Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2008 - CommonCrawl Foundation
 *    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 *    (at your option) any later version.
 *    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *    GNU General Public License for more details.
 *    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *    along with this program.  If not, see <>.

import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.concurrent.FutureTask;

import junit.framework.Assert;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.hadoop.util.StringUtils;
import org.commoncrawl.crawl.common.internal.CrawlEnvironment;
import org.commoncrawl.util.BandwidthUtils;
import org.commoncrawl.util.CustomLogger;
import org.commoncrawl.util.GoogleURL;
import org.commoncrawl.util.IPAddressUtils;
import org.junit.Test;

 * @author rana
 *         NIOHttpConnection - Async HTTP Connection class

public final class NIOHttpConnection implements NIOClientSocketListener, NIODNSQueryClient {

    enum ChunkState {
         * State to indicate that next field should be :- chunk-size [
         * chunk-extension ] CRLF

         * State to indicate that we are currently reading the chunk-data.

         * Indicates that a chunk has been completely read and the next fields to be
         * examine should be CRLF

         * Indicates that all chunks have been read and the next field should be
         * optional trailers or an indication that the chunked stream is complete.

         * State to indicate that the chunked stream is complete and no further
         * bytes should be read from the underlying stream.


    public static interface DataSource {
         * add any new content into data buffer and return true on EOF
         * @param dataBuffer
         * @return
        boolean read(NIOBufferList dataBuffer) throws IOException;

    /** Error Type Enum **/
    public enum ErrorType {

    /** Listener interface used to propagate Connection Status */
    public static interface Listener {

         * Called whenever the source connection changes state
         * @param theConnection
         *          - source connection triggering the callback
         * @param oldState
         *          - old connection state
         * @param state
         *          - new connection state
        void HttpConnectionStateChanged(NIOHttpConnection theConnection, State oldState, State state);

         * Called whenever there is HTTP Content available to be read from the
         * content buffer
         * @param contentBuffer
         *          - the HTTPConnection's content buffer list ...
        void HttpContentAvailable(NIOHttpConnection theConnection, NIOBufferList contentBuffer);

    public static class NIOHttpConnectionUnitTest {

        public void runTest() throws Exception {

    /** State Machine States */
    public enum State {

    /** logging **/
    private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(NIOHttpConnection.class);
    private static final int HTTP_HEADER_SIZE_MAX = 1 << 14;
    private static final int CHUNK_LINE_MAX = 1024;

    private static final int DNS_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT = 40000;
    private static final int TIMEOUT_DEFAULT = 30000;
    private static final int UPLOAD_DOWNLOAD_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT = 30000;
    /** charset for UTF-8 conversion */
    private static final Charset _utf8Charset = Charset.forName("UTF8");
    private static final int MIN_BYTES_FOR_STATUS_LINE = 8;
    private static final int HTTP_STATUS_LINE_SLOP = 4;
    private static byte[] httpStr = { 'h', 't', 't', 'p' };

    /** cumilative bytes read **/
    public static long getCumilativeBytesRead() {
        return _cumilativeRead;

    /** cumilative byte written */
    public static long getCumilativeBytesWritten() {
        return _cumilativeWritten;

    /** helper - get the response code given headers **/
    public static int getHttpResponseCode(NIOHttpHeaders responseHeaders) {
        return responseHeaders.getHttpResponseCode();

    private static boolean isHTTPToken(byte[] data, int offset, int length) {
        if (length >= httpStr.length) {
            for (int i = 0; i < httpStr.length; ++i) {
                if (data[offset + i] != httpStr[i] && data[offset + i] + 32 != httpStr[i]) {
                    return false;
            return true;
        return false;

    static boolean MockHTTPConnection(String[] dataSet, boolean failureExcepted, String statusLineExpected,
            int statusCodeExpected, String dataExpected) {

        NIOHttpConnection connection = new NIOHttpConnection();

        connection._state = State.RECEIVING_HEADERS;

        try {
            for (String dataLine : dataSet) {
        } catch (IOException e) {
            if (failureExcepted) {
                return true;
            } else {
                return false;

        if (failureExcepted) {
            return false;
        } else {
            NIOHttpHeaders headers = connection.getResponseHeaders();

            if (headers.getValue(0).compareTo(statusLineExpected) != 0) {
                LOG.error("Status Line Comparison Failed. Connection:" + headers.getValue(0) + " Expected:"
                        + statusLineExpected);
                return false;
            if (getHttpResponseCode(headers) != statusCodeExpected) {
                LOG.error("Status Code Different. Found:" + getHttpResponseCode(headers) + " Expected:"
                        + statusCodeExpected);
                return false;

            byte[] bytesExpected = dataExpected.getBytes();

            int bytesAvailable = connection.getContentBuffer().available();

            if (bytesExpected.length == bytesAvailable) {
                byte[] bytesFetched = new byte[bytesExpected.length];
                try {
                    if (!Arrays.equals(bytesExpected, bytesFetched)) {
                        LOG.error("Content Mismatch!");
                        return false;
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    return false;
            } else {
                LOG.error("Content Length Mismatch!");
                return false;
        return true;

    /** set cookie logger **/
    public static void setCookieLogger(CustomLogger logger) {
        _cookieLogger = logger;

    /** set the user agent string - defaults to NIOHttpConnection/1.0 **/
    public static void setDefaultUserAgentString(String userAgentString) {
        _defaultUserAgentString = userAgentString;

    static void testHTTPConnection() {
        // basic http
        Assert.assertTrue(MockHTTPConnection(new String[] { "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n\r\n", "hello world" }, false,
                "HTTP/1.0 200 OK", 200, "hello world"));
        // basic http no header ...
         * Assert.assertTrue(MockHTTPConnection( new String[] { "hello world"
         * },false,"HTTP/0.9 200 OK",200,"hello world"));
        // 404 with alternate line terminators ...

