Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2004,2005 The Apache Software Foundation. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.rampart.util; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.axiom.soap.*; import org.apache.axis2.AxisFault; import org.apache.axis2.addressing.AddressingConstants; import org.apache.axis2.client.Options; import org.apache.axis2.context.MessageContext; import org.apache.axis2.dataretrieval.DRConstants; import org.apache.axis2.dataretrieval.client.MexClient; import org.apache.axis2.description.Parameter; import org.apache.axis2.mex.MexConstants; import org.apache.axis2.mex.MexException; import; import; import; import org.apache.axis2.transport.http.HTTPConstants; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.protocol.Protocol; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.neethi.Policy; import org.apache.neethi.PolicyEngine; import org.apache.rahas.RahasConstants; import org.apache.rahas.Token; import org.apache.rahas.TrustException; import org.apache.rahas.TrustUtil; import org.apache.rahas.client.STSClient; import org.apache.rampart.PolicyBasedResultsValidator; import org.apache.rampart.PolicyValidatorCallbackHandler; import org.apache.rampart.RampartConfigCallbackHandler; import org.apache.rampart.RampartConstants; import org.apache.rampart.RampartException; import org.apache.rampart.RampartMessageData; import org.apache.rampart.policy.RampartPolicyData; import org.apache.rampart.policy.SupportingPolicyData; import org.apache.rampart.policy.model.CryptoConfig; import org.apache.rampart.policy.model.RampartConfig; import; import*; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.jaxen.JaxenException; import org.jaxen.XPath; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import javax.crypto.KeyGenerator; import; import; import javax.xml.namespace.QName; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import; import; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; public class RampartUtil { private static final String CRYPTO_PROVIDER = ""; private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(RampartUtil.class); private static Map<String, CachedCrypto> cryptoStore = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, CachedCrypto>(); private static class CachedCrypto { private Crypto crypto; private long creationTime; public CachedCrypto(Crypto crypto, long creationTime) { this.crypto = crypto; this.creationTime = creationTime; } } public static CallbackHandler getPasswordCB(RampartMessageData rmd) throws RampartException { MessageContext msgContext = rmd.getMsgContext(); RampartPolicyData rpd = rmd.getPolicyData(); return getPasswordCB(msgContext, rpd); } /** * @param msgContext * @param rpd * @return The <code>CallbackHandler</code> instance * @throws RampartException */ public static CallbackHandler getPasswordCB(MessageContext msgContext, RampartPolicyData rpd) throws RampartException { CallbackHandler cbHandler; if (rpd.getRampartConfig() != null && rpd.getRampartConfig().getPwCbClass() != null) { String cbHandlerClass = rpd.getRampartConfig().getPwCbClass(); ClassLoader classLoader = msgContext.getAxisService().getClassLoader(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("loading class : " + cbHandlerClass); } Class cbClass; try { cbClass = Loader.loadClass(classLoader, cbHandlerClass); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new RampartException("cannotLoadPWCBClass", new String[] { cbHandlerClass }, e); } try { cbHandler = (CallbackHandler) cbClass.newInstance(); } catch (java.lang.Exception e) { throw new RampartException("cannotCreatePWCBInstance", new String[] { cbHandlerClass }, e); } } else { cbHandler = (CallbackHandler) msgContext.getProperty(WSHandlerConstants.PW_CALLBACK_REF); if (cbHandler == null) { Parameter param = msgContext.getParameter(WSHandlerConstants.PW_CALLBACK_REF); if (param != null) { cbHandler = (CallbackHandler) param.getValue(); } } } return cbHandler; } /** * Returns an instance of PolicyValidatorCallbackHandler to be used to validate ws-security results. * * @param msgContext {@link MessageContext} * @param rpd {@link RampartPolicyData} * @return {@link PolicyValidatorCallbackHandler} * @throws RampartException RampartException */ public static PolicyValidatorCallbackHandler getPolicyValidatorCB(MessageContext msgContext, RampartPolicyData rpd) throws RampartException { PolicyValidatorCallbackHandler cbHandler; if (rpd.getRampartConfig() != null && rpd.getRampartConfig().getPolicyValidatorCbClass() != null) { String cbHandlerClass = rpd.getRampartConfig().getPolicyValidatorCbClass(); ClassLoader classLoader = msgContext.getAxisService().getClassLoader(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("loading class : " + cbHandlerClass); } Class cbClass; try { cbClass = Loader.loadClass(classLoader, cbHandlerClass); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new RampartException("cannotLoadPolicyValidatorCbClass", new String[] { cbHandlerClass }, e); } try { cbHandler = (PolicyValidatorCallbackHandler) cbClass.newInstance(); } catch (java.lang.Exception e) { throw new RampartException("cannotCreatePolicyValidatorCallbackInstance", new String[] { cbHandlerClass }, e); } } else { // Initialise default PolicyValidatorCallbackHandler... cbHandler = new PolicyBasedResultsValidator(); } return cbHandler; } public static RampartConfigCallbackHandler getRampartConfigCallbackHandler(MessageContext msgContext, RampartPolicyData rpd) throws RampartException { RampartConfigCallbackHandler rampartConfigCB; if (rpd.getRampartConfig() != null && rpd.getRampartConfig().getRampartConfigCbClass() != null) { String cbHandlerClass = rpd.getRampartConfig().getRampartConfigCbClass(); ClassLoader classLoader = msgContext.getAxisService().getClassLoader(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("loading class : " + cbHandlerClass); } Class cbClass; try { cbClass = Loader.loadClass(classLoader, cbHandlerClass); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new RampartException("cannotLoadRampartConfigCallbackClass", new String[] { cbHandlerClass }, e); } try { rampartConfigCB = (RampartConfigCallbackHandler) cbClass.newInstance(); } catch (java.lang.Exception e) { throw new RampartException("cannotCreateRampartConfigCallbackInstance", new