Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.solr.common.util; import; import; import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles; import java.lang.ref.WeakReference; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.solr.SolrTestCaseJ4; import org.apache.solr.util.RecordingJSONParser; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; public class TestJsonRecordReader extends SolrTestCaseJ4 { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MethodHandles.lookup().lookupClass()); public void testOneLevelSplit() throws IOException { String json = "{\n" + " \"a\":\"A\" ,\n" + " \"b\":[\n" + " {\"c\":\"C\",\"d\":\"D\" ,\"e\": {\n" + " \"s\":\"S\",\n" + " \"t\":3}},\n" + " {\"c\":\"C1\",\"d\":\"D1\"},\n" + " {\"c\":\"C2\",\"d\":\"D2\"}\n" + " ]\n" + "}"; JsonRecordReader streamer = JsonRecordReader.getInst("/b", Arrays.asList("a_s:/a", "c_s:/b/c", "d_s:/b/d", "e_s:/b/e/s", "e_i:/b/e/t")); List<Map<String, Object>> records = streamer.getAllRecords(new StringReader(json)); assertEquals(3, records.size()); assertEquals(3l, ((Map) records.get(0)).get("e_i")); assertEquals("D2", ((Map) records.get(2)).get("d_s")); assertNull(((Map) records.get(1)).get("e_s")); assertNull(((Map) records.get(2)).get("e_s")); assertNull(((Map) records.get(1)).get("e_i")); assertNull(((Map) records.get(2)).get("e_i")); // All parameters but /b/c is omitted streamer = JsonRecordReader.getInst("/b", Arrays.asList("a:/a", "d:/b/d", "s:/b/e/s", "t:/b/e/t")); records = streamer.getAllRecords(new StringReader(json)); for (Map<String, Object> record : records) { assertNull(record.get("c")); } //one nested /b/e/* object is completely ignored streamer = JsonRecordReader.getInst("/b", Arrays.asList("a:/a", "c:/b/c", "d:/b/d")); records = streamer.getAllRecords(new StringReader(json)); for (Map<String, Object> record : records) { assertNull(record.get("s")); assertNull(record.get("t")); } //nested /b/e/* object is completely ignored even though /b/e is mapped streamer = JsonRecordReader.getInst("/b", Arrays.asList("a_s:/a", "c_s:/b/c", "d_s:/b/d", "e:/b/e" )); records = streamer.getAllRecords(new StringReader(json)); for (Map<String, Object> record : records) { assertNull(record.get("s")); assertNull(record.get("t")); assertNull(record.get("e")); } streamer = JsonRecordReader.getInst("/b", Arrays.asList("a_s:/a", "c_s:/b/c", "d_s:/b/d", "/b/e/*")); records = streamer.getAllRecords(new StringReader(json)); assertEquals(3, records.size()); assertEquals(3l, ((Map) records.get(0)).get("t")); assertEquals("S", ((Map) records.get(0)).get("s")); assertNull(((Map) records.get(1)).get("s")); assertNull(((Map) records.get(2)).get("s")); } public void testSrcField() throws Exception { String json = "{\n" + " \"id\" : \"123\",\n" + " \"description\": \"Testing /json/docs srcField 1\",\n" + "\n" + " \"nested_data\" : {\n" + " \"nested_inside\" : \"check check check 1\"\n" + " }\n" + "}"; String json2 = " {\n" + " \"id\" : \"345\",\n" + " \"payload\": \"" + StringUtils.repeat("0123456789", 819) + "\",\n" + " \"description\": \"Testing /json/docs srcField 2\",\n" + "\n" + " \"nested_data\" : {\n" + " \"nested_inside\" : \"check check check 2\"\n" + " }\n" + "}"; String json3 = " {\n" + " \"id\" : \"678\",\n" + " \"description\": \"Testing /json/docs srcField 3\",\n" + "\n" + " \"nested_data\" : {\n" + " \"nested_inside\" : \"check