Java tutorial
/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.storm.testing; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.Vector; import; import org.apache.storm.ClojureClass; import org.apache.storm.LocalCluster; import org.apache.storm.cluster.ClusterState; import org.apache.storm.cluster.DistributedClusterState; import org.apache.storm.cluster.StormClusterState; import org.apache.storm.cluster.StormZkClusterState; import org.apache.storm.config.ConfigUtil; import org.apache.storm.daemon.common.Common; import org.apache.storm.daemon.common.DaemonCommon; import org.apache.storm.daemon.nimbus.ServiceHandler; import org.apache.storm.daemon.nimbus.StandaloneNimbus; import org.apache.storm.daemon.supervisor.StandaloneSupervisor; import org.apache.storm.daemon.supervisor.Supervisor; import org.apache.storm.daemon.supervisor.SupervisorManager; import org.apache.storm.daemon.supervisor.psim.ProcessSimulator; import org.apache.storm.daemon.worker.messaging.local.LocalContext; import org.apache.storm.daemon.worker.messaging.local.LocalUtils; import org.apache.storm.thrift.Thrift; import org.apache.storm.util.CoreUtil; import org.apache.storm.zk.InprocessZookeeper; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import backtype.storm.Config; import backtype.storm.daemon.Shutdownable; import backtype.storm.generated.Bolt; import backtype.storm.generated.GlobalStreamId; import backtype.storm.generated.Grouping; import backtype.storm.generated.KillOptions; import backtype.storm.generated.SpoutSpec; import backtype.storm.generated.StormTopology; import backtype.storm.generated.StreamInfo; import backtype.storm.messaging.IContext; import backtype.storm.scheduler.INimbus; import backtype.storm.scheduler.ISupervisor; import backtype.storm.task.TopologyContext; import backtype.storm.testing.FeederSpout; import backtype.storm.testing.FixedTuple; import backtype.storm.testing.FixedTupleSpout; import backtype.storm.testing.TestWordSpout; import backtype.storm.testing.TupleCaptureBolt; import backtype.storm.tuple.Fields; import backtype.storm.tuple.TupleImpl; import backtype.storm.utils.Time; import backtype.storm.utils.Utils; @ClojureClass(className = "backtype.storm.testing") public class Testing { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Testing.class); @ClojureClass(className = "backtype.storm.testing#feeder-spout") public static FeederSpout feederSpout(Fields fields) { return new FeederSpout(fields); } @ClojureClass(className = "backtype.storm.testing#local-temp-path") public static String localTempPath() { return System.getProperty("") + "/" + CoreUtil.uuid(); } @ClojureClass(className = "backtype.storm.testing#delete-all") public static void deleteAll(List<String> paths) throws IOException { for (String path : paths) { File file = new File(path); if (file.exists()) { FileUtils.forceDelete(file); } } } @ClojureClass(className = "backtype.storm.testing#start-simulating-time!") public static void startSimulatingTime() { Time.startSimulating(); } @ClojureClass(className = "backtype.storm.testing#start-simulating-time!") public static void stopSimulatingTime() { Time.stopSimulating(); } @ClojureClass(className = "backtype.storm.testing#advance-time-ms!") public static void advanceTimeMs(long ms) { Time.advanceTime(ms); } @ClojureClass(className = "backtype.storm.testing#advance-time-secs!") public static void advanceTimeSecs(int secs) { advanceTimeMs(secs * 1000L); } @ClojureClass(className = "backtype.storm.testing#add-supervisor") public static void addSupervisor(Map clusterMap, int ports, Map conf, String id) throws Exception { String tmpDir = CoreUtil.localTempPath(); List<Integer> portIds = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (int i = 0; i < ports; i++) { portIds.add(6700 + i); } Map<String, Object> supervisorConf = new HashMap<String, Object>(); supervisorConf.putAll((Map<String, Object>) clusterMap.get("daemon-conf")); supervisorConf.putAll(conf); supervisorConf.put(Config.STORM_LOCAL_DIR, tmpDir); supervisorConf.put(Config.SUPERVISOR_SLOTS_PORTS, portIds); ISupervisor iSupervisor = new StandaloneSupervisor(); Supervisor supervisor = new Supervisor(); LocalContext sharedContext = (LocalContext) clusterMap.get("shared-context"); SupervisorManager daemon = supervisor.mkSupervisor(supervisorConf, sharedContext, iSupervisor); Vector<SupervisorManager> supervisorDaemons = (Vector<SupervisorManager>) clusterMap.get("supervisors"); supervisorDaemons.add(daemon); // TODO } @ClojureClass(className = "backtype.storm.testing#add-supervisor") public static void addSupervisor(LocalCluster cluster, int ports, Map conf, String id) throws Exception { String supTmp = CoreUtil.localTempPath(); Map<String, Object> supConf = new HashMap<String, Object>(); supConf.putAll(cluster.getDaemonConf()); supConf.putAll(conf); supConf.put(Config.STORM_LOCAL_DIR, supTmp); List<Integer> portIds = new ArrayList<Integer>(); int portCounter = CoreUtil.parseInt(cluster.getPortCounter(), 1024); for (int j = 0; j < ports; j++) { portIds.add(portCounter); portCounter++; } cluster.setPortCounter(portCounter); supConf.put(Config.SUPERVISOR_SLOTS_PORTS, portIds); ISupervisor iSupervisor = new StandaloneSupervisor(); Supervisor supervisor = new Supervisor(); IContext sharedContext = cluster.getSharedContext(); SupervisorManager daemon = supervisor.mkSupervisor(supConf, sharedContext, iSupervisor); Vector<SupervisorManager> supervisorDaemons = cluster.getSupervisorDaemons(); supervisorDaemons.add(daemon); cluster.addTmpDir(supTmp); } @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") @ClojureClass(className = "backtype.storm.testing#mk-shared-context") public static LocalContext mkSharedContext(Map conf) { LocalContext context = null; if (!CoreUtil.parseBoolean(conf.get(Config.STORM_LOCAL_MODE_ZMQ), false)) { context = LocalUtils.mkContext(); } return context; } /** * * @param supervisors * @param portsPerSupervisor * @param daemonConf * @param inimbus * @param supervisorSlotPortMin * @return returns map containing cluster info * @throws Exception */ @ClojureClass(className = "backtype.storm.testing#mk-local-storm-cluster") public static Map<String, Object> mkLocalStormCluster(int supervisors, int portsPerSupervisor, Map daemonConf, INimbus inimbus, int supervisorSlotPortMin) throws Exception { Vector<String> tmpDirs = new Vector<String>(); Map<String, Object> conf = Utils.readStormConfig(); String zkTmp = localTempPath(); List<String> stormZookeeperServers = CoreUtil.parseList(daemonConf.get(Config.STORM_ZOOKEEPER_SERVERS), null); InprocessZookeeper zkServer = null; if (stormZookeeperServers == null) { Map<String, Object> zkConf = ConfigUtil.readDefaultConfig(); zkServer = new InprocessZookeeper(zkConf); zkServer.start(); tmpDirs.add(zkTmp); conf.put(Config.STORM_ZOOKEEPER_PORT, zkServer.port()); conf.put(Config.STORM_ZOOKEEPER_SERVERS, Arrays.asList("localhost")); } conf.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_SKIP_MISSING_KRYO_REGISTRATIONS, true); conf.put(Config.ZMQ_LINGER_MILLIS, 0); conf.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_ENABLE_MESSAGE_TIMEOUTS, false); conf.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_TRIDENT_BATCH_EMIT_INTERVAL_MILLIS, 50); conf.put(Config.STORM_CLUSTER_MODE, "local"); conf.putAll(daemonConf); daemonConf = conf; String nimbusTmp = localTempPath(); Map<String, Object> nimbusConf = new HashMap<String, Object>(); nimbusConf.putAll(daemonConf); nimbusConf.put(Config.STORM_LOCAL_DIR, nimbusTmp); tmpDirs.add(nimbusTmp); if (inimbus == null) { inimbus = new StandaloneNimbus(); } ServiceHandler nimbus = new ServiceHandler(nimbusConf, inimbus); LocalContext context = mkSharedContext(daemonConf); Map<String, Object> clusterMap = new HashMap<String, Object>(); clusterMap.put("nimbus", nimbus); clusterMap.put("daemon-conf", daemonConf); clusterMap.put("supervisors", new Vector<SupervisorManager>()); clusterMap.put("state", new DistributedClusterState(daemonConf)); clusterMap.put("storm-cluster-state", new StormZkClusterState(daemonConf)); clusterMap.put("tmp-dirs", tmpDirs); if (zkServer != null) { clusterMap.put("zookeeper", zkServer); } clusterMap.put("shared-context", context); return clusterMap; } @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") @ClojureClass(className = "backtype.storm.testing#get-supervisor") public static SupervisorManager getSupervisor(Map clusterMap, String