Java tutorial
// Copyright 2013 Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Wellcome Trust Library, Wellcome Trust Library // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package; import; import; import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException; import; //import net.sf.saxon.s9api.*; import org.bibalex.oai.util.BAOAIIDBuilder; import org.bibalex.util.URLPathStrUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import javax.faces.context.FacesContext; import javax.servlet.ServletContext; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; //import net.sf.saxon.s9api.Processor; //import net.sf.saxon.s9api.XsltCompiler; //import net.sf.saxon.s9api.XsltExecutable; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.DefaultHttpMethodRetryHandler; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpClient; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpException; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpStatus; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.GetMethod; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.params.HttpMethodParams; import org.apache.http.HttpEntity; import org.apache.http.HttpResponse; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpDelete; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet; import org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultHttpClient; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.bibalex.sdxe.controller.DomTreeController; import; import org.bibalex.util.FileUtils; import org.bibalex.util.SpringSecurityUtils; import org.bibalex.util.URLPathStrUtils; import org.bibalex.wamcp.application.WAMCPSessionBackingBean; import org.bibalex.wamcp.exception.WAMCPException; import org.bibalex.wamcp.exception.WAMCPGeneralCorrectableException; import org.bibalex.workflow.IWFArtifact; import org.bibalex.workflow.WFAbstractStep; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.jdom.Document; import org.jdom.Element; import org.jdom.JDOMException; import org.jdom.Namespace; import org.jdom.input.SAXBuilder; import org.jdom.output.Format; import org.jdom.output.XMLOutputter; import org.jdom.xpath.XPath; import org.marc4j.MarcStreamWriter; import org.marc4j.MarcWriter; import org.marc4j.MarcXmlReader; import org.marc4j.marc.Record; import org.springframework.dao.DataIntegrityViolationException; import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNCommitInfo; import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNException; import; public class WAMCPStorage implements XSAIStorage { public static String filenameForShelfMark(String shelfMark) { String fileName = FileUtils.makeSafeFileName(shelfMark); if ("xml".equalsIgnoreCase(FileUtils.getExtension(fileName))) { fileName = FileUtils.removeExtension(fileName); } return fileName; } protected WFISVNClient svnClient; protected WAMCPSessionBackingBean sessionBBean = null; protected WFSVNArtifact artifact; protected WAMCPGalleryBeanSVNStoredMetaGallery galleryBean; private Collection<WFSVNEntry> cachedEntries; private boolean readOnlyMode = false; protected void assureInit() throws SVNException { SpringSecurityUtils.assureThreadLocalAuthSet(); if (!this.svnClient.isInit()) { this.svnClient.svnWCInit(this.sessionBBean.getUserName()); } } public void cacheEntries() throws SVNException { this.cachedEntries = this.getEntries(); } public boolean close(boolean forceUnlock) throws SVNException, WFSVNArtifactLoadingException { this.guardArtifactLoaded(); this.assureInit(); return this.svnClient.svnClose(this.artifact, forceUnlock); } @Override public void closeWorkingFile() { this.artifact = null; } public SVNCommitInfo commit(String commitMessage) throws SVNException, WFSVNException { this.guardArtifactLoaded(); this.assureInit(); return this.svnClient.svnCommit(this.artifact, commitMessage); } public long createFromDocument(Document xmlDoc, String shelfmark, String albumName, String albumCaption, String albumCoverName) throws JDOMException, WAMCPException, IOException, WFSVNException, SVNException, BAGException { this.guardNoArtifactLoaded(); this.assureInit(); String filenameNoExt = WAMCPStorage.filenameForShelfMark(shelfmark); boolean