Java tutorial
/* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * @copyright 2008 Camptocamp SA */ package org.cartoweb.stats.imports; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.cartoweb.stats.BaseStats; import org.cartoweb.stats.Utils; import org.pvalsecc.jdbc.BeanDbMapper; import org.pvalsecc.jdbc.BeansDbMapper; import org.pvalsecc.jdbc.JdbcUtilities; import org.pvalsecc.jdbc.StatementUtils; import org.pvalsecc.log.Progress; import org.pvalsecc.misc.UnitUtilities; import org.pvalsecc.opts.Option; import; import; import; import; import; import java.sql.*; import java.util.*; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * Convert the log files into DB tables usable by the statistics system. */ public class Import extends BaseStats { public static final Log LOGGER = LogFactory.getLog(Import.class); public static final BeanDbMapper<StatsRecord> MAPPER = BeansDbMapper.getMapper(StatsRecord.class); private static final boolean DB_SOLVE_HITS = false; @Option(desc = "Directory where the log files are stored", mandatory = true, environment = "STATS_LOG_DIR") private String logDir = ""; @Option(desc = "Regular expression to be matched (on the absolute path) for a log file to be taken", environment = "STATS_LOG_REGEXP") private String logRegexp = "\\.log(\\.gz)?$"; @Option(desc = "If true, will delete everything and start from scratch", environment = "STATS_INITIALIZE") private boolean initialize = false; @Option(desc = "If true, double imports will be ignored", environment = "STATS_IGNORE") private boolean ignore = false; @Option(desc = "If true, a layers table is generated", environment = "STATS_WANT_LAYERS") private boolean wantLayers = false; @Option(desc = "Format of the log files ('CartoWeb', 'SyslogCartoWeb', 'WMS', 'SecureWMS', 'HaproxyWMS', 'SquidTilecache', 'VarnishTilecache')", mandatory = true, environment = "STATS_FORMAT") private String format = "CartoWeb"; @Option(desc = "Used only if format='WMS'. Regular expression to capture the mapId (project) from the log file.", environment = "STATS_FORMAT") private String mapIdRegExp = null; @Option(desc = "Used only if format='WMS'. Configuration file name (.ini) that contains the strings to search for the map IDs and the name to use.", environment = "STATS_FORMAT") private String mapIdConfig = null; @Option(desc = "Used only if format='*WMS'. Map resolution.", environment = "STATS_FORMAT") private Integer resolution = null; @Option(desc = "Used only if format='*Tilecache'. Configuration file name (.ini) that contains the options for referers and tilecache.", environment = "STATS_FORMAT") private String tilecacheConfig = null; @Option(desc = "Continue the import in case of parsing error", environment = "STATS_SKIP_ERRORS") private boolean skipErrors = false; /** * List of all the side tables used to categorize some fields. */ private final SideTables sideTables; /** * Used for the primary key of the main table. */ private long curId = 0; /** * Cache hits to solve. */ private final Set<String> hits = new HashSet<String>(); public Import(String[] args) { super(); parseArgs(args); if (format.equalsIgnoreCase("WMS")) { if (mapIdRegExp == null && mapIdConfig == null) { printUsage("Missing parameter 'mapIdRegExp' or 'mapIdConfig'"); } if (mapIdRegExp != null && mapIdConfig != null) { printUsage("You cannot set both 'mapIdRegExp' and 'mapIdConfig'"); } } if (format.equalsIgnoreCase("WMS") || format.equalsIgnoreCase("SecureWMS") || format.equalsIgnoreCase("HaproxyWMS")) { if (resolution == null) { resolution = 96; } } if (format.equalsIgnoreCase("SquidTilecache") || format.equalsIgnoreCase("VarnishTilecache")) { if (tilecacheConfig == null) { printUsage("Missing parameter 'tilecacheConfig'"); } } sideTables = new SideTables(tableName); } private void findLastId(Connection con) throws SQLException { JdbcUtilities.runSelectQuery("finding the last id in table " + tableName, "SELECT max(id) FROM " + tableName, con, new JdbcUtilities.SelectTask() { public void setupStatement(PreparedStatement