Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.storm.cluster; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.curator.framework.CuratorFramework; import org.apache.curator.framework.state.*; import org.apache.curator.framework.state.ConnectionState; import org.apache.storm.callback.ZKStateChangedCallback; import org.apache.storm.generated.*; import org.apache.storm.nimbus.NimbusInfo; import org.apache.storm.utils.Utils; import org.apache.storm.utils.Time; import org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException; import org.apache.zookeeper.Watcher; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference; public class StormClusterStateImpl implements IStormClusterState { private static Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(StormClusterStateImpl.class); private IStateStorage stateStorage; private ConcurrentHashMap<String, Runnable> assignmentInfoCallback; private ConcurrentHashMap<String, Runnable> assignmentInfoWithVersionCallback; private ConcurrentHashMap<String, Runnable> assignmentVersionCallback; private AtomicReference<Runnable> supervisorsCallback; // we want to reigister a topo directory getChildren callback for all workers of this dir private ConcurrentHashMap<String, Runnable> backPressureCallback; private AtomicReference<Runnable> assignmentsCallback; private ConcurrentHashMap<String, Runnable> stormBaseCallback; private AtomicReference<Runnable> blobstoreCallback; private ConcurrentHashMap<String, Runnable> credentialsCallback; private ConcurrentHashMap<String, Runnable> logConfigCallback; private List<ACL> acls; private String stateId; private boolean solo; public StormClusterStateImpl(IStateStorage StateStorage, List<ACL> acls, ClusterStateContext context, boolean solo) throws Exception { this.stateStorage = StateStorage; this.solo = solo; this.acls = acls; assignmentInfoCallback = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); assignmentInfoWithVersionCallback = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); assignmentVersionCallback = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); supervisorsCallback = new AtomicReference<>(); backPressureCallback = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); assignmentsCallback = new AtomicReference<>(); stormBaseCallback = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); credentialsCallback = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); logConfigCallback = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); blobstoreCallback = new AtomicReference<>(); stateId = this.stateStorage.register(new ZKStateChangedCallback() { public void changed(Watcher.Event.EventType type, String path) { List<String> toks = tokenizePath(path); int size = toks.size(); if (size >= 1) { String root = toks.get(0); if (root.equals(ClusterUtils.ASSIGNMENTS_ROOT)) { if (size == 1) { // set null and get the old value issueCallback(assignmentsCallback); } else { issueMapCallback(assignmentInfoCallback, toks.get(1)); issueMapCallback(assignmentVersionCallback, toks.get(1)); issueMapCallback(assignmentInfoWithVersionCallback, toks.get(1)); } } else if (root.equals(ClusterUtils.SUPERVISORS_ROOT)) { issueCallback(supervisorsCallback); } else if (root.equals(ClusterUtils.BLOBSTORE_ROOT)) { issueCallback(blobstoreCallback); } else if (root.equals(ClusterUtils.STORMS_ROOT) && size > 1) { issueMapCallback(stormBaseCallback, toks.get(1)); } else if (root.equals(ClusterUtils.CREDENTIALS_ROOT) && size > 1) { issueMapCallback(credentialsCallback, toks.get(1)); } else if (root.equals(ClusterUtils.LOGCONFIG_ROOT) && size > 1) { issueMapCallback(logConfigCallback, toks.get(1)); } else if (root.equals(ClusterUtils.BACKPRESSURE_ROOT) && size > 1) { issueMapCallback(backPressureCallback, toks.get(1)); } else { LOG.error("{} Unknown callback for subtree {}", new RuntimeException("Unknown callback for this path"), path); Runtime.getRuntime().exit(30); } } return; } }); String[] pathlist = { ClusterUtils.ASSIGNMENTS_SUBTREE, ClusterUtils.STORMS_SUBTREE, ClusterUtils.SUPERVISORS_SUBTREE, ClusterUtils.WORKERBEATS_SUBTREE, ClusterUtils.ERRORS_SUBTREE, ClusterUtils.BLOBSTORE_SUBTREE, ClusterUtils.NIMBUSES_SUBTREE, ClusterUtils.LOGCONFIG_SUBTREE, ClusterUtils.BACKPRESSURE_SUBTREE }; for (String path : pathlist) { this.stateStorage.mkdirs(path, acls); } } protected