valid = (filenameNoExt != null) && !filenameNoExt.trim().isEmpty(); if (!valid) { throw new WAMCPGeneralCorrectableException("Invalid File Name"); } Element root = xmlDoc.getRootElement(); Namespace nsElt = root.getNamespace(); Namespace nsXp = DomTreeController.acquireNamespace(root.getNamespaceURI(), root, true); String pfx = nsXp.getPrefix(); if ((pfx != null) && !pfx.isEmpty()) { pfx += ":"; } // /////////////// // set the id and shelfmark in the XML String xmlid = filenameNoExt.replaceAll("[\\p{Punct}\\p{Blank}]", ""); xmlid = "m" + xmlid; // msDesc XPath msDescXp = XPath .newInstance("/" + pfx + "TEI/" + pfx + "text/" + pfx + "body/" + pfx + "div/" + pfx + "msDesc"); msDescXp.addNamespace(nsXp); Object msDescObj = msDescXp.selectSingleNode(xmlDoc); if (msDescObj == null) { throw new WAMCPGeneralCorrectableException("XML has no '/TEI/text/body/div/msDesc'"); } Element msDescElt = (Element) msDescObj; msDescElt.setAttribute("id", xmlid, Namespace.XML_NAMESPACE); // //////////////////// XPath shelfmarkXP = XPath.newInstance("/" + pfx + "TEI/" + pfx + "text/" + pfx + "body/" + pfx + "div/" + pfx + "msDesc/" + pfx + "msIdentifier/" + pfx + "idno"); shelfmarkXP.addNamespace(nsXp); Element shelfmarkElt; Object obj = shelfmarkXP.selectSingleNode(xmlDoc); if (obj == null) { Element msIdElt = msDescElt.getChild("msIdentifier", nsElt); // TODO use DomTreeController for addition with insured validity if (msIdElt == null) { msIdElt = new Element("msIdentifier", nsElt); msDescElt.getChildren().add(0, msIdElt); } shelfmarkElt = new Element("idno", nsElt); obj = shelfmarkElt; msIdElt.addContent(shelfmarkElt); } else { shelfmarkElt = (Element) obj; } shelfmarkElt.setText(shelfmark); // filenameNoExt); // ////////////////////////// try { // TODO use DomTreeController for addition that is surely valid // / YA20100811 Facs ref for valid doc // TODO; be DRY between this and // WAMCPUiActionListener.refToShownFacs --> delete code // refToShownFacs BAGAlbum album = this.galleryBean.openAlbum(albumName); String facsParentStr = "//" + pfx + "facsimile"; XPath facsParentXP = XPath.newInstance(facsParentStr); facsParentXP.addNamespace(nsXp); Object facsParentObj = facsParentXP.selectSingleNode(xmlDoc); if (facsParentObj == null) { facsParentObj = new Element("facsimile", nsElt); List rootChildren = root.getChildren(); if ((rootChildren.size() == 0) || !"teiHeader".equals(((Element) rootChildren.get(0)).getName())) { rootChildren.add(0, new Element("teiHeader", nsElt)); } rootChildren.add(1, (Element) facsParentObj); // 1 is after the // teiHeader } else { // Discard old values in the facs to avoid double ids for the // same thumb ((Element) facsParentObj).getContent().clear(); } Element facsParentElt = (Element) facsParentObj; for (BAGThumbnail thumb : album.getThumbnails()) { String imageName = thumb.getName(); Element surfaceElt = new Element("surface", nsElt); facsParentElt.addContent(surfaceElt); String facsId = "i" + imageName.substring(imageName.lastIndexOf('_') + 1); // we don't store the extension any more: facsId = // facsId.substring(0, facsId.lastIndexOf('.')); surfaceElt.setAttribute("id", facsId, Namespace.XML_NAMESPACE); Element graphicElt = new Element("graphic", nsElt); surfaceElt.addContent(graphicElt); graphicElt.setAttribute("url", imageName); } // / END YA20100811 Facs ref for valid doc // / Set this new MsDesc to be the MetaData file for the album // IMPORTANT: Keep this as the las action and its failsafe delete // right after this.galleryBean.addAlbumToMetaGallery(albumName, albumCaption, albumCoverName, filenameNoExt); // Do the actual addition.. the Blank or imported MsDesc XML this.artifact = this.svnClient.svnAdd(filenameNoExt); } catch (Exception e) { this.artifact = null; if (!