Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.ranger.service; import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType; import java.lang.reflect.TypeVariable; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import javax.persistence.EntityManager; import javax.persistence.Query; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import; import org.apache.ranger.common.ContextUtil; import org.apache.ranger.common.DateUtil; import org.apache.ranger.common.MessageEnums; import org.apache.ranger.common.RESTErrorUtil; import org.apache.ranger.common.RangerSearchUtil; import org.apache.ranger.common.SearchField; import org.apache.ranger.common.SortField; import org.apache.ranger.common.StringUtil; import org.apache.ranger.common.db.BaseDao; import org.apache.ranger.common.view.VList; import org.apache.ranger.db.RangerDaoManager; import org.apache.ranger.entity.XXAccessTypeDef; import org.apache.ranger.entity.XXDBBase; import org.apache.ranger.entity.XXGroup; import org.apache.ranger.entity.XXPolicyConditionDef; import org.apache.ranger.entity.XXPortalUser; import org.apache.ranger.entity.XXResourceDef; import org.apache.ranger.plugin.model.RangerBaseModelObject; import; import org.apache.ranger.plugin.util.SearchFilter; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; public abstract class RangerBaseModelService<T extends XXDBBase, V extends RangerBaseModelObject> { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(RangerBaseModelService.class); @Autowired protected RangerDaoManager daoMgr; @Autowired protected StringUtil stringUtil; @Autowired protected RESTErrorUtil restErrorUtil; @Autowired protected RangerSearchUtil searchUtil; @Autowired RangerBizUtil bizUtil; public static final int OPERATION_CREATE_CONTEXT = 1; public static final int OPERATION_UPDATE_CONTEXT = 2; public static final int OPERATION_DELETE_CONTEXT = 3; protected Class<T> tEntityClass; protected Class<V> tViewClass; private Boolean populateExistingBaseFields; protected String tClassName; public List<SortField> sortFields = new ArrayList<SortField>(); public List<SearchField> searchFields = new ArrayList<SearchField>(); protected final String countQueryStr; protected String queryStr; BaseDao<T> entityDao; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public RangerBaseModelService() { Class klass = getClass(); ParameterizedType genericSuperclass = (ParameterizedType) klass.getGenericSuperclass(); TypeVariable<Class<?>> var[] = klass.getTypeParameters(); if (genericSuperclass.getActualTypeArguments()[0] instanceof Class) { tEntityClass = (Class<T>) genericSuperclass.getActualTypeArguments()[0]; tViewClass = (Class<V>) genericSuperclass.getActualTypeArguments()[1]; } else if (var.length > 0) { tEntityClass = (Class<T>) var[0].getBounds()[0]; tViewClass = (Class<V>) var[1].getBounds()[0]; } else { LOG.fatal("Cannot find class for template", new Throwable()); } if (tEntityClass != null) { tClassName = tEntityClass.getName(); } populateExistingBaseFields = false; countQueryStr = "SELECT COUNT(obj) FROM " + tClassName + " obj "; queryStr = "SELECT obj FROM " + tClassName + " obj "; } protected abstract T mapViewToEntityBean(V viewBean, T t, int OPERATION_CONTEXT); protected abstract V mapEntityToViewBean(V viewBean, T t); protected T createEntityObject() { try { return tEntityClass.newInstance(); } catch (Throwable e) { LOG.error("Error instantiating entity class. tEntityClass=" + tEntityClass.toString(), e); } return null; } protected V createViewObject() { try { return tViewClass.newInstance(); } catch (Throwable e) { LOG.error("Error instantiating view class. tViewClass=" + tViewClass.toString(), e); } return null; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected BaseDao<T> getDao() { if (entityDao == null) { entityDao = (BaseDao<T>) daoMgr.getDaoForClassName(tEntityClass.getSimpleName()); } return entityDao; } protected V populateViewBean(T entityObj) { V vObj = createViewObject(); vObj.setId(entityObj.getId()); vObj.setCreateTime(entityObj.getCreateTime()); vObj.setUpdateTime(entityObj.getUpdateTime()); vObj.setCreatedBy(getUserScreenName(entityObj.getAddedByUserId())); vObj.setUpdatedBy(getUserScreenName(entityObj.getUpdatedByUserId())); return mapEntityToViewBean(vObj, entityObj); } protected