        Assert.assertTrue(MockHTTPConnection(new String[] { "HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found\nServer: blah\n\nDATA" }, false,
                "HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found", 404, "DATA"));

        // streaming headers ...

                new String[] { "HTTP/1.0 ", "200 OK", "\n", "Server: blah\r", "\n", "\n", "DA", "TA" }, false,
                "HTTP/1.0 200 OK", 200, "DATA"));


    /** the set of outgoing HTTP Headers */
    private final NIOHttpHeaders _requestHeaders = new NIOHttpHeaders();
    /** populate default header items (default:true) **/
    private boolean _populateDefaultHeaderItems = true;
    /** the set of incoming HTTP Headers */
    private final NIOHttpHeaders _responseHeaders = new NIOHttpHeaders();
    /** found status line **/
    private boolean _foundStatusLine = false;
    /** header reader state **/
    private boolean _lastCharWasLF = false;
    /** header reader state **/
    private byte _lastChar = 0;
    /** the output buffer */
    private final NIOBufferList _outBuf = new NIOBufferList();
    /** the input buffer */
    private NIOBufferList _inBuf = new NIOBufferList();
    /** the header accumulation buffer **/
    private ByteArrayOutputStream _incomingAccumulationBuffer = null;
    /** the underlying Socket object to be used for request */
    private NIOClientSocket _socket = null;
    /** the underlying selector used to poll sockets */
    private NIOSocketSelector _selector = null;
    /** resolver to use for DNS resolution */
    private NIODNSResolver _resolver = null;
    /** cumilative bytes read **/
    private static long _cumilativeRead = 0;
    /** cumilative byte written */
    private static long _cumilativeWritten = 0;
    /** Statistic: total bytes written */
    private int _totalWritten = 0;
    /** Statistic: total bytes read */
    private int _totalRead = 0;
    /** Connection closed indicator */
    private boolean _closed = false;
    /** the TARGET URL */
    private URL _url = null;

    /** resolved address **/
    private InetAddress _resolvedAddress = null;
    /** source address **/
    private InetSocketAddress _sourceIP = null;
    /** resolved address ttl **/
    private long _resolvedAddressTTL = -1;
    /** resolved cname **/
    private String _resolvedCName;
    /** the Status Listener */
    private Listener _listener = null;
    /** optional data source (for uploads) **/
    private DataSource _dataSource = null;
    /** the Context Object **/
    private Object _context = null;
    /** content length - as retrieved from HTTP Headers */
    private int _contentLength = -1;
    /** downloaded content length - amount we have downloaded so far **/
    private int _downloadedContentLength = 0;
    /** content max - used to limit downloaded content **/
    private int _downloadMax = -1;
     * truncated flag - indicates content was truncated to accommodate download
     * max limit
    private boolean _contentTruncated = false;
    /** transfer encoding is chunked **/
    private boolean _chunked = false;
    /** proxy server host **/
    private InetSocketAddress _proxyServer;

    /** cookie logger (optional) */
    private static CustomLogger _cookieLogger;
    /** chunk stream state **/
    ChunkState _chunkState = ChunkState.STATE_AWAITING_CHUNK_HEADER;

    /** chunk size **/
    int _chunkSize = 0;
    /** chunk pos **/
    int _chunkPos = 0;
    /** chunk line reader state **/
    CRLFReadState _chunkCRLFReadState = CRLFReadState.NONE;

    /** chunk line buffer **/
    StringBuffer _chunkLineBuffer = null;
    /** chunk content buffer **/
    NIOBufferList _chunkContentBuffer = null;
    /** total download length (Headers + Content) */
    private int _downloadLength = 0;

    /** open time - absolute time at which this socket was opened **/
    private long _openTime = -1;;
    /** Statistic: time it took for DNS resolution (MS) */
    private int _resolveTime = 0;
    /** Statistic: time it took to connect (after resolution) (MS) */
    private int _connectTime = 0;
    /** Statistic: time it took to upload headers (after connection) (MS) */
    private int _uploadTime = 0;
     * Statistic: time it took to download headers + content (after sending
     * headers ) (MS)
    private int _downloadTime = 0;
    /** id for tracking purposes **/
    private int _id = 0;
    /** internal phase start time */
    private long _phaseStartTime;
    /** last time this socket received some data **/
    private long _lastReadOrWriteTime = -1;
    /** modifiable timeout value */
    private int _dnsTimeout = DNS_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT;

    private int _connectTimeout = TIMEOUT_DEFAULT;

    private int _uploadDownloadTimeout = UPLOAD_DOWNLOAD_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT;

    /** HTTP METHOD */
    private String _method = "GET";

    private String _httpVersionString = "HTTP/1.1";
    private static String _defaultUserAgentString = "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; NIOHttpConnection/1.0;)";
    /** State Machine State */
    private State _state = State.IDLE;

    /** timeout state **/
    private State _timeoutState = State.IDLE;
    /** Error Type Variable **/
    private ErrorType _errorType = ErrorType.UNKNOWN;

    /** Error Desc **/
    private String _errorDesc;
    /** Last Exception - for tracking errors */
    private Exception _lastException = null;

    /** Rate Limit Support **/
    private BandwidthUtils.RateLimiter _uploadRateLimiter;

    /** optional cookie store **/
    private HttpCookieStore _cookieStore;

    /** internal constructor - for test purposes **/
    private NIOHttpConnection() {


     * Constructor
     * @param theURL
     *          - the target URL
     * @param theLocalAddress
     *          - the local ip address to bind to
     * @param selector
     *          - shared socket selector object
     * @param resolver
     *          - shared resolver object
     * */
    public NIOHttpConnection(URL theURL, InetSocketAddress localBindAddress, NIOSocketSelector selector,
            NIODNSResolver resolver, HttpCookieStore cookieStore) throws IOException {
        GoogleURL canonicalURL = new GoogleURL(theURL.toString());
        _url = new URL(canonicalURL.getCanonicalURL());
        _sourceIP = localBindAddress;
        _socket = NIOSocketFactory.createClientSocket(theURL, localBindAddress, this);
        _selector = selector;
        _resolver = resolver;
        _cookieStore = cookieStore;