void issueCallback(AtomicReference<Runnable> cb) { Runnable callback = cb.getAndSet(null); if (callback != null); } protected void issueMapCallback(ConcurrentHashMap<String, Runnable> callbackConcurrentHashMap, String key) { Runnable callback = callbackConcurrentHashMap.remove(key); if (callback != null); } @Override public List<String> assignments(Runnable callback) { if (callback != null) { assignmentsCallback.set(callback); } return stateStorage.get_children(ClusterUtils.ASSIGNMENTS_SUBTREE, callback != null); } @Override public Assignment assignmentInfo(String stormId, Runnable callback) { if (callback != null) { assignmentInfoCallback.put(stormId, callback); } byte[] serialized = stateStorage.get_data(ClusterUtils.assignmentPath(stormId), callback != null); return ClusterUtils.maybeDeserialize(serialized, Assignment.class); } @Override public VersionedData<Assignment> assignmentInfoWithVersion(String stormId, Runnable callback) { if (callback != null) { assignmentInfoWithVersionCallback.put(stormId, callback); } Assignment assignment = null; Integer version = 0; VersionedData<byte[]> dataWithVersion = stateStorage .get_data_with_version(ClusterUtils.assignmentPath(stormId), callback != null); if (dataWithVersion != null) { assignment = ClusterUtils.maybeDeserialize(dataWithVersion.getData(), Assignment.class); version = dataWithVersion.getVersion(); } return new VersionedData<Assignment>(version, assignment); } @Override public Integer assignmentVersion(String stormId, Runnable callback) throws Exception { if (callback != null) { assignmentVersionCallback.put(stormId, callback); } return stateStorage.get_version(ClusterUtils.assignmentPath(stormId), callback != null); } // blobstore state @Override public List<String> blobstoreInfo(String blobKey) { String path = ClusterUtils.blobstorePath(blobKey); stateStorage.sync_path(path); return stateStorage.get_children(path, false); } @Override public List<NimbusSummary> nimbuses() { List<NimbusSummary> nimbusSummaries = new ArrayList<>(); List<String> nimbusIds = stateStorage.get_children(ClusterUtils.NIMBUSES_SUBTREE, false); for (String nimbusId : nimbusIds) { byte[] serialized = stateStorage.get_data(ClusterUtils.nimbusPath(nimbusId), false); // check for null which can exist because of a race condition in which nimbus nodes in zk may have been // removed when connections are reconnected after getting children in the above line if (serialized != null) { NimbusSummary nimbusSummary = ClusterUtils.maybeDeserialize(serialized, NimbusSummary.class); nimbusSummaries.add(nimbusSummary); } } return nimbusSummaries; } @Override public void addNimbusHost(final String nimbusId, final NimbusSummary nimbusSummary) { // explicit delete for ephmeral node to ensure this session creates the entry. stateStorage.delete_node(ClusterUtils.nimbusPath(nimbusId)); stateStorage.add_listener(new ConnectionStateListener() { @Override public void stateChanged(CuratorFramework curatorFramework, ConnectionState connectionState) {"Connection state listener invoked, zookeeper connection state has changed to {}", connectionState); if (connectionState.equals(ConnectionState.RECONNECTED)) {"Connection state has changed to reconnected so setting nimbuses entry one more time"); // explicit delete for ephmeral node to ensure this session creates the entry. stateStorage.delete_node(ClusterUtils.nimbusPath(nimbusId)); stateStorage.set_ephemeral_node(ClusterUtils.nimbusPath(nimbusId), Utils.serialize(nimbusSummary), acls); } } }); stateStorage.set_ephemeral_node(ClusterUtils.nimbusPath(nimbusId), Utils.serialize(nimbusSummary), acls); } @Override public List<String> activeStorms() { return stateStorage.get_children(ClusterUtils.STORMS_SUBTREE, false); } @Override public StormBase stormBase(String stormId, Runnable callback) { if (callback != null) { stormBaseCallback.put(stormId, callback); } return ClusterUtils.maybeDeserialize( stateStorage.get_data(ClusterUtils.stormPath(stormId), callback != null), StormBase.class); } @Override public ClusterWorkerHeartbeat getWorkerHeartbeat(String stormId, String node, Long port) { byte[] bytes = stateStorage.get_worker_hb(ClusterUtils.workerbeatPath(stormId, node, port), false); return ClusterUtils.maybeDeserialize(bytes, ClusterWorkerHeartbeat.class); } @Override public