T populateEntityBeanForCreate(T entityObj, V vObj) { if (!populateExistingBaseFields) { entityObj.setCreateTime(DateUtil.getUTCDate()); entityObj.setUpdateTime(entityObj.getCreateTime()); entityObj.setAddedByUserId(ContextUtil.getCurrentUserId()); entityObj.setUpdatedByUserId(entityObj.getAddedByUserId()); } else if (populateExistingBaseFields) { XXPortalUser createdByUser = daoMgr.getXXPortalUser().findByLoginId(vObj.getCreatedBy()); XXPortalUser updByUser = daoMgr.getXXPortalUser().findByLoginId(vObj.getUpdatedBy()); entityObj.setId(vObj.getId()); entityObj.setCreateTime(vObj.getCreateTime() != null ? vObj.getCreateTime() : DateUtil.getUTCDate()); entityObj.setUpdateTime(vObj.getUpdateTime() != null ? vObj.getUpdateTime() : DateUtil.getUTCDate()); entityObj.setAddedByUserId( createdByUser != null ? createdByUser.getId() : ContextUtil.getCurrentUserId()); entityObj.setUpdatedByUserId(updByUser != null ? updByUser.getId() : ContextUtil.getCurrentUserId()); } return mapViewToEntityBean(vObj, entityObj, OPERATION_CREATE_CONTEXT); } protected T populateEntityBeanForUpdate(T entityObj, V vObj) { if (entityObj == null) { throw restErrorUtil.createRESTException("No Object found to update.", MessageEnums.DATA_NOT_FOUND); } T ret = mapViewToEntityBean(vObj, entityObj, OPERATION_UPDATE_CONTEXT); if (ret.getCreateTime() == null) { ret.setCreateTime(DateUtil.getUTCDate()); } if (ret.getAddedByUserId() == null) { ret.setAddedByUserId(ContextUtil.getCurrentUserId()); } if (!populateExistingBaseFields) { ret.setUpdateTime(DateUtil.getUTCDate()); ret.setUpdatedByUserId(ContextUtil.getCurrentUserId()); } return ret; } protected abstract void validateForCreate(V vObj); protected abstract void validateForUpdate(V vObj, T entityObj); public T preCreate(V vObj) { validateForCreate(vObj); T entityObj = createEntityObject(); return populateEntityBeanForCreate(entityObj, vObj); } public V postCreate(T xObj) { return populateViewBean(xObj); } public V create(V vObj) { T resource = preCreate(vObj); resource = getDao().create(resource); vObj = postCreate(resource); return vObj; } public V read(Long id) { T resource = getDao().getById(id); if (resource == null) { throw restErrorUtil.createRESTException(tViewClass.getName() + " :Data Not Found for given Id", MessageEnums.DATA_NOT_FOUND, id, null, "readResource : No Object found with given id."); } return populateViewBean(resource); } public V update(V viewBaseBean) { T resource = preUpdate(viewBaseBean); resource = getDao().update(resource); V viewBean = postUpdate(resource); return viewBean; } public V postUpdate(T resource) { return populateViewBean(resource); } public T preUpdate(V viewBaseBean) { T resource = getDao().getById(viewBaseBean.getId()); if (resource == null) { throw restErrorUtil.createRESTException(tEntityClass.getSimpleName() + " not found", MessageEnums.DATA_NOT_FOUND, viewBaseBean.getId(), null, "preUpdate: id not found."); } validateForUpdate(viewBaseBean, resource); return populateEntityBeanForUpdate(resource, viewBaseBean); } public boolean delete(V vObj) { boolean result = false; Long id = vObj.getId(); T resource = preDelete(id); if (resource == null) { throw restErrorUtil.createRESTException(tEntityClass.getSimpleName() + " not found", MessageEnums.DATA_NOT_FOUND, id, null, tEntityClass.getSimpleName() + ":" + id); } try { result = getDao().remove(resource); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Error deleting " + tEntityClass.getSimpleName() + ". Id=" + id, e); throw restErrorUtil.createRESTException(tEntityClass.getSimpleName() + " can't be deleted", MessageEnums.OPER_NOT_ALLOWED_FOR_STATE, id, null, "" + id + ", error=" + e.getMessage()); } return result; } protected T preDelete(Long id) { T resource = getDao().getById(id); if (resource == null) { // Return without error"Delete ignored for non-existent Object, id=" + id); } return resource; } public Boolean getPopulateExistingBaseFields() { return populateExistingBaseFields; } public void setPopulateExistingBaseFields(Boolean populateExistingBaseFields) { this.populateExistingBaseFields = populateExistingBaseFields; } /* * Search Operations * */ public List<T> searchResources(SearchFilter searchCriteria, List<SearchField> searchFieldList, List<SortField> sortFieldList, VList