Java tutorial
/* * Clickframes: Full lifecycle software development automation. * Copyright (C) 2009 Children's Hospital Boston * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ package org.clickframes.util; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.clickframes.VelocityHelper; import org.clickframes.techspec.Techspec; /** * @author Vineet Manohar */ public class CodeGenerator { @SuppressWarnings("unused") private final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(getClass()); private static final Pattern TEMPLATE_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("^(.*)/([^/]+).vm$"); private static final Pattern POM_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("^([^/]+).vm$"); private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(CodeGenerator.class); /** * No-op constructor for now. */ public CodeGenerator() { // No-op constructor for now. } /** * * @param params * map of substitution variables * @param realDir * code should be generated in this directory for creation only, * no overwrite allowed * @param targetDir * this is the fallback directory, overwriting existing file is * allowed in this directory * @param templateName * the template to be used to generated code * @param filename * the name of the output file * * @author Vineet Manohar * @return * @throws IOException */ File generateCode(CodeOverwritePolicy policy, Map<String, Object> params, File realDir, File targetDir, String templateName, String filename) throws IOException { File generatedFile = File.createTempFile("clickframes-", filename); generatedFile.deleteOnExit(); VelocityHelper.runMacro(params, templateName, generatedFile); File realFile = new File(realDir, filename); File targetFile = new File(targetDir, filename); File destinationFile; switch (policy) { case OVERWRITE_ALLOWED: destinationFile = realFile; break; case OVERWRITE_NOT_ALLOWED: destinationFile = targetFile; break; case OVERWRITE_IF_UNCHANGED: if (!realFile.exists()) { destinationFile = realFile; break; } if (!modifiedSinceLastGeneration(realFile)) { // quit, if the new file is 'logically' same as the next // file. e.g. if // only white space changes have been made if (generatedFileLogicallySameAsExistingFile(generatedFile, realFile)) { return realFile; } destinationFile = realFile; break; } destinationFile = targetFile; break; default: throw new RuntimeException( "Developer exception: CodeOverwritePolicy not implemented for this policy: " + policy); } if (log.isDebugEnabled() && destinationFile.equals(realFile)) { if (realFile.exists()) { // log.debug(filename + " updated, being replaced."); // log.debug(realFile.getAbsolutePath() + // " updated, being replaced."); } else { // log.debug(filename + " created."); } } destinationFile.getParentFile().mkdirs(); // cannot rename to an existing file with windows if (destinationFile.exists()) { destinationFile.delete(); } storeChecksumInFile(generatedFile); FileUtils.copyFile(generatedFile, destinationFile); return destinationFile; } /** * use case: the user formats the white-space of existing file. the * generated file is defined to be the same as the existing file if the only * changes made to the existing file is white space and formatting related, * such that our checksum algorithm computes the same checksum * * @param generatedFileWithoutChecksum * @param existingUnmodifiedFileWithChecksum * @return * * @author Vineet Manohar * @throws IOException */ private boolean generatedFileLogicallySameAsExistingFile(File generatedFileWithoutChecksum, File existingUnmodifiedFileWithChecksum) throws IOException { // existing file with checksum String existingFileWithChecksumAsString = FileUtils.readFileToString(existingUnmodifiedFileWithChecksum); // is checksum string present Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(".*clickframes::(version=(\\d+))::clickframes.*", Pattern.DOTALL); Matcher m = pattern.matcher(existingFileWithChecksumAsString); if (!m.matches()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "File does not have checksum stored: " + existingUnmodifiedFileWithChecksum); } long checksumFoundInFile = Long.parseLong(; // generated file without checksum String generatedContentWithoutChecksum = FileUtils.readFileToString(generatedFileWithoutChecksum); long checksumOfGeneratedContent = checksum(generatedContentWithoutChecksum); return checksumFoundInFile == checksumOfGeneratedContent; } public boolean modifiedSinceLastGeneration(File file) throws IOException { String fileAsString = FileUtils.readFileToString(file); // is checksum string present Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(".*clickframes::(version=(\\d+))::clickframes.*", Pattern.DOTALL); Matcher m = pattern.matcher(fileAsString); if (!m.matches()) { // no match found, can't guarentee that it has not changed return true; } long checksumFoundInFile = Long.parseLong(; // calculate checksum of the remaining file String remainingFile = removeCommentForFilename(file.getName(),, fileAsString); long checksum = checksum(remainingFile); return checksum != checksumFoundInFile; } public static void storeChecksumInFile(File file) throws IOException { long checksum = checksum(FileUtils.readFileToString(file)); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<String> lines = FileUtils.readLines(file); // add checksum at the end of the file lines.add(commentForFilename(file.getName(), "version=" + checksum)); FileUtils.writeLines(file, lines); } private static String commentForFilename(String filename, String comment) { if (filename.endsWith(".xml") || filename.endsWith(".xhtml") || filename.endsWith(".htm") || filename.endsWith(".html") || filename.endsWith(".php")) { return "<!