List<ProfileRequest> getWorkerProfileRequests(String stormId, NodeInfo nodeInfo) { List<ProfileRequest> requests = new ArrayList<>(); List<ProfileRequest> profileRequests = getTopologyProfileRequests(stormId); for (ProfileRequest profileRequest : profileRequests) { NodeInfo nodeInfo1 = profileRequest.get_nodeInfo(); if (nodeInfo1.equals(nodeInfo)) requests.add(profileRequest); } return requests; } @Override public List<ProfileRequest> getTopologyProfileRequests(String stormId) { List<ProfileRequest> profileRequests = new ArrayList<>(); String path = ClusterUtils.profilerConfigPath(stormId); if (stateStorage.node_exists(path, false)) { List<String> strs = stateStorage.get_children(path, false); for (String str : strs) { String childPath = path + ClusterUtils.ZK_SEPERATOR + str; byte[] raw = stateStorage.get_data(childPath, false); ProfileRequest request = ClusterUtils.maybeDeserialize(raw, ProfileRequest.class); if (request != null) profileRequests.add(request); } } return profileRequests; } @Override public void setWorkerProfileRequest(String stormId, ProfileRequest profileRequest) { ProfileAction profileAction = profileRequest.get_action(); String host = profileRequest.get_nodeInfo().get_node(); Long port = profileRequest.get_nodeInfo().get_port_iterator().next(); String path = ClusterUtils.profilerConfigPath(stormId, host, port, profileAction); stateStorage.set_data(path, Utils.serialize(profileRequest), acls); } @Override public void deleteTopologyProfileRequests(String stormId, ProfileRequest profileRequest) { ProfileAction profileAction = profileRequest.get_action(); String host = profileRequest.get_nodeInfo().get_node(); Long port = profileRequest.get_nodeInfo().get_port_iterator().next(); String path = ClusterUtils.profilerConfigPath(stormId, host, port, profileAction); stateStorage.delete_node(path); } /** * need to take executor->node+port in explicitly so that we don't run into a situation where a long dead worker with a skewed clock overrides all the * timestamps. By only checking heartbeats with an assigned node+port, and only reading executors from that heartbeat that are actually assigned, we avoid * situations like that * * @param stormId * @param executorNodePort * @return */ @Override public Map<ExecutorInfo, ExecutorBeat> executorBeats(String stormId, Map<List<Long>, NodeInfo> executorNodePort) { Map<ExecutorInfo, ExecutorBeat> executorWhbs = new HashMap<>(); Map<NodeInfo, List<List<Long>>> nodePortExecutors = Utils.reverseMap(executorNodePort); for (Map.Entry<NodeInfo, List<List<Long>>> entry : nodePortExecutors.entrySet()) { String node = entry.getKey().get_node(); Long port = entry.getKey().get_port_iterator().next(); ClusterWorkerHeartbeat whb = getWorkerHeartbeat(stormId, node, port); List<ExecutorInfo> executorInfoList = new ArrayList<>(); for (List<Long> list : entry.getValue()) { executorInfoList .add(new ExecutorInfo(list.get(0).intValue(), list.get(list.size() - 1).intValue())); } if (whb != null) executorWhbs.putAll(ClusterUtils.convertExecutorBeats(executorInfoList, whb)); } return executorWhbs; } @Override public List<String> supervisors(Runnable callback) { if (callback != null) { supervisorsCallback.set(callback); } return stateStorage.get_children(ClusterUtils.SUPERVISORS_SUBTREE, callback != null); } @Override public SupervisorInfo supervisorInfo(String supervisorId) { String path = ClusterUtils.supervisorPath(supervisorId); return ClusterUtils.maybeDeserialize(stateStorage.get_data(path, false), SupervisorInfo.class); } @Override public void setupHeatbeats(String stormId) { stateStorage.mkdirs(ClusterUtils.workerbeatStormRoot(stormId), acls); } @Override public void teardownHeartbeats(String stormId) { try { stateStorage.delete_worker_hb(ClusterUtils.workerbeatStormRoot(stormId)); } catch (Exception e) { if (Utils.exceptionCauseIsInstanceOf(KeeperException.class, e)) { // do nothing LOG.warn("Could not teardown heartbeats for {}.", stormId); } else { throw e; } } } @Override public void teardownTopologyErrors(String stormId) { try { stateStorage.delete_node(ClusterUtils.errorStormRoot(stormId)); } catch (Exception e) { if (Utils.exceptionCauseIsInstanceOf(KeeperException.class, e)) { // do nothing LOG.warn("Could not teardown errors for {}.", stormId); } else { throw e; } } } @Override public List<String> heartbeatStorms() { return