     * Constructor
     * @param theURL
     *          - the target URL
     * @param selector
     *          - shared socket selector object
     * @param resolver
     *          - shared resolver object
     * */
    public NIOHttpConnection(URL theURL, NIOSocketSelector selector, NIODNSResolver resolver,
            HttpCookieStore cookieStore) throws IOException {
        GoogleURL cannonicalURL = new GoogleURL(theURL.toString());
        _url = new URL(cannonicalURL.getCanonicalURL());
        _socket = NIOSocketFactory.createClientSocket(theURL, null, this);
        _sourceIP = _socket.getLocalSocketAddress();
        _selector = selector;
        _resolver = resolver;
        _cookieStore = cookieStore;

    private final void _buildAndWriteRequestHeader() throws IOException {

        if (_populateDefaultHeaderItems) {

            String file = null;
            if (getProxyServer() == null) {
                file = _url.getPath();
                if (_url.getQuery() != null) {
                    file += "?";
                    file += _url.getQuery();
            } else {
                file = _url.toString();
                //"!!!! Proxy Server Set. Using fully qualified URI:" +
                // _url.toString());

            if (file.length() == 0)
                file = "/";
            _requestHeaders.prepend(_method + " " + file + " " + _httpVersionString, null);

            // TODO: FIX FOR HTTPS
            if (_url.getPort() != -1 && _url.getPort() != 80) {
                _requestHeaders.setIfNotSet("Host", _url.getHost() + ":" + String.valueOf(_url.getPort()));
            } else {
                _requestHeaders.setIfNotSet("Host", _url.getHost());

            _requestHeaders.setIfNotSet("User-Agent", _defaultUserAgentString);
            _requestHeaders.setIfNotSet("Accept-Language", "en-us,en;q=0.5");
            _requestHeaders.setIfNotSet("Accept-Encoding", "gzip");
            _requestHeaders.setIfNotSet("Accept-Charset", "ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7");
            _requestHeaders.setIfNotSet("Connection", "close");
            _requestHeaders.setIfNotSet("Cache-Control", "no-cache");
            _requestHeaders.setIfNotSet("Pragma", "no-cache");

            // if the cookie store is available ...
            if (_cookieStore != null) {
                // query cookie store
                String cookies = _cookieStore.GetCookies(_url);
                // if cookies available ... set them ...
                if (cookies.length() != 0) {
                    if (_cookieLogger != null) {
              "Got Cookies:" + cookies + " from URL:" + _url);
                    _requestHeaders.setIfNotSet("Cookie", cookies);

        NIOStreamEncoder encoder = new NIOStreamEncoder(_outBuf, _utf8Charset.newEncoder());
        PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(encoder);

    private boolean accumulateHeaders(int headersMax) throws IOException {

        if (_incomingAccumulationBuffer == null) {
            _incomingAccumulationBuffer = new ByteArrayOutputStream(HTTP_HEADER_SIZE_MAX);

        ByteBuffer currentBuffer = null;
        boolean eolFound = false;

        while (!eolFound && (currentBuffer = != null) {

            while (!eolFound && currentBuffer.hasRemaining()) {

                byte c = currentBuffer.get();


                if (c == '\n') {
                    if (_lastCharWasLF) {
                        eolFound = true;
                    } else {
                        _lastCharWasLF = true;
                } else if (c != '\r' || _lastChar != '\n') {
                    _lastCharWasLF = false;
                _lastChar = c;

                if (eolFound) {
                    if (currentBuffer.hasRemaining()) {
                        // if trailing data in buffer , push it back for content phase
                    return true;
                } else {
                    if (headersMax != -1 && _incomingAccumulationBuffer.size() > headersMax)
                        throw new IOException("Header Size Limit Reached With No Terminator!");
        return false;

    // @Override
    public void AddressResolutionFailure(NIODNSResolver eventSource, String hostName, Status status,
            String errorDesc) {

        // LOG.error("Address Resolution FAILED for:" + hostName + " Status:"+
        // status + " Desc:" + errorDesc);

        // set up error specifics BEFORE changing state to ERROR
        if (status == Status.RESOLVER_FAILURE)
        else if (status == Status.SERVER_FAILURE)

        setState(State.ERROR, new;

    // @Override
    public void AddressResolutionSuccess(NIODNSResolver eventSource, String hostName, String cName,
            InetAddress address, long addressTTL) {

        //"AddressResolution for Host:" + hostName + " returned TTL:" +
        // addressTTL);

        _resolvedAddress = address;
        _resolvedAddressTTL = Math.max(addressTTL,
                System.currentTimeMillis() + CrawlEnvironment.MIN_DNS_CACHE_TIME);
        _resolvedCName = cName;

        // TODO: FIX FOR HTTPS
        // start the actual connect ...
        startConnect(new InetSocketAddress(_resolvedAddress, (_url.getPort() == -1) ? 80 : _url.getPort()));

    public void close() {

        if (!_closed) {

            if (_socket != null) {
            // calc stats ...
            if (getState() == State.DONE) {
                _downloadLength = (int) _inBuf.available();
            } else {
                // if not in a done state when closing ... release content buffer ..
            // release output buffer ...

