Source code

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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  The ASF licenses this file to You
 * under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
 * use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.  For additional information regarding
 * copyright in this work, please see the NOTICE file in the top level
 * directory of this distribution.

package org.apache.roller.weblogger.pojos;

import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.TreeSet;

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils;

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang.builder.EqualsBuilder;
import org.apache.commons.lang.builder.HashCodeBuilder;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.roller.weblogger.WebloggerException;
import org.apache.roller.weblogger.config.WebloggerRuntimeConfig;
import org.apache.roller.util.DateUtil;
import org.apache.roller.weblogger.util.I18nMessages;
import org.apache.roller.util.UUIDGenerator;
import org.apache.roller.weblogger.util.Utilities;

 * Represents a Weblog Entry.
 * @ejb:bean name="WeblogEntry"
 * @struts.form include-all="true"
 * @hibernate.class lazy="true" table="weblogentry"
 * @hibernate.cache usage="read-write"
public class WeblogEntry implements Serializable {
    private static Log mLogger = LogFactory.getFactory().getInstance(WeblogEntry.class);

    public static final long serialVersionUID = 2341505386843044125L;

    public static final String DRAFT = "DRAFT";
    public static final String PUBLISHED = "PUBLISHED";
    public static final String PENDING = "PENDING";
    public static final String SCHEDULED = "SCHEDULED";

    // Simple properies
    private String id = UUIDGenerator.generateUUID();
    private String title = null;
    private String link = null;
    private String summary = null;
    private String text = null;
    private String contentType = null;
    private String contentSrc = null;
    private String anchor = null;
    private Timestamp pubTime = null;
    private Timestamp updateTime = null;
    private String plugins = null;
    private Boolean allowComments = Boolean.TRUE;
    private Integer commentDays = new Integer(7);
    private Boolean rightToLeft = Boolean.FALSE;
    private Boolean pinnedToMain = Boolean.FALSE;
    private String status = DRAFT;
    private String locale = null;
    private String creatorUserName = null;

    // Associated objects
    private Weblog website = null;
    private WeblogCategory category = null;

    // Collection of name/value entry attributes
    private Set attSet = new TreeSet();

    private Set tagSet = new HashSet();
    private Set removedTags = new HashSet();
    private Set addedTags = new HashSet();

    //----------------------------------------------------------- Construction

    public WeblogEntry() {

    public WeblogEntry(String id, WeblogCategory category, Weblog website, User creator, String title, String link,
            String text, String anchor, Timestamp pubTime, Timestamp updateTime, String status) {
        // = id;
        this.category = category; = website;
        this.creatorUserName = creator.getUserName();
        this.title = title; = link;
        this.text = text;
        this.anchor = anchor;
        this.pubTime = pubTime;
        this.updateTime = updateTime;
        this.status = status;

    public WeblogEntry(WeblogEntry otherData) {

    //---------------------------------------------------------- Initializaion

     * Set bean properties based on other bean.
    public void setData(WeblogEntry other) {


    //------------------------------------------------------- Good citizenship

    public String toString() {
        StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
        buf.append(", ").append(this.getAnchor());
        buf.append(", ").append(this.getTitle());
        buf.append(", ").append(this.getPubTime());
        return buf.toString();

    public boolean equals(Object other) {
        if (other == this)
            return true;
        if (other instanceof WeblogEntry != true)
            return false;
        WeblogEntry o = (WeblogEntry) other;
        return new EqualsBuilder().append(getAnchor(), o.getAnchor()).append(getWebsite(), o.getWebsite())

    public int hashCode() {
        return new HashCodeBuilder().append(getAnchor()).append(getWebsite()).toHashCode();

    //------------------------------------------------------ Simple properties

     * @roller.wrapPojoMethod type="simple"
     * @ejb:persistent-field
     * column="id" generator-class="assigned"  
    public String getId() {

    /** @ejb:persistent-field */
    public void setId(String id) {
        // Form bean workaround: empty string is never a valid id
        if (id != null && id.trim().length() == 0)
            return; = id;