vList) { // Get total count of the rows which meet the search criteria long count = -1; if (searchCriteria.isGetCount()) { count = getCountForSearchQuery(searchCriteria, searchFieldList); if (count == 0) { return Collections.emptyList(); } } String sortClause = searchUtil.constructSortClause(searchCriteria, sortFieldList); String q = queryStr; Query query = createQuery(q, sortClause, searchCriteria, searchFieldList, false); List<T> resultList = getDao().executeQueryInSecurityContext(tEntityClass, query); if (vList != null) { vList.setResultSize(resultList.size()); vList.setPageSize(query.getMaxResults()); vList.setSortBy(searchCriteria.getSortBy()); vList.setSortType(searchCriteria.getSortType()); vList.setStartIndex(query.getFirstResult()); vList.setTotalCount(count); } return resultList; } protected List<T> searchRangerObjects(SearchFilter searchCriteria, List<SearchField> searchFieldList, List<SortField> sortFieldList, PList<V> pList) { // Get total count of the rows which meet the search criteria long count = -1; if (searchCriteria.isGetCount()) { count = getCountForSearchQuery(searchCriteria, searchFieldList); if (count == 0) { return Collections.emptyList(); } } String sortClause = searchUtil.constructSortClause(searchCriteria, sortFieldList); String q = queryStr; Query query = createQuery(q, sortClause, searchCriteria, searchFieldList, false); List<T> resultList = getDao().executeQueryInSecurityContext(tEntityClass, query); if (pList != null) { pList.setResultSize(resultList.size()); pList.setPageSize(query.getMaxResults()); pList.setSortBy(searchCriteria.getSortBy()); pList.setSortType(searchCriteria.getSortType()); pList.setStartIndex(query.getFirstResult()); pList.setTotalCount(count); } return resultList; } protected long getCountForSearchQuery(SearchFilter searchCriteria, List<SearchField> searchFieldList) { String q = countQueryStr; Query query = createQuery(q, null, searchCriteria, searchFieldList, true); Long count = getDao().executeCountQueryInSecurityContext(tEntityClass, query); if (count == null) { return 0; } return count.longValue(); } protected Query createQuery(String searchString, String sortString, SearchFilter searchCriteria, List<SearchField> searchFieldList, boolean isCountQuery) { EntityManager em = getDao().getEntityManager(); Query query = searchUtil.createSearchQuery(em, searchString, sortString, searchCriteria, searchFieldList, getClassType(), false, isCountQuery); return query; } protected int getClassType() { return bizUtil.getClassType(tEntityClass); } protected String getUserScreenName(Long userId) { String ret = null; XXPortalUser xPortalUser = userId == null ? null : daoMgr.getXXPortalUser().getById(userId); if (xPortalUser != null) { ret = xPortalUser.getPublicScreenName(); if (stringUtil.isEmpty(ret)) { ret = xPortalUser.getFirstName(); if (stringUtil.isEmpty(ret)) { ret = xPortalUser.getLoginId(); } else { if (!stringUtil.isEmpty(xPortalUser.getLastName())) { ret += (" " + xPortalUser.getLastName()); } } } } return ret; } protected String getUserName(Long userId) { String ret = null; XXPortalUser xPortalUser = userId == null ? null : daoMgr.getXXPortalUser().getById(userId); if (xPortalUser != null) { ret = xPortalUser.getLoginId(); } return ret; } protected String getGroupName(Long groupId) { String ret = null; XXGroup xGroup = groupId == null ? null : daoMgr.getXXGroup().getById(groupId); if (xGroup != null) { ret = xGroup.getName(); } return ret; } protected String getAccessTypeName(Long accessTypeDefId) { String ret = null; XXAccessTypeDef accessTypeDef = accessTypeDefId == null ? null : daoMgr.getXXAccessTypeDef().getById(accessTypeDefId); if (accessTypeDef != null) { ret = accessTypeDef.getName(); } return ret; } protected String getConditionName(Long conditionDefId) { String ret = null; XXPolicyConditionDef conditionDef = conditionDefId == null ? null : daoMgr.getXXPolicyConditionDef().getById(conditionDefId); if (conditionDef != null) { ret = conditionDef.getName(); } return ret; } protected String getResourceName(Long resourceDefId) { String ret = null; XXResourceDef resourceDef = resourceDefId == null ? null : daoMgr.getXXResourceDef().getById(resourceDefId); if (resourceDef != null) { ret = resourceDef.getName(); } return ret; } }