String[] { cbHandlerClass }, e); } return rampartConfigCB; } return null; } /** * Perform a callback to get a password. * <p/> * The called back function gets an indication why to provide a password: * to produce a UsernameToken, Signature, or a password (key) for a given * name. */ public static WSPasswordCallback performCallback(CallbackHandler cbHandler, String username, int doAction) throws RampartException { WSPasswordCallback pwCb; int reason = 0; switch (doAction) { case WSConstants.UT: case WSConstants.UT_SIGN: reason = WSPasswordCallback.USERNAME_TOKEN; break; case WSConstants.SIGN: reason = WSPasswordCallback.SIGNATURE; break; case WSConstants.ENCR: reason = WSPasswordCallback.KEY_NAME; break; } pwCb = new WSPasswordCallback(username, reason); Callback[] callbacks = new Callback[1]; callbacks[0] = pwCb; /* * Call back the application to get the password */ try { cbHandler.handle(callbacks); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RampartException("pwcbFailed", e); } return pwCb; } /** * Create the <code>Crypto</code> instance for encryption using information * from the rampart configuration assertion * * @param config * @return The <code>Crypto</code> instance to be used for encryption * @throws RampartException */ public static Crypto getEncryptionCrypto(RampartConfig config, ClassLoader loader) throws RampartException { log.debug("Loading encryption crypto"); Crypto crypto = null; if (config != null && config.getEncrCryptoConfig() != null) { CryptoConfig cryptoConfig = config.getEncrCryptoConfig(); String provider = cryptoConfig.getProvider(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Using provider: " + provider); } Properties prop = cryptoConfig.getProp(); prop.put(CRYPTO_PROVIDER, provider); String cryptoKey = null; String interval = null; if (cryptoConfig.isCacheEnabled()) { if (cryptoConfig.getCryptoKey() != null) { cryptoKey = prop.getProperty(cryptoConfig.getCryptoKey()); interval = cryptoConfig.getCacheRefreshInterval(); } else if (provider.equals(RampartConstants.MERLIN_CRYPTO_IMPL)) { cryptoKey = cryptoConfig.getProp().getProperty(RampartConstants.MERLIN_CRYPTO_IMPL_CACHE_KEY); } } if (cryptoKey != null) { // Crypto caching is enabled crypto = retrieveCryptoFromCache(cryptoKey.trim() + "#" + provider.trim(), interval); } if (crypto == null) { // cache miss crypto = CryptoFactory.getInstance(prop, loader); if (cryptoKey != null) { // Crypto caching is enabled - cache the Crypto object cacheCrypto(cryptoKey.trim() + "#" + provider.trim(), crypto); } } } else { log.debug("Trying the signature crypto info"); crypto = getSignatureCrypto(config, loader); } return crypto; } /** * Create the <code>Crypto</code> instance for signature using information * from the rampart configuration assertion * * @param config * @return The <code>Crypto</code> instance to be used for signature * @throws RampartException */ public static Crypto getSignatureCrypto(RampartConfig config, ClassLoader loader) throws RampartException { log.debug("Loading Signature crypto"); Crypto crypto = null; if (config != null && config.getSigCryptoConfig() != null) { CryptoConfig cryptoConfig = config.getSigCryptoConfig(); String provider = cryptoConfig.getProvider(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Using provider: " + provider); } Properties prop = cryptoConfig.getProp(); prop.put(CRYPTO_PROVIDER, provider); String cryptoKey = null; String interval = null; if (cryptoConfig.isCacheEnabled()) { if (cryptoConfig.getCryptoKey() != null) { cryptoKey = prop.getProperty(cryptoConfig.getCryptoKey()); interval = cryptoConfig.getCacheRefreshInterval(); } else if (provider.equals(RampartConstants.MERLIN_CRYPTO_IMPL)) { cryptoKey = cryptoConfig.getProp().getProperty(RampartConstants.MERLIN_CRYPTO_IMPL_CACHE_KEY); } } if (cryptoKey != null) { // cache enabled crypto = retrieveCryptoFromCache(cryptoKey.trim() + "#" + provider.trim(), interval); } if (crypto == null) { // cache miss crypto = CryptoFactory.getInstance(prop, loader); if (cryptoKey != null) { // cache enabled - let's cache cacheCrypto(cryptoKey.trim() + "#" + provider.trim(), crypto); } } } return crypto; } /** * figureout the key identifier of a give X509Token * @param token * @return The key identifier of a give X509Token * @throws RampartException */ public static int getKeyIdentifier(X509Token token) throws RampartException { if (token.isRequireIssuerSerialReference()) { return WSConstants.ISSUER_SERIAL; } else if (token.isRequireThumbprintReference()) { return WSConstants.THUMBPRINT_IDENTIFIER; } else if (token.isRequireEmbeddedTokenReference()) { return WSConstants.BST_DIRECT_REFERENCE; } else { throw new RampartException("unknownKeyRefSpeficier"); } } /** * Process a give issuer address element and return the address. * @param issuerAddress * @return The address of an issuer address element * @throws RampartException If the issuer address element is malformed. */ public static String processIssuerAddress(OMElement issuerAddress) throws RampartException { if (issuerAddress == null) { throw new RampartException("invalidIssuerAddress", new String[] { "Issuer address null" }); } if (issuerAddress.getText() == null || "".equals(issuerAddress.getText())) { throw new RampartException("invalidIssuerAddress", new String[] { issuerAddress.toString() }); } return issuerAddress.getText().trim(); } /** * Retrieve policy using metadata reference * <wsa:Metadata xmlns:wsa=""> * <mex:Metadata * xmlns:mex="" * xmlns:xsi=""> * <mex:MetadataSection> * <mex:MetadataReference> * <wsa:Address>http://address/of/mex/service</wsa:Address> * </mex:MetadataReference> * </mex:MetadataSection> * </mex:Metadata> * </wsa:Metadata> * @param mex Metadata element * @return Policy from the mex service */ public static Policy getPolicyFromMetadataRef(OMElement mex) throws RampartException { try { Metadata metadata = new Metadata(); metadata.fromOM(mex.getFirstElement()); MetadataSection[] metadataSections = metadata.getMetadatSections(); MetadataReference reference = metadataSections[0].getMetadataReference(); MexClient serviceClient = new MexClient(); Options options = serviceClient.getOptions(); options.setTo(reference.getEPR()); options.setAction(DRConstants.SPEC.Actions.GET_METADATA_REQUEST); OMElement request = serviceClient.setupGetMetadataRequest(MexConstants.SPEC.DIALECT_TYPE_POLICY, null); OMElement result = serviceClient.sendReceive(request); metadata.fromOM(result); MetadataSection[] mexSecs = metadata.getMetadataSection(MexConstants.SPEC.DIALECT_TYPE_POLICY, null); OMElement policyElement = (OMElement) mexSecs[0].getInlineData(); return PolicyEngine.getPolicy(policyElement); } catch (MexException e) { throw new RampartException("Error Retrieving the policy from mex", e); } catch (AxisFault e) { throw new RampartException("Error Retrieving the policy from mex", e); } } public static Policy addRampartConfig(RampartMessageData rmd, Policy policy) { RampartConfig servicRampConf = rmd.getPolicyData().getRampartConfig(); RampartConfig stsRampConf = new RampartConfig(); //TODO copy all the properties of service ramp conf to sts ramp conf stsRampConf.setUser(servicRampConf.getUser()); stsRampConf.setSigCryptoConfig(servicRampConf.getSigCryptoConfig()); stsRampConf.setPwCbClass(servicRampConf.getPwCbClass()); stsRampConf.setEncryptionUser(servicRampConf.getStsAlias()); stsRampConf.setEncrCryptoConfig(servicRampConf.getStsCryptoConfig()); policy.addAssertion(stsRampConf); return policy; } public static OMElement createRSTTempalteForSCT(int conversationVersion, int wstVersion) throws RampartException { try { log.debug("Creating RSTTemplate for an SCT request"); OMFactory fac = OMAbstractFactory.getOMFactory(); OMNamespace wspNs = fac.createOMNamespace(SPConstants.P_NS, "wsp"); OMElement rstTempl = fac.createOMElement(SPConstants.REQUEST_SECURITY_TOKEN_TEMPLATE, wspNs); //Create TokenType element and set the value OMElement tokenTypeElem = TrustUtil.createTokenTypeElement(wstVersion, rstTempl); String tokenType = ConversationConstants.getWSCNs(conversationVersion) + ConversationConstants.TOKEN_TYPE_SECURITY_CONTEXT_TOKEN; tokenTypeElem.setText(tokenType); return rstTempl; } catch (TrustException e) { throw new RampartException("errorCreatingRSTTemplateForSCT", e); } catch (ConversationException e) { throw new RampartException("errorCreatingRSTTemplateForSCT", e); } } public static int getTimeToLive(RampartMessageData messageData) { RampartConfig rampartConfig = messageData.getPolicyData().getRampartConfig(); if (rampartConfig != null) { String ttl = rampartConfig.getTimestampTTL(); int ttl_i = 0; if (ttl != null) { try { ttl_i = Integer.parseInt(ttl); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { ttl_i = messageData.getTimeToLive(); } } if (ttl_i <= 0) { ttl_i = messageData.getTimeToLive(); } return ttl_i; } else { return RampartConfig.DEFAULT_TIMESTAMP_TTL; } } public static int getTimestampMaxSkew(RampartMessageData messageData) { RampartConfig rampartConfig = messageData.getPolicyData().getRampartConfig(); if (rampartConfig != null) { String maxSkew = rampartConfig.getTimestampMaxSkew(); int maxSkew_i = 0; if (maxSkew != null) { try { maxSkew_i = Integer.parseInt(maxSkew); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { maxSkew_i = messageData.getTimestampMaxSkew(); } } if (maxSkew_i < 0) { maxSkew_i = 0; } return maxSkew_i; } else { return RampartConfig.DEFAULT_TIMESTAMP_MAX_SKEW; } } /** * Obtain a security context token. * @param rmd * @param secConvTok * @return Return the SecurityContextidentifier of the token * @throws TrustException * @throws RampartException */ public static String getSecConvToken(RampartMessageData rmd, SecureConversationToken secConvTok) throws TrustException, RampartException { String action = TrustUtil.getActionValue(rmd.getWstVersion(), RahasConstants.RST_ACTION_SCT); // Get sts epr OMElement issuerEpr = secConvTok.getIssuerEpr(); String issuerEprAddress = rmd.getMsgContext().getTo().getAddress(); if (issuerEpr != null) { issuerEprAddress = RampartUtil.processIssuerAddress(issuerEpr); } //Find SC version int conversationVersion = rmd.getSecConvVersion(); OMElement rstTemplate = RampartUtil.createRSTTempalteForSCT(conversationVersion, rmd.getWstVersion()); Policy stsPolicy = null; //Try boot strap policy Policy bsPol = secConvTok.getBootstrapPolicy(); if (bsPol != null) { log.debug("BootstrapPolicy found"); bsPol.addAssertion(rmd.getPolicyData().getRampartConfig()); //copy the <wsoma:OptimizedMimeSerialization/> to BootstrapPolicy if (rmd.getPolicyData().getMTOMAssertion() != null) { bsPol.addAssertion(rmd.getPolicyData().getMTOMAssertion()); } stsPolicy = bsPol; } else { //No bootstrap policy use issuer policy log.debug("No bootstrap policy, using issuer policy"); stsPolicy = rmd.getPolicyData().getIssuerPolicy(); } String id = getToken(rmd, rstTemplate, issuerEprAddress, action, stsPolicy); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("SecureConversationToken obtained: id=" + id); } return id; } /** * Obtain an issued token. * @param rmd * @param issuedToken * @return The identifier of the issued token * @throws RampartException */ public static String getIssuedToken(RampartMessageData rmd, IssuedToken issuedToken) throws RampartException { try { //TODO : Provide the overriding mechanism to provide a custom way of //obtaining a token String action = TrustUtil.getActionValue(rmd.getWstVersion(), RahasConstants.RST_ACTION_ISSUE); // Get sts epr String issuerEprAddress = RampartUtil.processIssuerAddress(issuedToken.getIssuerEpr()); OMElement rstTemplate = issuedToken.getRstTemplate(); // Get STS policy Policy stsPolicy = (Policy) rmd.getMsgContext().getProperty(RampartMessageData.RAMPART_STS_POLICY); if (stsPolicy == null && issuedToken.getIssuerMex() != null) { stsPolicy = RampartUtil.getPolicyFromMetadataRef(issuedToken.getIssuerMex()); RampartUtil.addRampartConfig(rmd, stsPolicy); } String id = getToken(rmd, rstTemplate, issuerEprAddress, action, stsPolicy); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Issued token obtained: id=" + id); } return id; } catch (TrustException e) { throw new RampartException("errorInObtainingToken", e); } } /** * Request a token. * @param rmd * @param rstTemplate * @param issuerEpr * @param action * @param issuerPolicy * @return Return the identifier of the obtained token * @throws RampartException */ public static String getToken(RampartMessageData rmd, OMElement rstTemplate, String issuerEpr, String action, Policy issuerPolicy) throws RampartException { try { //First check whether the user has provided the token MessageContext msgContext = rmd.getMsgContext(); String