(e instanceof BAGAlbumAlreadyExistsException)) { this.galleryBean.deleteAlbumForMetadataFile(filenameNoExt); } // How could this happen?? if (e instanceof WFSVNLockedException) { throw (WFSVNLockedException) e; } throw new WAMCPException(e); } // ////////////////////////////////////////// FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(this.artifact.getWorkingFile()); XMLOutputter outputter = new XMLOutputter(Format.getPrettyFormat().setEncoding("UTF-8")); outputter.output(xmlDoc, writer); this.galleryBean.loadTempXml(); // and commit SVNCommitInfo commInfo = this.commit( "Adding new Ms Description: " + xmlid + " - " + "Logged in as: " + this.sessionBBean.getUserName()); // TODONE the values do not go into the solrindex because the // DomController is not yet // initialized.. refactor the code in construct solr doc from dom to // make it use the // document and the prefix passed as a parameter, and override this // method in WAMCPIndexedStorage // to call it using xmlDoc and Pfx (will have to do it here!) long result = commInfo != null ? commInfo.getNewRevision() : -1; return result; } public long createFromTemplate(String templateFilePathRel, String shelfmark, String albumName, String albumCaption, String albumCoverName) throws IOException, SVNException, WFSVNException, JDOMException, WAMCPException, BAGException { ServletContext servletContext = (ServletContext) FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext() .getContext(); String templateFilePath = servletContext.getRealPath(templateFilePathRel); File templateFile = new File(templateFilePath); SAXBuilder saxBuilder = new SAXBuilder(); saxBuilder.setFeature("", false); saxBuilder.setFeature("", true); saxBuilder.setFeature("", true); // Unsupported: // saxBuilder.setFeature("", // false); Document templateDoc =; return this.createFromDocument(templateDoc, shelfmark, albumName, albumCaption, albumCoverName); } public SVNCommitInfo delete(String fileName, String commitMessage) throws WFSVNException, SVNException, IOException { this.assureInit(); try { SVNCommitInfo result = this.svnClient.svnDelete(fileName, commitMessage); try { this.galleryBean.deleteAlbumForMetadataFile(fileName); } catch (BAGNotFoundException e) { // it's ok.. we just wanted to delete it anyway! } return result; } catch (BAGException e) { throw new WFSVNException(e); } } public WFSVNArtifact getArtifact() { return this.artifact; } public List<String> getArtifactsDeleted() throws SVNException { this.assureInit(); ArrayList<String> result = new ArrayList<String>(); for (IWFArtifact artif : this.svnClient.getArtifactsDeleted()) { result.add(artif.getArtifactName()); } return result; } public String getArtifactShelfMark() { return this.artifact.getArtifactName().replace('_', ' '); } public List<String> getArtifactsInStep(String stepName) throws SVNException { this.assureInit(); ArrayList<String> result = new ArrayList<String>(); for (IWFArtifact artif : this.svnClient.getWfProcess().getStepForName(stepName).getArtifactsInStep()) { result.add(artif.getArtifactName()); } Collections.sort(result); return result; } public Collection<WFSVNEntry> getCachedEntries() { return this.cachedEntries; } public Collection<WFSVNEntry> getEntries() throws SVNException { this.assureInit(); return this.svnClient.svnGetEntries(); } public WAMCPGalleryBeanSVNStoredMetaGallery getGalleryBean() { return this.galleryBean; } public boolean getIsWorking() { return this.isWorking(); } public String getLoadedFileNameNoExt() throws WFSVNArtifactLoadingException { this.guardArtifactLoaded(); return this.artifact.getArtifactName(); } /** * @return the sessionBBean */ public WAMCPSessionBackingBean getSessionBBean() { return this.sessionBBean; } public WFISVNClient getSvnClient() { return this.svnClient; } public File getUserDir() throws SVNException { this.assureInit(); return this.svnClient.getUserDir(); } /** * @return the workingFile */ @Override public File getWorkingFile() { try { this.guardArtifactLoaded(); } catch (WFSVNArtifactLoadingException e) { return null; } return this.artifact.getWorkingFile(); } public String getWorkingFileSvnUrlStr() throws SVNException, WFSVNArtifactLoadingException { this.assureInit(); this.guardArtifactLoaded(); return this.svnClient.getFileSvnUrlStr(this.artifact); } protected void guardArtifactLoaded() throws WFSVNArtifactLoadingException { if (!this.isWorking()) { throw new WFSVNArtifactLoadingException("An artifact must be loaded before issuing this command"); } } protected void guardNoArtifactLoaded() throws WFSVNArtifactLoadingException { if (this.isWorking()) { throw new WFSVNArtifactLoadingException("An artifact is already loaded by this client instance"); } } public boolean isReadOnlyMode() { return this.readOnlyMode; } public boolean isWorking() { return this.artifact != null; } public boolean manuallyCheckPermission(String artifactName, String wfStage) throws WFSVNArtifactLoadingException, SVNException { this.assureInit(); return this.svnClient.manuallyCheckPermission(artifactName, wfStage, this.sessionBBean.getAuth()); } public void moveArtifactInWorkflow(String outcome) throws WFSVNArtifactLoadingException, SVNException { this.guardArtifactLoaded(); this.assureInit(); WFAbstractStep step = this.svnClient.getWfProcess().getStepForArtifact(this.artifact); step.complete(this.artifact, outcome); } public void openRead(String fileNameNoExt) throws SVNException, IOException, WFSVNException { this.guardNoArtifactLoaded(); this.assureInit(); this.artifact = this.svnClient.svnOpenRead(fileNameNoExt); this.readOnlyMode = true; } // public void permitDelete(String fileName) throws SVNException, // WFSVNException { // this.assureInit(); // this.svnClient.permitDelete(fileName); // // } public void openWrite(String fileNameNoExt) throws SVNException, IOException, WFSVNException { this.guardNoArtifactLoaded(); this.assureInit(); this.artifact = this.svnClient.svnOpenWrite(fileNameNoExt); this.readOnlyMode = false; } public/* synchronized */void release(Document metadataXml, Element metaAlbum) throws BAGException, WAMCPException, WFSVNArtifactLoadingException, WFSVNLockedException { this.guardArtifactLoaded(); // JdbcTemplate locksDBTempl = // this.svnClient.getWfProcess().getJdbcTempl(); String releasedMetaGallUrlStr = URLPathStrUtils.appendParts(this.galleryBean.getGalleryRootUrlStr(), BAGGalleryAbstract.FILENAME_GALLERY_METADATA_XML); try { XMLOutputter outputter = new XMLOutputter(Format.getCompactFormat().setEncoding("UTF-8")); this.svnClient.getWfProcess().lockUrlStr(releasedMetaGallUrlStr, this.sessionBBean.getUserName()); try { SAXBuilder saxBuilder = new SAXBuilder(); saxBuilder.setFeature("", false); saxBuilder.setFeature("", true); saxBuilder.setFeature("", true); // Unsupported: // saxBuilder.setFeature("", // false); Document metaGalleryXml; ByteArrayOutputStream remoteFileOS = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ByteArrayInputStream metaGalleryIn = null; try { BAGStorage.readRemoteFile(releasedMetaGallUrlStr, remoteFileOS); metaGalleryIn = new ByteArrayInputStream(remoteFileOS.toByteArray()); metaGalleryXml =; } finally { try { remoteFileOS.close(); metaGalleryIn.close(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new BAGException(e); } } XPath oldMetaAlbumXP = XPath .newInstance("//album[@name='" + metaAlbum.getAttributeValue("name") + "']"); Element metaGalleryRoot = metaGalleryXml.getRootElement(); for (Object oldMetaAlbum : oldMetaAlbumXP.selectNodes(metaGalleryRoot)) { ((Element) oldMetaAlbum).detach(); } metaGalleryRoot.addContent(metaAlbum); File metaGalleryTempFile = File .createTempFile(FileUtils.makeSafeFileName(this.sessionBBean.getUserName()), "metagallery"); FileOutputStream metaGalleryOut = new FileOutputStream(metaGalleryTempFile); outputter.output(metaGalleryXml, metaGalleryOut); metaGalleryOut.flush(); metaGalleryOut.close(); String releasedXMLUrlStr = URLPathStrUtils.appendParts(this.galleryBean.getGalleryRootUrlStr(), "XML", filenameForShelfMark(this.artifact.getArtifactName()) + ".tei.xml"); File msDescTempFile = File.createTempFile( FileUtils.makeSafeFileName(this.sessionBBean.getUserName()), "msDescReleased"); FileOutputStream msDescOut = new FileOutputStream(msDescTempFile); outputter.output(metadataXml, msDescOut); msDescOut.flush(); msDescOut.close(); // BAGStorage.copyFile(msDescTempFile.toURI().toString(), // releasedXMLUrlStr); // BAGStorage.copyFile(metaGalleryTempFile.toURI().toString(), // releasedMetaGallUrlStr); // TODO be DRY if (!BAGStorage.putFile(releasedXMLUrlStr, msDescTempFile, null)) { throw new WAMCPGeneralCorrectableException("Could not upload tei file to release destination"); } if (!BAGStorage.putFile(releasedMetaGallUrlStr, metaGalleryTempFile, null)) { throw new