            _closed = true;

    // @Override
    public void Connected(NIOClientSocket theSocket) throws IOException {

        setState(State.SENDING_REQUEST, null);

        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {
            LOG.error("Connection:[" + getId() + "] registerForWrite for url:" + getURL() + " threw Exception:"
                    + e.getMessage());

            setState(State.ERROR, e);

    private boolean detectStatusLine() throws IOException {

        boolean detectedStatusLine = false;
        if (_inBuf.available() >= httpStr.length) {

            byte statusLineBytes[] = new byte[8];

            NIOBufferListInputStream temp = new NIOBufferListInputStream(_inBuf);
            // ok close the stream so remaining buffer goes back to list :-(
            // ok now sniff status line bytes

            for (int i = 0; i <= 3; ++i) {
                if (isHTTPToken(statusLineBytes, i, 4)) {
                    detectedStatusLine = true;

            boolean addBytesAsNewByteBuffer = true;
            // ok unwind the read operation ...
            ByteBuffer nextReadBuffer =;
            // most common case ...
            if (nextReadBuffer != null) {
                if (nextReadBuffer.position() == 8) {
                    // unwind the read by cursor repositioning
                    addBytesAsNewByteBuffer = false;
                // put the buffer back
            if (addBytesAsNewByteBuffer) {
        return detectedStatusLine;

    // @Override
    public void Disconnected(NIOSocket theSocket, Exception disconnectReason) throws IOException {
        if (_state == State.RECEIVING_CONTENT) {
            setState(State.DONE, null);
        } else if (_state != State.DONE && _state != State.ERROR) {
            if (disconnectReason != null) {
                        "Disconnected with State:" + getState() + " And Exception:" + disconnectReason.toString());
            } else {
                setErrorDesc("Disconnected with State:" + getState() + " ContentLength:" + _contentLength
                        + " BufferSize:" + _inBuf.available());
            setState(State.ERROR, (disconnectReason != null) ? disconnectReason : new;

    public void DNSResultsAvailable() {
        if (_selector != null) {
            try {
            } catch (IOException e) {


    public void done(NIODNSResolver eventSource, FutureTask<DNSQueryResult> task) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub


    // @Override
    public void Excepted(NIOSocket s, Exception e) {
        LOG.error("Connection:[" + getId() + "] Caught Unhandled Exception:" + StringUtils.stringifyException(e)
                + " for URL:" + getURL());
        setErrorDesc("Unhanled Exception:" + StringUtils.stringifyException(e));
        setState(State.ERROR, e);

    /** time it took to connect **/
    public final int getConnectTime() {
        return _connectTime;

    /** get the content buffer **/
    public final NIOBufferList getContentBuffer() {
        return _inBuf;

    /** get content length / download length **/
    public final int getContentLength() {
        return _contentLength;

    public final Object getContext() {
        return _context;

    public final DataSource getDataSource() {
        return _dataSource;

    public final int getDownloadLength() {
        return _downloadLength;

    /** time it took to download content **/
    public final int getDownloadTime() {
        return _downloadTime;

    /** get / set error description **/
    public String getErrorDesc() {
        return _errorDesc;

    public ErrorType getErrorType() {
        return _errorType;

    /** get the http response code **/
    public final int getHttpResponseCode() {
        return _responseHeaders.getHttpResponseCode();

    /** get / set the connection id **/
    public final int getId() {
        return _id;

    public final Exception getLastException() {
        return _lastException;

    /** set / get event listener **/
    public final Listener getListener() {
        return _listener;

    /** get local address **/
    public InetSocketAddress getLocalAddress() {
        return _sourceIP;

    /** get the time in milliseconds when this connection was opened **/
    public final long getOpenTime() {
        return _openTime;

    public InetSocketAddress getProxyServer() {
        return _proxyServer;

    /** get redirect location **/
    public String getRedirectLocation() {
        int key = _responseHeaders.getKey("Location");
        if (key == -1) {
            // attempt lowercase version ...
            key = _responseHeaders.getKey("location");
        if (key != -1) {
            return _responseHeaders.getValue(key);
        return null;

    /** get the request headers **/
    public final NIOHttpHeaders getRequestHeaders() {
        return _requestHeaders;

    /** get resolved address **/
    public InetAddress getResolvedAddress() {
        return _resolvedAddress;

    /** resolved address ttl **/
    public long getResolvedAddressTTL() {
        return _resolvedAddressTTL;

    /** resolved cname **/
    public String getResolvedServerCName() {
        return _resolvedCName;

    /** time it took to resolve dns in milliseconds **/
    public final int getResolveTime() {
        return _resolveTime;

    /** get the response headers **/
    public final NIOHttpHeaders getResponseHeaders() {
        return _responseHeaders;

    public final NIOSocket getSocket() {
        return _socket;

    /** get the connection state **/
    public final State getState() {
        return _state;

    /** in which state did the connection timeout ? **/
    public final State getTimeoutState() {
        return _timeoutState;

    /** time it took to upload headers and content **/
    public final int getUploadTime() {
        return _uploadTime;

    /** get the assigned (active url) **/
    public final URL getURL() {
        return _url;

    public boolean hasTimedOut() {

        boolean timedOut = false;
        if (getState().ordinal() > State.AWAITING_RESOLUTION.ordinal()) {

            timedOut = (getState() == State.ERROR && getErrorType() == ErrorType.TIMEOUT);

            if (!timedOut && getState().ordinal() < State.DONE.ordinal()) {

                long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
                long timeDelta = 0;

                if (getState().ordinal() <= State.AWAITING_CONNECT.ordinal()) {
                    timeDelta = currentTime - _phaseStartTime;
                    timedOut = (timeDelta >= _connectTimeout);
                } else {
                    timeDelta = currentTime - _lastReadOrWriteTime;
                    timedOut = (timeDelta >= _uploadDownloadTimeout);

                if (timedOut) {

                    _timeoutState = getState();
                    State oldState = getState();

                    // we want to disable callbacks here, since we are returning error
                    // state to caller ...
                    Listener listenerTemp = _listener;
                    _listener = null;

                    setErrorDesc("TIMEOUT-IN STATE:" + oldState.toString());

                    setState(State.ERROR, new;
                    // restore listener here ...
                    _listener = listenerTemp;
                    timedOut = true;
        return timedOut;

