Java tutorial
/** * Augmented Reality Rubik Cube Wizard * * Author: Steven P. Punte (aka Android Steve : * Date: April 25th 2015 * * Project Description: * Android application developed on a commercial Smart Phone which, when run on a pair * of Smart Glasses, guides a user through the process of solving a Rubik Cube. * * File Description: * Function onFrameListener() really comprises the heart of the application "Controller". * That is, every Camera Frame is like a event possibly resulting in a change in the * application "State" ( or "Model" in the MVC vernacular). * * This class implements the OpenCV Frame Listener. * * License: * * GPL * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.opencv.core.Core; import org.opencv.core.CvException; import org.opencv.core.CvType; import org.opencv.core.Mat; import org.opencv.core.MatOfPoint; import org.opencv.core.MatOfPoint2f; import org.opencv.core.Point; import org.opencv.core.Size; import org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc; import android.util.Log; /** * @author * */ public class ImageRecognizer implements CvCameraViewListener2 { private AppStateMachine appStateMachine; private StateModel stateModel; private Annotation annotation; // Once an exception or error is encountered, display message from thence forth. // We cannot use Toast; it must be used on the UI thread and we are executing on the Frame thread. private Mat errorImage = null; // Time stamp for internal frame-per-second measuring and reporting. private long framesPerSecondTimeStamp; /** * Image Recognizer Constructor * * @param appStateMachine * @param stateModel */ public ImageRecognizer(AppStateMachine appStateMachine, StateModel stateModel) { this.appStateMachine = appStateMachine; this.stateModel = stateModel; this.annotation = new Annotation(this.stateModel, this.appStateMachine); } /** * On Camer View Started * * =+= is this called when screen rotates? * * (non-Javadoc) * @see, int) */ @Override public void onCameraViewStarted(int width, int height) { stateModel.openCVSize = new Size(width, height); } /** * On Camera View Stopped * * (non-Javadoc) * @see */ @Override public void onCameraViewStopped() { } /** * On Camera Frame * * Process frame image through Rubik Face recognition possibly resulting in a state change. * * (non-Javadoc) * @see */ @Override public Mat onCameraFrame(CvCameraViewFrame inputFrame) { // Log.e(Constants.TAG, "CV Thread ID = " + Thread.currentThread().getId()); // Just display error message if it is non-null. if (errorImage != null) return errorImage; Mat image = inputFrame.rgba(); Size imageSize = image.size(); Log.v(Constants.TAG_CAL, "Input Frame width=" + imageSize.width + " height=" + imageSize.height); if (imageSize.width != stateModel.openCVSize.width || imageSize.height != stateModel.openCVSize.height) Log.e(Constants.TAG_CAL, "State Model openCVSize does not agree with input frame!"); // Save or Recall image as requested switch (MenuAndParams.imageSourceMode) { case NORMAL: break; case SAVE_NEXT: Util.saveImage(image); MenuAndParams.imageSourceMode = ImageSourceModeEnum.NORMAL; break; case PLAYBACK: image = Util.recallImage(); default: break; } // Calculate and display Frames Per Second long newTimeStamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (framesPerSecondTimeStamp > 0) { long frameTime = newTimeStamp - framesPerSecondTimeStamp; double framesPerSecond = 1000.0 / frameTime; String string = String.format("%4.1f FPS", framesPerSecond); Core.putText(image, string, new Point(50, 700), Constants.FontFace, 2, ColorTileEnum.WHITE.cvColor, 2); } framesPerSecondTimeStamp = newTimeStamp; try { // Initialize RubikFace rubikFace = new RubikFace(); rubikFace.profiler.markTime(Profiler.Event.START); Log.i(Constants.TAG, "============================================================================"); /* ********************************************************************** * ********************************************************************** * Return Original Image */ if (MenuAndParams.imageProcessMode == ImageProcessModeEnum.DIRECT) { stateModel.activeRubikFace = rubikFace; rubikFace.profiler.markTime(Profiler.Event.TOTAL); return annotation.drawAnnotation(image); } /* ********************************************************************** * ********************************************************************** * Process to Grey Scale * * This algorithm finds highlights areas that are all of nearly * the same hue. In particular, cube faces should be highlighted. */ Mat greyscale_image = new Mat(); Imgproc.cvtColor(image, greyscale_image, Imgproc.COLOR_BGR2GRAY); rubikFace.profiler.markTime(Profiler.Event.GREYSCALE); if (MenuAndParams.imageProcessMode == ImageProcessModeEnum.GREYSCALE) { stateModel.activeRubikFace = rubikFace; rubikFace.profiler.markTime(Profiler.Event.TOTAL); image.release(); return annotation.drawAnnotation(greyscale_image); } /* ********************************************************************** * ********************************************************************** * Gaussian Filter Blur prevents getting a lot of false hits */ Mat blur_image = new Mat(); int kernelSize = (int) MenuAndParams.gaussianBlurKernelSizeParam.value; kernelSize = kernelSize % 2 == 0 ? kernelSize + 1 : kernelSize; // make odd Imgproc.GaussianBlur(greyscale_image, blur_image, new Size(kernelSize, kernelSize), -1, -1); rubikFace.profiler.markTime(Profiler.Event.GAUSSIAN); greyscale_image.release(); if (MenuAndParams.imageProcessMode == ImageProcessModeEnum.GAUSSIAN) { stateModel.activeRubikFace = rubikFace; rubikFace.profiler.markTime(Profiler.Event.TOTAL); image.release(); return annotation.drawAnnotation(blur_image); } /* ********************************************************************** * ********************************************************************** * Canny Edge Detection */ Mat canny_image = new Mat(); Imgproc.Canny(blur_image, canny_image, MenuAndParams.cannyLowerThresholdParam.value, MenuAndParams.cannyUpperThresholdParam.value, 3, // Sobel Aperture size. This seems to be typically value used in the literature: i.e., a 3x3 Sobel Matrix. false); // use cheap gradient calculation: norm =|dI/dx|+|dI/dy| rubikFace.profiler.markTime(Profiler.Event.EDGE); blur_image.release(); if (MenuAndParams.imageProcessMode == ImageProcessModeEnum.CANNY) { stateModel.activeRubikFace = rubikFace; rubikFace.profiler.markTime(Profiler.Event.TOTAL); image.release(); return annotation.drawAnnotation(canny_image); } /* ********************************************************************** * ********************************************************************** * Dilation Image Process */ Mat dilate_image = new Mat(); Imgproc.dilate(canny_image, dilate_image, Imgproc.getStructuringElement(Imgproc.MORPH_RECT, new Size( MenuAndParams.dilationKernelSizeParam.value, MenuAndParams.dilationKernelSizeParam.value))); rubikFace.profiler.markTime(Profiler.Event.DILATION); canny_image.release(); if (MenuAndParams.imageProcessMode == ImageProcessModeEnum.DILATION) { stateModel.activeRubikFace = rubikFace; rubikFace.profiler.markTime(Profiler.Event.TOTAL); image.release(); return annotation.drawAnnotation(dilate_image); } /* ********************************************************************** * ********************************************************************** * Contour Generation */ List<MatOfPoint> contours = new LinkedList<MatOfPoint>(); Mat heirarchy = new Mat(); Imgproc.findContours(dilate_image, contours, heirarchy, Imgproc.RETR_LIST, Imgproc.