Java tutorial
/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.sqoop.mapreduce.odps; import com.aliyun.odps.*; import com.aliyun.odps.account.AliyunAccount; import com.aliyun.odps.tunnel.TableTunnel; import com.cloudera.sqoop.SqoopOptions; import com.cloudera.sqoop.config.ConfigurationHelper; import com.cloudera.sqoop.lib.SqoopRecord; import com.cloudera.sqoop.mapreduce.JobBase; import com.cloudera.sqoop.orm.TableClassName; import com.cloudera.sqoop.util.ImportException; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import org.apache.avro.Schema; import org.apache.avro.generic.GenericRecord; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataInputStream; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.PathFilter; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Counters; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.InputFormat; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Job; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Mapper; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.OutputFormat; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.input.FileInputFormat; import org.apache.sqoop.lib.FieldMapProcessor; import org.apache.sqoop.manager.ConnManager; import org.apache.sqoop.manager.ImportJobContext; import org.apache.sqoop.mapreduce.AvroExportMapper; import org.apache.sqoop.mapreduce.AvroInputFormat; import org.apache.sqoop.mapreduce.DelegatingOutputFormat; import org.apache.sqoop.mapreduce.ExportInputFormat; import org.apache.sqoop.mapreduce.ExportJobBase; import org.apache.sqoop.mapreduce.ExportJobBase.FileType; //import org.apache.sqoop.mapreduce.ParquetExportMapper; import org.apache.sqoop.mapreduce.SequenceFileExportMapper; import org.apache.sqoop.mapreduce.TextExportMapper; import org.apache.sqoop.mapreduce.hcat.SqoopHCatUtilities; import org.apache.sqoop.odps.OdpsConstants; import org.apache.sqoop.odps.OdpsUploadProcessor; import org.apache.sqoop.odps.OdpsUtil; import org.apache.sqoop.util.PerfCounters; import org.mortbay.log.Log; import org.apache.sqoop.mapreduce.ParquetJob; import com.aliyun.odps.Column; import com.aliyun.odps.Odps; import com.aliyun.odps.OdpsException; import com.aliyun.odps.OdpsType; import com.aliyun.odps.TableSchema; import com.aliyun.odps.Tables; import; import; import; import; import; import; import parquet.avro.AvroSchemaConverter; import parquet.hadoop.ParquetFileReader; import parquet.hadoop.metadata.ParquetMetadata; import parquet.schema.MessageType; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; public class HdfsOdpsImportJob extends JobBase { public static final String SQOOP_EXPORT_MAP_TASK_MAX_ATTEMTPS = ""; private static final String HADOOP_MAP_TASK_MAX_ATTEMTPS = ""; /** Number of map tasks to use for an export. */ public static final String EXPORT_MAP_TASKS_KEY = ""; /** * The (inferred) type of a file or group of files. */ public enum FileType { SEQUENCE_FILE, AVRO_DATA_FILE, HCATALOG_MANAGED_FILE, PARQUET_FILE, UNKNOWN } private FileType fileType; protected ImportJobContext context; // protected TableTunnel.UploadSession uploadSession; private boolean autoCreatePartition = true; private boolean disableDynamicPartitions = false; public HdfsOdpsImportJob(SqoopOptions opts, final ImportJobContext context) { super(opts, null, null, null); this.context = context; } public Job createJob(Configuration configuration) throws IOException { // Put the SqoopOptions into job if requested if (configuration.getBoolean(SERIALIZE_SQOOPOPTIONS, SERIALIZE_SQOOPOPTIONS_DEFAULT)) { putSqoopOptionsToConfiguration(options, configuration); } return new Job(configuration); } private boolean isDynamicPartitions(String partitionValues) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(partitionValues)) { return false; } return partitionValues.contains("%"); } public void runImport(String tableName, String ormJarFile) throws IOException { String tableClassName = null; tableClassName = new