Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2013 GigaSpaces Technologies Ltd. All rights reserved * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on * an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. * ***************************************************************************** */ package org.cloudifysource.quality.iTests.test.cli.cloudify.util; import iTests.framework.utils.AssertUtils; import iTests.framework.utils.LogUtils; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException; import junit.framework.Assert; import; import org.apache.http.HttpResponse; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet; import org.apache.http.impl.client.SystemDefaultHttpClient; import org.cloudifysource.domain.Application; import org.cloudifysource.domain.Service; import org.cloudifysource.dsl.internal.CloudifyConstants; import org.cloudifysource.dsl.internal.CloudifyConstants.DeploymentState; import org.cloudifysource.dsl.internal.CloudifyErrorMessages; import org.cloudifysource.dsl.internal.DSLException; import org.cloudifysource.dsl.internal.ServiceReader; import org.cloudifysource.dsl.internal.packaging.Packager; import org.cloudifysource.dsl.internal.packaging.PackagingException; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.cloudifysource.dsl.utils.ServiceUtils; import org.cloudifysource.quality.iTests.test.AbstractTestSupport; import org.cloudifysource.quality.iTests.test.cli.cloudify.CommandTestUtils; import org.cloudifysource.quality.iTests.test.cli.cloudify.util.exceptions.FailedToCreateDumpException; import org.cloudifysource.quality.iTests.test.cli.cloudify.util.exceptions.WrongMessageException; import org.cloudifysource.restclient.RestClient; import org.cloudifysource.restclient.exceptions.RestClientException; import; import; import; import com.j_spaces.kernel.PlatformVersion; /** * Utility class for methods that use the new rest implementation. */ public final class NewRestTestUtils { /** * Avoid instantiation */ private NewRestTestUtils() { } private static final int POLLING_INTERVAL_MILLISECONDS = 1000; public static InstallApplicationResponse installApplicationUsingNewRestApi(final String restUrl, final String applicationName, final File applicationFolder) throws IOException, DSLException, PackagingException, RestClientException, WrongMessageException { return installApplicationUsingNewRestApi(restUrl, applicationName, applicationFolder, null, null); } public static InstallApplicationResponse installApplicationUsingNewRestApi(final String restUrl, final String applicationName, final File applicationFolder, final File applicationOverridesFile, final String expectedFailureMsg) throws IOException, DSLException, PackagingException, RestClientException, WrongMessageException { // create application zip file final Application application = ServiceReader .getApplicationFromFile(applicationFolder, applicationOverridesFile).getApplication(); final File packedAppFolder = Packager.packApplication(application, applicationFolder); // create rest client and connect final RestClient restClient = NewRestTestUtils.createAndConnect(restUrl); // uploads final String applicationFolderUploadKey = NewRestTestUtils.upload(restClient, packedAppFolder); final String applicationOverridesUploadKey = NewRestTestUtils.upload(restClient, applicationOverridesFile); // create the request final InstallApplicationRequest request = new InstallApplicationRequest(); request.setApplcationFileUploadKey(applicationFolderUploadKey); request.setApplicationOverridesUploadKey(applicationOverridesUploadKey); request.setApplicationName(applicationName); // install application and wait InstallApplicationResponse installationResponse = null; try { installationResponse = restClient.installApplication(applicationName, request); if (expectedFailureMsg != null) { throw new RuntimeException("expectedFailureMsg: " + expectedFailureMsg); } final String deploymentID = installationResponse.getDeploymentID(); NewRestTestUtils.waitForApplicationInstallation(restClient, applicationName, deploymentID); } catch (final RestClientException e) { final String actualMsg = e.getMessageFormattedText(); if (expectedFailureMsg == null) { throw e; } else if (!actualMsg.contains(expectedFailureMsg)) { // failure was expected, but not this one. throw new WrongMessageException(actualMsg, expectedFailureMsg); } } return installationResponse; } public static InstallServiceResponse installServiceUsingNewRestAPI(final String restUrl, final File serviceFolder, final String applicationName, final String serviceName, final File serviceOverridesFile, final String expectedFailureMsg) throws DSLException, IOException, PackagingException, RestClientException, WrongMessageException { return installServiceUsingNewRestAPI(restUrl, null, serviceFolder, applicationName, serviceName, serviceOverridesFile, expectedFailureMsg); } public