Source code

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 *  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 *  or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 *  distributed with this work for additional information
 *  regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 *  to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 *  "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 *  with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 *  software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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 *  under the License.

import org.apache.commons.lang.builder.HashCodeBuilder;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.synapse.commons.util.PropertyHelper;
import java.util.*;

 * Data object which hold configuration data of the load analyzer task
public class LoadBalancerConfiguration implements Serializable {

    protected static final long serialVersionUID = -5553545217542808233L;

    private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(LoadBalancerConfiguration.class);

     * This map is there to speed up the lookup time.
     * Key: domain
     * <p/>
     * Value: A map whose key is sub domain and value is ServiceConfiguration
    private Map<String, Map<String, ServiceConfiguration>> serviceConfigurations = new HashMap<String, Map<String, ServiceConfiguration>>();

     * Key - host name
     * Value - {@link HostContext}
    private transient Map<String, HostContext> hostCtxt = new HashMap<String, HostContext>();

     * This map is there to speed up the lookup time.
     * Key: service name/cartridge type (Stratos2). NOTE: that this is not the service cluster domain.
     * Value: list of {@link ServiceConfiguration} - corresponding objects under a service name.
    private Map<String, List<ServiceConfiguration>> serviceNameToServiceConfigurations = new HashMap<String, List<ServiceConfiguration>>();

     * This list will be used to identify host name duplications among different services.
     * Within a service there can be duplications, but among different services you can't have duplications.
     * Key - service name
     * Value - hosts under the respective service.
    private Map<String, Set<String>> hostNamesTracker = new HashMap<String, Set<String>>();

    protected ServiceConfiguration defaultServiceConfig;
    protected LBConfiguration lbConfig;

     * LBConfig file as a String
    protected String lbConfigString;

     * Root node object for loadbalancer.conf
    protected Node rootNode;

    private LoadBalancerConfiguration() {

    private static LoadBalancerConfiguration instance;

    public static LoadBalancerConfiguration getInstance() {
        if (instance == null) {
            instance = new LoadBalancerConfiguration();
        return instance;

     * Sample loadbalancer.conf:
     * <p/>
     * loadbalancer {
     * # minimum number of load balancer instances
     * instances           1;
     * # whether autoscaling enable or not
     * enable_autoscaler   true;
     * # End point reference of the Autoscaler Service
     * autoscaler_service_epr;
     * # interval between two task executions in milliseconds
     * autoscaler_task_interval 1000;
     * # after an instance booted up, task will wait till this much of time and let the server started up
     * server_startup_delay 15000;
     * }
     * <p/>
     * services {
     * defaults {
     * min_app_instances       1;
     * max_app_instances       5;
     * queue_length_per_node   400;
     * rounds_to_average       10;
     * instances_per_scale_up  1;
     * message_expiry_time     60000;
     * }
     * <p/>
     * appserver {
     * hosts         ,;
     * domains   {
     * wso2.as1.domain {
     * tenant_range    1-100;
     * }
     * wso2.as2.domain {
     * tenant_range    101-200;
     * }
     * wso2.as3.domain {
     * tenant_range    *;
     * }
     * }
     * }
     * }
     * @param configURL URL of the load balancer config
    public void init(String configURL) {

        if (configURL == null) {
            String msg = "Cannot locate the location of the loadbalancer.conf file."
                    + " You need to set the 'loadbalancer.conf' system property.";
            throw new RuntimeException(msg);

        if (configURL.startsWith("$system:")) {
            configURL = System.getProperty(configURL.substring("$system:".length()));

        try {

            // get loadbalancer.conf file as a String
            if (configURL.startsWith(File.separator)) {
                lbConfigString = createLBConfigString(configURL);
            } else {
                lbConfigString = createLBConfigString(new URL(configURL).openStream());

        } catch (Exception e) {
            String msg = "Cannot read configuration file from " + configURL;
            log.error(msg, e);
            throw new RuntimeException(msg, e);

        // build a Node object for whole loadbalancer.conf
        rootNode = new Node();
        rootNode = NodeBuilder.buildNode(rootNode, lbConfigString);

        // load 'loadbalancer' node
        Node lbConfigNode = rootNode.findChildNodeByName(Constants.LOAD_BALANCER_ELEMENT);

        if (lbConfigNode != null) {
            createConfiguration(lbConfig = new LBConfiguration(), lbConfigNode);