TableClassName(options).getClassForTable(tableName); Configuration conf = options.getConf(); loadJars(conf, ormJarFile, tableClassName); SqoopOptions options = context.getOptions(); if (!isDynamicPartitions(options.getOdpsPartitionValue())) { options.setOdpsDisableDynamicPartitions(true);"Detect odps static partition specified."); } this.disableDynamicPartitions = options.isOdpsDisableDynamicPartitions(); Job job = createJob(conf); job.getConfiguration().set("mapred.jar", ormJarFile); if (options.getMapreduceJobName() != null) { job.setJobName(options.getMapreduceJobName()); } propagateOptionsToJob(job); try { configureInputFormat(job, tableName, tableClassName, null); configureOutputFormat(job, tableName, tableClassName); configureMapper(job, tableName, tableClassName); configureNumTasks(job); cacheJars(job, null); jobSetup(job); setJob(job); boolean success = runJob(job); if (!success) { throw new ImportException("Import job failed!"); } if (options.isValidationEnabled()) { // TODO validateImport } } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) { throw new IOException(cnfe); } catch (ImportException ie) { throw new IOException(ie); } catch (InterruptedException ire) { throw new IOException(ire); } finally { unloadJars(); } } @Override protected boolean runJob(Job job) throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException, InterruptedException { PerfCounters perfCounters = new PerfCounters(); perfCounters.startClock(); boolean success = doSubmitJob(job); perfCounters.stopClock(); Counters jobCounters = job.getCounters(); // If the job has been retired, these may be unavailable. if (null == jobCounters) { displayRetiredJobNotice(LOG); } else { perfCounters .addBytes(jobCounters.getGroup("FileSystemCounters").findCounter("HDFS_BYTES_READ").getValue());"Transferred " + perfCounters.toString()); long numRecords = ConfigurationHelper.getNumMapInputRecords(job);"Exported " + numRecords + " records."); } return success; } protected boolean doSubmitJob(Job job) throws IOException, InterruptedException, ClassNotFoundException { return job.waitForCompletion(true); } @Override protected void configureInputFormat(Job job, String tableName, String tableClassName, String splitByCol) throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException { fileType = getInputFileType(); super.configureInputFormat(job, tableName, tableClassName, splitByCol); if (isHCatJob) { SqoopHCatUtilities.configureExportInputFormat(options, job, context.getConnManager(), tableName, job.getConfiguration()); return; } else if (fileType == FileType.AVRO_DATA_FILE) { LOG.debug("Configuring for Avro export"); configureGenericRecordExportInputFormat(job, tableName); } else if (fileType == FileType.PARQUET_FILE) { LOG.debug("Configuring for Parquet export"); configureGenericRecordExportInputFormat(job, tableName); FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(job.getConfiguration()); String uri = "dataset:" + fs.makeQualified(getInputPath()); Exception caughtException = null; try { DatasetKeyInputFormat.configure(job).readFrom(uri); } catch (DatasetNotFoundException e) { LOG.warn(e.getMessage(), e); LOG.warn("Trying to get data schema from parquet file directly"); caughtException = e; } if (caughtException != null && caughtException instanceof DatasetNotFoundException) { DatasetDescriptor descriptor = getDatasetDescriptorFromParquetFile(job, fs, uri); Dataset dataset = Datasets.create(uri, descriptor, GenericRecord.class); DatasetKeyInputFormat.configure(job).readFrom(dataset); } } FileInputFormat.addInputPath(job, getInputPath()); } /** * Resolve a database-specific type to the Java type that should contain it. * @param sqlType sql type * @return the name of a Java type to hold the sql datatype, or null if none. */ public String toJavaType(OdpsType odpsType) { if (odpsType == OdpsType.VARCHAR) { return "String"; } else if (odpsType == OdpsType.STRING) { return "String"; } else