stateStorage.get_worker_hb_children(ClusterUtils.WORKERBEATS_SUBTREE, false); } @Override public List<String> errorTopologies() { return stateStorage.get_children(ClusterUtils.ERRORS_SUBTREE, false); } @Override public List<String> backpressureTopologies() { return stateStorage.get_children(ClusterUtils.BACKPRESSURE_SUBTREE, false); } @Override public void setTopologyLogConfig(String stormId, LogConfig logConfig) { stateStorage.set_data(ClusterUtils.logConfigPath(stormId), Utils.serialize(logConfig), acls); } @Override public LogConfig topologyLogConfig(String stormId, Runnable cb) { if (cb != null) { logConfigCallback.put(stormId, cb); } String path = ClusterUtils.logConfigPath(stormId); return ClusterUtils.maybeDeserialize(stateStorage.get_data(path, cb != null), LogConfig.class); } @Override public void workerHeartbeat(String stormId, String node, Long port, ClusterWorkerHeartbeat info) { if (info != null) { String path = ClusterUtils.workerbeatPath(stormId, node, port); stateStorage.set_worker_hb(path, Utils.serialize(info), acls); } } @Override public void removeWorkerHeartbeat(String stormId, String node, Long port) { String path = ClusterUtils.workerbeatPath(stormId, node, port); stateStorage.delete_worker_hb(path); } @Override public void supervisorHeartbeat(String supervisorId, SupervisorInfo info) { String path = ClusterUtils.supervisorPath(supervisorId); stateStorage.set_ephemeral_node(path, Utils.serialize(info), acls); } /** * If znode exists and timestamp is non-positive, delete; * if exists and timestamp is larger than 0, update the timestamp; * if not exists and timestamp is larger than 0, create the znode and set the timestamp; * if not exists and timestamp is non-positive, do nothing. * @param stormId The topology Id * @param node The node id * @param port The port number * @param timestamp The backpressure timestamp. Non-positive means turning off the worker backpressure */ @Override public void workerBackpressure(String stormId, String node, Long port, long timestamp) { String path = ClusterUtils.backpressurePath(stormId, node, port); boolean existed = stateStorage.node_exists(path, false); if (existed) { if (timestamp <= 0) { stateStorage.delete_node(path); } else { byte[] data = ByteBuffer.allocate(Long.BYTES).putLong(timestamp).array(); stateStorage.set_data(path, data, acls); } } else { if (timestamp > 0) { byte[] data = ByteBuffer.allocate(Long.BYTES).putLong(timestamp).array(); stateStorage.set_ephemeral_node(path, data, acls); } } } /** * Check whether a topology is in throttle-on status or not: * if the backpresure/storm-id dir is not empty, this topology has throttle-on, otherwise throttle-off. * But if the backpresure/storm-id dir is not empty and has not been updated for more than timeoutMs, we treat it as throttle-off. * This will prevent the spouts from getting stuck indefinitely if something wrong happens. * @param stormId The topology Id * @param timeoutMs How long until the backpressure znode is invalid. * @param callback The callback function * @return True is backpresure/storm-id dir is not empty and at least one of the backpressure znodes has not timed out; false otherwise. */ @Override public boolean topologyBackpressure(String stormId, long timeoutMs, Runnable callback) { if (callback != null) { backPressureCallback.put(stormId, callback); } String path = ClusterUtils.backpressureStormRoot(stormId); long mostRecentTimestamp = 0; if (stateStorage.node_exists(path, false)) { List<String> children = stateStorage.get_children(path, callback != null); mostRecentTimestamp = .map(childPath -> stateStorage.get_data(ClusterUtils.backpressurePath(stormId, childPath), false)) .filter(data -> data != null).mapToLong(data -> ByteBuffer.wrap(data).getLong()).max() .orElse(0); } boolean ret = ((System.currentTimeMillis() - mostRecentTimestamp) < timeoutMs); LOG.debug("topology backpressure is {}", ret ? "on" : "off"); return ret; } @Override public void setupBackpressure(String stormId) { stateStorage.mkdirs(ClusterUtils.backpressureStormRoot(stormId), acls); } @Override public void removeBackpressure(String stormId) { try { stateStorage.delete_node(ClusterUtils.backpressureStormRoot(stormId)); } catch (Exception e) { if (Utils.exceptionCauseIsInstanceOf(KeeperException.class, e)) { // do nothing