     * @roller.wrapPojoMethod type="pojo"
     * @ejb:persistent-field
     * @hibernate.many-to-one column="categoryid" cascade="none" not-null="true"
    public WeblogCategory getCategory() {
        return this.category;

    /** @ejb:persistent-field */
    public void setCategory(WeblogCategory category) {
        this.category = category;

     * Return collection of WeblogCategory objects of this entry.
     * Added for symetry with PlanetEntryData object.
     * @roller.wrapPojoMethod type="pojo-collection" class="org.apache.roller.weblogger.pojos.WeblogCategory"
    public List getCategories() {
        List cats = new ArrayList();
        return cats;

    /** No-op method to please XDoclet */
    public void setCategories(List cats) {
        // no-op

     * @roller.wrapPojoMethod type="pojo"
     * @ejb:persistent-field
     * @hibernate.many-to-one column="websiteid" cascade="none" not-null="true"
    public Weblog getWebsite() {

    /** @ejb:persistent-field */
    public void setWebsite(Weblog website) { = website;

     * @roller.wrapPojoMethod type="simple"
    public User getCreator() {
        try {
            return WebloggerFactory.getWeblogger().getUserManager().getUserByUserName(getCreatorUserName());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            mLogger.error("ERROR fetching user object for username: " + getCreatorUserName(), e);
        return null;

    public String getCreatorUserName() {
        return creatorUserName;

    public void setCreatorUserName(String creatorUserName) {
        this.creatorUserName = creatorUserName;

     * @roller.wrapPojoMethod type="simple"
     * @ejb:persistent-field
     * column="title" non-null="true" unique="false"
    public String getTitle() {
        return this.title;

    /** @ejb:persistent-field */
    public void setTitle(String title) {
        this.title = title;

     * Get summary for weblog entry (maps to RSS description and Atom summary).
     * @roller.wrapPojoMethod type="simple"
     * @ejb:persistent-field
     * column="summary" non-null="false" unique="false"
    public String getSummary() {
        return summary;

     * Set summary for weblog entry (maps to RSS description and Atom summary).
     * @ejb:persistent-field
    public void setSummary(String summary) {
        this.summary = summary;

     * Get content text for weblog entry (maps to RSS content:encoded and Atom content).
     * @roller.wrapPojoMethod type="simple"
     * @ejb:persistent-field
     * column="text" non-null="true" unique="false"
    public String getText() {
        return this.text;

     * Set content text for weblog entry (maps to RSS content:encoded and Atom content).
     * @ejb:persistent-field
    public void setText(String text) {
        this.text = text;

     * Get content type (text, html, xhtml or a MIME content type)
     * @roller.wrapPojoMethod type="simple"
     * @ejb:persistent-field
     * column="content_type" non-null="false" unique="false"
    public String getContentType() {
        return contentType;

     * Set content type (text, html, xhtml or a MIME content type)
     * @ejb:persistent-field
    public void setContentType(String contentType) {
        this.contentType = contentType;

     * Get URL for out-of-line content.
     * @roller.wrapPojoMethod type="simple"
     * @ejb:persistent-field
     * column="content_src" non-null="false" unique="false"
    public String getContentSrc() {
        return contentSrc;

     * Set URL for out-of-line content.
     * @ejb:persistent-field
    public void setContentSrc(String contentSrc) {
        this.contentSrc = contentSrc;

     * @roller.wrapPojoMethod type="simple"
     * @ejb:persistent-field
     * column="anchor" non-null="true" unique="false"
    public String getAnchor() {
        return this.anchor;

    /** @ejb:persistent-field */
    public void setAnchor(String anchor) {
        this.anchor = anchor;

     * Map attributes as set because XDoclet 1.2b4 map support is broken.
     * @roller.wrapPojoMethod type="pojo-collection" class="org.apache.roller.weblogger.pojos.WeblogEntryAttribute"
     * @ejb:persistent-field
     * @hibernate.set lazy="true" order-by="name" inverse="true" cascade="all"
     * @hibernate.collection-key column="entryid" type="String"
     * @hibernate.collection-one-to-many class="org.apache.roller.weblogger.pojos.WeblogEntryAttribute"
    public Set getEntryAttributes() {
        return attSet;

