Java tutorial
/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.tez.runtime.library.common.writers; import; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.ByteOrder; import java.nio.IntBuffer; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.BitSet; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import java.util.concurrent.locks.Condition; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataInputStream; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataOutputStream; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.LocalFileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import; import; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.ApplicationConstants; import org.apache.tez.common.TezCommonUtils; import org.apache.tez.common.TezUtilsInternal; import org.apache.tez.common.counters.TaskCounter; import org.apache.tez.common.counters.TezCounter; import org.apache.tez.runtime.api.Event; import org.apache.tez.runtime.api.OutputContext; import; import org.apache.tez.runtime.library.api.TezRuntimeConfiguration; import org.apache.tez.runtime.library.common.Constants; import org.apache.tez.runtime.library.common.sort.impl.IFile; import org.apache.tez.runtime.library.common.sort.impl.TezIndexRecord; import org.apache.tez.runtime.library.common.sort.impl.IFile.Writer; import org.apache.tez.runtime.library.common.sort.impl.TezSpillRecord; import org.apache.tez.runtime.library.common.shuffle.ShuffleUtils; import org.apache.tez.runtime.library.shuffle.impl.ShuffleUserPayloads.DataMovementEventPayloadProto; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class UnorderedPartitionedKVWriter extends BaseUnorderedPartitionedKVWriter { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(UnorderedPartitionedKVWriter.class); private static final int INT_SIZE = 4; private static final int NUM_META = 3; // Number of meta fields. private static final int INDEX_KEYLEN = 0; // KeyLength index private static final int INDEX_VALLEN = 1; // ValLength index private static final int INDEX_NEXT = 2; // Next Record Index. private static final int META_SIZE = NUM_META * INT_SIZE; // Size of total meta-data private final static int APPROX_HEADER_LENGTH = 150; // Maybe setup a separate statistics class which can be shared between the // buffer and the main path instead of having multiple arrays. private final long availableMemory; @VisibleForTesting final WrappedBuffer[] buffers; @VisibleForTesting final BlockingQueue<WrappedBuffer> availableBuffers; private final ByteArrayOutputStream baos; private final DataOutputStream dos; @VisibleForTesting WrappedBuffer currentBuffer; private final FileSystem rfs; private final List<SpillInfo> spillInfoList = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<SpillInfo>()); private final ListeningExecutorService spillExecutor; private final int[] numRecordsPerPartition; private volatile long spilledSize = 0; /** * Represents final number of records written (spills are not counted) */ protected final TezCounter outputLargeRecordsCounter; @VisibleForTesting int numBuffers; @VisibleForTesting int sizePerBuffer; @VisibleForTesting int numInitializedBuffers; private Throwable spillException; private AtomicBoolean isShutdown = new AtomicBoolean(false); @VisibleForTesting final AtomicInteger numSpills = new AtomicInteger(0); private final AtomicInteger pendingSpillCount = new AtomicInteger(0); private final ReentrantLock spillLock = new ReentrantLock(); private final Condition spillInProgress = spillLock.newCondition(); public UnorderedPartitionedKVWriter(OutputContext outputContext, Configuration conf, int numOutputs, long availableMemoryBytes) throws IOException { super(outputContext, conf, numOutputs); Preconditions.checkArgument(availableMemoryBytes > 0, "availableMemory should not be > 0 bytes"); // Ideally, should be significantly larger. availableMemory = availableMemoryBytes; // Allow unit tests to control the buffer sizes. int maxSingleBufferSizeBytes = conf.getInt( TezRuntimeConfiguration.TEZ_RUNTIME_UNORDERED_OUTPUT_MAX_PER_BUFFER_SIZE_BYTES, Integer.MAX_VALUE); computeNumBuffersAndSize(maxSingleBufferSizeBytes);"Running