    /** check to see if content was truncated **/
    public final boolean isContentTruncated() {
        return _contentTruncated;

    /** does the response code indicate a redirect **/
    public boolean isRedirectResponse() {
        switch (getHttpResponseCode()) {
        case 300:
            // permanent
        case 301:
            // use proxy ...
        case 305:
            // temporary
        case 302:
            // redirect after post
        case 303:
            // temporary redirect
        case 307: {
            return true;
        return false;

    void mockConnectionClose() throws IOException {
        // now check one more time of we are are in the proper state ...
        if (getState() == State.RECEIVING_CONTENT) {
            setState(State.DONE, null);


    void mockRead(String line) throws IOException {
        byte[] bytes = line.getBytes();
        ByteBuffer incomingBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes);

    public void open() throws IOException {

        if (_state != State.IDLE)
            throw new IOException("Invalid State");

        _openTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

        if (_url.getHost().length() == 0 || _method.length() == 0 || _httpVersionString.length() == 0)
            throw new IOException("Invalid Base HTTP Parameters Specified");

        setState(State.AWAITING_RESOLUTION, null);

        InetSocketAddress socketAddress = getProxyServer();

        if (socketAddress == null) {
            InetAddress addressToConnectTo = null;

            // get host name ...
            String hostName = _url.getHost();

            // figure out if it url is an explicit IP Address ...
            byte[] ipAddress = IPAddressUtils.textToNumericFormatV4(hostName);

            // if this IS an IP address (vs a hostname that needs to be resolved...)
            if (ipAddress != null) {
                // set address to connect to ...
                addressToConnectTo = InetAddress.getByAddress(ipAddress);
            // now if address to connect to is still null...
            if (addressToConnectTo == null) {
                // see if someone overloaded resolved address ...
                addressToConnectTo = getResolvedAddress();

            // now if address to connect to is not null, convert it to a socket
            // address
            if (addressToConnectTo != null) {
                // TODO: FIX THIS FOR HTTPS
                socketAddress = new InetSocketAddress(addressToConnectTo,
                        (_url.getPort() == -1) ? 80 : _url.getPort());
        // now, if socket address is NOT null, directly connect to the specified
        // address, bypassing dns lookup
        if (socketAddress != null) {
        // otherwise delegate to resolver (to figure out ip address)
        else {
  "Sending Host:" + _url.getHost() + " to resolver");
            _resolver.resolve(this, _url.getHost(), false, true, _dnsTimeout);

    private void processChunkedContent() throws IOException {

        while (_inBuf.available() != 0 && _chunkState != ChunkState.STATE_DONE) {

            switch (_chunkState) {


                _chunkCRLFReadState = _inBuf.readCRLFLine(_chunkLineBuffer, CHUNK_LINE_MAX, _chunkCRLFReadState);

                if (_chunkCRLFReadState == CRLFReadState.DONE) {
                    // get the newly extracted line ...
                    String line = _chunkLineBuffer.toString();
                    // now find first occurence of whitespace ...
                    int whiteSpaceIdx = line.indexOf(' ');
                    if (whiteSpaceIdx != -1) {
                        line = line.substring(0, whiteSpaceIdx);
                    // now extract chunk length ...
                    try {
                        _chunkSize = Integer.parseInt(line, 16);
                    } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                        LOG.error("Connection:[" + getId()
                                + "] Invalid Chunk Size Encountered reading CHUNK HEADER:" + line);
                        throw new IOException("Invalid chunk size");
                    // reset chunk pos cursor ...
                    _chunkPos = 0;
                    // reset chunk read state
                    _chunkCRLFReadState = CRLFReadState.NONE;
                    // reset the buffer for the next potential line read ...

                    // now interpret the chunk size value ...
                    if (_chunkSize > 0) {
                        _chunkState = ChunkState.STATE_READING_CHUNK;
                    } else {
                        _chunkState = ChunkState.STATE_AWAITING_TRAILERS;

            case STATE_READING_CHUNK: {

                // calculate amount we want to read in ...
                int amountToRead = Math.min(_chunkSize - _chunkPos, _inBuf.available());
                // and track amount we wrote into chunk content buffer
                int amountWritten = 0;

                while (amountToRead != 0) {

                    // get a write buffer ...
                    ByteBuffer writeBuffer = _chunkContentBuffer.getWriteBuf();

                    // get the next read buffer
                    ByteBuffer readBuffer =;

                    if (readBuffer == writeBuffer) {
                        throw new RuntimeException("BAD NEWS!!!");

                    // TODO: There is an opportunity here to skip buffer copy altogether
                    // and add read buffer directly to write buffer list
                    // Need to look into this.

                    // if buffer size is > amountToRead ...
                    if (readBuffer.remaining() > writeBuffer.remaining() || readBuffer.remaining() > amountToRead) {

                        // slice the read buffer ...
                        ByteBuffer sliced = readBuffer.slice();
                        // calculate slice amount
                        int sliceAmount = Math.min(writeBuffer.remaining(), amountToRead);

                        // and increment original ...
                        readBuffer.position(readBuffer.position() + sliceAmount);
                        // and limit sliced buffer scope ...
                        sliced.limit(sliced.position() + sliceAmount);
                        // reduce amountToRead
                        amountToRead -= sliceAmount;
                        // and increment chunk pos
                        _chunkPos += sliceAmount;
                        // track amount written ...
                        amountWritten += sliced.remaining();
                        // append it ...
                        // and put back the read buffer
                    // otherwise... append whole buffer to write buffer
                    else {
                        // reduce amountToRead
                        amountToRead -= readBuffer.remaining();
                        // and increment chunk pos
                        _chunkPos += readBuffer.remaining();
                        // track amount written
                        amountWritten += readBuffer.remaining();
                        // append as much as possible into the write buffer ...