        // load services node
        Node servicesConfigNode = rootNode.findChildNodeByName(Constants.SERVICES_ELEMENT);

        if (servicesConfigNode == null) {
            String msg = "Mandatory " + Constants.SERVICES_ELEMENT
                    + " element can not be found in the configuration file.";
            throw new RuntimeException(msg);

        // Set services configuration


     * Process the content of the following 'services' element
     * <p/>
     * services {
     * defaults {
     * min_app_instances       1;
     * max_app_instances       5;
     * queue_length_per_node   400;
     * rounds_to_average       10;
     * instances_per_scale_up  1;
     * message_expiry_time     60000;
     * }
     * <p/>
     * appserver {
     * hosts         ,;
     * domains   {
     * wso2.as1.domain {
     * tenant_range    1-100;
     * }
     * wso2.as2.domain {
     * tenant_range    101-200;
     * }
     * wso2.as3.domain {
     * tenant_range    *;
     * }
     * }
     * }
     * }
     * @param servicesConfigNode services element's Node
    public List<ServiceConfiguration> createServicesConfig(Node servicesConfigNode) {

        // current list of service configs
        List<ServiceConfiguration> currentServiceConfigs = new ArrayList<ServiceConfiguration>();

        // Building default configuration
        Node defaultNode = servicesConfigNode.findChildNodeByName(Constants.DEFAULTS_ELEMENT);

        if (defaultNode != null) {

            createConfiguration(defaultServiceConfig = new ServiceConfiguration(), defaultNode);

        // Building custom services configuration
        for (Node serviceNode : servicesConfigNode.getChildNodes()) {
            //skip default node
            if (serviceNode != defaultNode) {

                String serviceName = serviceNode.getName();

                // reading domains

                Node domainsNode;

                if (serviceNode.getChildNodes().isEmpty() || !(domainsNode = serviceNode.getChildNodes().get(0))
                        .getName().equals(Constants.DOMAIN_ELEMENT)) {

                    String msg = "The mandatory domains element, child of the " + serviceName
                            + " element is not specified in the configuration file. \n" + serviceNode.toString();
                    throw new RuntimeException(msg);

                if (domainsNode.getChildNodes().isEmpty()) {
                    // this is probably a mistake, so we don't proceed
                    String msg = "No domain is specified under " + Constants.DOMAIN_ELEMENT + " of " + serviceName
                            + " element.";
                    throw new RuntimeException(msg);

                ServiceConfiguration serviceConfig;

                // iterates through all the service domain specified in this service element. 
                for (Node domain : domainsNode.getChildNodes()) {

                    // create a new service configuration
                    serviceConfig = new ServiceConfiguration();

                    // set service name

                    // set domain name

                    // let's set properties common to all domains specified in this service element.
                    createConfiguration(serviceConfig, serviceNode);

                    // load properties specified under this service domain element.
                    createConfiguration(serviceConfig, domain);

                    // check host name duplication 
                    if (isDuplicatedHost(serviceNode.getName(), serviceConfig)) {
                        // this is probably a mistake, so we don't proceed
                        String msg = "Duplicated host names detected for different service domains.\n"
                                + "Element: \n" + serviceNode.toString();
                        throw new RuntimeException(msg);



        for (ServiceConfiguration serviceConfiguration : currentServiceConfigs) {

            // add the built ServiceConfiguration, to the map


        return currentServiceConfigs;


    public boolean addServiceConfiguration(ServiceConfiguration serviceConfig) {

        Map<String, ServiceConfiguration> map;
        String domain = serviceConfig.getDomain();

        if (domain == null) {
            String msg = "Domain of a Service Configuration cannot be null. Hence this "
                    + "Configuration will be neglected.";
            return false;

        String subDomain = serviceConfig.getSubDomain();

        if (serviceConfigurations.containsKey(domain)) {
            map = serviceConfigurations.get(domain);
        } else {
            map = new HashMap<String, ServiceConfiguration>();
        // put this serviceConfig
        map.put(subDomain, serviceConfig);

        // update the parent map
        serviceConfigurations.put(domain, map);

        // add to serviceNameToServiceConfiguration map
        List<ServiceConfiguration> configs;
        if (serviceNameToServiceConfigurations.get(serviceConfig.getServiceName()) == null) {
            configs = new ArrayList<ServiceConfiguration>();