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE); // Note: tried other TC89 options, but no significant change or improvement on cpu time. rubikFace.profiler.markTime(Profiler.Event.CONTOUR); dilate_image.release(); // Create gray scale image but in RGB format, and then added yellow colored contours on top. if (MenuAndParams.imageProcessMode == ImageProcessModeEnum.CONTOUR) { stateModel.activeRubikFace = rubikFace; rubikFace.profiler.markTime(Profiler.Event.TOTAL); Mat gray_image = new Mat(imageSize, CvType.CV_8UC4); Mat rgba_gray_image = new Mat(imageSize, CvType.CV_8UC4); Imgproc.cvtColor(image, gray_image, Imgproc.COLOR_RGB2GRAY); Imgproc.cvtColor(gray_image, rgba_gray_image, Imgproc.COLOR_GRAY2BGRA, 3); Imgproc.drawContours(rgba_gray_image, contours, -1, ColorTileEnum.YELLOW.cvColor, 3); Core.putText(rgba_gray_image, "Num Contours: " + contours.size(), new Point(500, 50), Constants.FontFace, 4, ColorTileEnum.RED.cvColor, 4); gray_image.release(); image.release(); return annotation.drawAnnotation(rgba_gray_image); } /* ********************************************************************** * ********************************************************************** * Polygon Detection */ List<Rhombus> polygonList = new LinkedList<Rhombus>(); for (MatOfPoint contour : contours) { // Keep only counter clockwise contours. A clockwise contour is reported as a negative number. double contourArea = Imgproc.contourArea(contour, true); if (contourArea < 0.0) continue; // Keep only reasonable area contours if (contourArea < MenuAndParams.minimumContourAreaParam.value) continue; // Floating, instead of Double, for some reason required for approximate polygon detection algorithm. MatOfPoint2f contour2f = new MatOfPoint2f(); MatOfPoint2f polygone2f = new MatOfPoint2f(); MatOfPoint polygon = new MatOfPoint(); // Make a Polygon out of a contour with provide Epsilon accuracy parameter. // It uses the Douglas-Peucker algorithm contour.convertTo(contour2f, CvType.CV_32FC2); Imgproc.approxPolyDP(contour2f, polygone2f, MenuAndParams.polygonEpsilonParam.value, // The maximum distance between the original curve and its approximation. true); // Resulting polygon representation is "closed:" its first and last vertices are connected. polygone2f.convertTo(polygon, CvType.CV_32S); polygonList.add(new Rhombus(polygon)); } rubikFace.profiler.markTime(Profiler.Event.POLYGON); // Create gray scale image but in RGB format, and then add yellow colored polygons on top. if (MenuAndParams.imageProcessMode == ImageProcessModeEnum.POLYGON) { stateModel.activeRubikFace = rubikFace; rubikFace.profiler.markTime(Profiler.Event.TOTAL); Mat gray_image = new Mat(imageSize, CvType.CV_8UC4); Mat rgba_gray_image = new Mat(imageSize, CvType.CV_8UC4); Imgproc.cvtColor(image, gray_image, Imgproc.COLOR_RGB2GRAY); Imgproc.cvtColor(gray_image, rgba_gray_image, Imgproc.COLOR_GRAY2BGRA, 4); for (Rhombus polygon : polygonList) polygon.draw(rgba_gray_image, ColorTileEnum.YELLOW.cvColor); Core.putText(rgba_gray_image, "Num Polygons: " + polygonList.size(), new Point(500, 50), Constants.FontFace, 3, ColorTileEnum.RED.cvColor, 4); return annotation.drawAnnotation(rgba_gray_image); } /* ********************************************************************** * ********************************************************************** * Rhombus Tile Recognition * * From polygon list, produces a list of suitable Parallelograms (Rhombi). */ Log.i(Constants.TAG, String.format("Rhombus: X Y Area a-a b-a a-l b-l gamma")); List<Rhombus> rhombusList = new LinkedList<Rhombus>(); // Get only valid Rhombus(es) : actually parallelograms. for (Rhombus rhombus : polygonList) { rhombus.qualify(); if (rhombus.status == Rhombus.StatusEnum.VALID) rhombusList.add(rhombus); } // Filtering w.r.t. Rhmobus set characteristics Rhombus.removedOutlierRhombi(rhombusList); rubikFace.profiler.markTime(Profiler.Event.RHOMBUS); // Create gray scale image but in RGB format, and then add yellow colored Rhombi (parallelograms) on top. if (MenuAndParams.imageProcessMode == ImageProcessModeEnum.RHOMBUS) { stateModel.activeRubikFace = rubikFace; rubikFace.profiler.markTime(Profiler.Event.TOTAL); Mat gray_image = new Mat(imageSize, CvType.CV_8UC4); Mat rgba_gray_image = new Mat(imageSize, CvType.CV_8UC4); Imgproc.cvtColor(image, gray_image, Imgproc.COLOR_RGB2GRAY); Imgproc.cvtColor(gray_image, rgba_gray_image, Imgproc.COLOR_GRAY2BGRA, 4); for (Rhombus rhombus : rhombusList) rhombus.draw(rgba_gray_image, ColorTileEnum.YELLOW.cvColor); Core.putText(rgba_gray_image, "Num Rhombus: " + rhombusList.size(), new Point(500, 50), Constants.FontFace, 