Source code

Java tutorial


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 * Copyright 2014 The Apache Software Foundation.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.apache.usergrid.corepersistence;

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.usergrid.corepersistence.asyncevents.AsyncEventService;
import org.apache.usergrid.corepersistence.index.CollectionSettingsFactory;
import org.apache.usergrid.corepersistence.index.ReIndexRequestBuilder;
import org.apache.usergrid.corepersistence.index.ReIndexService;
import org.apache.usergrid.corepersistence.service.CollectionService;
import org.apache.usergrid.corepersistence.service.ConnectionService;
import org.apache.usergrid.corepersistence.util.CpNamingUtils;
import org.apache.usergrid.exception.ConflictException;
import org.apache.usergrid.locking.LockManager;
import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.*;
import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.actorsystem.ActorSystemFig;
import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.actorsystem.ActorSystemManager;
import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.cassandra.CassandraService;
import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.cassandra.CounterUtils;
import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.cassandra.Setup;
import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.collection.EntityCollectionManager;
import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.collection.exception.CollectionRuntimeException;
import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.collection.serialization.impl.migration.EntityIdScope;
import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.collection.uniquevalues.UniqueValuesService;
import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.core.metrics.MetricsFactory;
import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.core.scope.ApplicationScope;
import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.core.scope.ApplicationScopeImpl;
import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.core.util.Health;
import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.entities.Application;
import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.exceptions.ApplicationAlreadyExistsException;
import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.exceptions.DuplicateUniquePropertyExistsException;
import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.exceptions.EntityNotFoundException;
import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.graph.*;
import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.graph.impl.SimpleSearchByEdgeType;
import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.index.EntityIndex;
import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.model.entity.Id;
import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.model.entity.SimpleId;
import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.model.util.UUIDGenerator;
import org.apache.usergrid.utils.UUIDUtils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.springframework.beans.BeansException;
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext;
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContextAware;
import rx.Observable;

import java.util.*;

import static java.lang.String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER;
import static org.apache.usergrid.persistence.Schema.PROPERTY_NAME;
import static org.apache.usergrid.persistence.Schema.TYPE_APPLICATION;

 * Implement good-old Usergrid EntityManagerFactory with the new-fangled Core Persistence API.
 * This is where we keep track of applications and system properties.
public class CpEntityManagerFactory implements EntityManagerFactory, ApplicationContextAware {

    private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CpEntityManagerFactory.class);

    private final EntityManagerFig entityManagerFig;
    private final ActorSystemFig actorSystemFig;

    private ApplicationContext applicationContext;

    private Setup setup = null;

    EntityManager managementAppEntityManager = null;

    // cache of already instantiated entity managers
    private final String ENTITY_MANAGER_CACHE_SIZE = "entity.manager.cache.size";
    private final LoadingCache<UUID, EntityManager> entityManagers;

    private final ApplicationIdCache applicationIdCache;

    Application managementApp = null;

    private ManagerCache managerCache;

    private CassandraService cassandraService;
    private CounterUtils counterUtils;
    private Injector injector;
    private final ReIndexService reIndexService;
    private final MetricsFactory metricsFactory;
    private final AsyncEventService indexService;
    private final CollectionService collectionService;
    private final ConnectionService connectionService;
    private final GraphManagerFactory graphManagerFactory;
    private final CollectionSettingsFactory collectionSettingsFactory;
    private ActorSystemManager actorSystemManager;
    private UniqueValuesService uniqueValuesService;
    private final LockManager lockManager;

    private final QueueManagerFactory queueManagerFactory;

    public static final String MANAGEMENT_APP_INIT_MAXRETRIES = "";
    public static final String MANAGEMENT_APP_INIT_INTERVAL = "";

    public CpEntityManagerFactory(final CassandraService cassandraService, final CounterUtils counterUtils,
            final Injector injector) {

        this.cassandraService = cassandraService;
        this.counterUtils = counterUtils;
        this.injector = injector;
        this.reIndexService = injector.getInstance(ReIndexService.class);
        this.entityManagerFig = injector.getInstance(EntityManagerFig.class);
        this.actorSystemFig = injector.getInstance(ActorSystemFig.class);
        this.managerCache = injector.getInstance(ManagerCache.class);
        this.metricsFactory = injector.getInstance(MetricsFactory.class);
        this.indexService = injector.getInstance(AsyncEventService.class);
        this.graphManagerFactory = injector.getInstance(GraphManagerFactory.class);
        this.collectionService = injector.getInstance(CollectionService.class);
        this.connectionService = injector.getInstance(ConnectionService.class);
        this.collectionSettingsFactory = injector.getInstance(CollectionSettingsFactory.class);