check check 3\"\n" + " }\n" + "}"; JsonRecordReader streamer = JsonRecordReader.getInst("/", Arrays.asList("id:/id")); RecordingJSONParser parser = new RecordingJSONParser(new StringReader(json + json2 + json3)); streamer.streamRecords(parser, new JsonRecordReader.Handler() { int count = 0; @Override public void handle(Map<String, Object> record, String path) { count++; String buf = parser.getBuf(); parser.resetBuf(); Map m = (Map) Utils.fromJSONString(buf); if (count == 1) { assertEquals(m.get("id"), "123"); assertEquals(m.get("description"), "Testing /json/docs srcField 1"); assertEquals(((Map) m.get("nested_data")).get("nested_inside"), "check check check 1"); } if (count++ == 2) { assertEquals(m.get("id"), "345"); assertEquals(m.get("description"), "Testing /json/docs srcField 2"); assertEquals(((Map) m.get("nested_data")).get("nested_inside"), "check check check 2"); } if (count++ == 3) { assertEquals(m.get("id"), "678"); assertEquals(m.get("description"), "Testing /json/docs srcField 3"); assertEquals(((Map) m.get("nested_data")).get("nested_inside"), "check check check 3"); } } }); } public void testRecursiveWildCard() throws IOException { String json = "{\n" + " \"a\":\"A\" ,\n" + " \"b\":[\n" + " {\"c\":\"C\",\"d\":\"D\" ,\"e\": {\n" + " \"s\":\"S\",\n" + " \"t\":3 ,\"u\":{\"v\":3.1234,\"w\":false}}},\n" + " {\"c\":\"C1\",\"d\":\"D1\"},\n" + " {\"c\":\"C2\",\"d\":\"D2\"}\n" + " ]\n" + "}"; JsonRecordReader streamer; List<Map<String, Object>> records; streamer = JsonRecordReader.getInst("/b", Collections.singletonList("/b/**")); records = streamer.getAllRecords(new StringReader(json)); assertEquals(3, records.size()); assertEquals("records " + records, 3l, ((Map) records.get(0)).get("t")); assertEquals("records " + records, "S", ((Map) records.get(0)).get("s")); assertEquals("records " + records, 3.1234, ((Map) records.get(0)).get("v")); assertEquals("records " + records, false, ((Map) records.get(0)).get("w")); for (Map<String, Object> record : records) { assertNotNull("records " + records, record.get("c")); assertNotNull("records " + records, record.get("d")); } streamer = JsonRecordReader.getInst("/", Collections.singletonList("/**")); records = streamer.getAllRecords(new StringReader(json)); assertEquals(1, records.size()); assertEquals(3, ((List) ((Map) records.get(0)).get("c")).size()); assertEquals(3, ((List) ((Map) records.get(0)).get("d")).size()); assertEquals("records " + records, 3l, ((Map) records.get(0)).get("t")); assertEquals("records " + records, "S", ((Map) records.get(0)).get("s")); assertEquals("records " + records, "A", ((Map) records.get(0)).get("a")); assertEquals("records " + records, false, ((Map) records.get(0)).get("w")); } public void testRecursiveWildcard2() throws Exception { String json = "{\n" + " \"first\": \"John\",\n" + " \"last\": \"Doe\",\n" + " \"grade\": 8,\n" + " \"exams\": [\n" + " {\n" + " \"subject\": \"Maths\",\n" + " \"test\" : \"term1\",\n" + " \"marks\":90},\n" + " {\n" + " \"subject\": \"Biology\",\n" + " \"test\" : \"term1\",\n" + " \"marks\":86}\n" + " ]\n" + "}"; JsonRecordReader streamer; List<Map<String, Object>> records; streamer = JsonRecordReader.getInst("/exams", Collections.singletonList("/**")); records = streamer.getAllRecords(new StringReader(json)); assertEquals(2, records.size()); for (Map<String, Object> record : records) { assertEquals(6, record.size()); assertTrue(record.containsKey("subject")); assertTrue(record.containsKey("test")); assertTrue(record.containsKey("marks")); } streamer = JsonRecordReader.getInst("/exams", Collections.singletonList("$FQN:/**")); records = streamer.getAllRecords(new StringReader(json)); assertEquals(2, records.size()); for (Map<String, Object> record : records) { assertEquals(6, record.size()); assertTrue(record.containsKey("exams.subject")); assertTrue(record.containsKey("exams.test")); assertTrue(record.containsKey("exams.marks")); } streamer = JsonRecordReader.getInst("/", Collections.singletonList("txt:/**")); records = streamer.getAllRecords(new StringReader(json)); assertEquals(1, records.size()); assertEquals(9, ((List) records.get(0).get("txt")).size()); } public void testNestedDocs() throws Exception { String json = "{a:{" + "b:{c:d}," + "x:y" + "}}"; JsonRecordReader streamer = JsonRecordReader.getInst("/|/a/b", Arrays.asList("/a/x", "/a/b/*")); streamer.streamRecords(new StringReader(json), (record, path) -> { assertEquals(record.get("x"), "y"); assertEquals(((Map) record.get(null)).get("c"), "d"); }); json = "{a:{" + "b:[{c:c1, e:e1},{c:c2, e :e2, d:{p:q}}]," + "x:y" + "}}"; streamer.streamRecords(new StringReader(json), (record, path) -> { assertEquals(record.get("x"), "y"); List l = (List) record.get(null); Map m = (Map) l.get(0); assertEquals(m.get("c"), "c1"); assertEquals(m.get("e"), "e1"); m = (Map) l.get(1); assertEquals(m.get("c"), "c2"); assertEquals(m.get("e"), "e2"); }); streamer = JsonRecordReader.getInst("/|/a/b", Arrays.asList("$FQN:/**")); streamer.streamRecords(new StringReader(json), (record, path) -> { assertEquals(record.get("a.x"), "y"); List l = (List) record.get(null); Map m = (Map) l.get(0); assertEquals(m.get("c"), "c1"); assertEquals(m.get("e"), "e1"); m = (Map) l.get(1); assertEquals(m.get("c"), "c2"); assertEquals(m.get("e"), "e2"); assertEquals(m.get("d.p"), "q"); }); } public void testNestedJsonWithFloats() throws Exception { String json = "{\n" + " \"a_string\" : \"abc\",\n" + " \"a_num\" : 2.0,\n" + " \"a\" : {\n" + " \"b\" : [\n" + " {\"id\":\"1\", \"title\" : \"test1\"},\n" + " {\"id\":\"2\", \"title\" : \"test2\"}\n" + " ]\n" + " }\n" + "}\n"; JsonRecordReader streamer; List<Map<String, Object>> records; streamer = JsonRecordReader.getInst("/a/b", Collections.singletonList("title_s:/a/b/title")); records = streamer.getAllRecords(new StringReader(json)); assertEquals(2, records.size()); } public void testClearPreviousRecordFields() throws Exception { String json = "{\n" + "'first': 'John',\n" + "'exams': [\n" + "{'subject': 'Maths', 'test' : 'term1', 'marks':90},\n" + "{'subject': 'Biology', 'test' : 'term1', 'marks':86}\n" + "]\n" + "}\n" + "{\n" + "'first': 'Bob',\n" + "'exams': [\n" + "{'subject': 'Maths', 'test': 'term1', 'marks': 95\n" + "}\n" + ",\n" + "{\n" + "'subject': 'Biology', 'test' : 'term1', 'marks': 92}\n" + "]\n" + "}"; JsonRecordReader streamer; List<Map<String, Object>> records; streamer = JsonRecordReader.getInst("/exams", Collections.singletonList("/**")); records = streamer.getAllRecords(new StringReader(json)); assertEquals(4, records.size()); for (Map<String, Object> record : records) { for (Map.Entry<String, Object> e : record.entrySet()) { assertFalse(e.getValue() instanceof