supervisorId) { return (SupervisorManager) clusterMap.get(supervisorId); } @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") @ClojureClass(className = "backtype.storm.testing#kill-supervisor") public static void killSupervisor(Map clusterMap, String supervisorId) { SupervisorManager sup = (SupervisorManager) clusterMap.get(supervisorId); // tmp-dir will be taken care of by shutdown clusterMap.remove(supervisorId); sup.shutdown(); } @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" }) @ClojureClass(className = "backtype.storm.testing#kill-local-storm-cluster") public static void killLocalStormCluster(Map clusterMap) throws Exception { ServiceHandler nimbus = (ServiceHandler) clusterMap.get("nimbus"); nimbus.shutdown(); ClusterState state = (ClusterState) clusterMap.get("state"); state.close(); StormClusterState stormClusterState = (StormClusterState) clusterMap.get("storm-cluster-state"); stormClusterState.disconnect(); Vector<SupervisorManager> supervisors = (Vector<SupervisorManager>) clusterMap.get("supervisors"); for (SupervisorManager supervisor : supervisors) { supervisor.shutdownAllWorkers(); // race condition here? will it launch the workers again? supervisor.shutdown(); } ProcessSimulator.killAllProcesses(); InprocessZookeeper zookeeper = (InprocessZookeeper) clusterMap.get("zookeeper"); if (zookeeper != null) {"Shutting down in process zookeeper"); zookeeper.stop(); }"Done shutting down in process zookeeper"); Vector<String> tmpDirs = (Vector<String>) clusterMap.get("tmp-dirs"); for (String dir : tmpDirs) { try {"Deleting temporary path {}", dir); CoreUtil.rmr(dir); // on windows, the host process still holds lock on the logfile } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn("Failed to clean up LocalCluster tmp dirs for {}", CoreUtil.stringifyError(e)); } } } public final static long TEST_TIMEOUT_MS = 20000; // JStorm needs more time to @ClojureClass(className = "backtype.storm.testing#TEST-TIMEOUT-MS") public static int testTimeOutMs() { Integer timeOut = Integer.valueOf(System.getenv("STORM_TEST_TIMEOUT_MS")); return timeOut != null ? timeOut : 5000; } public static TupleImpl testTuple(List<Object> values, String stream, String component, List<String> fields) { StreamInfo streamInfo = new StreamInfo(fields, true); Map<String, StreamInfo> outputs = new HashMap<String, StreamInfo>(); outputs.put(stream, streamInfo); SpoutSpec spoutSpec = Thrift.mkSpoutSpec(new TestWordSpout(), outputs, null, null); Map<String, SpoutSpec> spouts = null; StormTopology topology = new StormTopology(spouts, null, null); Map<Integer, String> taskToComponent = new HashMap<Integer, String>(); taskToComponent.put(1, component); Map<String, List<Integer>> componentToSortedTasks = new HashMap<String, List<Integer>>(); List<Integer> tmp = new ArrayList<Integer>(); tmp.add(1); componentToSortedTasks.put(component, tmp); Map<String, Map<String, Fields>> componentToStreamToFields = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Fields>>(); Map<String, Fields> tmp1 = new HashMap<String, Fields>(); tmp1.put(stream, new Fields(fields)); componentToStreamToFields.put(component, tmp1); List<Integer> workerTasks = new ArrayList<Integer>(); workerTasks.add(1); TopologyContext context = new TopologyContext(topology, Utils.readStormConfig(), taskToComponent, componentToSortedTasks, componentToStreamToFields, "test-storm-id", null, null, 1, null, workerTasks, null, null, new HashMap(), new HashMap(), new clojure.lang.Atom(false)); return new TupleImpl(context, values, 1, null); } @ClojureClass(className = "backtype.storm.testing#capture-topology") public static Map<String, Object> captureTopology(StormTopology topology) { topology = topology.deepCopy(); Map<String, SpoutSpec> spouts = topology.get_spouts(); Map<String, Bolt> bolts = topology.get_bolts(); Map<GlobalStreamId, Boolean> allStreams = new HashMap<GlobalStreamId, Boolean>(); for (Map.Entry<String, SpoutSpec> entry : spouts.entrySet()) { String id = entry.getKey(); SpoutSpec spec = entry.getValue(); Map<String, StreamInfo> streams = spec.get_common().get_streams(); for (Map.Entry<String, StreamInfo> e : streams.entrySet()) { String stream = e.getKey(); StreamInfo