        Properties properties = cassandraService.getProperties();
        this.entityManagers = createEntityManagerCache(properties);"EntityManagerFactoring starting...");

        if (actorSystemFig.getEnabled()) {
            try {
      "Akka cluster starting...");

                this.uniqueValuesService = injector.getInstance(UniqueValuesService.class);
                this.actorSystemManager = injector.getInstance(ActorSystemManager.class);


            } catch (Throwable t) {
                logger.error("Error starting Akka", t);
                throw t;
        this.lockManager = injector.getInstance(LockManager.class);
        this.queueManagerFactory = injector.getInstance(QueueManagerFactory.class);

        // this line always needs to be last due to the temporary cicular dependency until spring is removed
        this.applicationIdCache = injector.getInstance(ApplicationIdCacheFactory.class)


    private LoadingCache<UUID, EntityManager> createEntityManagerCache(Properties properties) {

        int entityManagerCacheSize = 100;
        try {
            entityManagerCacheSize = Integer.parseInt(properties.getProperty(ENTITY_MANAGER_CACHE_SIZE, "100"));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            logger.error("Error parsing " + ENTITY_MANAGER_CACHE_SIZE + ". Will use " + entityManagerCacheSize, e);

        return CacheBuilder.newBuilder().maximumSize(entityManagerCacheSize)
                .build(new CacheLoader<UUID, EntityManager>() {

                    public EntityManager load(UUID appId) { // no checked exception

                        // create new entity manager and pre-fetch its application
                        EntityManager entityManager = _getEntityManager(appId);
                        Application app = null;
                        Throwable throwable = null;
                        try {
                            app = entityManager.getApplication();
                        } catch (Throwable t) {
                            throwable = t;

                        // the management app is a special case
                        if (CpNamingUtils.MANAGEMENT_APPLICATION_ID.equals(appId)) {

                            if (app != null) {
                                // we successfully fetched up the management app, cache it for a rainy day
                                managementAppEntityManager = entityManager;

                            } else if (managementAppEntityManager != null) {
                                // failed to fetch management app, use cached one
                                entityManager = managementAppEntityManager;
                                logger.error("Failed to fetch management app");

                        // missing keyspace means we have not done bootstrap yet
                        final boolean isBootstrapping;
                        if (throwable instanceof CollectionRuntimeException) {
                            CollectionRuntimeException cre = (CollectionRuntimeException) throwable;
                            isBootstrapping = cre.isBootstrapping();
                        } else {
                            isBootstrapping = false;

                        // work around for
                        // throw exception so that we do not cache
                        // TODO: determine how application name can intermittently be null
                        if (app != null && app.getName() == null) {
                            throw new RuntimeException("Name is null for application " + appId, throwable);

                        if (app == null && !isBootstrapping) {
                            throw new RuntimeException("Error getting application " + appId, throwable);

                        } // else keyspace is missing because setup/bootstrap not done yet

                        return entityManager;

    private void checkManagementApp(Properties properties) {

        int maxRetries = 100;
        try {
            maxRetries = Integer.parseInt(properties.getProperty(MANAGEMENT_APP_INIT_MAXRETRIES, "100"));

        } catch (Exception e) {
            logger.error("Error parsing " + MANAGEMENT_APP_INIT_MAXRETRIES + ". Will use " + maxRetries, e);

        int interval = 1000;
        try {
            interval = Integer.parseInt(properties.getProperty(MANAGEMENT_APP_INIT_INTERVAL, "1000"));

        } catch (Exception e) {
            logger.error("Error parsing " + MANAGEMENT_APP_INIT_INTERVAL + ". Will use " + maxRetries, e);

