Java tutorial
// Copyright 2013 Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Wellcome Trust Library // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import org.apache.http.HttpEntity; import org.apache.http.HttpResponse; import org.apache.http.NameValuePair; import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet; import org.apache.http.client.utils.URIUtils; import org.apache.http.client.utils.URLEncodedUtils; import org.apache.http.entity.BufferedHttpEntity; import org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultHttpClient; import org.apache.http.message.BasicNameValuePair; import org.apache.http.util.EntityUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import; import; import org.bibalex.util.URLPathStrUtils; public class BAGImage { private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(""); private final BAGGalleryAbstract gallery; private final BAGAlbum album; private final String name; private final String thumbLocalUrl; // for internal use when zoomning in/out to switch between resolutions private final String lowResLocalUrl; private final String highResUrlStr; private final long fullWidth; private final long fullHeight; private final long zoomLevels; private final HttpClient httpclient; private byte[] zoomedBytes; private long zoomedX; private long zoomedY; private long zoomedWidth; private long zoomedHeight; private long zoomedRotate; private long viewPaneWidth; private long viewPaneHeight; private final ArrayList<NameValuePair> djatokaParams; private long enhancementFactor = 1; // impossible initial value private long djatokaLevel = -1; private double djatokaLevelScaleRatio = -1; private double zoomMultiplier = 1.5; private long rotateDelta = 90; private int minDjatokaLevel = 3; private double scaleFactor = 1.0; // the effect of this is very bad when width is large 0.66; public BAGImage(BAGGalleryAbstract gallery, BAGAlbum album, String name, long viewPaneWidth, long viewPaneHeight) throws BAGException { super(); = gallery; this.album = album; = name; HttpGet djatokaReq = null; try { this.highResUrlStr =, name, EnumResolutions.high); // this.highResUrlEncoded = this.highResUrlStr.replaceAll(" ", "%20"); // new URLCodec("US-ASCII").encode(this.highResUrlStr); this.thumbLocalUrl =,; Integer tempFullWidth = null; Integer tempFullHeight = null; Integer tempZoomLevels = null; // Execute HTTP request this.httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient(); List<NameValuePair> qparams = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>(); qparams.add(new BasicNameValuePair("url_ver", "Z39.88-2004")); qparams.add(new BasicNameValuePair("rft_id", this.highResUrlStr)); // "")); qparams.add(new BasicNameValuePair("svc_id", "info:lanl-repo/svc/getMetadata")); URI serverUri = new URI(gallery.getDjatokaServerUrlStr()); URI reqUri = URIUtils.createURI(serverUri.getScheme(), serverUri.getHost(), serverUri.getPort(), serverUri.getPath(), URLEncodedUtils.format(qparams, "US-ASCII"), null); djatokaReq = new HttpGet(reqUri); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Getting metadata of image via URL: " + djatokaReq.getURI()); } HttpResponse response = this.httpclient.execute(djatokaReq); if (response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() / 100 != 2) { throw new BAGException("Connection error: " + response.getStatusLine().toString()); } if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Response from URL: " + djatokaReq.getURI() + " => " + response.getStatusLine()); } // Get hold of the response entity HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity(); // If the response does not enclose an entity, there is no need // to bother about connection release if ((entity != null)) { entity = new BufferedHttpEntity(entity); if ("application/json".equalsIgnoreCase(entity.getContentType().getValue())) { // Since the djatoka returned JSON is not properly escaped and I cannot find // any library that