info = e.getValue(); allStreams.put(new GlobalStreamId(id, stream), info.is_direct()); } } for (Map.Entry<String, Bolt> entry : bolts.entrySet()) { String id = entry.getKey(); Bolt spec = entry.getValue(); Map<String, StreamInfo> streams = spec.get_common().get_streams(); for (Map.Entry<String, StreamInfo> e : streams.entrySet()) { String stream = e.getKey(); StreamInfo info = e.getValue(); allStreams.put(new GlobalStreamId(id, stream), info.is_direct()); } } TupleCaptureBolt capturer = new TupleCaptureBolt(); Map<GlobalStreamId, Grouping> inputs = new HashMap<GlobalStreamId, Grouping>(); for (Map.Entry<GlobalStreamId, Boolean> entry : allStreams.entrySet()) { if (entry.getValue()) { inputs.put(entry.getKey(), Thrift.mkDirectGrouping()); } else { inputs.put(entry.getKey(), Thrift.mkGlobalGrouping()); } } bolts.put(UUID.randomUUID().toString(), new Bolt(Thrift.serializeComponentObject(capturer), Thrift.mkPlainComponentCommon(inputs, new HashMap<String, StreamInfo>(), null, null))); topology.set_bolts(bolts); Map<String, Object> ret = new HashMap<String, Object>(); ret.put(Testing.TOPOLOGY, topology); ret.put(Testing.CAPTURER, capturer); return ret; } // TODO: mock-sources needs to be able to mock out state spouts as well @ClojureClass(className = "backtype.storm.testing#complete-topology") public static Map<String, List<FixedTuple>> completeTopology(LocalCluster cluster, StormTopology topology, Map<String, List<Object>> mockSources, Map stormConf, Boolean cleanupState, String topologyName, Long timeoutMs) throws Exception { // TODO: the idea of mocking for transactional topologies should be done an // abstraction level above... should have a complete-transactional-topology // for this if (cleanupState == null) { cleanupState = true; } if (timeoutMs == null) { timeoutMs = Testing.TEST_TIMEOUT_MS; } Map<String, Object> res = captureTopology(topology); topology = (StormTopology) res.get(Testing.TOPOLOGY); TupleCaptureBolt capturer = (TupleCaptureBolt) res.get(Testing.CAPTURER); String stormName; if (topologyName != null) { stormName = topologyName; } else { stormName = "topologytest-" + UUID.randomUUID(); } StormClusterState state = cluster.getStormClusterState(); Map<String, SpoutSpec> spouts = topology.get_spouts(); Map<String, FixedTupleSpout> replacements = new HashMap<String, FixedTupleSpout>(); for (Map.Entry<String, List<Object>> entry : mockSources.entrySet()) { String id = entry.getKey(); List<Object> value = entry.getValue(); List<Object> tuples = new ArrayList<Object>(value.size()); for (Object tup : value) { if (tup instanceof Map) { Map tupMap = (Map) tup; tuples.add(new FixedTuple((String) tupMap.get("stream"), (List) tupMap.get("values"))); } else { tuples.add(tup); } } replacements.put(id, new FixedTupleSpout(tuples)); } for (Map.Entry<String, FixedTupleSpout> entry : replacements.entrySet()) { String id = entry.getKey(); FixedTupleSpout spout = entry.getValue(); SpoutSpec spoutSpec = spouts.get(id); spoutSpec.set_spout_object(Thrift.serializeComponentObject(spout)); } List<Object> spoutObjects = new ArrayList<Object>(); for (SpoutSpec spoutSpec : spouts.values()) { spoutObjects.add(Thrift.deserializedComponentObject(spoutSpec.get_spout_object())); } for (Object spout : spoutObjects) { if (!(spout instanceof CompletableSpout)) { throw new RuntimeException( "Cannot complete topology unless every spout is a CompletableSpout (or mocked to be)"); } } for (Object spout : spoutObjects) { ((CompletableSpout) spout).startup(); } cluster.submitTopology(stormName, stormConf, topology); String stormId = Common.getStormId(state, stormName); /* * long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + timeoutMs; while * (!isEveryExhausted(spoutObjects)) { if (System.currentTimeMillis() > * endTime) { throw new AssertionError("Test timed out (" + timeoutMs + * "ms)"); } simulateWait(cluster); } */ Thread.sleep(20000); KillOptions killOptions = new KillOptions(); killOptions.set_wait_secs(0); cluster.getNimbus().killTopologyWithOpts(stormName, killOptions); /* * endTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + timeoutMs; while * (state.assignment_info(stormId, null) != null) { if * (System.currentTimeMillis() > endTime) { throw