Java tutorial
/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * <p/> * * <p/> * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.tez.analyzer.utils; import; import; import org.apache.tez.analyzer.plugins.CriticalPathAnalyzer.CriticalPathStep; import org.apache.tez.analyzer.plugins.CriticalPathAnalyzer.CriticalPathStep.EntityType; import org.apache.tez.history.parser.datamodel.DagInfo; import org.apache.tez.history.parser.datamodel.TaskAttemptInfo; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; public class SVGUtils { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SVGUtils.class); private static int MAX_DAG_RUNTIME = 0; private static final int SCREEN_WIDTH = 1800; public SVGUtils() { } private int Y_MAX; private int X_MAX; private static final DecimalFormat secondFormat = new DecimalFormat("#.##"); private static final int X_BASE = 100; private static final int Y_BASE = 100; private static final int TICK = 1; private static final int STEP_GAP = 50; private static final int TEXT_SIZE = 20; private static final String RUNTIME_COLOR = "LightGreen"; private static final String ALLOCATION_OVERHEAD_COLOR = "GoldenRod"; private static final String LAUNCH_OVERHEAD_COLOR = "DarkSalmon"; private static final String BORDER_COLOR = "Sienna"; private static final String VERTEX_INIT_COMMIT_COLOR = "LightSalmon"; private static final String CRITICAL_COLOR = "IndianRed"; private static final float RECT_OPACITY = 1.0f; private static final String TITLE_BR = " "; public static String getTimeStr(final long millis) { long minutes = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toMinutes(millis) - TimeUnit.HOURS.toMinutes(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toHours(millis)); long hours = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toHours(millis); StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); b.append(hours == 0 ? "" : String.valueOf(hours) + "h"); b.append(minutes == 0 ? "" : String.valueOf(minutes) + "m"); long seconds = millis - TimeUnit.MINUTES.toMillis(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toMinutes(millis)); b.append(secondFormat.format(seconds / 1000.0) + "s"); return b.toString(); } List<String> svgLines = new LinkedList<>(); private final int addOffsetX(int x) { int xOff = x + X_BASE; X_MAX = Math.max(X_MAX, xOff); return xOff; } private final int addOffsetY(int y) { int yOff = y + Y_BASE; Y_MAX = Math.max(Y_MAX, yOff); return yOff; } private int scaleDown(int len) { return Math.round((len * 1.0f / MAX_DAG_RUNTIME) * SCREEN_WIDTH); } private void addRectStr(int x, int width, int y, int height, String fillColor, String borderColor, float opacity, String title) { String rectStyle = "stroke: " + borderColor + "; fill: " + fillColor + "; opacity: " + opacity; String rectStr = "<rect x=\"" + addOffsetX(scaleDown(x)) + "\"" + " y=\"" + addOffsetY(y) + "\"" + " width=\"" + scaleDown(width) + "\"" + " height=\"" + height + "\"" + " style=\"" + rectStyle + "\"" + " >" + " <title>" + title + "</title>" + " </rect>"; svgLines.add(rectStr); } private void addTextStr(int x, int y, String text, String anchor, int size, String title, boolean italic) { String textStyle = "text-anchor: " + anchor + "; font-style: " + (italic ? "italic" : "normal") + "; font-size: " + size + "px;"; String textStr = "<text x=\"" + addOffsetX(scaleDown(x)) + "\" " + "y=\"" + addOffsetY(y) + "\" " + "style=\"" + textStyle + "\" transform=\"\">" + text + " <title>" + title + "</title>" + "</text>"; svgLines.add(textStr); } private void addLineStr(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, String color, String title, int width) { String style = "stroke: " + color + "; stroke-width:" + width; String str = "<line x1=\"" + addOffsetX(scaleDown(x1)) + "\"" + " y1=\"" + addOffsetY(y1) + "\"" + " x2=\"" + addOffsetX(scaleDown(x2)) + "\"" + " y2=\"" + addOffsetY(y2) + "\"" + " style=\"" + style + "\"" + " >" + " <title>" + title + "</title>" + " </line>"; svgLines.add(str); } public void drawStep(CriticalPathStep step, long dagStartTime, int yOffset) { if (step.getType() != EntityType.ATTEMPT) { // draw initial vertex or final commit overhead StringBuilder title = new StringBuilder(); String text = null; if (step.getType() == EntityType.VERTEX_INIT) { String vertex = step.getAttempt().getTaskInfo().getVertexInfo().getVertexName(); text = vertex + " : Init"; title.append(text).append(TITLE_BR); } else { text = "Output Commit"; title.append(text).append(TITLE_BR); } title.append("Critical Path Dependency: " + step.getReason()).append(TITLE_BR); title.append("Critical Time: " + getTimeStr(step.getStopCriticalTime() - step.getStartCriticalTime())) .append(""); title.append(Joiner.on(TITLE_BR).join(step.getNotes())); String titleStr = title.toString(); int stopTimeInterval = (int) (step.getStopCriticalTime() - dagStartTime); int startTimeInterval = (int) (step.getStartCriticalTime() - dagStartTime); addRectStr(startTimeInterval, (stopTimeInterval - startTimeInterval), yOffset * STEP_GAP, STEP_GAP, VERTEX_INIT_COMMIT_COLOR, BORDER_COLOR, RECT_OPACITY, titleStr); addTextStr((stopTimeInterval + startTimeInterval) / 2, (yOffset * STEP_GAP + STEP_GAP / 2), text, "middle", TEXT_SIZE, titleStr, false); } else { TaskAttemptInfo attempt = step.getAttempt(); int startCriticalTimeInterval = (int) (step.getStartCriticalTime() - dagStartTime); int stopCriticalTimeInterval = (int) (step.getStopCriticalTime() - dagStartTime); int creationTimeInterval = (int) (attempt.getCreationTime() - dagStartTime); int allocationTimeInterval = attempt.getAllocationTime() > 0 ? (int) (attempt.getAllocationTime() - dagStartTime) : 0; int launchTimeInterval = attempt.getStartTime() > 0 ? (int) (attempt.getStartTime() - dagStartTime) : 0; int finishTimeInterval = (int) (attempt.getFinishTime() - dagStartTime); LOG.debug(attempt.getTaskAttemptId() + " " + creationTimeInterval + " " + allocationTimeInterval + " " + launchTimeInterval + " " + finishTimeInterval); StringBuilder title = new StringBuilder(); title.append("Attempt: " + attempt.getTaskAttemptId()).append(TITLE_BR); title.append("Critical Path Dependency: " + step.getReason()).append(TITLE_BR); title.append("Completion Status: " + attempt.getDetailedStatus()).append(TITLE_BR); title.append("Critical Time Contribution: " + getTimeStr(step.getStopCriticalTime() - step.getStartCriticalTime())).append(TITLE_BR); title.append("Critical start at: " + getTimeStr(startCriticalTimeInterval)).append(TITLE_BR); title.append("Critical stop at: " + getTimeStr(stopCriticalTimeInterval)).append(TITLE_BR); title.append("Created at: " + getTimeStr(creationTimeInterval)).append(TITLE_BR); if (allocationTimeInterval > 0) { title.append("Allocated at: " + getTimeStr(allocationTimeInterval)).append(TITLE_BR); } if (launchTimeInterval > 0) { title.append("Launched at: " + getTimeStr(launchTimeInterval)).append(TITLE_BR); } title.append("Finished at: " + getTimeStr(finishTimeInterval)).append(TITLE_BR); title.append(Joiner.on(TITLE_BR).join(step.getNotes())); String titleStr = title.toString(); // handle cases when attempt fails before allocation or launch if (allocationTimeInterval > 0) { addRectStr(creationTimeInterval, allocationTimeInterval - creationTimeInterval, yOffset * STEP_GAP, STEP_GAP, ALLOCATION_OVERHEAD_COLOR, BORDER_COLOR, RECT_OPACITY, titleStr); if (launchTimeInterval > 0) { addRectStr(allocationTimeInterval, launchTimeInterval - allocationTimeInterval, yOffset * STEP_GAP, STEP_GAP, LAUNCH_OVERHEAD_COLOR, BORDER_COLOR, RECT_OPACITY, titleStr); addRectStr(launchTimeInterval, finishTimeInterval - launchTimeInterval, yOffset * STEP_GAP, STEP_GAP, RUNTIME_COLOR, BORDER_COLOR, RECT_OPACITY, titleStr); } else { // no launch - so allocate to finish drawn - ended while launching addRectStr(allocationTimeInterval, finishTimeInterval - allocationTimeInterval, yOffset * STEP_GAP, STEP_GAP, LAUNCH_OVERHEAD_COLOR, BORDER_COLOR, RECT_OPACITY, titleStr); } } else { // no allocation - so create to finish drawn - ended while allocating addRectStr(creationTimeInterval, finishTimeInterval - creationTimeInterval, yOffset * STEP_GAP, STEP_GAP, ALLOCATION_OVERHEAD_COLOR, BORDER_COLOR, RECT_OPACITY, titleStr); } addTextStr((finishTimeInterval + creationTimeInterval) / 2, (yOffset * STEP_GAP + STEP_GAP / 2), attempt.getShortName(), "middle", TEXT_SIZE, titleStr, !attempt.isSucceeded()); } } private void drawCritical(DagInfo dagInfo, List<CriticalPathStep> criticalPath) { long dagStartTime = dagInfo.getStartTime(); int dagStartTimeInterval = 0; // this is 0 since we are offseting from the dag start time int dagFinishTimeInterval = (int) (dagInfo.getFinishTime() - dagStartTime); if (dagInfo.getFinishTime() <= 0) { // AM crashed. no dag finish time written dagFinishTimeInterval = (int) (criticalPath.get(criticalPath.size() - 1).getStopCriticalTime() - dagStartTime); } MAX_DAG_RUNTIME = dagFinishTimeInterval; // draw grid addLineStr(dagStartTimeInterval, 0, dagFinishTimeInterval, 0, BORDER_COLOR, "", TICK); int yGrid = (criticalPath.size() + 2) * STEP_GAP; for (int i = 0; i < 11; ++i) { int x = Math.round(((dagFinishTimeInterval - dagStartTimeInterval) / 10.0f) * i); addLineStr(x, 0, x, yGrid, BORDER_COLOR, "", TICK); addTextStr(x, 0, getTimeStr(x), "left", TEXT_SIZE, "", false); } addLineStr(dagStartTimeInterval, yGrid, dagFinishTimeInterval, yGrid, BORDER_COLOR, "", TICK); addTextStr((dagFinishTimeInterval + dagStartTimeInterval) / 2, yGrid + STEP_GAP, "Critical Path for " + dagInfo.getName() + " (" + dagInfo.getDagId() + ")", "middle", TEXT_SIZE, "", false); // draw steps for (int i = 1; i <= criticalPath.size(); ++i) { CriticalPathStep step = criticalPath.get(i - 1); drawStep(step, dagStartTime, i); } // draw critical path on top for (int i = 1; i <= criticalPath.size(); ++i) { CriticalPathStep step = criticalPath.get(i - 1); boolean isLast = i == criticalPath.size(); // draw critical path for step int startCriticalTimeInterval = (int) (step.getStartCriticalTime() - dagStartTime); int stopCriticalTimeInterval = (int) (step.getStopCriticalTime() - dagStartTime); addLineStr(startCriticalTimeInterval, (i + 1) * STEP_GAP, stopCriticalTimeInterval, (i + 1) * STEP_GAP, CRITICAL_COLOR, "Critical Time " + step.getAttempt().getShortName(), TICK * 5); if (isLast) { // last step. add commit overhead int stepStopCriticalTimeInterval = (int) (step.getStopCriticalTime() - dagStartTime); addLineStr(stepStopCriticalTimeInterval, (i + 1) * STEP_GAP, dagFinishTimeInterval, (i + 1) * STEP_GAP, CRITICAL_COLOR, "Critical Time " + step.getAttempt().getTaskInfo().getVertexInfo().getVertexName(), TICK * 5); } else { // connect to next step in critical path addLineStr(stopCriticalTimeInterval, (i + 1) * STEP_GAP, stopCriticalTimeInterval, (i + 2) * STEP_GAP, CRITICAL_COLOR, "Critical Time " + step.getAttempt().getShortName(), TICK * 5); } } // draw legend int legendX = 0; int legendY = (criticalPath.size() + 2) * STEP_GAP; int legendWidth = dagFinishTimeInterval / 5; addRectStr(legendX, legendWidth, legendY, STEP_GAP / 2, VERTEX_INIT_COMMIT_COLOR, BORDER_COLOR, RECT_OPACITY, ""); addTextStr(legendX, legendY + STEP_GAP / 3, "Vertex Init/Commit Overhead", "left", TEXT_SIZE, "", false); legendY += STEP_GAP / 2; addRectStr(legendX, legendWidth, legendY, STEP_GAP / 2, ALLOCATION_OVERHEAD_COLOR, BORDER_COLOR, RECT_OPACITY, ""); addTextStr(legendX, legendY + STEP_GAP / 3, "Task Allocation Overhead", "left", TEXT_SIZE, "", false); legendY += STEP_GAP / 2; addRectStr(legendX, legendWidth, legendY, STEP_GAP / 2, LAUNCH_OVERHEAD_COLOR, BORDER_COLOR, RECT_OPACITY, ""); addTextStr(legendX, legendY + STEP_GAP / 3, "Task Launch Overhead", "left", TEXT_SIZE, "", false); legendY += STEP_GAP / 2; addRectStr(legendX, legendWidth, legendY, STEP_GAP / 2, RUNTIME_COLOR, BORDER_COLOR, RECT_OPACITY, ""); addTextStr(legendX, legendY + STEP_GAP / 3, "Task Execution Time", "left", TEXT_SIZE, "", false); Y_MAX += Y_BASE * 2; X_MAX += X_BASE * 2; } public void saveCriticalPathAsSVG(DagInfo dagInfo, String fileName, List<CriticalPathStep> criticalPath) { drawCritical(dagInfo, criticalPath); saveFileStr(fileName); } private void saveFileStr(String fileName) { String header = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" standalone=\"no\"?> " + "<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN\" " + "\"\">" + "<svg xmlns=\"\" version=\"1.1\" " + "xmlns:xlink=\"\" " + "height=\"" + Y_MAX + "\" " + "width=\"" + X_MAX + "\"> " + "<script type=\"text/ecmascript\" " + "xlink:href=\"\" />"; String footer = "</svg>"; String newline = System.getProperty("line.separator"); BufferedWriter writer = null; try { writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriterWithEncoding(fileName, "UTF-8")); writer.write(header); writer.write(newline); for (String str : svgLines) { writer.write(str); writer.write(newline); } writer.write(footer); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } finally { if (writer != null) { IOUtils.closeQuietly(writer); } } } }