) { int hostAddress = 0; if (address != null && address.getAddress() != null) { byte[] addr = address.getAddress(); if (addr.length == 4) { hostAddress = IPAddressUtils.IPV4AddressToInteger(addr); } } if (hostAddress != 0) { //"DNS Success for High Priority URL:" + url + "IP:" + address.toString()); _httpCrawlQueue.queueExternalURLRequest(url, getServer().getHighPriorityListId(), fingerprint, hostName, hostAddress, addressTTL + 30000000, highPriorityRequest, callback); } else { // LOG.error("DNS Failed for High Priority URL:"+ url + " with Zero IP"); if (callback != null) { callback.crawlComplete(null, CrawlTarget.allocateCrawlURLForFailure(url, fingerprint, CrawlURL.FailureReason.DNSFailure, "Invalid IP Address"), null, false); } else { if (Environment.detailLogEnabled()) LOG.error("queueExternalURL for URL:" + url + " Failed with:DNS Failed for High Priority URL:" + url + " with Zero IP"); } } } @Override public void DNSResultsAvailable() { } @Override public void done(NIODNSResolver source, FutureTask<DNSQueryResult> task) { } }; try { getServer().getDNSServiceResolver().resolve(queryClient, hostName, false, true, DEFAULT_DNS_TIMEOUT); } catch (IOException e) { // LOG.error("Failed to Dispatch DNS Query for High Priority URL:" + url + " Exception:" + CCStringUtils.stringifyException(e)); if (callback != null) { callback.crawlComplete(null, CrawlTarget.allocateCrawlURLForFailure(url, fingerprint, CrawlURL.FailureReason.ResolverFailure, CCStringUtils.stringifyException(e)), null, false); } else { if (Environment.detailLogEnabled()) LOG.error("queueExternalURL for URL:" + url + " Failed with:Exception:" + CCStringUtils.stringifyException(e)); } } } } public void queueExternalCrawlSegmentHost(CrawlSegmentHost host, CrawlItemStatusCallback callback) { processHostIPResolutionResult(host, false, callback); } public enum RobotsLogEventType { HTTP_GET_Complete, HTTP_GET_Failed, Parse_Succeeded, Parse_Failed } public static final int RobotsParseFlag_ExcludesAll = 1 << 0; public static final int RobotsParseFlag_ExplicitMention = 1 << 1; public static final int RobotsParseFlag_HasCrawlDelay = 1 << 2; public static final int RobotsParseFlag_ContentDecodeFailed = 1 << 3; public static final int RobotsParseFlag_ContentWasHTML = 1 << 3; /** log robots fetch **/ public synchronized void logRobots(long fetchTime, String domain, int httpResultCode, String robotsData, RobotsLogEventType eventType, int flags) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(2048); sb.append(String.format("%1$24.24s ", robotsLogDateFormat.format(new Date(fetchTime)))); sb.append(String.format("%1$40.40s ", domain)); switch (eventType) { case HTTP_GET_Complete: { sb.append(String.format("%1$12.12s ", "GET_COMPLETE")); } break; case HTTP_GET_Failed: { sb.append(String.format("%1$12.12s ", "GET_FAILURE")); } break; case Parse_Succeeded: { sb.append(String.format("%1$12.12s ", "PARSE_SUCCESS")); } break; case Parse_Failed: { sb.append(String.format("%1$12.12s ", "PARSE_FAILED")); } break; } sb.append(String.format("%1$4.4s ", httpResultCode)); if (eventType == RobotsLogEventType.HTTP_GET_Complete) { if (robotsData != null && robotsData.length() != 0) { sb.append("\n****CONTENT-START****\n"); sb.append(robotsData, 0, Math.min(robotsData.length(), 8192)); sb.append("\n****CONTENT-END ****\n"); } else if ((flags & RobotsParseFlag_ContentDecodeFailed) != 0) { sb.append(" ContentDecodeFailed"); } else if ((flags & RobotsParseFlag_ContentWasHTML) != 0) { sb.append(" ContentWasHTML"); } } else if (eventType == RobotsLogEventType.Parse_Succeeded) { if ((flags & RobotsParseFlag_ExcludesAll) != 0) { sb.append("ExcludesAll "); } if ((flags & RobotsParseFlag_ExplicitMention) != 0) { sb.append("ExplicitMention "); } if ((flags & RobotsParseFlag_HasCrawlDelay) != 0) { sb.append("HasCrawlDelay "); } } _RobotsLog.error(sb.toString()); } FlexBuffer getActiveHostListAsBuffer() throws IOException { if (_crawlActive && _httpCrawlQueue != null) { DataOutputBuffer outputBuffer = new DataOutputBuffer(); Set<Integer> ipAddressSet = _httpCrawlQueue.getActiveHostIPs(); WritableUtils.writeVInt(outputBuffer, ipAddressSet.size()); for (int hostIP : ipAddressSet) { WritableUtils.writeVInt(outputBuffer, hostIP); } return new FlexBuffer(outputBuffer.getData(), 0, outputBuffer.getLength()); } return null; } }