        } else {
            configs = serviceNameToServiceConfigurations.get(serviceConfig.getServiceName());

        if (!configs.contains(serviceConfig)) {
        serviceNameToServiceConfigurations.put(serviceConfig.getServiceName(), configs);

        return true;

    public ServiceConfiguration removeServiceConfiguration(String domain, String subDomain) {

        Map<String, ServiceConfiguration> map;
        ServiceConfiguration serviceConfig = null;

        if (domain == null) {
            String msg = "Domain of a Service Configuration cannot be null. Hence this "
                    + "Configuration will be neglected.";
            return null;

        if (serviceConfigurations.containsKey(domain)) {
            map = serviceConfigurations.get(domain);

            if (map != null) {
                serviceConfig = map.remove(subDomain);

        if (serviceConfig == null) {
            String msg = "No matching service configuration found for domain: " + domain + ", sub domain: "
                    + subDomain;
            return null;

        String serviceName = serviceConfig.getServiceName();

        if (serviceName != null && serviceNameToServiceConfigurations.containsKey(serviceName)) {
            if (serviceConfig != null) {
                List<ServiceConfiguration> list = serviceNameToServiceConfigurations.get(serviceName);


                serviceNameToServiceConfigurations.put(serviceName, list);

        Set<String> allHosts;

        if (hostNamesTracker.containsKey(serviceName)) {
            allHosts = hostNamesTracker.get(serviceName);

            for (String hostName : serviceConfig.getHosts()) {

                if (hostName != null) {



        return serviceConfig;

    public void resetData() {
        serviceConfigurations = new HashMap<String, Map<String, ServiceConfiguration>>();

        serviceNameToServiceConfigurations = new HashMap<String, List<ServiceConfiguration>>();


     * Duplications can only be seen, when you traverse down the configuration file.
    public boolean isDuplicatedHost(String name, ServiceConfiguration serviceConfig) {

         * This will be populated with host names of all other services other than the
         * service subjected to the test.
        List<String> hostsOtherThanMine = new ArrayList<String>(hostNamesTracker.values().size());

        for (Map.Entry<String, Set<String>> entry : hostNamesTracker.entrySet()) {
            if (!entry.getKey().equals(name)) {

        for (String host : serviceConfig.getHosts()) {
            if (!hostsOtherThanMine.isEmpty() && hostsOtherThanMine.contains(host)) {
                return true;

        addToHostNameTrackerMap(name, serviceConfig.getHosts());

        return false;

    public void addToHostNameTrackerMap(String name, List<String> hosts) {

        Set<String> allHosts;

        if (hostNamesTracker.containsKey(name)) {
            allHosts = hostNamesTracker.get(name);
        } else {
            allHosts = new HashSet<String>(hosts);
        hostNamesTracker.put(name, allHosts);

    public void addToHostContextMap(String hostName, HostContext ctxt) {

        if (hostName != null && ctxt != null) {
            hostCtxt.put(hostName, ctxt);

     * Return a map of {@link HostContext}.
     * @return
    public Map<String, HostContext> getHostContextMap() {

        List<Integer> tenantIds;
        Map<String, String> URLSuffixes;

        // FIXME if possible! I couldn't think of any other way to do this, at this moment.
        // Note: some of these for-loops are pretty small, thus no considerable performance overhead.
        // iterate through each service
        for (Iterator<Set<String>> it = hostNamesTracker.values().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {

            // iterate through host names of this service
            for (String hostName : ((Set<String>) {

                // building HostContext
                HostContext ctxt = new HostContext(hostName);

                // iterate through domains of this host
                for (Map.Entry<String, Map<String, ServiceConfiguration>> parentMap : serviceConfigurations
                        .entrySet()) {

                    // iterate through sub domain of this domain
                    for (Map.Entry<String, ServiceConfiguration> childMap : parentMap.getValue().entrySet()) {
                        // iterate through hosts of this
                        for (String host : childMap.getValue().getHosts()) {
                            // if a matching Service configuration is found.
                            if (host.equals(hostName)) {

                                String tenantRange = childMap.getValue().getTenantRange();
                                String domain = parentMap.getKey();
                                String subDomain = childMap.getKey();

                                        .getTenantDomainContexts(tenantRange, domain, subDomain));


                        //iterate through URL suffixes
                        for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : childMap.getValue().getUrl_suffix().entrySet()) {
                            if (entry.getKey().equals(hostName)) {




