Java tutorial
/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.storm.daemon.supervisor; import; import org.apache.storm.Config; import org.apache.storm.blobstore.BlobStore; import org.apache.storm.blobstore.ClientBlobStore; import org.apache.storm.cluster.IStateStorage; import org.apache.storm.cluster.IStormClusterState; import org.apache.storm.event.EventManager; import org.apache.storm.generated.*; import org.apache.storm.localizer.LocalResource; import org.apache.storm.localizer.LocalizedResource; import org.apache.storm.localizer.Localizer; import org.apache.storm.utils.*; import org.apache.thrift.transport.TTransportException; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.StandardCopyOption; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; public class SyncSupervisorEvent implements Runnable { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SyncSupervisorEvent.class); private EventManager syncSupEventManager; private EventManager syncProcessManager; private IStormClusterState stormClusterState; private LocalState localState; private SyncProcessEvent syncProcesses; private SupervisorData supervisorData; public SyncSupervisorEvent(SupervisorData supervisorData, SyncProcessEvent syncProcesses, EventManager syncSupEventManager, EventManager syncProcessManager) { this.syncProcesses = syncProcesses; this.syncSupEventManager = syncSupEventManager; this.syncProcessManager = syncProcessManager; this.stormClusterState = supervisorData.getStormClusterState(); this.localState = supervisorData.getLocalState(); this.supervisorData = supervisorData; } @Override public void run() { try { Map conf = supervisorData.getConf(); Runnable syncCallback = new EventManagerPushCallback(this, syncSupEventManager); List<String> stormIds = stormClusterState.assignments(syncCallback); Map<String, Map<String, Object>> assignmentsSnapshot = getAssignmentsSnapshot(stormClusterState, stormIds, supervisorData.getAssignmentVersions().get(), syncCallback); Map<String, List<ProfileRequest>> stormIdToProfilerActions = getProfileActions(stormClusterState, stormIds); Set<String> allDownloadedTopologyIds = SupervisorUtils.readDownLoadedStormIds(conf); Map<String, String> stormcodeMap = readStormCodeLocations(assignmentsSnapshot); Map<Integer, LocalAssignment> existingAssignment = localState.getLocalAssignmentsMap(); if (existingAssignment == null) { existingAssignment = new HashMap<>(); } Map<Integer, LocalAssignment> allAssignment = readAssignments(assignmentsSnapshot, existingAssignment, supervisorData.getAssignmentId(), supervisorData.getSyncRetry()); Map<Integer, LocalAssignment> newAssignment = new HashMap<>(); Set<String> assignedStormIds = new HashSet<>(); for (Map.Entry<Integer, LocalAssignment> entry : allAssignment.entrySet()) { if (supervisorData.getiSupervisor().confirmAssigned(entry.getKey())) { newAssignment.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); assignedStormIds.add(entry.getValue().get_topology_id()); } } Set<String> crashedStormIds = verifyDownloadedFiles(conf, supervisorData.getLocalizer(), assignedStormIds, allDownloadedTopologyIds); Set<String> downloadedStormIds = new HashSet<>(); downloadedStormIds.addAll(allDownloadedTopologyIds); downloadedStormIds.removeAll(crashedStormIds); LOG.debug("Synchronizing supervisor"); LOG.debug("Storm code map: {}", stormcodeMap); LOG.debug("All assignment: {}", allAssignment); LOG.debug("New assignment: {}", newAssignment); LOG.debug("Assigned Storm Ids {}", assignedStormIds); LOG.debug("All Downloaded Ids {}", allDownloadedTopologyIds); LOG.debug("Checked Downloaded Ids {}", crashedStormIds); LOG.debug("Downloaded Ids {}", downloadedStormIds); LOG.debug("Storm Ids Profiler Actions {}", stormIdToProfilerActions); // download code first // This might take awhile // - should this be done separately from usual monitoring? // should we only download when