if (odpsType == OdpsType.CHAR) { return "String"; } else if (odpsType == OdpsType.DECIMAL) { return "java.math.BigDecimal"; } else if (odpsType == OdpsType.BOOLEAN) { return "Boolean"; } else if (odpsType == OdpsType.TINYINT) { return "Integer"; } else if (odpsType == OdpsType.SMALLINT) { return "Integer"; } else if (odpsType == OdpsType.BIGINT) { return "Long"; } else if (odpsType == OdpsType.FLOAT) { return "Double"; } else if (odpsType == OdpsType.DOUBLE) { return "Double"; } else if (odpsType == OdpsType.DATE) { return "java.sql.Date"; } else { // TODO(aaron): Support DISTINCT, ARRAY, STRUCT, REF, JAVA_OBJECT. // Return null indicating database-specific manager should return a // java data type if it can find one for any nonstandard type. return null; } } public static final PathFilter HIDDEN_FILES_PATH_FILTER = new PathFilter() { @Override public boolean accept(Path p) { String name = p.getName(); return !name.startsWith("_") && !name.startsWith("."); } }; private DatasetDescriptor getDatasetDescriptorFromParquetFile(Job job, FileSystem fs, String uri) throws IOException { ArrayList<FileStatus> files = new ArrayList<FileStatus>(); FileStatus[] dirs; dirs = fs.globStatus(fs.makeQualified(getInputPath())); for (int i = 0; (dirs != null && i < dirs.length); i++) { files.addAll(Arrays.asList(fs.listStatus(dirs[i].getPath(), HIDDEN_FILES_PATH_FILTER))); // We only check one file, so exit the loop when we have at least // one. if (files.size() > 0) { break; } } ParquetMetadata parquetMetadata; try { parquetMetadata = ParquetFileReader.readFooter(job.getConfiguration(), fs.makeQualified(files.get(0).getPath())); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Wrong file format. Please check the export file's format.", e); throw e; } MessageType schema = parquetMetadata.getFileMetaData().getSchema(); Schema avroSchema = new AvroSchemaConverter().convert(schema); DatasetDescriptor descriptor = new DatasetDescriptor.Builder().schema(avroSchema).format(Formats.PARQUET) .compressionType(ParquetJob.getCompressionType(job.getConfiguration())).build(); return descriptor; } private void configureGenericRecordExportInputFormat(Job job, String tableName) throws IOException { if (options.getOdpsTable() != null) { MapWritable columnTypes = new MapWritable(); Map<String, OdpsType> colTypeMap = getColTypeMap(); for (Map.Entry<String, OdpsType> e : colTypeMap.entrySet()) { String column = e.getKey(); if (column != null) { Text columnName = new Text(column); Text columnType = new Text(toJavaType(e.getValue())); columnTypes.put(columnName, columnType); } }, columnTypes, AvroExportMapper.AVRO_COLUMN_TYPES_MAP); return; } ConnManager connManager = context.getConnManager(); Map<String, Integer> columnTypeInts; if (options.getCall() == null) { columnTypeInts = connManager.getColumnTypes(tableName, options.getSqlQuery()); } else { columnTypeInts = connManager.getColumnTypesForProcedure(options.getCall()); } String[] specifiedColumns = options.getColumns(); MapWritable columnTypes = new MapWritable(); for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> e : columnTypeInts.entrySet()) { String column = e.getKey(); column = (specifiedColumns == null) ? column : options.getColumnNameCaseInsensitive(column); if (column != null) { Text columnName = new Text(column); Text columnType = new Text(connManager.toJavaType(tableName, column, e.getValue())); columnTypes.put(columnName, columnType); } }, columnTypes, AvroExportMapper.AVRO_COLUMN_TYPES_MAP); } @Override protected void configureMapper(Job job, String tableName, String tableClassName) { job.setOutputKeyClass(SqoopRecord.class); job.setOutputValueClass(NullWritable.class); job.setMapperClass(getMapperClass()); } @Override protected Class<? extends Mapper> getMapperClass() { if (isHCatJob) { return SqoopHCatUtilities.getExportOdpsMapperClass(); } switch (fileType) { case SEQUENCE_FILE: return SequenceFileExportMapper.class; case