                // add this hostCtxt
                hostCtxt.put(hostName, ctxt);


        return hostCtxt;


    protected void createConfiguration(Configuration config, Node node) {

        if (node == null) {
            String msg = "The configuration element for " + config.getClass().getName() + " is null.";
            throw new RuntimeException(msg);

        try {
            // load properties
            for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : node.getProperties().entrySet()) {
                String key = entry.getKey();
                String value = entry.getValue();

                PropertyHelper.setInstanceProperty(key, value, config);

        } catch (Exception e) {
            String msg = "Error setting values to " + config.getClass().getName();
            log.error(msg, e);
            throw new RuntimeException(msg, e);

    public LBConfiguration getLoadBalancerConfig() {
        return lbConfig;

    public String[] getServiceDomains() {

        Object[] objs = serviceConfigurations.keySet().toArray();

        return Arrays.copyOf(objs, objs.length, String[].class);


    public String[] getServiceSubDomains(String domain) {

        if (serviceConfigurations.get(domain) != null) {
            Object[] objs = serviceConfigurations.get(domain).keySet().toArray();
            return Arrays.copyOf(objs, objs.length, String[].class);

        return new String[0];

    public ServiceConfiguration getServiceConfig(String domain, String subDomain) {
        if (serviceConfigurations.get(domain) != null) {
            return serviceConfigurations.get(domain).get(subDomain);
        return null;

    public List<ServiceConfiguration> getServiceConfigs(String serviceName) {
        return serviceNameToServiceConfigurations.get(serviceName);

     * Convert given configuration file to a single String
     * @param configFileName - file name to convert
     * @return String with complete lb configuration
     * @throws FileNotFoundException
    public String createLBConfigString(String configFileName) throws FileNotFoundException {
        StringBuilder lbConfigString = new StringBuilder("");

        File configFile = new File(configFileName);
        Scanner scanner;

        scanner = new Scanner(configFile);

        while (scanner.hasNextLine()) {
            lbConfigString.append(scanner.nextLine().trim() + "\n");

        return lbConfigString.toString().trim();

    public String createLBConfigString(InputStream configFileName) throws IOException {

        // read the stream with BufferedReader
        BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(configFileName));

        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

        String line;
        while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
            sb.append(line.trim() + "\n");

        return sb.toString().trim();

    public abstract class Configuration implements Serializable {

        private static final long serialVersionUID = -5433889427746551250L;
        protected String imageId = System.getenv("ami_id");
        protected String payload;
        protected boolean payloadSet;

        protected String availability_zone = "us-east-1c";
        protected boolean availabilityZoneSet;

        protected String[] security_groups = new String[] { "default" };
        protected boolean securityGroupsSet;

        protected String instance_type = "m1.large";
        protected boolean instanceTypeSet;

        protected String additional_info;

        public String getImageId() {
            return imageId;

        public String getAdditionalInfo() {
            return additional_info;

        public String getAvailability_zone() {
            if (this instanceof LBConfiguration) {
                return availability_zone;
            if (availabilityZoneSet) {
                return availability_zone;
            } else if (defaultServiceConfig != null && defaultServiceConfig.availabilityZoneSet) {
                return defaultServiceConfig.availability_zone;
            return availability_zone;

        public String[] getSecurityGroups() {
            if (this instanceof LBConfiguration) {
                return security_groups;
            if (securityGroupsSet) {
                return security_groups;
            } else if (defaultServiceConfig != null && defaultServiceConfig.securityGroupsSet) {
                return defaultServiceConfig.security_groups;
            return security_groups;

        public String getInstanceType() {
            if (this instanceof LBConfiguration) {
                return instance_type;
            if (instanceTypeSet) {
                return instance_type;
            } else if (defaultServiceConfig != null && defaultServiceConfig.instanceTypeSet) {
                return defaultServiceConfig.instance_type;
            return instance_type;

        public String getUserData() {
            if (payload == null) {
                payload = LoadBalancerConfigUtil.getUserData("resources/");
            if (this instanceof LBConfiguration) {
                return payload;
            if (payloadSet) {
                return payload;
            } else if (defaultServiceConfig != null && defaultServiceConfig.payloadSet) {
                return defaultServiceConfig.payload;
            return payload;

        public void setPayload(String payload) {
            this.payload = LoadBalancerConfigUtil.getUserData(LoadBalancerConfigUtil.replaceVariables(payload));
            this.payloadSet = true;