topology is assigned to this supervisor? for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : stormcodeMap.entrySet()) { String stormId = entry.getKey(); if (!downloadedStormIds.contains(stormId) && assignedStormIds.contains(stormId)) {"Downloading code for storm id {}.", stormId); try { downloadStormCode(conf, stormId, entry.getValue(), supervisorData.getLocalizer()); } catch (Exception e) { if (Utils.exceptionCauseIsInstanceOf(NimbusLeaderNotFoundException.class, e)) { LOG.warn("Nimbus leader was not available.", e); } else if (Utils.exceptionCauseIsInstanceOf(TTransportException.class, e)) { LOG.warn("There was a connection problem with nimbus.", e); } else { throw e; } }"Finished downloading code for storm id {}", stormId); } } LOG.debug("Writing new assignment {}", newAssignment); Set<Integer> killWorkers = new HashSet<>(); killWorkers.addAll(existingAssignment.keySet()); killWorkers.removeAll(newAssignment.keySet()); for (Integer port : killWorkers) { supervisorData.getiSupervisor().killedWorker(port); } supervisorData.getiSupervisor().assigned(newAssignment.keySet()); localState.setLocalAssignmentsMap(newAssignment); supervisorData.setAssignmentVersions(assignmentsSnapshot); supervisorData.setStormIdToProfilerActions(stormIdToProfilerActions); Map<Long, LocalAssignment> convertNewAssignment = new HashMap<>(); for (Map.Entry<Integer, LocalAssignment> entry : newAssignment.entrySet()) { convertNewAssignment.put(entry.getKey().longValue(), entry.getValue()); } supervisorData.setCurrAssignment(convertNewAssignment); syncProcessManager.add(syncProcesses); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Failed to Sync Supervisor", e); throw new RuntimeException(e); } } protected Map<String, Map<String, Object>> getAssignmentsSnapshot(IStormClusterState stormClusterState, List<String> stormIds, Map<String, Map<String, Object>> localAssignmentVersion, Runnable callback) throws Exception { Map<String, Map<String, Object>> updateAssignmentVersion = new HashMap<>(); for (String stormId : stormIds) { Integer recordedVersion = -1; Integer version = stormClusterState.assignmentVersion(stormId, callback); if (localAssignmentVersion.containsKey(stormId) && localAssignmentVersion.get(stormId) != null) { recordedVersion = (Integer) localAssignmentVersion.get(stormId).get(IStateStorage.VERSION); } if (version == null) { // ignore } else if (version == recordedVersion) { updateAssignmentVersion.put(stormId, localAssignmentVersion.get(stormId)); } else { Map<String, Object> assignmentVersion = (Map<String, Object>) stormClusterState .assignmentInfoWithVersion(stormId, callback); updateAssignmentVersion.put(stormId, assignmentVersion); } } return updateAssignmentVersion; } protected Map<String, List<ProfileRequest>> getProfileActions(IStormClusterState stormClusterState, List<String> stormIds) throws Exception { Map<String, List<ProfileRequest>> ret = new HashMap<String, List<ProfileRequest>>(); for (String stormId : stormIds) { List<ProfileRequest> profileRequests = stormClusterState.getTopologyProfileRequests(stormId); ret.put(stormId, profileRequests); } return ret; } protected Map<String, String> readStormCodeLocations(Map<String, Map<String, Object>> assignmentsSnapshot) { Map<String, String> stormcodeMap = new HashMap<>(); for (Map.Entry<String, Map<String, Object>> entry : assignmentsSnapshot.entrySet()) { Assignment assignment = (Assignment) (entry.getValue().get(IStateStorage.DATA)); if (assignment != null) { stormcodeMap.put(entry.getKey(), assignment.get_master_code_dir()); } } return stormcodeMap; } /** * Check for the files exists to avoid supervisor crashing Also makes sure there is no necessity for locking" * * @param conf * @param localizer * @param assignedStormIds * @param allDownloadedTopologyIds * @return */ protected Set<String> verifyDownloadedFiles(Map conf, Localizer