Java tutorial
/* * Beangle, Agile Java/Scala Development Scaffold and Toolkit * * Copyright (c) 2005-2013, Beangle Software. * * Beangle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Beangle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful. * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with Beangle. If not, see <>. */ package org.beangle.test.selenium; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.openqa.selenium.Dimension; import org.openqa.selenium.Point; import org.openqa.selenium.TakesScreenshot; import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver; import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverBackedSelenium; import; import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver; import org.openqa.selenium.htmlunit.HtmlUnitDriver; import; import org.testng.ITestContext; import org.testng.TestRunner; import org.testng.annotations.AfterSuite; import org.testng.annotations.BeforeSuite; import org.testng.annotations.Optional; import org.testng.annotations.Parameters; import org.testng.internal.IResultListener; import com.thoughtworks.selenium.Selenium; public class SeleniumTestBootstrap { protected static Selenium selenium; protected static WebDriver seleniumDriver; protected static String PAGE_LOAD_TIMEOUT; public SeleniumTestBootstrap() { super(); } @BeforeSuite(groups = "webdriver.start") @Parameters({ "selenium.url", "selenium.browser", "selenium.timeout" }) public void beforeSuite(@Optional("http://localhost") String baseUrl, @Optional("*firefox") String browserString, @Optional("30000") String maxTimeout) throws Exception { seleniumDriver = null; if (StringUtils.contains(browserString, "firefox")) { seleniumDriver = new FirefoxDriver(); } else if (StringUtils.contains(browserString, "chrome")) { seleniumDriver = new ChromeDriver(); } else if (StringUtils.contains(browserString, "ie")) { seleniumDriver = new InternetExplorerDriver(); } else { seleniumDriver = new HtmlUnitDriver(true); } seleniumDriver.manage().deleteAllCookies(); seleniumDriver.manage().window().setPosition(new Point(0, 0)); // maximize browser size java.awt.Dimension screenSize = java.awt.Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize(); seleniumDriver.manage().window() .setSize(new Dimension((int) screenSize.getWidth(), (int) screenSize.getHeight())); selenium = new WebDriverBackedSelenium(seleniumDriver, baseUrl); PAGE_LOAD_TIMEOUT = maxTimeout; } @BeforeSuite(groups = "webdriver.testng.listener", dependsOnGroups = "webdriver.start") public void attachScreenshotListener(ITestContext context) { TestRunner tr = (TestRunner) context; File outputDirectory = new File(context.getOutputDirectory()); tr.addListener( (IResultListener) new PageCaptureListener(outputDirectory, (TakesScreenshot) seleniumDriver)); } @AfterSuite(groups = "webdriver.stop") public void afterSuite() { selenium.close(); } }