WAMCPGeneralCorrectableException( "Could not upload meta gallery file to release destination"); } generateMARCFile(msDescTempFile, this.artifact.getArtifactName(), this.galleryBean.getGalleryRootUrlStr()); // generate html file for the manuscript on release // both versions are generated (full and DIV) // also generate html for metadata print // also generate pdf for images of manuscript // Yasmine20110508 { // Yasmine20110621{ HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest) FacesContext.getCurrentInstance() .getExternalContext().getRequest(); String uri = request.getRequestURL().toString(); String[] splited = uri.split("/"); // host = // String host = splited[0]+"//"+splited[2]+"/"; String host = splited[0] + "//" + request.getLocalAddr() + ":" + request.getLocalPort() + "/"; int statusCode = 0; BAOAIIDBuilder oaiIdBuilder = new BAOAIIDBuilder(); String oaiId = oaiIdBuilder.buildId(this.artifact.getArtifactName()); String url = host + "BAG-API/rest/desc/" + oaiId + "/transform?type=html"; statusCode = myGetHttp(url); System.out.println(url + " ==> status code: " + statusCode); String urlDivOpt = host + "BAG-API/rest/desc/" + oaiId + "/transform?divOpt=true&type=html"; statusCode = myGetHttp(urlDivOpt); System.out.println(urlDivOpt + " ==> status code: " + statusCode); String urlMetadataHtml = host + "BAG-API/rest/desc/" + oaiId + "/transform?type=meta"; statusCode = myGetHttp(urlMetadataHtml); System.out.println(urlMetadataHtml + " ==> status code: " + statusCode); // String rootUrlStr = this.galleryBean.getGalleryRootUrlStr(); // String tempUserName = this.sessionBBean.getUserName(); // System.out.println("rootUrlStr: "+rootUrlStr); // System.out.println("tempUserName: "+tempUserName); // transformXMLtoHTML(rootUrlStr, tempUserName, // filenameForShelfMark(this.artifact.getArtifactName()), // false); // transformXMLtoHTML(rootUrlStr, tempUserName, // filenameForShelfMark(this.artifact.getArtifactName()), // true); // } Yasmine20110621 // } Yasmine20110508 } finally { this.svnClient.getWfProcess().unlockUrlStr(releasedMetaGallUrlStr, this.sessionBBean.getUserName()); } } catch (DataIntegrityViolationException e) { throw new WAMCPGeneralCorrectableException( "Another user is releasing at the moment, try again in a few seconds"); } catch (JDOMException e) { throw new WAMCPException(e); } catch (IOException e) { throw new WAMCPException(e); } } public static void generateMARCFile(File msDescTempFile, String artifactName, String GalleryRootURL) throws IOException, WAMCPGeneralCorrectableException, BAGException { // TODO Auto-generated method stub // TODO Michael Release MARC xml here here File outMarcXML = File.createTempFile(FileUtils.makeSafeFileName(artifactName), "MARCXML"); //String XSLTFullPath = "D:\\Projects\\JavaProjects\\wellcomeTrust\\TEI to MARC21 mapping\\Tomlinson, June Marc21 - WAMCP\\SYQ134caca8f_Test xslt Feb 20120216\\Test xslt Feb 20120216\\tei2marcxml.xsl"; File xsltFile;// = new File(XSLTFullPath); //String root = System.getProperty("user.dir"); String filepath = ((ServletContext) FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getContext()) .getRealPath("/Schema/tei2marcxml_Customized.xsl"); // in case of Windows: "\\path \\to\\yourfile.txt //String abspath = root+filepath; // using above path read your file into byte [] xsltFile = new File(filepath); try { FileOutputStream outStream = new FileOutputStream(outMarcXML); XSLTtransform.transformXmlDocument(msDescTempFile, xsltFile, outStream); } catch (TransformerException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new WAMCPGeneralCorrectableException("Could not transform TEI to MARC XML"); } //Store MARC XML on the server String releasedMarcXMLUrlStr = URLPathStrUtils.appendParts(GalleryRootURL, "MARCXML", filenameForShelfMark(artifactName).replace(".tei", "") + ".xml"); if (!BAGStorage.putFile(releasedMarcXMLUrlStr, outMarcXML, null)) { throw new WAMCPGeneralCorrectableException("Could not upload mrc file to release destination"); } File outMrc; try { outMrc = File.createTempFile(FileUtils.makeSafeFileName(artifactName), "mrc"); InputStream input = new FileInputStream(outMarcXML); MarcXmlReader reader = new MarcXmlReader(input); MarcWriter writer = new MarcStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(outMrc), "UTF-8"); while (reader.hasNext()) { Record record =; writer.write(record); } writer.