Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.solr.util; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.nio.file.StandardCopyOption; import java.nio.file.attribute.FileOwnerAttributeView; import java.time.Instant; import java.time.Period; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.Scanner; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine; import org.apache.commons.cli.GnuParser; import org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter; import org.apache.commons.cli.Option; import org.apache.commons.cli.OptionBuilder; import org.apache.commons.cli.Options; import org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64; import org.apache.commons.exec.DefaultExecuteResultHandler; import org.apache.commons.exec.DefaultExecutor; import org.apache.commons.exec.Executor; import org.apache.commons.exec.OS; import org.apache.commons.exec.environment.EnvironmentUtils; import; import org.apache.http.HttpEntity; import org.apache.http.HttpResponse; import org.apache.http.NoHttpResponseException; import org.apache.http.StatusLine; import org.apache.http.client.ClientProtocolException; import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient; import org.apache.http.client.HttpResponseException; import org.apache.http.client.ResponseHandler; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpHead; import org.apache.http.client.utils.URIBuilder; import org.apache.http.conn.ConnectTimeoutException; import org.apache.http.impl.client.CloseableHttpClient; import org.apache.http.message.BasicHeader; import org.apache.http.util.EntityUtils; import org.apache.lucene.util.Version; import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrClient; import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrQuery; import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrServerException; import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.CloudSolrClient; import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.HttpClientUtil; import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.HttpSolrClient; import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.HttpSolrClient.Builder; import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.SolrHttpClientBuilder; import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.ZkClientClusterStateProvider; import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.request.ContentStreamUpdateRequest; import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.response.QueryResponse; import org.apache.solr.common.SolrException; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.solr.common.params.CommonParams; import org.apache.solr.common.params.ModifiableSolrParams; import org.apache.solr.common.util.ContentStreamBase; import org.apache.solr.common.util.NamedList; import org.apache.solr.common.util.StrUtils; import org.noggit.CharArr; import org.noggit.JSONParser; import org.noggit.JSONWriter; import org.noggit.ObjectBuilder; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import static java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8; import static org.apache.solr.common.SolrException.ErrorCode.FORBIDDEN; import static org.apache.solr.common.SolrException.ErrorCode.UNAUTHORIZED; import static org.apache.solr.common.params.CommonParams.NAME; /** * Command-line utility for working with Solr. */ public class SolrCLI { /** * Defines the interface to a Solr tool that can be run from this command-line app. */ public interface Tool { String getName(); Option[] getOptions(); int runTool(CommandLine cli) throws Exception; } public static abstract class ToolBase implements Tool { protected PrintStream stdout; protected boolean verbose = false; protected ToolBase() { this(System.out); } protected ToolBase(PrintStream stdout) { this.stdout = stdout; } protected void echo(final String msg) { stdout.println(msg); } public int runTool(CommandLine cli) throws Exception { verbose = cli.hasOption("verbose"); int toolExitStatus = 0; try { setBasicAuth(); runImpl(cli); } catch (Exception exc) { // since this is a CLI, spare the user the stacktrace String excMsg = exc.getMessage(); if (excMsg != null) { System.err.println("\nERROR: " + excMsg + "\n"); toolExitStatus = 1; } else { throw exc; } } return toolExitStatus; } protected abstract void runImpl(CommandLine cli) throws Exception; } /** * Helps build SolrCloud aware tools by initializing a CloudSolrClient * instance before running the tool. */ public static abstract class SolrCloudTool extends ToolBase { protected SolrCloudTool(PrintStream stdout) { super(stdout); } public Option[] getOptions() { return cloudOptions; } protected void runImpl(CommandLine cli) throws Exception { String zkHost = cli.getOptionValue("zkHost", ZK_HOST); log.debug("Connecting to Solr cluster: " + zkHost); try (CloudSolrClient cloudSolrClient = new CloudSolrClient.Builder().withZkHost(zkHost).build()) { String collection = cli.getOptionValue("collection"); if (collection != null) cloudSolrClient.setDefaultCollection(collection); cloudSolrClient.connect(); runCloudTool(cloudSolrClient, cli); } } /** * Runs a SolrCloud tool with CloudSolrClient initialized */ protected abstract void runCloudTool(CloudSolrClient cloudSolrClient, CommandLine cli) throws Exception; } private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MethodHandles.lookup().lookupClass()); public static final String DEFAULT_SOLR_URL = "http://localhost:8983/solr"; public static final String ZK_HOST = "localhost:9983"; @SuppressWarnings("static-access") public static Option[] cloudOptions = new Option[] { OptionBuilder.withArgName("HOST").hasArg().isRequired(false) .withDescription("Address of the Zookeeper ensemble; defaults to: " + ZK_HOST).create("zkHost"), OptionBuilder.withArgName("COLLECTION").hasArg().isRequired(false) .withDescription("Name of collection; no default").create("collection") }; private static void exit(int exitStatus) { try { System.exit(exitStatus); } catch (java.lang.SecurityException secExc) { if (exitStatus != 0) throw new RuntimeException("SolrCLI failed to exit with status " + exitStatus); } } /** * Runs a tool. */ public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { if (args == null || args.length == 0 || args[0] == null || args[0].trim().length() == 0) { System.err.println( "Invalid command-line args! Must pass the name of a tool to run.\n" + "Supported tools:\n"); displayToolOptions(); exit(1); } if (args.length == 1 && Arrays.asList("-v", "-version", "version").contains(args[0])) { // Simple version tool, no need for its own class System.out.println(Version.LATEST); exit(0); } Tool tool = findTool(args); CommandLine cli = parseCmdLine(args, tool.getOptions()); System.exit(tool.runTool(cli)); } public static Tool findTool(String[] args) throws Exception { String toolType = args[0].trim().toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT); return newTool(toolType); } public static CommandLine parseCmdLine(String[] args, Option[] toolOptions) throws Exception { String builderClassName = System.getProperty("solr.authentication.httpclient.builder"); if (builderClassName != null) { try { Class c = Class.forName(builderClassName); SolrHttpClientBuilder builder = (SolrHttpClientBuilder) c.newInstance(); HttpClientUtil.setHttpClientBuilder(builder);"Set SolrHttpClientBuilder from: " + builderClassName); } catch (Exception ex) { log.error(ex.getMessage()); throw new RuntimeException("Error during loading of builder '" + builderClassName + "'.", ex); } } // the parser doesn't like -D props List<String> toolArgList = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> dashDList = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int a = 1; a < args.length; a++) { String arg = args[a]; if (arg.startsWith("-D")) { dashDList.add(arg); } else { toolArgList.add(arg); } } String[] toolArgs = toolArgList.toArray(new String[0]); // process command-line args to configure this application CommandLine cli = processCommandLineArgs(joinCommonAndToolOptions(toolOptions), toolArgs); List argList = cli.getArgList(); argList.addAll(dashDList); // for SSL support, try to accommodate relative paths set for SSL store props String solrInstallDir = System.getProperty("solr.install.dir"); if (solrInstallDir != null) { checkSslStoreSysProp(solrInstallDir, "keyStore"); checkSslStoreSysProp(solrInstallDir, "trustStore"); } return cli; } protected static void checkSslStoreSysProp(String solrInstallDir, String key) { String sysProp = "" + key; String keyStore = System.getProperty(sysProp); if (keyStore == null) return; File keyStoreFile = new File(keyStore); if (keyStoreFile.isFile()) return; // configured setting is OK keyStoreFile = new File(solrInstallDir, "server/" + keyStore); if (keyStoreFile.isFile()) { System.setProperty(sysProp, keyStoreFile.getAbsolutePath()); } else { System.err.println("WARNING: " + sysProp + " file " + keyStore + " not found! https requests to Solr will likely fail; please update your " + sysProp + " setting to use an absolute path."); } } /** * Support options common to all tools. */ public static Option[] getCommonToolOptions() { return new Option[0]; } // Creates an instance of the requested tool, using classpath scanning if necessary private static Tool newTool(String toolType) throws Exception { if ("healthcheck".equals(toolType)) return new HealthcheckTool(); else if ("status".equals(toolType)) return new StatusTool(); else if ("api".equals(toolType)) return new ApiTool(); else if ("create_collection".equals(toolType)) return new CreateCollectionTool(); else if ("create_core".equals(toolType)) return new CreateCoreTool(); else if ("create".equals(toolType)) return new CreateTool(); else if ("delete".equals(toolType)) return new DeleteTool(); else if ("config".equals(toolType)) return new ConfigTool(); else if ("run_example".equals(toolType)) return new RunExampleTool(); else if ("upconfig".equals(toolType)) return new ConfigSetUploadTool(); else if ("downconfig".equals(toolType)) return new ConfigSetDownloadTool(); else if ("rm".equals(toolType)) return new ZkRmTool(); else if ("mv".equals(toolType)) return new ZkMvTool(); else if ("cp".equals(toolType)) return new ZkCpTool(); else if ("ls".equals(toolType)) return new ZkLsTool(); else if ("mkroot".equals(toolType)) return new ZkMkrootTool(); else if ("assert".equals(toolType)) return new AssertTool(); else if ("utils".equals(toolType)) return new UtilsTool(); // If you add a built-in tool to this class, add it here to avoid // classpath scanning for (Class<Tool> next : findToolClassesInPackage("org.apache.solr.util")) { Tool tool = next.newInstance(); if (toolType.equals(tool.getName())) return tool; } throw new IllegalArgumentException(toolType + " not supported!"); } private static void displayToolOptions() throws Exception { HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter(); formatter.printHelp("healthcheck", getToolOptions(new HealthcheckTool())); formatter.printHelp("status", getToolOptions(new StatusTool())); formatter.printHelp("api", getToolOptions(new ApiTool())); formatter.printHelp("create_collection", getToolOptions(new CreateCollectionTool())); formatter.printHelp("create_core", getToolOptions(new CreateCoreTool())); formatter.printHelp("create", getToolOptions(new CreateTool())); formatter.printHelp("delete", getToolOptions(new DeleteTool())); formatter.printHelp("config", getToolOptions(new ConfigTool())); formatter.printHelp("run_example", getToolOptions(new RunExampleTool())); formatter.printHelp("upconfig", getToolOptions(new ConfigSetUploadTool())); formatter.printHelp("downconfig", getToolOptions(new ConfigSetDownloadTool())); formatter.printHelp("rm", getToolOptions(new ZkRmTool())); formatter.printHelp("cp", getToolOptions(new ZkCpTool())); formatter.printHelp("mv", getToolOptions(new ZkMvTool())); formatter.printHelp("ls", getToolOptions(new ZkLsTool())); List<Class<Tool>> toolClasses = findToolClassesInPackage("org.apache.solr.util"); for (Class<Tool> next : toolClasses) { Tool tool = next.newInstance(); formatter.printHelp(tool.getName(), getToolOptions(tool)); } } private static Options getToolOptions(Tool tool) { Options options = new Options(); options.addOption("help", false, "Print this message"); options.addOption("verbose", false, "Generate verbose log messages"); Option[] toolOpts = joinCommonAndToolOptions(tool.getOptions()); for (int i = 0; i < toolOpts.length; i++) options.addOption(toolOpts[i]); return options; } public static Option[] joinCommonAndToolOptions(Option[] toolOpts) { return joinOptions(getCommonToolOptions(), toolOpts); } public static Option[] joinOptions(Option[] lhs, Option[] rhs) { List<Option> options = new ArrayList<Option>(); if (lhs != null && lhs.length > 0) { for (Option opt : lhs) options.add(opt); } if (rhs != null) { for (Option opt : rhs) options.add(opt); } return options.toArray(new Option[0]); } /** * Parses the command-line arguments passed by the user. */ public static CommandLine processCommandLineArgs(Option[] customOptions, String[] args) { Options options = new Options(); options.addOption("help", false, "Print this message"); options.addOption("verbose", false, "Generate verbose log messages"); if (customOptions != null) { for (int i = 0; i < customOptions.length; i++) options.addOption(customOptions[i]); } CommandLine cli = null; try { cli = (new GnuParser()).parse(options, args); } catch (ParseException exp) { boolean hasHelpArg = false; if (args != null && args.length > 0) { for (int z = 0; z < args.length; z++) { if ("--help".equals(args[z]) || "-help".equals(args[z])) { hasHelpArg = true; break; } } } if (!hasHelpArg) { System.err.println("Failed to parse command-line arguments due to: " + exp.getMessage()); } HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter(); formatter.printHelp(SolrCLI.class.getName(), options); exit(1); } if (cli.hasOption("help")) { HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter(); formatter.printHelp(SolrCLI.class.getName(), options); exit(0); } return cli; } /** * Scans Jar files on the classpath for Tool implementations to activate. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static List<Class<Tool>> findToolClassesInPackage(String packageName) { List<Class<Tool>> toolClasses = new ArrayList<Class<Tool>>(); try { ClassLoader classLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); String path = packageName.replace('.', '/'); Enumeration<URL> resources = classLoader.getResources(path); Set<String> classes = new TreeSet<String>(); while (resources.hasMoreElements()) { URL resource = (URL) resources.nextElement(); classes.addAll(findClasses(resource.getFile(), packageName)); } for (String classInPackage : classes) { Class<?> theClass = Class.forName(classInPackage); if (Tool.class.isAssignableFrom(theClass)) toolClasses.add((Class<Tool>) theClass); } } catch (Exception e) { // safe to squelch this as it's just looking for tools to run log.debug("Failed to find Tool impl classes in " + packageName + " due to: " + e); } return toolClasses; } private static Set<String> findClasses(String path, String packageName) throws Exception { Set<String> classes = new TreeSet<String>(); if (path.startsWith("file:") && path.contains("!")) { String[] split = path.split("!"); URL jar = new URL(split[0]); ZipInputStream zip = new ZipInputStream(jar.openStream()); ZipEntry entry; while ((entry = zip.getNextEntry()) != null) { if (entry.getName().endsWith(".class")) { String className = entry.getName().replaceAll("[$].*", "").replaceAll("[.]class", "") .replace('/', '.'); if (className.startsWith(packageName)) classes.add(className); } } } return classes; } /** * Inspects system property basicauth and enables authentication for HttpClient * @throws Exception if the basicauth SysProp has wrong format */ protected static void setBasicAuth() throws Exception { String basicauth = System.getProperty("basicauth", null); if (basicauth != null) { List<String> ss = StrUtils.splitSmart(basicauth, ':'); if (ss.size() != 2) throw new Exception("Please provide 'basicauth' in the 'user:password' format"); HttpClientUtil.addRequestInterceptor((httpRequest, httpContext) -> { String pair = ss.get(0) + ":" + ss.get(1); byte[] encodedBytes = Base64.encodeBase64(pair.getBytes(UTF_8)); httpRequest.addHeader(new BasicHeader("Authorization", "Basic " + new String(encodedBytes, UTF_8))); }); } } /** * Determine if a request to Solr failed due to a communication error, * which is generally retry-able. */ public static boolean checkCommunicationError(Exception exc) { Throwable rootCause = SolrException.getRootCause(exc); boolean wasCommError = (rootCause instanceof ConnectException || rootCause instanceof ConnectTimeoutException || rootCause instanceof NoHttpResponseException || rootCause instanceof SocketException); return wasCommError; } /** * Tries a simple HEAD request and throws SolrException in case of Authorization error * @param url the url to do a HEAD request to * @param httpClient the http client to use (make sure it has authentication optinos set) * @return the HTTP response code * @throws SolrException if auth/autz problems * @throws IOException if connection failure */ private static int attemptHttpHead(String url, HttpClient httpClient) throws SolrException, IOException { HttpResponse response = httpClient.execute(new HttpHead(url), HttpClientUtil.createNewHttpClientRequestContext()); int code = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode(); if (code == UNAUTHORIZED.code || code == FORBIDDEN.code) { throw new SolrException(SolrException.ErrorCode.getErrorCode(code), "Solr requires authentication for " + url + ". Please supply valid credentials. HTTP code=" + code); } return code; } private static boolean exceptionIsAuthRelated(Exception exc) { return (exc instanceof SolrException && Arrays.asList(UNAUTHORIZED.code, FORBIDDEN.code).contains(((SolrException) exc).code())); } public static CloseableHttpClient getHttpClient() { ModifiableSolrParams params = new ModifiableSolrParams(); params.set(HttpClientUtil.PROP_MAX_CONNECTIONS, 128); params.set(HttpClientUtil.PROP_MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOST, 32); params.set(HttpClientUtil.PROP_FOLLOW_REDIRECTS, false); return HttpClientUtil.createClient(params); } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public static void closeHttpClient(CloseableHttpClient httpClient) { if (httpClient != null) { try { HttpClientUtil.close(httpClient); } catch (Exception exc) { // safe to ignore, we're just shutting things down } } } public static final String JSON_CONTENT_TYPE = "application/json"; public static NamedList<Object> postJsonToSolr(SolrClient solrClient, String updatePath, String jsonBody) throws Exception { ContentStreamBase.StringStream contentStream = new ContentStreamBase.StringStream(jsonBody); contentStream.setContentType(JSON_CONTENT_TYPE); ContentStreamUpdateRequest req = new ContentStreamUpdateRequest(updatePath); req.addContentStream(contentStream); return solrClient.request(req); } /** * Useful when a tool just needs to send one request to Solr. */ public static Map<String, Object> getJson(String getUrl) throws Exception { Map<String, Object> json = null; CloseableHttpClient httpClient = getHttpClient(); try { json = getJson(httpClient, getUrl, 2, true); } finally { closeHttpClient(httpClient); } return json; } /** * Utility function for sending HTTP GET request to Solr with built-in retry support. */ public static Map<String, Object> getJson(HttpClient httpClient, String getUrl, int attempts, boolean isFirstAttempt) throws Exception { Map<String, Object> json = null; if (attempts >= 1) { try { json = getJson(httpClient, getUrl); } catch (Exception exc) { if (exceptionIsAuthRelated(exc)) { throw exc; } if (--attempts > 0 && checkCommunicationError(exc)) { if (!isFirstAttempt) // only show the log warning after the second attempt fails log.warn("Request to " + getUrl + " failed due to: " + exc.getMessage() + ", sleeping for 5 seconds before re-trying the request ..."); try { Thread.sleep(5000); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { Thread.interrupted(); } // retry using recursion with one-less attempt available json = getJson(httpClient, getUrl, attempts, false); } else { // no more attempts or error is not retry-able throw exc; } } } return json; } private static class SolrResponseHandler implements ResponseHandler<Map<String, Object>> { public Map<String, Object> handleResponse(HttpResponse response) throws ClientProtocolException, IOException { HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity(); if (entity != null) { String respBody = EntityUtils.toString(entity); Object resp = null; try { resp = ObjectBuilder.getVal(new JSONParser(respBody)); } catch (JSONParser.ParseException pe) { throw new ClientProtocolException("Expected JSON response from server but received: " + respBody + "\nTypically, this indicates a problem with the Solr server; check the Solr server logs for more information."); } if (resp != null && resp instanceof Map) { return (Map<String, Object>) resp; } else { throw new ClientProtocolException("Expected JSON object in response but received " + resp); } } else { StatusLine statusLine = response.getStatusLine(); throw new HttpResponseException(statusLine.getStatusCode(), statusLine.getReasonPhrase()); } } } /** * Utility function for sending HTTP GET request to Solr and then doing some * validation of the response. */ @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked" }) public static Map<String, Object> getJson(HttpClient httpClient, String getUrl) throws Exception { try { // ensure we're requesting JSON back from Solr HttpGet httpGet = new HttpGet( new URIBuilder(getUrl).setParameter(CommonParams.WT, CommonParams.JSON).build()); // make the request and get back a parsed JSON object Map<String, Object> json = httpClient.execute(httpGet, new SolrResponseHandler(), HttpClientUtil.createNewHttpClientRequestContext()); // check the response JSON from Solr to see if it is an error Long statusCode = asLong("/responseHeader/status", json); if (statusCode == -1) { throw new SolrServerException( "Unable to determine outcome of GET request to: " + getUrl + "! Response: " + json); } else if (statusCode != 0) { String errMsg = asString("/error/msg", json); if (errMsg == null) errMsg = String.valueOf(json); throw new SolrServerException(errMsg); } else { // make sure no "failure" object in there either Object failureObj = json.get("failure"); if (failureObj != null) { if (failureObj instanceof Map) { Object err = ((Map) failureObj).get(""); if (err != null) throw new SolrServerException(err.toString()); } throw new SolrServerException(failureObj.toString()); } } return json; } catch (ClientProtocolException cpe) { // Currently detecting authentication by string-matching the HTTP response // Perhaps SolrClient should have thrown an exception itself?? if (cpe.getMessage().contains("HTTP ERROR 401") || cpe.getMessage().contentEquals("HTTP ERROR 403")) { int code = cpe.getMessage().contains("HTTP ERROR 401") ? 401 : 403; throw new SolrException(SolrException.ErrorCode.getErrorCode(code), "Solr requires authentication for " + getUrl + ". Please supply valid credentials. HTTP code=" + code); } else { throw cpe; } } } /** * Helper function for reading a String value from a JSON Object tree. */ public static String asString(String jsonPath, Map<String, Object> json) { return pathAs(String.class, jsonPath, json); } /** * Helper function for reading a Long value from a JSON Object tree. */ public static Long asLong(String jsonPath, Map<String, Object> json) { return pathAs(Long.class, jsonPath, json); } /** * Helper function for reading a List of Strings from a JSON Object tree. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static List<String> asList(String jsonPath, Map<String, Object> json) { return pathAs(List.class, jsonPath, json); } /** * Helper function for reading a Map from a JSON Object tree. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static Map<String, Object> asMap(String jsonPath, Map<String, Object> json) { return pathAs(Map.class, jsonPath, json); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static <T> T pathAs(Class<T> clazz, String jsonPath, Map<String, Object> json) { T val = null; Object obj = atPath(jsonPath, json); if (obj != null) { if (clazz.isAssignableFrom(obj.getClass())) { val = (T) obj; } else { // no ok if it's not null and of a different type throw new IllegalStateException("Expected a " + clazz.getName() + " at path " + jsonPath + " but found " + obj + " instead! " + json); } } // it's ok if it is null return val; } /** * Helper function for reading an Object of unknown type from a JSON Object tree. */ @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" }) public static Object atPath(String jsonPath, Map<String, Object> json) { if ("/".equals(jsonPath)) return json; if (!jsonPath.startsWith("/")) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid JSON path: " + jsonPath + "! Must start with a /"); Map<String, Object> parent = json; Object result = null; String[] path = jsonPath.split("/"); for (int p = 1; p < path.length; p++) { Object child = parent.get(path[p]); if (child == null) break; if (p == path.length - 1) { // success - found the node at the desired path result = child; } else { if (child instanceof Map) { // keep walking the path down to the desired node parent = (Map) child; } else { // early termination - hit a leaf before the requested node break; } } } return result; } /** * Get the status of a Solr server. */ public static class StatusTool extends ToolBase { public StatusTool() { this(System.out); } public StatusTool(PrintStream stdout) { super(stdout); } public String getName() { return "status"; } @SuppressWarnings("static-access") public Option[] getOptions() { return new Option[] { OptionBuilder.withArgName("URL").hasArg().isRequired(false) .withDescription( "Address of the Solr Web application, defaults to: " + DEFAULT_SOLR_URL) .create("solr"), OptionBuilder.withArgName("SECS").hasArg().isRequired(false) .withDescription("Wait up to the specified number of seconds to see Solr running.") .create("maxWaitSecs") }; } protected void runImpl(CommandLine cli) throws Exception { int maxWaitSecs = Integer.parseInt(cli.getOptionValue("maxWaitSecs", "0")); String solrUrl = cli.getOptionValue("solr", DEFAULT_SOLR_URL); if (maxWaitSecs > 0) { int solrPort = (new URL(solrUrl)).getPort(); echo("Waiting up to " + maxWaitSecs + " to see Solr running on port " + solrPort); try { waitToSeeSolrUp(solrUrl, maxWaitSecs); echo("Started Solr server on port " + solrPort + ". Happy searching!"); } catch (TimeoutException timeout) { throw new Exception( "Solr at " + solrUrl + " did not come online within " + maxWaitSecs + " seconds!"); } } else { try { CharArr arr = new CharArr(); new JSONWriter(arr, 2).write(getStatus(solrUrl)); echo(arr.toString()); } catch (Exception exc) { if (exceptionIsAuthRelated(exc)) { throw exc; } if (checkCommunicationError(exc)) { // this is not actually an error from the tool as it's ok if Solr is not online. System.err.println("Solr at " + solrUrl + " not online."); } else { throw new Exception("Failed to get system information from " + solrUrl + " due to: " + exc); } } } } public Map<String, Object> waitToSeeSolrUp(String solrUrl, int maxWaitSecs) throws Exception { long timeout = System.nanoTime() + TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.convert(maxWaitSecs, TimeUnit.SECONDS); while (System.nanoTime() < timeout) { try { return getStatus(solrUrl); } catch (Exception exc) { if (exceptionIsAuthRelated(exc)) { throw exc; } try { Thread.sleep(2000L); } catch (InterruptedException interrupted) { timeout = 0; // stop looping } } } throw new TimeoutException("Did not see Solr at " + solrUrl + " come online within " + maxWaitSecs); } public Map<String, Object> getStatus(String solrUrl) throws Exception { Map<String, Object> status = null; if (!solrUrl.endsWith("/")) solrUrl += "/"; String systemInfoUrl = solrUrl + "admin/info/system"; CloseableHttpClient httpClient = getHttpClient(); try { // hit Solr to get system info Map<String, Object> systemInfo = getJson(httpClient, systemInfoUrl, 2, true); // convert raw JSON into user-friendly output status = reportStatus(solrUrl, systemInfo, httpClient); } finally { closeHttpClient(httpClient); } return status; } public Map<String, Object> reportStatus(String solrUrl, Map<String, Object> info, HttpClient httpClient) throws Exception { Map<String, Object> status = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(); String solrHome = (String) info.get("solr_home"); status.put("solr_home", solrHome != null ? solrHome : "?"); status.put("version", asString("/lucene/solr-impl-version", info)); status.put("startTime", asString("/jvm/jmx/startTime", info)); status.put("uptime", uptime(asLong("/jvm/jmx/upTimeMS", info))); String usedMemory = asString("/jvm/memory/used", info); String totalMemory = asString("/jvm/memory/total", info); status.put("memory", usedMemory + " of " + totalMemory); // if this is a Solr in solrcloud mode, gather some basic cluster info if ("solrcloud".equals(info.get("mode"))) { String zkHost = (String) info.get("zkHost"); status.put("cloud", getCloudStatus(httpClient, solrUrl, zkHost)); } return status; } /** * Calls the CLUSTERSTATUS endpoint in Solr to get basic status information about * the SolrCloud cluster. */ protected Map<String, String> getCloudStatus(HttpClient httpClient, String solrUrl, String zkHost) throws Exception { Map<String, String> cloudStatus = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(); cloudStatus.put("ZooKeeper", (zkHost != null) ? zkHost : "?"); String clusterStatusUrl = solrUrl + "admin/collections?action=CLUSTERSTATUS"; Map<String, Object> json = getJson(httpClient, clusterStatusUrl, 2, true); List<String> liveNodes = asList("/cluster/live_nodes", json); cloudStatus.put("liveNodes", String.valueOf(liveNodes.size())); Map<String, Object> collections = asMap("/cluster/collections", json); cloudStatus.put("collections", String.valueOf(collections.size())); return cloudStatus; } } // end StatusTool class /** * Used to send an arbitrary HTTP request to a Solr API endpoint. */ public static class ApiTool extends ToolBase { public ApiTool() { this(System.out); } public ApiTool(PrintStream stdout) { super(stdout); } public String getName() { return "api"; } @SuppressWarnings("static-access") public Option[] getOptions() { return new Option[] { OptionBuilder.withArgName("URL").hasArg().isRequired(false) .withDescription("Send a GET request to a Solr API endpoint").create("get") }; } protected void runImpl(CommandLine cli) throws Exception { String getUrl = cli.getOptionValue("get"); if (getUrl != null) { Map<String, Object> json = getJson(getUrl); // pretty-print the response to stdout CharArr arr = new CharArr(); new JSONWriter(arr, 2).write(json); echo(arr.toString()); } } } // end ApiTool class private static final String DEFAULT_CONFIG_SET = "data_driven_schema_configs"; private static final long MS_IN_MIN = 60 * 1000L; private static final long MS_IN_HOUR = MS_IN_MIN * 60L; private static final long MS_IN_DAY = MS_IN_HOUR * 24L; private static final String uptime(long uptimeMs) { if (uptimeMs <= 0L) return "?"; long numDays = (uptimeMs >= MS_IN_DAY) ? (long) Math.floor(uptimeMs / MS_IN_DAY) : 0L; long rem = uptimeMs - (numDays * MS_IN_DAY); long numHours = (rem >= MS_IN_HOUR) ? (long) Math.floor(rem / MS_IN_HOUR) : 0L; rem = rem - (numHours * MS_IN_HOUR); long numMinutes = (rem >= MS_IN_MIN) ? (long) Math.floor(rem / MS_IN_MIN) : 0L; rem = rem - (numMinutes * MS_IN_MIN); long numSeconds = Math.round(rem / 1000); return String.format(Locale.ROOT, "%d days, %d hours, %d minutes, %d seconds", numDays, numHours, numMinutes, numSeconds); } static class ReplicaHealth implements Comparable<ReplicaHealth> { String shard; String name; String url; String status; long numDocs; boolean isLeader; String uptime; String memory; ReplicaHealth(String shard, String name, String url, String status, long numDocs, boolean isLeader, String uptime, String memory) { this.shard = shard; = name; this.url = url; this.numDocs = numDocs; this.status = status; this.isLeader = isLeader; this.uptime = uptime; this.memory = memory; } public Map<String, Object> asMap() { Map<String, Object> map = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(); map.put(NAME, name); map.put("url", url); map.put("numDocs", numDocs); map.put("status", status); if (uptime != null) map.put("uptime", uptime); if (memory != null) map.put("memory", memory); if (isLeader) map.put("leader", true); return map; } public String toString() { CharArr arr = new CharArr(); new JSONWriter(arr, 2).write(asMap()); return arr.toString(); } public int hashCode() { return this.shard.hashCode() + (isLeader ? 1 : 0); } public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) return true; if (obj == null) return false; if (!(obj instanceof ReplicaHealth)) return true; ReplicaHealth that = (ReplicaHealth) obj; return this.shard.equals(that.shard) && this.isLeader == that.isLeader; } public int compareTo(ReplicaHealth other) { if (this == other) return 0; if (other == null) return 1; int myShardIndex = Integer.parseInt(this.shard.substring("shard".length())); int otherShardIndex = Integer.parseInt(other.shard.substring("shard".length())); if (myShardIndex == otherShardIndex) { // same shard index, list leaders first return this.isLeader ? -1 : 1; } return myShardIndex - otherShardIndex; } } static enum ShardState { healthy, degraded, down, no_leader } static class ShardHealth { String shard; List<ReplicaHealth> replicas; ShardHealth(String shard, List<ReplicaHealth> replicas) { this.shard = shard; this.replicas = replicas; } public ShardState getShardState() { boolean healthy = true; boolean hasLeader = false; boolean atLeastOneActive = false; for (ReplicaHealth replicaHealth : replicas) { if (replicaHealth.isLeader) hasLeader = true; if (!Replica.State.ACTIVE.toString().equals(replicaHealth.status)) { healthy = false; } else { atLeastOneActive = true; } } if (!hasLeader) return ShardState.no_leader; return healthy ? ShardState.healthy : (atLeastOneActive ? ShardState.degraded : ShardState.down); } public Map<String, Object> asMap() { Map<String, Object> map = new LinkedHashMap<>(); map.put("shard", shard); map.put("status", getShardState().toString()); List<Object> replicaList = new ArrayList<Object>(); for (ReplicaHealth replica : replicas) replicaList.add(replica.asMap()); map.put("replicas", replicaList); return map; } public String toString() { CharArr arr = new CharArr(); new JSONWriter(arr, 2).write(asMap()); return arr.toString(); } } /** * Requests health information about a specific collection in SolrCloud. */ public static class HealthcheckTool extends SolrCloudTool { public HealthcheckTool() { this(System.out); } public HealthcheckTool(PrintStream stdout) { super(stdout); } @Override public String getName() { return "healthcheck"; } @Override protected void runCloudTool(CloudSolrClient cloudSolrClient, CommandLine cli) throws Exception { String collection = cli.getOptionValue("collection"); if (collection == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Must provide a collection to run a healthcheck against!"); log.debug("Running healthcheck for " + collection); ZkStateReader zkStateReader = cloudSolrClient.getZkStateReader(); ClusterState clusterState = zkStateReader.getClusterState(); Set<String> liveNodes = clusterState.getLiveNodes(); Collection<Slice> slices = clusterState.getSlices(collection); if (slices == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Collection " + collection + " not found!"); // Test http code using a HEAD request first, fail fast if authentication failure String urlForColl = zkStateReader.getLeaderUrl(collection,, 1000); attemptHttpHead(urlForColl, cloudSolrClient.getHttpClient()); SolrQuery q = new SolrQuery("*:*"); q.setRows(0); QueryResponse qr = cloudSolrClient.query(q); String collErr = null; long docCount = -1; try { docCount = qr.getResults().getNumFound(); } catch (Exception exc) { collErr = String.valueOf(exc); } List<Object> shardList = new ArrayList<>(); boolean collectionIsHealthy = (docCount != -1); for (Slice slice : slices) { String shardName = slice.getName(); // since we're reporting health of this shard, there's no guarantee of a leader String leaderUrl = null; try { leaderUrl = zkStateReader.getLeaderUrl(collection, shardName, 1000); } catch (Exception exc) { log.warn("Failed to get leader for shard " + shardName + " due to: " + exc); } List<ReplicaHealth> replicaList = new ArrayList<ReplicaHealth>(); for (Replica r : slice.getReplicas()) { String uptime = null; String memory = null; String replicaStatus = null; long numDocs = -1L; ZkCoreNodeProps replicaCoreProps = new ZkCoreNodeProps(r); String coreUrl = replicaCoreProps.getCoreUrl(); boolean isLeader = coreUrl.equals(leaderUrl); // if replica's node is not live, its status is DOWN String nodeName = replicaCoreProps.getNodeName(); if (nodeName == null || !liveNodes.contains(nodeName)) { replicaStatus = Replica.State.DOWN.toString(); } else { // query this replica directly to get doc count and assess health q = new SolrQuery("*:*"); q.setRows(0); q.set("distrib", "false"); try (HttpSolrClient solr = new HttpSolrClient.Builder(coreUrl).build()) { String solrUrl = solr.getBaseURL(); qr = solr.query(q); numDocs = qr.getResults().getNumFound(); int lastSlash = solrUrl.lastIndexOf('/'); String systemInfoUrl = solrUrl.substring(0, lastSlash) + "/admin/info/system"; Map<String, Object> info = getJson(solr.getHttpClient(), systemInfoUrl, 2, true); uptime = uptime(asLong("/jvm/jmx/upTimeMS", info)); String usedMemory = asString("/jvm/memory/used", info); String totalMemory = asString("/jvm/memory/total", info); memory = usedMemory + " of " + totalMemory; // if we get here, we can trust the state replicaStatus = replicaCoreProps.getState(); } catch (Exception exc) { log.error("ERROR: " + exc + " when trying to reach: " + coreUrl); if (checkCommunicationError(exc)) { replicaStatus = Replica.State.DOWN.toString(); } else { replicaStatus = "error: " + exc; } } } replicaList.add(new ReplicaHealth(shardName, r.getName(), coreUrl, replicaStatus, numDocs, isLeader, uptime, memory)); } ShardHealth shardHealth = new ShardHealth(shardName, replicaList); if (ShardState.healthy != shardHealth.getShardState()) collectionIsHealthy = false; // at least one shard is un-healthy shardList.add(shardHealth.asMap()); } Map<String, Object> report = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(); report.put("collection", collection); report.put("status", collectionIsHealthy ? "healthy" : "degraded"); if (collErr != null) { report.put("error", collErr); } report.put("numDocs", docCount); report.put("numShards", slices.size()); report.put("shards", shardList); CharArr arr = new CharArr(); new JSONWriter(arr, 2).write(report); echo(arr.toString()); } } // end HealthcheckTool private static final Option[] CREATE_COLLECTION_OPTIONS = new Option[] { OptionBuilder.withArgName("HOST").hasArg().isRequired(false) .withDescription("Address of the Zookeeper ensemble; defaults to: " + ZK_HOST).create("zkHost"), OptionBuilder.withArgName("HOST").hasArg().isRequired(false) .withDescription("Base Solr URL, which can be used to determine the zkHost if that's not known") .create("solrUrl"), OptionBuilder.withArgName("NAME").hasArg().isRequired(true) .withDescription("Name of collection to create.").create(NAME), OptionBuilder.withArgName("#").hasArg().isRequired(false) .withDescription("Number of shards; default is 1").create("shards"), OptionBuilder.withArgName("#").hasArg().isRequired(false).withDescription( "Number of copies of each document across the collection (replicas per shard); default is 1") .create("replicationFactor"), OptionBuilder.withArgName("#").hasArg().isRequired(false).withDescription( "Maximum number of shards per Solr node; default is determined based on the number of shards, replication factor, and live nodes.") .create("maxShardsPerNode"), OptionBuilder.withArgName("NAME").hasArg().isRequired(false) .withDescription("Configuration directory to copy when creating the new collection; default is " + DEFAULT_CONFIG_SET) .create("confdir"), OptionBuilder.withArgName("NAME").hasArg().isRequired(false) .withDescription("Configuration name; default is the collection name").create("confname"), OptionBuilder.withArgName("DIR").hasArg().isRequired(true) .withDescription("Path to configsets directory on the local system.").create("configsetsDir") }; /** * Get the base URL of a live Solr instance from either the solrUrl command-line option from ZooKeeper. */ public static String resolveSolrUrl(CommandLine cli) throws Exception { String solrUrl = cli.getOptionValue("solrUrl"); if (solrUrl == null) { String zkHost = cli.getOptionValue("zkHost"); if (zkHost == null) throw new IllegalStateException("Must provide either the '-solrUrl' or '-zkHost' parameters!"); try (CloudSolrClient cloudSolrClient = new CloudSolrClient.Builder().withZkHost(zkHost).build()) { cloudSolrClient.connect(); Set<String> liveNodes = cloudSolrClient.getZkStateReader().getClusterState().getLiveNodes(); if (liveNodes.isEmpty()) throw new IllegalStateException( "No live nodes found! Cannot determine 'solrUrl' from ZooKeeper: " + zkHost); String firstLiveNode = liveNodes.iterator().next(); solrUrl = cloudSolrClient.getZkStateReader().getBaseUrlForNodeName(firstLiveNode); } } return solrUrl; } /** * Get the ZooKeeper connection string from either the zkHost command-line option or by looking it * up from a running Solr instance based on the solrUrl option. */ public static String getZkHost(CommandLine cli) throws Exception { String zkHost = cli.getOptionValue("zkHost"); if (zkHost != null) return zkHost; // find it using the localPort String solrUrl = cli.getOptionValue("solrUrl"); if (solrUrl == null) throw new IllegalStateException( "Must provide either the -zkHost or -solrUrl parameters to use the create_collection command!"); if (!solrUrl.endsWith("/")) solrUrl += "/"; String systemInfoUrl = solrUrl + "admin/info/system"; CloseableHttpClient httpClient = getHttpClient(); try { // hit Solr to get system info Map<String, Object> systemInfo = getJson(httpClient, systemInfoUrl, 2, true); // convert raw JSON into user-friendly output StatusTool statusTool = new StatusTool(); Map<String, Object> status = statusTool.reportStatus(solrUrl, systemInfo, httpClient); Map<String, Object> cloud = (Map<String, Object>) status.get("cloud"); if (cloud != null) { String zookeeper = (String) cloud.get("ZooKeeper"); if (zookeeper.endsWith("(embedded)")) { zookeeper = zookeeper.substring(0, zookeeper.length() - "(embedded)".length()); } zkHost = zookeeper; } } finally { HttpClientUtil.close(httpClient); } return zkHost; } public static boolean safeCheckCollectionExists(String url, String collection) { boolean exists = false; try { Map<String, Object> existsCheckResult = getJson(url); List<String> collections = (List<String>) existsCheckResult.get("collections"); exists = collections != null && collections.contains(collection); } catch (Exception exc) { // just ignore it since we're only interested in a positive result here } return exists; } public static boolean safeCheckCoreExists(String coreStatusUrl, String coreName) { boolean exists = false; try { Map<String, Object> existsCheckResult = getJson(coreStatusUrl); Map<String, Object> status = (Map<String, Object>) existsCheckResult.get("status"); Map<String, Object> coreStatus = (Map<String, Object>) status.get(coreName); Map<String, Object> failureStatus = (Map<String, Object>) existsCheckResult.get("initFailures"); String errorMsg = (String) failureStatus.get(coreName); exists = coreStatus != null && coreStatus.containsKey(NAME) || errorMsg != null; } catch (Exception exc) { // just ignore it since we're only interested in a positive result here } return exists; } /** * Supports create_collection command in the bin/solr script. */ public static class CreateCollectionTool extends ToolBase { public CreateCollectionTool() { this(System.out); } public CreateCollectionTool(PrintStream stdout) { super(stdout); } public String getName() { return "create_collection"; } @SuppressWarnings("static-access") public Option[] getOptions() { return CREATE_COLLECTION_OPTIONS; } protected void runImpl(CommandLine cli) throws Exception { String zkHost = getZkHost(cli); if (zkHost == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Solr at " + cli.getOptionValue("solrUrl") + " is running in standalone server mode, please use the create_core command instead;\n" + "create_collection can only be used when running in SolrCloud mode.