Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


package org.bouncycastle.cms;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import org.bouncycastle.asn1.x500.X500Name;
import org.bouncycastle.util.Iterable;

public class RecipientInformationStore implements Iterable<RecipientInformation> {
    private final List all; //ArrayList[RecipientInformation]
    private final Map table = new HashMap(); // HashMap[RecipientID, ArrayList[RecipientInformation]]

     * Create a store containing a single RecipientInformation object.
     * @param recipientInformation the signer information to contain.
    public RecipientInformationStore(RecipientInformation recipientInformation) {
        this.all = new ArrayList(1);

        RecipientId sid = recipientInformation.getRID();

        table.put(sid, all);

    public RecipientInformationStore(Collection<RecipientInformation> recipientInfos) {
        Iterator it = recipientInfos.iterator();

        while (it.hasNext()) {
            RecipientInformation recipientInformation = (RecipientInformation);
            RecipientId rid = recipientInformation.getRID();

            List list = (ArrayList) table.get(rid);
            if (list == null) {
                list = new ArrayList(1);
                table.put(rid, list);


        this.all = new ArrayList(recipientInfos);

     * Return the first RecipientInformation object that matches the
     * passed in selector. Null if there are no matches.
     * @param selector to identify a recipient
     * @return a single RecipientInformation object. Null if none matches.
    public RecipientInformation get(RecipientId selector) {
        Collection list = getRecipients(selector);

        return list.size() == 0 ? null : (RecipientInformation) list.iterator().next();

     * Return the number of recipients in the collection.
     * @return number of recipients identified.
    public int size() {
        return all.size();

     * Return all recipients in the collection
     * @return a collection of recipients.
    public Collection<RecipientInformation> getRecipients() {
        return new ArrayList(all);

     * Return possible empty collection with recipients matching the passed in RecipientId
     * @param selector a recipient id to select against.
     * @return a collection of RecipientInformation objects.
    public Collection<RecipientInformation> getRecipients(RecipientId selector) {
        if (selector instanceof KeyTransRecipientId) {
            KeyTransRecipientId keyTrans = (KeyTransRecipientId) selector;

            X500Name issuer = keyTrans.getIssuer();
            byte[] subjectKeyId = keyTrans.getSubjectKeyIdentifier();

            if (issuer != null && subjectKeyId != null) {
                List<RecipientInformation> results = new ArrayList();

                Collection<RecipientInformation> match1 = getRecipients(
                        new KeyTransRecipientId(issuer, keyTrans.getSerialNumber()));
                if (match1 != null) {

                Collection<RecipientInformation> match2 = getRecipients(new KeyTransRecipientId(subjectKeyId));
                if (match2 != null) {

                return results;

        List list = (ArrayList) table.get(selector);

        return list == null ? new ArrayList() : new ArrayList(list);

     * Support method for Iterable where available.
    public Iterator<RecipientInformation> iterator() {
        return getRecipients().iterator();