LOG.warn("Could not teardown backpressure node for {}.", stormId); } else { throw e; } } } @Override public void removeWorkerBackpressure(String stormId, String node, Long port) { String path = ClusterUtils.backpressurePath(stormId, node, port); boolean existed = stateStorage.node_exists(path, false); if (existed) { stateStorage.delete_node(path); } } @Override public void activateStorm(String stormId, StormBase stormBase) { String path = ClusterUtils.stormPath(stormId); stateStorage.set_data(path, Utils.serialize(stormBase), acls); } @Override public void updateStorm(String stormId, StormBase newElems) { StormBase stormBase = stormBase(stormId, null); if (stormBase.get_component_executors() != null) { Map<String, Integer> newComponentExecutors = new HashMap<>(); Map<String, Integer> componentExecutors = newElems.get_component_executors(); // componentExecutors maybe be APersistentMap, which don't support "put" for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry : componentExecutors.entrySet()) { newComponentExecutors.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry : stormBase.get_component_executors().entrySet()) { if (!componentExecutors.containsKey(entry.getKey())) { newComponentExecutors.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } } if (newComponentExecutors.size() > 0) newElems.set_component_executors(newComponentExecutors); } Map<String, DebugOptions> ComponentDebug = new HashMap<>(); Map<String, DebugOptions> oldComponentDebug = stormBase.get_component_debug(); Map<String, DebugOptions> newComponentDebug = newElems.get_component_debug(); /// oldComponentDebug.keySet()/ newComponentDebug.keySet() maybe be APersistentSet, which don't support addAll Set<String> debugOptionsKeys = new HashSet<>(); debugOptionsKeys.addAll(oldComponentDebug.keySet()); debugOptionsKeys.addAll(newComponentDebug.keySet()); for (String key : debugOptionsKeys) { boolean enable = false; double samplingpct = 0; if (oldComponentDebug.containsKey(key)) { enable = oldComponentDebug.get(key).is_enable(); samplingpct = oldComponentDebug.get(key).get_samplingpct(); } if (newComponentDebug.containsKey(key)) { enable = newComponentDebug.get(key).is_enable(); samplingpct += newComponentDebug.get(key).get_samplingpct(); } DebugOptions debugOptions = new DebugOptions(); debugOptions.set_enable(enable); debugOptions.set_samplingpct(samplingpct); ComponentDebug.put(key, debugOptions); } if (ComponentDebug.size() > 0) { newElems.set_component_debug(ComponentDebug); } if (StringUtils.isBlank(newElems.get_name())) { newElems.set_name(stormBase.get_name()); } if (StringUtils.isBlank(newElems.get_topology_version()) && stormBase.is_set_topology_version()) { newElems.set_topology_version(stormBase.get_topology_version()); } if (newElems.get_status() == null) { newElems.set_status(stormBase.get_status()); } if (newElems.get_num_workers() == 0) { newElems.set_num_workers(stormBase.get_num_workers()); } if (newElems.get_launch_time_secs() == 0) { newElems.set_launch_time_secs(stormBase.get_launch_time_secs()); } if (StringUtils.isBlank(newElems.get_owner())) { newElems.set_owner(stormBase.get_owner()); } if (StringUtils.isBlank(newElems.get_principal()) && stormBase.is_set_principal()) { newElems.set_principal(stormBase.get_principal()); } if (newElems.get_topology_action_options() == null) { newElems.set_topology_action_options(stormBase.get_topology_action_options()); } if (newElems.get_status() == null) { newElems.set_status(stormBase.get_status()); } stateStorage.set_data(ClusterUtils.stormPath(stormId), Utils.serialize(newElems), acls); } @Override public void removeStormBase(String stormId) { stateStorage.delete_node(ClusterUtils.stormPath(stormId)); } @Override public void setAssignment(String stormId, Assignment info) { stateStorage.set_data(ClusterUtils.assignmentPath(stormId), Utils.serialize(info), acls); } @Override public void setupBlobstore(String key, NimbusInfo nimbusInfo, Integer versionInfo) { String path = ClusterUtils.blobstorePath(key) + ClusterUtils.ZK_SEPERATOR + nimbusInfo.toHostPortString() + "-" + versionInfo;"set-path: {}", path); stateStorage.mkdirs(ClusterUtils.blobstorePath(key), acls); stateStorage.delete_node_blobstore(ClusterUtils.blobstorePath(key), nimbusInfo.toHostPortString()); stateStorage.set_ephemeral_node(path, null, acls); } @Override