\n"); } try (CloudSolrClient cloudSolrClient = new CloudSolrClient.Builder().withZkHost(zkHost).build()) { echo("\nConnecting to ZooKeeper at " + zkHost + " ..."); cloudSolrClient.connect(); runCloudTool(cloudSolrClient, cli); } } protected void runCloudTool(CloudSolrClient cloudSolrClient, CommandLine cli) throws Exception { Set<String> liveNodes = cloudSolrClient.getZkStateReader().getClusterState().getLiveNodes(); if (liveNodes.isEmpty()) throw new IllegalStateException("No live nodes found! Cannot create a collection until " + "there is at least 1 live node in the cluster."); String baseUrl = cli.getOptionValue("solrUrl"); if (baseUrl == null) { String firstLiveNode = liveNodes.iterator().next(); baseUrl = cloudSolrClient.getZkStateReader().getBaseUrlForNodeName(firstLiveNode); } String collectionName = cli.getOptionValue(NAME); // build a URL to create the collection int numShards = optionAsInt(cli, "shards", 1); int replicationFactor = optionAsInt(cli, "replicationFactor", 1); int maxShardsPerNode = -1; if (cli.hasOption("maxShardsPerNode")) { maxShardsPerNode = Integer.parseInt(cli.getOptionValue("maxShardsPerNode")); } else { // need number of live nodes to determine maxShardsPerNode if it is not set int numNodes = liveNodes.size(); maxShardsPerNode = ((numShards * replicationFactor) + numNodes - 1) / numNodes; } String confname = cli.getOptionValue("confname", collectionName); boolean configExistsInZk = cloudSolrClient.getZkStateReader().getZkClient() .exists("/configs/" + confname, true); if (".system".equals(collectionName)) { //do nothing } else if (configExistsInZk) { echo("Re-using existing configuration directory " + confname); } else { Path confPath = ZkConfigManager.getConfigsetPath(cli.getOptionValue("confdir", DEFAULT_CONFIG_SET), cli.getOptionValue("configsetsDir")); echo("Uploading " + confPath.toAbsolutePath().toString() + " for config " + confname + " to ZooKeeper at " + cloudSolrClient.getZkHost()); ((ZkClientClusterStateProvider) cloudSolrClient.getClusterStateProvider()).uploadConfig(confPath, confname); } // since creating a collection is a heavy-weight operation, check for existence first String collectionListUrl = baseUrl + "/admin/collections?action=list"; if (safeCheckCollectionExists(collectionListUrl, collectionName)) { throw new IllegalStateException("\nCollection '" + collectionName + "' already exists!\nChecked collection existence using Collections API command:\n" + collectionListUrl); } // doesn't seem to exist ... try to create String createCollectionUrl = String.format(Locale.ROOT, "%s/admin/collections?action=CREATE&name=%s&numShards=%d&replicationFactor=%d&maxShardsPerNode=%d&collection.configName=%s", baseUrl, collectionName, numShards, replicationFactor, maxShardsPerNode, confname); echo("\nCreating new collection '" + collectionName + "' using command:\n" + createCollectionUrl + "\n"); Map<String, Object> json = null; try { json = getJson(createCollectionUrl); } catch (SolrServerException sse) { throw new Exception( "Failed to create collection '" + collectionName + "' due to: " + sse.getMessage()); } CharArr arr = new CharArr(); new JSONWriter(arr, 2).write(json); echo(arr.toString()); } protected int optionAsInt(CommandLine cli, String option, int defaultVal) { return Integer.parseInt(cli.getOptionValue(option, String.valueOf(defaultVal))); } } // end CreateCollectionTool class public static class CreateCoreTool extends ToolBase { public CreateCoreTool() { this(System.out); } public CreateCoreTool(PrintStream stdout) { super(stdout); } public String getName() { return "create_core"; } @SuppressWarnings("static-access") public Option[] getOptions() { return new Option[] { OptionBuilder.withArgName("URL").hasArg().isRequired(false) .withDescription("Base Solr URL, default is " + DEFAULT_SOLR_URL).create("solrUrl"), OptionBuilder.withArgName("NAME").hasArg().isRequired(true) .withDescription("Name of the core to create.").create(NAME), OptionBuilder.withArgName("CONFIG").hasArg().isRequired(false) .withDescription( "Configuration directory to copy when creating the new core; default is " + DEFAULT_CONFIG_SET) .create("confdir"), OptionBuilder.withArgName("DIR").hasArg().isRequired(true) .withDescription("Path to configsets directory on the local system.") .create("configsetsDir") }; } protected void runImpl(CommandLine cli) throws Exception { String solrUrl = cli.getOptionValue("solrUrl", DEFAULT_SOLR_URL); if (!solrUrl.endsWith("/")) solrUrl += "/"; File configsetsDir = new File(cli.getOptionValue("configsetsDir")); if (!configsetsDir.isDirectory()) throw new FileNotFoundException(configsetsDir.getAbsolutePath() + " not found!"); String configSet = cli.getOptionValue("confdir", DEFAULT_CONFIG_SET); File configSetDir = new File(configsetsDir, configSet); if (!configSetDir.isDirectory()) { // we allow them to pass a directory instead of a configset name File possibleConfigDir = new File(configSet); if (possibleConfigDir.isDirectory()) { configSetDir = possibleConfigDir; } else { throw new FileNotFoundException("Specified config directory " + configSet + " not found in " + configsetsDir.getAbsolutePath()); } } String coreName = cli.getOptionValue(NAME); String systemInfoUrl = solrUrl + "admin/info/system"; CloseableHttpClient httpClient = getHttpClient(); String solrHome = null; try { Map<String, Object> systemInfo = getJson(httpClient, systemInfoUrl, 2, true); if ("solrcloud".equals(systemInfo.get("mode"))) { throw new IllegalStateException("Solr at " + solrUrl + " is running in SolrCloud mode, please use create_collection command instead."); } // convert raw JSON into user-friendly output solrHome = (String) systemInfo.get("solr_home"); if (solrHome == null) solrHome = configsetsDir.getParentFile().getAbsolutePath(); } finally { closeHttpClient(httpClient); } String coreStatusUrl = solrUrl + "admin/cores?action=STATUS&core=" + coreName; if (safeCheckCoreExists(coreStatusUrl, coreName)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("\nCore '" + coreName + "' already exists!\nChecked core existence using Core API command:\n" + coreStatusUrl); } File coreInstanceDir = new File(solrHome, coreName); File confDir = new File(configSetDir, "conf"); if (!coreInstanceDir.isDirectory()) { coreInstanceDir.mkdirs(); if (!coreInstanceDir.isDirectory()) throw new IOException( "Failed to create new core instance directory: " + coreInstanceDir.getAbsolutePath()); if (confDir.isDirectory()) { FileUtils.copyDirectoryToDirectory(confDir, coreInstanceDir); } else { // hmmm ... the configset we're cloning doesn't have a conf sub-directory, // we'll just assume it is OK if it has solrconfig.xml if ((new File(configSetDir, "solrconfig.xml")).isFile()) { FileUtils.copyDirectory(configSetDir, new File(coreInstanceDir, "conf")); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("\n" + configSetDir.getAbsolutePath() + " doesn't contain a conf subdirectory or solrconfig.xml\n"); } } echo("\nCopying configuration to new core instance directory:\n" + coreInstanceDir.getAbsolutePath()); } String createCoreUrl = String.format(Locale.ROOT, "%sadmin/cores?action=CREATE&name=%s&instanceDir=%s", solrUrl, coreName, coreName); echo("\nCreating new core '" + coreName + "' using command:\n" + createCoreUrl + "\n"); try { Map<String, Object> json = getJson(createCoreUrl); CharArr arr = new CharArr(); new JSONWriter(arr, 2).write(json); echo(arr.toString()); echo("\n"); } catch (Exception e) { /* create-core failed, cleanup the copied configset before propagating the error. */ FileUtils.deleteDirectory(coreInstanceDir); throw e; } } } // end CreateCoreTool class public static class CreateTool extends ToolBase { public CreateTool() { this(System.out); } public CreateTool(PrintStream stdout) { super(stdout); } public String getName() { return "create"; } @SuppressWarnings("static-access") public Option[] getOptions() { return CREATE_COLLECTION_OPTIONS; } protected void runImpl(CommandLine cli) throws Exception { String solrUrl = cli.getOptionValue("solrUrl", DEFAULT_SOLR_URL); if (!solrUrl.endsWith("/")) solrUrl += "/"; String systemInfoUrl = solrUrl + "admin/info/system"; CloseableHttpClient httpClient = getHttpClient(); ToolBase tool = null; try { Map<String, Object> systemInfo = getJson(httpClient, systemInfoUrl, 2, true); if ("solrcloud".equals(systemInfo.get("mode"))) { tool = new CreateCollectionTool(stdout); } else { tool = new CreateCoreTool(stdout); } tool.runImpl(cli); } finally { closeHttpClient(httpClient); } } } // end CreateTool class public static class ConfigSetUploadTool extends ToolBase { public ConfigSetUploadTool() { this(System.out); } public ConfigSetUploadTool(PrintStream stdout) { super(stdout); } @SuppressWarnings("static-access") public Option[] getOptions() { return new Option[] { OptionBuilder.withArgName("confname") // Comes out in help message .hasArg() // Has one sub-argument .isRequired(true) // confname argument must be present .withDescription("Configset name on Zookeeper").create("confname"), // passed as -confname value OptionBuilder.withArgName("confdir").hasArg().isRequired(true) .withDescription("Local directory with configs").create("confdir"), OptionBuilder.withArgName("configsetsDir").hasArg().isRequired(false) .withDescription("Parent directory of example configsets").create("configsetsDir"), OptionBuilder.withArgName("HOST").hasArg().isRequired(true) .withDescription("Address of the Zookeeper ensemble; defaults to: " + ZK_HOST) .create("zkHost") }; } public String getName() { return "upconfig"; } protected void runImpl(CommandLine cli) throws Exception { String zkHost = getZkHost(cli); if (zkHost == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Solr at " + cli.getOptionValue("solrUrl") + " is running in standalone server mode, upconfig can only be used when running in SolrCloud mode.\n"); } String confName = cli.getOptionValue("confname"); try (SolrZkClient zkClient = new SolrZkClient(zkHost, 30000)) { echo("\nConnecting to ZooKeeper at " + zkHost + " ..."); Path confPath = ZkConfigManager.getConfigsetPath(cli.getOptionValue("confdir"), cli.getOptionValue("configsetsDir")); echo("Uploading " + confPath.toAbsolutePath().toString() + " for config " + cli.getOptionValue("confname") + " to ZooKeeper at " + zkHost); zkClient.upConfig(confPath, confName); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Could not complete upconfig operation for reason: " + e.getMessage()); throw (e); } } } public static class ConfigSetDownloadTool extends ToolBase { public ConfigSetDownloadTool() { this(System.out); } public ConfigSetDownloadTool(PrintStream stdout) { super(stdout); } @SuppressWarnings("static-access") public Option[] getOptions() { return new Option[] { OptionBuilder.withArgName("confname").hasArg().isRequired(true) .withDescription("Configset name on Zookeeper").create("confname"), OptionBuilder.withArgName("confdir").hasArg().isRequired(true) .withDescription("Local directory with configs").create("confdir"), OptionBuilder.withArgName("HOST").hasArg().isRequired(true) .withDescription("Address of the Zookeeper ensemble; defaults to: " + ZK_HOST) .create("zkHost") }; } public String getName() { return "downconfig"; } protected void runImpl(CommandLine cli) throws Exception { String zkHost = getZkHost(cli); if (zkHost == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Solr at " + cli.getOptionValue("solrUrl") + " is running in standalone server mode, downconfig can only be used when running in SolrCloud mode.\n"); } try (SolrZkClient zkClient = new SolrZkClient(zkHost, 30000)) { echo("\nConnecting to ZooKeeper at " + zkHost + " ..."); String confName = cli.getOptionValue("confname"); String confDir = cli.getOptionValue("confdir"); Path configSetPath = Paths.get(confDir); // we try to be nice about having the "conf" in the directory, and we create it if it's not there. if (configSetPath.endsWith("/conf") == false) { configSetPath = Paths.get(configSetPath.toString(), "conf"); } if (Files.exists(configSetPath) == false) { Files.createDirectories(configSetPath); } echo("Downloading configset " + confName + " from ZooKeeper at " + zkHost + " to directory " + configSetPath.toAbsolutePath()); zkClient.downConfig(confName, configSetPath); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Could not complete downconfig operation for reason: " + e.getMessage()); throw (e); } } } // End ConfigSetDownloadTool class public static class ZkRmTool extends ToolBase { public ZkRmTool() { this(System.out); } public ZkRmTool(PrintStream stdout) { super(stdout); } @SuppressWarnings("static-access") public Option[] getOptions() { return new Option[] { OptionBuilder.withArgName("path").hasArg().isRequired(true).withDescription("Path to remove") .create("path"), OptionBuilder.withArgName("recurse").hasArg().isRequired(false) .withDescription("Recurse (true|false, default is false)").create("recurse"), OptionBuilder.withArgName("HOST").hasArg().isRequired(true) .withDescription("Address of the Zookeeper ensemble; defaults to: " + ZK_HOST) .create("zkHost") }; } public String getName() { return "rm"; } protected void runImpl(CommandLine cli) throws Exception { String zkHost = getZkHost(cli); if (zkHost == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Solr at " + cli.getOptionValue("zkHost") + " is running in standalone server mode, 'zk rm' can only be used when running in SolrCloud mode.