List); } } } public void testArrayOfRootObjects() throws Exception { String json = "[{'fieldA':'A1'}, {'fieldB':'B2'}]"; JsonRecordReader streamer; List<Map<String, Object>> records; final AtomicReference<WeakReference<String>> ref = new AtomicReference<>(); streamer = JsonRecordReader.getInst("/", Collections.singletonList("$FQN:/**")); streamer.streamRecords(new StringReader(json), (record, path) -> { System.gc(); if (ref.get() != null) { assertNull("This reference is still intact :" + ref.get().get(), ref.get().get()); } String fName = record.keySet().iterator().next(); ref.set(new WeakReference<>(fName)); }); } public void testAIOOBE() throws IOException { String json = "[ {\n" + " \"taxon_group\" : {\n" + " \"identifiers\" : {\n" + " \"bioentry_id\" : 1876284,\n" + " \"namespace\" : \"NCBI\",\n" + " \"primary_id\" : \"AAAAA_ID_19303\",\n" + " \"version\" : null,\n" + " \"name\" : \"AAAAA_ID_19303\",\n" + " \"description\" : \"Taxon group for NCBI taxon 1286265\",\n" + " \"accession\" : \"AAAAA_ID_19303\"\n" + " },\n" + " \"source\" : [\n" + " {\n" + " \"ID\" : \"AAAAA_ID_19303_0\",\n" + " \"segment_group_serotype\" : \"H3\",\n" + " \"primary_key\" : 11877892,\n" + " \"name\" : \"segment_group\",\n" + " \"segment_group_NA_subtype\" : \"\",\n" + " \"segmentgroup_sequence_count\" : \"1\",\n" + " \"source_tag\" : \"EMBL/GenBank/SwissProt\",\n" + " \"segment_group_submitter_lab\" : \"Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine Sebelas Maret University, Jl. Ir. Sutami 36A, Surakarta, Jawa Tengah 57126, Indonesia\",\n" + " \"strand\" : \"1\",\n" + " \"segment_group_submission_date\" : \"22-JAN-2013\",\n" + " \"segment_group_HA_subtype\" : \"H3\",\n" + " \"start-end\" : \"1..260\"\n" + " },\n" + " {\n" + " \"taxon_group_serotype\" : \"H3\",\n" + " \"taxon_group_sequence_count\" : \"1\",\n" + " \"ID\" : \"AAAAA_ID_19303\",\n" + " \"primary_key\" : 11877893,\n" + " \"name\" : \"source\",\n" + " \"db_xref\" : [\n" + " \"taxon:1286265\"\n" + " ],\n" + " \"taxon_group_HA_subtype\" : \"H3\",\n" + " \"taxon_group_segment_group_count\" : \"1\",\n" + " \"source_tag\" : \"EMBL/GenBank/SwissProt\",\n" + " \"strand\" : \"1\",\n" + " \"taxon_group_NA_subtype\" : \"\",\n" + " \"start-end\" : \"1..260\"\n" + " }\n" + " ],\n" + " \"segment_groups\" : [\n" + " {\n" + " \"identifiers\" : {\n" + " \"bioentry_id\" : 1876283,\n" + " \"namespace\" : \"NCBI\",\n" + " \"primary_id\" : \"AAAAA_ID_19303_0\",\n" + " \"version\" : null,\n" + " \"name\" : \"AAAAA_ID_19303_0\",\n" + " \"description\" : \"Segment group 0 for AAAAA_ID_19303 (NCBI taxon 1286265)\",\n" + " \"accession\" : \"AAAAA_ID_19303_0\"\n" + " },\n" + " \"source\" : [\n" + " {\n" + " \"ID\" : \"KC513508\",\n" + " \"primary_key\" : 22483564,\n" + " \"nucleotide_gi\" : \"451898947\",\n" + " \"name\" : \"gene\",\n" + " \"HA_subtype\" : \"H3\",\n" + " \"segment\" : \"4\",\n" + " \"collection_date\" : \"22-Mar-2010\",\n" + " \"NA_subtype\" : \"N2\",\n" + " \"subtype\" : \"H3\",\n" + " \"source_tag\" : \"EMBL/GenBank/SwissProt\",\n" + " \"standardized_collection_date\" : \"2010-03-22T00:00:00Z\",\n" + " \"segment_name\" : \"HA\",\n" + " \"strand\" : \"1\",\n" + " \"serotype\" : \"H3N2\",\n" + " \"ncbi_accession\" : \"KC513508\",\n" + " \"start-end\" : \"1..260\"\n" + " },\n" + " {\n" + " \"mol_type\" : \"viral