Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.storm.daemon.supervisor; import; import; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference; import; import org.apache.storm.DaemonConfig; import org.apache.storm.StormTimer; import org.apache.storm.cluster.ClusterStateContext; import org.apache.storm.cluster.ClusterUtils; import org.apache.storm.cluster.DaemonType; import org.apache.storm.cluster.IStormClusterState; import org.apache.storm.daemon.DaemonCommon; import org.apache.storm.daemon.supervisor.timer.SupervisorHealthCheck; import org.apache.storm.daemon.supervisor.timer.SupervisorHeartbeat; import org.apache.storm.event.EventManager; import org.apache.storm.event.EventManagerImp; import org.apache.storm.generated.LocalAssignment; import org.apache.storm.localizer.AsyncLocalizer; import org.apache.storm.messaging.IContext; import org.apache.storm.metric.StormMetricsRegistry; import org.apache.storm.scheduler.ISupervisor; import org.apache.storm.utils.ConfigUtils; import org.apache.storm.utils.ServerConfigUtils; import org.apache.storm.utils.Utils; import org.apache.storm.utils.ObjectReader; import org.apache.storm.utils.LocalState; import org.apache.storm.utils.Time; import org.apache.storm.utils.VersionInfo; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; public class Supervisor implements DaemonCommon, AutoCloseable { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Supervisor.class); private final Map<String, Object> conf; private final IContext sharedContext; private volatile boolean active; private final ISupervisor iSupervisor; private final Utils.UptimeComputer upTime; private final String stormVersion; private final IStormClusterState stormClusterState; private final LocalState localState; private final String supervisorId; private final String assignmentId; private final String hostName; // used for reporting used ports when heartbeating private final AtomicReference<Map<Long, LocalAssignment>> currAssignment; private final StormTimer heartbeatTimer; private final StormTimer eventTimer; private final AsyncLocalizer asyncLocalizer; private EventManager eventManager; private ReadClusterState readState; private Supervisor(ISupervisor iSupervisor) throws IOException { this(Utils.readStormConfig(), null, iSupervisor); } public Supervisor(Map<String, Object> conf, IContext sharedContext, ISupervisor iSupervisor) throws IOException { this.conf = conf; this.iSupervisor = iSupervisor; = true; this.upTime = Utils.makeUptimeComputer(); this.stormVersion = VersionInfo.getVersion(); this.sharedContext = sharedContext; iSupervisor.prepare(conf, ServerConfigUtils.supervisorIsupervisorDir(conf)); List<ACL> acls = null; if (Utils.isZkAuthenticationConfiguredStormServer(conf)) { acls = SupervisorUtils.supervisorZkAcls(); } try { this.stormClusterState = ClusterUtils.mkStormClusterState(conf, acls, new ClusterStateContext(DaemonType.SUPERVISOR)); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("supervisor can't create stormClusterState"); throw Utils.wrapInRuntime(e); } this.currAssignment = new AtomicReference<>(new HashMap<>()); try { this.localState = ServerConfigUtils.supervisorState(conf); this.asyncLocalizer = new AsyncLocalizer(conf, currAssignment, localState.getLocalAssignmentsMap()); } catch (IOException e) { throw Utils.wrapInRuntime(e); } this.supervisorId = iSupervisor.getSupervisorId(); this.assignmentId = iSupervisor.getAssignmentId(); try { this.hostName = Utils.hostname(); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { throw Utils.wrapInRuntime(e); } this.heartbeatTimer = new StormTimer(null, new DefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler()); this.eventTimer = new StormTimer(null, new DefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler()); } public String getId() { return supervisorId; } IContext getSharedContext() { return sharedContext; } public Map<String, Object> getConf() { return conf; } public ISupervisor getiSupervisor() { return iSupervisor; } public Utils.UptimeComputer getUpTime() { return upTime; } public String getStormVersion() { return stormVersion; } public IStormClusterState getStormClusterState() { return stormClusterState; } LocalState getLocalState() { return localState; } public String getAssignmentId() { return assignmentId; } public String getHostName() { return hostName; } public AtomicReference<Map<Long, LocalAssignment>> getCurrAssignment() { return currAssignment; } AsyncLocalizer