    /** @ejb:persistent-field */
    public void setEntryAttributes(Set atts) {
        this.attSet = atts;

     * Would be named getEntryAttribute, but that would set off XDoclet
     * @roller.wrapPojoMethod type="simple"
    public String findEntryAttribute(String name) {
        if (getEntryAttributes() != null) {
            for (Iterator it = getEntryAttributes().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
                WeblogEntryAttribute att = (WeblogEntryAttribute);
                if (name.equals(att.getName()))
                    return att.getValue();
        return null;

    public void putEntryAttribute(String name, String value) throws Exception {
        WeblogEntryAttribute att = null;
        for (Iterator it = getEntryAttributes().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
            WeblogEntryAttribute o = (WeblogEntryAttribute);
            if (name.equals(o.getName())) {
                att = o;
        if (att == null) {
            att = new WeblogEntryAttribute();
        } else {


     * <p>Publish time is the time that an entry is to be (or was) made available
     * for viewing by newsfeed readers and visitors to the Roller site.</p>
     * <p>Roller stores time using the timeZone of the server itself. When
     * times are displayed  in a user's weblog they must be translated
     * to the user's timeZone.</p>
     * <p>NOTE: Times are stored using the SQL TIMESTAMP datatype, which on
     * MySQL has only a one-second resolution.</p>
     * @roller.wrapPojoMethod type="simple"
     * @ejb:persistent-field
     * column="pubtime" non-null="true" unique="false"
    public Timestamp getPubTime() {
        return this.pubTime;

    /** @ejb:persistent-field */
    public void setPubTime(Timestamp pubTime) {
        this.pubTime = pubTime;

     * <p>Update time is the last time that an weblog entry was saved in the
     * Roller weblog editor or via web services API (XML-RPC or Atom).</p>
     * <p>Roller stores time using the timeZone of the server itself. When
     * times are displayed  in a user's weblog they must be translated
     * to the user's timeZone.</p>
     * <p>NOTE: Times are stored using the SQL TIMESTAMP datatype, which on
     * MySQL has only a one-second resolution.</p>
     * @roller.wrapPojoMethod type="simple"
     * @ejb:persistent-field
     * column="updatetime" non-null="true" unique="false"
    public Timestamp getUpdateTime() {
        return this.updateTime;

    /** @ejb:persistent-field */
    public void setUpdateTime(Timestamp updateTime) {
        this.updateTime = updateTime;

     * @roller.wrapPojoMethod type="simple"
     * @ejb:persistent-field
     * column="status" non-null="true" unique="false"
    public String getStatus() {
        return this.status;

    /** @ejb:persistent-field */
    public void setStatus(String status) {
        this.status = status;

     * Some weblog entries are about one specific link.
     * @return Returns the link.
     * @roller.wrapPojoMethod type="simple"
     * @ejb:persistent-field
     * column="link" non-null="false" unique="false"
    public String getLink() {
        return link;

     * @ejb:persistent-field
     * @param link The link to set.
    public void setLink(String link) { = link;

     * Comma-delimited list of this entry's Plugins.
     * @roller.wrapPojoMethod type="simple"
     * @ejb:persistent-field
     * column="plugins" non-null="false" unique="false"
    public String getPlugins() {
        return plugins;

    /** @ejb:persistent-field */
    public void setPlugins(String string) {
        plugins = string;

     * True if comments are allowed on this weblog entry.
     * @roller.wrapPojoMethod type="simple"
     * @ejb:persistent-field
     * column="allowcomments" non-null="true" unique="false"
    public Boolean getAllowComments() {
        return allowComments;

     * True if comments are allowed on this weblog entry.
     * @ejb:persistent-field
    public void setAllowComments(Boolean allowComments) {
        this.allowComments = allowComments;

     * Number of days after pubTime that comments should be allowed, or 0 for no limit.
     * @roller.wrapPojoMethod type="simple"
     * @ejb:persistent-field
     * column="commentdays" non-null="true" unique="false"
    public Integer getCommentDays() {
        return commentDays;