customTokeId = (String) msgContext.getProperty(RampartMessageData.KEY_CUSTOM_ISSUED_TOKEN); if (customTokeId != null) { return customTokeId; } else { Axis2Util.useDOOM(false); STSClient client = new STSClient(rmd.getMsgContext().getConfigurationContext()); // Set request action client.setAction(action); client.setVersion(rmd.getWstVersion()); client.setRstTemplate(rstTemplate); // Set crypto information Crypto crypto = RampartUtil.getSignatureCrypto(rmd.getPolicyData().getRampartConfig(), rmd.getMsgContext().getAxisService().getClassLoader()); CallbackHandler cbh = RampartUtil.getPasswordCB(rmd); client.setCryptoInfo(crypto, cbh); // Get service policy Policy servicePolicy = rmd.getServicePolicy(); // Get service epr String servceEprAddress = rmd.getMsgContext().getOptions().getTo().getAddress(); //If addressing version can be found set it Object addrVersionNs = msgContext.getProperty(AddressingConstants.WS_ADDRESSING_VERSION); if (addrVersionNs != null) { client.setAddressingNs((String) addrVersionNs); } Options options = new Options(); options.setUserName(rmd.getMsgContext().getOptions().getUserName()); options.setPassword(rmd.getMsgContext().getOptions().getPassword()); if (msgContext.getProperty(HTTPConstants.CUSTOM_PROTOCOL_HANDLER) != null) { Protocol protocolHandler = (Protocol) msgContext .getProperty(HTTPConstants.CUSTOM_PROTOCOL_HANDLER); ; options.setProperty(HTTPConstants.CUSTOM_PROTOCOL_HANDLER, protocolHandler); } if (msgContext.getParameter(WSHandlerConstants.PW_CALLBACK_REF) != null) { Parameter pwCallback = msgContext.getParameter(WSHandlerConstants.PW_CALLBACK_REF); client.addParameter(pwCallback); } client.setOptions(options); //Set soap version if (msgContext.isSOAP11()) { client.setSoapVersion(SOAP11Constants.SOAP_ENVELOPE_NAMESPACE_URI); } else { client.setSoapVersion(SOAP12Constants.SOAP_ENVELOPE_NAMESPACE_URI); } //Make the request org.apache.rahas.Token rst = client.requestSecurityToken(servicePolicy, issuerEpr, issuerPolicy, servceEprAddress); //Add the token to token storage rst.setState(Token.ISSUED); rmd.getTokenStorage().add(rst); Axis2Util.useDOOM(true); return rst.getId(); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new RampartException("errorInObtainingToken", e); } } public static String getSoapBodyId(SOAPEnvelope env) { return addWsuIdToElement(env.getBody()); } public static String addWsuIdToElement(OMElement elem) { String id; //first try to get the Id attr OMAttribute idAttr = elem.getAttribute(new QName("Id")); if (idAttr == null) { //then try the wsu:Id value idAttr = elem.getAttribute(new QName(WSConstants.WSU_NS, "Id")); } if (idAttr != null) { id = idAttr.getAttributeValue(); } else { //Add an id OMNamespace ns = elem.getOMFactory().createOMNamespace(WSConstants.WSU_NS, WSConstants.WSU_PREFIX); id = "Id-" + elem.hashCode(); idAttr = elem.getOMFactory().createOMAttribute("Id", ns, id); elem.addAttribute(idAttr); } return id; } public static Element appendChildToSecHeader(RampartMessageData rmd, OMElement elem) { return appendChildToSecHeader(rmd, (Element) elem); } public static Element appendChildToSecHeader(RampartMessageData rmd, Element elem) { Element secHeaderElem = rmd.getSecHeader().getSecurityHeader(); Node node = secHeaderElem.getOwnerDocument().importNode(elem, true); return (Element) secHeaderElem.appendChild(node); } public static Element insertSiblingAfter(RampartMessageData rmd, Element child, Element sibling) { if (child == null) { return appendChildToSecHeader(rmd, sibling); } else { if (child.getOwnerDocument().equals(sibling.getOwnerDocument())) { if (child.getParentNode() == null && !child.getLocalName().equals("UsernameToken")) { rmd.getSecHeader().getSecurityHeader().appendChild(child); } ((OMElement) child).insertSiblingAfter((OMElement) sibling); return sibling; } else { Element newSib = (Element) child.getOwnerDocument().importNode(sibling, true); ((OMElement) child).insertSiblingAfter((OMElement) newSib); return newSib; } } } public static Element insertSiblingBefore(RampartMessageData rmd, Element child, Element sibling) { if (child == null) { return appendChildToSecHeader(rmd, sibling); } else { if (child.getOwnerDocument().equals(sibling.getOwnerDocument())) { ((OMElement) child).insertSiblingBefore((OMElement) sibling); return sibling; } else { Element newSib = (Element) child.getOwnerDocument().importNode(sibling, true); ((OMElement) child).insertSiblingBefore((OMElement) newSib); return newSib; } } } public static Vector getEncryptedParts(RampartMessageData rmd) { RampartPolicyData rpd = rmd.getPolicyData(); SOAPEnvelope envelope = rmd.getMsgContext().getEnvelope(); Set namespaces = rmd.getDeclaredNamespaces(); if (namespaces == null) { namespaces = RampartUtil.findAllPrefixNamespaces(rmd.getMsgContext().getEnvelope(), rpd.getDeclaredNamespaces()); } Vector encryptedPartsElements = getPartsAndElements(false, envelope, rpd.isEncryptBody() && !rpd.isEncryptBodyOptional(), rpd.getEncryptedParts(), rpd.getEncryptedElements(), namespaces); return getContentEncryptedElements(encryptedPartsElements, envelope, rpd.getContentEncryptedElements(), namespaces); } public static Vector getSignedParts(RampartMessageData rmd) { RampartPolicyData rpd = rmd.getPolicyData(); SOAPEnvelope envelope = rmd.getMsgContext().getEnvelope(); Set namespaces = rmd.getDeclaredNamespaces(); if (namespaces == null) { namespaces = RampartUtil.findAllPrefixNamespaces(rmd.getMsgContext().getEnvelope(), rpd.getDeclaredNamespaces()); } //"signAllHeaders" indicates that all the headers should be signed. if (rpd.isSignAllHeaders()) { Iterator childHeaders = envelope.getHeader().getChildElements(); while (childHeaders.hasNext()) { OMElement hb = (OMElement); if (!