        // hold up construction until we can access the management app
        int retries = 0;
        boolean managementAppFound = false;
        boolean bootstrapping = false;
        Set<Class> seenBefore = new HashSet<>(10);
        while (!managementAppFound && retries++ < maxRetries) {
            try {
                // bypass entity manager cache and get managementApp
                managementApp = _getEntityManager(getManagementAppId()).getApplication();
                managementAppFound = true;

            } catch (Throwable t) {

                if (t instanceof CollectionRuntimeException) {
                    CollectionRuntimeException cre = (CollectionRuntimeException) t;
                    if (cre.isBootstrapping()) {
                        // we're bootstrapping, ignore this and continue
                        bootstrapping = true;
                Throwable cause = t;

                // there was an error, be as informative as possible
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                sb.append(retries).append(": Error (");

                if (t instanceof UncheckedExecutionException) {
                    UncheckedExecutionException uee = (UncheckedExecutionException) t;
                    if (uee.getCause() instanceof RuntimeException) {
                        cause = uee.getCause().getCause();
                        sb.append(cause.getClass().getSimpleName()).append(") ")
                    } else {
                        cause = uee.getCause();
                        sb.append(cause.getClass().getSimpleName()).append(") ").append(t.getMessage());
                } else {
                    sb.append(t.getCause().getClass().getSimpleName()).append(") ").append(t.getMessage());

                String msg = sb.toString();
                if (!seenBefore.contains(cause.getClass())) {
                    logger.error(msg, t);
                } else {

                try {
                } catch (InterruptedException ignored) {

        if (!managementAppFound && !bootstrapping) {
            // exception here will prevent WAR from being deployed
            throw new RuntimeException("Unable to get management app after " + retries + " retries");

    public CounterUtils getCounterUtils() {
        return counterUtils;

    public CassandraService getCassandraService() {
        return cassandraService;

    private void initMgmtAppInternal() {

        EntityManager em = getEntityManager(getManagementAppId());

        try {
            if (em.getApplication() == null) {
      "Creating management application");
                Map mgmtAppProps = new HashMap<String, Object>();
                mgmtAppProps.put(PROPERTY_NAME, CassandraService.MANAGEMENT_APPLICATION);
                em.create(getManagementAppId(), TYPE_APPLICATION, mgmtAppProps);

        } catch (Exception ex) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Fatal error creating management application", ex);

    private Observable<EntityIdScope> getAllEntitiesObservable() {
        return injector.getInstance(Key.get(new TypeLiteral<MigrationDataProvider<EntityIdScope>>() {

    public EntityManager getEntityManager(UUID applicationId) {
        try {
            return entityManagers.get(applicationId);
        } catch (Throwable t) {
            logger.error("Error getting entity manager", t);
        return _getEntityManager(applicationId);

    private EntityManager _getEntityManager(UUID applicationId) {

        EntityManager em = new CpEntityManager(cassandraService, counterUtils, indexService, managerCache,
                metricsFactory, actorSystemFig, entityManagerFig, graphManagerFactory, collectionService,
                connectionService, collectionSettingsFactory, applicationId, queueManagerFactory);

        return em;

    public Entity createApplicationV2(String organizationName, String name) throws Exception {
        return createApplicationV2(organizationName, name, null, null, false);

    public Entity createApplicationV2(String orgName, String name, UUID applicationId,
            Map<String, Object> properties, boolean forMigration) throws Exception {

        String appName = buildAppName(orgName, name);

        final UUID appId = applicationIdCache.getApplicationId(appName);

        if (appId != null) {
            throw new ApplicationAlreadyExistsException(name);

        applicationId = applicationId == null ? UUIDGenerator.newTimeUUID() : applicationId;

        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
            logger.debug("New application orgName {} orgAppName {} id {} ", orgName, name,

        return initializeApplicationV2(orgName, applicationId, appName, properties, forMigration);

    private String buildAppName(String organizationName, String name) {
        return StringUtils.lowerCase(name.contains("/") ? name : organizationName + "/" + name);

     * @return UUID of newly created Entity of type application_info
    public Entity initializeApplicationV2(String organizationName, final UUID applicationId, String name,
            Map<String, Object> properties, boolean forMigration) throws Exception {

        // Ensure the management application is initialized

        // Get entity managers by bypassing the entity manager cache because it expects apps to already exist
        final EntityManager managementEm = _getEntityManager(getManagementAppId());
        EntityManager appEm = _getEntityManager(applicationId);

        final String appName = buildAppName(organizationName, name);