static InstallServiceResponse installServiceUsingNewRestAPI(final String restUrl, final RestClient restClient, final File serviceFolder, final String applicationName, final String serviceName, final File serviceOverridesFile, final String expectedFailureMsg) throws DSLException, IOException, PackagingException, RestClientException, WrongMessageException { final Service service = ServiceReader.readService(null, serviceFolder, null, true, serviceOverridesFile); File packedFile = Packager.pack(serviceFolder, service, new LinkedList<File>()); // create rest client and connect if needed RestClient client = restClient; if (restClient == null) { client = NewRestTestUtils.createAndConnect(restUrl); } // upload final InstallServiceRequest request = new InstallServiceRequest(); final String serviceFolderUploadKey = NewRestTestUtils.upload(client, packedFile); request.setServiceFolderUploadKey(serviceFolderUploadKey); final String serviceOverridesUploadKey = NewRestTestUtils.upload(client, serviceOverridesFile); request.setServiceOverridesUploadKey(serviceOverridesUploadKey); // install service and wait InstallServiceResponse installService = null; try { installService = client.installService(applicationName, serviceName, request); final String deploymentID = installService.getDeploymentID(); NewRestTestUtils.waitForServiceInstallation(client, applicationName, serviceName, deploymentID); } catch (final RestClientException e) { final String actualMsg = e.getMessageFormattedText(); if (expectedFailureMsg == null) { throw e; } else if (!actualMsg.contains(expectedFailureMsg)) { // failure was expected, but not this one. throw new WrongMessageException(actualMsg, expectedFailureMsg); } } return installService; } public static InstallServiceResponse installServiceUsingNewRestAPI(final String restUrl, final File serviceFolder, final String applicationName, final String serviceName, final String expectedFailureMsg) throws DSLException, WrongMessageException, PackagingException, RestClientException, IOException { return installServiceUsingNewRestAPI(restUrl, null, serviceFolder, applicationName, serviceName, null, expectedFailureMsg); } public static InstallServiceResponse installServiceUsingNewRestAPI(final String restUrl, final String applicationName, final String serviceName) throws DSLException, WrongMessageException, PackagingException, RestClientException, IOException { String serviceFolderPath = CommandTestUtils.getPath("src/main/resources/apps/USM/usm/" + serviceName); File serviceFolder = new File(serviceFolderPath); if (!serviceFolder.exists()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("service folder " + serviceFolder + " does not exist."); } if (!serviceFolder.isDirectory()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("service folder " + serviceFolder + " is not a folder."); } return installServiceUsingNewRestAPI(restUrl, serviceFolder, applicationName, serviceName, null); } public static InstallServiceResponse installServiceUsingNewRestAPI(final String restUrl, final File serviceFolder, final String applicationName, final String serviceName) throws DSLException, WrongMessageException, PackagingException, RestClientException, IOException { return installServiceUsingNewRestAPI(restUrl, serviceFolder, applicationName, serviceName, null); } public static InstallServiceResponse installServiceUsingNewRestAPI(final String restUrl, final File serviceFolder, final String serviceName) throws DSLException, WrongMessageException, PackagingException, RestClientException, IOException { return installServiceUsingNewRestAPI(restUrl, serviceFolder, CloudifyConstants.DEFAULT_APPLICATION_NAME, serviceName, null); } public static InstallServiceResponse installServiceUsingNewRestAPI(final RestClient restClient, final File serviceFolder, final String serviceName) throws DSLException, WrongMessageException, PackagingException, RestClientException, IOException { return installServiceUsingNewRestAPI(null, restClient, serviceFolder, CloudifyConstants.DEFAULT_APPLICATION_NAME, serviceName, null, null); } public static UninstallServiceResponse uninstallServiceUsingNewRestClient(final String restUrl, final String serviceName, final String deploymentID, final int timeoutInMinutes) throws RestClientException, MalformedURLException { // create rest client and connect final RestClient restClient = NewRestTestUtils.createAndConnect(restUrl); // uninstall service and wait UninstallServiceResponse uninstallService = restClient .uninstallService(CloudifyConstants.DEFAULT_APPLICATION_NAME, serviceName, timeoutInMinutes); waitForServiceUninstall(restUrl, serviceName, deploymentID); return uninstallService; } public static UninstallApplicationResponse uninstallApplicationUsingNewRestClient(final String restUrl, final String appName, final String deploymentID, final