        public void setAvailability_zone(String availabilityZone) {
            this.availability_zone = LoadBalancerConfigUtil.replaceVariables(availabilityZone);
            this.availabilityZoneSet = true;

        public void setSecurity_groups(String securityGroups) {
            this.security_groups = LoadBalancerConfigUtil.replaceVariables(securityGroups).split(",");
            this.securityGroupsSet = true;

        public void setInstance_type(String instanceType) {
            this.instance_type = LoadBalancerConfigUtil.replaceVariables(instanceType);
            this.instanceTypeSet = true;


    public class LBConfiguration extends Configuration implements Serializable {

        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1357143883932816418L;
        private String elasticIP;//= LoadBalancerConfigUtil.replaceVariables("${ELASTIC_IP}");
        private int instances = 1;
        private boolean isAutoscaleEnabled;
        private int autoscalerTaskInterval = 30000;
        private String autoscalerServiceEpr;
        private int serverStartupDelay = 60000;
        private int sizeOfCache = 0;
        private boolean failOver;
        private int sessionTimeOut = -1;
        private String groupManagementAgentClass;
        private String autoscalerTaskClass;
        private String mbServerUrl;
        private boolean useEmbeddedAutoscaler = true;
        private String algorithm = "org.apache.synapse.endpoints.algorithms.RoundRobin";

        public String getElasticIP() {
            return elasticIP;

        public int getInstances() {
            return instances;

        public boolean isAutoscaleEnabled() {
            return isAutoscaleEnabled;

        public boolean useEmbeddedAutoscaler() {
            return useEmbeddedAutoscaler;

        public boolean getFailOver() {
            return failOver;

        public String getAutoscalerServiceEpr() {
            return autoscalerServiceEpr;

        public int getAutoscalerTaskInterval() {
            return autoscalerTaskInterval;

        public int getServerStartupDelay() {
            return serverStartupDelay;

        public int getSessionTimeOut() {
            return sessionTimeOut;

        public void setElasticIP(String elasticIP) {
            this.elasticIP = LoadBalancerConfigUtil.replaceVariables(elasticIP);

        public void setInstances(int instances) {
            this.instances = instances;

        public void setEnable_autoscaler(String isEnabled) {
            this.isAutoscaleEnabled = Boolean.parseBoolean(isEnabled);

        public void setUse_embedded_autoscaler(String use) {
            this.useEmbeddedAutoscaler = Boolean.parseBoolean(use);

        public void setFail_over(String isEnabled) {
            this.failOver = Boolean.parseBoolean(isEnabled);

        public void setAutoscaler_service_epr(String epr) {
            this.autoscalerServiceEpr = epr;

        public void setMb_server_url(String url) {
            this.mbServerUrl = url;

        public String getMbServerUrl() {
            return mbServerUrl;

        public void setAutoscaler_task_interval(String interval) {
            this.autoscalerTaskInterval = Integer.parseInt(interval);

        public void setServer_startup_delay(String delay) {
            this.serverStartupDelay = Integer.parseInt(delay);

        public void setSession_timeout(String timeout) {
            this.sessionTimeOut = Integer.parseInt(timeout);

        public String getAlgorithm() {
            return algorithm;

        public void setAlgorithm(String algorithm) {
            if (algorithm != null) {
                this.algorithm = algorithm;

        public int getSizeOfCache() {
            return sizeOfCache;

        public void setSize_of_cache(int sizeOfCache) {
            this.sizeOfCache = sizeOfCache;

        public String getGroupManagementAgentClass() {
            return groupManagementAgentClass;

        public String getAutoscalerTaskClass() {
            return autoscalerTaskClass;

        public void setGroup_mgt_agent(String groupManagementAgentClass) {
            this.groupManagementAgentClass = groupManagementAgentClass;

        public void setAutoscaler_task(String autoscalerTaskClass) {
            this.autoscalerTaskClass = autoscalerTaskClass;

    public class ServiceConfiguration extends Configuration implements Serializable {

        private String serviceName;

        public String getServiceName() {
            return serviceName;

        public void setServiceName(String name) {
            this.serviceName = name;

        public String getPublicIp() {
            return publicIp;

        public void setPublic_ip(String publicIp) {
            this.publicIp = publicIp;

        private String publicIp;

