Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


package org.bouncycastle.cms;

import java.math.BigInteger;

import org.bouncycastle.asn1.x500.X500Name;
import org.bouncycastle.cert.selector.X509CertificateHolderSelector;

public class KeyTransRecipientId extends RecipientId {
    private X509CertificateHolderSelector baseSelector;

    private KeyTransRecipientId(X509CertificateHolderSelector baseSelector) {

        this.baseSelector = baseSelector;

     * Construct a key trans recipient ID with the value of a public key's subjectKeyId.
     * @param subjectKeyId a subjectKeyId
    public KeyTransRecipientId(byte[] subjectKeyId) {
        this(null, null, subjectKeyId);

     * Construct a key trans recipient ID based on the issuer and serial number of the recipient's associated
     * certificate.
     * @param issuer the issuer of the recipient's associated certificate.
     * @param serialNumber the serial number of the recipient's associated certificate.
    public KeyTransRecipientId(X500Name issuer, BigInteger serialNumber) {
        this(issuer, serialNumber, null);

     * Construct a key trans recipient ID based on the issuer and serial number of the recipient's associated
     * certificate.
     * @param issuer the issuer of the recipient's associated certificate.
     * @param serialNumber the serial number of the recipient's associated certificate.
     * @param subjectKeyId the subject key identifier to use to match the recipients associated certificate.
    public KeyTransRecipientId(X500Name issuer, BigInteger serialNumber, byte[] subjectKeyId) {
        this(new X509CertificateHolderSelector(issuer, serialNumber, subjectKeyId));

    public X500Name getIssuer() {
        return baseSelector.getIssuer();

    public BigInteger getSerialNumber() {
        return baseSelector.getSerialNumber();

    public byte[] getSubjectKeyIdentifier() {
        return baseSelector.getSubjectKeyIdentifier();

    public int hashCode() {
        return baseSelector.hashCode();

    public boolean equals(Object o) {
        if (!(o instanceof KeyTransRecipientId)) {
            return false;

        KeyTransRecipientId id = (KeyTransRecipientId) o;

        return this.baseSelector.equals(id.baseSelector);

    public Object clone() {
        return new KeyTransRecipientId(this.baseSelector);

    public boolean match(Object obj) {
        if (obj instanceof KeyTransRecipientInformation) {
            return ((KeyTransRecipientInformation) obj).getRID().equals(this);

        return baseSelector.match(obj);