cRNA\",\n" + " \"taxonomy_strain\" : \"A/Surakarta/1/2010\",\n" + " \"identified_by\" : \"Afiono Agung Prasetyo\",\n" + " \"HA_subtype\" : \"H3\",\n" + " \"collection_date\" : \"22-Mar-2010\",\n" + " \"standardized_collection_date\" : \"2010-03-22T00:00:00Z\",\n" + " \"strand\" : \"1\",\n" + " \"serotype\" : \"H3N2\",\n" + " \"organism\" : \"Influenza A virus (A/Surakarta/1/2010(H3N2))\",\n" + " \"country\" : \"Indonesia\",\n" + " \"primary_key\" : 22483566,\n" + " \"isolation_source\" : \"nasal and throat swab\",\n" + " \"collected_by\" : \"Afiono Agung Prasetyo\",\n" + " \"name\" : \"source\",\n" + " \"flu_type\" : \"A\",\n" + " \"host\" : \"Homo sapiens\",\n" + " \"db_xref\" : [\n" + " \"taxon:1286265\"\n" + " ],\n" + " \"NA_subtype\" : \"N2\",\n" + " \"strain\" : \"A/Surakarta/1/2010\",\n" + " \"source_tag\" : \"EMBL/GenBank/SwissProt\",\n" + " \"start-end\" : \"1..260\"\n" + " },\n" + " {\n" + " \"primary_key\" : 22483572,\n" + " \"name\" : \"standard_host\",\n" + " \"Host_NCBI_taxon_id\" : \"9605\",\n" + " \"curation_status_code\" : \"150\",\n" + " \"curation_date\" : \"2015-01-12\",\n" + " \"program_version\" : \"v1.1.7\",\n" + " \"source_tag\" : \"parse_host_v1\",\n" + " \"strand\" : \"1\",\n" + " \"curation_status_message\" : \"success, archive and add on next major program revision\",\n" + " \"start-end\" : \"1..260\",\n" + " \"curation_status\" : \"true\"\n" + " },\n" + " {\n" + " \"primary_key\" : 22483576,\n" + " \"Location_Lat_Long\" : \"-0.7892749906,113.9213256836\",\n" + " \"name\" : \"standardized_location\",\n" + " \"Location_Country_Alpha2\" : \"ID\",\n" + " \"curation_status_code\" : \"150\",\n" + " \"curation_date\" : \"2015-01-15\",\n" + " \"program_version\" : \"v0.1\",\n" + " \"source_tag\" : \"xxxxx_parse_location_v0\",\n" + " \"strand\" : \"1\",\n" + " \"curation_status_message\" : \"success, archive and add on next major program revision\",\n" + " \"start-end\" : 1,\n" + " \"curation_status\" : \"true\"\n" + " }\n" + " ],\n" + " \"sequence\" : {\n" + " \"string\" : \"CCCTTATGATGTGCCGGATTATGCCTCCCTTAGGTCACTAGTTGCCTCATCCGGCACACTGGAGTTTAACAGTGAAAGCTTCAATTGGACTGGAGTCACTCAAAACGGAACAAGCTCTGCTTGCATAAGGAGATCTAATAATAGTTTCTTTAGTAGATTGAATTGGTTGACCCACTTAAACTTCAAATACCCAGCATTGAACGTGACTATGCCAAACAATGAACAATTTGACAAATTGTACATTTGGGGGGTTCACCACC\"\n" + " },\n" + " \"references\" : [\n" + " {\n" + " \"authors\" : \"Prasetyo,A.A.\",\n" + " \"location\" : \"Unpublished\",\n" + " \"title\" : \"Molecular Epidemiology Study of Human Respiratory Virus in Surakarta Indonesia\"\n" + " },\n" + " {\n" + " \"authors\" : \"Prasetyo,A.A.\",\n" + " \"location\" : \"Submitted (22-JAN-2013) Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine Sebelas Maret University, Jl. Ir. Sutami 36A, Surakarta, Jawa Tengah 57126, Indonesia\",\n" + " \"title\" : \"Direct Submission\"\n" + " }\n" + " ],\n" + " \"name\" : \"AAAAA_ID_19303_0\",\n" + " \"segments\" : [\n" + " {\n" + " \"identifiers\" : {\n" + " \"bioentry_id\" : 1588885,\n" + " \"namespace\" : \"NCBI\",\n" + " \"primary_id\" : \"KC513508\",\n" + " \"version\" : 1,\n" + " \"name\" : \"KC513508\",\n" + " \"description\" : \"Influenza A virus (A/Surakarta/1/2010(H3N2)) segment 4 hemagglutinin (HA) gene, partial cds.