localizer, Set<String> assignedStormIds, Set<String> allDownloadedTopologyIds) throws IOException { Set<String> srashStormIds = new HashSet<>(); for (String stormId : allDownloadedTopologyIds) { if (assignedStormIds.contains(stormId)) { if (!SupervisorUtils.doRequiredTopoFilesExist(conf, stormId)) { LOG.debug("Files not present in topology directory"); SupervisorUtils.rmTopoFiles(conf, stormId, localizer, false); srashStormIds.add(stormId); } } } return srashStormIds; } /** * download code ; two cluster mode: local and distributed * * @param conf * @param stormId * @param masterCodeDir * @throws IOException */ private void downloadStormCode(Map conf, String stormId, String masterCodeDir, Localizer localizer) throws Exception { String clusterMode = ConfigUtils.clusterMode(conf); if (clusterMode.endsWith("distributed")) { downloadDistributeStormCode(conf, stormId, masterCodeDir, localizer); } else if (clusterMode.endsWith("local")) { downloadLocalStormCode(conf, stormId, masterCodeDir, localizer); } } private void downloadLocalStormCode(Map conf, String stormId, String masterCodeDir, Localizer localizer) throws Exception { String tmproot = ConfigUtils.supervisorTmpDir(conf) + Utils.FILE_PATH_SEPARATOR + Utils.uuid(); String stormroot = ConfigUtils.supervisorStormDistRoot(conf, stormId); BlobStore blobStore = Utils.getNimbusBlobStore(conf, masterCodeDir, null); FileOutputStream codeOutStream = null; FileOutputStream confOutStream = null; try { FileUtils.forceMkdir(new File(tmproot)); String stormCodeKey = ConfigUtils.masterStormCodeKey(stormId); String stormConfKey = ConfigUtils.masterStormConfKey(stormId); String codePath = ConfigUtils.supervisorStormCodePath(tmproot); String confPath = ConfigUtils.supervisorStormConfPath(tmproot); codeOutStream = new FileOutputStream(codePath); blobStore.readBlobTo(stormCodeKey, codeOutStream, null); confOutStream = new FileOutputStream(confPath); blobStore.readBlobTo(stormConfKey, confOutStream, null); } finally { if (codeOutStream != null) codeOutStream.close(); if (confOutStream != null) codeOutStream.close(); blobStore.shutdown(); } FileUtils.moveDirectory(new File(tmproot), new File(stormroot)); SupervisorUtils.setupStormCodeDir(conf, ConfigUtils.readSupervisorStormConf(conf, stormId), stormroot); ClassLoader classloader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); String resourcesJar = resourcesJar(); URL url = classloader.getResource(ConfigUtils.RESOURCES_SUBDIR); String targetDir = stormroot + Utils.FILE_PATH_SEPARATOR + ConfigUtils.RESOURCES_SUBDIR; if (resourcesJar != null) {"Extracting resources from jar at {} to {}", resourcesJar, targetDir); Utils.extractDirFromJar(resourcesJar, ConfigUtils.RESOURCES_SUBDIR, stormroot); } else if (url != null) {"Copying resources at {} to {} ", url.toString(), targetDir); if (url.getProtocol() == "jar") { JarURLConnection urlConnection = (JarURLConnection) url.openConnection(); Utils.extractDirFromJar(urlConnection.getJarFileURL().getFile(), ConfigUtils.RESOURCES_SUBDIR, stormroot); } else { FileUtils.copyDirectory(new File(url.getFile()), (new File(targetDir))); } } } /** * Downloading to permanent location is atomic * * @param conf * @param stormId * @param masterCodeDir * @param localizer * @throws Exception */ private void downloadDistributeStormCode(Map conf, String stormId, String masterCodeDir, Localizer localizer) throws Exception { String tmproot = ConfigUtils.supervisorTmpDir(conf) + Utils.FILE_PATH_SEPARATOR + Utils.uuid(); String stormroot = ConfigUtils.supervisorStormDistRoot(conf, stormId); ClientBlobStore blobStore = Utils.getClientBlobStoreForSupervisor(conf); FileUtils.forceMkdir(new File(tmproot)); if (Utils.isOnWindows()) { if (Utils.getBoolean(conf.get(Config.SUPERVISOR_RUN_WORKER_AS_USER), false)) { throw new RuntimeException("ERROR: Windows doesn't implement setting the correct permissions"); } } else { Utils.restrictPermissions(tmproot); } String stormJarKey = ConfigUtils.masterStormJarKey(stormId); String stormCodeKey = ConfigUtils.masterStormCodeKey(stormId); String stormConfKey = ConfigUtils.masterStormConfKey(stormId); String jarPath = ConfigUtils.supervisorStormJarPath(tmproot); String codePath = ConfigUtils.supervisorStormCodePath(tmproot); String confPath = ConfigUtils.supervisorStormConfPath(tmproot); Utils.downloadResourcesAsSupervisor(stormJarKey, jarPath, blobStore); Utils.downloadResourcesAsSupervisor(stormCodeKey, codePath, blobStore); Utils.downloadResourcesAsSupervisor(stormConfKey, confPath, blobStore); blobStore.shutdown(); Utils.extractDirFromJar(jarPath, ConfigUtils.RESOURCES_SUBDIR, tmproot); downloadBlobsForTopology(conf, confPath, localizer, tmproot); if (didDownloadBlobsForTopologySucceed(confPath, tmproot)) {"Successfully downloaded blob resources for storm-id {}", stormId); if (Utils.isOnWindows()) { // Files/move with non-empty directory doesn't work well on Windows FileUtils.moveDirectory(new File(tmproot), new File(stormroot)); } else { FileUtils.forceMkdir(new File(stormroot)); Files.move(new File(tmproot).toPath(), new File(stormroot).toPath(), StandardCopyOption.ATOMIC_MOVE); } } else {"Failed to download blob resources for storm-id ", stormId); Utils.forceDelete(tmproot); } } /** * Assert if all blobs are downloaded for the given topology * * @param stormconfPath * @param targetDir * @return */ protected boolean didDownloadBlobsForTopologySucceed(String stormconfPath, String targetDir) throws IOException { Map stormConf = Utils.fromCompressedJsonConf(FileUtils.readFileToByteArray(new File(stormconfPath))); Map<String, Map<String, Object>> blobstoreMap = (Map<String, Map<String, Object>>) stormConf .get(Config.TOPOLOGY_BLOBSTORE_MAP); List<String> blobFileNames = new ArrayList<>(); if (blobstoreMap != null) { for (Map.Entry<String, Map<String, Object>> entry : blobstoreMap.entrySet()) { String key = entry.getKey(); Map<String, Object> blobInfo = entry.getValue(); String ret = null; if (blobInfo != null && blobInfo.containsKey("localname")) { ret = (String) blobInfo.get("localname"); } else { ret = key; } blobFileNames.add(ret); } } for (String string : blobFileNames) { if (!Utils.checkFileExists(string)) return false; } return true; } /** * Download all blobs listed in the topology configuration for a given topology. * * @param conf * @param stormconfPath * @param localizer * @param tmpRoot */ protected void downloadBlobsForTopology(Map conf, String stormconfPath, Localizer localizer, String tmpRoot) throws IOException { Map stormConf = ConfigUtils.readSupervisorStormConfGivenPath(conf, stormconfPath); Map<String, Map<String, Object>> blobstoreMap = (Map<String, Map<String, Object>>) stormConf .get(Config.TOPOLOGY_BLOBSTORE_MAP); String user = (String) stormConf.get(Config.TOPOLOGY_SUBMITTER_USER); String topoName = (String) stormConf.get(Config.TOPOLOGY_NAME); File userDir = localizer.getLocalUserFileCacheDir(user); List<LocalResource> localResourceList = SupervisorUtils.blobstoreMapToLocalresources(blobstoreMap); if (localResourceList.size() > 0) { if (!userDir.exists()) { FileUtils.forceMkdir(userDir); } try { List<LocalizedResource> localizedResources = localizer.getBlobs(localResourceList, user, topoName, userDir); setupBlobPermission(conf, user, userDir.toString()); for (LocalizedResource localizedResource : localizedResources) { File rsrcFilePath = new File(localizedResource.getFilePath()); String keyName = rsrcFilePath.getName(); String blobSymlinkTargetName = new File(localizedResource.getCurrentSymlinkPath()).getName(); String symlinkName = null; if (blobstoreMap != null) { Map<String, Object> blobInfo = blobstoreMap.get(keyName); if (blobInfo != null && blobInfo.containsKey("localname")) { symlinkName = (String) blobInfo.get("localname"); } else { symlinkName = keyName; } } Utils.createSymlink(tmpRoot, rsrcFilePath.getParent(), symlinkName, blobSymlinkTargetName); } } catch (AuthorizationException authExp) { LOG.error("AuthorizationException error {}", authExp); } catch (KeyNotFoundException knf) { LOG.error("KeyNotFoundException error {}", knf); } } } protected void setupBlobPermission(Map conf, String user, String path) throws IOException { if (Utils.getBoolean(Config.SUPERVISOR_RUN_WORKER_AS_USER, false)) { String logPrefix = "setup blob permissions for " + path; SupervisorUtils.processLauncherAndWait(conf, user, Arrays.asList("blob", path), null, logPrefix); } } private String resourcesJar() throws IOException { String path = Utils.currentClasspath(); if (path == null) { return null; } String[] paths = path.split(File.pathSeparator); List<String> jarPaths = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String s : paths) { if (s.endsWith(".jar")) { jarPaths.add(s); } } List<String> rtn = new ArrayList<String>(); int size = jarPaths.size(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { if (Utils.zipDoesContainDir(jarPaths.get(i), ConfigUtils.RESOURCES_SUBDIR)) { rtn.add(jarPaths.get(i)); } } if (rtn.size() == 0) return null; return rtn.get(0); } protected Map<Integer, LocalAssignment> readAssignments(Map<String, Map<String, Object>> assignmentsSnapshot, Map<Integer, LocalAssignment> existingAssignment, String assignmentId, AtomicInteger retries) { try { Map<Integer, LocalAssignment> portLA = new HashMap<Integer, LocalAssignment>(); for (Map.Entry<String, Map<String, Object>> assignEntry : assignmentsSnapshot.entrySet()) { String stormId = assignEntry.getKey(); Assignment assignment = (Assignment) assignEntry.getValue().get(IStateStorage.DATA); Map<Integer, LocalAssignment> portTasks = readMyExecutors(stormId, assignmentId, assignment); for (Map.Entry<Integer, LocalAssignment> entry : portTasks.entrySet()) { Integer port = entry.getKey(); LocalAssignment la = entry.getValue(); if (!portLA.containsKey(port)) { portLA.put(port, la); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Should not have multiple topologys assigned to one port"); } } } retries.set(0); return portLA; } catch (RuntimeException e) { if (retries.get() > 2) { throw e; } else { retries.addAndGet(1); } LOG.warn("{} : retrying {} of 3", e.getMessage(), retries.get()); return existingAssignment; } } protected Map<Integer, LocalAssignment> readMyExecutors(String stormId, String assignmentId, Assignment assignment) { Map<Integer, LocalAssignment> portTasks = new HashMap<>(); Map<Long, WorkerResources> slotsResources = new HashMap<>(); Map<NodeInfo, WorkerResources> nodeInfoWorkerResourcesMap = assignment.get_worker_resources(); if (nodeInfoWorkerResourcesMap != null) { for (Map.Entry<NodeInfo, WorkerResources> entry : nodeInfoWorkerResourcesMap.entrySet()) { if (entry.getKey().get_node().equals(assignmentId)) { Set<Long> ports = entry.getKey().get_port(); for (Long port : ports) { slotsResources.put(port, entry.getValue()); } } } } Map<List<Long>, NodeInfo> executorNodePort = assignment.get_executor_node_port(); if (executorNodePort != null) { for (Map.Entry<List<Long>, NodeInfo> entry : executorNodePort.entrySet()) { if (entry.getValue().get_node().equals(assignmentId)) { for (Long port : entry.getValue().get_port()) { LocalAssignment localAssignment = portTasks.get(port.intValue()); if (localAssignment == null) { List<ExecutorInfo> executors = new ArrayList<ExecutorInfo>(); localAssignment = new LocalAssignment(stormId, executors); if (slotsResources.containsKey(port)) { localAssignment.set_resources(slotsResources.get(port)); } portTasks.put(port.intValue(), localAssignment); } List<ExecutorInfo> executorInfoList = localAssignment.get_executors(); executorInfoList.add(new ExecutorInfo(entry.getKey().get(0).intValue(), entry.getKey().get(entry.getKey().size() - 1).intValue())); } } } } return portTasks; } }