     * Number of days after pubTime that comments should be allowed, or 0 for no limit.
     * @ejb:persistent-field
    public void setCommentDays(Integer commentDays) {
        this.commentDays = commentDays;

     * True if this entry should be rendered right to left.
     * @roller.wrapPojoMethod type="simple"
     * @ejb:persistent-field
     * column="righttoleft" non-null="true" unique="false"
    public Boolean getRightToLeft() {
        return rightToLeft;

     * True if this entry should be rendered right to left.
     * @ejb:persistent-field
    public void setRightToLeft(Boolean rightToLeft) {
        this.rightToLeft = rightToLeft;

     * True if story should be pinned to the top of the Roller site main blog.
     * @return Returns the pinned.
     * @roller.wrapPojoMethod type="simple"
     * @ejb:persistent-field
     * column="pinnedtomain" non-null="true" unique="false"
    public Boolean getPinnedToMain() {
        return pinnedToMain;

     * True if story should be pinned to the top of the Roller site main blog.
     * @param pinnedToMain The pinned to set.
     * @ejb:persistent-field
    public void setPinnedToMain(Boolean pinnedToMain) {
        this.pinnedToMain = pinnedToMain;

     * The locale string that defines the i18n approach for this entry.
     * @roller.wrapPojoMethod type="simple"
     * @ejb:persistent-field
     * column="locale" non-null="false" unique="false"
    public String getLocale() {
        return locale;

    public void setLocale(String locale) {
        this.locale = locale;

     * @ejb:persistent-field 
     * @hibernate.set lazy="true" order-by="name" inverse="true" cascade="all"
     * @hibernate.collection-key column="entryid"
     * @hibernate.collection-one-to-many class="org.apache.roller.weblogger.pojos.WeblogEntryTag"
    public Set getTags() {
        return tagSet;

    private void setTags(Set tagSet) throws WebloggerException {
        this.tagSet = tagSet;
        this.removedTags = new HashSet();
        this.addedTags = new HashSet();

     * Roller lowercases all tags based on locale because there's not a 1:1 mapping
     * between uppercase/lowercase characters across all languages.  
     * @param name
     * @throws WebloggerException
    public void addTag(String name) throws WebloggerException {
        Locale localeObject = getWebsite() != null ? getWebsite().getLocaleInstance() : Locale.getDefault();
        name = Utilities.normalizeTag(name, localeObject);
        if (name.length() == 0)

        for (Iterator it = getTags().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
            WeblogEntryTag tag = (WeblogEntryTag);
            if (tag.getName().equals(name))

        WeblogEntryTag tag = new WeblogEntryTag();


    public void onRemoveTag(String name) throws WebloggerException {

    public Set getAddedTags() {
        return addedTags;

    public Set getRemovedTags() {
        return removedTags;

    public void updateTags(List<String> updatedTags) throws WebloggerException {

        if (updatedTags == null) {

        HashSet newTags = new HashSet(updatedTags.size());
        Locale localeObject = getWebsite() != null ? getWebsite().getLocaleInstance() : Locale.getDefault();

        for (Iterator<String> it = updatedTags.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
            String name =;
            newTags.add(Utilities.normalizeTag(name, localeObject));

        HashSet removeTags = new HashSet();

        // remove old ones no longer passed.
        for (Iterator it = getTags().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
            WeblogEntryTag tag = (WeblogEntryTag);
            if (!newTags.contains(tag.getName())) {
            } else {

        WeblogEntryManager weblogManager = WebloggerFactory.getWeblogger().getWeblogEntryManager();
        for (Iterator it = removeTags.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
            weblogManager.removeWeblogEntryTag((String), this);

        for (Iterator it = newTags.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {

     * @roller.wrapPojoMethod type="simple"
    public String getTagsAsString() {
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
        for (Iterator it = getTags().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
            sb.append(((WeblogEntryTag)" ");
        if (sb.length() > 0) {
            sb.deleteCharAt(sb.length() - 1);

        return sb.toString();

    public void setTagsAsString(String tags) throws WebloggerException {
        if (tags == null) {