stmt) throws SQLException { } public void run(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException { while ( { curId = rs.getLong(1) + 1; } } }); } protected void runImpl() throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException, IOException { long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); Connection con = getConnection(); if (initialize) { dropStructure(con); createStructure(con); con.commit(); } //get the list of files to load List<File> files = getFiles(new File(logDir)); files = checkFiles(con, files); if (!files.isEmpty()) { if (!initialize) { findLastId(con); sideTables.load(con); sideTables.dropForeignKeys(con, tableName); } Progress progress = new Progress(10 * 1000, files.size(), "Files reading", LOGGER); for (int i = 0; i < files.size(); i++) { File file = files.get(i); progress.update(i); if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug("Reading file " + (i + 1) + "/" + files.size() + ": " + file); } convertFile(con, file); };"Time to import " + files.size() + " files: " + UnitUtilities.toElapsedTime(System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime)); if (initialize) { createIndexes(con); } else { Progress progressI = new Progress(10 * 1000, sideTables.size(), "Foreign key creation", LOGGER); sideTables.createForeignKeys(con, progressI, 0, tableName); } fillCacheHits(con); vacuum(con); } else {"No new file to import"); } con.close(); } private List<File> checkFiles(Connection con, List<File> files) throws SQLException {"Checking files to import."); List<File> result; final Map<String, File> fileByMd5 = new HashMap<String, File>(); final Map<File, String> md5ByFile = new HashMap<File, String>(); final boolean hasNoHistory = initialize || JdbcUtilities.countTable(con, tableName + "_all_files", null) == 0; result = new ArrayList<File>(files.size()); Progress progress = new Progress(10 * 1000, files.size(), "Files checking", LOGGER); for (int i = 0; i < files.size(); i++) { progress.update(i); final File file = files.get(i); final long fileSize = file.length(); final boolean toImport = hasNoHistory || checkFileNeedsImport(con, file, fileSize); if (toImport) { if (checkHasNotSameFile(con, file, fileByMd5, md5ByFile, hasNoHistory)) { result.add(file); } } } JdbcUtilities.runInsertQuery("inserting entries in " + tableName + "_all_files", "INSERT INTO " + tableName + "_all_files (imported_date, size, path, checksum) VALUES (now(),?,?,?)", con, result, 500, new JdbcUtilities.InsertTask<File>() { public boolean marshall(PreparedStatement stmt, File item) throws SQLException { stmt.setLong(1, item.length()); stmt.setString(2, item.getAbsolutePath()); stmt.setString(3, md5ByFile.get(item)); return true; } });"Files checking done."); return result; } private boolean checkHasNotSameFile(Connection con, final File file, Map<String, File> fileByMd5, Map<File, String> md5ByFile, boolean hasNoHistory) throws SQLException { final String md5 = getMD5(file); final File known = fileByMd5.get(md5); if (known != null) { LOGGER.warn("The same file is twice in the directory. It's name has now changed! (old path=" + known + ", new path=" + file + ")"); if (!ignore) { throw new RuntimeException(); } return false; } fileByMd5.put(md5, file); md5ByFile.put(file, md5); final boolean[] sameFileFound = new boolean[] { false }; if (!hasNoHistory) { JdbcUtilities.runSelectQuery("checking no file has checksum=" + md5, "SELECT imported_date, path FROM " + tableName + "_all_files WHERE checksum=?", con, new JdbcUtilities.SelectTask() { public void setupStatement(PreparedStatement stmt) throws SQLException { stmt.setString(1, md5); } public void run(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException { while ( { Timestamp importedWhen = rs.getTimestamp(1); String path = rs.getString(2); LOGGER.warn("On " + importedWhen + ", same file was already imported. It's name has now changed! (old path=" + path + ", new path=" + file + ")"); if (!ignore) { throw new RuntimeException(); } sameFileFound[0] = true; } } }); } return !sameFileFound[0]; } private boolean checkFileNeedsImport(Connection con, final File file, final long fileSize) throws SQLException { final boolean[] toImport = new boolean[] { true }; JdbcUtilities.runSelectQuery("checking file " + file.getAbsolutePath() + " is known", "SELECT imported_date, size FROM " + tableName + "_all_files WHERE path=?", con, new JdbcUtilities.SelectTask() { public void setupStatement(PreparedStatement stmt) throws SQLException { stmt.setString(1, file.getAbsolutePath()); } public void run(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException { while ( { Timestamp importedWhen = rs.getTimestamp(1); long size = rs.getLong(2); if (size != fileSize) { LOGGER.warn("On " + importedWhen + " file " + file + " was already imported and it's size has changed"); if (!ignore) { throw new RuntimeException(); } } else { LOGGER.debug("On " + importedWhen + " file " + file + " was already imported"); } toImport[0] = false; } } }); return toImport[0]; } private String getMD5(File file) { try { MessageDigest md5 = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5"); InputStream fin = new FileInputStream(file); byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; int read; do { read =; if (read > 0) { md5.update(buffer, 0, read); } } while (read != -1); fin.close(); byte[] digest = md5.digest(); if (digest == null) { return ""; } String strDigest = "0x"; for (int i = 0; i < digest.length; i++) { strDigest += Integer.toString((digest[i] & 0xff) + 0x100, 16).substring(1).toUpperCase(); } return strDigest; } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } private List<File> getFiles(File dir) { Pattern filter = Pattern.compile(logRegexp); if (!dir.exists() || !dir.isDirectory()) { throw new RuntimeException(logDir + " is not a valid directory"); } final File[] list = dir.listFiles(); final List<File> result = new ArrayList<File>(list.length); for (int i = 0; i < list.length; ++i) { File file = list[i]; if (file.isDirectory()) { result.addAll(getFiles(file)); } else { Matcher matcher = filter.matcher(file.getAbsolutePath()); if (matcher.find()) { result.add(file); } } } return result; } /** * Imports one file into the DB. */ private void convertFile(final Connection con, File file) throws IOException, SQLException { try { final String query = "INSERT INTO " + tableName + " (" + MAPPER.getFieldNames() + ") VALUES (" + MAPPER.getInsertPlaceHolders() + ")"; final PreparedStatement layerStmt = wantLayers ? con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO " + tableName + "_layers (id, layer) VALUES (?,?)") : null; StatsReader reader = createReader(file); JdbcUtilities.runInsertQuery("inserting stats", query, con, reader, 500, new JdbcUtilities.InsertTask<StatsRecord>() { private int cptLayers = 0; public boolean marshall(PreparedStatement stmt, StatsRecord item) throws SQLException { if (item != null) { item.setId(curId++); MAPPER.saveToDb(stmt, item, 1); if (wantLayers && item.getLayerArray() != null) { for (int i = 0; i < item.getLayerArray().size(); i++) { Integer val = item.getLayerArray().get(i); layerStmt.setLong(1, item.getId()); layerStmt.setInt(2, val); layerStmt.addBatch(); if ((++cptLayers % 500) == 0) { layerStmt.executeBatch(); } } } return true; } else { return false; } } }); if (layerStmt != null) { layerStmt.executeBatch(); layerStmt.close(); } } catch (BatchUpdateException ex) { ex.getNextException().printStackTrace(); throw ex; } } private StatsReader createReader(File file) throws IOException { if (format.equalsIgnoreCase("WMS")) { MapIdExtractor mapIdExtractor = createMapIdExtractor(); return new WmsReader(file, sideTables, wantLayers, resolution, mapIdExtractor, skipErrors); } else if (format.equalsIgnoreCase("SecureWMS")) { return new SecureWmsReader(file, sideTables, wantLayers, resolution, skipErrors); } else if (format.equalsIgnoreCase("HaproxyWMS")) { return new HaproxyWmsReader(file, sideTables, wantLayers, resolution, skipErrors); } else if (format.equalsIgnoreCase("CartoWeb")) { return new