        private static final long serialVersionUID = 8707314702788040116L;
        private int minAppInstances = 1;
        private boolean minAppInstancesSet;

        private int maxAppInstances = 3;
        private boolean maxAppInstancesSet;

        private int maxRequestsPerSecond = 100;
        private boolean maxRequestsPerSecondSet;

        private double alarmingUpperRate = 0.7;
        private boolean alarmingUpperRateSet;

        private double alarmingLowerRate = 0.2;
        private boolean alarmingLowerRateSet;

        private double scaleDownFactor = 0.25;
        private boolean scaleDownFactorSet;

        private int roundsToAverage = 10;
        private boolean roundsToAverageSet;

        private int instancesPerScaleUp = 1;
        private boolean instancesPerScaleUpSet;

        private int messageExpiryTime = 60000; // milliseconds
        private boolean messageExpiryTimeSet;

        private List<String> hosts = new ArrayList<String>();
        private Map<String, String> urlSuffixes = new HashMap<String, String>();
        private boolean hostsSet;

        private String domain;

        private String tenantRange;
        private boolean tenantRangeSet;

        private String subDomain = Constants.DEFAULT_SUB_DOMAIN;
        private boolean subDomainSet;

        public String getTenantRange() {
            if (tenantRangeSet) {
                return tenantRange;
            } else if (defaultServiceConfig != null && defaultServiceConfig.tenantRangeSet) {
                return defaultServiceConfig.tenantRange;
            return tenantRange;

        public String getDomain() {
            return domain;

        public List<String> getHosts() {
            if (hostsSet) {
                return hosts;
            } else if (defaultServiceConfig != null && defaultServiceConfig.hostsSet) {
                return defaultServiceConfig.hosts;
            return hosts;

        public int getMinAppInstances() {
            if (minAppInstancesSet) {
                return minAppInstances;
            } else if (defaultServiceConfig != null && defaultServiceConfig.minAppInstancesSet) {
                return defaultServiceConfig.minAppInstances;
            return minAppInstances;

        public int getMaxAppInstances() {
            if (maxAppInstancesSet) {
                return maxAppInstances;
            } else if (defaultServiceConfig != null && defaultServiceConfig.maxAppInstancesSet) {
                return defaultServiceConfig.maxAppInstances;
            return maxAppInstances;

        public int getMaxRequestsPerSecond() {
            if (maxRequestsPerSecondSet) {
                return maxRequestsPerSecond;
            } else if (defaultServiceConfig != null && defaultServiceConfig.maxRequestsPerSecondSet) {
                return defaultServiceConfig.maxRequestsPerSecond;
            return maxRequestsPerSecond;

        public int getRoundsToAverage() {
            if (roundsToAverageSet) {
                return roundsToAverage;
            } else if (defaultServiceConfig != null && defaultServiceConfig.roundsToAverageSet) {
                return defaultServiceConfig.roundsToAverage;
            return roundsToAverage;

        public int getInstancesPerScaleUp() {
            if (instancesPerScaleUpSet) {
                return instancesPerScaleUp;
            } else if (defaultServiceConfig != null && defaultServiceConfig.instancesPerScaleUpSet) {
                return defaultServiceConfig.instancesPerScaleUp;
            return instancesPerScaleUp;

        public int getMessageExpiryTime() {
            if (messageExpiryTimeSet) {
                return messageExpiryTime;
            } else if (defaultServiceConfig != null && defaultServiceConfig.messageExpiryTimeSet) {
                return defaultServiceConfig.messageExpiryTime;
            return messageExpiryTime;

        public String getSubDomain() {
            if (subDomainSet) {
                return subDomain;
            } else if (defaultServiceConfig != null && defaultServiceConfig.subDomainSet) {
                return defaultServiceConfig.subDomain;
            return subDomain;

        public void setMin_app_instances(int minAppInstances) {
            //            if (minAppInstances < 1) {
            //                LoadBalancerConfigUtil.handleException("minAppInstances in the autoscaler task configuration " +
            //                        "should be at least 1");
            //            }
            this.minAppInstances = minAppInstances;
            this.minAppInstancesSet = true;

        public void setMax_app_instances(int maxAppInstances) {
            if (maxAppInstances < 1) {
                        "maxAppInstances in the autoscaler task configuration " + "should be at least 1");
            this.maxAppInstances = maxAppInstances;
            this.maxAppInstancesSet = true;