with numBuffers=" + numBuffers + ", sizePerBuffer=" + sizePerBuffer); availableBuffers = new LinkedBlockingQueue<WrappedBuffer>(); buffers = new WrappedBuffer[numBuffers]; // Set up only the first buffer to start with. buffers[0] = new WrappedBuffer(numOutputs, sizePerBuffer); numInitializedBuffers = 1;"Initialize Buffer #" + numInitializedBuffers + " with size=" + sizePerBuffer); currentBuffer = buffers[0]; baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); dos = new DataOutputStream(baos);;; rfs = ((LocalFileSystem) FileSystem.getLocal(this.conf)).getRaw(); ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(1, new ThreadFactoryBuilder().setDaemon(true) .setNameFormat("UnorderedOutSpiller [" + TezUtilsInternal.cleanVertexName(outputContext.getDestinationVertexName()) + "]") .build()); spillExecutor = MoreExecutors.listeningDecorator(executor); numRecordsPerPartition = new int[numPartitions]; outputLargeRecordsCounter = outputContext.getCounters().findCounter(TaskCounter.OUTPUT_LARGE_RECORDS); } private void computeNumBuffersAndSize(int bufferLimit) { numBuffers = Math.max(2, (int) (availableMemory / bufferLimit) + ((availableMemory % bufferLimit) == 0 ? 0 : 1)); sizePerBuffer = (int) (availableMemory / numBuffers); sizePerBuffer = sizePerBuffer - (sizePerBuffer % INT_SIZE); } @Override public void write(Object key, Object value) throws IOException { // Skipping checks for key-value types. IFile takes care of these, but should be removed from // there as well. // How expensive are checks like these ? if (isShutdown.get()) { throw new RuntimeException("Writer already closed"); } if (spillException != null) { // Already reported as a fatalError - report to the user code throw new IOException("Exception during spill", new IOException(spillException)); } int partition = partitioner.getPartition(key, value, numPartitions); write(key, value, partition); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void write(Object key, Object value, int partition) throws IOException { // Wrap to 4 byte (Int) boundary for metaData int mod = currentBuffer.nextPosition % INT_SIZE; int metaSkip = mod == 0 ? 0 : (INT_SIZE - mod); if (currentBuffer.availableSize < (META_SIZE + metaSkip)) { // Move over to the next buffer. metaSkip = 0; setupNextBuffer(); } currentBuffer.nextPosition += metaSkip; int metaStart = currentBuffer.nextPosition; currentBuffer.availableSize -= (META_SIZE + metaSkip); currentBuffer.nextPosition += META_SIZE; try { keySerializer.serialize(key); } catch (BufferTooSmallException e) { if (metaStart == 0) { // Started writing at the start of the buffer. Write Key to disk. // Key too large for any buffer. Write entire record to disk. currentBuffer.reset(); writeLargeRecord(key, value, partition, numSpills.incrementAndGet()); return; } else { // Exceeded length on current buffer. // Try resetting the buffer to the next one, if this was not the start of a buffer, // and begin spilling the current buffer to disk if it has any records. setupNextBuffer(); write(key, value, partition); return; } } int valStart = currentBuffer.nextPosition; try { valSerializer.serialize(value); } catch (BufferTooSmallException e) { // Value too large for current buffer, or K-V too large for entire buffer. if (metaStart == 0) { // Key + Value too large for a single buffer. currentBuffer.reset(); writeLargeRecord(key, value, partition, numSpills.incrementAndGet()); return; } else { // Exceeded length on current buffer. // Try writing key+value to a new buffer - will fall back to disk if that fails. setupNextBuffer(); write(key, value, partition); return; } } // Meta-data updates int metaIndex = metaStart / INT_SIZE; int indexNext = currentBuffer.partitionPositions[partition]; currentBuffer.metaBuffer.put(metaIndex + INDEX_KEYLEN, (valStart - (metaStart + META_SIZE))); currentBuffer.metaBuffer.put(metaIndex + INDEX_VALLEN, (currentBuffer.nextPosition - valStart)); currentBuffer.metaBuffer.put(metaIndex + INDEX_NEXT, indexNext); currentBuffer.skipSize += metaSkip; // For