    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

     * True if comments are still allowed on this entry considering the
     * allowComments and commentDays fields as well as the website and 
     * site-wide configs.
     * @roller.wrapPojoMethod type="simple"
    public boolean getCommentsStillAllowed() {
        if (!WebloggerRuntimeConfig.getBooleanProperty("users.comments.enabled")) {
            return false;
        if (website.getAllowComments() != null && !website.getAllowComments().booleanValue()) {
            return false;
        if (getAllowComments() != null && !getAllowComments().booleanValue()) {
            return false;
        boolean ret = false;
        if (getCommentDays() == null || getCommentDays().intValue() == 0) {
            ret = true;
        } else {
            // we want to use pubtime for calculating when comments expire, but
            // if pubtime isn't set (like for drafts) then just use updatetime
            Date pubTime = getPubTime();
            if (pubTime == null) {
                pubTime = getUpdateTime();

            Calendar expireCal = Calendar.getInstance(getWebsite().getLocaleInstance());
            expireCal.add(Calendar.DATE, getCommentDays().intValue());
            Date expireDay = expireCal.getTime();
            Date today = new Date();
            if (today.before(expireDay)) {
                ret = true;
        return ret;

    public void setCommentsStillAllowed(boolean ignored) {
        // no-op


     * Format the publish time of this weblog entry using the specified pattern.
     * See java.text.SimpleDateFormat for more information on this format.
     * @roller.wrapPojoMethod type="simple"
     * @see java.text.SimpleDateFormat
     * @return Publish time formatted according to pattern.
    public String formatPubTime(String pattern) {
        try {
            SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat(pattern, this.getWebsite().getLocaleInstance());

            return format.format(getPubTime());
        } catch (RuntimeException e) {
            mLogger.error("Unexpected exception", e);

        return "ERROR: formatting date";


     * Format the update time of this weblog entry using the specified pattern.
     * See java.text.SimpleDateFormat for more information on this format.
     * @roller.wrapPojoMethod type="simple"
     * @see java.text.SimpleDateFormat
     * @return Update time formatted according to pattern.
    public String formatUpdateTime(String pattern) {
        try {
            SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat(pattern);

            return format.format(getUpdateTime());
        } catch (RuntimeException e) {
            mLogger.error("Unexpected exception", e);

        return "ERROR: formatting date";


     * @roller.wrapPojoMethod type="pojo-collection" class="org.apache.roller.weblogger.pojos.WeblogEntryComment"
    public List getComments() {
        return getComments(true, true);

     * @roller.wrapPojoMethod type="pojo-collection" class="org.apache.roller.weblogger.pojos.WeblogEntryComment"
     * TODO: why is this method exposed to users with ability to get spam/non-approved comments?
    public List getComments(boolean ignoreSpam, boolean approvedOnly) {
        List list = new ArrayList();
        try {
            WeblogEntryManager wmgr = WebloggerFactory.getWeblogger().getWeblogEntryManager();
            return wmgr.getComments(getWebsite(), this, null, // search String
                    null, // startDate
                    null, approvedOnly ? WeblogEntryComment.APPROVED : null, false, // we want chrono order
                    0, // offset
                    -1); // no limit
        } catch (WebloggerException alreadyLogged) {
        return list;

     * @roller.wrapPojoMethod type="simple"
    public int getCommentCount() {
        List comments = getComments(true, true);
        return comments.size();

    /** No-op to please XDoclet */
    public void setCommentCount(int ignored) {
        // no-op


     * @roller.wrapPojoMethod type="pojo-collection" class="org.apache.roller.weblogger.pojos.RefererData"
    public List getReferers() {
        List referers = null;
        try {
            referers = WebloggerFactory.getWeblogger().getRefererManager().getReferersToEntry(getId());
        } catch (WebloggerException e) {
            mLogger.error("Unexpected exception", e);
        return referers;


     * Returns absolute entry permalink.
    public String getPermalink() {
        return WebloggerFactory.getWeblogger().getUrlStrategy().getWeblogEntryURL(getWebsite(), null, anchor, true);