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new WAMCPGeneralCorrectableException("Could not transform MARC XML to mrc file"); } String releasedMarcUrlStr = URLPathStrUtils.appendParts(GalleryRootURL, "MARC", filenameForShelfMark(artifactName).replace(".tei", "") + ".mrc"); if (!BAGStorage.putFile(releasedMarcUrlStr, outMrc, null)) { throw new WAMCPGeneralCorrectableException("Could not upload mrc file to release destination"); } } public void requestDelete(String fileName) throws SVNException, WFSVNException { this.assureInit(); this.svnClient.requestDelete(fileName); } public void revert() throws SVNException, WFSVNArtifactLoadingException { this.guardArtifactLoaded(); this.assureInit(); this.svnClient.svnRevert(this.artifact); } public void setGalleryBean(WAMCPGalleryBeanSVNStoredMetaGallery galleryBean) { this.galleryBean = galleryBean; } /** * @param sessionBBean * the sessionBBean to set */ public void setSessionBBean(WAMCPSessionBackingBean sessionBBean) { this.sessionBBean = sessionBBean; } public void setSvnClient(WFISVNClient svnClient) { this.svnClient = svnClient; } public void uninit() { this.svnClient.uninit(); } public void unrequestDelete(String fileName) throws SVNException, WFSVNException { this.assureInit(); this.svnClient.unrequestDelete(fileName); } // Yasmine20110508 // public static void transformXMLtoHTML(String rootURL, String tempUserName, // String oaiId, Boolean divOpt) { // Processor proc = new Processor(false); // XsltCompiler comp = proc.newXsltCompiler(); // XsltExecutable exp; // try { // // System.out.println(source.getStringValue()); // // String localId = BAOAIIDBuilder.localIdFromOaiId(oaiId); // String fileName = ""; // String templateName = "recentTemplate"; // if (divOpt) { // fileName = "div-" + oaiId; // templateName = "div-" + templateName; // } else { // fileName = oaiId; // } // // String releasedXMLUrlStr = URLPathStrUtils.appendParts(rootURL, // "XML", oaiId + ".tei.xml"); // String templateUrlStr = URLPathStrUtils.appendParts(rootURL, "XSL", // templateName + ".xsl"); // // ByteArrayOutputStream remoteXMLFileOS = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); // ByteArrayInputStream xmlFileIn = null; // ByteArrayOutputStream remoteTemplateFileOS = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); // ByteArrayInputStream templateFileIn = null; // // BAGStorage.readRemoteFile(releasedXMLUrlStr, remoteXMLFileOS); // xmlFileIn = new ByteArrayInputStream(remoteXMLFileOS.toByteArray()); // BAGStorage.readRemoteFile(templateUrlStr, remoteTemplateFileOS); // templateFileIn = new ByteArrayInputStream( // remoteTemplateFileOS.toByteArray()); // // exp = comp.compile(new StreamSource(templateFileIn)); // // XdmNode source = proc.newDocumentBuilder().build( // new StreamSource(xmlFileIn)); // // File tempGeneratedHTML = null; // tempGeneratedHTML = File.createTempFile( // FileUtils.makeSafeFileName(tempUserName), fileName // + ".html"); // // Serializer out = proc.newSerializer(tempGeneratedHTML); // out.setOutputProperty(Serializer.Property.METHOD, "html"); // out.setOutputProperty(Serializer.Property.INDENT, "yes"); // XsltTransformer trans = exp.load(); // trans.setInitialContextNode(source); // trans.setDestination(out); // trans.transform(); // // String releasedHTMLUrlStr = URLPathStrUtils.appendParts(rootURL, // "HTML", fileName + ".html"); // // BAGStorage.putFile(releasedHTMLUrlStr, tempGeneratedHTML, null); // // remoteXMLFileOS.close(); // xmlFileIn.close(); // remoteTemplateFileOS.close(); // templateFileIn.close(); // } catch (SaxonApiException e) { // // TODO Auto-generated catch block // e.printStackTrace(); // } catch (BAGException e) { // // TODO Auto-generated catch block // e.printStackTrace(); // } catch (IOException e) { // // TODO Auto-generated catch block // e.printStackTrace(); // } // } /** * Sends an HTTP GET request to a url * * @param endpoint * - The URL of the server. (Example: * "") * @param requestParameters * - all the request parameters (Example: * "param1=val1¶m2=val2"). Note: This method will add the * question mark (?) to the request - DO NOT add it yourself * @return - The response from the end point */ // public static String sendGetRequest(String endpoint, // String requestParameters) { // String result = null; // if (endpoint.startsWith("http://")) { // // Send a GET request to the servlet // try { // // Construct data // StringBuffer data = new StringBuffer(); // // // Send data // String urlStr = endpoint; // if (requestParameters != null && requestParameters.length() > 0) { // urlStr += "?" + requestParameters; // } // URL url = new URL(urlStr); // URLConnection conn = url.openConnection(); // // // Get the response // BufferedReader rd = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader( // conn.getInputStream())); // // StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); // String line; // while ((line = rd.readLine()) != null) { // sb.append(line); // } // rd.close(); // result = sb.toString(); // } catch (Exception e) { // e.printStackTrace(); // } // } // return result; // } // public static int myGetHttp(String urlStr) { // int result = 0; // int statusCode = 0; // // Send a GET request to the servlet // try { // URL url = new URL(urlStr); // HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); // conn.setRequestMethod("GET"); // // conn.connect(); // statusCode = conn.getResponseCode(); // // if (statusCode == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_ACCEPTED) { // InputStream in = conn.getInputStream(); // BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader( // new InputStreamReader(in)); // String text = reader.readLine(); // System.out.println(text); // } // conn.disconnect(); // result = statusCode; // } catch (IOException ex) { // ex.printStackTrace(); // System.out.println("made it here"); // result = statusCode; // } // // return result; // } public static int myGetHttp(String urlStr) { int result = 0; int statusCode = 0; // Send a GET request to the servlet DefaultHttpClient httpClient = new DefaultHttpClient(); HttpGet httpGet = new HttpGet(urlStr); HttpEntity entity = null; try { HttpResponse httpResp = httpClient.execute(httpGet); if (200 != httpResp.getStatusLine().getStatusCode()) { result = httpResp.getStatusLine().getStatusCode(); } else { result = 200; } } catch (IOException ex) { // In case of an IOException the connection will be released // back to the connection manager automatically ex.printStackTrace(); } catch (RuntimeException ex) { // In case of an unexpected exception you may want to abort // the HTTP request in order to shut down the underlying // connection and release it back to the connection manager. httpGet.abort(); throw ex; } finally { try { if (entity != null) { entity.consumeContent(); } } catch (IOException e) { // Nothing e.printStackTrace(); } } return result; } // public static int sendHttpClientGet(String url) { // int result = 0; // // Create an instance of HttpClient. // HttpClient client = new HttpClient(); // // // Create a method instance. // GetMethod method = new GetMethod(url); // // // Provide custom retry handler is necessary // method.getParams().setParameter(HttpMethodParams.RETRY_HANDLER, // new DefaultHttpMethodRetryHandler(3, false)); // // try { // // Execute the method. // int statusCode = client.executeMethod(method); // // if (statusCode != HttpStatus.SC_OK) { // // System.err.println("Method failed: " + // // method.getStatusLine()); // result = statusCode; // } else { // // Read the response body. // byte[] responseBody = method.getResponseBody(); // // Deal with the response. // // Use caution: ensure correct character encoding and is not // // binary data // System.out.println(new String(responseBody)); // result = HttpStatus.SC_OK; // } // } catch (HttpException e) { // System.err.println("Fatal protocol violation: " + e.getMessage()); // e.printStackTrace(); // } catch (IOException e) { // System.err.println("Fatal transport error: " + e.getMessage()); // e.printStackTrace(); // } finally { // // Release the connection. // method.releaseConnection(); // } // return result; // } }