Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package; import static jcuda.jcudnn.JCudnn.cudnnCreateFilterDescriptor; import static jcuda.jcudnn.JCudnn.cudnnCreateTensorDescriptor; import static jcuda.jcudnn.JCudnn.cudnnDestroyFilterDescriptor; import static jcuda.jcudnn.JCudnn.cudnnDestroyTensorDescriptor; import static jcuda.jcudnn.JCudnn.cudnnSetTensorNdDescriptor; import static jcuda.jcudnn.JCudnn.cudnnDestroyDropoutDescriptor; import static jcuda.jcudnn.JCudnn.cudnnDestroyRNNDescriptor; import static jcuda.jcudnn.cudnnTensorFormat.CUDNN_TENSOR_NCHW; import static jcuda.jcudnn.JCudnn.cudnnCreateRNNDescriptor; import static jcuda.jcudnn.cudnnRNNInputMode.CUDNN_LINEAR_INPUT; import static jcuda.jcudnn.cudnnDirectionMode.CUDNN_UNIDIRECTIONAL; import static jcuda.jcudnn.cudnnRNNAlgo.CUDNN_RNN_ALGO_STANDARD; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.sysml.runtime.DMLRuntimeException; import org.apache.sysml.runtime.controlprogram.context.ExecutionContext; import org.apache.sysml.runtime.instructions.gpu.context.GPUContext; import jcuda.Pointer; import jcuda.jcudnn.JCudnn; import jcuda.jcudnn.cudnnDropoutDescriptor; import jcuda.jcudnn.cudnnFilterDescriptor; import jcuda.jcudnn.cudnnRNNDescriptor; import jcuda.jcudnn.cudnnTensorDescriptor; public class LibMatrixCuDNNRnnAlgorithm implements java.lang.AutoCloseable { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(LibMatrixCuDNNRnnAlgorithm.class.getName()); GPUContext gCtx; String instName; cudnnDropoutDescriptor dropoutDesc; cudnnRNNDescriptor rnnDesc; cudnnTensorDescriptor[] xDesc, dxDesc, yDesc, dyDesc; // of length T cudnnTensorDescriptor hxDesc, cxDesc, hyDesc, cyDesc, dhxDesc, dcxDesc, dhyDesc, dcyDesc; cudnnFilterDescriptor wDesc; cudnnFilterDescriptor dwDesc; long sizeInBytes; Pointer workSpace; long reserveSpaceSizeInBytes; Pointer reserveSpace; long dropOutSizeInBytes; Pointer dropOutStateSpace; public LibMatrixCuDNNRnnAlgorithm(ExecutionContext ec, GPUContext gCtx, String instName, String rnnMode, int N, int T, int M, int D, boolean isTraining, Pointer w) throws DMLRuntimeException { this.gCtx = gCtx; this.instName = instName; // Allocate input/output descriptors xDesc = new cudnnTensorDescriptor[T]; dxDesc = new cudnnTensorDescriptor[T]; yDesc = new cudnnTensorDescriptor[T]; dyDesc = new cudnnTensorDescriptor[T]; for (int t = 0; t < T; t++) { xDesc[t] = allocateTensorDescriptorWithStride(N, D, 1); dxDesc[t] = allocateTensorDescriptorWithStride(N, D, 1); yDesc[t] = allocateTensorDescriptorWithStride(N, M, 1); dyDesc[t] = allocateTensorDescriptorWithStride(N, M, 1); } hxDesc = allocateTensorDescriptorWithStride(1, N, M); dhxDesc = allocateTensorDescriptorWithStride(1, N, M); cxDesc = allocateTensorDescriptorWithStride(1, N, M); dcxDesc = allocateTensorDescriptorWithStride(1, N, M); hyDesc = allocateTensorDescriptorWithStride(1, N, M); dhyDesc = allocateTensorDescriptorWithStride(1, N, M); cyDesc = allocateTensorDescriptorWithStride(1, N, M); dcyDesc = allocateTensorDescriptorWithStride(1, N, M); // Initial dropout descriptor dropoutDesc = new cudnnDropoutDescriptor(); JCudnn.cudnnCreateDropoutDescriptor(dropoutDesc); long[] _dropOutSizeInBytes = { -1 }; JCudnn.cudnnDropoutGetStatesSize(gCtx.getCudnnHandle(), _dropOutSizeInBytes); dropOutSizeInBytes = _dropOutSizeInBytes[0]; dropOutStateSpace = new Pointer(); if (dropOutSizeInBytes != 0) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Allocating " + dropOutSizeInBytes + " bytes for lstm dropout space."); dropOutStateSpace = gCtx.allocate(instName, dropOutSizeInBytes); } JCudnn.cudnnSetDropoutDescriptor(dropoutDesc, gCtx.getCudnnHandle(), 0, dropOutStateSpace, dropOutSizeInBytes, 12345); // Initialize RNN descriptor rnnDesc = new cudnnRNNDescriptor(); cudnnCreateRNNDescriptor(rnnDesc); JCudnn.cudnnSetRNNDescriptor_v6(gCtx.getCudnnHandle(), rnnDesc, M, 1, dropoutDesc, CUDNN_LINEAR_INPUT, CUDNN_UNIDIRECTIONAL, getCuDNNRnnMode(rnnMode), CUDNN_RNN_ALGO_STANDARD, LibMatrixCUDA.CUDNN_DATA_TYPE); // Allocate filter descriptor int expectedNumWeights = getExpectedNumWeights(); if (rnnMode.equalsIgnoreCase("lstm") && (D + M + 2) * 4 * M != expectedNumWeights) { throw new DMLRuntimeException("Incorrect number of RNN parameters " + (D + M + 2) * 4 * M + " != " + expectedNumWeights + ", where numFeatures=" + D + ", hiddenSize=" + M); } wDesc = allocateFilterDescriptor(expectedNumWeights); dwDesc = allocateFilterDescriptor(expectedNumWeights); // Setup workspace workSpace = new Pointer(); reserveSpace = new Pointer(); sizeInBytes = getWorkspaceSize(T); if (sizeInBytes != 0) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Allocating " + sizeInBytes + " bytes for lstm workspace."); workSpace = gCtx.allocate(instName, sizeInBytes); } reserveSpaceSizeInBytes = 0; if (isTraining) { reserveSpaceSizeInBytes = getReservespaceSize(T); if (reserveSpaceSizeInBytes != 0) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Allocating " + reserveSpaceSizeInBytes + " bytes for lstm reserve space."); reserveSpace = gCtx.allocate(instName, reserveSpaceSizeInBytes); } } } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private int getNumLinearLayers(String rnnMode) throws DMLRuntimeException { int ret = 0; if (rnnMode.equalsIgnoreCase("rnn_relu") || rnnMode.equalsIgnoreCase("rnn_tanh")) { ret = 2; } else if (rnnMode.equalsIgnoreCase("lstm")) { ret = 8; } else if (rnnMode.equalsIgnoreCase("gru")) { ret = 6; } else { throw new DMLRuntimeException("Unsupported rnn mode:" + rnnMode); } return ret; } private long getWorkspaceSize(int seqLength) { long[] sizeInBytesArray = new long[1]; JCudnn.cudnnGetRNNWorkspaceSize(gCtx.getCudnnHandle(), rnnDesc, seqLength, xDesc, sizeInBytesArray); return sizeInBytesArray[0]; } private long getReservespaceSize(int seqLength) { long[] sizeInBytesArray = new long[1]; JCudnn.cudnnGetRNNTrainingReserveSize(gCtx.getCudnnHandle(), rnnDesc, seqLength, xDesc, sizeInBytesArray); return sizeInBytesArray[0]; } private int getCuDNNRnnMode(String rnnMode) throws DMLRuntimeException { int rnnModeVal = -1; if (rnnMode.equalsIgnoreCase("rnn_relu")) { rnnModeVal = jcuda.jcudnn.cudnnRNNMode.CUDNN_RNN_RELU; } else if (rnnMode.equalsIgnoreCase("rnn_tanh")) { rnnModeVal = jcuda.jcudnn.cudnnRNNMode.CUDNN_RNN_TANH; } else if (rnnMode.equalsIgnoreCase("lstm")) { rnnModeVal = jcuda.jcudnn.cudnnRNNMode.CUDNN_LSTM; } else if (rnnMode.equalsIgnoreCase("gru")) { rnnModeVal = jcuda.jcudnn.cudnnRNNMode.CUDNN_GRU; } else { throw new DMLRuntimeException("Unsupported rnn mode:" + rnnMode); } return rnnModeVal; } private int getExpectedNumWeights() throws