                // if we wrote some data to the content buffer ...
                if (amountWritten != 0) {
                    // update bytes downloaded ...
                    _downloadedContentLength += amountWritten;

                    if (getListener() != null) {
                        // inform listener of content availability
                        getListener().HttpContentAvailable(this, _chunkContentBuffer);

                // now if we read in a chunks worth of data ... advance state ...
                if (_chunkPos == _chunkSize) {
                    _chunkState = ChunkState.STATE_AWAITING_CHUNK_EOL;

            case STATE_AWAITING_CHUNK_EOL: {

                if (_inBuf.available() >= 2) {
                    ByteBuffer readBuffer =;

                    if (readBuffer.get() != '\r') {
                        LOG.error("Connection:[" + getId() + "] Missing CR from Chunk Data Terminator");
                        throw new IOException("missing CR");
                    // now if read buffer is expended ... release it and get another one
                    // ...
                    if (readBuffer.remaining() == 0) {
                        readBuffer =;

                    if (readBuffer.get() != '\n') {
                        LOG.error("Connection:[" + getId() + "] Missing LFfrom Chunk Data Terminator");
                        throw new IOException("missing LF");
                    // put back the read buffer
                    // and transition to the next state ...
                    _chunkState = ChunkState.STATE_AWAITING_CHUNK_HEADER;
                } else {
                    // break out and wait for more data

            case STATE_AWAITING_TRAILERS: {

                _chunkCRLFReadState = _inBuf.readCRLFLine(_chunkLineBuffer, CHUNK_LINE_MAX, _chunkCRLFReadState);

                if (_chunkCRLFReadState == CRLFReadState.DONE) {
                    // transition to a done state ...
                    _chunkState = ChunkState.STATE_DONE;
                    // clear out intermediate crlf state
                    _chunkCRLFReadState = CRLFReadState.NONE;
                } else {
            // fall through if chunk state is done ...

            case STATE_DONE: {
                // clear out existing input buffer ...
                // flush chunk buffer ...
                // and swap it with the real content buffer ...
                _inBuf = _chunkContentBuffer;
                // reset chunk state ...
                _chunkContentBuffer = null;
                // reset chunked flag ...
                _chunked = false;
                // set HTTP DONE state ...
                setState(State.DONE, null);

    private boolean processHeaders() throws IOException {

        if (!_foundStatusLine) {
            // ok check to see if we have minimum amount of data necessary to parse
            // status line ...
            if (_inBuf.available() < MIN_BYTES_FOR_STATUS_LINE) {
                return false;
            } else {
                _foundStatusLine = detectStatusLine();
                if (!_foundStatusLine) {
                    // ok assume this is http 0.9
          "No stats line found while process headers. Assuming http 0.9 response");
                    _responseHeaders.add(null, "HTTP-0.9 200 OK");
                    setState(State.RECEIVING_CONTENT, null);

        if (_foundStatusLine) {
            if (accumulateHeaders(HTTP_HEADER_SIZE_MAX)) {

                setState(State.PARSING_HEADERS, null);

                // now parse headers ...
                ByteArrayInputStream input = new ByteArrayInputStream(_incomingAccumulationBuffer.toByteArray());


                // check to see if cookie store is available ...
                if (_cookieStore != null) {
                    Iterator<String> values = _responseHeaders.multiValueIterator("Set-Cookie");
                    while (values.hasNext()) {
                        String value =;
                        if (value != null && value.length() != 0) {
                            if (_cookieLogger != null) {
                      "Setting Cookie:" + value + " to url:" + _url);
                            _cookieStore.setCookie(_url, value);

                // check to see if content length was specified ...
                String strContentLength = _responseHeaders.findValue("Content-Length");
                if (strContentLength != null) {
                    try {
                        _contentLength = Integer.parseInt(strContentLength);
                    } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                        LOG.error("Connection:[" + getId() + "] Number Format Exception parsing Content-Length:"
                                + strContentLength);

                setState(State.RECEIVING_CONTENT, null);

                // check to see if content is using chunked transfer encoding ...
                String strTransferEncoding = _responseHeaders.findValue("Transfer-Encoding");

                if (strTransferEncoding != null) {

                    if (strTransferEncoding.equalsIgnoreCase("CHUNKED")) {
                        // ignore content length if specified ...
                        _contentLength = -1;
                        _chunked = true;
                        _chunkState = ChunkState.STATE_AWAITING_CHUNK_HEADER;
                        _chunkLineBuffer = new StringBuffer(CHUNK_LINE_MAX);
                        _chunkContentBuffer = new NIOBufferList();
                    } else {
                        LOG.error("Connection:[" + getId() + "] Unknown Transfer Encoding in Response Headers:"
                                + strTransferEncoding);
                        throw new IOException("Uknown Transfer Encoding");

                if (_contentLength == 0) {
                    setState(State.DONE, null);
                return true;
        return false;

    /** internal routine that processes incoming data **/
    final void processIncomingData(int newBytes) throws IOException {

        // now loop over remaining data ...
        while (_inBuf.isDataAvailable()) {

            if (_state == State.RECEIVING_HEADERS) {
                // attempt to process headers
                if (!processHeaders()) {
            } else if (_state == State.RECEIVING_CONTENT) {

                if (_chunked) {
                } else {

                    processUnChunkedContent(Math.min(newBytes, _inBuf.available()));
            } else {

    private boolean processUnChunkedContent(int newBytesIn) throws IOException {

        // recalculate downloaded content length
        _downloadedContentLength += newBytesIn;

        // call listener if required
        if (_downloadedContentLength != 0 && getListener() != null) {
            getListener().HttpContentAvailable(this, _inBuf);
        // now if content length is specified and download length == content length,
        // we are done ..
        if (_contentLength != -1 && _downloadedContentLength >= _contentLength) {
            setState(State.DONE, null);
        return true;