int timeoutInMinutes) throws RestClientException, MalformedURLException { // create rest client and connect final RestClient restClient = NewRestTestUtils.createAndConnect(restUrl); // uninstall service and wait UninstallApplicationResponse uninstallResposne = restClient.uninstallApplication(appName, timeoutInMinutes); waitForApplicationUninstall(restUrl, appName, deploymentID); return uninstallResposne; } public static ShutdownManagementResponse shutdownManagers(final String restUrl, final String expectedFailureMsg, final long timeoutMinutes, final File managersFile) throws RestClientException, InterruptedException, TimeoutException, CLIException, IOException, WrongMessageException { // connect to the REST RestClient restClient = createAndConnect(restUrl); // shutdown the managers ShutdownManagementResponse response = null; try { response = restClient.shutdownManagers(); } catch (RestClientException e) { final String actualMsg = e.getMessageFormattedText(); if (expectedFailureMsg == null) { throw e; } else if (!actualMsg.contains(expectedFailureMsg)) { // failure was expected, but not this one. throw new WrongMessageException(actualMsg, expectedFailureMsg); } } // write managers to file if (managersFile != null) { final List<ControllerDetails> managers = Arrays.asList(response.getControllers()); final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); final String managersAsString = mapper.writeValueAsString(managers); FileUtils.writeStringToFile(managersFile, managersAsString); } // wait for shutdown waitForManagersToShutDown(response.getControllers(), new URL(restUrl).getPort(), timeoutMinutes); return response; } public static File getProcessingUnitsDumpFile(final String restUrl, final long fileSizeLimit, final String errMessageContain) throws IOException, RestClientException, WrongMessageException, FailedToCreateDumpException { // connect to the REST RestClient restClient = createAndConnect(restUrl); // get dump data using REST API GetPUDumpFileResponse response; try { response = restClient.getPUDumpFile(fileSizeLimit); if (errMessageContain != null) { LogUtils.log("RestClientException expected [" + errMessageContain + "]"); throw new WrongMessageException("", errMessageContain); } // write the result data to a temporary file. File file = File.createTempFile("dump", ".zip"); FileUtils.writeByteArrayToFile(file, response.getDumpData()); return file; } catch (RestClientException e) { String message = e.getMessageFormattedText(); if (errMessageContain == null) { throw new FailedToCreateDumpException(message); } else { if (!message.contains(errMessageContain)) { throw new WrongMessageException(message, errMessageContain); } return null; } } } public static File getMachineDumpFile(final String restUrl, final String ip, final String processors, final long fileZiseLimit, final String errMessageContain) throws IOException, RestClientException, FailedToCreateDumpException, WrongMessageException { // connect to the REST RestClient restClient = createAndConnect(restUrl); // get dump data using REST API GetMachineDumpFileResponse response = null; try { response = restClient.getMachineDumpFile(ip, fileZiseLimit, processors); if (errMessageContain != null) { LogUtils.log("RestClientException expected [" + errMessageContain + "]"); } // write the result data to a temporary file. File file = File.createTempFile("dump", ".zip"); FileUtils.writeByteArrayToFile(file, response.getDumpBytes()); return file; } catch (RestClientException e) { String message = e.getMessageFormattedText(); if (errMessageContain == null) { throw new FailedToCreateDumpException(message); } else { if (!message.contains(errMessageContain)) { throw new WrongMessageException(message, errMessageContain); } return null; } } } public static Map<String, File> getMachinesDumpFile(final String restUrl, final long fileZiseLimit) throws IOException, RestClientException, WrongMessageException, FailedToCreateDumpException { return getMachinesDumpFile(restUrl, "", "", null, fileZiseLimit, null); } public static Map<String, File> getMachinesDumpFile(final String restUrl) throws IOException, RestClientException, WrongMessageException, FailedToCreateDumpException { return getMachinesDumpFile(restUrl, "", "", null, 0, null); } public static Map<String, File> getMachinesDumpFile(final String restUrl, final String processors, final long fileZiseLimit, final String errMessageContain) throws IOException, RestClientException, WrongMessageException, FailedToCreateDumpException { return getMachinesDumpFile(restUrl, "", "", processors, fileZiseLimit, errMessageContain); } public static Map<String, File> getMachinesDumpFile(final String restUrl, final String username, final String password) throws IOException, RestClientException, WrongMessageException, FailedToCreateDumpException { return