DMLRuntimeException { long[] weightSizeInBytesArray = { -1 }; // (D+M+2)*4*M JCudnn.cudnnGetRNNParamsSize(gCtx.getCudnnHandle(), rnnDesc, xDesc[0], weightSizeInBytesArray, LibMatrixCUDA.CUDNN_DATA_TYPE); // check if (D+M+2)*4M == weightsSize / sizeof(dataType) where weightsSize is given by 'cudnnGetRNNParamsSize'. return LibMatrixCUDA.toInt(weightSizeInBytesArray[0] / LibMatrixCUDA.sizeOfDataType); } private cudnnFilterDescriptor allocateFilterDescriptor(int numWeights) { cudnnFilterDescriptor filterDesc = new cudnnFilterDescriptor(); cudnnCreateFilterDescriptor(filterDesc); JCudnn.cudnnSetFilterNdDescriptor(filterDesc, LibMatrixCUDA.CUDNN_DATA_TYPE, CUDNN_TENSOR_NCHW, 3, new int[] { numWeights, 1, 1 }); return filterDesc; } private static cudnnTensorDescriptor allocateTensorDescriptorWithStride(int firstDim, int secondDim, int thirdDim) throws DMLRuntimeException { cudnnTensorDescriptor tensorDescriptor = new cudnnTensorDescriptor(); cudnnCreateTensorDescriptor(tensorDescriptor); int[] dimA = new int[] { firstDim, secondDim, thirdDim }; int[] strideA = new int[] { dimA[2] * dimA[1], dimA[2], 1 }; cudnnSetTensorNdDescriptor(tensorDescriptor, LibMatrixCUDA.CUDNN_DATA_TYPE, 3, dimA, strideA); return tensorDescriptor; } @Override public void close() { if (dropoutDesc != null) cudnnDestroyDropoutDescriptor(dropoutDesc); dropoutDesc = null; if (rnnDesc != null) cudnnDestroyRNNDescriptor(rnnDesc); rnnDesc = null; if (hxDesc != null) cudnnDestroyTensorDescriptor(hxDesc); hxDesc = null; if (dhxDesc != null) cudnnDestroyTensorDescriptor(dhxDesc); dhxDesc = null; if (hyDesc != null) cudnnDestroyTensorDescriptor(hyDesc); hyDesc = null; if (dhyDesc != null) cudnnDestroyTensorDescriptor(dhyDesc); dhyDesc = null; if (cxDesc != null) cudnnDestroyTensorDescriptor(cxDesc); cxDesc = null; if (dcxDesc != null) cudnnDestroyTensorDescriptor(dcxDesc); dcxDesc = null; if (cyDesc != null) cudnnDestroyTensorDescriptor(cyDesc); cyDesc = null; if (dcyDesc != null) cudnnDestroyTensorDescriptor(dcyDesc); dcyDesc = null; if (wDesc != null) cudnnDestroyFilterDescriptor(wDesc); wDesc = null; if (dwDesc != null) cudnnDestroyFilterDescriptor(dwDesc); dwDesc = null; if (xDesc != null) { for (cudnnTensorDescriptor dsc : xDesc) { cudnnDestroyTensorDescriptor(dsc); } xDesc = null; } if (dxDesc != null) { for (cudnnTensorDescriptor dsc : dxDesc) { cudnnDestroyTensorDescriptor(dsc); } dxDesc = null; } if (yDesc != null) { for (cudnnTensorDescriptor dsc : yDesc) { cudnnDestroyTensorDescriptor(dsc); } yDesc = null; } if (dyDesc != null) { for (cudnnTensorDescriptor dsc : dyDesc) { cudnnDestroyTensorDescriptor(dsc); } dyDesc = null; } if (sizeInBytes != 0) { try { gCtx.cudaFreeHelper(instName, workSpace, gCtx.EAGER_CUDA_FREE); } catch (DMLRuntimeException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } workSpace = null; if (reserveSpaceSizeInBytes != 0) { try { gCtx.cudaFreeHelper(instName, reserveSpace, gCtx.EAGER_CUDA_FREE); } catch (DMLRuntimeException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } reserveSpace = null; if (dropOutSizeInBytes != 0) { try { gCtx.cudaFreeHelper(instName, dropOutStateSpace, gCtx.EAGER_CUDA_FREE); } catch (DMLRuntimeException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } dropOutStateSpace = null; } }