        // check for pre-existing application

        if (lookupApplication(appName) != null) {
            throw new ApplicationAlreadyExistsException(appName);

        // Initialize the index for this new application
        if (properties == null) {
            properties = new TreeMap<>(CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER);
        properties.put(PROPERTY_NAME, appName);
        appEm.create(applicationId, TYPE_APPLICATION, properties);

        // only reset roles if this application isn't being migrated (meaning dictionary and role data already exists)
        if (!forMigration) {

        // create application info entity in the management app

        Map<String, Object> appInfoMap = new HashMap<String, Object>() {
                put(PROPERTY_NAME, appName);
                put("org", organizationName);

        Entity appInfo;
        try {
            appInfo = managementEm.create(new SimpleId(applicationId, CpNamingUtils.APPLICATION_INFO), appInfoMap);
        } catch (DuplicateUniquePropertyExistsException e) {
            throw new ApplicationAlreadyExistsException(appName);

        // evict app Id from cache
        applicationIdCache.evictAppId(appName);"Initialized application {}", appName);
        return appInfo;

     * Delete Application.
     * <p>The Application Entity is be moved to a Deleted_Applications collection and the
     * Application index will be removed.
     * <p>TODO: add scheduled task that can completely delete all deleted application data.</p>
     * @param applicationId UUID of Application to be deleted.
    public void deleteApplication(UUID applicationId) throws Exception {

        // find application_info for application to delete

        migrateAppInfo(applicationId, CpNamingUtils.APPLICATION_INFO, CpNamingUtils.DELETED_APPLICATION_INFOS,

    //TODO: return status for restore
    public Entity restoreApplication(UUID applicationId) throws Exception {

        // get the deleted_application_info for the deleted app
        return (Entity) migrateAppInfo(applicationId, CpNamingUtils.DELETED_APPLICATION_INFO,
                CpNamingUtils.APPLICATION_INFOS, CpNamingUtils.APPLICATION_INFO).lastOrDefault(null)
                        .map(appInfo -> {

                            //start the index rebuild
                            final ReIndexRequestBuilder builder = reIndexService.getBuilder()

                            //load the entity
                            final EntityManager managementEm = getEntityManager(getManagementAppId());
                            try {
                                return managementEm
                                        .get(new SimpleEntityRef(CpNamingUtils.APPLICATION_INFO, applicationId));
                            } catch (Exception e) {
                                logger.error("Failed to get entity", e);
                                throw new RuntimeException(e);


    //    @Override

     * Migrate the application from one type to another.  Used in delete and restore
     * @param applicationUUID The applicationUUID
     * @param deleteTypeName The type to use on the delete
     * @param createCollectionName The name of the collection to write the entity into
     * @param createTypeName The type to use on the create
     * @return
     * @throws Exception
    private Observable migrateAppInfo(final UUID applicationUUID, final String deleteTypeName,
            final String createCollectionName, final String createTypeName) throws Exception {

        final ApplicationScope managementAppScope = CpNamingUtils
        final EntityManager managementEm = getEntityManager(CpNamingUtils.MANAGEMENT_APPLICATION_ID);

        //the application id we will be removing
        final Id deleteApplicationId = new SimpleId(applicationUUID, deleteTypeName);

        //the application id we'll be creating
        final Id createApplicationId = new SimpleId(applicationUUID, createTypeName);

        //the application scope of the deleted app to clean it's index
        final ApplicationScope deleteApplicationScope = new ApplicationScopeImpl(deleteApplicationId);

        Entity oldAppEntity = managementEm.get(new SimpleEntityRef(deleteTypeName, applicationUUID));

        if (oldAppEntity == null) {
            throw new EntityNotFoundException(
                    String.format("Could not find application with UUID '%s'", applicationUUID));

        // ensure that there is not already a deleted app with the same name

        final EntityRef alias = managementEm.getAlias(createCollectionName, oldAppEntity.getName());
        if (alias != null) {
            throw new ConflictException("Cannot delete app with same name as already deleted app");
        // make a copy of the app to delete application_info entity
        // and put it in a deleted_application_info collection

        final Entity newAppEntity = managementEm.create(new SimpleId(applicationUUID, createTypeName),