    // @Override
    public int Readable(NIOClientSocket theSocket) throws IOException {

        if (!theSocket.isOpen()) {
            LOG.error("Connection:[" + getId() + "] Readable Called on Closed Socket");
            return -1;

        int totalBytesRead = 0;
        int singleReadAmount = 0;
        boolean overflow = false;
        boolean disconnected = false;

        try {

            if (_downloadMax == -1 || _totalRead < _downloadMax) {

                do {

                    ByteBuffer buffer = _inBuf.getWriteBuf();

                    if (_downloadMax != -1) {
                        if (_totalRead + buffer.remaining() > _downloadMax) {
                            int overflowAmt = (_totalRead + buffer.remaining()) - _downloadMax;
                            buffer.limit(buffer.limit() - overflowAmt);

                    singleReadAmount =;

                    if (singleReadAmount > 0) {
                        _totalRead += singleReadAmount;
                        _cumilativeRead += singleReadAmount;
                        totalBytesRead += singleReadAmount;

                } while (singleReadAmount > 0 && (_downloadMax == -1 || _totalRead < _downloadMax));

                if (_downloadMax != -1 && _totalRead == _downloadMax) {
                    overflow = true;
                    _contentTruncated = true;

            if (totalBytesRead > 0) {
                // flush any written buffers .
                // process incoming buffer

            if (singleReadAmount == -1 || overflow) {

                disconnected = true;

                if (getState() == State.RECEIVING_CONTENT
                        && (overflow || _contentLength == -1 || _contentLength == _downloadedContentLength)) {

                    // if we are still in the middle of processing chunked data ...
                    if (_chunked) {
                        // clear out existing input buffer ...
                        // and if a chunk buffer is available ...
                        if (_chunkContentBuffer != null) {
                            // take what we can get ...

                            // flush chunk buffer ...
                            // and swap it with the real content buffer ...
                            _inBuf = _chunkContentBuffer;
                            // reset chunk state ...
                            _chunkContentBuffer = null;
                        // reset chunked flag ...
                        _chunked = false;

                        // and now, if this is NOT an overflow condidition ...
                        if (!overflow) {
                            // interpret this as an error ...
                            setErrorDesc("Connection Closed Before Receiving Chunk Trailer");
                            setState(State.ERROR, new;

                    // now check one more time of we are are in the proper state ...
                    if (getState() == State.RECEIVING_CONTENT) {
                        setState(State.DONE, null);
                } else if (getState() != State.DONE) {
                    if (getState() == State.SENDING_REQUEST) {
                        LOG.warn("Connection:[" + getId() + "] URL:" + _url
                                + " POSSIBLE TRUNCATION: Read returned -1 with ContentLength:" + _contentLength
                                + " BufferSize:" + _inBuf.available() + " DownloadSize:" + _downloadedContentLength
                                + " PrevState:" + getState() + " Sent:" + _totalWritten + " OutBufDataAvail:"
                                + _outBuf.available() + " Context:" + _context);
                        setState(State.RECEIVING_HEADERS, null);
                    } else if (getState() == State.RECEIVING_CONTENT && _downloadedContentLength != 0) {
                        LOG.warn("Connection:[" + getId() + "] URL:" + _url
                                + " POSSIBLE TRUNCATION: Read returned -1 with ContentLength:" + _contentLength
                                + " BufferSize:" + _inBuf.available() + " DownloadSize:" + _downloadedContentLength
                                + " State:" + getState() + "Context:" + _context);
                        setState(State.DONE, null);
                    } else {
                        LOG.error("Connection:[" + getId() + "] URL:" + _url
                                + " Read returned -1 with ContentLength:" + _contentLength + " BufferSize:"
                                + _inBuf.available() + " DownloadSize:" + _downloadedContentLength + " State:"
                                + getState() + "Context:" + _context);

                        setErrorDesc("Read returned -1 with ContentLength:" + _contentLength + " BufferSize:"
                                + _inBuf.available() + " DownloadSize:" + _downloadedContentLength + " State:"
                                + getState());
                        setState(State.ERROR, new;
        } catch (IOException e) {
            LOG.error("Connection:[" + getId() + "] Readable for url:" + getURL() + " threw Exception:"
                    + e.getMessage());


            setState(State.ERROR, e);

        if (_socket.isOpen()) {
            // if we data to write ...
            if (_outBuf.isDataAvailable()) {
            } else {

        if (totalBytesRead > 0) {
            // update last read time ...
            _lastReadOrWriteTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

        return (disconnected) ? -1 : totalBytesRead;

    public void setConnectTimeout(int timeoutValue) {
        _connectTimeout = timeoutValue;

    /** set / get the context object **/
    public final void setContext(Object contextObj) {
        _context = contextObj;

    /** set / get data source **/
    public final void setDataSource(DataSource source) {
        _dataSource = source;

    /** set various timeout values **/
    public void setDNSTimeout(int timeoutValue) {
        _dnsTimeout = timeoutValue;

    /** set download max limit - after which content will be trauncated **/
    public final void setDownloadMax(int downloadMax) {
        _downloadMax = downloadMax;

    public void setDownloadTimeout(int timeoutValue) {
        _uploadDownloadTimeout = timeoutValue;

    void setErrorDesc(String errorDesc) {
        _errorDesc = errorDesc;

    /** get / set error type **/
    void setErrorType(ErrorType errorType) {
        _errorType = errorType;

    /** set the HTTP Version string - defaults to 1.1 **/
    public void setHttpVersionString(String httpVersion) {
        _httpVersionString = httpVersion;

    public final void setId(int id) {
        _id = id;

    public final void setListener(Listener listener) {
        _listener = listener;

    /** set the HTTP Method - defaults to GET **/
    public void setMethod(String method) {
        _method = method;

    /** set default request header values (if not present) **/
    public final void setPopulateDefaultHeaderItems(boolean value) {
        _populateDefaultHeaderItems = value;