     * Returns entry permalink, relative to Roller context.
     * @deprecated Use getPermalink() instead.
     * @roller.wrapPojoMethod type="simple"
    public String getPermaLink() {
        String lAnchor = this.getAnchor();
        try {
            lAnchor = URLEncoder.encode(anchor, "UTF-8");
        } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
            // go with the "no encoding" version
        Weblog website = this.getWebsite();
        return "/" + getWebsite().getHandle() + "/entry/" + lAnchor;

     * Get relative URL to comments page.
     * @roller.wrapPojoMethod type="simple"
     * @deprecated Use commentLink() instead
    public String getCommentsLink() {
        return getPermaLink() + "#comments";

     * to please XDoclet 
     * @deprecated Use commentLink() instead
    public void setCommentsLink(String ignored) {

     * Return the Title of this post, or the first 255 characters of the
     * entry's text.
     * @roller.wrapPojoMethod type="simple"
     * @return String
    public String getDisplayTitle() {
        if (getTitle() == null || getTitle().trim().equals("")) {
            return StringUtils.left(Utilities.removeHTML(text), 255);
        return Utilities.removeHTML(getTitle());

     * Return RSS 09x style description (escaped HTML version of entry text)
     * @roller.wrapPojoMethod type="simple"
    public String getRss09xDescription() {
        return getRss09xDescription(-1);

     * Return RSS 09x style description (escaped HTML version of entry text)
     * @roller.wrapPojoMethod type="simple"
    public String getRss09xDescription(int maxLength) {
        String ret = StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(text);
        if (maxLength != -1 && ret.length() > maxLength) {
            ret = ret.substring(0, maxLength - 3) + "...";
        return ret;

    /** Create anchor for weblog entry, based on title or text */
    protected String createAnchor() throws WebloggerException {
        return WebloggerFactory.getWeblogger().getWeblogEntryManager().createAnchor(this);

    /** Create anchor for weblog entry, based on title or text */
    public String createAnchorBase() {

        // Use title (minus non-alphanumeric characters)
        String base = null;
        if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(getTitle())) {
            base = Utilities.replaceNonAlphanumeric(getTitle(), ' ').trim();
        // If we still have no base, then try text (minus non-alphanumerics)
        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(base) && !StringUtils.isEmpty(getText())) {
            base = Utilities.replaceNonAlphanumeric(getText(), ' ').trim();

        if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(base)) {

            // Use only the first 4 words
            StringTokenizer toker = new StringTokenizer(base);
            String tmp = null;
            int count = 0;
            while (toker.hasMoreTokens() && count < 5) {
                String s = toker.nextToken();
                s = s.toLowerCase();
                tmp = (tmp == null) ? s : tmp + "_" + s;
            base = tmp;
        // No title or text, so instead we will use the items date
        // in YYYYMMDD format as the base anchor
        else {
            base = DateUtil.format8chars(getPubTime());

        return base;

     * A no-op. TODO: fix formbean generation so this is not needed.
    public void setPermalink(String string) {

     * A no-op. TODO: fix formbean generation so this is not needed.
    public void setPermaLink(String string) {

     * A no-op.
     * TODO: fix formbean generation so this is not needed.
     * @param string
    public void setDisplayTitle(String string) {

     * A no-op.
     * TODO: fix formbean generation so this is not needed.
     * @param string
    public void setRss09xDescription(String string) {

     * Convenience method to transform mPlugins to a List
     * @roller.wrapPojoMethod type="simple"
     * @return
    public List getPluginsList() {
        if (plugins != null) {
            return Arrays.asList(StringUtils.split(plugins, ","));
        return new ArrayList();

    /** Convenience method for checking status */
    public boolean isDraft() {
        return status.equals(DRAFT);

    /** no-op: needed only to satisfy XDoclet, use setStatus() instead */
    public void setDraft(boolean value) {

    /** Convenience method for checking status */
    public boolean isPending() {
        return status.equals(PENDING);

    /** no-op: needed only to satisfy XDoclet, use setStatus() instead */
    public void setPending(boolean value) {

    /** Convenience method for checking status */
    public boolean isPublished() {
        return status.equals(PUBLISHED);

    /** no-op: needed only to satisfy XDoclet, use setStatus() instead */
    public void setPublished(boolean value) {