        // copy its connections too

        final Set<String> connectionTypes = managementEm.getConnectionTypes(oldAppEntity);
        Observable copyConnections = Observable.from(connectionTypes).doOnNext(connType -> {
            try {
                final Results connResults = managementEm.getTargetEntities(oldAppEntity, connType, null,
                connResults.getEntities().forEach(entity -> {
                    try {
                        managementEm.createConnection(newAppEntity, connType, entity);
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        throw new RuntimeException(e);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new RuntimeException(e);

        final Id managementAppId = CpNamingUtils.getManagementApplicationId();
        final EntityIndex aei = getManagementIndex();
        final GraphManager managementGraphManager = managerCache.getGraphManager(managementAppScope);
        final Edge createEdge = CpNamingUtils.createCollectionEdge(managementAppId, createCollectionName,

        final Observable createNodeGraph = managementGraphManager.writeEdge(createEdge);

        final Observable deleteAppFromIndex = aei.deleteApplication();

        return Observable.merge(copyConnections, createNodeGraph, deleteAppFromIndex).doOnCompleted(() -> {
            try {
                if (oldAppEntity != null) {
                EntityIndex ei = getManagementIndex();
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new RuntimeException(e);


    public UUID importApplication(String organization, UUID applicationId, String name,
            Map<String, Object> properties) throws Exception {

        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet.");

    public UUID lookupApplication(String orgAppName) throws Exception {
        return applicationIdCache.getApplicationId(orgAppName);

    public Map<String, UUID> getApplications() throws Exception {
        return getApplications(CpNamingUtils.getEdgeTypeFromCollectionName(CpNamingUtils.APPLICATION_INFOS));

    public Map<String, UUID> getDeletedApplications() throws Exception {
        return getApplications(

    private Map<String, UUID> getApplications(final String edgeType) throws Exception {

        ApplicationScope appScope = CpNamingUtils.getApplicationScope(CpNamingUtils.MANAGEMENT_APPLICATION_ID);
        GraphManager gm = managerCache.getGraphManager(appScope);

        EntityManager managementEM = getEntityManager(CpNamingUtils.MANAGEMENT_APPLICATION_ID);
        Application managementApp = managementEM.getApplication();
        if (managementApp == null) {
            throw new RuntimeException(
                    "Management App " + CpNamingUtils.MANAGEMENT_APPLICATION_ID + " should never be null");
        Id managementId = new SimpleId(managementApp.getUuid(), managementApp.getType());

        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
            logger.debug("getApplications(): Loading edges of edgeType {} from {}:{}", edgeType,
                    managementId.getType(), managementId.getUuid());

        Observable<MarkedEdge> edges = gm.loadEdgesFromSource(new SimpleSearchByEdgeType(managementId, edgeType,
                Long.MAX_VALUE, SearchByEdgeType.Order.DESCENDING, Optional.<Edge>absent()));

        final EntityCollectionManager ecm = managerCache.getEntityCollectionManager(appScope);

        //buffer our edges and batch fetch the app infos for faster I/O
        return -> {
            return edge.getTargetNode();
        }).buffer(100).flatMap(entityIds -> {
            return ecm.load(entityIds);
        }).flatMap(entitySet -> Observable.from(entitySet.getEntities()))
                //collect all the app infos into a single map for return
                .collect(() -> new HashMap<String, UUID>(), (appMap, entity) -> {

                    if (!entity.getEntity().isPresent()) {

                    final org.apache.usergrid.persistence.model.entity.Entity entityData = entity.getEntity().get();

                    final UUID applicationId = entity.getId().getUuid();
                    final String applicationName = (String) entityData.getField(PROPERTY_NAME).getValue();

                    appMap.put(applicationName, applicationId);

    public void setup() throws Exception {

    public void bootstrap() throws Exception {

        // Always make sure the database schema is initialized

        // Roll the new 2.x Migration classes to the latest version supported

        // Make sure the management application is created

        // Ensure management app is initialized


    public Map<String, String> getServiceProperties() {

        Map<String, String> props = new HashMap<String, String>();

        EntityManager em = getEntityManager(getManagementAppId());
        Query q = Query.fromQL("select *");
        Results results = null;
        try {
            results = em.searchCollection(em.getApplicationRef(), "propertymaps", q);