-- clickframes::" + comment + "::clickframes -->"; } if (filename.endsWith(".java")) { return "// clickframes::" + comment + "::clickframes"; } if (filename.endsWith(".js")) { return "/* clickframes::" + comment + "::clickframes */"; } if (filename.endsWith(".properties")) { return "# clickframes::" + comment + "::clickframes"; } if (filename.endsWith(".jsp")) { return "<%-- clickframes::" + comment + "::clickframes--%>"; } if (filename.endsWith(".txt")) { return ""; } if (filename.endsWith(".css")) { return "/* " + comment + " */"; } if (filename.endsWith(".vm")) { return "## " + comment; } if (filename.endsWith(".htaccess")) { return "# " + comment; } throw new RuntimeException("File extension not supported: " + filename); } private static long checksum(String text) throws IOException { File file = File.createTempFile("clickframes-", ".tmp"); FileUtils.writeStringToFile(file, normalizeWhitespaces(text)); return FileUtils.checksumCRC32(file); } private static String normalizeWhitespaces(String text) { return text.replaceAll("\\s+", " ").trim(); } private static String removeCommentForFilename(String filename, String comment, String text) { String commentForFile = commentForFilename(filename, comment); return text.replaceAll(commentForFile, ""); } public void generateCodeOrArtifact(boolean artifactOld, Map<String, Object> params, String inputPath, String outputDirectory, String outputFilename) throws IOException { Techspec techspec = (Techspec) params.get("techspec"); if (techspec.getOutputDirectory() == null) { throw new RuntimeException( "Techspec must be configured correctly to generated code! OutputDirectory is null", null); } File targetDirectory = new File(techspec.getOutputDirectory(), ClickframeUtils.convertSlashToPathSeparator("target/clickframes-modified" + outputDirectory)); File realDirectory; realDirectory = new File(techspec.getOutputDirectory(), ClickframeUtils.convertSlashToPathSeparator(outputDirectory)); CodeOverwritePolicy codeOverwritePolicy = CodeOverwritePolicy.OVERWRITE_IF_UNCHANGED; generateCode(codeOverwritePolicy, params, realDirectory, targetDirectory, inputPath, outputFilename); } public void generateCode(String inputPath, String outputDirectory, String outputFilename, Object... parameters) throws IOException { Map<String, Object> params = convertParametersToMap(parameters); generateCodeOrArtifact(false, params, inputPath, outputDirectory, outputFilename); } // Am I really needed? public void generateCodeAutoscan(String inputPath, String outputDirectory, String outputFilename, Map<String, Object> params) throws IOException { generateCodeOrArtifact(false, params, inputPath, outputDirectory, outputFilename); } public void generateArtifact(String inputPath, String outputDirectory, String outputFilename, Object... parameters) throws IOException { Map<String, Object> params = convertParametersToMap(parameters); generateCodeOrArtifact(true, params, inputPath, outputDirectory, outputFilename); } /** * the template name is used to determine the name of the output file * * @throws IOException */ public void generateCode(String templatePath, Object... parameters) throws IOException { // String filename = null; // String relativePath = null; // if template is "src/main/webapp/index.html.vm" // filename index.html // relative path is src/main/webapp Matcher m = TEMPLATE_PATTERN.matcher(templatePath); if (m.matches()) { String relativePath =; String filename =; generateCode(templatePath, relativePath, filename, parameters); return; } // if template is "pom.xml.vm" // filename pom.xml // relative path is "" m = POM_PATTERN.matcher(templatePath); if (m.matches()) { String relativePath = "."; String filename =; generateCode(templatePath, relativePath, filename, parameters); return; } throw new RuntimeException("Invalid format for template path: " + templatePath + ", example pattern is 'src/main/webapp/index.html.vm' - must end in .vm"); } /** * @param parameters * an alternating list of key value pairs, e.g. {"key1", value1, * "key2", value2} all keys are Strings * * @return * * @author Vineet Manohar */ private static Map<String, Object> convertParametersToMap(Object[] parameters) { if (parameters.length % 2 == 1) { throw new RuntimeException("Name value pair list must be also even in number, found: " + parameters.length + ": " + parameters); } Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(); for (int i = 0; i < parameters.length; i += 2) { Object key = parameters[i]; Object value = parameters[i + 1]; if (!(key instanceof String)) { throw new RuntimeException("Names passed to code generator must always be of type String, found " + key.getClass() + " (" + key + ")"); } params.put((String) key, value); } return params; } }