new * AssertionError("Test timed out (" + timeoutMs + "ms)"); } * simulateWait(cluster); } */ Thread.sleep(10000); if (cleanupState) { for (Object spout : spoutObjects) { ((CompletableSpout) spout).cleanup(); } return capturer.getAndRemoveResults(); } else { return capturer.getAndClearResults(); } } @ClojureClass(className = "backtype.storm.testing#simulate-wait") public static void simulateWait(LocalCluster cluster) throws InterruptedException { if (Time.isSimulating()) { advanceClusterTime(cluster, 10); Thread.sleep(100); } } // private static boolean isEveryExhausted(List<Object> spoutObjects) { // for (Object spout : spoutObjects) { // CompletableSpout realSpout = (CompletableSpout) spout; // if (!(realSpout.isExhausted())) { // return false; // } // } // return true; // } @ClojureClass(className = "backtype.storm.testing#advance-cluster-time") public static void advanceClusterTime(LocalCluster cluster, long secs, long incrementSecs) throws InterruptedException { long left = secs; while (left > 0) { long diff = Math.min(left, incrementSecs); Time.advanceTime(diff); waitUntilClusterWaiting(cluster); left -= diff; } } @ClojureClass(className = "backtype.storm.testing#advance-cluster-time") public static void advanceClusterTime(LocalCluster cluster, long secs) throws InterruptedException { advanceClusterTime(cluster, secs, 1); } /** * "Wait until the cluster is idle. Should be used with time simulation." * * @throws InterruptedException */ @ClojureClass(className = "backtype.storm.testing#wait-until-cluster-waiting") public static void waitUntilClusterWaiting(LocalCluster cluster) throws InterruptedException { waitUntilClusterWaiting(cluster, Testing.TEST_TIMEOUT_MS); } @ClojureClass(className = "backtype.storm.testing#wait-until-cluster-waiting") public static void waitUntilClusterWaiting(LocalCluster cluster, long timeoutMs) throws InterruptedException { // wait until all workers, supervisors, and nimbus is waiting List<DaemonCommon> daemons = new ArrayList<DaemonCommon>(); daemons.add(cluster.getNimbus()); daemons.addAll(cluster.getSupervisorDaemons()); // because a worker may already be dead Collection<Shutdownable> allProcesses = ProcessSimulator.getAllProcessHandles(); for (Shutdownable process : allProcesses) { if (process instanceof DaemonCommon) { daemons.add((DaemonCommon) process); } } long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + timeoutMs; while (!isEveryWaiting(daemons)) { if (System.currentTimeMillis() > endTime) { throw new AssertionError("Test timed out (" + timeoutMs + "ms)"); } if (Time.isSimulating()) { Thread.sleep(10); // for (DaemonCommon d : daemons) { // if (!(d.waiting())) // System.out.println(d); // } } } } private static boolean isEveryWaiting(List<DaemonCommon> daemons) { for (DaemonCommon daemon : daemons) { if (!daemon.waiting()) return false; } return true; } @ClojureClass(className = "backtype.storm.testing#read-tuples") public static List<Object> readTuples(Map<String, List<FixedTuple>> results, String componentId, String streamId) { List<Object> ret = new ArrayList<Object>(); List<FixedTuple> fixedTuples = results.get(componentId); if (fixedTuples != null) { for (FixedTuple ft : fixedTuples) { if ( { ret.add(new ArrayList<Object>(ft.values)); } } } return ret; } @ClojureClass(className = "backtype.storm.testing#read-tuples") public static List<Object> readTuples(Map<String, List<FixedTuple>> results, String componentId) { return readTuples(results, componentId, Utils.DEFAULT_STREAM_ID); } @ClojureClass(className = "backtype.storm.testing#ms=") public static boolean multiSetEquals(List<Object>... args) { int len = args.length; HashMap<Object, Integer> first = CoreUtil.multiSet(args[0]); for (int i = 1; i < len; i++) { HashMap<Object, Integer> other = CoreUtil.multiSet(args[i]); if (!first.equals(other)) { return false; } } return true; } public static void cleanupLocalCluster(LocalCluster cluster) { if (null != cluster) { cluster.shutdown(); } } final static String TOPOLOGY = "topology"; final static String CAPTURER = "capturer"; final static String STORM_CLUSTER_STATE = "storm-cluster-state"; // final static long TEST_TIMEOUT_MS = 5000; // start-up }