getAsyncLocalizer() { return asyncLocalizer; } EventManager getEventManger() { return eventManager; } /** * Launch the supervisor */ public void launch() throws Exception {"Starting Supervisor with conf {}", conf); String path = ServerConfigUtils.supervisorTmpDir(conf); FileUtils.cleanDirectory(new File(path)); SupervisorHeartbeat hb = new SupervisorHeartbeat(conf, this);; // should synchronize supervisor so it doesn't launch anything after being down (optimization) Integer heartbeatFrequency = ObjectReader .getInt(conf.get(DaemonConfig.SUPERVISOR_HEARTBEAT_FREQUENCY_SECS)); heartbeatTimer.scheduleRecurring(0, heartbeatFrequency, hb); this.eventManager = new EventManagerImp(false); this.readState = new ReadClusterState(this); asyncLocalizer.start(); if ((Boolean) conf.get(DaemonConfig.SUPERVISOR_ENABLE)) { // This isn't strictly necessary, but it doesn't hurt and ensures that the machine stays up // to date even if callbacks don't all work exactly right eventTimer.scheduleRecurring(0, 10, new EventManagerPushCallback(readState, eventManager)); // supervisor health check eventTimer.scheduleRecurring(300, 300, new SupervisorHealthCheck(this)); }"Starting supervisor with id {} at host {}.", getId(), getHostName()); } /** * start distribute supervisor */ private void launchDaemon() {"Starting supervisor for storm version '{}'.", VersionInfo.getVersion()); try { Map<String, Object> conf = getConf(); if (ConfigUtils.isLocalMode(conf)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot start server in local mode!"); } launch(); Utils.addShutdownHookWithForceKillIn1Sec(() -> { this.close(); }); registerWorkerNumGauge("supervisor:num-slots-used-gauge", conf); StormMetricsRegistry.startMetricsReporters(conf); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Failed to start supervisor\n", e); System.exit(1); } } private void registerWorkerNumGauge(String name, final Map<String, Object> conf) { StormMetricsRegistry.registerGauge(name, new Callable<Integer>() { @Override public Integer call() throws Exception { Collection<String> pids = SupervisorUtils.supervisorWorkerIds(conf); return pids.size(); } }); } @Override public void close() { try {"Shutting down supervisor {}", getId()); = false; heartbeatTimer.close(); eventTimer.close(); if (eventManager != null) { eventManager.close(); } if (readState != null) { readState.close(); } asyncLocalizer.close(); getStormClusterState().disconnect(); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Error Shutting down", e); } } void killWorkers(Collection<String> workerIds, ContainerLauncher launcher) throws InterruptedException, IOException { HashSet<Killable> containers = new HashSet<>(); for (String workerId : workerIds) { try { Killable k = launcher.recoverContainer(workerId, localState); if (!k.areAllProcessesDead()) { k.kill(); containers.add(k); } else { k.cleanUp(); } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Error trying to kill {}", workerId, e); } } int shutdownSleepSecs = ObjectReader.getInt(conf.get(DaemonConfig.SUPERVISOR_WORKER_SHUTDOWN_SLEEP_SECS), 1); if (!containers.isEmpty()) { Time.sleepSecs(shutdownSleepSecs); } for (Killable k : containers) { try { k.forceKill(); long start = Time.currentTimeMillis(); while (!k.areAllProcessesDead()) { if ((Time.currentTimeMillis() - start) > 10_000) { throw new RuntimeException("Giving up on killing " + k + " after " + (Time.currentTimeMillis() - start) + " ms"); } Time.sleep(100); k.forceKill(); } k.cleanUp(); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Error trying to clean up {}", k, e); } } } public void shutdownAllWorkers(UniFunc<Slot> onWarnTimeout, UniFunc<Slot> onErrorTimeout) { if (readState != null) { readState.shutdownAllWorkers(onWarnTimeout, onErrorTimeout); } else { try { ContainerLauncher launcher = ContainerLauncher.make(getConf(), getId(), getSharedContext()); killWorkers(SupervisorUtils.supervisorWorkerIds(conf), launcher); } catch (Exception e) { throw Utils.wrapInRuntime(e); } } } @Override public boolean isWaiting() { if (!active) { return true; } if (heartbeatTimer.isTimerWaiting() && eventTimer.isTimerWaiting() && eventManager.waiting()) { return true; } return false; } /** * supervisor daemon enter entrance * * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { Utils.setupDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler(); @SuppressWarnings("resource") Supervisor instance = new Supervisor(new StandaloneSupervisor()); instance.launchDaemon(); } }