escapes JSON while parsing it I had to do this: String jsonString = EntityUtils.toString(entity); // remove the braces: jsonString = jsonString.substring(1); jsonString = jsonString.substring(0, jsonString.length() - 1); StringTokenizer pairTokens = new StringTokenizer(jsonString, ",", false); while (pairTokens.hasMoreElements()) { String pair = pairTokens.nextToken().trim(); int colonIx = pair.indexOf(':'); String memberName = pair.substring(0, colonIx); memberName = memberName.substring(1); memberName = memberName.substring(0, memberName.length() - 1); String memberValue = pair.substring(colonIx + 1).trim(); memberValue = memberValue.substring(memberValue.indexOf('"') + 1); memberValue = memberValue.substring(0, memberValue.lastIndexOf('"')); if ("width".equals(memberName)) { tempFullWidth = Integer.valueOf(memberValue); } else if ("height".equals(memberName)) { tempFullHeight = Integer.valueOf(memberValue); } else if ("levels".equals(memberName)) { // FIXME replace "dwtLevels" by "levels" according to // // "dwtLevels" are the native JP2 DWT levels tempZoomLevels = Integer.valueOf(memberValue); } } } } if ((tempFullWidth == null) || (tempFullHeight == null) || (tempZoomLevels == null)) { throw new BAGException("Cannot retrieve metadata!"); } else { this.fullWidth = tempFullWidth; this.fullHeight = tempFullHeight; this.zoomLevels = tempZoomLevels; } } catch (IOException ex) { // In case of an IOException the connection will be released // back to the connection manager automatically throw new BAGException(ex); } catch (RuntimeException ex) { // In case of an unexpected exception you may want to abort // the HTTP request in order to shut down the underlying // connection and release it back to the connection manager. djatokaReq.abort(); throw ex; } catch (URISyntaxException e) { throw new BAGException(e); // } catch (EncoderException e) { // throw new BAGException(e); } finally { // connection kept alive and closed in finalize } this.djatokaParams = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>(); this.djatokaParams.add(new BasicNameValuePair("url_ver", "Z39.88-2004")); this.djatokaParams.add(new BasicNameValuePair("rft_id", this.highResUrlStr)); // "")); this.djatokaParams.add(new BasicNameValuePair("svc_id", "info:lanl-repo/svc/getRegion")); this.djatokaParams.add(new BasicNameValuePair("svc_val_fmt", "info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:jpeg2000")); this.djatokaParams.add(new BasicNameValuePair("svc.format", "image/jpeg")); this.zoomedX = 0; this.zoomedY = 0; this.zoomedWidth = this.fullWidth; this.zoomedHeight = this.fullHeight; this.zoomedRotate = 0; this.viewPaneHeight = viewPaneHeight; this.viewPaneWidth = viewPaneWidth; this.calculateDjatokaLevel(); this.updateZoomedBytes(); String lowResCache = URLPathStrUtils.appendParts(, "low"); File tempJpg = new File(URLPathStrUtils.appendParts(lowResCache, name + ".jpg")); try { if (!tempJpg.exists()) { synchronized (BAGImage.class) { new File(lowResCache).mkdirs(); tempJpg.createNewFile(); FileOutputStream tempJpgOs = new FileOutputStream(tempJpg); ByteArrayInputStream temlJpgIS = new ByteArrayInputStream(this.zoomedBytes); try { byte buffer[] = new byte[10240]; int bytesRead = 0; do { bytesRead =; if (bytesRead > 0) { tempJpgOs.write(buffer, 0, bytesRead); } else { break; } } while (true); } finally { tempJpgOs.flush(); tempJpgOs.close(); } } } } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Couldn't create local cached version of low resolution version of: " + name); tempJpg = null; } if (tempJpg != null) { String ctxRootURL = new File(; this.lowResLocalUrl = tempJpg.toURI().toString().substring(ctxRootURL.length()); } else { this.lowResLocalUrl = this.thumbLocalUrl; } } private boolean calculateDjatokaLevel() { // long newLevel = Math // .round(Math.sqrt(((float) this.viewPaneWidth / this.zoomedWidth) // * this.zoomLevels * this.zoomLevels)); // // if (newLevel > this.zoomLevels) { // newLevel = this.zoomLevels; // } // // if (newLevel < this.minDjatokaLevel) { // newLevel = this.minDjatokaLevel; // } long regionLongestDim = -1; long regionLongestDimAtMaxLevel = -1; if (this.fullWidth >= this.fullHeight) { // longestDim --> Width regionLongestDim = this.viewPaneWidth; regionLongestDimAtMaxLevel = this.zoomedWidth; } else { // longestDim --> Height regionLongestDim = this.viewPaneHeight; regionLongestDimAtMaxLevel = this.zoomedHeight; } long newLevel = this.zoomLevels; double djLevelScaleFactor = 1.0; long tempDimDiv2 = -1; long tempDim = regionLongestDimAtMaxLevel; while (tempDim > regionLongestDim) { // See if reducing the level will result in using an image with dimensions less than that required tempDimDiv2 = tempDim >> 1; if (tempDimDiv2 < regionLongestDim) { break; } // Reduce the level djLevelScaleFactor = djLevelScaleFactor / 2.0; --newLevel; // Assign the new level dimension tempDim = tempDimDiv2; } if (this.djatokaLevel == newLevel) { return false; } else { boolean result = true; // (newLevel > this.djatokaLevel); this.djatokaLevel = newLevel; this.djatokaLevelScaleRatio = djLevelScaleFactor; // Math.pow(2, this.djatokaLevel - this.zoomLevels); return result; } } @Override protected void finalize() throws Throwable { // When HttpClient instance is no longer needed, // shut down the connection manager to ensure // immediate deallocation of all system resources this.httpclient.getConnectionManager().shutdown(); super.finalize(); } public BAGAlbum getAlbum() { return this.album; } public ArrayList<NameValuePair> getDjatokaParams() { return this.djatokaParams; } public long getEnhancementFactor() { return this.enhancementFactor; } public long getFullHeight() { return this.fullHeight; } public long getFullWidth() { return this.fullWidth; } public BAGGalleryAbstract getGallery() { return; } // private final String highResUrlEncoded; public String getHighResUrlStr() { return this.highResUrlStr; } public long getLevelWidth() { return Math.round(this.fullWidth * this.djatokaLevelScaleRatio); } public long getLevelWidthZoomed() { return Math .round(this.fullWidth * this.djatokaLevelScaleRatio * this.fullWidth / (double) this.zoomedWidth); } public String getLowResLocalUrl() { return this.lowResLocalUrl; } public int getMinDjatokaLevel() { return this.minDjatokaLevel; } public String getName() { return; } public long getRotateDelta() { return this.rotateDelta; } public double getScaleFactor() { return this.scaleFactor; } public String getThumbLocalUrl() throws BAGException { return this.thumbLocalUrl; } public long getViewPaneFullWidth() { double zoomRatio = (double) this.zoomedWidth / this.viewPaneWidth; // this.djatokaLevelScaleRatio return Math.round(this.fullWidth / zoomRatio); } // public String getHighResUrlEncoded() { // return this.highResUrlEncoded; // } public long getViewPaneHeight() { return this.viewPaneHeight; } public long getViewPaneWidth() { return this.viewPaneWidth; } public long getViewPaneX() { double zoomRatio = (double) this.zoomedWidth / this.viewPaneWidth; // this.djatokaLevelScaleRatio return Math.round(this.zoomedX / zoomRatio); } public long getViewPaneY() { double zoomRatio = (double) this.zoomedWidth / this.viewPaneWidth; // this.djatokaLevelScaleRatio return Math.round(this.zoomedY / zoomRatio); } public byte[] getZoomedBytes() { return this.zoomedBytes; } public long getZoomedHeight() { return this.zoomedHeight; } public long getZoomedRotate() { return this.zoomedRotate; } public long getZoomedWidth() { return this.zoomedWidth; } public double getZoomedX() { return this.zoomedX; } public double getZoomedY() { return this.zoomedY; } public long getZoomLevels() { return this.zoomLevels; } public double getZoomMultiplier() { return this.zoomMultiplier; } public BAGImage pan(long viewPaneDeltaX, long viewPaneDeltaY) throws BAGException { double zoomRatio = (double) this.zoomedWidth / this.viewPaneWidth; // (double) this.fullWidth / // this.zoomedWidth; long deltaX = Math.round(viewPaneDeltaX * zoomRatio); long deltaY = Math.round(viewPaneDeltaY * zoomRatio); this.panInternal(deltaX, deltaY); return this; } private void panInternal(long deltaX, long deltaY) throws BAGException { this.zoomedX += deltaX; long maxX = this.fullWidth - this.zoomedWidth; if (this.zoomedX > maxX) { this.zoomedX = maxX; } if (this.zoomedX < 0) { this.zoomedX = 0; } this.zoomedY += deltaY; long maxY = this.fullHeight - this.zoomedHeight; if (this.zoomedY > maxY) { this.zoomedY = maxY; } if (this.zoomedY < 0) { this.zoomedY = 0; } this.updateZoomedBytes(); } public BAGImage rotateAntiClockwise() throws BAGException { this.setZoomedRotate(this.zoomedRotate + this.rotateDelta); return this; } public BAGImage rotateClockwise() throws BAGException { this.setZoomedRotate(this.zoomedRotate - this.rotateDelta); return this; } public BAGImage select(long deltaX, long deltaY, long selWidth) throws BAGException { double newWidth = ((double) selWidth / this.viewPaneWidth) * this.zoomedWidth; if (newWidth > this.fullWidth) { newWidth = this.fullWidth; } if (newWidth < 100) { newWidth = 100; } double newHeight = this.zoomedHeight * newWidth / this.zoomedWidth; if (newHeight > this.fullHeight) { newHeight = this.fullHeight; } if (newHeight < 100) { newHeight = 100; } deltaX = Math.round(((double) deltaX / this.viewPaneWidth) * this.zoomedWidth); // The viewpane pixel to zoomed image ratio is the same whether you get it from the width or height // and since the view pane height is not relevant to zoomed height (scrolling) then we must use width deltaY = Math.round(((double) deltaY * this.zoomedWidth) / this.viewPaneWidth); this.zoomedWidth = Math.round(newWidth); this.zoomedHeight = Math.round(newHeight); this.calculateDjatokaLevel(); this.panInternal(deltaX, deltaY); return this; } public BAGImage setEnhancementFactor(long enhancementFactor) throws BAGException { if (this.enhancementFactor == enhancementFactor) { return this; } this.enhancementFactor = enhancementFactor; this.calculateDjatokaLevel(); this.updateZoomedBytes(); return this; } public void setMinDjatokaLevel(int minDjatokaLevel) { this.minDjatokaLevel = minDjatokaLevel; } public BAGImage setRotateDelta(long rotateDelta) throws BAGException { if (rotateDelta % 90 != 0) { throw new BAGException("Rotate delta must be a multiple of 90 degrees"); } this.rotateDelta = rotateDelta; return this; } public void setScaleFactor(double scaleFactor) { this.scaleFactor = scaleFactor; } public BAGImage setViewPaneDims(long viewPaneWidth, long viewPaneHeight, boolean allowUpdate) throws BAGException { if ((this.viewPaneWidth == viewPaneWidth) && (this.viewPaneHeight == viewPaneHeight)) { return this; } // YA 20101129 Trying to make the viewer work properly // boolean update = allowUpdate && ((viewPaneHeight - this.viewPaneHeight > 50) // || (viewPaneWidth - this.viewPaneWidth > 50)); this.viewPaneHeight = viewPaneHeight; this.viewPaneWidth = viewPaneWidth; // don't shortcut calculateDjatokaLevel() if (this.calculateDjatokaLevel() && allowUpdate) {// update) { this.updateZoomedBytes(); } else { LOG.trace("Skipping update of image after view pane resize."); } return this; } public BAGImage setZoomedRotate(long zoomedRotate) throws BAGException { while (zoomedRotate < 0) { zoomedRotate += 360; } while (zoomedRotate > 360) { zoomedRotate -= 360; } if (this.zoomedRotate == zoomedRotate) { return this; } this.zoomedRotate = zoomedRotate; this.updateZoomedBytes(); return this; } public BAGImage setZoomMultiplier(double zoomMultiplier) { this.zoomMultiplier = zoomMultiplier; return this; } private void updateZoomedBytes() throws BAGException { HttpGet getReq = null; try { ArrayList<NameValuePair> reqParams = (ArrayList<NameValuePair>) this.djatokaParams.clone(); // Curiously the X and Y coordinates need not be scaled using the level scale ratio // long djatokaY = Math.round(this.zoomedY * this.djatokaLevelScaleRatio); // long