AVRO_DATA_FILE: return AvroExportMapper.class; case PARQUET_FILE: return ParquetExportMapper.class; case UNKNOWN: default: return TextExportMapper.class; } } @Override protected Class<? extends OutputFormat> getOutputFormatClass() throws ClassNotFoundException { return DelegatingOutputFormat.class; } @Override protected void configureOutputFormat(Job job, String tableName, String tableClassName) throws ClassNotFoundException { job.setOutputFormatClass(getOutputFormatClass()); Configuration conf = job.getConfiguration(); conf.setClass("", OdpsUploadProcessor.class, FieldMapProcessor.class); conf.setStrings(OdpsConstants.INPUT_COL_NAMES, options.getColumns()); String odpsTableName = options.getOdpsTable(); if (odpsTableName == null) { odpsTableName = tableName; } conf.set(OdpsConstants.TABLE_NAME, odpsTableName); conf.set(OdpsConstants.ACCESS_ID, options.getOdpsAccessID()); conf.set(OdpsConstants.ACCESS_KEY, options.getOdpsAccessKey()); conf.set(OdpsConstants.ENDPOINT, options.getOdpsEndPoint()); String tunnelEndPoint = options.getOdpsTunnelEndPoint(); if (tunnelEndPoint != null) { conf.set(OdpsConstants.TUNNEL_ENDPOINT, options.getOdpsTunnelEndPoint()); } conf.set(OdpsConstants.PROJECT, options.getOdpsProject()); String partitionKey = options.getOdpsPartitionKey(); String partitionValue = options.getOdpsPartitionValue(); if (partitionKey != null && partitionValue != null) { conf.set(OdpsConstants.PARTITION_KEY, partitionKey); conf.set(OdpsConstants.PARTITION_VALUE, partitionValue); } conf.setBoolean(OdpsConstants.CREATE_TABLE, options.isOdpsCreateTable()); String dateFormat = options.getOdpsInputDateFormat(); if (dateFormat != null) { conf.set(OdpsConstants.DATE_FORMAT, dateFormat); } conf.setInt(OdpsConstants.RETRY_COUNT, options.getOdpsRetryCount()); conf.setInt(OdpsConstants.BATCH_SIZE, options.getOdpsBatchSize()); conf.setBoolean(OdpsConstants.USE_COMPRESS_IN_UPLOAD, options.isOdpsUseCompressInUpload()); job.getConfiguration().set(ExportJobBase.SQOOP_EXPORT_TABLE_CLASS_KEY, tableClassName); } protected void jobSetup(Job job) throws IOException, ImportException { boolean isCreateTable = options.isOdpsCreateTable(); String tableName = Preconditions.checkNotNull(options.getOdpsTable(), "Import to ODPS error: Table name not specified"); String accessID = Preconditions.checkNotNull(options.getOdpsAccessID(), "Error: ODPS access ID not specified"); String accessKey = Preconditions.checkNotNull(options.getOdpsAccessKey(), "Error: ODPS access key not specified"); String project = Preconditions.checkNotNull(options.getOdpsProject(), "Error: ODPS project not specified"); String endpoint = Preconditions.checkNotNull(options.getOdpsEndPoint(), "Error: ODPS endpoint not specified"); Odps odps = new Odps(new AliyunAccount(accessID, accessKey)); odps.setUserAgent(OdpsUtil.getUserAgent()); odps.setDefaultProject(project); odps.setEndpoint(endpoint); Tables tables = odps.tables(); boolean existsTable; try { existsTable = tables.exists(tableName); } catch (OdpsException e) { throw new ImportException("ODPS exception", e); } if (!existsTable) { Map<String, OdpsType> colTypeMap = getColTypeMap(); if (!isCreateTable) { LOG.warn("Could not find ODPS table " + tableName); LOG.warn("This job may fail. Either explicitly create the table,"); LOG.warn("or re-run with --odps-create-table."); } else { TableSchema schema = new TableSchema(); for (Map.Entry<String, OdpsType> colTypeEntry : colTypeMap.entrySet()) { schema.addColumn(new Column(colTypeEntry.getKey(), colTypeEntry.getValue())); } String partitionColumns = options.getOdpsPartitionKey(); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(partitionColumns)) { String[] partitionCols = partitionColumns.split(","); for (int i = 0; i < partitionCols.length; i++) { schema.addPartitionColumn(new Column(partitionCols[i].trim(), OdpsType.STRING)); } } try { tables.create(tableName, schema); } catch (OdpsException e) { throw new ImportException("Create