        } catch (Exception ex) {
            logger.error("Error getting system properties", ex);

        if (results == null || results.isEmpty()) {
            return props;

        org.apache.usergrid.persistence.Entity e = results.getEntity();
        for (String key : e.getProperties().keySet()) {
            props.put(key, props.get(key).toString());
        return props;

    public boolean updateServiceProperties(Map<String, String> properties) {

        EntityManager em = getEntityManager(getManagementAppId());
        Query q = Query.fromQL("select *");
        Results results = null;
        try {
            results = em.searchCollection(em.getApplicationRef(), "propertymaps", q);

        } catch (Exception ex) {
            logger.error("Error getting system properties", ex);
            return false;

        org.apache.usergrid.persistence.Entity propsEntity = null;

        if (!results.isEmpty()) {
            propsEntity = results.getEntity();

        } else {
            propsEntity = EntityFactory.newEntity(UUIDUtils.newTimeUUID(), "propertymap");

        // intentionally going only one-level deep into fields and treating all
        // values as strings because that is all we need for service properties
        for (String key : properties.keySet()) {
            propsEntity.setProperty(key, properties.get(key).toString());

        try {

        } catch (Exception ex) {
            logger.error("Error updating service properties", ex);
            return false;

        return true;

    public boolean setServiceProperty(final String name, final String value) {
        return updateServiceProperties(new HashMap<String, String>() {
                put(name, value);

    public boolean deleteServiceProperty(String name) {

        EntityManager em = getEntityManager(getManagementAppId());

        Query q = Query.fromQL("select *");
        Results results = null;
        try {
            results = em.searchCollection(em.getApplicationRef(), "propertymaps", q);

        } catch (Exception ex) {
            logger.error("Error getting service property for delete of property: {}", name, ex);
            return false;

        org.apache.usergrid.persistence.Entity propsEntity = null;

        if (!results.isEmpty()) {
            propsEntity = results.getEntity();

        } else {
            propsEntity = EntityFactory.newEntity(UUIDUtils.newTimeUUID(), "propertymap");

        try {
            ((AbstractEntity) propsEntity).clearDataset(name);

        } catch (Exception ex) {
            logger.error("Error deleting service property orgAppName: {}", name, ex);
            return false;

        return true;

    public ApplicationContext getApplicationContext() {
        return applicationContext;

    public void setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext applicationContext) throws BeansException {
        this.applicationContext = applicationContext;
        //        try {
        //            setup();
        //        } catch (Exception ex) {
        //            logger.error("Error setting up EMF", ex);
        //        }

    public long performEntityCount() {
        //TODO, this really needs to be a task that writes this data somewhere since this will get
        //progressively slower as the system expands
        return (Long) getAllEntitiesObservable().countLong().toBlocking().last();

    public UUID getManagementAppId() {
        return CpNamingUtils.MANAGEMENT_APPLICATION_ID;

    public EntityManager getManagementEntityManager() {
        return getEntityManager(CpNamingUtils.MANAGEMENT_APPLICATION_ID);

     * Gets the setup.
     * @return Setup helper
    public Setup getSetup() {
        if (setup == null) {
            setup = new CpSetup(this, cassandraService, injector);
        return setup;

     * TODO, these 3 methods are super janky.  During refactoring we should clean this model up
    public EntityIndex.IndexRefreshCommandInfo refreshIndex(UUID applicationId) {
        return getEntityManager(applicationId).refreshIndex();

    private EntityIndex getManagementIndex() {

        return managerCache.getEntityIndex( // management app

    public void flushEntityManagerCaches() {



        Map<UUID, EntityManager> entityManagersMap = entityManagers.asMap();
        for (UUID appUuid : entityManagersMap.keySet()) {
            EntityManager em = entityManagersMap.get(appUuid);

    public Health getEntityStoreHealth() {

        // could use any collection scope here, does not matter
        EntityCollectionManager ecm = managerCache.getEntityCollectionManager(
                new ApplicationScopeImpl(new SimpleId(CpNamingUtils.MANAGEMENT_APPLICATION_ID, "application")));

        return ecm.getHealth();

    public Health getIndexHealth() {

        return getManagementIndex().getIndexHealth();

    public void initializeManagementIndex() {