\n"); } String target = cli.getOptionValue("path"); Boolean recurse = Boolean.parseBoolean(cli.getOptionValue("recurse")); String znode = target; if (target.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT).startsWith("zk:")) { znode = target.substring(3); } if (znode.equals("/")) { throw new SolrServerException("You may not remove the root ZK node ('/')!"); } echo("\nConnecting to ZooKeeper at " + zkHost + " ..."); try (SolrZkClient zkClient = new SolrZkClient(zkHost, 30000)) { if (recurse == false && zkClient.getChildren(znode, null, true).size() != 0) { throw new SolrServerException( "Zookeeper node " + znode + " has children and recurse has NOT been specified"); } echo("Removing Zookeeper node " + znode + " from ZooKeeper at " + zkHost + " recurse: " + Boolean.toString(recurse)); zkClient.clean(znode); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Could not complete rm operation for reason: " + e.getMessage()); throw (e); } } } // End RmTool class public static class ZkLsTool extends ToolBase { public ZkLsTool() { this(System.out); } public ZkLsTool(PrintStream stdout) { super(stdout); } @SuppressWarnings("static-access") public Option[] getOptions() { return new Option[] { OptionBuilder.withArgName("path").hasArg().isRequired(true).withDescription("Path to list") .create("path"), OptionBuilder.withArgName("recurse").hasArg().isRequired(false) .withDescription("Recurse (true|false, default is false)").create("recurse"), OptionBuilder.withArgName("HOST").hasArg().isRequired(true) .withDescription("Address of the Zookeeper ensemble; defaults to: " + ZK_HOST) .create("zkHost") }; } public String getName() { return "ls"; } protected void runImpl(CommandLine cli) throws Exception { String zkHost = getZkHost(cli); if (zkHost == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Solr at " + cli.getOptionValue("zkHost") + " is running in standalone server mode, 'zk ls' can only be used when running in SolrCloud mode.\n"); } try (SolrZkClient zkClient = new SolrZkClient(zkHost, 30000)) { echo("\nConnecting to ZooKeeper at " + zkHost + " ..."); String znode = cli.getOptionValue("path"); Boolean recurse = Boolean.parseBoolean(cli.getOptionValue("recurse")); echo("Getting listing for Zookeeper node " + znode + " from ZooKeeper at " + zkHost + " recurse: " + Boolean.toString(recurse)); stdout.print(zkClient.listZnode(znode, recurse)); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Could not complete ls operation for reason: " + e.getMessage()); throw (e); } } } // End zkLsTool class public static class ZkMkrootTool extends ToolBase { public ZkMkrootTool() { this(System.out); } public ZkMkrootTool(PrintStream stdout) { super(stdout); } @SuppressWarnings("static-access") public Option[] getOptions() { return new Option[] { OptionBuilder.withArgName("path").hasArg().isRequired(true).withDescription("Path to create") .create("path"), OptionBuilder.withArgName("HOST").hasArg().isRequired(true) .withDescription("Address of the Zookeeper ensemble; defaults to: " + ZK_HOST) .create("zkHost") }; } public String getName() { return "mkroot"; } protected void runImpl(CommandLine cli) throws Exception { String zkHost = getZkHost(cli); if (zkHost == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Solr at " + cli.getOptionValue("zkHost") + " is running in standalone server mode, 'zk mkroot' can only be used when running in SolrCloud mode.\n"); } try (SolrZkClient zkClient = new SolrZkClient(zkHost, 30000)) { echo("\nConnecting to ZooKeeper at " + zkHost + " ..."); String znode = cli.getOptionValue("path"); echo("Creating Zookeeper path " + znode + " on ZooKeeper at " + zkHost); zkClient.makePath(znode, true); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Could not complete mkroot operation for reason: " + e.getMessage()); throw (e); } } } // End zkMkrootTool class public static class ZkCpTool extends ToolBase { public ZkCpTool() { this(System.out); } public ZkCpTool(PrintStream stdout) { super(stdout); } @SuppressWarnings("static-access") public Option[] getOptions() { return new Option[] { OptionBuilder.withArgName("src").hasArg().isRequired(true) .withDescription("Source file or directory, may be local or a Znode").create("src"), OptionBuilder.withArgName("dst").hasArg().isRequired(true) .withDescription("Destination of copy, may be local or a Znode.").create("dst"), OptionBuilder.withArgName("recurse").hasArg().isRequired(false) .withDescription("Recurse (true|false, default is false)").create("recurse"), OptionBuilder.withArgName("HOST").hasArg().isRequired(true) .withDescription("Address of the Zookeeper ensemble; defaults to: " + ZK_HOST) .create("zkHost") }; } public String getName() { return "cp"; } protected void runImpl(CommandLine cli) throws Exception { String zkHost = getZkHost(cli); if (zkHost == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Solr at " + cli.getOptionValue("solrUrl") + " is running in standalone server mode, cp can only be used when running in SolrCloud mode.\n"); } try (SolrZkClient zkClient = new SolrZkClient(zkHost, 30000)) { echo("\nConnecting to ZooKeeper at " + zkHost + " ..."); String src = cli.getOptionValue("src"); String dst = cli.getOptionValue("dst"); Boolean recurse = Boolean.parseBoolean(cli.getOptionValue("recurse")); echo("Copying from '" + src + "' to '" + dst + "'. ZooKeeper at " + zkHost); boolean srcIsZk = src.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT).startsWith("zk:"); boolean dstIsZk = dst.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT).startsWith("zk:"); String srcName = src; if (srcIsZk) { srcName = src.substring(3); } else if (srcName.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT).startsWith("file:")) { srcName = srcName.substring(5); } String dstName = dst; if (dstIsZk) { dstName = dst.substring(3); } else { if (dstName.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT).startsWith("file:")) { dstName = dstName.substring(5); } } zkClient.zkTransfer(srcName, srcIsZk, dstName, dstIsZk, recurse); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Could not complete the zk operation for reason: " + e.getMessage()); throw (e); } } } // End CpTool class public static class ZkMvTool extends ToolBase { public ZkMvTool() { this(System.out); } public ZkMvTool(PrintStream stdout) { super(stdout); } @SuppressWarnings("static-access") public Option[] getOptions() { return new Option[] { OptionBuilder.withArgName("src").hasArg().isRequired(true) .withDescription("Source Znode to movej from.").create("src"), OptionBuilder.withArgName("dst").hasArg().isRequired(true) .withDescription("Destination Znode to move to.").create("dst"), OptionBuilder.withArgName("HOST").hasArg().isRequired(true) .withDescription("Address of the Zookeeper ensemble; defaults to: " + ZK_HOST) .create("zkHost") }; } public String getName() { return "mv"; } protected void runImpl(CommandLine cli) throws Exception { String zkHost = getZkHost(cli); if (zkHost == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Solr at " + cli.getOptionValue("solrUrl") + " is running in standalone server mode, downconfig can only be used when running in SolrCloud mode.\n"); } try (SolrZkClient zkClient = new SolrZkClient(zkHost, 30000)) { echo("\nConnecting to ZooKeeper at " + zkHost + " ..."); String src = cli.getOptionValue("src"); String dst = cli.getOptionValue("dst"); if (src.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT).startsWith("file:") || dst.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT).startsWith("file:")) { throw new SolrServerException("mv command operates on znodes and 'file:' has been specified."); } String source = src; if (src.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT).startsWith("zk")) { source = src.substring(3); } String dest = dst; if (dst.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT).startsWith("zk")) { dest = dst.substring(3); } echo("Moving Znode " + source + " to " + dest + " on ZooKeeper at " + zkHost); zkClient.moveZnode(source, dest); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Could not complete mv operation for reason: " + e.getMessage()); throw (e); } } } // End MvTool class public static class DeleteTool extends ToolBase { public DeleteTool() { this(System.out); } public DeleteTool(PrintStream stdout) { super(stdout); } public String getName() { return "delete"; } @SuppressWarnings("static-access") public Option[] getOptions() { return new Option[] { OptionBuilder.withArgName("URL").hasArg().isRequired(false) .withDescription("Base Solr URL, default is " + DEFAULT_SOLR_URL).create("solrUrl"), OptionBuilder.withArgName("NAME").hasArg().isRequired(true) .withDescription("Name of the core / collection to delete.").create(NAME), OptionBuilder.withArgName("true|false").hasArg().isRequired(false).withDescription( "Flag to indicate if the underlying configuration directory for a collection should also be deleted; default is true") .create("deleteConfig"), OptionBuilder.isRequired(false).withDescription( "Skip safety checks when deleting the configuration directory used by a collection") .create("forceDeleteConfig"), OptionBuilder.withArgName("HOST").hasArg().isRequired(false) .withDescription("Address of the Zookeeper ensemble; defaults to: " + ZK_HOST) .create("zkHost") }; } protected void runImpl(CommandLine cli) throws Exception { String solrUrl = cli.getOptionValue("solrUrl", DEFAULT_SOLR_URL); if (!solrUrl.endsWith("/")) solrUrl += "/"; String systemInfoUrl = solrUrl + "admin/info/system"; CloseableHttpClient httpClient = getHttpClient(); try { Map<String, Object> systemInfo = getJson(httpClient, systemInfoUrl, 2, true); if ("solrcloud".equals(systemInfo.get("mode"))) { deleteCollection(cli); } else { deleteCore(cli, httpClient, solrUrl); } } finally { closeHttpClient(httpClient); } } protected void deleteCollection(CommandLine cli) throws Exception { String zkHost = getZkHost(cli); try (CloudSolrClient cloudSolrClient = new CloudSolrClient.Builder().withZkHost(zkHost).build()) { echo("Connecting to ZooKeeper at " + zkHost); cloudSolrClient.connect(); deleteCollection(cloudSolrClient, cli); } } protected void deleteCollection(CloudSolrClient cloudSolrClient, CommandLine cli) throws Exception { Set<String> liveNodes = cloudSolrClient.getZkStateReader().getClusterState().getLiveNodes(); if (liveNodes.isEmpty()) throw new IllegalStateException("No live nodes found! Cannot delete a collection until " + "there is at least 1 live node in the cluster."); String firstLiveNode = liveNodes.iterator().next(); ZkStateReader zkStateReader = cloudSolrClient.getZkStateReader(); String baseUrl = zkStateReader.getBaseUrlForNodeName(firstLiveNode); String collectionName = cli.getOptionValue(NAME); if (!zkStateReader.getClusterState().hasCollection(collectionName)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Collection " + collectionName + " not found!"); } String configName = zkStateReader.readConfigName(collectionName); boolean deleteConfig = "true".equals(cli.getOptionValue("deleteConfig", "true")); if (deleteConfig && configName != null) { if (cli.hasOption("forceDeleteConfig")) { log.warn("Skipping safety checks, configuration directory " + configName + " will be deleted with impunity."); } else { // need to scan all Collections to see if any are using the config Set<String> collections = zkStateReader.getClusterState().getCollectionsMap().keySet(); // give a little note to the user if there are many collections in case it takes a while if (collections.size() > 50)"Scanning " + collections.size() + " to ensure no other collections are using config " + configName); for (String next : collections) { if (collectionName.equals(next)) continue; // don't check the collection we're deleting if (configName.equals(zkStateReader.readConfigName(next))) { deleteConfig = false; log.warn("Configuration directory " + configName + " is also being used by " + next + "; configuration will not be deleted from ZooKeeper. You can pass the -forceDeleteConfig flag to force delete."); break; } } } } String deleteCollectionUrl = String.format(Locale.ROOT, "%s/admin/collections?action=DELETE&name=%s", baseUrl, collectionName); echo("\nDeleting collection '" + collectionName + "' using command:\n" + deleteCollectionUrl + "\n"); Map<String, Object> json = null; try { json = getJson(deleteCollectionUrl); } catch (SolrServerException sse) { throw new Exception( "Failed to delete collection '" + collectionName + "' due to: " + sse.getMessage()); } if (deleteConfig) { String configZnode = "/configs/" + configName; try { zkStateReader.getZkClient().clean(configZnode); } catch (Exception exc) { System.err.println("\nWARNING: Failed to delete configuration directory " + configZnode + " in ZooKeeper due to: " + exc.getMessage() + "\nYou'll need to manually delete this znode using the zkcli script."); } } if (json != null) { CharArr arr = new CharArr(); new JSONWriter(arr, 2).write(json); echo(arr.toString()); echo("\n"); } } protected void deleteCore(CommandLine cli, CloseableHttpClient httpClient, String solrUrl) throws Exception { String coreName = cli.getOptionValue(NAME); String deleteCoreUrl = String.format(Locale.ROOT, "%sadmin/cores?action=UNLOAD&core=%s&deleteIndex=true&deleteDataDir=true&deleteInstanceDir=true", solrUrl, coreName); echo("\nDeleting core '" + coreName + "' using command:\n" + deleteCoreUrl + "\n"); Map<String, Object> json = null; try { json = getJson(deleteCoreUrl); } catch (SolrServerException sse) { throw new Exception("Failed to delete core '" + coreName + "' due to: " + sse.getMessage()); } if (json != null) { CharArr arr = new CharArr(); new JSONWriter(arr, 2).write(json); echo(arr.toString()); echo("\n"); } } } // end DeleteTool class /** * Sends a POST to the Config API to perform a specified action. */ public static class ConfigTool extends ToolBase { public ConfigTool() { this(System.out); } public ConfigTool(PrintStream stdout) { super(stdout); } public String getName() { return "config"; } @SuppressWarnings("static-access") @Override public Option[] getOptions() { Option[] configOptions = new Option[] { OptionBuilder.withArgName("ACTION").hasArg().isRequired(false).withDescription( "Config API action, one of: set-property, unset-property; default is set-property") .create("action"), OptionBuilder.withArgName("PROP").hasArg().isRequired(true).withDescription( "Name of the Config API property to apply the action to, such as: updateHandler.autoSoftCommit.maxTime") .create("property"), OptionBuilder.withArgName("VALUE").hasArg().isRequired(false) .withDescription("Set the property to this value; accepts JSON objects and strings") .create("value"), OptionBuilder.withArgName("HOST").hasArg().isRequired(false) .withDescription( "Base Solr URL, which can be used to determine the zkHost if that's not known") .create("solrUrl") }; return joinOptions(configOptions, cloudOptions); } protected void runImpl(CommandLine cli) throws Exception { String solrUrl = resolveSolrUrl(cli); String action = cli.getOptionValue("action", "set-property"); String collection = cli.getOptionValue("collection", "gettingstarted"); String property = cli.getOptionValue("property"); String value = cli.getOptionValue("value"); Map<String, Object> jsonObj = new HashMap<>(); if (value != null) { Map<String, String> setMap = new HashMap<>(); setMap.put(property, value); jsonObj.put(action, setMap); } else { jsonObj.put(action, property); } CharArr arr = new CharArr(); (new JSONWriter(arr, 0)).write(jsonObj); String jsonBody = arr.toString(); String updatePath = "/" + collection + "/config"; echo("\nPOSTing request to Config API: " + solrUrl + updatePath); echo(jsonBody); try (SolrClient solrClient = new Builder(solrUrl).build()) { NamedList<Object> result = postJsonToSolr(solrClient, updatePath, jsonBody); Integer statusCode = (Integer) ((NamedList) result.get("responseHeader")).get("status"); if (statusCode == 0) { if (value != null) { echo("Successfully " + action + " " + property + " to " + value); } else { echo("Successfully " + action + " " + property); } } else { throw new Exception("Failed to " + action + " property due to:\n" + result); } } } } // end ConfigTool class /** * Supports an interactive session with the user to launch (or relaunch the -e cloud example) */ public static class RunExampleTool extends ToolBase { private static final String PROMPT_FOR_NUMBER = "Please enter %s [%d]: "; private static final String PROMPT_FOR_NUMBER_IN_RANGE = "Please enter %s between %d and %d [%d]: "; private static final String PROMPT_NUMBER_TOO_SMALL = "%d is too small! " + PROMPT_FOR_NUMBER_IN_RANGE; private static final String PROMPT_NUMBER_TOO_LARGE = "%d is too large! " + PROMPT_FOR_NUMBER_IN_RANGE; protected InputStream userInput; protected Executor executor; protected String script; protected File serverDir; protected File exampleDir; protected String urlScheme; /** * Default constructor used by the framework when running as a command-line application. */ public RunExampleTool() { this(null,, System.out); } public RunExampleTool(Executor executor, InputStream userInput, PrintStream stdout) { super(stdout); this.executor = (executor != null) ? executor : new DefaultExecutor(); this.userInput = userInput; } public String getName() { return "run_example"; } @SuppressWarnings("static-access") public Option[] getOptions() { return new Option[] { OptionBuilder.isRequired(false).withDescription( "Don't prompt for input; accept all defaults when running examples that accept user input") .create("noprompt"), OptionBuilder.withArgName("NAME").hasArg().isRequired(true) .withDescription( "Name of the example to launch, one of: cloud, techproducts, dih, schemaless") .withLongOpt("example").create('e'), OptionBuilder.withArgName("PATH").hasArg().isRequired(false) .withDescription("Path to the bin/solr script").create("script"), OptionBuilder.withArgName("DIR").hasArg().isRequired(true) .withDescription("Path to the Solr server directory.").withLongOpt("serverDir") .create('d'), OptionBuilder.withArgName("DIR").hasArg().isRequired(false).withDescription( "Path to the Solr example directory; if not provided, ${serverDir}/../example is expected to exist.") .create("exampleDir"), OptionBuilder.withArgName("SCHEME").hasArg().isRequired(false) .withDescription("Solr URL scheme: http or https, defaults to http if not specified") .create("urlScheme"), OptionBuilder.withArgName("PORT").hasArg().isRequired(false) .withDescription("Specify the port to start the Solr HTTP listener on; default is 8983") .withLongOpt("port").create('p'), OptionBuilder.withArgName("HOSTNAME").hasArg().isRequired(false) .withDescription("Specify the hostname for this Solr instance").withLongOpt("host") .create('h'), OptionBuilder.withArgName("ZKHOST").hasArg().isRequired(false).withDescription( "ZooKeeper connection string; only used when running in SolrCloud mode using -c") .withLongOpt("zkhost").create('z'), OptionBuilder.isRequired(false).withDescription( "Start Solr in SolrCloud mode; if -z not supplied, an embedded ZooKeeper instance is started on Solr port+1000, such as 9983 if Solr is bound to 8983") .withLongOpt("cloud").create('c'), OptionBuilder.withArgName("MEM").hasArg().isRequired(false).withDescription( "Sets the min (-Xms) and max (-Xmx) heap size for the JVM, such as: -m 4g results in: -Xms4g -Xmx4g; by default, this script sets the heap size to 512m") .withLongOpt("memory").create('m'), OptionBuilder.withArgName("OPTS").hasArg().isRequired(false).withDescription( "Additional options to be passed to the JVM when starting example Solr server(s)") .withLongOpt("addlopts").create('a') }; } protected void runImpl(CommandLine cli) throws Exception { this.urlScheme = cli.getOptionValue("urlScheme", "http"); serverDir = new File(cli.getOptionValue("serverDir")); if (!serverDir.isDirectory()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Value of -serverDir option is invalid! " + serverDir.getAbsolutePath() + " is not a directory!"); script = cli.getOptionValue("script"); if (script != null) { if (!(new File(script)).isFile()) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Value of -script option is invalid! " + script + " not found"); } else { File scriptFile = new File(serverDir.getParentFile(), "bin/solr"); if (scriptFile.isFile()) { script = scriptFile.getAbsolutePath(); } else { scriptFile = new File(serverDir.getParentFile(), "bin/solr.cmd"); if (scriptFile.isFile()) { script = scriptFile.getAbsolutePath(); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Cannot locate the bin/solr script! Please pass -script to this application."); } } } exampleDir = (cli.hasOption("exampleDir")) ? new File(cli.getOptionValue("exampleDir")) : new File(serverDir.getParent(), "example"); if (!exampleDir.isDirectory()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Value of -exampleDir option is invalid! " + exampleDir.getAbsolutePath() + " is not a directory!"); if (verbose) { echo("Running with\nserverDir=" + serverDir.getAbsolutePath() + ",\nexampleDir=" + exampleDir.getAbsolutePath() + "\nscript=" + script); } String exampleType = cli.getOptionValue("example"); if ("cloud".equals(exampleType)) { runCloudExample(cli); } else if ("dih".equals(exampleType)) { runDihExample(cli); } else if ("techproducts".equals(exampleType) || "schemaless".equals(exampleType)) { runExample(cli, exampleType); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported example " + exampleType + "! Please choose one of: cloud, dih, schemaless, or techproducts"); } } protected void runDihExample(CommandLine cli) throws Exception { File dihSolrHome = new File(exampleDir, "example-DIH/solr"); if (!dihSolrHome.isDirectory()) { dihSolrHome = new File(serverDir.getParentFile(), "example/example-DIH/solr"); if (!dihSolrHome.isDirectory()) { throw new Exception("example/example-DIH/solr directory not found"); } } boolean isCloudMode = cli.hasOption('c'); String zkHost = cli.getOptionValue('z'); int port = Integer.parseInt(cli.getOptionValue('p', "8983")); Map<String, Object> nodeStatus = startSolr(dihSolrHome, isCloudMode, cli, port, zkHost, 30); String solrUrl = (String) nodeStatus.get("baseUrl"); echo("\nSolr dih example launched successfully. Direct your Web browser to " + solrUrl + " to visit the Solr Admin UI"); } protected void runExample(CommandLine cli, String exampleName) throws Exception { File exDir = setupExampleDir(serverDir, exampleDir, exampleName); String collectionName = "schemaless".equals(exampleName) ? "gettingstarted" : exampleName; String configSet = "techproducts".equals(exampleName) ? "sample_techproducts_configs" : "data_driven_schema_configs"; boolean isCloudMode = cli.hasOption('c'); String zkHost = cli.getOptionValue('z'); int port = Integer.parseInt(cli.getOptionValue('p', "8983")); Map<String, Object> nodeStatus = startSolr(new File(exDir, "solr"), isCloudMode, cli, port, zkHost, 30); // invoke the CreateTool File configsetsDir = new File(serverDir, "solr/configsets"); String solrUrl = (String) nodeStatus.get("baseUrl"); // safe check if core / collection already exists boolean alreadyExists = false; if (nodeStatus.get("cloud") != null) { String collectionListUrl = solrUrl + "/admin/collections?action=list"; if (safeCheckCollectionExists(collectionListUrl, collectionName)) { alreadyExists = true; echo("\nWARNING: Collection '" + collectionName + "' already exists!\nChecked collection existence using Collections API command:\n" + collectionListUrl + "\n"); } } else { String coreName = collectionName; String coreStatusUrl = solrUrl + "/admin/cores?action=STATUS&core=" + coreName; if (safeCheckCoreExists(coreStatusUrl, coreName)) { alreadyExists = true; echo("\nWARNING: Core '" + coreName + "' already exists!\nChecked core existence using Core API command:\n" + coreStatusUrl + "\n"); } } if (!alreadyExists) { String[] createArgs = new String[] { "-name", collectionName, "-shards", "1", "-replicationFactor", "1", "-confname", collectionName, "-confdir", configSet, "-configsetsDir", configsetsDir.getAbsolutePath(), "-solrUrl", solrUrl }; CreateTool createTool = new CreateTool(stdout); int createCode = createTool.runTool( processCommandLineArgs(joinCommonAndToolOptions(createTool.getOptions()), createArgs)); if (createCode != 0) throw new Exception( "Failed to create " + collectionName + " using command: " + Arrays.asList(createArgs)); } if ("techproducts".equals(exampleName) && !alreadyExists) { File exampledocsDir = new File(exampleDir, "exampledocs"); if (!exampledocsDir.isDirectory()) { File readOnlyExampleDir = new File(serverDir.getParentFile(), "example"); if (readOnlyExampleDir.isDirectory()) { exampledocsDir = new File(readOnlyExampleDir, "exampledocs"); } } if (exampledocsDir.isDirectory()) { String updateUrl = String.format(Locale.ROOT, "%s/%s/update", solrUrl, collectionName); echo("Indexing tech product example docs from " + exampledocsDir.getAbsolutePath()); String currentPropVal = System.getProperty("url"); System.setProperty("url", updateUrl); SimplePostTool.main(new String[] { exampledocsDir.getAbsolutePath() + "/*.xml" }); if (currentPropVal != null) { System.setProperty("url", currentPropVal); // reset } else { System.clearProperty("url"); } } else { echo("exampledocs directory not found, skipping indexing step for the techproducts example"); } } echo("\nSolr " + exampleName + " example launched successfully. Direct your Web browser to " + solrUrl + " to visit the Solr Admin UI"); } protected void runCloudExample(CommandLine cli) throws Exception { boolean prompt = !cli.hasOption("noprompt"); int numNodes = 2; int[] cloudPorts = new int[] { 8983, 7574, 8984, 7575 }; File cloudDir = new File(exampleDir, "cloud"); if (!cloudDir.isDirectory()) cloudDir.mkdir(); echo("\nWelcome to the SolrCloud example!\n"); Scanner readInput = prompt ? new Scanner(userInput, : null; if (prompt) { echo("This interactive session will help you launch a SolrCloud cluster on your local workstation."); // get the number of nodes to start numNodes = promptForInt(readInput, "To begin, how many Solr nodes would you like to run in your local cluster? (specify 1-4 nodes) [2]: ", "a number", numNodes, 1, 4); echo("Ok, let's start up " + numNodes + " Solr nodes for your example SolrCloud cluster."); // get the ports for each port for (int n = 0; n < numNodes; n++) { String promptMsg = String.format(Locale.ROOT, "Please enter the port for node%d [%d]: ", (n + 1), cloudPorts[n]); int port = promptForPort(readInput, n + 1, promptMsg, cloudPorts[n]); while (!isPortAvailable(port)) { port = promptForPort(readInput, n + 1, "Oops! Looks like port " + port + " is already being used by another process. Please choose a different port.", cloudPorts[n]); } cloudPorts[n] = port; if (verbose) echo("Using port " + port + " for node " + (n + 1)); } } else { echo("Starting up " + numNodes + " Solr nodes for your example SolrCloud cluster.