Java tutorial
/* Copyright 2011 Google Inc. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package org.camlistore; import; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import android.os.Binder; import android.os.ConditionVariable; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.IBinder; import android.util.Log; import org.apache.http.client.ClientProtocolException; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet; import org.apache.http.HttpEntity; import org.apache.http.HttpResponse; import org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultHttpClient; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; public class DownloadService extends Service { private static final String TAG = "DownloadService"; private static final int BUFFER_SIZE = 4096; private static final String USERNAME = "TODO-DUMMY-USER"; private static final String SEARCH_BLOBREF = "search"; // Name of directory on external storage where cached blobs are stored. private static final String BLOB_SUBDIR = "blobs"; // Name of cache directory on external storage where we write copies of cached blobs // to hand out to listeners. Cleared at startup. private static final String BLOB_COPIES_SUBDIR = "blob_copies"; private final IBinder mBinder = new LocalBinder(); private final Handler mHandler = new Handler(); // Effectively-final objects initialized in onCreate(). private SharedPreferences mSharedPrefs; private DownloadCache mCache; // Directory on external storage where we make copies of blob files to hand to clients. private File mBlobCopiesDir; // Protects members containing the state of current downloads. private final ReentrantLock mLock = new ReentrantLock(); // Blobs currently being downloaded. Protected by |mLock|. private final HashSet<String> mInProgressBlobRefs = new HashSet<String>(); // Maps from blobrefs to callbacks for their contents. Protected by |mLock|. private final HashMap<String, ArrayList<ByteArrayListener>> mByteArrayListenersByBlobRef = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<ByteArrayListener>>(); private final HashMap<String, ArrayList<FileListener>> mFileListenersByBlobRef = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<FileListener>>(); // Closed until |mBlobCopiesDir| has been created and cleared. private final ConditionVariable mBlobCopiesDirIsReady = new ConditionVariable(false); // Callback for receiving a blob's contents as an in-memory array of bytes. interface ByteArrayListener { void onBlobDownloadSuccess(String blobRef, byte[] bytes); void onBlobDownloadFailure(String blobRef); } // Callback for receiving a blob's contents as a File. interface FileListener { // The listener is responsible for deleting |file| once it's done using it. // Abandoned files are cleared when the service starts. void onBlobDownloadSuccess(String blobRef, File file); void onBlobDownloadFailure(String data); } public class LocalBinder extends Binder { DownloadService getService() { return DownloadService.this; } } @Override public void onCreate() { Log.d(TAG, "onCreate"); super.onCreate(); mSharedPrefs = getSharedPreferences(Preferences.NAME, 0); mCache = new DownloadCache(new File(getExternalFilesDir(null), BLOB_SUBDIR).getPath(), new Preferences(mSharedPrefs)); // Create |mBlobCopiesDir| and delete any stale files left over in it from a previous run. mBlobCopiesDir = new File(getExternalCacheDir(), BLOB_COPIES_SUBDIR); Util.runAsync(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { mBlobCopiesDir.mkdirs(); for (File file : mBlobCopiesDir.listFiles()) { Log.d(TAG, "deleting stale temp blob file " + file.getPath()); file.delete(); }; } }); } @Override public void onDestroy() { Log.d(TAG, "onDestroy"); super.onDestroy(); } @Override public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) { return mBinder; } private static final int START_STICKY = 1; // in SDK 5 @Override public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId) { return START_STICKY; } // Get |blobRef|'s contents, passing them as a byte[] to |listener| on the UI thread. // If |sizeHintBytes| is greater than zero, it will be interpreted as the blob's size. public void getBlobAsByteArray(String blobRef, long sizeHintBytes, ByteArrayListener listener) { Util.runAsync(new GetBlobTask(blobRef, sizeHintBytes, listener, null)); } // Get |blobRef|'s contents, passing them as a File to |listener| on the UI thread. // If |sizeHintBytes| is greater than zero, it will be interpreted as the blob's size. public void getBlobAsFile(String blobRef, long sizeHintBytes, FileListener listener) { Util.runAsync(new GetBlobTask(blobRef, sizeHintBytes, null, listener)); } private static boolean canBlobBeCached(String blobRef) { return !blobRef.equals(SEARCH_BLOBREF); } // Get a list of byte array listeners waiting for |blobRef|. // If |insert| is true, the returned list can be used for adding new listeners. private