size estimation // Update stats on number of records outputRecordBytesCounter.increment(currentBuffer.nextPosition - (metaStart + META_SIZE)); outputBytesWithOverheadCounter.increment((currentBuffer.nextPosition - metaStart) + metaSkip); outputRecordsCounter.increment(1); currentBuffer.partitionPositions[partition] = metaStart; currentBuffer.recordsPerPartition[partition]++; currentBuffer.numRecords++; } private void setupNextBuffer() throws IOException { if (currentBuffer.numRecords == 0) { currentBuffer.reset(); } else { // Update overall stats"Moving to next buffer and triggering spill"); updateGlobalStats(currentBuffer); pendingSpillCount.incrementAndGet(); ListenableFuture<SpillResult> future = spillExecutor.submit(new SpillCallable(currentBuffer, numSpills.incrementAndGet(), codec, spilledRecordsCounter, false)); Futures.addCallback(future, new SpillCallback(numSpills.get())); WrappedBuffer wb = getNextAvailableBuffer(); currentBuffer = wb; } } private void updateGlobalStats(WrappedBuffer buffer) { for (int i = 0; i < numPartitions; i++) { numRecordsPerPartition[i] += buffer.recordsPerPartition[i]; } } private WrappedBuffer getNextAvailableBuffer() throws IOException { if (availableBuffers.peek() == null) { if (numInitializedBuffers < numBuffers) { buffers[numInitializedBuffers] = new WrappedBuffer(numPartitions, sizePerBuffer); numInitializedBuffers++; return buffers[numInitializedBuffers - 1]; } else { // All buffers initialized, and none available right now. Wait try { return availableBuffers.take(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); throw new IOException("Interrupted while waiting for next buffer", e); } } } else { return availableBuffers.poll(); } } // All spills using compression for now. private class SpillCallable implements Callable<SpillResult> { private final WrappedBuffer wrappedBuffer; private final CompressionCodec codec; private final TezCounter numRecordsCounter; private final int spillNumber; private final boolean isFinalSpill; public SpillCallable(WrappedBuffer wrappedBuffer, int spillNumber, CompressionCodec codec, TezCounter numRecordsCounter, boolean isFinal) { this.wrappedBuffer = wrappedBuffer; this.codec = codec; this.numRecordsCounter = numRecordsCounter; this.spillNumber = spillNumber; this.isFinalSpill = isFinal; } @Override public SpillResult call() throws IOException { // This should not be called with an empty buffer. Check before invoking. // Number of parallel spills determined by number of threads. // Last spill synchronization handled separately. SpillResult spillResult = null; long spillSize = wrappedBuffer.nextPosition + numPartitions * APPROX_HEADER_LENGTH; Path outPath = null; if (isFinalSpill) { outPath = outputFileHandler.getOutputFileForWrite(spillSize); } else { outPath = outputFileHandler.getSpillFileForWrite(spillNumber, spillSize); } FSDataOutputStream out = rfs.create(outPath); TezSpillRecord spillRecord = new TezSpillRecord(numPartitions); DataInputBuffer key = new DataInputBuffer(); DataInputBuffer val = new DataInputBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < numPartitions; i++) { IFile.Writer writer = null; try { long segmentStart = out.getPos(); if (wrappedBuffer.partitionPositions[i] == WrappedBuffer.PARTITION_ABSENT_POSITION) { // Skip empty partition. continue; } writer = new Writer(conf, out, keyClass, valClass, codec, numRecordsCounter, null); writePartition(wrappedBuffer.partitionPositions[i], wrappedBuffer, writer, key, val); writer.close(); if (isFinalSpill) { fileOutputBytesCounter.increment(writer.getCompressedLength()); } else { additionalSpillBytesWritternCounter.increment(writer.getCompressedLength()); } spillResult = new SpillResult(writer.getCompressedLength(), this.wrappedBuffer); TezIndexRecord indexRecord = new TezIndexRecord(segmentStart, writer.getRawLength(), writer.getCompressedLength()); spillRecord.putIndex(indexRecord, i); writer = null; } finally { if (writer != null) { writer.close(); } } } if (isFinalSpill) { long indexFileSizeEstimate = numPartitions * Constants.MAP_OUTPUT_INDEX_RECORD_LENGTH; Path