\n"); } // setup a unique solr.solr.home directory for each node File node1Dir = setupExampleDir(serverDir, cloudDir, "node1"); for (int n = 2; n <= numNodes; n++) { File nodeNDir = new File(cloudDir, "node" + n); if (!nodeNDir.isDirectory()) { echo("Cloning " + node1Dir.getAbsolutePath() + " into\n " + nodeNDir.getAbsolutePath()); FileUtils.copyDirectory(node1Dir, nodeNDir); } else { echo(nodeNDir.getAbsolutePath() + " already exists."); } } // deal with extra args passed to the script to run the example String zkHost = cli.getOptionValue('z'); // start the first node (most likely with embedded ZK) Map<String, Object> nodeStatus = startSolr(new File(node1Dir, "solr"), true, cli, cloudPorts[0], zkHost, 30); if (zkHost == null) { Map<String, Object> cloudStatus = (Map<String, Object>) nodeStatus.get("cloud"); if (cloudStatus != null) { String zookeeper = (String) cloudStatus.get("ZooKeeper"); if (zookeeper != null) zkHost = zookeeper; } if (zkHost == null) throw new Exception("Could not get the ZooKeeper connection string for node1!"); } if (numNodes > 1) { // start the other nodes for (int n = 1; n < numNodes; n++) startSolr(new File(cloudDir, "node" + (n + 1) + "/solr"), true, cli, cloudPorts[n], zkHost, 30); } String solrUrl = (String) nodeStatus.get("baseUrl"); if (solrUrl.endsWith("/")) solrUrl = solrUrl.substring(0, solrUrl.length() - 1); // wait until live nodes == numNodes waitToSeeLiveNodes(10 /* max wait */, zkHost, numNodes); // create the collection String collectionName = createCloudExampleCollection(numNodes, readInput, prompt, solrUrl); // update the config to enable soft auto-commit echo("\nEnabling auto soft-commits with maxTime 3 secs using the Config API"); setCollectionConfigProperty(solrUrl, collectionName, "updateHandler.autoSoftCommit.maxTime", "3000"); echo("\n\nSolrCloud example running, please visit: " + solrUrl + " \n"); } protected void setCollectionConfigProperty(String solrUrl, String collectionName, String propName, String propValue) { ConfigTool configTool = new ConfigTool(stdout); String[] configArgs = new String[] { "-collection", collectionName, "-property", propName, "-value", propValue, "-solrUrl", solrUrl }; // let's not fail if we get this far ... just report error and finish up try { configTool.runTool( processCommandLineArgs(joinCommonAndToolOptions(configTool.getOptions()), configArgs)); } catch (Exception exc) { System.err.println("Failed to update '" + propName + "' property due to: " + exc); } } protected void waitToSeeLiveNodes(int maxWaitSecs, String zkHost, int numNodes) { CloudSolrClient cloudClient = null; try { cloudClient = new CloudSolrClient.Builder().withZkHost(zkHost).build(); cloudClient.connect(); Set<String> liveNodes = cloudClient.getZkStateReader().getClusterState().getLiveNodes(); int numLiveNodes = (liveNodes != null) ? liveNodes.size() : 0; long timeout = System.nanoTime() + TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.convert(maxWaitSecs, TimeUnit.SECONDS); while (System.nanoTime() < timeout && numLiveNodes < numNodes) { echo("\nWaiting up to " + maxWaitSecs + " seconds to see " + (numNodes - numLiveNodes) + " more nodes join the SolrCloud cluster ..."); try { Thread.sleep(2000); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { Thread.interrupted(); } liveNodes = cloudClient.getZkStateReader().getClusterState().getLiveNodes(); numLiveNodes = (liveNodes != null) ? liveNodes.size() : 0; } if (numLiveNodes < numNodes) { echo("\nWARNING: Only " + numLiveNodes + " of " + numNodes + " are active in the cluster after " + maxWaitSecs + " seconds! Please check the solr.log for each node to look for errors.\n"); } } catch (Exception exc) { System.err.println("Failed to see if " + numNodes + " joined the SolrCloud cluster due to: " + exc); } finally { if (cloudClient != null) { try { cloudClient.close(); } catch (Exception ignore) { } } } } protected Map<String, Object> startSolr(File solrHomeDir, boolean cloudMode, CommandLine cli, int port, String zkHost, int maxWaitSecs) throws Exception { String extraArgs = readExtraArgs(cli.getArgs()); String host = cli.getOptionValue('h'); String memory = cli.getOptionValue('m'); String hostArg = (host != null && !"localhost".equals(host)) ? " -h " + host : ""; String zkHostArg = (zkHost != null) ? " -z " + zkHost : ""; String memArg = (memory != null) ? " -m " + memory : ""; String cloudModeArg = cloudMode ? "-cloud " : ""; String addlOpts = cli.getOptionValue('a'); String addlOptsArg = (addlOpts != null) ? " -a \"" + addlOpts + "\"" : ""; File cwd = new File(System.getProperty("user.dir")); File binDir = (new File(script)).getParentFile(); boolean isWindows = (OS.isFamilyDOS() || OS.isFamilyWin9x() || OS.isFamilyWindows()); String callScript = (!isWindows && cwd.equals(binDir.getParentFile())) ? "bin/solr" : script; String cwdPath = cwd.getAbsolutePath(); String solrHome = solrHomeDir.getAbsolutePath(); // don't display a huge path for solr home if it is relative to the cwd if (!isWindows && cwdPath.length() > 1 && solrHome.startsWith(cwdPath)) solrHome = solrHome.substring(cwdPath.length() + 1); String startCmd = String.format(Locale.ROOT, "%s start %s -p %d -s \"%s\" %s %s %s %s %s", callScript, cloudModeArg, port, solrHome, hostArg, zkHostArg, memArg, extraArgs, addlOptsArg); startCmd = startCmd.replaceAll("\\s+", " ").trim(); // for pretty printing echo("\nStarting up Solr on port " + port + " using command:"); echo(startCmd + "\n"); String solrUrl = String.format(Locale.ROOT, "%s://%s:%d/solr", urlScheme, (host != null ? host : "localhost"), port); Map<String, Object> nodeStatus = checkPortConflict(solrUrl, solrHomeDir, port, cli); if (nodeStatus != null) return nodeStatus; // the server they are trying to start is already running int code = 0; if (isWindows) { // On Windows, the execution doesn't return, so we have to execute async // and when calling the script, it seems to be inheriting the environment that launched this app // so we have to prune out env vars that may cause issues Map<String, String> startEnv = new HashMap<>(); Map<String, String> procEnv = EnvironmentUtils.getProcEnvironment(); if (procEnv != null) { for (String envVar : procEnv.keySet()) { String envVarVal = procEnv.get(envVar); if (envVarVal != null && !"EXAMPLE".equals(envVar) && !envVar.startsWith("SOLR_")) { startEnv.put(envVar, envVarVal); } } } executor.execute(org.apache.commons.exec.CommandLine.parse(startCmd), startEnv, new DefaultExecuteResultHandler()); // brief wait before proceeding on Windows try { Thread.sleep(3000); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { // safe to ignore ... Thread.interrupted(); } } else { code = executor.execute(org.apache.commons.exec.CommandLine.parse(startCmd)); } if (code != 0) throw new Exception("Failed to start Solr using command: " + startCmd); return getNodeStatus(solrUrl, maxWaitSecs); } protected Map<String, Object> checkPortConflict(String solrUrl, File solrHomeDir, int port, CommandLine cli) { // quickly check if the port is in use if (isPortAvailable(port)) return null; // not in use ... try to start Map<String, Object> nodeStatus = null; try { nodeStatus = (new StatusTool()).getStatus(solrUrl); } catch (Exception ignore) { /* just trying to determine if this example is already running. */ } if (nodeStatus != null) { String solr_home = (String) nodeStatus.get("solr_home"); if (solr_home != null) { String solrHomePath = solrHomeDir.getAbsolutePath(); if (!solrHomePath.endsWith("/")) solrHomePath += "/"; if (!solr_home.endsWith("/")) solr_home += "/"; if (solrHomePath.equals(solr_home)) { CharArr arr = new CharArr(); new JSONWriter(arr, 2).write(nodeStatus); echo("Solr is already setup and running on port " + port + " with status:\n" + arr.toString()); echo("\nIf this is not the example node you are trying to start, please choose a different port."); nodeStatus.put("baseUrl", solrUrl); return nodeStatus; } } } throw new IllegalStateException("Port " + port + " is already being used by another process."); } protected String readExtraArgs(String[] extraArgsArr) { String extraArgs = ""; if (extraArgsArr != null && extraArgsArr.length > 0) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); int app = 0; for (int e = 0; e < extraArgsArr.length; e++) { String arg = extraArgsArr[e]; if ("e".equals(arg) || "example".equals(arg)) { e++; // skip over the example arg continue; } if (app > 0) sb.append(" "); sb.append(arg); ++app; } extraArgs = sb.toString().trim(); } return extraArgs; } protected String createCloudExampleCollection(int numNodes, Scanner readInput, boolean prompt, String solrUrl) throws Exception { // yay! numNodes SolrCloud nodes running int numShards = 2; int replicationFactor = 2; String cloudConfig = "data_driven_schema_configs"; String collectionName = "gettingstarted"; File configsetsDir = new File(serverDir, "solr/configsets"); String collectionListUrl = solrUrl + "/admin/collections?action=list"; if (prompt) { echo("\nNow let's create a new collection for indexing documents in your " + numNodes + "-node cluster."); while (true) { collectionName = prompt(readInput, "Please provide a name for your new collection: [" + collectionName + "] ", collectionName); // Test for existence and then prompt to either create another or skip the create step if (safeCheckCollectionExists(collectionListUrl, collectionName)) { echo("\nCollection '" + collectionName + "' already exists!"); int oneOrTwo = promptForInt(readInput, "Do you want to re-use the existing collection or create a new one? Enter 1 to reuse, 2 to create new [1]: ", "a 1 or 2", 1, 1, 2); if (oneOrTwo == 1) { return collectionName; } else { continue; } } else { break; // user selected a collection that doesn't exist ... proceed on } } numShards = promptForInt(readInput, "How many shards would you like to split " + collectionName + " into? [2]", "a shard count", 2, 1, 4); replicationFactor = promptForInt(readInput, "How many replicas per shard would you like to create? [2] ", "a replication factor", 2, 1, 4); echo("Please choose a configuration for the " + collectionName + " collection, available options are:"); String validConfigs = "basic_configs, data_driven_schema_configs, or sample_techproducts_configs [" + cloudConfig + "] "; cloudConfig = prompt(readInput, validConfigs, cloudConfig); // validate the cloudConfig name while (!isValidConfig(configsetsDir, cloudConfig)) { echo(cloudConfig + " is not a valid configuration directory! Please choose a configuration for the " + collectionName + " collection, available options are:"); cloudConfig = prompt(readInput, validConfigs, cloudConfig); } } else { // must verify if default collection exists if (safeCheckCollectionExists(collectionListUrl, collectionName)) { echo("\nCollection '" + collectionName + "' already exists! Skipping collection creation step."); return collectionName; } } // invoke the CreateCollectionTool String[] createArgs = new String[] { "-name", collectionName, "-shards", String.valueOf(numShards), "-replicationFactor", String.valueOf(replicationFactor), "-confname", collectionName, "-confdir", cloudConfig, "-configsetsDir", configsetsDir.getAbsolutePath(), "-solrUrl", solrUrl }; CreateCollectionTool createCollectionTool = new CreateCollectionTool(stdout); int createCode = createCollectionTool.runTool(processCommandLineArgs( joinCommonAndToolOptions(createCollectionTool.getOptions()), createArgs)); if (createCode != 0) throw new Exception("Failed to create collection using command: " + Arrays.asList(createArgs)); return collectionName; } protected boolean isValidConfig(File configsetsDir, String config) { File configDir = new File(configsetsDir, config); if (configDir.isDirectory()) return true; // not a built-in configset ... maybe it's a custom directory? configDir = new File(config); if (configDir.isDirectory()) return true; return false; } protected Map<String, Object> getNodeStatus(String solrUrl, int maxWaitSecs) throws Exception { StatusTool statusTool = new StatusTool(); if (verbose) echo("\nChecking status of Solr at " + solrUrl + " ..."); URL solrURL = new URL(solrUrl); Map<String, Object> nodeStatus = statusTool.waitToSeeSolrUp(solrUrl, maxWaitSecs); nodeStatus.put("baseUrl", solrUrl); CharArr arr = new CharArr(); new JSONWriter(arr, 2).write(nodeStatus); String mode = (nodeStatus.get("cloud") != null) ? "cloud" : "standalone"; if (verbose) echo("\nSolr is running on " + solrURL.getPort() + " in " + mode + " mode with status:\n" + arr.toString()); return nodeStatus; } protected File setupExampleDir(File serverDir, File exampleParentDir, String dirName) throws IOException { File solrXml = new File(serverDir, "solr/solr.xml"); if (!solrXml.isFile()) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Value of -serverDir option is invalid! " + solrXml.getAbsolutePath() + " not found!"); File zooCfg = new File(serverDir, "solr/zoo.cfg"); if (!zooCfg.isFile()) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Value of -serverDir option is invalid! " + zooCfg.getAbsolutePath() + " not found!"); File solrHomeDir = new File(exampleParentDir, dirName + "/solr"); if (!solrHomeDir.isDirectory()) { echo("Creating Solr home directory " + solrHomeDir); solrHomeDir.mkdirs(); } else { echo("Solr home directory " + solrHomeDir.getAbsolutePath() + " already exists."); } copyIfNeeded(solrXml, new File(solrHomeDir, "solr.xml")); copyIfNeeded(zooCfg, new File(solrHomeDir, "zoo.cfg")); return solrHomeDir.getParentFile(); } protected void copyIfNeeded(File src, File dest) throws IOException { if (!dest.isFile()) FileUtils.copyFile(src, dest); if (!dest.isFile()) throw new IllegalStateException("Required file " + dest.getAbsolutePath() + " not found!"); } protected boolean isPortAvailable(int port) { Socket s = null; try { s = new Socket("localhost", port); return false; } catch (IOException e) { return true; } finally { if (s != null) { try { s.close(); } catch (IOException ignore) { } } } } protected Integer promptForPort(Scanner s, int node, String prompt, Integer defVal) { return promptForInt(s, prompt, "a port for node " + node, defVal, null, null); } protected Integer promptForInt(Scanner s, String prompt, String label, Integer defVal, Integer min, Integer max) { Integer inputAsInt = null; String value = prompt(s, prompt, null /* default is null since we handle that here */); if (value != null) { int attempts = 3; while (value != null && --attempts > 0) { try { inputAsInt = new Integer(value); if (min != null) { if (inputAsInt < min) { value = prompt(s, String.format(Locale.ROOT, PROMPT_NUMBER_TOO_SMALL, inputAsInt, label, min, max, defVal)); inputAsInt = null; continue; } } if (max != null) { if (inputAsInt > max) { value = prompt(s, String.format(Locale.ROOT, PROMPT_NUMBER_TOO_LARGE, inputAsInt, label, min, max, defVal)); inputAsInt = null; continue; } } } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { if (verbose) echo(value + " is not a number!"); if (min != null && max != null) { value = prompt(s, String.format(Locale.ROOT, PROMPT_FOR_NUMBER_IN_RANGE, label, min, max, defVal)); } else { value = prompt(s, String.format(Locale.ROOT, PROMPT_FOR_NUMBER, label, defVal)); } } } if (attempts == 0 && value != null && inputAsInt == null) echo("Too many failed attempts! Going with default value " + defVal); } return (inputAsInt != null) ? inputAsInt : defVal; } protected String prompt(Scanner s, String