     * Get entry text, transformed by plugins enabled for entry.
     * @roller.wrapPojoMethod type="simple"
    public String getTransformedText() {
        return render(text);

     * No-op to please XDoclet.
    public void setTransformedText(String t) {
        // no-op

     * Get entry summary, transformed by plugins enabled for entry.
     * @roller.wrapPojoMethod type="simple"
    public String getTransformedSummary() {
        return render(summary);

     * No-op to please XDoclet.
    public void setTransformedSummary(String t) {
        // no-op

     * Determine if the specified user has permissions to edit this entry.
    public boolean hasWritePermissions(User user) throws WebloggerException {

        // global admins can hack whatever they want
        GlobalPermission adminPerm = new GlobalPermission(Collections.singletonList(GlobalPermission.ADMIN));
        boolean hasAdmin = WebloggerFactory.getWeblogger().getUserManager().checkPermission(adminPerm, user);
        if (hasAdmin) {
            return true;

        WeblogPermission perm = null;
        try {
            // if user is an author then post status defaults to PUBLISHED, otherwise PENDING
            UserManager umgr = WebloggerFactory.getWeblogger().getUserManager();
            perm = umgr.getWeblogPermission(getWebsite(), user);

        } catch (WebloggerException ex) {
            // security interceptor should ensure this never happens
            mLogger.error("ERROR retrieving user's permission", ex);

        boolean author = perm.hasAction(WeblogPermission.POST) || perm.hasAction(WeblogPermission.ADMIN);
        boolean limited = !author && perm.hasAction(WeblogPermission.EDIT_DRAFT);

        if (author || (limited && isDraft()) || (limited && isPending())) {
            return true;

        return false;

     * Transform string based on plugins enabled for this weblog entry.
    private String render(String str) {
        String ret = str;
        mLogger.debug("Applying page plugins to string");
        Map plugins =;
        if (str != null && plugins != null) {
            List entryPlugins = getPluginsList();

            // if no Entry plugins, don't bother looping.
            if (entryPlugins != null && !entryPlugins.isEmpty()) {

                // now loop over mPagePlugins, matching
                // against Entry plugins (by name):
                // where a match is found render Plugin.
                Iterator iter = plugins.keySet().iterator();
                while (iter.hasNext()) {
                    String key = (String);
                    if (entryPlugins.contains(key)) {
                        WeblogEntryPlugin pagePlugin = (WeblogEntryPlugin) plugins.get(key);
                        try {
                            ret = pagePlugin.render(this, ret);
                        } catch (Throwable t) {
                            mLogger.error("ERROR from plugin: " + pagePlugin.getName(), t);
        return ret;

     * Get the right transformed display content depending on the situation.
     * If the readMoreLink is specified then we assume the caller wants to
     * prefer summary over content and we include a "Read More" link at the
     * end of the summary if it exists.  Otherwise, if the readMoreLink is
     * empty or null then we assume the caller prefers content over summary.
     * @roller.wrapPojoMethod type="simple"
    public String displayContent(String readMoreLink) {

        String displayContent = null;

        if (readMoreLink == null || readMoreLink.trim().length() < 1 || "nil".equals(readMoreLink)) {

            // no readMore link means permalink, so prefer text over summary
            if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(this.getText())) {
                displayContent = this.getTransformedText();
            } else {
                displayContent = this.getTransformedSummary();
        } else {
            // not a permalink, so prefer summary over text
            // include a "read more" link if needed
            if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(this.getSummary())) {
                displayContent = this.getTransformedSummary();
                if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(this.getText())) {
                    // add read more
                    List args = new ArrayList();

                    // TODO: we need a more appropriate way to get the view locale here
                    String readMore = I18nMessages.getMessages(getWebsite().getLocaleInstance())
                            .getString("macro.weblog.readMoreLink", args);

                    displayContent += readMore;
            } else {
                displayContent = this.getTransformedText();

        return displayContent;

     * Get the right transformed display content.
     * @roller.wrapPojoMethod type="simple"
    public String getDisplayContent() {
        return displayContent(null);

    /** No-op method to please XDoclet */
    public void setDisplayContent(String ignored) {
