Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2012 Matt Corallo. * Copyright 2014 Andreas Schildbach * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.bitcoinj.core; import*; import*; import*; import org.bitcoinj.core.listeners.*; import*; import org.bitcoinj.params.*; import*; import org.bitcoinj.utils.*; import org.slf4j.*; import*; import*; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.*; /** * A tool for comparing the blocks which are accepted/rejected by bitcoind/bitcoinj * It is designed to run as a testnet-in-a-box network between a single bitcoind node and bitcoinj * It is not an automated unit-test because it requires a bit more comments below */ public class BitcoindComparisonTool { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BitcoindComparisonTool.class); private static NetworkParameters params; private static FullPrunedBlockChain chain; private static Sha256Hash bitcoindChainHead; private static volatile InventoryMessage mostRecentInv = null; static class BlockWrapper { public Block block; } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { BriefLogFormatter.init(); System.out.println("USAGE: bitcoinjBlockStoreLocation runExpensiveTests(1/0) [port=18444]"); boolean runExpensiveTests = args.length > 1 && Integer.parseInt(args[1]) == 1; params = RegTestParams.get(); Context ctx = new Context(params); File blockFile = File.createTempFile("testBlocks", ".dat"); blockFile.deleteOnExit(); FullBlockTestGenerator generator = new FullBlockTestGenerator(params); final RuleList blockList = generator.getBlocksToTest(false, runExpensiveTests, blockFile); final Map<Sha256Hash, Block> preloadedBlocks = new HashMap<>(); final Iterator<Block> blocks = new BlockFileLoader(params, Arrays.asList(blockFile)); try { H2FullPrunedBlockStore store = new H2FullPrunedBlockStore(params, args.length > 0 ? args[0] : "BitcoindComparisonTool", blockList.maximumReorgBlockCount); store.resetStore(); //store = new MemoryFullPrunedBlockStore(params, blockList.maximumReorgBlockCount); chain = new FullPrunedBlockChain(params, store); } catch (BlockStoreException e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(1); } VersionMessage ver = new VersionMessage(params, 42); ver.appendToSubVer("BlockAcceptanceComparisonTool", "1.1", null); ver.localServices = VersionMessage.NODE_NETWORK; final Peer bitcoind = new Peer(params, ver, new BlockChain(params, new MemoryBlockStore(params)), new PeerAddress(params, InetAddress.getLocalHost())); Preconditions.checkState(bitcoind.getVersionMessage().hasBlockChain()); final BlockWrapper currentBlock = new BlockWrapper(); final Set<Sha256Hash> blocksRequested = Collections.synchronizedSet(new HashSet<Sha256Hash>()); final Set<Sha256Hash> blocksPendingSend = Collections.synchronizedSet(new HashSet<Sha256Hash>()); final AtomicInteger unexpectedInvs = new AtomicInteger(0); final SettableFuture<Void> connectedFuture = SettableFuture.create(); bitcoind.addConnectedEventListener(Threading.SAME_THREAD, new PeerConnectedEventListener() { @Override public void onPeerConnected(Peer peer, int peerCount) { if (!peer.getPeerVersionMessage().subVer.contains("Satoshi")) { System.out.println(); System.out.println( "************************************************************************************************************************\n" + "WARNING: You appear to be using this to test an alternative implementation with full validation rules. You should go\n" + "think hard about what you're doing. Seriously, no one has gotten even close to correctly reimplementing Bitcoin\n" + "consensus rules, despite serious investment in trying. It is a huge task and the slightest difference is a huge bug.\n" + "Instead, go work on making Bitcoin Core consensus rules a shared library and use that. Seriously, you wont get it right,\n" + "and starting with this tester as a way to try to do so will simply end in pain and lost coins.\n" + "************************************************************************************************************************"); System.out.println(); }"bitcoind connected"); // Make sure bitcoind has no blocks bitcoind.setDownloadParameters(0, false); bitcoind.startBlockChainDownload(); connectedFuture.set(null); } }); bitcoind.addDisconnectedEventListener(Threading.SAME_THREAD, new PeerDisconnectedEventListener() { @Override public void onPeerDisconnected(Peer peer, int peerCount) { log.error("bitcoind node disconnected!"); System.exit(1); } }); bitcoind.addPreMessageReceivedEventListener(Threading.SAME_THREAD, new PreMessageReceivedEventListener() { @Override public Message onPreMessageReceived(Peer peer, Message m) { if (m instanceof HeadersMessage) { if (!