Java tutorial
package org.bouncycastle.cms.jcajce; import java.math.BigInteger; import; import; import org.bouncycastle.asn1.x500.X500Name; import org.bouncycastle.cms.KeyTransRecipientId; public class JceKeyTransRecipientId extends KeyTransRecipientId { /** * Construct a recipient id based on the issuer, serial number and subject key identifier (if present) of the passed in * certificate. * * @param certificate certificate providing the issue and serial number and subject key identifier. */ public JceKeyTransRecipientId(X509Certificate certificate) { super(convertPrincipal(certificate.getIssuerX500Principal()), certificate.getSerialNumber(), CMSUtils.getSubjectKeyId(certificate)); } /** * Construct a recipient id based on the provided issuer and serial number.. * * @param issuer the issuer to use. * @param serialNumber the serial number to use. */ public JceKeyTransRecipientId(X500Principal issuer, BigInteger serialNumber) { super(convertPrincipal(issuer), serialNumber); } /** * Construct a recipient id based on the provided issuer, serial number, and subjectKeyId.. * * @param issuer the issuer to use. * @param serialNumber the serial number to use. * @param subjectKeyId the subject key ID to use. */ public JceKeyTransRecipientId(X500Principal issuer, BigInteger serialNumber, byte[] subjectKeyId) { super(convertPrincipal(issuer), serialNumber, subjectKeyId); } private static X500Name convertPrincipal(X500Principal issuer) { if (issuer == null) { return null; } return X500Name.getInstance(issuer.getEncoded()); } }