(hb.getLocalName().equals(WSConstants.WSSE_LN) && hb.getNamespace().getNamespaceURI().equals(WSConstants.WSSE_NS))) { rpd.addSignedPart(hb.getNamespace().getNamespaceURI(), hb.getLocalName()); } } } return getPartsAndElements(true, envelope, rpd.isSignBody() && !rpd.isSignBodyOptional(), rpd.getSignedParts(), rpd.getSignedElements(), namespaces); } public static Vector getSupportingEncryptedParts(RampartMessageData rmd, SupportingPolicyData rpd) { SOAPEnvelope envelope = rmd.getMsgContext().getEnvelope(); Set namespaces = rmd.getDeclaredNamespaces(); if (namespaces == null) { namespaces = RampartUtil.findAllPrefixNamespaces(rmd.getMsgContext().getEnvelope(), rpd.getDeclaredNamespaces()); } return getPartsAndElements(false, envelope, rpd.isEncryptBody() && !rpd.isEncryptBodyOptional(), rpd.getEncryptedParts(), rpd.getEncryptedElements(), namespaces); } public static Vector getSupportingSignedParts(RampartMessageData rmd, SupportingPolicyData rpd) { SOAPEnvelope envelope = rmd.getMsgContext().getEnvelope(); Set namespaces = rmd.getDeclaredNamespaces(); if (namespaces == null) { namespaces = RampartUtil.findAllPrefixNamespaces(rmd.getMsgContext().getEnvelope(), rpd.getDeclaredNamespaces()); } return getPartsAndElements(true, envelope, rpd.isSignBody() && !rpd.isSignBodyOptional(), rpd.getSignedParts(), rpd.getSignedElements(), namespaces); } public static Set findAllPrefixNamespaces(OMElement currentElement, HashMap decNamespacess) { Set results = new HashSet(); //Find declared namespaces findPrefixNamespaces(currentElement, results); //Get all default namespaces List defaultNamespaces = getDefaultPrefixNamespaces(currentElement.getOMFactory()); for (Iterator iterator = defaultNamespaces.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { OMNamespace ns = (OMNamespace); results.add(ns); } for (Iterator iterator = decNamespacess.keySet().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { String prefix = (String); String ns = (String) decNamespacess.get(prefix); OMFactory omFactory = currentElement.getOMFactory(); OMNamespace namespace = omFactory.createOMNamespace(ns, prefix); results.add(namespace); } return results; } private static void findPrefixNamespaces(OMElement e, Set results) { Iterator iter = e.getAllDeclaredNamespaces(); if (iter != null) { while (iter.hasNext()) results.add(; } Iterator children = e.getChildElements(); while (children.hasNext()) { findPrefixNamespaces((OMElement), results); } } private static List getDefaultPrefixNamespaces(OMFactory factory) { List namespaces = new ArrayList(); // put default namespaces here (sp, soapenv, wsu, etc...) namespaces.add(factory.createOMNamespace(WSConstants.ENC_NS, WSConstants.ENC_PREFIX)); namespaces.add(factory.createOMNamespace(WSConstants.SIG_NS, WSConstants.SIG_PREFIX)); namespaces.add(factory.createOMNamespace(WSConstants.WSSE_NS, WSConstants.WSSE_PREFIX)); namespaces.add(factory.createOMNamespace(WSConstants.WSU_NS, WSConstants.WSU_PREFIX)); return namespaces; } public static Vector getContentEncryptedElements(Vector encryptedPartsElements, SOAPEnvelope envelope, Vector elements, Set namespaces) { Iterator elementsIter = elements.iterator(); while (elementsIter.hasNext()) { String expression = (String); try { XPath xp = new AXIOMXPath(expression); Iterator nsIter = namespaces.iterator(); while (nsIter.hasNext()) { OMNamespace tmpNs = (OMNamespace); xp.addNamespace(tmpNs.getPrefix(), tmpNs.getNamespaceURI()); } List selectedNodes = xp.selectNodes(envelope); Iterator nodesIter = selectedNodes.iterator(); while (nodesIter.hasNext()) { OMElement e = (OMElement); String localName = e.getLocalName(); String namespace = e.getNamespace() != null ? e.getNamespace().getNamespaceURI() : null; WSEncryptionPart encryptedElem = new WSEncryptionPart(localName, namespace, "Content", WSConstants.PART_TYPE_ELEMENT); encryptedElem.setXpath(expression); OMAttribute wsuId = e.getAttribute(new QName(WSConstants.WSU_NS, "Id")); if (wsuId != null) { encryptedElem.setEncId(wsuId.getAttributeValue()); } encryptedPartsElements.add(encryptedElem); } } catch (JaxenException e) { // This has to be changed to propagate an instance of a RampartException up throw new RuntimeException(e); } } return encryptedPartsElements; } public static Vector getPartsAndElements(boolean sign, SOAPEnvelope envelope, boolean includeBody, Vector parts, Vector elements, Set namespaces) { Vector found = new Vector(); Vector result = new Vector(); // check body if (includeBody) { if (sign) { result.add(new WSEncryptionPart(addWsuIdToElement(envelope.getBody()), null, WSConstants.PART_TYPE_BODY)); } else { result.add(new WSEncryptionPart(addWsuIdToElement(envelope.getBody()), "Content", WSConstants.PART_TYPE_BODY)); } found.add(envelope.getBody()); } // Search envelope header for 'parts' from Policy (SignedParts/EncryptedParts) SOAPHeader header = envelope.getHeader(); for (int i = 0; i < parts.size(); i++) { WSEncryptionPart wsep = (WSEncryptionPart) parts.get(i); if (wsep.getName() == null) { // NO name - search by namespace ArrayList headerList = header.getHeaderBlocksWithNSURI(wsep.getNamespace()); for (int j = 0; j < headerList.size(); j++) { SOAPHeaderBlock shb = (SOAPHeaderBlock) headerList.get(j); // find reference in envelope OMElement e = header.getFirstChildWithName(shb.getQName()); if (!found.contains(e)) { // found new found.add(e); if (sign) { result.add(new WSEncryptionPart(e.getLocalName(), wsep.getNamespace(), "Content", WSConstants.PART_TYPE_HEADER)); } else { WSEncryptionPart encryptedHeader = new WSEncryptionPart(e.getLocalName(), wsep.getNamespace(), "Element", WSConstants.PART_TYPE_HEADER); OMAttribute wsuId = e.getAttribute(new QName(WSConstants.WSU_NS, "Id")); if (wsuId != null) { encryptedHeader.setEncId(wsuId.getAttributeValue()); } result.add(encryptedHeader); } } } } else { // try to find OMElement e = header.getFirstChildWithName(new QName(wsep.getNamespace(), wsep.getName())); if (e != null) { if (!found.contains(e)) { // found new (reuse wsep) found.add(e); wsep.setType(WSConstants.PART_TYPE_HEADER); OMAttribute wsuId = e.getAttribute(new QName(WSConstants.WSU_NS, "Id")); if (wsuId != null) { wsep.setEncId(wsuId.getAttributeValue()); } result.add(wsep); } } } } // ?? Search for 'Elements' here // decide what exactly is going to be used - only the default namespaces, or the list of all declared namespaces in the message ! Iterator elementsIter = elements.iterator(); while (elementsIter.hasNext()) { String expression = (String); try { XPath xp = new AXIOMXPath(expression); Iterator nsIter = namespaces.iterator(); while (nsIter.hasNext()) { OMNamespace tmpNs = (OMNamespace); xp.addNamespace(tmpNs.getPrefix(), tmpNs.getNamespaceURI()); } List selectedNodes = xp.selectNodes(envelope); Iterator nodesIter = selectedNodes.iterator(); while (nodesIter.hasNext()) { OMElement e = (OMElement); String localName = e.getLocalName(); String