Java tutorial
/* Copyright c 2005-2012. * Licensed under GNU LESSER General Public License, Version 3. * */ package; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils; import org.apache.commons.collections.Predicate; import org.apache.commons.lang.ObjectUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.beangle.commons.collection.CollectUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.beangle.model.persist.impl.BaseServiceImpl; import org.beangle.model.query.builder.Condition; import org.beangle.model.query.builder.OqlBuilder; public class RestrictionServiceImpl extends BaseServiceImpl implements RestrictionService { protected UserService userService; protected Map<String, DataProvider> providers = CollectUtils.newHashMap(); protected DataResolver dataResolver; protected AuthorityService authorityService; /** * ???? */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<Restriction> getRestrictions(final User user, final Resource resource) { List<Restriction> restrictions = CollectUtils.newArrayList(); final Set<RestrictEntity> entities = CollectUtils.newHashSet(resource.getEntities()); // ??? restrictions.addAll(getAuthorityRestrictions(user, resource)); List<Group> groups = userService.getGroups(user, GroupMember.Ship.MEMBER); // ? for (Group group : authorityService.filter(groups, resource)) { restrictions.addAll(group.getRestrictions()); } // ? RestrictionHolder<?> userHolder = user; restrictions.addAll(userHolder.getRestrictions()); // return (List<Restriction>), new Predicate() { public boolean evaluate(Object obj) { Restriction restriciton = (Restriction) obj; if (restriciton.isEnabled() && entities.contains(restriciton.getPattern().getEntity())) return true; else return false; } }); } public List<Restriction> getAuthorityRestrictions(User user, Resource resource) { OqlBuilder<Restriction> query = OqlBuilder.hql("select restriction from " + Authority.class.getName() + " r " + "join as gmember join r.restrictions as restriction" + " where gmember.user=:user and gmember.member=true and r.resource=:resource" + " and restriction.enabled=true"); Map<String, Object> params = CollectUtils.newHashMap(); params.put("user", user); params.put("resource", resource); query.params(params); return; } private List<?> getFieldValues(RestrictField field) { if (null == field.getSource()) return Collections.emptyList(); String source = field.getSource(); String prefix = StringUtils.substringBefore(source, ":"); source = StringUtils.substringAfter(source, ":"); DataProvider provider = providers.get(prefix); if (null != provider) { return provider.getData(field, source); } else { throw new RuntimeException("not support data provider:" + prefix); } } public List<?> getFieldValues(String fieldName) { return getFieldValues(getRestrictField(fieldName)); } public List<?> getFieldValues(String fieldName, List<? extends Restriction> restrictions) { Set<Object> values = CollectUtils.newHashSet(); RestrictField field = getRestrictField(fieldName); boolean gotIt = false; for (Restriction restriction : restrictions) { Object value = getFieldValue(field, restriction); if (null != value) { gotIt = true; if (value instanceof Collection<?>) { values.addAll((Collection<?>) value); } else { values.add(value); } } } if (!gotIt) { return getFieldValues(field); } else { return CollectUtils.newArrayList(values); } } /** * ???? * * @param field * @param restriction * @return */ public Object getFieldValue(RestrictField field, Restriction restriction) { String value = restriction.getItem(field); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(value)) return null; if (ObjectUtils.equals(Restriction.ALL, value)) { return getFieldValues(field); } try { List<Object> returned = dataResolver.unmarshal(field, value); if (field.isMultiple()) { return returned; } else { return (1 != returned.size()) ? null : returned.get(0); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("exception with param type:" + field.getType() + " value:" + value, e); return null; } } public void apply(OqlBuilder<?> query, Collection<? extends Restriction> restrictions) { StringBuilder conBuffer = new StringBuilder(); List<Object> paramValues = CollectUtils.newArrayList(); int index = 0; for (final Restriction restriction : restrictions) { // ??? RestrictPattern pattern = restriction.getPattern(); if (null == pattern || StringUtils.isEmpty(pattern.getContent())) { continue; } String patternContent = pattern.getContent(); patternContent = StringUtils.replace(patternContent, "{alias}", query.getAlias()); String[] contents = StringUtils.split(StringUtils.replace(patternContent, " and ", "$"), "$"); StringBuilder singleConBuf = new StringBuilder("("); for (int i = 0; i < contents.length; i++) { String content = contents[i]; Condition c = new Condition(content); List<String> params = c.getParamNames(); for (final String paramName : params) { RestrictField param = pattern.getEntity().getField(paramName); String value = restriction.getItem(param); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(value)) { if (value.equals(Restriction.ALL)) { content = ""; } else { content = StringUtils.replace(content, ":" + param.getName(), ":" + param.getName() + index); paramValues.add(getFieldValue(param, restriction)); } } else { throw new RuntimeException(paramName + " had not been initialized"); } } if (singleConBuf.length() > 1 && content.length() > 0) { singleConBuf.append(" and "); } singleConBuf.append(content); } if (singleConBuf.length() > 1) { singleConBuf.append(')'); if (conBuffer.length() > 0) { conBuffer.append(" or "); } conBuffer.append(singleConBuf.toString()); } index++; } if (conBuffer.length() > 0) { Condition con = new Condition(conBuffer.toString()); con.params(paramValues); query.where(con); } } private RestrictField getRestrictField(String fieldName) { List<RestrictField> fields = entityDao.get(RestrictField.class, "name", fieldName); if (1 != fields.size()) { throw new RuntimeException("bad pattern parameter named :" + fieldName); } return fields.get(0); } public void setUserService(UserService userService) { this.userService = userService; } public void setAuthorityService(AuthorityService authorityService) { this.authorityService = authorityService; } public Map<String, DataProvider> getProviders() { return providers; } public void setProviders(Map<String, DataProvider> providers) { this.providers = providers; } public void setDataResolver(DataResolver dataResolver) { this.dataResolver = dataResolver; } }