prompt) { return prompt(s, prompt, null); } protected String prompt(Scanner s, String prompt, String defaultValue) { echo(prompt); String nextInput = s.nextLine(); if (nextInput != null) { nextInput = nextInput.trim(); if (nextInput.isEmpty()) nextInput = null; } return (nextInput != null) ? nextInput : defaultValue; } } // end RunExampleTool class /** * Asserts various conditions and exists with error code if fails, else continues with no output */ public static class AssertTool extends ToolBase { private static String message = null; private static boolean useExitCode = false; private static Optional<Long> timeoutMs = Optional.empty(); public AssertTool() { this(System.out); } public AssertTool(PrintStream stdout) { super(stdout); } public String getName() { return "assert"; } @SuppressWarnings("static-access") public Option[] getOptions() { return new Option[] { OptionBuilder.withDescription("Asserts that we are NOT the root user").withLongOpt("not-root") .create("R"), OptionBuilder.withDescription("Asserts that we are the root user").withLongOpt("root") .create("r"), OptionBuilder .withDescription( "Asserts that Solr is NOT running on a certain URL. Default timeout is 1000ms") .withLongOpt("not-started").hasArg(true).withArgName("url").create("S"), OptionBuilder .withDescription( "Asserts that Solr is running on a certain URL. Default timeout is 1000ms") .withLongOpt("started").hasArg(true).withArgName("url").create("s"), OptionBuilder.withDescription("Asserts that we run as same user that owns <directory>") .withLongOpt("same-user").hasArg(true).withArgName("directory").create("u"), OptionBuilder.withDescription("Asserts that directory <directory> exists").withLongOpt("exists") .hasArg(true).withArgName("directory").create("x"), OptionBuilder.withDescription("Asserts that directory <directory> does NOT exist") .withLongOpt("not-exists").hasArg(true).withArgName("directory").create("X"), OptionBuilder .withDescription("Exception message to be used in place of the default error message") .withLongOpt("message").hasArg(true).withArgName("message").create("m"), OptionBuilder.withDescription("Timeout in ms for commands supporting a timeout") .withLongOpt("timeout").hasArg(true).withType(Long.class).withArgName("ms").create("t"), OptionBuilder .withDescription( "Return an exit code instead of printing error message on assert fail.") .withLongOpt("exitcode").create("e") }; } public int runTool(CommandLine cli) throws Exception { verbose = cli.hasOption("verbose"); int toolExitStatus = 0; try { setBasicAuth(); toolExitStatus = runAssert(cli); } catch (Exception exc) { // since this is a CLI, spare the user the stacktrace String excMsg = exc.getMessage(); if (excMsg != null) { System.err.println("\nERROR: " + excMsg + "\n"); toolExitStatus = 100; // Exit >= 100 means error, else means number of tests that failed } else { throw exc; } } return toolExitStatus; } @Override protected void runImpl(CommandLine cli) throws Exception { runAssert(cli); } /** * Custom run method which may return exit code * @param cli the command line object * @return 0 on success, or a number corresponding to number of tests that failed * @throws Exception if a tool failed, e.g. authentication failure */ protected int runAssert(CommandLine cli) throws Exception { if (cli.getOptions().length == 0 || cli.getArgs().length > 0 || cli.hasOption("h")) { new HelpFormatter().printHelp( "bin/solr assert [-m <message>] [-e] [-rR] [-s <url>] [-S <url>] [-u <dir>] [-x <dir>] [-X <dir>]", getToolOptions(this)); return 1; } if (cli.hasOption("m")) { message = cli.getOptionValue("m"); } if (cli.hasOption("t")) { timeoutMs = Optional.of(Long.parseLong(cli.getOptionValue("t"))); } if (cli.hasOption("e")) { useExitCode = true; } int ret = 0; if (cli.hasOption("r")) { ret += assertRootUser(); } if (cli.hasOption("R")) { ret += assertNotRootUser(); } if (cli.hasOption("x")) { ret += assertFileExists(cli.getOptionValue("x")); } if (cli.hasOption("X")) { ret += assertFileNotExists(cli.getOptionValue("X")); } if (cli.hasOption("u")) { ret += sameUser(cli.getOptionValue("u")); } if (cli.hasOption("s")) { ret += assertSolrRunning(cli.getOptionValue("s")); } if (cli.hasOption("S")) { ret += assertSolrNotRunning(cli.getOptionValue("S")); } return ret; } public static int assertSolrRunning(String url) throws Exception { StatusTool status = new StatusTool(); try { status.waitToSeeSolrUp(url, timeoutMs.orElse(1000L).intValue() / 1000); } catch (Exception se) { if (exceptionIsAuthRelated(se)) { throw se; } return exitOrException( "Solr is not running on url " + url + " after " + timeoutMs.orElse(1000L) / 1000 + "s"); } return 0; } public static int assertSolrNotRunning(String url) throws Exception { StatusTool status = new StatusTool(); long timeout = System.nanoTime() + TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.convert(timeoutMs.orElse(1000L), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); try { attemptHttpHead(url, getHttpClient()); } catch (SolrException se) { throw se; // Auth error } catch (IOException e) { log.debug("Opening connection to " + url + " failed, Solr does not seem to be running", e); return 0; } while (System.nanoTime() < timeout) { try { status.waitToSeeSolrUp(url, 1); try { log.debug("Solr still up. Waiting before trying again to see if it was stopped"); Thread.sleep(1000L); } catch (InterruptedException interrupted) { timeout = 0; // stop looping } } catch (Exception se) { if (exceptionIsAuthRelated(se)) { throw se; } return exitOrException(se.getMessage()); } } return exitOrException( "Solr is still running at " + url + " after " + timeoutMs.orElse(1000L) / 1000 + "s"); } public static int sameUser(String directory) throws Exception { if (Files.exists(Paths.get(directory))) { String userForDir = userForDir(Paths.get(directory)); if (!currentUser().equals(userForDir)) { return exitOrException("Must run as user " + userForDir + ". We are " + currentUser()); } } else { return exitOrException("Directory " + directory + " does not exist."); } return 0; } public static int assertFileExists(String directory) throws Exception { if (!Files.exists(Paths.get(directory))) { return exitOrException("Directory " + directory + " does not exist."); } return 0; } public static int assertFileNotExists(String directory) throws Exception { if (Files.exists(Paths.get(directory))) { return exitOrException("Directory " + directory + " should not exist."); } return 0; } public static int assertRootUser() throws Exception { if (!currentUser().equals("root")) { return exitOrException("Must run as root user"); } return 0; } public static int assertNotRootUser() throws Exception { if (currentUser().equals("root")) { return exitOrException("Not allowed to run as root user"); } return 0; } public static String currentUser() { return System.getProperty(""); } public static String userForDir(Path pathToDir) { try { FileOwnerAttributeView ownerAttributeView = Files.getFileAttributeView(pathToDir, FileOwnerAttributeView.class); return ownerAttributeView.getOwner().getName(); } catch (IOException e) { return "N/A"; } } private static int exitOrException(String msg) throws Exception { if (useExitCode) { return 1; } else { throw new Exception(message != null ? message : msg); } } } // end AssertTool class public static class UtilsTool extends ToolBase { private Path serverPath; private Path logsPath; private boolean beQuiet; public UtilsTool() { this(System.out); } public UtilsTool(PrintStream stdout) { super(stdout); } public String getName() { return "utils"; } @SuppressWarnings("static-access") public Option[] getOptions() { return new Option[] { OptionBuilder.withArgName("path").hasArg() .withDescription("Path to server dir. Required if logs path is relative").create("s"), OptionBuilder.withArgName("path").hasArg() .withDescription("Path to logs dir. If relative, also provide server dir with -s") .create("l"), OptionBuilder.withDescription("Be quiet, don't print to stdout, only return exit codes") .create("q"), OptionBuilder.withArgName("daysToKeep").hasArg().withType(Integer.class) .withDescription("Path to logs directory").create("remove_old_solr_logs"), OptionBuilder.withArgName("generations").hasArg().withType(Integer.class) .withDescription("Rotate solr.log to solr.log.1 etc").create("rotate_solr_logs"), OptionBuilder.withDescription("Archive old garbage collection logs into archive/") .create("archive_gc_logs"), OptionBuilder.withDescription("Archive old console logs into archive/") .create("archive_console_logs") }; } @Override public int runTool(CommandLine cli) throws Exception { if (cli.getOptions().length == 0 || cli.getArgs().length > 0 || cli.hasOption("h")) { new HelpFormatter().printHelp("bin/solr utils [OPTIONS]", getToolOptions(this)); return 1; } if (cli.hasOption("s")) { serverPath = Paths.get(cli.getOptionValue("s")); } if (cli.hasOption("l")) { logsPath = Paths.get(cli.getOptionValue("l")); } if (cli.hasOption("q")) { beQuiet = cli.hasOption("q"); } if (cli.hasOption("remove_old_solr_logs")) { if (removeOldSolrLogs(Integer.parseInt(cli.getOptionValue("remove_old_solr_logs"))) > 0) return 1; } if (cli.hasOption("rotate_solr_logs")) { if (rotateSolrLogs(Integer.parseInt(cli.getOptionValue("rotate_solr_logs"))) > 0) return 1; } if (cli.hasOption("archive_gc_logs")) { if (archiveGcLogs() > 0) return 1; } if (cli.hasOption("archive_console_logs")) { if (archiveConsoleLogs() > 0) return 1; } return 0; } /** * Moves gc logs into archived/ * @return 0 on success * @throws Exception on failure */ public int archiveGcLogs() throws Exception { prepareLogsPath(); Path archivePath = logsPath.resolve("archived"); if (!archivePath.toFile().exists()) { Files.createDirectories(archivePath); } List<Path> archived = Files .find(archivePath, 1, (f, a) -> a.isRegularFile() && String.valueOf(f.getFileName()).matches("^solr_gc[_.].+")) .collect(Collectors.toList()); for (Path p : archived) { Files.delete(p); } List<Path> files = Files .find(logsPath, 1, (f, a) -> a.isRegularFile() && String.valueOf(f.getFileName()).matches("^solr_gc[_.].+")) .collect(Collectors.toList()); if (files.size() > 0) { out("Archiving " + files.size() + " old GC log files to " + archivePath); for (Path p : files) { Files.move(p, archivePath.resolve(p.getFileName()), StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING); } } return 0; } /** * Moves console log(s) into archiced/ * @return 0 on success * @throws Exception on failure */ public int archiveConsoleLogs() throws Exception { prepareLogsPath(); Path archivePath = logsPath.resolve("archived"); if (!archivePath.toFile().exists()) { Files.createDirectories(archivePath); } List<Path> archived = Files .find(archivePath, 1, (f, a) -> a.isRegularFile() && String.valueOf(f.getFileName()).endsWith("-console.log")) .collect(Collectors.toList()); for (Path p : archived) { Files.delete(p); } List<Path> files = Files .find(logsPath, 1, (f, a) -> a.isRegularFile() && String.valueOf(f.getFileName()).endsWith("-console.log")) .collect(Collectors.toList()); if (files.size() > 0) { out("Archiving " + files.size() + " console log files to " + archivePath); for (Path p : files) { Files.move(p, archivePath.resolve(p.getFileName()), StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING); } } return 0; } /** * Rotates solr.log before starting Solr. Mimics log4j2 behavior, i.e. with generations=9: * <pre> * solr.log.9 (and higher) are deleted * solr.log.8 -> solr.log.9 * solr.log.7 -> solr.log.8 * ... * solr.log -> solr.log.1 * </pre> * @param generations number of generations to keep. Should agree with setting in * @return 0 if success * @throws Exception if problems */ public int rotateSolrLogs(int generations) throws Exception { prepareLogsPath(); if (logsPath.toFile().exists() && logsPath.resolve("solr.log").toFile().exists()) { out("Rotating solr logs, keeping a max of " + generations + " generations"); try (Stream<Path> files = Files .find(logsPath, 1, (f, a) -> a.isRegularFile() && String.valueOf(f.getFileName()).startsWith("solr.log.")) .sorted((b, a) -> new Integer(a.getFileName().toString().substring(9)) .compareTo(new Integer(b.getFileName().toString().substring(9))))) { files.forEach(p -> { try { int number = Integer.parseInt(p.getFileName().toString().substring(9)); if (number >= generations) { Files.delete(p); } else { Path renamed = p.getParent().resolve("solr.log." + (number + 1)); Files.move(p, renamed); } } catch (IOException e) { out("Problem during rotation of log files: " + e.getMessage()); } }); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { throw new Exception( "Do not know how to rotate solr.log.<ext> with non-numeric extension. Rotate aborted.", nfe); } Files.move(logsPath.resolve("solr.log"), logsPath.resolve("solr.log.1")); } return 0; } /** * Deletes time-stamped old solr logs, if older than n days * @param daysToKeep number of days logs to keep before deleting * @return 0 on success * @throws Exception on failure */ public int removeOldSolrLogs(int daysToKeep) throws Exception { prepareLogsPath(); if (logsPath.toFile().exists()) { try (Stream<Path> stream = Files.find(logsPath, 2, (f, a) -> a.isRegularFile() && .isAfter(a.lastModifiedTime().toInstant()) && String.valueOf(f.getFileName()).startsWith("solr_log_"))) { List<Path> files = stream.collect(Collectors.toList()); if (files.size() > 0) { out("Deleting " + files.size() + " solr_log_* files older than " + daysToKeep + " days."); for (Path p : files) { Files.delete(p); } } } } return 0; } // Private methods to follow private void out(String message) { if (!beQuiet) { stdout.print(message + "\n"); } } private void prepareLogsPath() throws Exception { if (logsPath == null) { throw new Exception("Command requires the -l <log-directory> option"); } if (!logsPath.isAbsolute()) { if (serverPath != null && serverPath.isAbsolute() && Files.exists(serverPath)) { logsPath = serverPath.resolve(logsPath); } else { throw new Exception("Logs directory must be an absolute path, or -s must be supplied"); } } } @Override protected void runImpl(CommandLine cli) throws Exception { } public void setLogPath(Path logsPath) { this.logsPath = logsPath; } public void setServerPath(Path serverPath) { this.serverPath = serverPath; } public void setQuiet(boolean shouldPrintStdout) { this.beQuiet = shouldPrintStdout; } } // end UtilsTool class }