Java tutorial
/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.cloudata.core.commitlog.pipe; import; import java.lang.reflect.UndeclaredThrowableException; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.channels.SocketChannel; import java.util.ArrayList; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.cloudata.core.commitlog.CommitLogServerIF; import org.cloudata.core.common.Constants; import org.cloudata.core.common.testhelper.FaultInjectionProxy; import org.cloudata.core.common.testhelper.ProxyExceptionHelper; public class Bulk implements BulkTestIF { public static final int DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE = 256 * 1024; // 256KB static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(Bulk.class); static enum OperationResult { completed, partially } ArrayList<ByteBuffer> bufferList = new ArrayList<ByteBuffer>(10); int currentReadBufIndex = 0; int currentWriteBufIndex = 0; int writtenPos = 0; byte[] txId = null; int seq = -1; int headerAndPayloadSize = 0; boolean readingHeaderDone = false; int totalNumRead = 0; int readBytesLength = 4; boolean printNumWritten = false; int totalNumWritten = 0; BulkTestIF testProxy; volatile byte[] dirNameBytes; public Bulk() { testProxy = this; if (CommitLogServerIF.IS_TEST_MODE) { testProxy = FaultInjectionProxy.wrap(this, BulkTestIF.class); } addNewBuffersToList(); } public OperationResult read(SocketChannel ch) throws IOException { if (bufferList.isEmpty()) { throw new IOException("Pipe is closed"); } while (true) { ByteBuffer buf = bufferList.get(currentReadBufIndex); int numRead = 0; try { if ((numRead = testProxy.readFromChannel(ch, buf)) < 0) { throw new IOException("Disconnect from previous"); } } catch (UndeclaredThrowableException e) { ProxyExceptionHelper.handleException(e, LOG); } LOG.debug("num read : " + numRead); totalNumRead += numRead; if (!readingHeaderDone) { readingHeaderDone = readHeader(buf); } if (totalNumRead >= headerAndPayloadSize) { if (totalNumRead > headerAndPayloadSize) { LOG.warn("buffer over read. totalNumRead : " + totalNumRead + ", but expected size : " + headerAndPayloadSize); } LOG.debug("total num read : " + totalNumRead + ", expected : " + headerAndPayloadSize); return OperationResult.completed; } if (buf.hasRemaining()) { LOG.debug("total num read : " + totalNumRead + ", expected : " + headerAndPayloadSize); return OperationResult.partially; } currentReadBufIndex++; LOG.debug("buffer commit, index[" + currentReadBufIndex + "]"); if (bufferList.size() <= currentReadBufIndex) { addNewBuffersToList(); LOG.debug("bulk [" + this + "] append new buffer. bufferList.size : " + bufferList.size()); } } } // by sangchul test? visibility public public int readFromChannel(SocketChannel ch, ByteBuffer buf) throws IOException { int curNumRead; if ((curNumRead = < 0) { throw new IOException("End of stream"); } return curNumRead; } public String getDirName() { return new String(dirNameBytes); } private boolean readHeader(ByteBuffer buf) throws IOException { ByteBuffer headerBuf = buf.duplicate(); if (seq < 0 && headerBuf.limit() >= readBytesLength) { headerBuf.position(0); seq = headerBuf.getInt(); if (seq == Constants.PIPE_DISCONNECT) { LOG.debug("receive PIPE_DISCONNECT"); throw new PipeClosing(); } readBytesLength += 4; } if (dirNameBytes == null && headerBuf.limit() >= readBytesLength) { headerBuf.position(readBytesLength - 4); int len = headerBuf.getInt(); if (len > 1000000) { throw new IOException("dirName byte length is too long [" + len + "]"); } dirNameBytes = new byte[len]; readBytesLength += len; } if (dirNameBytes != null && headerBuf.limit() >= readBytesLength) { headerBuf.position(readBytesLength - dirNameBytes.length); headerBuf.get(dirNameBytes); readBytesLength += 4; } if (headerAndPayloadSize == 0 && headerBuf.limit() >= readBytesLength) { headerBuf.position(readBytesLength - 4); headerAndPayloadSize = headerBuf.getInt(); return true; } return false; } public OperationResult write(SocketChannel ch) throws IOException { if (bufferList.size() == 0) { throw new IOException("Pipe is closed"); } int numWritten = 0; while (true) { ByteBuffer readBuf = bufferList.get(currentWriteBufIndex); ByteBuffer writeBuffer = readBuf.duplicate(); writeBuffer.position(writtenPos); writeBuffer.limit(readBuf.position()); numWritten = ch.write(writeBuffer); writtenPos += numWritten; totalNumWritten += numWritten; if (writeBuffer.hasRemaining()) { return OperationResult.partially; } //"totalNumWritten : " + totalNumWritten + ", totalNumRead : " + totalNumRead); if (totalNumWritten < totalNumRead) { if (currentWriteBufIndex < currentReadBufIndex) { currentWriteBufIndex++; writtenPos = 0; } else { return OperationResult.partially; } } else { return OperationResult.completed; } } } // by sangchul // ? pipe . // , pipe? ? ? ? block // ? ? ? bufferList ? ? ? ?? ? . public ByteBuffer[] getBufferArray() { ByteBuffer[] bufferArray = bufferList.toArray(new ByteBuffer[0]); for (int i = 0; i < bufferArray.length; i++) { bufferArray[i].flip(); } return bufferArray; } public void clear() { ByteBuffer buf = bufferList.remove(bufferList.size() - 1); buf.clear(); if (bufferList.isEmpty() == false) { LOG.debug("bulk [" + this + "] clear, " + bufferList.size() + " is returned"); BufferPool.singleton().returnBuffer(bufferList.toArray(new ByteBuffer[0])); } bufferList.clear(); bufferList.add(buf); currentReadBufIndex = 0; currentWriteBufIndex = 0; writtenPos = 0; readingHeaderDone = false; headerAndPayloadSize = 0; totalNumRead = 0; txId = null; seq = -1; totalNumWritten = 0; readBytesLength = 4; dirNameBytes = null; } private void returnBuffer() { ByteBuffer[] bufferArray = bufferList.toArray(new ByteBuffer[0]); bufferList.clear(); BufferPool.singleton().returnBuffer(bufferArray); } private void addNewBuffersToList() { for (ByteBuffer buf : BufferPool.singleton().getBuffer(DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE)) { LOG.debug("add new buffer"); buf.clear(); bufferList.add(buf); } } public void close() { returnBuffer(); bufferList = null; } public boolean isWrittingDone() { return totalNumRead <= totalNumWritten; } }