finalSpillFile = outputFileHandler.getOutputIndexFileForWrite(indexFileSizeEstimate); spillRecord.writeToFile(finalSpillFile, conf); fileOutputBytesCounter.increment(indexFileSizeEstimate);"Finished final and only spill"); } else { SpillInfo spillInfo = new SpillInfo(spillRecord, outPath); spillInfoList.add(spillInfo); numAdditionalSpillsCounter.increment(1);"Finished spill " + spillNumber); } return spillResult; } } private void writePartition(int pos, WrappedBuffer wrappedBuffer, Writer writer, DataInputBuffer keyBuffer, DataInputBuffer valBuffer) throws IOException { while (pos != WrappedBuffer.PARTITION_ABSENT_POSITION) { int metaIndex = pos / INT_SIZE; int keyLength = wrappedBuffer.metaBuffer.get(metaIndex + INDEX_KEYLEN); int valLength = wrappedBuffer.metaBuffer.get(metaIndex + INDEX_VALLEN); keyBuffer.reset(wrappedBuffer.buffer, pos + META_SIZE, keyLength); valBuffer.reset(wrappedBuffer.buffer, pos + META_SIZE + keyLength, valLength); writer.append(keyBuffer, valBuffer); pos = wrappedBuffer.metaBuffer.get(metaIndex + INDEX_NEXT); } } public static long getInitialMemoryRequirement(Configuration conf, long maxAvailableTaskMemory) { int initialMemRequestMb = conf.getInt(TezRuntimeConfiguration.TEZ_RUNTIME_UNORDERED_OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE_MB, TezRuntimeConfiguration.TEZ_RUNTIME_UNORDERED_OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE_MB_DEFAULT); Preconditions.checkArgument(initialMemRequestMb != 0, TezRuntimeConfiguration.TEZ_RUNTIME_UNORDERED_OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE_MB + " should be larger than 0"); long reqBytes = initialMemRequestMb << 20;"Requested BufferSize (" + TezRuntimeConfiguration.TEZ_RUNTIME_UNORDERED_OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE_MB + ") : " + initialMemRequestMb); return reqBytes; } @Override public List<Event> close() throws IOException, InterruptedException { isShutdown.set(true); spillLock.lock();"Waiting for all spills to complete : Pending : " + pendingSpillCount.get()); try { while (pendingSpillCount.get() != 0 && spillException == null) { spillInProgress.await(); } } finally { spillLock.unlock(); } if (spillException != null) { LOG.fatal("Error during spill, throwing"); // Assuming close will be called on the same thread as the write cleanup(); currentBuffer.cleanup(); currentBuffer = null; if (spillException instanceof IOException) { throw (IOException) spillException; } else { throw new IOException(spillException); } } else {"All spills complete"); // Assuming close will be called on the same thread as the write cleanup(); if (numSpills.get() > 0) { mergeAll(); } else { finalSpill(); } currentBuffer.cleanup(); currentBuffer = null; } return Collections.singletonList(generateEvent()); } private void cleanup() { if (spillExecutor != null) { spillExecutor.shutdownNow(); } for (int i = 0; i < buffers.length; i++) { if (buffers[i] != null && buffers[i] != currentBuffer) { buffers[i].cleanup(); buffers[i] = null; } } availableBuffers.clear(); } private Event generateEvent() throws IOException { DataMovementEventPayloadProto.Builder payloadBuidler = DataMovementEventPayloadProto.newBuilder(); String host = getHost(); int shufflePort = getShufflePort(); BitSet emptyPartitions = new BitSet(); for (int i = 0; i < numPartitions; i++) { if (numRecordsPerPartition[i] == 0) { emptyPartitions.set(i); } } if (emptyPartitions.cardinality() != 0) { // Empty partitions exist ByteString emptyPartitionsByteString = TezCommonUtils .compressByteArrayToByteString(TezUtilsInternal.toByteArray(emptyPartitions)); payloadBuidler.setEmptyPartitions(emptyPartitionsByteString); } if (emptyPartitions.cardinality() != numPartitions) { // Populate payload only if at least 1 partition has data payloadBuidler.setHost(host); payloadBuidler.setPort(shufflePort); payloadBuidler.setPathComponent(outputContext.getUniqueIdentifier()); } CompositeDataMovementEvent cDme = CompositeDataMovementEvent.create(0, numPartitions,; return cDme; } private void finalSpill() throws IOException { if (currentBuffer.nextPosition == 0) { return; } else { updateGlobalStats(currentBuffer); SpillCallable spillCallable = new SpillCallable(currentBuffer, 0, codec, null, true);; return; } } private void mergeAll() throws IOException { long expectedSize = spilledSize; if (currentBuffer.nextPosition != 0) { expectedSize += currentBuffer.nextPosition - (currentBuffer.numRecords * META_SIZE) - currentBuffer.skipSize + numPartitions * APPROX_HEADER_LENGTH; // Update final statistics. updateGlobalStats(currentBuffer); } long indexFileSizeEstimate = numPartitions * Constants.MAP_OUTPUT_INDEX_RECORD_LENGTH; Path finalOutPath = outputFileHandler.getOutputFileForWrite(expectedSize); Path finalIndexPath = outputFileHandler.getOutputIndexFileForWrite(indexFileSizeEstimate); TezSpillRecord finalSpillRecord = new TezSpillRecord(numPartitions); DataInputBuffer keyBuffer = new DataInputBuffer(); DataInputBuffer valBuffer = new DataInputBuffer(); DataInputBuffer keyBufferIFile = new DataInputBuffer(); DataInputBuffer valBufferIFile = new DataInputBuffer(); FSDataOutputStream out = null; try { out = rfs.create(finalOutPath); Writer writer = null; for (int i = 0; i < numPartitions; i++) { long segmentStart = out.getPos(); if (numRecordsPerPartition[i] == 0) {"Skipping partition: " + i + " in final merge since it has no records"); continue; } writer = new Writer(conf, out, keyClass, valClass, codec, null, null); try { if (currentBuffer.nextPosition != 0 && currentBuffer.partitionPositions[i] != WrappedBuffer.PARTITION_ABSENT_POSITION) { // Write current buffer. writePartition(currentBuffer.partitionPositions[i], currentBuffer, writer, keyBuffer, valBuffer); } synchronized (spillInfoList) { for (SpillInfo spillInfo : spillInfoList) { TezIndexRecord indexRecord = spillInfo.spillRecord.getIndex(i); if (indexRecord.getPartLength() == 0) { // Skip empty partitions within a spill continue; } FSDataInputStream in =;; IFile.Reader reader = new IFile.Reader(in, indexRecord.getPartLength(), codec, null, additionalSpillBytesReadCounter, ifileReadAhead, ifileReadAheadLength, ifileBufferSize); while (reader.nextRawKey(keyBufferIFile)) { // TODO Inefficient. If spills are not compressed, a direct copy should be possible // given the current IFile format. Also exteremely inefficient for large records, // since the entire record will be read into memory. reader.nextRawValue(valBufferIFile); writer.append(keyBufferIFile, valBufferIFile); } reader.close(); } } writer.close(); fileOutputBytesCounter.increment(writer.getCompressedLength()); TezIndexRecord indexRecord = new TezIndexRecord(segmentStart, writer.getRawLength(), writer.getCompressedLength()); writer = null; finalSpillRecord.putIndex(indexRecord, i); } finally { if (writer != null) { writer.close(); } } } } finally { if (out != null) { out.close(); } } finalSpillRecord.writeToFile(finalIndexPath, conf); fileOutputBytesCounter.increment(indexFileSizeEstimate);"Finished final spill after merging : " + numSpills.get() + " spills"); } private void writeLargeRecord(final Object key, final Object value, final int partition, final int spillNumber) throws IOException { numAdditionalSpillsCounter.increment(1); long size = sizePerBuffer - (currentBuffer.numRecords * META_SIZE) - currentBuffer.skipSize + numPartitions * APPROX_HEADER_LENGTH; FSDataOutputStream out = null; long outSize = 0; try { final TezSpillRecord spillRecord = new TezSpillRecord(numPartitions); final Path outPath = outputFileHandler.getSpillFileForWrite(spillNumber, size); out = rfs.create(outPath); for (int i = 0; i < numPartitions; i++) { final long recordStart = out.getPos(); if (i == partition) { spilledRecordsCounter.increment(1); Writer writer = null; try { writer = new IFile.Writer(conf, out, keyClass, valClass, codec, null, null); writer.append(key, value); outputLargeRecordsCounter.increment(1); numRecordsPerPartition[i]++; writer.close(); additionalSpillBytesWritternCounter.increment(writer.getCompressedLength()); TezIndexRecord indexRecord = new TezIndexRecord(recordStart, writer.getRawLength(), writer.getCompressedLength()); spillRecord.putIndex(indexRecord, i); outSize = writer.getCompressedLength(); writer = null; } finally { if (writer != null) { writer.close(); } } } } SpillInfo spillInfo = new SpillInfo(spillRecord, outPath); spillInfoList.add(spillInfo);"Finished writing large record of size " + outSize + " to spill file " + spillNumber); } finally { if (out != null) { out.close(); } } } private class ByteArrayOutputStream extends OutputStream { private final byte[] scratch = new byte[1]; @Override public void write(int v) throws IOException { scratch[0] = (byte) v; write(scratch, 0, 1); } public void write(byte[] b, int off, int len) throws IOException { if (len > currentBuffer.availableSize) { throw new BufferTooSmallException(); } else { System.arraycopy(b, off, currentBuffer.buffer, currentBuffer.nextPosition, len); currentBuffer.nextPosition += len; currentBuffer.availableSize -= len; } } } private static class WrappedBuffer { private static final int PARTITION_ABSENT_POSITION = -1; private final int[] partitionPositions; private final int[] recordsPerPartition; private final int numPartitions; private final int size; private byte[] buffer; private IntBuffer metaBuffer; private int numRecords = 0; private int skipSize = 0; private int nextPosition = 0; private int availableSize; WrappedBuffer(int numPartitions, int size) { this.partitionPositions = new int[numPartitions]; this.recordsPerPartition = new int[numPartitions]; this.numPartitions = numPartitions; for (int i = 0; i < numPartitions; i++) { this.partitionPositions[i] = PARTITION_ABSENT_POSITION; this.recordsPerPartition[i] = 0; } size = size - (size % INT_SIZE); this.size = size; this.buffer = new byte[size]; this.metaBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(buffer).order(ByteOrder.nativeOrder()).asIntBuffer(); availableSize = size; } void reset() { for (int i = 0; i < numPartitions; i++) { this.partitionPositions[i] = PARTITION_ABSENT_POSITION; this.recordsPerPartition[i] = 0; } numRecords = 0; nextPosition = 0; skipSize = 0; availableSize = size; } void cleanup() { buffer = null; metaBuffer = null; } } private static class BufferTooSmallException extends IOException { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; } private class SpillCallback implements FutureCallback<SpillResult> { private final int spillNumber; SpillCallback(int spillNumber) { this.spillNumber = spillNumber; } @Override public void onSuccess(SpillResult result) {"Spill# " + spillNumber + " complete."); spilledSize += result.spillSize; try { result.wrappedBuffer.reset(); availableBuffers.add(result.wrappedBuffer); } catch (Throwable e) { LOG.fatal("Failure while attempting to reset buffer after spill", e); outputContext.fatalError(e, "Failure while attempting to reset buffer after spill"); } spillLock.lock(); try { if (pendingSpillCount.decrementAndGet() == 0) { spillInProgress.signal(); } } finally { spillLock.unlock(); } } @Override public void onFailure(Throwable t) { // spillException setup to throw an exception back to the user. Requires synchronization. // Consider removing it in favor of having Tez kill the task LOG.fatal("Failure while spilling to disk", t); spillException = t; outputContext.fatalError(t, "Failure while spilling to disk"); spillLock.lock(); try { spillInProgress.signal(); } finally { spillLock.unlock(); } } } private static class SpillResult { final long spillSize; final WrappedBuffer wrappedBuffer; SpillResult(long size, WrappedBuffer wrappedBuffer) { this.spillSize = size; this.wrappedBuffer = wrappedBuffer; } } private static class SpillInfo { final TezSpillRecord spillRecord; final Path outPath; SpillInfo(TezSpillRecord spillRecord, Path outPath) { this.spillRecord = spillRecord; this.outPath = outPath; } } @VisibleForTesting String getHost() { return System.getenv(ApplicationConstants.Environment.NM_HOST.toString()); } @VisibleForTesting int getShufflePort() throws IOException { ByteBuffer shuffleMetadata = outputContext .getServiceProviderMetaData(ShuffleUtils.SHUFFLE_HANDLER_SERVICE_ID); int shufflePort = ShuffleUtils.deserializeShuffleProviderMetaData(shuffleMetadata); return shufflePort; } }