\",\n" + " \"accession\" : \"KC513508\"\n" + " },\n" + " \"source\" : [\n" + " {\n" + " \"mol_type\" : \"viral cRNA\",\n" + " \"identified_by\" : \"Afiono Agung Prasetyo\",\n" + " \"HA_subtype\" : \"H3\",\n" + " \"segment\" : \"4\",\n" + " \"collection_date\" : \"22-Mar-2010\",\n" + " \"strand\" : \"1\",\n" + " \"serotype\" : \"H3N2\",\n" + " \"organism\" : \"Influenza A virus (A/Surakarta/1/2010(H3N2))\",\n" + " \"country\" : \"Indonesia\",\n" + " \"primary_key\" : 22511042,\n" + " \"isolation_source\" : \"nasal and throat swab\",\n" + " \"collected_by\" : \"Afiono Agung Prasetyo\",\n" + " \"name\" : \"source\",\n" + " \"host\" : \"Homo sapiens\",\n" + " \"NA_subtype\" : \"N2\",\n" + " \"db_xref\" : [\n" + " \"taxon:1286265\"\n" + " ],\n" + " \"strain\" : \"A/Surakarta/1/2010\",\n" + " \"source_tag\" : \"EMBL/GenBank/SwissProt\",\n" + " \"start-end\" : \"1..260\"\n" + " },\n" + " {\n" + " \"primary_key\" : 22511045,\n" + " \"source_tag\" : \"EMBL/GenBank/SwissProt\",\n" + " \"gene\" : \"HA\",\n" + " \"strand\" : \"1\",\n" + " \"name\" : \"gene\",\n" + " \"start-end\" : \"1..260\"\n" + " },\n" + " {\n" + " \"primary_key\" : 22511046,\n" + " \"protein_id\" : \"AGF80141.1\",\n" + " \"gene\" : \"HA\",\n" + " \"name\" : \"CDS\",\n" + " \"db_xref\" : [\n" + " \"GI:451898948\"\n" + " ],\n" + " \"codon_start\" : \"2\",\n" + " \"source_tag\" : \"EMBL/GenBank/SwissProt\",\n" + " \"strand\" : \"1\",\n" + " \"translation\" : \"PYDVPDYASLRSLVASSGTLEFNSESFNWTGVTQNGTSSACIRRSNNSFFSRLNWLTHLNFKYPALNVTMPNNEQFDKLYIWGVHH\",\n" + " \"product\" : \"hemagglutinin\",\n" + " \"start-end\" : \"1..260\"\n" + " },\n" + " {\n" + " \"primary_key\" : 22511053,\n" + " \"name\" : \"asdf_typing\",\n" + " \"segment\" : \"4\",\n" + " \"flu_type\" : \"A\",\n" + " \"bitscore\" : \"277.3\",\n" + " \"full_lineage\" : \"X_XX_XX_XxxxxXxxxx\",\n" + " \"lineage\" : \"AAAAAAAAAA\",\n" + " \"curation_date\" : \"2015-01-07\",\n" + " \"subtype\" : \"H3\",\n" + " \"program_version\" : \"v2.8.2\",\n" + " \"source_tag\" : \"some_text_some\",\n" + " \"Evalue\" : \"4.6e-85\",\n" + " \"segment_name\" : \"HA\",\n" + " \"strand\" : \"1\",\n" + " \"start-end\" : \"1..260\",\n" + " \"curation_status\" : \"true\"\n" + " },\n" + " {\n" + " \"bitscore\" : \"464\",\n" + " \"subj_location\" : \"342..601\",\n" + " \"slen\" : \"1701\",\n" + " \"sseqid\" : \"someID_someID_some\",\n" + " \"mismatch\" : \"3\",\n" + " \"strand\" : \"1\",\n" + " \"qcovs\" : \"100\",\n" + " \"qlen\" : \"260\",\n" + " \"qcovhsp\" : \"100\",\n" + " \"primary_key\" : 22511048,\n" + " \"pident\" : \"98.85\",\n" + " \"name\" : \"segtypeAlign\",\n" + " \"qseqid\" : \"KC513508\",\n" + " \"gaps\" : \"0\",\n" + " \"curation_date\" : \"2015-01-15\",\n" + " \"typing\" : \"A_HA_H3\",\n" + " \"length\" : \"260\",\n" + " \"evalue\" : \"2e-132\",\n" + " \"source_tag\" : \"asdf_asdf_asdfv1\",\n" + " \"program_version\" : \"v1.1.2\",\n" + " \"curation_status\" : \"true\",\n" + " \"start-end\" : \"1..260\",\n" + " \"gapopen\" : \"0\"\n" + " },\n" + " {\n" + " \"primary_key\" : 22511060,\n" + " \"name\" : \"standard_host\",\n" + " \"Host_NCBI_taxon_id\" : \"9605\",\n" + " \"curation_status_code\" : \"150\",\n" + " \"curation_date\" : \"2015-01-12\",\n" + " \"program_version\" : \"v1.1.7\",\n" + " \"source_tag\" : \"parse_host_v1\",\n" + " \"strand\" : \"1\",\n" + " \"curation_status_message\" : \"success, archive and add on next major program revision\",\n" + " \"start-end\" 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