table failed", e); } } } else { } if (options.isOdpsDisableDynamicPartitions()) { Table odpsTable = odps.tables().get(tableName); String partitionSpec = getPartitionSpec(odpsTable, strToArray(options.getOdpsPartitionKey()), strToArray(options.getOdpsPartitionValue()), Maps.newHashMap()); if (options.isOverwriteOdpsTable()) { try { if (!odpsTable.isPartitioned()) { odpsTable.truncate(); } else { odpsTable.deletePartition(new PartitionSpec(partitionSpec), true); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(String.format("Truncate:%s failed.", tableName), e); } } if (autoCreatePartition) { try { if (odpsTable.isPartitioned()) { odpsTable.createPartition(new PartitionSpec(partitionSpec), true); } } catch (OdpsException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Create partition failed. ", e); } } } } private Map buildPartitionMap(Table odpsTable) { Map partMap = Maps.newHashMap(); for (Partition partition : odpsTable.getPartitions()) { partMap.put(partition.getPartitionSpec().toString(), true); // TableSchema schema = tables.get(tableName).getSchema(); // for(Map.Entry<String, OdpsType> colTypeEntry: colTypeMap.entrySet()) { // Column column = schema.getColumn(colTypeEntry.getKey().toLowerCase()); // if (column.getType() != colTypeEntry.getValue()) { // throw new ImportException("Column type of ODPS table not" // + " consistent with user specification. Column name: " // + colTypeEntry.getKey()); // } // } } return partMap; } private String[] strToArray(String s) { if (s == null) { return null; } return s.split(","); } private String getPartitionSpec(Table odpsTable, String[] partKeys, String[] partValues, Map partitionMap) { if (partKeys == null || partValues == null) { return null; } if (partKeys.length != partValues.length) { throw new RuntimeException("Numbers of partition key and " + "partition value are not equal."); } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); String sep = ""; for (int i = 0; i < partKeys.length; i++) { String realPartVal = partValues[i]; sb.append(sep).append(partKeys[i]).append("='").append(realPartVal).append("'"); sep = ","; } String partitionSpec = sb.toString(); return partitionSpec; } private Map<String, OdpsType> getColTypeMap() { Map colTypeMap = Maps.newLinkedHashMap(); Properties userMapping = options.getMapColumnOdps(); String[] columnNames = options.getColumns(); for (Object column : userMapping.keySet()) { boolean found = false; for (String c : columnNames) { if (c.equals(column)) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "No column by the name " + column + "found while importing data"); } } for (String col : columnNames) { String userType = userMapping.getProperty(col); if (userType != null) { colTypeMap.put(col, OdpsType.valueOf(userType.toUpperCase())); } else { LOG.warn("Column " + col + " type not specified, defaulting to STRING."); colTypeMap.put(col, OdpsType.STRING); } } return colTypeMap; } @Override protected Class<? extends InputFormat> getInputFormatClass() throws ClassNotFoundException { if (isHCatJob) { return SqoopHCatUtilities.getInputFormatClass(); } switch (fileType) { case AVRO_DATA_FILE: return AvroInputFormat.class; case PARQUET_FILE: return DatasetKeyInputFormat.class; default: Class<? extends InputFormat> configuredIF = super.getInputFormatClass(); if (null == configuredIF) { return ExportInputFormat.class; } else { return configuredIF; } } } protected Path getInputPath() throws IOException { Path inputPath = new Path(context.getOptions().getExportDir()); Configuration conf = options.getConf(); inputPath = inputPath.makeQualified(FileSystem.get(conf)); return inputPath; } @Override protected int configureNumMapTasks(Job job) throws IOException { int numMaps = super.configureNumMapTasks(job); job.getConfiguration().setInt(EXPORT_MAP_TASKS_KEY, numMaps); return numMaps; } @Override protected void propagateOptionsToJob(Job job) { super.propagateOptionsToJob(job); Configuration