4, ColorTileEnum.RED.cvColor, 4); gray_image.release(); image.release(); return annotation.drawAnnotation(rgba_gray_image); } /* ********************************************************************** * ********************************************************************** * Face Recognition * * Takes a collection of Rhombus objects and determines if a valid * Rubik Face can be determined from them, and then also determines * initial color for all nine tiles. */ rubikFace.processRhombuses(rhombusList, image); Log.i(Constants.TAG, "Face Solution = " + rubikFace.faceRecognitionStatus); rubikFace.profiler.markTime(Profiler.Event.FACE); if (MenuAndParams.imageProcessMode == ImageProcessModeEnum.FACE_DETECT) { stateModel.activeRubikFace = rubikFace; rubikFace.profiler.markTime(Profiler.Event.TOTAL); return annotation.drawAnnotation(image); } /* ********************************************************************** * ********************************************************************** * Cube Pose Estimation * * Reconstruct the Rubik Cube 3D location and orientation in GL space coordinates. */ if (rubikFace.faceRecognitionStatus == FaceRecognitionStatusEnum.SOLVED) { // Obtain Cube Pose from Face Grid information. stateModel.cubePose = CubePoseEstimator.poseEstimation(rubikFace, image, stateModel); // Process measurement update on Kalman Filter (if it exists). KalmanFilter kalmanFilter = stateModel.kalmanFilter; if (kalmanFilter != null) kalmanFilter.measurementUpdate(stateModel.cubePose, System.currentTimeMillis()); // Process measurement update on Kalman Filter ALSM (if it exists). KalmanFilterALSM kalmanFilterALSM = stateModel.kalmanFilterALSM; if (kalmanFilter != null) kalmanFilterALSM.measurementUpdate(stateModel.cubePose, System.currentTimeMillis()); } else { stateModel.cubePose = null; } rubikFace.profiler.markTime(Profiler.Event.POSE); /* ********************************************************************** * ********************************************************************** * Application State Machine * * Will provide user instructions. * Will determine when we are on-face and off-face * Will determine when we are on-new-face * Will change state */ appStateMachine.onFaceEvent(rubikFace); rubikFace.profiler.markTime(Profiler.Event.CONTROLLER); rubikFace.profiler.markTime(Profiler.Event.TOTAL); // Normal return point. stateModel.activeRubikFace = rubikFace; return annotation.drawAnnotation(image); // =+= Issue: how to get stdio to print as error and not warning in logcat? } catch (CvException e) { Log.e(Constants.TAG, "CvException: " + e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); errorImage = new Mat(imageSize, CvType.CV_8UC4); Core.putText(errorImage, "CvException: " + e.getMessage(), new Point(50, 50), Constants.FontFace, 2, ColorTileEnum.WHITE.cvColor, 2); int i = 1; for (StackTraceElement element : e.getStackTrace()) Core.putText(errorImage, element.toString(), new Point(50, 50 + 50 * i++), Constants.FontFace, 2, ColorTileEnum.WHITE.cvColor, 2); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(Constants.TAG, "Exception: " + e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); errorImage = new Mat(imageSize, CvType.CV_8UC4); Core.putText(errorImage, "Exception: " + e.getMessage(), new Point(50, 50), Constants.FontFace, 2, ColorTileEnum.WHITE.cvColor, 2); int i = 1; for (StackTraceElement element : e.getStackTrace()) Core.putText(errorImage, element.toString(), new Point(50, 50 + 50 * i++), Constants.FontFace, 2, ColorTileEnum.WHITE.cvColor, 2); } catch (Error e) { Log.e(Constants.TAG, "Error: " + e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); errorImage = new Mat(imageSize, CvType.CV_8UC4); Core.putText(errorImage, "Error: " + e.getMessage(), new Point(50, 50), Constants.FontFace, 2, ColorTileEnum.WHITE.cvColor, 2); int i = 1; for (StackTraceElement element : e.getStackTrace()) Core.putText(errorImage, element.toString(), new Point(50, 50 + 50 * i++), Constants.FontFace, 2, ColorTileEnum.WHITE.cvColor, 2); } return annotation.drawAnnotation(image); } }