    /** set proxy server **/
    public void setProxyServer(InetSocketAddress proxyServerAddress) {
        _proxyServer = proxyServerAddress;

    /** set resolved address - don't set this **/
    public void setResolvedAddress(InetAddress address, long ttl, String optionalCName) {
        _resolvedAddress = address;
        _resolvedAddressTTL = ttl;
        _resolvedCName = optionalCName;

    private final void setState(State newState, Exception e) {

        long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

        State oldState = _state;

        _state = newState;
        if (e != null)
            _lastException = e;
        if (_listener != null) {
            _listener.HttpConnectionStateChanged(this, oldState, newState);

        if (newState != State.ERROR) {

            switch (oldState) {
            case AWAITING_RESOLUTION:
                _resolveTime = (int) (currentTime - _phaseStartTime);
            case AWAITING_CONNECT:
                _connectTime = (int) (currentTime - _phaseStartTime);
            case SENDING_REQUEST:
                _uploadTime = (int) (currentTime - _phaseStartTime);
            case RECEIVING_CONTENT:
                _downloadTime = (int) (currentTime - _phaseStartTime);

            switch (newState) {
            case AWAITING_RESOLUTION:
            case AWAITING_CONNECT:
            case SENDING_REQUEST:
            case RECEIVING_HEADERS: {
                if (oldState != newState)
                    _phaseStartTime = currentTime;


            if (newState.ordinal() >= State.SENDING_REQUEST.ordinal()) {
                _lastReadOrWriteTime = currentTime;

        if (newState == State.ERROR) {
            // System.out.println("ERROR");
        if (newState == State.DONE || newState == State.ERROR) {

    public final void setUploadRateLimiter(BandwidthUtils.RateLimiter rateLimiter) {
        _uploadRateLimiter = rateLimiter;

    private void startConnect(InetSocketAddress addressToConnectTo) {

        if (_socket != null && _socket.isOpen()) {

            setState(State.AWAITING_CONNECT, null);
            try {

            } catch (IOException e) {
                LOG.error("Connection:[" + getId() + "] Socket Connect via Address Resolution Success for host:"
                        + _url.getHost() + " threw Exception:" + e.getMessage());

                setState(State.ERROR, e);
        } else {
            LOG.error("Connection:[" + getId() + "] AddressResolutionSuccess called on closed connection. URL:"
                    + _url);

            setErrorDesc("AddressResolutionSuccess called on closed connection. URL:" + _url);
            setState(State.ERROR, new;

    public String toString() {
        String strOut = "State:" + _state + "\n";
        if (_url != null) {
            strOut += "URL:" + _url.toString() + "\n";
        if (_context != null) {
            strOut += "ContextObj:" + _context + "\n";
        return strOut;

    // @Override
    public void Writeable(NIOClientSocket theSocket) throws IOException {

        if (!theSocket.isOpen()) {

        int amountWritten = 0;

        try {

            boolean contentEOF = false;

            amountWritten = 0;

            if (_outBuf.available() == 0 && _dataSource != null) {
                // read some more data from the data source
                contentEOF =;

            ByteBuffer bufferToWrite =;

            if (bufferToWrite != null) {

                try {

                    int amountToWrite = bufferToWrite.remaining();

                    // if upload rate limiter is not null ...
                    if (_uploadRateLimiter != null) {
                        // apply rate limit policy to outbound data ...
                        amountToWrite = _uploadRateLimiter.checkRateLimit(amountToWrite);

                    if (amountToWrite != 0) {
                        // if amount to write is less than remaining ...
                        if (amountToWrite < bufferToWrite.remaining()) {
                            // slice the buffer ...
                            ByteBuffer slicedBuffer = bufferToWrite.slice();
                            // limit to amount to write ...
                            // and write to socket ...
                            amountWritten = _socket.write(slicedBuffer);
                            if (amountWritten >= 0) {
                                // advance source buffer manually...
                                bufferToWrite.position(bufferToWrite.position() + amountWritten);
                        } else {
                            amountWritten = _socket.write(bufferToWrite);

                        if (_uploadRateLimiter != null) {

                            // debug output ...
                            BandwidthUtils.BandwidthStats stats = new BandwidthUtils.BandwidthStats();
                            // collect stats
                            // dump stats ...
                            // System.out.println("Connection: "+ this+"Upload Speed:" +
                            // stats.scaledBitsPerSecond + " " + stats.scaledBitsUnits +
                            // " TotalWritten:" + (_cumilativeWritten + amountWritten) );
                  "Connection:[" + getId() + "] BytesOut:" + amountWritten + " Upload Speed:"
                                    + stats.scaledBitsPerSecond + " " + stats.scaledBitsUnits + " TotalWritten:"
                                    + (_totalWritten + amountWritten));
                } catch (IOException exception) {
                    // LOG.error(CCStringUtils.stringifyException(e));
                    throw exception;
                _totalWritten += amountWritten;
                _cumilativeWritten += amountWritten;

                // System.out.println("NIOHttpConnection->wrote:" + amountWritten +
                // "Bytes TotalWritten:" + _cumilativeWritten);

                if (bufferToWrite.remaining() > 0) {

            if (_totalWritten > 0 && !_outBuf.isDataAvailable() && (_dataSource == null || contentEOF)) {

                _lastReadOrWriteTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

                // transition from sending to receiving ...
                if (_state == State.SENDING_REQUEST) {
                    // set up an initial last read time value here ...
                    setState(State.RECEIVING_HEADERS, null);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            LOG.error("Connection:[" + getId() + "] Writeable for url:" + getURL() + " threw Exception:"
                    + e.getMessage());

            setState(State.ERROR, e);

            throw e;

        if (_state == State.SENDING_REQUEST) {
        } else if (_state.ordinal() >= State.RECEIVING_HEADERS.ordinal()
                && _state.ordinal() < State.DONE.ordinal()) {