public List<String> activeKeys() { return stateStorage.get_children(ClusterUtils.BLOBSTORE_SUBTREE, false); } // blobstore state @Override public List<String> blobstore(Runnable callback) { if (callback != null) { blobstoreCallback.set(callback); } stateStorage.sync_path(ClusterUtils.BLOBSTORE_SUBTREE); return stateStorage.get_children(ClusterUtils.BLOBSTORE_SUBTREE, callback != null); } @Override public void removeStorm(String stormId) { stateStorage.delete_node(ClusterUtils.assignmentPath(stormId)); stateStorage.delete_node(ClusterUtils.credentialsPath(stormId)); stateStorage.delete_node(ClusterUtils.logConfigPath(stormId)); stateStorage.delete_node(ClusterUtils.profilerConfigPath(stormId)); removeStormBase(stormId); } @Override public void removeBlobstoreKey(String blobKey) { LOG.debug("remove key {}", blobKey); stateStorage.delete_node(ClusterUtils.blobstorePath(blobKey)); } @Override public void removeKeyVersion(String blobKey) { stateStorage.delete_node(ClusterUtils.blobstoreMaxKeySequenceNumberPath(blobKey)); } @Override public void reportError(String stormId, String componentId, String node, Long port, Throwable error) { String path = ClusterUtils.errorPath(stormId, componentId); String lastErrorPath = ClusterUtils.lastErrorPath(stormId, componentId); ErrorInfo errorInfo = new ErrorInfo(ClusterUtils.stringifyError(error), Time.currentTimeSecs()); errorInfo.set_host(node); errorInfo.set_port(port.intValue()); byte[] serData = Utils.serialize(errorInfo); stateStorage.mkdirs(path, acls); stateStorage.create_sequential(path + ClusterUtils.ZK_SEPERATOR + "e", serData, acls); stateStorage.set_data(lastErrorPath, serData, acls); List<String> childrens = stateStorage.get_children(path, false); Collections.sort(childrens, new Comparator<String>() { public int compare(String arg0, String arg1) { return, Long.parseLong(arg1.substring(1))); } }); while (childrens.size() > 10) { String znodePath = path + ClusterUtils.ZK_SEPERATOR + childrens.remove(0); try { stateStorage.delete_node(znodePath); } catch (Exception e) { if (Utils.exceptionCauseIsInstanceOf(KeeperException.NoNodeException.class, e)) { // if the node is already deleted, do nothing LOG.warn("Could not find the znode: {}", znodePath); } else { throw e; } } } } @Override public List<ErrorInfo> errors(String stormId, String componentId) { List<ErrorInfo> errorInfos = new ArrayList<>(); String path = ClusterUtils.errorPath(stormId, componentId); if (stateStorage.node_exists(path, false)) { List<String> childrens = stateStorage.get_children(path, false); for (String child : childrens) { String childPath = path + ClusterUtils.ZK_SEPERATOR + child; ErrorInfo errorInfo = ClusterUtils.maybeDeserialize(stateStorage.get_data(childPath, false), ErrorInfo.class); if (errorInfo != null) errorInfos.add(errorInfo); } } Collections.sort(errorInfos, new Comparator<ErrorInfo>() { public int compare(ErrorInfo arg0, ErrorInfo arg1) { return, arg0.get_error_time_secs()); } }); return errorInfos; } @Override public ErrorInfo lastError(String stormId, String componentId) { String path = ClusterUtils.lastErrorPath(stormId, componentId); if (stateStorage.node_exists(path, false)) { ErrorInfo errorInfo = ClusterUtils.maybeDeserialize(stateStorage.get_data(path, false), ErrorInfo.class); return errorInfo; } return null; } @Override public void setCredentials(String stormId, Credentials creds, Map<String, Object> topoConf) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException { List<ACL> aclList = ClusterUtils.mkTopoOnlyAcls(topoConf); String path = ClusterUtils.credentialsPath(stormId); stateStorage.set_data(path, Utils.serialize(creds), aclList); } @Override public Credentials credentials(String stormId, Runnable callback) { if (callback != null) { credentialsCallback.put(stormId, callback); } String path = ClusterUtils.credentialsPath(stormId); return ClusterUtils.maybeDeserialize(stateStorage.get_data(path, callback != null), Credentials.class); } @Override public void disconnect() { stateStorage.unregister(stateId); if (solo) stateStorage.close(); } private List<String> tokenizePath(String path) { String[] toks = path.split("/"); java.util.ArrayList<String> rtn = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String str : toks) { if (!str.isEmpty()) { rtn.add(str); } } return rtn; } }