((HeadersMessage) m).getBlockHeaders().isEmpty()) { Block b = Iterables.getLast(((HeadersMessage) m).getBlockHeaders());"Got header from bitcoind " + b.getHashAsString()); bitcoindChainHead = b.getHash(); } else"Got empty header message from bitcoind"); return null; } else if (m instanceof Block) { log.error("bitcoind sent us a block it already had, make sure bitcoind has no blocks!"); System.exit(1); } else if (m instanceof GetDataMessage) { for (InventoryItem item : ((GetDataMessage) m).items) if (item.type == InventoryItem.Type.Block) {"Requested " + item.hash); if (currentBlock.block.getHash().equals(item.hash)) bitcoind.sendMessage(currentBlock.block); else { Block nextBlock = preloadedBlocks.get(item.hash); if (nextBlock != null) bitcoind.sendMessage(nextBlock); else { blocksPendingSend.add(item.hash);"...which we will not provide yet"); } } blocksRequested.add(item.hash); } return null; } else if (m instanceof GetHeadersMessage) { try { if (currentBlock.block == null) {"Got a request for a header before we had even begun processing blocks!"); return null; } LinkedList<Block> headers = new LinkedList<>(); Block it = blockList.hashHeaderMap.get(currentBlock.block.getHash()); while (it != null) { headers.addFirst(it); it = blockList.hashHeaderMap.get(it.getPrevBlockHash()); } LinkedList<Block> sendHeaders = new LinkedList<>(); boolean found = false; for (Sha256Hash hash : ((GetHeadersMessage) m).getLocator()) { for (Block b : headers) { if (found) { sendHeaders.addLast(b);"Sending header (" + b.getPrevBlockHash() + ") -> " + b.getHash()); if (b.getHash().equals(((GetHeadersMessage) m).getStopHash())) break; } else if (b.getHash().equals(hash)) {"Found header " + b.getHashAsString()); found = true; } } if (found) break; } if (!found) sendHeaders = headers; bitcoind.sendMessage(new HeadersMessage(params, sendHeaders)); InventoryMessage i = new InventoryMessage(params); for (Block b : sendHeaders) i.addBlock(b); bitcoind.sendMessage(i); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } return null; } else if (m instanceof InventoryMessage) { if (mostRecentInv != null) { log.error("Got an inv when we weren't expecting one"); unexpectedInvs.incrementAndGet(); } mostRecentInv = (InventoryMessage) m; } return m; } }); bitcoindChainHead = params.getGenesisBlock().getHash(); // bitcoind MUST be on localhost or we will get banned as a DoSer new NioClient(new InetSocketAddress(InetAddress.getByName(""), args.length > 2 ? Integer.parseInt(args[2]) : params.getPort()), bitcoind, 1000); connectedFuture.get(); ArrayList<Sha256Hash> locator = new ArrayList<>(1); locator.add(params.getGenesisBlock().getHash()); Sha256Hash hashTo = Sha256Hash.wrap("0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"); int rulesSinceFirstFail = 0; for (Rule rule : blockList.list) { if (rule instanceof FullBlockTestGenerator.BlockAndValidity) { FullBlockTestGenerator.BlockAndValidity block = (FullBlockTestGenerator.BlockAndValidity) rule; boolean threw = false; Block nextBlock = preloadedBlocks.get(((FullBlockTestGenerator.BlockAndValidity) rule).blockHash); // Often load at least one block because sometimes we have duplicates with the same hash (b56/57) for (int i = 0; i < 1 || nextBlock == null || !nextBlock.getHash().equals(block.blockHash); i++) { try { Block b =; Block oldBlockWithSameHash = preloadedBlocks.put(b.getHash(), b); if (oldBlockWithSameHash != null && oldBlockWithSameHash.getTransactions().size() != b.getTransactions().size()) blocksRequested.remove(b.getHash()); nextBlock = preloadedBlocks.get(block.blockHash); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { if (nextBlock == null || !nextBlock.getHash().equals(block.blockHash)) throw e; } } currentBlock.block = nextBlock;"Testing block {} {}", block.ruleName, currentBlock.block.getHash()); try { if (chain.add(nextBlock) != block.connects) { log.error("ERROR: Block didn't match connects flag on block \"" + block.ruleName + "\""); rulesSinceFirstFail++; } } catch (VerificationException e) { threw = true; if (!block.throwsException) { log.error("ERROR: Block didn't match throws flag on block \"" + block.ruleName + "\""); e.printStackTrace(); rulesSinceFirstFail++; } else if (block.connects) { log.error("ERROR: Block didn't match connects flag on block \"" + block.ruleName + "\""); e.printStackTrace(); rulesSinceFirstFail++; } } if (!threw && block.throwsException) { log.error("ERROR: Block didn't match throws flag on block \"" + block.ruleName + "\""); rulesSinceFirstFail++; } else if (!chain.getChainHead().getHeader().getHash().equals(block.hashChainTipAfterBlock)) { log.error("ERROR: New block head didn't match the correct value after block \"" + block.ruleName + "\""); rulesSinceFirstFail++; } else if (chain.getChainHead().getHeight() != block.heightAfterBlock) { log.error( "ERROR: New block head didn't match the correct height after block " + block.ruleName); rulesSinceFirstFail++; } // Shouldnt double-request boolean shouldntRequest = blocksRequested.contains(nextBlock.getHash()); if (shouldntRequest) blocksRequested.remove(nextBlock.getHash()); InventoryMessage message = new InventoryMessage(params); message.addBlock(nextBlock); bitcoind.sendMessage(message);"Sent inv with block " + nextBlock.getHashAsString()); if (blocksPendingSend.contains(nextBlock.getHash())) { bitcoind.sendMessage(nextBlock);"Sent full block " + nextBlock.getHashAsString()); } // bitcoind doesn't request blocks inline so we can't rely on a ping for synchronization for (int i = 0; !shouldntRequest && !blocksRequested.contains(nextBlock.getHash()); i++) { int SLEEP_TIME = 1; if (i % 1000 / SLEEP_TIME == 1000 / SLEEP_TIME - 1) log.error("bitcoind still hasn't requested block " + block.ruleName + " with hash " + nextBlock.getHash()); Thread.sleep(SLEEP_TIME); if (i > 60000 / SLEEP_TIME) { log.error("bitcoind failed to request block " + block.ruleName); System.exit(1); } } if (shouldntRequest) { Thread.sleep(100); if (blocksRequested.contains(nextBlock.getHash())) { log.error("ERROR: bitcoind re-requested block " + block.ruleName + " with hash " + nextBlock.getHash()); rulesSinceFirstFail++; } } // If the block throws, we may want to get bitcoind to request the same block again if (block.throwsException) blocksRequested.remove(nextBlock.getHash()); //bitcoind.sendMessage(nextBlock); locator.clear(); locator.add(bitcoindChainHead); bitcoind.sendMessage(new GetHeadersMessage(params, locator, hashTo));; if (!chain.getChainHead().getHeader().getHash().equals(bitcoindChainHead)) { rulesSinceFirstFail++; log.error( "ERROR: bitcoind and bitcoinj acceptance differs on block \"" + block.ruleName + "\""); } if (block.sendOnce) preloadedBlocks.remove(nextBlock.getHash());"Block \"" + block.ruleName + "\" completed processing"); } else if (rule instanceof MemoryPoolState) { MemoryPoolMessage message = new MemoryPoolMessage(); bitcoind.sendMessage(message);; if (mostRecentInv == null && !((MemoryPoolState) rule).mempool.isEmpty()) { log.error("ERROR: bitcoind had an empty mempool, but we expected some transactions on rule " + rule.ruleName); rulesSinceFirstFail++; } else if (mostRecentInv != null && ((MemoryPoolState) rule).mempool.isEmpty()) { log.error("ERROR: bitcoind had a non-empty mempool, but we expected an empty one on rule " + rule.ruleName); rulesSinceFirstFail++; } else if (mostRecentInv != null) { Set<InventoryItem> originalRuleSet = new HashSet<>(((MemoryPoolState) rule).mempool); boolean matches = mostRecentInv.items.size() == ((MemoryPoolState) rule).mempool.size(); for (InventoryItem item : mostRecentInv.items) if (!((MemoryPoolState) rule).mempool.remove(item)) matches = false; if (matches) continue; log.error("bitcoind's mempool didn't match what we were expecting on rule " + rule.ruleName);" bitcoind's mempool was: "); for (InventoryItem item : mostRecentInv.items)" " + item.hash);" The expected mempool was: "); for (InventoryItem item : originalRuleSet)" " + item.hash); rulesSinceFirstFail++; } mostRecentInv = null; } else if (rule instanceof UTXORule) { if (bitcoind.getPeerVersionMessage().isGetUTXOsSupported()) { UTXORule r = (UTXORule) rule; UTXOsMessage result = bitcoind.getUTXOs(r.query).get(); if (!result.equals(r.result)) { log.error("utxo result was not what we expected."); log.error("Wanted {}", r.result); log.error("but got {}", result); rulesSinceFirstFail++; } else {"Successful utxo query {}: {}", r.ruleName, result); } } } else { throw new RuntimeException("Unknown rule"); } if (rulesSinceFirstFail > 0) rulesSinceFirstFail++; if (rulesSinceFirstFail > 6) System.exit(1); } if (unexpectedInvs.get() > 0) log.error("ERROR: Got " + unexpectedInvs.get() + " unexpected invs from bitcoind");"Done testing."); System.exit(rulesSinceFirstFail > 0 || unexpectedInvs.get() > 0 ? 1 : 0); } }