getMachinesDumpFile(restUrl, username, password, null, 0, null); } public static Map<String, File> getMachinesDumpFile(final String restUrl, final String username, final String password, final String processors, final long fileZiseLimit, final String errMessageContain) throws IOException, RestClientException, WrongMessageException, FailedToCreateDumpException { // connect to the REST RestClient restClient = createAndConnect(restUrl, username, password); // get dump data using REST API GetMachinesDumpFileResponse response; try { response = restClient.getMachinesDumpFile(processors, fileZiseLimit); if (errMessageContain != null) {"RestClientException expected [" + errMessageContain + "]"); } // write the result data to a temporary file. Map<String, byte[]> dumpBytesPerIP = response.getDumpBytesPerIP(); Map<String, File> dumpFilesPerIP = new HashMap<String, File>(dumpBytesPerIP.size()); for (Entry<String, byte[]> entry : dumpBytesPerIP.entrySet()) { File file = File.createTempFile("dump", ".zip"); file.deleteOnExit(); FileUtils.writeByteArrayToFile(file, entry.getValue()); dumpFilesPerIP.put(entry.getKey(), file); } return dumpFilesPerIP; } catch (RestClientException e) { String message = e.getMessageFormattedText(); if (errMessageContain == null) { throw new FailedToCreateDumpException(message); } else { if (!message.contains(errMessageContain)) { throw new WrongMessageException(message, errMessageContain); } return null; } } } public static void setServiceInstances(final String restUrl, final SetServiceInstancesRequest request, final String applicationName, final String serviceName, final String errMessageContain) throws MalformedURLException, RestClientException, WrongMessageException { RestClient restClient = createAndConnect(restUrl); try { restClient.setServiceInstances(applicationName, serviceName, request); if (errMessageContain != null) { LogUtils.log("RestClientException expected [" + errMessageContain + "]"); throw new WrongMessageException("", errMessageContain); } waitForInstances(restClient, request.getCount(), serviceName, applicationName); } catch (RestClientException e) { String message = e.getMessageFormattedText(); if (errMessageContain == null) { throw e; } else { if (!message.contains(errMessageContain)) { throw new WrongMessageException(message, errMessageContain); } } } } private static void waitForManagersToShutDown(final ControllerDetails[] managers, final int port, final long timeoutMinutes) throws InterruptedException, TimeoutException, CLIException { final Set<ControllerDetails> managersStillUp = new HashSet<ControllerDetails>(); managersStillUp.addAll(Arrays.asList(managers)); final ConditionLatch conditionLatch = new ConditionLatch() .pollingInterval(POLLING_INTERVAL_MILLISECONDS, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) .timeout(timeoutMinutes, TimeUnit.MINUTES) .timeoutErrorMessage(CloudifyErrorMessages.SHUTDOWN_MANAGERS_TIMEOUT.getName()); conditionLatch.waitFor(new ConditionLatch.Predicate() { @Override public boolean isDone() throws CLIException, InterruptedException { final Iterator<ControllerDetails> iterator = managersStillUp.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { final ControllerDetails manager =; final String host = manager.isBootstrapToPublicIp() ? manager.getPublicIp() : manager.getPrivateIp(); if (ServiceUtils.isPortFree(host, port)) { iterator.remove(); LogUtils.log("Manager [" + host + "] is down."); if (managersStillUp.isEmpty()) { LogUtils.log("All ports are free."); return true; } LogUtils.log(managersStillUp.size() + " managers more to check"); } else { LogUtils.log("Manager [" + host + "] is still up."); } } return false; } }); } public static void waitForServiceInstallation(final RestClient restClient, final String appName, final String serviceName, final String deploymentId) throws RestClientException { LogUtils.log("Waiting for service deployment state to be " + DeploymentState.STARTED); AssertUtils.repetitiveAssertTrue(serviceName + " service failed to deploy", new AssertUtils.RepetitiveConditionProvider() { @Override public boolean getCondition() { try { final ServiceDescription serviceDescription = restClient.getServiceDescription(appName, serviceName); if (serviceDescription != null && serviceDescription.getServiceName().equals(serviceName)) { return DeploymentState.STARTED.equals(serviceDescription.getServiceState()); } } catch (final RestClientException e) { LogUtils.log("Failed getting service description with deploymentId " + deploymentId + " error message: " + e.getMessageFormattedText()); } return false; } }, AbstractTestSupport.OPERATION_TIMEOUT * 3); } public static void waitForApplicationInstallation(final RestClient restClient, final String applicationName, final String deploymentID) { LogUtils.log("Waiting for service deployment state to be " + DeploymentState.STARTED); AssertUtils.repetitiveAssertTrue(applicationName + " service failed to deploy", new AssertUtils.RepetitiveConditionProvider() { @Override public boolean getCondition() { try { final ApplicationDescription appDescription = restClient .getApplicationDescription(applicationName); if (appDescription != null && appDescription.getApplicationName().equals(applicationName)) { if (DeploymentState.STARTED.equals(appDescription.getApplicationState())) { return true; } return false; } } catch (final RestClientException e) { LogUtils.log("Failed getting service description with deploymentId " + deploymentID + " error message: " + e.getMessageFormattedText()); } return false; } }, AbstractTestSupport.OPERATION_TIMEOUT * 3); } public static void waitForServiceUninstall(final String restUrl, final String serviceName, final String deploymentId) throws RestClientException, MalformedURLException { final RestClient restClient = NewRestTestUtils.createAndConnect(restUrl); AssertUtils.repetitiveAssertTrue("uninstall service failed " + serviceName, new AssertUtils.RepetitiveConditionProvider() { @Override public boolean getCondition() { try { final DeploymentEvents deploymentEvents = restClient.getDeploymentEvents(deploymentId, 0, -1); final List<DeploymentEvent> events = deploymentEvents.getEvents(); for (final DeploymentEvent deploymentEvent : events) { final String description = deploymentEvent.getDescription(); if (description.equals(CloudifyConstants.UNDEPLOYED_SUCCESSFULLY_EVENT)) { return true; } } } catch (final RestClientException e) { LogUtils.log("Failed getting deployment events with deploymentId " + deploymentId + " error message: " + e.getMessageFormattedText()); } return false; } }, AbstractTestSupport.OPERATION_TIMEOUT * 3); } public static void waitForApplicationUninstall(final String restUrl, final String appName, final String deploymentId) throws RestClientException, MalformedURLException { final RestClient restClient = NewRestTestUtils.createAndConnect(restUrl); AssertUtils.repetitiveAssertTrue("uninstall application failed " + appName, new AssertUtils.RepetitiveConditionProvider() { @Override public boolean getCondition() { try { final DeploymentEvents deploymentEvents = restClient.getDeploymentEvents(deploymentId, 0, -1); final List<DeploymentEvent> events = deploymentEvents.getEvents(); for (final DeploymentEvent deploymentEvent : events) { final String description = deploymentEvent.getDescription(); if (description.equals(CloudifyConstants.UNDEPLOYED_SUCCESSFULLY_EVENT)) { return true; } } } catch (final RestClientException e) { LogUtils.log("Failed getting deployment events with deploymentId " + deploymentId + " error message: " + e.getMessageFormattedText()); } return false; } }, AbstractTestSupport.OPERATION_TIMEOUT * 3); } private static void waitForInstances(final RestClient restClient, final int count, final String serviceName, final String appName) { LogUtils.log("Waiting for service instances count to be " + count); AssertUtils.repetitiveAssertTrue(serviceName + " service failed to deploy", new AssertUtils.RepetitiveConditionProvider() { @Override public boolean getCondition() { try { final ServiceDescription serviceDescription = restClient.getServiceDescription(appName, serviceName); return count == serviceDescription.getInstanceCount(); } catch (final RestClientException e) { LogUtils.log("Failed getting service description " + serviceName + ". error message: " + e.getMessageFormattedText()); } return false; } }, AbstractTestSupport.OPERATION_TIMEOUT * 3); } public static RestClient createAndConnect(final String restUrl, final String username, final String password) throws RestClientException, MalformedURLException { RestClient restClient = create(restUrl, username, password); restClient.connect(); return restClient; } public static RestClient createAndConnect(final String restUrl) throws RestClientException, MalformedURLException { RestClient restClient = create(restUrl, "", ""); restClient.connect(); return restClient; } public static RestClient create(final String restUrl, final String username, final String password) throws MalformedURLException, RestClientException { RestClient restClient = null; final String apiVersion = PlatformVersion.getVersion(); restClient = new RestClient(new URL(restUrl), username, password, apiVersion); return restClient; } static String upload(final RestClient restClient, final File toUploadFile) throws RestClientException { if (toUploadFile == null) { return null; } String serviceFolderUploadKey; serviceFolderUploadKey = restClient.upload(null, toUploadFile).getUploadKey(); return serviceFolderUploadKey; } public static HttpResponse sendGetRequest(final String uri) throws IOException { final SystemDefaultHttpClient httpClient = new SystemDefaultHttpClient(); final HttpGet request = new HttpGet(uri); return httpClient.execute(request); } }