CartoWebReader(file, sideTables, wantLayers, skipErrors); } else if (format.equalsIgnoreCase("SyslogCartoWeb")) { return new SyslogCartoWebReader(file, sideTables, wantLayers, skipErrors); } else if (format.equalsIgnoreCase("SquidTilecache")) { TilecacheExtractor tilecacheExtractor = new TilecacheExtractor(tilecacheConfig); return new SquidTilecacheReader(file, sideTables, wantLayers, tilecacheExtractor, skipErrors); } else if (format.equalsIgnoreCase("VarnishTilecache")) { TilecacheExtractor tilecacheExtractor = new TilecacheExtractor(tilecacheConfig); return new VarnishTilecacheReader(file, sideTables, wantLayers, tilecacheExtractor, skipErrors); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Format not supported: " + format); } } private MapIdExtractor createMapIdExtractor() throws IOException { if (mapIdRegExp != null) { return new RegExpMapIdExtractor(mapIdRegExp); } else { return new ConfigMapIdExtractor(mapIdConfig); } } public void dropStructure(Connection con) throws SQLException { Utils.dropAllReportTables(con, tableName); Utils.dropTable(con, tableName + "_all_files", true); Utils.dropTable(con, tableName, true); Utils.dropTable(con, tableName + "_layers", true); Utils.dropSequence(con, tableName + "_id_seq", true); sideTables.dropStructure(con); } public void createStructure(Connection con) throws SQLException { JdbcUtilities.runDeleteQuery("creating table " + tableName, "CREATE TABLE " + tableName + " (id bigint NOT NULL, general_browser_info integer, exportpdf_format integer, general_ip text, general_mapid integer, images_mainmap_height integer, images_mainmap_size integer, general_direct_access boolean, general_security_user integer, general_cache_id text, general_elapsed_time real, general_export_plugin integer, general_ua integer, query_results_count integer, general_cache_hit text, location_scale real, general_sessid int, images_mainmap_width integer, exportpdf_resolution integer, general_time timestamp without time zone, bbox_minx real, bbox_miny real, bbox_maxx real, bbox_maxy real, layers_switch_id integer, general_client_version integer, layers text, query_results_table_count text, general_request_id text)", con, null); if (wantLayers) { JdbcUtilities.runDeleteQuery("creating table " + tableName + "_layers", "CREATE TABLE " + tableName + "_layers (id bigint NOT NULL, layer integer NOT NULL)", con, null); } JdbcUtilities.runDeleteQuery("creating table all_files", "CREATE TABLE " + tableName + "_all_files (imported_date timestamp NOT NULL, size bigint NOT NULL, path text NOT NULL, checksum text NOT NULL)", con, null); JdbcUtilities.runDeleteQuery("creating sequence " + tableName + "_id_seq", "CREATE SEQUENCE " + tableName + "_id_seq", con, null); sideTables.createStructure(con); } private void createIndexes(Connection con) throws SQLException { Progress progress = new Progress(10 * 1000, 6 + sideTables.size(), "Index creation", LOGGER); JdbcUtilities.runDeleteQuery("creating primary key", "ALTER TABLE " + tableName + " ADD PRIMARY KEY (id)", con, null); progress.update(1); JdbcUtilities.runDeleteQuery("indexing general_mapid", "CREATE INDEX i_" + tableName + "_general_mapid ON " + tableName + " (general_mapid)", con, null); progress.update(2); JdbcUtilities.runDeleteQuery("indexing general_time", "CREATE INDEX i_" + tableName + "_general_time ON " + tableName + " (general_time)", con, null); progress.update(3); JdbcUtilities.runDeleteQuery("indexing layers_switch_id", "CREATE INDEX i_" + tableName + "_layers_switch_id ON " + tableName + " (layers_switch_id)", con, null); progress.update(4); JdbcUtilities.runDeleteQuery("indexing location_scale", "CREATE INDEX i_" + tableName + "_location_scale ON " + tableName + " (location_scale)", con, null); progress.update(5); JdbcUtilities.runDeleteQuery("indexing general_cache_id", "CREATE INDEX i_" + tableName + "_general_cache_id ON " + tableName + " (general_cache_id)", con, null); if (!DB_SOLVE_HITS) { JdbcUtilities.runDeleteQuery("indexing general_cache_hit", "CREATE INDEX i_" + tableName + "_general_cache_hit ON " + tableName + " (general_cache_hit)", con, null); } progress.update(6); sideTables.createForeignKeys(con, progress, 7, tableName); con.commit();"Indexes created"); } private void fillCacheHits(Connection con) throws SQLException { con.commit(); con.setAutoCommit(true); JdbcUtilities.runDeleteQuery("vacuuming " + tableName, "VACUUM ANALYZE " + tableName, con, null); con.setAutoCommit(false); if (DB_SOLVE_HITS) { //take around 55m for 4M records and is not greate for incremental updates... JdbcUtilities.runDeleteQuery("solving cache hits", "UPDATE " + tableName + " f SET general_elapsed_time=s.general_elapsed_time, images_mainmap_width=s.images_mainmap_width, images_mainmap_height=s.images_mainmap_height, layers=s.layers, layers_switch_id=s.layers_switch_id, bbox_minx=s.bbox_minx, bbox_miny=s.bbox_miny, bbox_maxx=s.bbox_maxx, bbox_maxy=s.bbox_maxy, location_scale=s.location_scale, query_results_count=s.query_results_count, query_results_table_count=s.query_results_table_count FROM " + tableName + " s WHERE s.general_cache_id=f.general_cache_hit AND f.general_cache_hit IS NOT NULL AND f.general_elapsed_time IS NULL AND f.layers IS NULL", con, null); } else { //takes around 21m for the same 4M records and is optimal for incremental updates... try { final PreparedStatement updateStmt = con.prepareStatement("UPDATE " + tableName + " SET general_elapsed_time=?, images_mainmap_width=?, images_mainmap_height=?, layers=?, layers_switch_id=?, bbox_minx=?, bbox_miny=?, bbox_maxx=?, bbox_maxy=?, location_scale=?, query_results_count=?, query_results_table_count=? WHERE general_cache_hit=?"); if (hits.size() == 0) { return; } JdbcUtilities.runSelectQuery("reading cached values", "SELECT general_cache_id, general_elapsed_time, images_mainmap_width, images_mainmap_height, layers, layers_switch_id, bbox_minx, bbox_miny, bbox_maxx, bbox_maxy, location_scale, query_results_count, query_results_table_count FROM " + tableName + " WHERE general_cache_id IS NOT NULL", con, new JdbcUtilities.SelectTask() { private int cpt = 0; public void setupStatement(PreparedStatement stmt) throws SQLException { } public void run(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException { int count = 0; final int todo = hits.size(); Progress progress = new Progress(10 * 1000, todo, "Cache hit record updating", LOGGER); while ( { String cacheId = rs.getString(1); //We can have the same general_cache_id multiple times. //So we have to remove it from the set. if (hits.remove(cacheId)) { StatementUtils.copyFloat(rs, 2, updateStmt, 1); StatementUtils.copyInt(rs, 3, updateStmt, 2); StatementUtils.copyInt(rs, 4, updateStmt, 3); StatementUtils.copyString(rs, 5, updateStmt, 4); StatementUtils.copyInt(rs, 6, updateStmt, 5); StatementUtils.copyFloat(rs, 7, updateStmt, 6); StatementUtils.copyFloat(rs, 8, updateStmt, 7); StatementUtils.copyFloat(rs, 9, updateStmt, 8); StatementUtils.copyFloat(rs, 10, updateStmt, 9); StatementUtils.copyFloat(rs, 11, updateStmt, 10); StatementUtils.copyInt(rs, 12, updateStmt, 11); StatementUtils.copyString(rs, 13, updateStmt, 12); updateStmt.setString(13, cacheId); updateStmt.addBatch(); if (++cpt % 50 == 0) { int[] counts = updateStmt.executeBatch(); for (int i = 0; i < counts.length; ++i) { count += counts[i]; } } progress.update(todo - hits.size()); } } ++cpt; int[] counts = updateStmt.executeBatch(); for (int i = 0; i < counts.length; ++i) { count += counts[i]; } + " cache hit records updated from " + cpt + " cached values"); } }); updateStmt.close(); } catch (BatchUpdateException ex) { LOGGER.error(ex.getNextException()); throw ex; } } con.commit(); } private void vacuum(Connection con) throws SQLException { con.setAutoCommit(true);"Doing full vacuum."); JdbcUtilities.runDeleteQuery("vacuuming " + tableName, "VACUUM FULL ANALYZE " + tableName, con, null); sideTables.vacuum(con);"Vacuum done."); } public SideTables getSideTables() { return sideTables; } public static void main(String[] args) { Import imports = new Import(args);; } }