conf = job.getConfiguration(); // This is export job where re-trying failed mapper mostly don't make sense. By // default we will force MR to run only one attempt per mapper. User or connector // developer can override this behavior by setting SQOOP_EXPORT_MAP_TASK_MAX_ATTEMTPS: // // * Positive number - we will allow specified number of attempts // * Negative number - we will default to Hadoop's default number of attempts // // This is important for most connectors as they are directly committing data to // final table and hence re-running one mapper will lead to a misleading errors // of inserting duplicate rows. int sqoopMaxAttempts = conf.getInt(SQOOP_EXPORT_MAP_TASK_MAX_ATTEMTPS, 1); System.out.println("sqoopMaxAttempts:" + sqoopMaxAttempts); if (sqoopMaxAttempts > 1) { conf.setInt(HADOOP_MAP_TASK_MAX_ATTEMTPS, sqoopMaxAttempts); conf.setInt("", sqoopMaxAttempts); } conf.setBoolean("", false); conf.setBoolean("mapred.reduce.tasks.speculative.execution", false); conf.setBoolean(OdpsConstants.ODPS_DISABLE_DYNAMIC_PARTITIONS, this.disableDynamicPartitions); // conf.set(OdpsConstants.ODPS_TUNNEL_UPLOAD_SESSION_ID, uploadSession.getId()); } /** * @return true if p is a SequenceFile, or a directory containing * SequenceFiles. */ public static boolean isSequenceFiles(Configuration conf, Path p) throws IOException { return getFileType(conf, p) == FileType.SEQUENCE_FILE; } /** * @return the type of the file represented by p (or the files in p, if a * directory) */ public static FileType getFileType(Configuration conf, Path p) throws IOException { FileSystem fs = p.getFileSystem(conf); try { FileStatus stat = fs.getFileStatus(p); if (null == stat) { // Couldn't get the item. LOG.warn("Input path " + p + " does not exist"); return FileType.UNKNOWN; } if (stat.isDir()) { FileStatus[] subitems = fs.listStatus(p); if (subitems == null || subitems.length == 0) { LOG.warn("Input path " + p + " contains no files"); return FileType.UNKNOWN; // empty dir. } // Pick a child entry to examine instead. boolean foundChild = false; for (int i = 0; i < subitems.length; i++) { stat = subitems[i]; if (!stat.isDir() && !stat.getPath().getName().startsWith("_")) { foundChild = true; break; // This item is a visible file. Check it. } } if (!foundChild) { stat = null; // Couldn't find a reasonable candidate. } } if (null == stat) { LOG.warn("null FileStatus object in isSequenceFiles(); " + "assuming false."); return FileType.UNKNOWN; } Path target = stat.getPath(); return fromMagicNumber(target, conf); } catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) { LOG.warn("Input path " + p + " does not exist"); return FileType.UNKNOWN; // doesn't exist! } } /** * @param file a file to test. * @return true if 'file' refers to a SequenceFile. */ private static FileType fromMagicNumber(Path file, Configuration conf) { // Test target's header to see if it contains magic numbers indicating its // file type byte[] header = new byte[3]; FSDataInputStream is = null; try { FileSystem fs = file.getFileSystem(conf); is =; is.readFully(header); } catch (IOException ioe) { // Error reading header or EOF; assume unknown LOG.warn("IOException checking input file header: " + ioe); return FileType.UNKNOWN; } finally { try { if (null != is) { is.close(); } } catch (IOException ioe) { // ignore; closing. LOG.warn("IOException closing input stream: " + ioe + "; ignoring."); } } if (header[0] == 'S' && header[1] == 'E' && header[2] == 'Q') { return FileType.SEQUENCE_FILE; } if (header[0] == 'O' && header[1] == 'b' && header[2] == 'j') { return FileType.AVRO_DATA_FILE; } if (header[0] == 'P' && header[1] == 'A' && header[2] == 'R') { return FileType.PARQUET_FILE; } return FileType.UNKNOWN; } protected FileType getInputFileType() { if (isHCatJob) { return FileType.HCATALOG_MANAGED_FILE; } try { return getFileType(context.getOptions().getConf(), getInputPath()); } catch (IOException ioe) { return FileType.UNKNOWN; } } }