        public void setAlarming_upper_rate(double rate) {
            if (rate > 0 && rate <= 1) {
                this.alarmingUpperRate = rate;
                this.alarmingUpperRateSet = true;

        public void setAlarming_lower_rate(double rate) {
            if (rate > 0 && rate <= 1) {
                this.alarmingLowerRate = rate;
                this.alarmingLowerRateSet = true;

        public void setScale_down_factor(double factor) {
            if (factor > 0 && factor <= 1) {
                this.scaleDownFactor = factor;
                this.scaleDownFactorSet = true;

        public void setMax_requests_per_second(int rps) {
            this.maxRequestsPerSecond = rps;
            this.maxRequestsPerSecondSet = true;

        public void setRounds_to_average(int roundsToAverage) {
            this.roundsToAverage = roundsToAverage;
            this.roundsToAverageSet = true;

        public void setInstances_per_scale_up(int instancesPerScaleUp) {
            if (instancesPerScaleUp < 1) {
                        "instancesPerScaleUp in the autoscaler task configuration " + "should be at least 1");
            this.instancesPerScaleUp = instancesPerScaleUp;
            this.instancesPerScaleUpSet = true;

        public void setMessage_expiry_time(int messageExpiryTime) {
            if (messageExpiryTime < 1) {
                        "messageExpiryTime in the autoscaler task configuration " + "should be at least 1");
            this.messageExpiryTime = messageExpiryTime;
            this.messageExpiryTimeSet = true;

        public void setHosts(String hostsStr) {
            // clear all unnecessary values --> property will get overwritten
            hosts = new ArrayList<String>();
            // there can be multiple hosts, let's find out.
            String[] host = hostsStr.split(Constants.HOSTS_DELIMITER);

            for (String string : host) {
                if (!string.isEmpty()) {


        public void setUrl_suffix(String suffix) {
            // clear all unnecessary values --> property will get overwritten
            //hosts = new ArrayList<String>();
            // there can be multiple hosts, let's find out.
            String[] suffixes = suffix.split(Constants.HOSTS_DELIMITER);
            int count = 0;
            if (suffixes.length == this.hosts.size()) {
                for (String string : suffixes) {
                    if (!string.isEmpty()) {
                        this.urlSuffixes.put(this.hosts.get(count), string);

            } else {

        public Map<String, String> getUrl_suffix() {
            return this.urlSuffixes;

        public void setTenant_range(String range) {
            this.tenantRange = range;

        public void setSub_domain(String subDomain) {
            this.subDomain = subDomain;
            this.subDomainSet = true;

        public void setDomain(String domain) {
            this.domain = domain;

        public boolean equals(ServiceConfiguration config) {
            return this.domain.equals(config.getDomain()) && this.subDomain.equals(config.getSubDomain());

        public int hashCode() {
            return new HashCodeBuilder(17, 31). // two randomly chosen prime numbers

        public double getAlarmingUpperRate() {
            if (alarmingUpperRateSet) {
                return alarmingUpperRate;
            } else if (defaultServiceConfig != null && defaultServiceConfig.alarmingUpperRateSet) {
                return defaultServiceConfig.alarmingUpperRate;
            return alarmingUpperRate;

        public double getAlarmingLowerRate() {
            if (alarmingLowerRateSet) {
                return alarmingLowerRate;
            } else if (defaultServiceConfig != null && defaultServiceConfig.alarmingLowerRateSet) {
                return defaultServiceConfig.alarmingLowerRate;
            return alarmingLowerRate;

        public double getScaleDownFactor() {
            if (scaleDownFactorSet) {
                return scaleDownFactor;
            } else if (defaultServiceConfig != null && defaultServiceConfig.scaleDownFactorSet) {
                return defaultServiceConfig.scaleDownFactor;
            return scaleDownFactor;

    public Map<String, Set<String>> getHostNamesTracker() {
        return hostNamesTracker;

    public Map<String, Map<String, ServiceConfiguration>> getServiceConfigurations() {
        return serviceConfigurations;

    public Node getRootNode() {
        return rootNode;

    public void setRootNode(Node rootNode) {
        this.rootNode = rootNode;

    public static void setInstance(LoadBalancerConfiguration instance) {
        LoadBalancerConfiguration.instance = instance;

    public Map<String, List<ServiceConfiguration>> getServiceNameToServiceConfigurations() {
        return serviceNameToServiceConfigurations;