namespace = e.getNamespace() != null ? e.getNamespace().getNamespaceURI() : null; if (sign) { WSEncryptionPart encryptedElem = new WSEncryptionPart(localName, namespace, "Content", WSConstants.PART_TYPE_ELEMENT); encryptedElem.setXpath(expression); result.add(encryptedElem); } else { WSEncryptionPart encryptedElem = new WSEncryptionPart(localName, namespace, "Element", WSConstants.PART_TYPE_ELEMENT); encryptedElem.setXpath(expression); OMAttribute wsuId = e.getAttribute(new QName(WSConstants.WSU_NS, "Id")); if (wsuId != null) { encryptedElem.setEncId(wsuId.getAttributeValue()); } result.add(encryptedElem); } } } catch (JaxenException e) { // This has to be changed to propagate an instance of a RampartException up throw new RuntimeException(e); } } return result; } /** * Get a element for SOAP * @param envelope SOAP Envelope of which we should check required elements * @param namespaces Declared namespaces in RequiredElements assertion * @param expression XPATH expression of required elements * @return */ public static boolean checkRequiredElements(SOAPEnvelope envelope, Set namespaces, String expression) { // The XPath expression must be evaluated against the SOAP header // SOAPHeader header = envelope.getHeader(); try { XPath xp = new AXIOMXPath(expression); Iterator nsIter = namespaces.iterator(); while (nsIter.hasNext()) { OMNamespace tmpNs = (OMNamespace); xp.addNamespace(tmpNs.getPrefix(), tmpNs.getNamespaceURI()); } List selectedNodes = xp.selectNodes(header); if (selectedNodes.size() == 0) { return false; } } catch (JaxenException e) { // This has to be changed to propagate an instance of a RampartException up throw new RuntimeException(e); } return true; } public static KeyGenerator getEncryptionKeyGenerator(String symEncrAlgo) throws WSSecurityException { KeyGenerator keyGen; try { /* * Assume AES as default, so initialize it */ keyGen = KeyGenerator.getInstance("AES"); if (symEncrAlgo.equalsIgnoreCase(WSConstants.TRIPLE_DES)) { keyGen = KeyGenerator.getInstance("DESede"); } else if (symEncrAlgo.equalsIgnoreCase(WSConstants.AES_128)) { keyGen.init(128); } else if (symEncrAlgo.equalsIgnoreCase(WSConstants.AES_192)) { keyGen.init(192); } else if (symEncrAlgo.equalsIgnoreCase(WSConstants.AES_256)) { keyGen.init(256); } else { return null; } } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { throw new WSSecurityException(WSSecurityException.UNSUPPORTED_ALGORITHM, null, null, e); } return keyGen; } /** * Creates the unique (reproducible) id for to hold the context identifier * of the message exchange. * @return Id to hold the context identifier in the message context */ public static String getContextIdentifierKey(MessageContext msgContext) { return msgContext.getAxisService().getName(); } /** * Returns the map of security context token identifiers * @return the map of security context token identifiers */ public static Hashtable getContextMap(MessageContext msgContext) { //Fist check whether its there Object map = msgContext.getConfigurationContext().getProperty(ConversationConstants.KEY_CONTEXT_MAP); if (map == null) { //If not create a new one map = new Hashtable(); //Set the map globally msgContext.getConfigurationContext().setProperty(ConversationConstants.KEY_CONTEXT_MAP, map); } return (Hashtable) map; } public static boolean isTokenValid(RampartMessageData rmd, String id) throws RampartException { try { org.apache.rahas.Token token = rmd.getTokenStorage().getToken(id); return token != null && token.getState() == org.apache.rahas.Token.ISSUED; } catch (TrustException e) { throw new RampartException("errorExtractingToken"); } } public static void setEncryptionUser(RampartMessageData rmd, WSSecEncryptedKey encrKeyBuilder) throws RampartException { RampartPolicyData rpd = rmd.getPolicyData(); String encrUser = rpd.getRampartConfig().getEncryptionUser(); setEncryptionUser(rmd, encrKeyBuilder, encrUser); } public static void setEncryptionUser(RampartMessageData rmd, WSSecEncryptedKey encrKeyBuilder, String encrUser) throws RampartException { RampartPolicyData rpd = rmd.getPolicyData(); if (encrUser == null) { encrUser = rpd.getRampartConfig().getEncryptionUser(); } if (encrUser == null || "".equals(encrUser)) { throw new RampartException("missingEncryptionUser"); } if (encrUser.equals(WSHandlerConstants.USE_REQ_SIG_CERT)) { Object resultsObj = rmd.getMsgContext().getProperty(WSHandlerConstants.RECV_RESULTS); if (resultsObj != null) { encrKeyBuilder.setUseThisCert(getReqSigCert((Vector) resultsObj)); //TODO This is a hack, this should not come under USE_REQ_SIG_CERT if (encrKeyBuilder.isCertSet()) { encrKeyBuilder.setUserInfo(getUsername((Vector) resultsObj)); } } else { throw new RampartException("noSecurityResults"); } } else { encrKeyBuilder.setUserInfo(encrUser); } } /** * Sets the keyIdentifierType of <code>WSSecSignature</code> or <code>WSSecEncryptedKey</code> * according to the given <code>Token</code> and <code>RampartPolicyData</code> * First check the requirements specified under Token Assertion and if not found check * the WSS11 and WSS10 assertions */ public static void setKeyIdentifierType(RampartMessageData rmd, WSSecBase secBase, token) { // Use a reference rather than the binary security token if: the policy never allows the token to be // included; or this is the recipient and the token should only be included in requests; or this is // the initiator and the token should only be included in responses. final boolean useReference = token.getInclusion() == SPConstants.INCLUDE_TOKEN_NEVER || !rmd.isInitiator() && token.getInclusion() == SPConstants.INCLUDE_TOEKN_ALWAYS_TO_RECIPIENT || rmd.isInitiator() && token.getInclusion() == SPConstants.INCLUDE_TOEKN_ALWAYS_TO_INITIATOR; if (useReference) { boolean tokenTypeSet = false; if (token instanceof X509Token) { X509Token x509Token = (X509Token) token; if (x509Token.isRequireIssuerSerialReference()) { secBase.setKeyIdentifierType(WSConstants.ISSUER_SERIAL); tokenTypeSet = true; } else if (x509Token.isRequireKeyIdentifierReference()) { secBase.setKeyIdentifierType(WSConstants.SKI_KEY_IDENTIFIER); tokenTypeSet = true; } else if (x509Token.isRequireThumbprintReference()) { secBase.setKeyIdentifierType(WSConstants.THUMBPRINT_IDENTIFIER); tokenTypeSet = true; } else if (x509Token.isRequireEmbeddedTokenReference()) { secBase.setKeyIdentifierType(WSConstants.EMBED_SECURITY_TOKEN_REF); tokenTypeSet = true; } } if (!tokenTypeSet) { final RampartPolicyData rpd = rmd.getPolicyData(); Wss10 wss = rpd.getWss11(); if (wss == null) { wss = rpd.getWss10(); } if (wss.isMustSupportRefKeyIdentifier()) { secBase.setKeyIdentifierType(WSConstants.SKI_KEY_IDENTIFIER); } else if (wss.isMustSupportRefIssuerSerial()) { secBase.setKeyIdentifierType(WSConstants.ISSUER_SERIAL); } else if (wss instanceof Wss11 && ((Wss11) wss).isMustSupportRefThumbprint()) { secBase.setKeyIdentifierType(WSConstants.THUMBPRINT_IDENTIFIER); } } } else { if (token instanceof IssuedToken) { secBase.setKeyIdentifierType(WSConstants.CUSTOM_SYMM_SIGNING); } else { secBase.setKeyIdentifierType(WSConstants.BST_DIRECT_REFERENCE); } } } private static X509Certificate getReqSigCert(Vector results) { /* * Scan the results for a matching actor. Use results only if the * receiving Actor and the sending Actor match. */ for (int i = 0; i < results.size(); i++) { WSHandlerResult rResult = (WSHandlerResult) results.get(i); Vector wsSecEngineResults = rResult.getResults(); /* * Scan the results for the first Signature action. Use the * certificate of this Signature to set the certificate for the * encryption action :-). */ for (int j = 0; j < wsSecEngineResults.size(); j++) { WSSecurityEngineResult wser = (WSSecurityEngineResult) wsSecEngineResults.get(j); Integer actInt = (Integer) wser.get(WSSecurityEngineResult.TAG_ACTION); if (actInt.intValue() == WSConstants.SIGN) { return (X509Certificate) wser.get(WSSecurityEngineResult.TAG_X509_CERTIFICATE); } } } return null; } /** * Scan through <code>WSHandlerResult<code> vector for a Username token and return * the username if a Username Token found * @param results * @return */ public static String getUsername(Vector results) { /* * Scan the results for a matching actor. Use results only if the * receiving Actor and the sending Actor match. */ for (int i = 0; i < results.size(); i++) { WSHandlerResult rResult = (WSHandlerResult) results.get(i); Vector wsSecEngineResults = rResult.getResults(); /* * Scan the results for a username token. Use the username * of this token to set the alias for the encryption user */ for (int j = 0; j < wsSecEngineResults.size(); j++) { WSSecurityEngineResult wser = (WSSecurityEngineResult) wsSecEngineResults.get(j); Integer actInt = (Integer) wser.get(WSSecurityEngineResult.TAG_ACTION); if (actInt.intValue() == WSConstants.UT) { WSUsernameTokenPrincipal principal = (WSUsernameTokenPrincipal) wser .get(WSSecurityEngineResult.TAG_PRINCIPAL); return principal.getName(); } } } return null; } public static String getRequestEncryptedKeyId(Vector results) { for (int i = 0; i < results.size(); i++) { WSHandlerResult rResult = (WSHandlerResult) results.get(i); Vector wsSecEngineResults = rResult.getResults(); /* * Scan the results for the first Signature action. Use the * certificate of this Signature to set the certificate for the * encryption action :-). */ for (int j = 0; j < wsSecEngineResults.size(); j++) { WSSecurityEngineResult wser = (WSSecurityEngineResult) wsSecEngineResults.get(j); Integer actInt = (Integer) wser.get(WSSecurityEngineResult.TAG_ACTION); String encrKeyId = (String) wser.get(WSSecurityEngineResult.TAG_ENCRYPTED_KEY_ID); if (actInt.intValue() == WSConstants.ENCR && encrKeyId != null) { return encrKeyId; } } } return null; } public static byte[] getRequestEncryptedKeyValue(Vector results) { for (int i = 0; i < results.size(); i++) { WSHandlerResult rResult = (WSHandlerResult) results.get(i); Vector wsSecEngineResults = rResult.getResults(); /* * Scan the results for the first Signature action. Use the * certificate of this Signature to set the certificate for the * encryption action :-). */ for (int j = 0; j < wsSecEngineResults.size(); j++) { WSSecurityEngineResult wser = (WSSecurityEngineResult) wsSecEngineResults.get(j); Integer actInt = (Integer) wser.get(WSSecurityEngineResult.TAG_ACTION); byte[] decryptedKey = (byte[]) wser.get(WSSecurityEngineResult.TAG_DECRYPTED_KEY); if (actInt.intValue() == WSConstants.ENCR && decryptedKey != null) { return decryptedKey; } } } return null; } /** * If the child is present insert the element as a sibling after him. * * If the child is null, then prepend the element. * * @param rmd * @param child * @param elem - element mentioned above * @return */ public static Element insertSiblingAfterOrPrepend(RampartMessageData rmd, Element child, Element elem) { Element retElem = null; if (child != null) { // child is not null so insert sibling after retElem = RampartUtil.insertSiblingAfter(rmd, child, elem); } else { //Prepend retElem = prependSecHeader(rmd, elem); } return retElem; } public static Element insertSiblingBeforeOrPrepend(RampartMessageData rmd, Element child, Element elem) { Element retElem = null; if (child != null && child.getPreviousSibling() != null) { retElem = RampartUtil.insertSiblingBefore(rmd, child, elem); } else { //Prepend retElem = prependSecHeader(rmd, elem); } return retElem; } private static Element prependSecHeader(RampartMessageData rmd, Element elem) { Element retElem = null; Element secHeaderElem = rmd.getSecHeader().getSecurityHeader(); Node node = secHeaderElem.getOwnerDocument().importNode(elem, true); Element firstElem = (Element) secHeaderElem.getFirstChild(); if (firstElem == null) { retElem = (Element) secHeaderElem.appendChild(node); } else { if (firstElem.getOwnerDocument().equals(elem.getOwnerDocument())) { ((OMElement) firstElem).insertSiblingBefore((OMElement) elem); retElem = elem; } else { Element newSib = (Element) firstElem.getOwnerDocument().importNode(elem, true); ((OMElement) firstElem).insertSiblingBefore((OMElement) newSib); retElem = newSib; } } return retElem; } /** * Method to check whether security header is required in incoming message * @param rpd * @return true if a security header is required in the incoming message */ public static boolean isSecHeaderRequired(RampartPolicyData rpd, boolean initiator, boolean inflow) { // Checking for time stamp if (rpd.isIncludeTimestamp()) { return true; } // Checking for signed parts and elements if (rpd.isSignBody() || rpd.getSignedParts().size() != 0 || rpd.getSignedElements().size() != 0) { return true; } // Checking for encrypted parts and elements if (rpd.isEncryptBody() || rpd.getEncryptedParts().size() != 0 || rpd.getEncryptedElements().size() != 0) { return true; } // Checking for supporting tokens SupportingToken supportingTokens; if (!initiator && inflow || initiator && !inflow) { Vector supportingToks = rpd.getSupportingTokensList(); for (int i = 0; i < supportingToks.size(); i++) { supportingTokens = (SupportingToken) supportingToks.get(i); if (supportingTokens != null && supportingTokens.getTokens().size() != 0) { return true; } } supportingTokens = rpd.getSignedSupportingTokens(); if (supportingTokens != null && supportingTokens.getTokens().size() != 0) { return true; } supportingTokens = rpd.getEndorsingSupportingTokens(); if (supportingTokens != null && supportingTokens.getTokens().size() != 0) { return true; } supportingTokens = rpd.getSignedEndorsingSupportingTokens(); if (supportingTokens != null && supportingTokens.getTokens().size() != 0) { return true; } supportingTokens = rpd.getEncryptedSupportingTokens(); if (supportingTokens != null && supportingTokens.getTokens().size() != 0) { return true; } supportingTokens = rpd.getSignedEncryptedSupportingTokens(); if (supportingTokens != null && supportingTokens.getTokens().size() != 0) { return true; } supportingTokens = rpd.getEndorsingEncryptedSupportingTokens(); if (supportingTokens != null && supportingTokens.getTokens().size() != 0) { return true; } supportingTokens = rpd.getSignedEndorsingEncryptedSupportingTokens(); if (supportingTokens != null && supportingTokens.getTokens().size() != 0) { return true; } } return false; } public static void handleEncryptedSignedHeaders(Vector encryptedParts, Vector signedParts, Document doc) { //TODO Is there a more efficient way to do this ? better search algorithm for (int i = 0; i < signedParts.size(); i++) { WSEncryptionPart signedPart = (WSEncryptionPart) signedParts.get(i); //This signed part is not a header if (signedPart.getNamespace() == null || signedPart.getName() == null) { continue; } for (int j = 0; j < encryptedParts.size(); j++) { WSEncryptionPart encryptedPart = (WSEncryptionPart) encryptedParts.get(j); if (encryptedPart.getNamespace() == null || encryptedPart.getName() == null) { continue; } if (signedPart.getName().equals(encryptedPart.getName()) && signedPart.getNamespace().equals(encryptedPart.getNamespace())) { String encDataID = encryptedPart.getEncId(); Element encDataElem = WSSecurityUtil.findElementById(doc.getDocumentElement(), encDataID, null); if (encDataElem != null) { Element encHeader = (Element) encDataElem.getParentNode(); String encHeaderId = encHeader.getAttributeNS(WSConstants.WSU_NS, "Id"); //For some reason the id might not be available // so the part/element with empty/null id won't be recognized afterwards. if (encHeaderId != null && !"".equals(encHeaderId.trim())) { signedParts.remove(signedPart); WSEncryptionPart encHeaderToSign = new WSEncryptionPart(encHeaderId); signedParts.add(encHeaderToSign); } } } } } } public static String getSigElementId(RampartMessageData rmd) { SOAPEnvelope envelope = rmd.getMsgContext().getEnvelope(); SOAPHeader header = envelope.getHeader(); if (header == null) { return null; } ArrayList secHeaders = header.getHeaderBlocksWithNSURI(WSConstants.WSSE_NS); if (secHeaders != null && secHeaders.size() > 0) { QName sigQName = new QName(Constants.SignatureSpecNS, Constants._TAG_SIGNATURE); QName wsuIdQName = new QName(WSConstants.WSU_NS, "Id"); OMElement sigElem = ((SOAPHeaderBlock) secHeaders.get(0)).getFirstChildWithName(sigQName); OMAttribute wsuId = sigElem.getAttribute(wsuIdQName); if (wsuId != null) { return wsuId.getAttributeValue(); } wsuId = sigElem.getAttribute(new QName("Id")); if (wsuId != null) { return wsuId.getAttributeValue(); } } return null; } /** * We use this method to prevent the singleton behavior of WSSConfig * @return WSSConfig object with the latest settings. */ public static WSSConfig getWSSConfigInstance() { WSSConfig defaultWssConfig = WSSConfig.getDefaultWSConfig(); WSSConfig wssConfig = WSSConfig.getNewInstance(); wssConfig.setEnableSignatureConfirmation(defaultWssConfig.isEnableSignatureConfirmation()); wssConfig.setTimeStampStrict(defaultWssConfig.isTimeStampStrict()); wssConfig.setWsiBSPCompliant(defaultWssConfig.isWsiBSPCompliant()); wssConfig.setPrecisionInMilliSeconds(defaultWssConfig.isPrecisionInMilliSeconds()); return wssConfig; } public static void validateTransport(RampartMessageData rmd) throws RampartException { RampartPolicyData rpd = rmd.getPolicyData(); if (rpd == null) { return; } if (rpd.isTransportBinding() && !rmd.isInitiator()) { if (rpd.getTransportToken() instanceof HttpsToken) { String incomingTransport = rmd.getMsgContext().getIncomingTransportName(); if (!incomingTransport.equals(org.apache.axis2.Constants.TRANSPORT_HTTPS)) { throw new RampartException("invalidTransport", new String[] { incomingTransport }); } if (((HttpsToken) rpd.getTransportToken()).isRequireClientCertificate()) { MessageContext messageContext = rmd.getMsgContext(); if (messageContext.getProperty("ssl.client.auth.cert.X509") == null) { HttpServletRequest request = ((HttpServletRequest) messageContext .getProperty(HTTPConstants.MC_HTTP_SERVLETREQUEST)); if (request == null || request.getAttribute("javax.servlet.request.X509Certificate") == null) { throw new RampartException("clientAuthRequired"); } } } } } } private static Crypto retrieveCryptoFromCache(String cryptoKey, String refreshInterval) { // cache hit if (cryptoStore.containsKey(cryptoKey)) { CachedCrypto cachedCrypto = cryptoStore.get(cryptoKey); if (refreshInterval != null) { if (cachedCrypto.creationTime + new Long(refreshInterval).longValue() > Calendar.getInstance() .getTimeInMillis()) { log.debug("Cache Hit : Crypto Object was found in cache."); return cachedCrypto.crypto; } else { log.debug("Cache Miss : Crypto Object found in cache is expired."); return null; } } else { log.debug("Cache Hit : Crypto Object was found in cache."); return cachedCrypto.crypto; } } // cache miss else { log.debug("Cache Miss : Crypto Object was not found in cache."); return null; } } private static void cacheCrypto(String cryptoKey, Crypto crypto) { cryptoStore.put(cryptoKey, new CachedCrypto(crypto, Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis())); log.debug("Crypto object is inserted into the Cache."); } }