djatokaX = Math.round(this.zoomedX * this.djatokaLevelScaleRatio); long djatokaWidth = Math.round( (this.zoomedWidth > 0 ? this.zoomedWidth : this.fullWidth) * this.djatokaLevelScaleRatio); // make use of view pane height to minimize retrieved image if (this.zoomedWidth == this.fullWidth) { this.zoomedHeight = this.fullHeight; // To allow the retrieval of the full image } else { double zoomedPixelRatio = (double) this.zoomedWidth / this.viewPaneWidth; if (Math.abs( Math.round((double) this.zoomedHeight / zoomedPixelRatio) - this.viewPaneHeight) > 10) { this.zoomedHeight = Math.round(this.viewPaneHeight * zoomedPixelRatio); } } long djatokaHeight = Math.round( (this.zoomedHeight > 0 ? this.zoomedHeight : this.fullHeight) * this.djatokaLevelScaleRatio); reqParams.add(new BasicNameValuePair("svc.rotate", "" + this.zoomedRotate)); reqParams.add(new BasicNameValuePair("svc.scale", "" + Math.round(this.viewPaneWidth * this.scaleFactor) + ",0")); reqParams.add(new BasicNameValuePair("svc.level", "" + this.djatokaLevel)); reqParams.add(new BasicNameValuePair("svc.region", // "" + djatokaY + "," + djatokaX + "," "" + this.zoomedY + "," + this.zoomedX + "," + djatokaHeight + "," + djatokaWidth)); URI serverUri = new URI(; URI reqUri = URIUtils.createURI(serverUri.getScheme(), serverUri.getHost(), serverUri.getPort(), serverUri.getPath(), URLEncodedUtils.format(reqParams, "US-ASCII"), null); getReq = new HttpGet(reqUri); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Getting region via URL: " + getReq.getURI()); } HttpResponse response = this.httpclient.execute(getReq); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Response from URL: " + getReq.getURI() + " => " + response.getStatusLine()); } // Get hold of the response entity HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity(); // If the response does not enclose an entity, there is no need // to bother about connection release if ((entity != null)) { entity = new BufferedHttpEntity(entity); if ("image/jpeg".equalsIgnoreCase(entity.getContentType().getValue())) { this.zoomedBytes = EntityUtils.toByteArray(entity); } } else { throw new BAGException("Cannot retrieve region!"); } } catch (IOException ex) { // In case of an IOException the connection will be released // back to the connection manager automatically throw new BAGException(ex); } catch (RuntimeException ex) { // In case of an unexpected exception you may want to abort // the HTTP request in order to shut down the underlying // connection and release it back to the connection manager. getReq.abort(); throw ex; } catch (URISyntaxException e) { throw new BAGException(e); } finally { // connection kept alive and closed in finalize } } public BAGImage zoomIn() throws BAGException { double newWidth = this.zoomedWidth / this.zoomMultiplier; double newHeight = this.zoomedHeight / this.zoomMultiplier; this.zoomInternal(newWidth, newHeight); return this; } private void zoomInternal(double newWidth, double newHeight) throws BAGException { long deltaX = Math.round(((this.zoomedWidth - newWidth) / 2)); this.zoomedWidth = Math.round(newWidth); // //////////////////////////////// long deltaY = Math.round(((this.zoomedHeight - newHeight) / 2)); this.zoomedHeight = Math.round(newHeight); // ////////////////////// this.calculateDjatokaLevel(); this.panInternal(deltaX, deltaY); } public BAGImage zoomOut() throws BAGException { double newWidth = this.zoomedWidth * this.zoomMultiplier; if (newWidth > this.fullWidth) { newWidth = this.fullWidth; } double newHeight = this.zoomedHeight * this.zoomMultiplier; if (newHeight > this.fullHeight) { newHeight = this.fullHeight; } this.zoomInternal(newWidth, newHeight); return this; } public BAGImage zoomReset() throws BAGException { this.zoomedX = 0; this.zoomedY = 0; this.zoomedWidth = this.fullWidth; this.zoomedHeight = this.fullHeight; this.zoomedRotate = 0; this.calculateDjatokaLevel(); this.updateZoomedBytes(); return this; } }