Java tutorial
/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.sqoop.odps; import com.aliyun.odps.*; import com.aliyun.odps.account.AliyunAccount; import com.aliyun.odps.tunnel.StreamClient; import com.aliyun.odps.tunnel.TableTunnel; import com.aliyun.odps.tunnel.TunnelException; import; import com.cloudera.sqoop.lib.FieldMapProcessor; import com.cloudera.sqoop.lib.FieldMappable; import com.cloudera.sqoop.lib.ProcessingException; import; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configurable; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import; import; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * Created by Tian Li on 15/9/29. */ public class OdpsUploadProcessor implements Closeable, Configurable, FieldMapProcessor { public static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(OdpsUploadProcessor.class.getName()); private Configuration conf; private Table odpsTable; private Odps odps; private OdpsRecordBuilder odpsRecordBuilder; private OdpsWriter odpsWriter; private List<OdpsRowDO> rowDOList; private int shardNumber; private int shardTimeout; private int retryCount; private int batchSize; private String[] partitionKeys; private String[] partitionValues; private String inputDateFormat; private boolean autoCreatePartition = true; private Map partitionMap; private boolean useCompress; @Override public void close() throws IOException { try { sendBatch(rowDOList); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } try { odpsWriter.close(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } @Override public void setConf(Configuration configuration) { this.conf = configuration; rowDOList = new LinkedList<OdpsRowDO>(); inputDateFormat = conf.get(OdpsConstants.DATE_FORMAT); retryCount = conf.getInt(OdpsConstants.RETRY_COUNT, OdpsConstants.DEFAULT_RETRY_COUNT); batchSize = conf.getInt(OdpsConstants.BATCH_SIZE, OdpsConstants.DEFAULT_BATCH_SIZE); useCompress = conf.getBoolean(OdpsConstants.USE_COMPRESS_IN_UPLOAD, false); String project = conf.get(OdpsConstants.PROJECT); String endpoint = conf.get(OdpsConstants.ENDPOINT); String tableName = conf.get(OdpsConstants.TABLE_NAME); String tunnelEndPoint = OdpsUtil.getTunnelEndPoint(conf.get(OdpsConstants.TUNNEL_ENDPOINT)); odps = new Odps(new AliyunAccount(conf.get(OdpsConstants.ACCESS_ID), conf.get(OdpsConstants.ACCESS_KEY))); odps.setUserAgent(OdpsUtil.getUserAgent()); odpsTable = buildOdpsTable(odps, project, endpoint, tableName); partitionKeys = strToArray(conf.get(OdpsConstants.PARTITION_KEY)); partitionValues = strToArray(conf.get(OdpsConstants.PARTITION_VALUE)); if (partitionKeys != null) { partitionMap = buildPartitionMap(); } List<String> inputColumnNames = Arrays.asList(conf.getStrings(OdpsConstants.INPUT_COL_NAMES)); odpsRecordBuilder = new OdpsRecordBuilder(odpsTable, inputDateFormat, inputColumnNames); try { if (conf.getBoolean(OdpsConstants.ODPS_DISABLE_DYNAMIC_PARTITIONS, false)) { String partition = getPartitionSpec(partitionKeys, partitionValues, Maps.newHashMap()); TableTunnel.UploadSession uploadSession = null; TableTunnel tunnel = new TableTunnel(odps); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(tunnelEndPoint)) { tunnel.setEndpoint(tunnelEndPoint); } if (partition == null) { uploadSession = tunnel.createUploadSession(project, tableName); } else { uploadSession = tunnel.createUploadSession(project, tableName, new PartitionSpec(partition)); } odpsWriter = buildTunnelWriter(project, tableName, tunnelEndPoint, retryCount, uploadSession); } else { odpsWriter = buildTunnelWriter(project, tableName, tunnelEndPoint, retryCount, new String("")); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } private Map buildPartitionMap() { Map partMap = Maps.newHashMap(); for (Partition partition : odpsTable.getPartitions()) { partMap.put(partition.getPartitionSpec().toString(), true); } return partMap; } private String[] strToArray(String s) { if (s == null) { return null; } return s.split(","); } @Override public Configuration getConf() { return this.conf; } @Override public void accept(FieldMappable record) throws IOException, ProcessingException { Map<String, Object> fields = record.getFieldMap(); OdpsRowDO rowDO = new OdpsRowDO(); try { rowDO.setRecord(odpsRecordBuilder.buildRecord(fields)); String partitionSpec = getPartitionSpec(partitionKeys, partitionValues, fields); rowDO.setPartitionSpec(partitionSpec); rowDOList.add(rowDO); if (rowDOList.size() >= batchSize) { sendBatch(rowDOList); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new ProcessingException(e); } } private String getPartitionSpec(String[] partKeys, String[] partValues, Map fields) { if (partKeys == null || partValues == null) { return null; } if (partKeys.length != partValues.length) { throw new RuntimeException("Numbers of partition key and " + "partition value are not equal."); } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); String sep = ""; for (int i = 0; i < partKeys.length; i++) { String realPartVal = escapeString(partValues[i], fields); sb.append(sep).append(partKeys[i]).append("='").append(realPartVal).append("'"); sep = ","; } String partitionSpec = sb.toString(); if (autoCreatePartition && !partitionMap.containsKey(partitionSpec)) { try { odpsTable.createPartition(new PartitionSpec(partitionSpec), true); } catch (OdpsException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Create partition failed. ", e); } partitionMap.put(partitionSpec, true); } return partitionSpec; } public final static String TAG_REGEX = "\\%(\\w|\\%)|\\%\\{([\\w\\.-]+)\\}"; public final static Pattern tagPattern = Pattern.compile(TAG_REGEX); public static String escapeString(String in, Map rowMap) { Matcher matcher = tagPattern.matcher(in); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); while (matcher.find()) { String replacement = ""; if ( != null) { replacement = rowMap.get(; if (replacement == null) { replacement = ""; } } replacement = replacement.replaceAll("\\\\", "\\\\\\\\"); replacement = replacement.replaceAll("\\$", "\\\\\\$"); matcher.appendReplacement(sb, replacement); } matcher.appendTail(sb); return sb.toString(); } private void sendBatch(List<OdpsRowDO> rowDOList) throws InterruptedException, ParseException, TunnelException, IOException { if (rowDOList != null && rowDOList.size() > 0) { odpsWriter.write(rowDOList); rowDOList.clear(); } } private Table buildOdpsTable(Odps odps, String project, String endPoint, String tableName) { odps.setDefaultProject(project); odps.setEndpoint(endPoint); return odps.tables().get(tableName); } private OdpsWriter buildTunnelWriter(String project, String tableName, String tunnelEndPoint, int retryCount, String sessionId) { TableTunnel tunnel = new TableTunnel(odps); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(tunnelEndPoint)) { tunnel.setEndpoint(tunnelEndPoint); } return new OdpsTunnelWriter(tunnel, project, tableName, retryCount, sessionId, useCompress); } private OdpsWriter buildTunnelWriter(String project, String tableName, String tunnelEndPoint, int retryCount, TableTunnel.UploadSession uploadSession) throws TunnelException { TableTunnel tunnel = new TableTunnel(odps); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(tunnelEndPoint)) { tunnel.setEndpoint(tunnelEndPoint); } return new OdpsTunnelWriter(tunnel, project, tableName, retryCount, uploadSession, useCompress); } }