Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


package org.bouncycastle.asn1;


 * DER TaggedObject - in ASN.1 notation this is any object preceded by
 * a [n] where n is some number - these are assumed to follow the construction
 * rules (as with sequences).
public class DERTaggedObject extends ASN1TaggedObject {
     * @param explicit true if an explicitly tagged object.
     * @param tagNo the tag number for this object.
     * @param obj the tagged object.
    public DERTaggedObject(boolean explicit, int tagNo, ASN1Encodable obj) {
        super(explicit, tagNo, obj);

    public DERTaggedObject(int tagNo, ASN1Encodable encodable) {
        super(true, tagNo, encodable);

    boolean isConstructed() {
        return explicit || obj.toASN1Primitive().toDERObject().isConstructed();

    int encodedLength() throws IOException {
        ASN1Primitive primitive = obj.toASN1Primitive().toDERObject();
        int length = primitive.encodedLength();

        if (explicit) {
            return StreamUtil.calculateTagLength(tagNo) + StreamUtil.calculateBodyLength(length) + length;
        } else {
            // header length already in calculation
            length = length - 1;

            return StreamUtil.calculateTagLength(tagNo) + length;

    void encode(ASN1OutputStream out, boolean withTag) throws IOException {
        ASN1Primitive primitive = obj.toASN1Primitive().toDERObject();

        int flags = BERTags.TAGGED;
        if (explicit || primitive.isConstructed()) {
            flags |= BERTags.CONSTRUCTED;

        out.writeTag(withTag, flags, tagNo);

        if (explicit) {

        primitive.encode(out.getDERSubStream(), explicit);

    ASN1Primitive toDERObject() {
        return this;

    ASN1Primitive toDLObject() {
        return this;