ArrayList<ByteArrayListener> getByteArrayListenersForBlobRef(String blobRef, boolean insert) { Util.assertLockIsHeld(mLock); ArrayList<ByteArrayListener> listeners = mByteArrayListenersByBlobRef.get(blobRef); if (listeners == null) { listeners = new ArrayList<ByteArrayListener>(); if (insert) mByteArrayListenersByBlobRef.put(blobRef, listeners); } return listeners; } // Get a list of file listeners waiting for |blobRef|. // If |insert| is true, the returned list can be used for adding new listeners. private ArrayList<FileListener> getFileListenersForBlobRef(String blobRef, boolean insert) { Util.assertLockIsHeld(mLock); ArrayList<FileListener> listeners = mFileListenersByBlobRef.get(blobRef); if (listeners == null) { listeners = new ArrayList<FileListener>(); if (insert) mFileListenersByBlobRef.put(blobRef, listeners); } return listeners; } private class GetBlobTask implements Runnable { private static final String TAG = "DownloadService.GetBlobTask"; private final String mBlobRef; private final long mSizeHintBytes; private final ByteArrayListener mByteArrayListener; private final FileListener mFileListener; private byte[] mBlobBytes = null; private File mBlobFile = null; GetBlobTask(String blobRef, long sizeHintBytes, ByteArrayListener byteArrayListener, FileListener fileListener) { if (!(byteArrayListener != null) ^ (fileListener != null)) throw new RuntimeException("exactly one of byteArrayListener and fileListener must be non-null"); mBlobRef = blobRef; mSizeHintBytes = sizeHintBytes; mByteArrayListener = byteArrayListener; mFileListener = fileListener; } @Override public void run() { mLock.lock(); try { if (mByteArrayListener != null) { getByteArrayListenersForBlobRef(mBlobRef, true).add(mByteArrayListener); } if (mFileListener != null) { if (!canBlobBeCached(mBlobRef)) { throw new RuntimeException("got file listener for uncacheable blob " + mBlobRef); } getFileListenersForBlobRef(mBlobRef, true).add(mFileListener); } // If another thread is already servicing a request for this blob, let it handle us too. if (mInProgressBlobRefs.contains(mBlobRef)) return; mInProgressBlobRefs.add(mBlobRef); } finally { mLock.unlock(); } mBlobFile = mCache.getFileForBlob(mBlobRef); if (mBlobFile != null) { Log.d(TAG, "using cached file " + mBlobFile.getPath() + " for blob " + mBlobRef); } else { downloadBlob(); } notifyListeners(); } // Download |mBlobRef| from the blobserver. // If the blob is downloaded into memory (because there were byte array listeners registered when we checked), // then it's saved to |mBlobBytes|. If it's downloaded to disk (because it's cacheable), then |mBlobFile| is // updated. private void downloadBlob() { Util.assertNotMainThread(); DefaultHttpClient httpClient = new DefaultHttpClient(); HostPort hp = new HostPort(mSharedPrefs.getString(Preferences.HOST, "")); String url = hp.httpScheme() + "://" + hp.toString() + "/camli/" + mBlobRef; Log.d(TAG, "downloading " + url); // Incoming data from the server. InputStream inputStream = null; // Output for the blob data (either a file in the cache or an in-memory buffer). OutputStream outputStream = null; // Temporary location in the cache where we write the blob. File tempFile = null; // Set to true if the downloaded data didn't match the digest from the blobref. // If |tempFile| exists, we need to throw it away. boolean dataIsCorrupt = false; try { HttpGet req = new HttpGet(url); req.setHeader("Authorization", Util.getBasicAuthHeaderValue(USERNAME, mSharedPrefs.getString(Preferences.PASSWORD, ""))); final HttpResponse response = httpClient.execute(req); final HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity(); long contentLength = -1; if (entity != null) { inputStream = entity.getContent(); contentLength = entity.getContentLength(); } final int statusCode = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode(); if (statusCode != 200) { Log.e(TAG, "got status code " + statusCode + " while downloading " + mBlobRef); return; } mLock.lock(); final boolean shouldDownloadToByteArray = !getByteArrayListenersForBlobRef(mBlobRef, false) .isEmpty(); mLock.unlock(); if (canBlobBeCached(mBlobRef)) { tempFile = mCache.getTempFileForDownload(mBlobRef, mSizeHintBytes); if (tempFile == null) { Log.e(TAG, "couldn't create temporary file in cache for downloading " + mBlobRef); return; } } if (shouldDownloadToByteArray) { outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); } else if (tempFile != null) { tempFile.createNewFile(); outputStream = new FileOutputStream(tempFile); } else { throw new RuntimeException("blob " + mBlobRef + " can't be cached but has a file listener"); } BlobVerifier verifier = new BlobVerifier(mBlobRef); int bytesRead = 0; long totalBytesWritten = 0; byte[] buffer = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE]; while ((bytesRead = != -1) { outputStream.write(buffer, 0, bytesRead); totalBytesWritten += bytesRead; verifier.processBytes(buffer, 0, bytesRead); } // This is unnecessary since we verify the digest, but I'm leaving it in since it'll be needed after // support for resuming downloads is added (we don't want to delete a partial download as a result of it // not matching the expected digest). if (contentLength > 0 && totalBytesWritten != contentLength) { Log.e(TAG, "got " + totalBytesWritten + " byte(s) for " + mBlobRef + " but Content-Length header claimed " + contentLength); if (totalBytesWritten > contentLength) dataIsCorrupt = true; return; } if (!verifier.isBlobValid()) { Log.e(TAG, "blob " + mBlobRef + "'s data doesn't match expected digest"); dataIsCorrupt = true; return; } // If we downloaded directly into a byte array, send it to any currently-registered byte array listeners // before writing it to a file if it's cacheable. We'll make another pass after the file is complete to // handle the file listeners and any byte array listeners that were added in the meantime; this is just // an optimization so we don't block on disk if we only have byte array listeners. if (shouldDownloadToByteArray) { mLock.lock(); ArrayList<ByteArrayListener> byteArrayListeners = getByteArrayListenersForBlobRef(mBlobRef, false); mByteArrayListenersByBlobRef.remove(mBlobRef); mLock.unlock(); mBlobBytes = ((ByteArrayOutputStream) outputStream).toByteArray(); sendBlobToByteArrayListeners(byteArrayListeners, mBlobBytes); if (tempFile != null) { tempFile.createNewFile(); FileOutputStream fileOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(tempFile); fileOutputStream.write(mBlobBytes); fileOutputStream.close(); } } if (tempFile != null) { mBlobFile = mCache.handleDoneWritingTempFile(tempFile, DownloadCache.WriteStatus.SUCCESS); tempFile = null; } } catch (ClientProtocolException e) { Log.e(TAG, "protocol error while downloading " + mBlobRef, e); } catch (IOException e) { Log.e(TAG, "IO error while downloading " + mBlobRef, e); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { Log.e(TAG, "invalid Camli server", e); } finally { if (inputStream != null) try { inputStream.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } if (outputStream != null) try { outputStream.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } // Report failure to the cache. if (tempFile != null) { DownloadCache.WriteStatus status = dataIsCorrupt ? DownloadCache.WriteStatus.FAILURE_DELETE : DownloadCache.WriteStatus.FAILURE_KEEP; mCache.handleDoneWritingTempFile(tempFile, status); } } } // Send |bytes| to |listeners|. Invokes their failure handlers instead if |bytes| is null. private void sendBlobToByteArrayListeners(ArrayList<ByteArrayListener> listeners, final byte[] bytes) { for (final ByteArrayListener listener : listeners) { Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (bytes != null) { listener.onBlobDownloadSuccess(mBlobRef, bytes); } else { listener.onBlobDownloadFailure(mBlobRef); } } }); } } // Report the completion of our attempt to fetch |mBlobRef| to all waiting listeners. // Removes |mBlobRef| from |mInProgressBlobRefs| and removes listeners from // |mByteArrayListenersByBlobRef| and |mFileListenersByBlobRef|. private void notifyListeners() { mLock.lock(); ArrayList<ByteArrayListener> byteArrayListeners = getByteArrayListenersForBlobRef(mBlobRef, false); mByteArrayListenersByBlobRef.remove(mBlobRef); ArrayList<FileListener> fileListeners = getFileListenersForBlobRef(mBlobRef, false); mFileListenersByBlobRef.remove(mBlobRef); mInProgressBlobRefs.remove(mBlobRef); mLock.unlock(); // Make sure that we're not holding the lock; we're about to hit the disk. Util.assertLockIsNotHeld(mLock); if (!byteArrayListeners.isEmpty()) { // If we don't have the data in memory already but it's on disk, read it. if (mBlobBytes == null && mBlobFile != null) { try { Log.d(TAG, "reading " + mBlobFile.getPath() + " to send to listeners"); mBlobBytes = Util.slurpToByteArray(new FileInputStream(mBlobFile)); } catch (IOException e) { Log.e(TAG, "got IO error while reading " + mBlobFile.getPath(), e); } } sendBlobToByteArrayListeners(byteArrayListeners, mBlobBytes); } for (final FileListener listener : fileListeners) { File listenerFile = null; if (mBlobFile != null) { mBlobCopiesDirIsReady.block(); // Make a copy of the file for each listener to ensure that they won't modify the cached blob. try { listenerFile = File.createTempFile(mBlobRef + "-", "", mBlobCopiesDir); Log.d(TAG, "copying " + mBlobFile.getPath() + " to " + listenerFile.getPath()); Util.copyFile(mBlobFile, listenerFile); } catch (IOException e) { Log.e(TAG, "got IO error while making copy of blob " + mBlobRef, e); } } final File finalListenerFile = listenerFile; Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (finalListenerFile != null) { listener.onBlobDownloadSuccess(mBlobRef, finalListenerFile); } else { listener.onBlobDownloadFailure(mBlobRef); } } }); } } } }